Fall Wildly In Love
Dr. Torri Love Griffin, LPC
Copyright © 2022 Dr. Torri Love Griffin, LPC
All rights reserved.
To my readers may you find the love of your life inside of you.
FOREWORD #1: BY LES BROWN ...................................................... iii
Fall Wildly In Love
Self-Love: The Greatest Love of All
24 Heart Connections Are Where It’s At
27 Know Your Love Model
28 What Love Is
29 Pay Attention to the Signs
31 Avoid Fictional Relationships
32 You Are Worthy of Love
33 My Love Zone 34
Love Living Life… Today and Every Day
36 Live Life by Principles
37 How You Can Love Living Life Every Day
40 How to Make Love… Come to You
44 Reestablish Your Relationship Expectations
51 Let Your Request Be Made Known
54 Relationships Respond to Affirmations
58 Chart Your Progress
61 The Joy of Falling Wildly In Love
62 Why I Love Living Life
63 About Dr. Torri Love Griffin, LPC
I wish to thank my family, friends, and all who have taught, mentored, and supported me throughout my journey. I thank James MacNeil and his iLoveBooks publishing company, his team, and fellow collaborators for creating an inspired community. Thank you to Les Brown for his contributions to this book project, and to Daphne Taylor Street for her book production knowledge, diligent work, and mentoring on this project.
Dear Reader,
Welcome to "It's My Time! Reclaim Your Dreams and Master Your Health, Wealth and Freedom," featuring my "Guru Dad'' Les Brown and 12 outstanding thought-leaders. On these pages, we have curated specialized knowledge, captivating stories, and success processes of these leading authorities in subjects that range through topics such as the lifealtering power of forgiveness, creating a high vibration mindset, healing from deep despair, and how to manifest your purpose-driven DreamLife.
This book is featuring the work of Dr. Torri Love Griffin, LPC: Fall Wildly In Love. This compelling work is born of Dr. Griffin’s professional and educational expertise, lived experiences and expert wisdom, and I expect that you will find it to be as palpable and insightful as I do.
In the full book, each chapter is authored by a subject matter expert who has revealed their palpable personal stories demonstrating great courage, vulnerability, and wisdom. They each have also included their blueprints and specific action steps anyone can take to harness the fullness of these insights. These stories are designed to provide both illuminating insight and a shortcut for anyone on their personal self-discovery and empowerment journey.
Knowing that you will find yourself particularly impacted by these experts, each author has provided a brief bio and a way to connect with them for more information on coaching and other services they may offer. Additionally, if you are a subject-matter expert, coach, and/or thought leader, and you would like to have your story published in a future Guru Gold book, please go now to www.GuruGaggle.com/GuruDNA and complete our simple questionnaire.
Please dig into this life-transforming feast we call, It's My Time!
James MacNeilPure Spiritual Intelligence, Author
DreamLife Community, Founder
GuruGaggle, CEO

Les BrownHave you been hungry before? If you are anything like me, I tell it to everyone around me, I’m Hungry! The announcement is not for my mere sake of me speaking out loud, but it is for everyone around me to think of something for me to eat immediately. It becomes a priority and nothing matters until I get what I want.
When you are hungry, everything about you shifts. Your mood becomes irritated, the only thing you can think about is finding a fix for the hunger problem, and you are not satisfied until you get something to fill you up. Modern folks call it being hangry, because you are angry and have a sense of urgency about yourself until you are no longer hungry.
As a young boy who grew up in poverty, I know the feeling of hunger all too well. I watched my mother skip meals for myself and my adopted siblings countless times as we all feasted on small, strategically measured portions of food. Sometimes my empty and growling stomach at night would serve as bedtime tunes putting me to sleep quickly so that I could avoid the misery and agitation of experiencing hunger pangs.
Then there were other times I’d lay awake with an undying craving for something. I did not know what that something was, but I knew there was something, somewhere that could solve my hunger problem. Pacing the floor, I could not rest until I looked everywhere, opened every closed door, and told anyone willing to listen, I am Hungry for more. My pain of unfulfillment and restlessness turned into purpose and my purpose positioned me to prosper to lead a life that has impacted so many only by the grace of God.
