Holistic Pregnancy
Issue 23, Spring 2022
The Flow of Emotions By Sylvia Marina
motions, emotions, emotions… we all have them, and for a reason. When we understand what happy is, during non-happy moments we instinctively have an idea to look for blue sky, the green of nature, the ripples of flowing water.
When you feel the desire to push an emotion down so that you don’t need to deal with it, remind yourself, each emotion has its own intelligent purpose. Allow the energy of the emotion to move, as it is intended to do, and observe what happens.
When we allow healthy movement and expression of our emotions, our body doesn’t have to find places to hold onto them, or a subconscious need to store them in our tissues or the tissues of the unborn babe, which is what causes pain and discomfort in the body, illness and recurring ill health that just seems to come from no-where…it actually comes from suppressed emotion, that is the genetic pattern of ancestral trauma being carried in the genome of the DNA.
KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com