If you want to achieve your dream, conquer a new goal, or do something outside of your comfort zone, YOU GOTTA BE HUNGRY! Being hungry means pursuing your passion with a sense of urgency, being unstoppable, and never giving up. Imagine how much we would achieve if we had the same focus and energy we had if we were trying to fill our stomachs. You have the skillset to alter your life by redirecting your energy
in different ways. Think about it, no one has ever had to coach you on what to do when you are physically hungry…you instinctively know how to solve it, and you do, otherwise, you would be uncomfortable and eventually die a slow and agonizing death.
I’d like your permission to ask you a personal question; what keeps you up at night? Sure, sometimes it is stress, bills, worry, and more, but what vision have you had for yourself that brought you a sense of wonder and happiness, yet, due to life or a sense of defeat and perhaps a series of failures that you have not pursued it?
I use a formula that is simple and easy to follow. This along with other practices has helped me spring into action and get results for my life…
H-Hope-Never lose hope. Humans can live 40 days without food, four days without water, and four minutes without air, but without hope, you are trapped by despair. Yes, your life will experience trouble, heartache, and pain, but hope gets you to a place where joy and happiness resides. Find a place of hopefulness to see the possibilities in life and not just the problems. Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present. John Maxwell.
U-Unstoppable-You must create an unstoppable spirit about yourself. Learn to make NO your vitamin. In fact, every time I received a rejection, I was excited, why? Because I knew I was closer to a yes and a breakthrough. Develop a spirit of unrelenting persistence, patience, and purpose. Once clear on your purpose, in spite of challenges, you will find yourself firm and steady in pursuit of your dream. You will be unstoppable indeed.
N-Now-Do it now. Many times, we make the assumption that we have plenty of time to pursue our goals. Procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God will give you a chance in the future to do something you are called to do now. What small steps can you take now? Maybe it is making a list of accountability partners to keep you focused. Or perhaps it is writing out a business plan, whatever it is, begin…not on Monday, New Year’s Day, or your birthday, but now…begin now!
G-Grateful-I will warn you, the moment you say yes to something new, life’s challenges and distractions will do everything possible to throw you off of your game. Smile and be grateful, why, because you know you are on the right track. Life’s troubles do not follow folks who are not going to make a difference in their lives, communities, or the world. I can attest, when you say yes, cancer may strike, your family may fall apart, and you will feel like giving up, but having the spirit of gratefulness even when turmoil is at hand will confuse life’s problems. Be grateful for what you already have while you
pursue your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more?
R-Results-Is it working? Are you making a difference? Are you being honest with yourself and your impact? This may be one of the hardest, most difficult points to articulate. I would often say, even a broken clock is correct at least twice a day, but if there is a better way or a more cost-effective method that can save you money, stress, and time, then you may have to consider doing a shift. We know, you cannot see the picture when you are in the frame, and if you are not seeing positive results, it does not mean you are a failure, it just means your method may need an adjustment in order to get maximum results.
Y-You-No one can do you but you. Imagine if you will, being on your deathbed – and standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life. And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book. And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying we came to you, and only you could have given us life! Now we must die with you forever. The question is – if you die today what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?
The world is waiting on you. Stay HUNGRY and pursue your greatness like never before. See you at the top!
As a renowned author, speaker, television and radio personality, Les Brown has risen to national prominence by inspiring others to shake off mediocrity and live up to their full potential. With no formal education beyond high school, Les has distinguished himself as an international authority on harnessing human potential.
Born a twin in low-income Liberty City in Miami, Florida, Les and his twin brother were adopted when they were six weeks old by Miss Mamie Brown. As a single woman with a big heart, Miss Brown had very little education or financial means. With young Les’ inattention to school work, his restless energy, and the failure of his teachers to recognize his potential, Les was misdiagnosed as educable mentally retarded. Suffering for years by the label and the stigma, Les was nevertheless driven by his passion to learn and his hunger to achieve his goal as a radio disc jockey.

In a humorous twist of fate and cunning, Les rose from a hip-talkin’ morning DJ to a broadcast manager; from voracious reader to author; from community activist to community leader; from political commentator to three-term state legislator; from a banquet and nightclub emcee to a premier keynote speaker for Fortune 100 companies.
Award-Winning International Speaker & Television Host
In 1986, Les entered the public speaking arena on a full-time basis and formed his own company, Les Brown Enterprises, Inc. Aimed at individuals and organizations, the company provides motivational products, personal development programs, speaker development workshops, keynote presentations and interactive business trainings.
In 1989, Les received the National Speakers Association's highest honor: The Council of Peers Award for Excellence (CPAE). In addition, he was selected one of the World's Top Five Speakers in 1992 by Toastmasters International and became the recipient of the Golden Gavel Award.
Commencing in 1990 and recording the first in a series of six PBS specials, Les launched You Deserve which was awarded a Chicago-area Emmy. It became the leading fundraiser for pledges to PBS stations nationwide.
In 1993, Les became the host of his own nationally syndicated daily television talk show, The Les Brown Show, in which he focused on solutions to the day’s challenges rather than the problems.
Bestselling Author & Radio Personality Recognized internationally, Les is the author of four bestselling books: Up Thoughts for Down Times, Live Your Dreams, and It’s Not Over Until You Win and, Fight for Your Dreams.
A leading authority in understanding and stimulating human potential, Les’ electric and powerful delivery, stage presence and personal insights have built his international brand of “It’s Possible.” Les' customized presentation is driven by his approach to each unique audience. Before he gives a speech, he builds a speech. The end result is that Les teaches and inspires each audience to new levels of awareness and achievement.
For more information, contact ARISE BY VNP 954-724-0900 –arisebyvnp@hotmail.com
James MacNeilRead those words again slowly, “Everything is Perfect and Everything is Improving!” and ask yourself, could this be true? Your brain wants to reject it in light of hatred, war, and suffering. “Everything is Perfect and Everything is Improving!” is a mantra and a “koan.” A koan is a paradoxical riddle designed to, when meditated upon, invoke enlightenment.
I invite you to expand your consciousness and reconsider your perspective on the meaning of life and the meaning of the universe because, according to Max Planck, the originator of Quantum Theory, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
The “problem” with the traditional perspective on our world, our sciences, our religions, and ourselves is a “problem mindset.” We have approximately 10,000 religions, countless spiritual belief structures, and innumerable sciences and they all have this fatal flaw in common: they assume the “problem mindset.” Who says sunshine is better than rain, more money is better than less money, and a life of ease is better than one with drama and trauma? The rain dancers, the happy poor, and those who have transformed themselves through difficulties into positive world change agents would suggest that this universe exists with the “Yin Yang” duality that allows every blessing to be a curse and every curse to be a blessing. The only real problem, therefore, is not in the world but in our judgment of the world and of ourselves producing a fundamental state of discontent. Judgment causes separation psychologically and spiritually. The most commonly used Greek word for “sin” in the Bible is “hamartia” which means
“separation.” The problem mindset is one of judgment, which causes separation from DivineLove, other people, and our higher selves.
Welcome to my monstrously reduced and absolutely audacious explanation of the universe, the spirit world, and the purpose for this existential experience we call life, which is my attempt to prove that Everything is Perfect and Everything is Improving, including YOU.
Let's begin at the beginning! Our quest as a species to understand ourselves, our universe, and the spiritual realm began with Astronomy and Astrology.
What we now call “Astronomy” is the first of the sciences appearing in the earliest records of our history, from Ancient Mesopotamia, India, Egypt, Greece, and China. In these ancient worlds, astronomy and astrology were one a single, unified approach to explaining the universe. There was no distinction between what we now refer to as science and spirituality.
As the abundance of theories and frameworks expanded in each region of the world, these streams of thought split like a major river into countless streams when researchers would expand on one element thereby building it into its own distinct body of thought producing various sciences, spiritual traditions, and religions. These divisions with specialized knowledge and focus dramatically increased efficiency, depth, and development. From these origins we now have the aforementioned religions, spiritual belief structures, ancient traditions, and varieties of sciences.
Each science, religion, and spiritual stream brings its unique treasures to the whole. The Age of Enlightenment in the 17th century and the Scientific Revolution of the 18th Century drove an important wedge between science and religion creating what Stephen Jay Gould called "Nonoverlapping Magisteria" (or NOMA) that is, two distinct realms of inquiry, investigation, and authority, one focusing on facts and the other on values. This division between science and spirituality was the best thing that could have happened for our scientific progress. Until then, it was too easy for scientists to hide behind the “God” answer to all remaining mysteries. The separation demanded deeper scientific understanding by removing the “God of the Gaps” option (that is, appealing to God as the explanation wherever and whenever there is a gap in our scientific
knowledge). Each religion and spiritual stream, by seeing itself as The Truth, forced them to seek the answers to everything within their unique framework and belief system.
When finite minds seek to understand infinite mysteries, they will likely appear to disagree. Disagreement, or perceived disagreement, provides the opportunity for next-level understanding, and that excites me greatly. Sadly, these sciences and spiritual traditions have been built in the “problem mindset” which causes judgment and separation and therefore perceives differing perspectives as threats and justification for aggressive disputes with an “either-or” binary position rather than a “yes, and” inclusive position. We, as individuals and as a species, are on the same team, and we can lovingly and openly bring our gifts of insights and perspectives to the whole and openly and curiously learn from each other. We unlock the vault of infinite knowledge when we seek the truth in love and speak the truth in love.
The idea of a “Unified Field Theory” is an exciting quest to fully understand the power of the universe. A group of scientists began attempting to formulate what they called The Unified Field theory in 1912, and they were soon joined by Albert Einstein. In physics, there are believed to be four fundamental forces in the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear. At the time of this writing, there are physicists who speculate the existence of a fifth force called “quintessence” (remember this word). When a force is described by a mathematical formula, the formula representing the force is referred to as a “field.” The unified field theory, therefore, is a quest to create a master mathematical formula that describes all forces in the universe. Albert Einstein’s proposed Unified Field Theory, which was a marriage of The Theory of General Relativity and Electromagnetism, has been generally concluded as unsuccessful.
Unified Field Theory has given rise to many attempts to produce a grand unified theory including String Theory and M-Theory and, most notably, The Theory of Everything which seeks to merge Einstein's Theory of General Relativity and Max Planck's Theory of Quantum Mechanics. At this time, The Theory of Everything has yet to be proven successful.
I assert that any theory of “everything,” to be complete and successful, must include the spiritual/metaphysical dimension (the prefix “meta” in the word metaphysical means that which exists before, after, and/or beyond the physical world).
When the human quest for understanding began, there was an assumption that everything was connected from the basic elements of the universe to the human soul and the spiritual realm. Albert Einstein, the founder of the Theory of General Relativity, and Max Planck, the founder of Quantum Mechanics, agree.
Albert Einstein believed in the existence of a divine force that permeates and rules the universe. He felt understanding this force, however, was “too vast for our limited minds.” When asked what he believed about God, Einstein stated, “We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations.”
Max Planck (the founder of Quantum Mechanics) stated, "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
The spirit world is both transcendent and immanent which means it exists beyond the parameters of time, space, and matter, and at the same time, it penetrates and permeates the entire physical universe. The spirit world created the universe including time, space, and matter.
Our understanding of matter, all that physically exists, started with the classical elements of water, earth, fire, and air. There were many deep, rich, insightful, and lasting efforts to uncover and understand a “fifth element” or “quintessence” (still more to come on this).
The quest to understand “what’s that made of?” finally produced the periodic table in 1869. Scientists have identified 118 elements, made up of atoms that are made of a nucleus, protons, and electrons. Thirty-one years later, in 1900, Max Planck went even smaller to the subatomic level and birthed Quantum Theory. The word “quanta” means “how much?” The question Planck was asking and answering was “what is the minimum amount of energy that could be gained or lost by an atom?” Planck named this minimum amount the “quanta” (plural of quantum). For example, one photon of light carries exactly one quantum of energy.
According to Wikipedia, we now have the following subatomic elementary particles: “Six ‘flavors’ of quarks: up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top; Six types of leptons: electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tau, tau neutrino; Twelve gauge bosons: the photon of electromagnetism, the three W and Z bosons of the weak force, and the eight gluons of the strong force; and The Higgs boson.”
Thus, humankind moved from believing in four elements (earth, wind, water, and fire) to five elements (adding quintessence) to 118 elements (the periodic table) while also observing that these elements are all really just made up of the same three atomic elements (protons, neutrons, and electrons), and then we discovered numerous subatomic particles.
Nevertheless, behind it all, something is constant…
Einstein’s most famous formula, E = mc2, fundamentally asserts that energy and matter are interchangeable as they are different forms of the same thing. All matter is made up of atoms and subatomic waves and particles which, according to Einstein and quantum mechanics, are all made up of energy. These subatomic particles and subatomic waves are better defined as “energetic occurrences.” These energetic occurrences are the building blocks of every atom which are the building blocks of every element. Therefore, Einstein and the scientific community, in general, have concluded that everything is energy.
The Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics agrees that the universe is made up of energy. This energy is subdivided into 27% dark matter, 68% dark energy (the term “dark” means it's currently unobservable and thereby unavailable for research and study), and 5% “visible” matter and
energy. The universe is made up of energy, some in physical form and some not, some observable and some not.
The fact that our greatest astrophysicists are currently only able to observe 5% of the known universe is a helpful reminder that humility, curiosity, and openness are the only reasonable postures for this discussion.
Quantum physics has produced over one hundred years of truly shocking experiments and conclusions to date which reveal, amongst many things, that energy, the building block of the universe, is a spiritual substance.
To support this conclusion, I will refer to just two of these incredible discoveries:
1. “The Quantum Leap” The term “quantum leap” refers to the occurrence when an electron, while circling the atom within what is called a shell (consistent circle) transitions to another shell with no movement and no time lost, simply disappears from one location and reappears without delay in another location, thereby transcending the rules of time, space, and matter understood in classical, Newtonian physics. Although the term “miracle” is generally associated with metaphysics, this miracle occurs within the realm of quantum physics at the subatomic level.
2. “Quantum Entanglement” The term “quantum entanglement” refers to a physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of subatomic particles comes into contact in a way such that the quantum states of these particles become, in a way, as one. When these entangled particles are separated, even by a large distance, the actions of either one are instantly mirrored by the other. This discovery was vehemently challenged by Einstein because it appeared to violate his conclusion that nothing moves faster than the speed of light, yet these entangled subatomic particles appeared to be communicating faster than light. The conclusion is that they are not “communicating,” but they are, in a sense, one entangled particle existing in two locations, thereby transcending the laws of time, space, and matter. Einstein called quantum entanglement “spooky action at a distance.”
These subatomic particles, made of energy and behaving outside of the rules of classical physics and the Newtonian laws of time, space, and
matter, reveal that the energy, that which makes up this entire universe and everything in it, including you, is a metaphysical, or spiritual, substance.
Traditional theism holds that God is the life and love-giving benevolent force that created the universe. While he may continue to interact with it, he remains clearly distinct from it. This has been the most traditional and familiar concept of theology.
Pantheism is the belief system with which Albert Einstein most aligned. Pantheism (literally, all-God-ism) holds that physical reality and divinity are one, that everything in the universe is part of an all-present divine benevolent force, a “universal substance, material as well as intelligence, that fashions all things that exist out of its own essence,” or put simply, God is the universe. The fact that the universe is made of energy and energy is a spiritual substance clearly supports this concept.
Panentheism (literally, all-in-God-ism) holds that God is the universe and transcends it. Panentheism embraces the traditional concepts of theism, which hold that God created the universe and exists beyond its parameters of it, as well as pantheism, which sees God as the universe. This may be seen as a new idea, based on the latest insights of quantum physics, but ideas of panentheism appear in various forms in most religions and sects, including Sikhism, Hinduism, Sanamahism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Max Planck Founder of Quantum PhysicsThe scientific community generally agrees that the universe is made up of energy. Quantum physics has proven that energy is a metaphysical substance. World religions generally agree that the universe is made up of a divine substance, benevolent and loving force, or God. It’s therefore reasonable to conclude that the entire universe is made up of a life-giving, spiritual substance. Some call this Qi, Chi, Ki, Prana, Pneuma, Mana, Lüng, Ruah, Vital Energy, Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Brahman, the Tau, the Almighty, the Holy Spirit, DivineLove, or simply, God.
“Anybodywhohasbeenseriouslyengagedinscientificworkofany kindrealizesthatovertheentrancetothegatesofthetempleof science are written the words: ‘Ye must have faith.’”
What connects this physical world, made up of a spiritual substance, to the spiritual world? This physical time/space experience can be viewed as a temporal dimension, a construct, a temporary manifestation within the spirit world. The question, therefore, is, how can we become more fully awakened to the spirit world, the metaphysical reality, and all its dimensions while experiencing this time/space existence? This awakened state is known in spiritual traditions as Enlightenment, Entire Sanctification, Regeneration, Spirit-baptism, Spirit-filling, Moksha, or Wu.
What can we know about the ever-present, yet generally undetectable, spiritual dimensions?
Quintessence, literally meaning “the fifth element,” has been used to describe everything that didn't fit within the elemental categories of air, earth, water, and fire and quickly became the word to describe the spiritual world. The word aether, meaning “pure air,” became synonymous with quintessence both in spiritual and scientific applications. (Aether was also the name of a god in Greek mythology.) The term aether was used in scientific application to “fill in spaces” where scientific understanding was incomplete, including the substance that filled the vacuums of space to allow light to travel which they called a “luminiferous aether.” The belief in this luminiferous aether continued until disproved in 1920 with the help of quantum physics which revealed that photons have both wave and particle functions.
The primary use of the terms aether and quintessence now describe an ever-present, yet undetected, set of spiritual realms, dimensions, or heavens. This idea of a multi-dimensional reality with spiritual planes and unseen realms reappears throughout spiritual history in various forms and various faith traditions. These spiritual planes are called “Akasha” in traditional Indian cosmology, “Ku” within Japanese Godai tradition, and “The Heavens” from ancient Mesopotamia religions along with the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The number of planes, dimensions, heavens, or levels of spiritual consciousness is quite varied as are their descriptions with the most common number being seven.
Here’s a brief introduction to two of these dimensions that will unlock your Perfect DreamLife:
1. Pure consciousness, the quantum field, the unified field (spiritual use of the term, not the Einstein version), atman, quintessence, the aether is where we go when we transcend this time/space egoic experience through deep relaxed meditation. Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “When you can become nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere in no time, you become pure consciousness. This is the door to the quantum field.” The creator of Transcendental Meditation (TM), Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, said, “The unified field is fundamentally a field of consciousness. The field is known as atman, meaning ‘pure consciousness,’ or ‘self,’ since the unified field constitutes the deepest reality and hence the true identity of everything in nature.”
2. Collective consciousness, the astral plane, akasha, or the Akashic record according to Theosophy, “the Akashic record is a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.” Computers and mobile phones today enjoy virtually limitless access to supercomputers and the storehouse of human history and understanding. These devices are called “thin-clients” meaning that they do not require the storage capacity or computer power to accomplish what requires monstrous storage and supercomputing by freely accessing these supercomputers around the world. In a similar and sexier way, we have access to connect to all living things from all time as well as infinite wealth, wisdom, and power.
Based on this monstrously reduced overview of science, religion, and the spiritual traditions from the beginning of recorded history up to and including the most recent insights into quantum mechanics and the spiritual interpretation of those insights, we can form some conclusions.
The spiritual traditions and religions generally agree that the universe was created by, and is governed by, a benevolent life-giving energy often referred to as “God,” herein referred to as DivineLove, and that divine energy transcends time, space, and matter. The scientific community generally agrees that the universe and everything in it is made up of energy. Quantum mechanics has proven that this energy transcends time, space, and matter. Therefore, I feel it’s reasonable and obvious to conclude that science's
“universal energy,” which transcends time, space, and matter, is the same “DivineLove” energy of religion and spiritual traditions.
Religions and spiritual traditions have committed to mastering methods of connecting with DivineLove and the multidimensional spirit world, through meditation and prayer. They teach us that we can achieve states they call enlightenment, awakening, entire sanctification, regeneration, spirit-baptism, spirit-filling, Moksha, or Wu, referring to the moment or process by which we accept that we are spiritual beings currently existing in this physical form and we choose to reconnect with DivineLove.
The next reasonable question is, why? Why was this universe created? Why were we created? What’s the purpose for our ability to connect to DivineLove and have infinite wealth, wisdom, and power flow to us and through us?
We are spiritual beings living in physical form. I believe the curious case of consciousness is sufficient to suggest, if not prove, that we are spiritual beings. In all our scientific quest for understanding, including neurosciences, we have yet to solve the mysteries surrounding our consciousness. We don’t know where it comes from, where it begins, or where it resides.
Our consciousness appears to be able to jump the timeline and foresee things that we later refer to as experiencing “Deja vú,” and we “know things” we have never experienced or have never been taught. The spirit world transcends time, space, and matter. Therefore, jumping the timeline alone would strongly support the conclusion that we are spiritual beings.
The Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 B.C.E.) was the first to summarize the primary problem confronting anyone who wants to believe in a good and loving God. His framing of the problem has become known as the Epicurean Dilemma. Here’s a rough glimpse at his reasoning: Most God-believers want to believe in a God who is both allpowerful and all-loving, but how can this belief fit with the world we
“Youarenota physicalbeing having a spiritualexperience, youarea spiritualbeing having a physicalexperience!”
experience all around us? Our world is filled with hate, crime, violence, and all kinds of evil and suffering. If God is all-powerful (“God is great”), he must have the power to do what he wants, and if God is all-loving (“God is good”), he must want to eradicate evil and suffering. So, why does evil exist?
The error of the Epicurean Dilemma is the presupposition that this universe, this time/space experience, is God’s Divine Masterpiece, the best God can do. That is, the Epicurean Dilemma begins with the assumption that this universe is God’s best; either we accept it as his Masterpiece, or we reject it as a failed experiment. However, the foundational assumption is wrong. This time/space experience is not the Divine Masterpiece but the Divine Master Plan en route to the Divine Masterpiece.
DivineLove in Ancient Greek is agape, and the Judeo-Christian wisdom literature asserts that God is agape. Agape is defined as a creative, life-giving, need-free, unconditional, and deliberate striving for the other's greatest benefit. Just like intimate love between humans produces new life and then forges a new bond of care and nurture for that new life, the nature of DivineLove is to create life and then care for its creation. The purpose, therefore, for this time/space experience is Love. We are created by Love for love. We’re created not simply to exist but to live in a loving relationship with the Divine.
For love to be pure, all parties must freely choose to be in a loving relationship. This universal time/space experience exists with all its complex beauty and tragedy for you, me, and all of us to choose to join DivineLove in the Divine Masterpiece. The terms enlightenment, awakening, and being born-again refer to the process of accepting our reconnection to DivineLove.
Lastly, if this entire time/space experience is simply a cosmic dating process for us to reconnect to DivineLove, why, after the moment of awakening, do we continue to exist here?
The purpose of this universal time/space experience is to provide us an opportunity to freely choose to connect, or reconnect, with DivineLove. This (re)connection opens the way for many miracles in the individual’s life, including the unveiling of one’s life’s purpose.
Let me illustrate by sharing my personal experience with my DivineLove connection.
When I, at the age of 20, experienced a spiritual awakening, my life trajectory completely changed. I came from a challenging background with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), due to childhood trauma. (As an interesting side note, I misspelled almost every single word in the previous sentence.) I couldn’t speak in sentences until I was 9 years old, when I was mercifully sent to a special education speech coach in school. I was functionally illiterate until I was 21 years old and I still have no college or university degrees. As a child, I experienced
Wearenotexperiencing theDivineMasterpiece but rather the Divine Master Plan!
drama and trauma including being beaten, hung, and almost drowned. I was suicidally depressed when my awakening occurred. I found healing, purpose, and a miraculous life through what I now call Pure Spiritual Intelligence.
As my heart opened to love and healing and my eyes opened to seemingly limitless possibilities, I was overtaken by the desire to share the love. I wanted everyone to experience what I had experienced. I was transformed from a desperate and hopeless person to an abundant person with an uncontrollable compulsion to positively impact the world around me. My state of abundance at 20 years old wasn’t financial but something else. The abundant mentality activates altruism and thereby, by serving greatly, eventually produces the abundant reality in various forms. In fact, the word “deserve” literally means “from service.” When we serve greatly, we naturally “deserve greatly.”
With this in mind, friendly people have more friends; the farmer who plants more seeds will likely enjoy a greater harvest, and so it follows that the secret of success in the marketplace is to profitably solve problems because as we serve greatly, we naturally “deserve greatly.”
The wisdom literature of various faiths promises that when we are reconnected with DivineLove, we will experience, express, and expand love, joy, and peace. As we master our connection and our uniquely gifted service, infinite wealth, wisdom, and power begin to flow to us and through us in various forms, and we become DivineLove Ambassadors and world changers.
If you’ve ever felt like you were made for more than the life you’ve experienced, if you know that there’s more to you than this world has seen, you already have a sense of your true nature, purpose, and calling. When reconnected to DivineLove, the past is redeemed; disabilities are transformed into superpowers, and every tragedy turns into triumph by DivineLove using these experiences to fully unlock our ability to touch the world in ways we otherwise couldn’t.
Some people, it seems to me, live in a perpetual state of discontent and will only be happy if everything in their life becomes perfect. The truth is that nothing truly improves until an individual shifts their mind and mood to accept it’s already perfect because “happiness” is the miracle elixir. In my thirty years of helping people unlock their financial freedom, for instance, I have witnessed repeatedly that money doesn’t make you happy; “happy” makes you money.
Aristotle taught us, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” In the original Greek, the word translated as “end” is “telos.” The Greek word telos is often translated as “perfect” as in “Be ye therefore perfect (telos) as your Heavenly Father (God) is perfect (telos).” Telos is used to describe something flawless and “perfectly complete,” and it’s also used to describe “the perfect path” toward that completion. Aristotle used the word telos to say happiness is the meaning and purpose of life; it's the perfect path to the perfect life.
Happiness is achieved in the state of present peace and nonresistance which occurs naturally when we are in a state of gratitude for all that is already ours. This is the antithesis of the “problem mindset” that has skewed our scientific and spiritual research. When we choose to focus on what we have, what we know, and what we can do, alone and in community, we become part of the ongoing master plan en route to the masterpiece, free from the fears and frustrations, the fight and flight that flow inexorably from the “Problem Mindset.”
The REAL Theory of Everything is that Everything is Perfect and Everything is Improving.
James MacNeilPure
Spiritual Intelligence, Author DreamLife Community, Founder
James is a 30-year veteran world-class speaker, thought leader, consultant, and international bestselling author. James helps you live your best possible life as your best possible self through Pure Spiritual Intelligence, Verbal Aikido, and his Wealthy World-Changer Workshops. James is raising up million-dollar gurus all over the world teaching from his experience working with the world’s most powerful banks, and international law enforcement agencies and sharing the stage with the world’s most respected authorities including his “Guru Dad” Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma, Bob Proctor, Grant Cardone, Jack Canfield, Mel Robbins, Steve Forbes, Eric Thomas, and Sir Richard Branson

Fall Wildly In Love
Love that magical yet elusive state that everyone wants to be in, but so few of us actually find. We see it all around us but it can seem so hard to obtain. Is there a clear path to this thing called love? Yes, there definitely is… and it is closer than you might think.
So, imagine you’re in love. You’ve got that glow. Many believe love is like a magical key that unlocks the most authentic version of yourself the one that isn’t timid about who or how you are. We’re talking about the love who knows your likes from your dislikes, your truths from your untruths, who encourages you to freely share your opinions with others, to stand in your own power, and to claim your own space in the world!
The truth is, far too many people are floating around in the world in search of love. They may be updating their profiles on dating sites, flirting with a cute co-worker, or trying to re-run into that person they briefly chatted with at the local coffee shop. Some are letting friends introduce them to friends or trying their luck at clubs, sports bars, gyms, and even places of worship to find a connection. Many people are in relationships right now and are still searching for love inside and outside of those relationships. Actually, searching for love in many of these places may work for some, but is not a guarantee. Oh, I’m not trying to discourage you from your search, and yes, I absolutely believe without any doubt whatsoever that love, real love, the kind that makes you feel whole, safe, and confident, is within your reach. You deserve exquisite, delicious, and beautiful love today, and it isn’t even very far away.
Self-Love: The Greatest Love of All
In the 1980s, Whitney Houston gave us this message:
“I found the greatest love of all inside of me The greatest love of all is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.”
This great love is right inside of you, too. In fact, you’ve had it with you all along, just like the wings inside of a caterpillar. With a very specific set of actions and circumstances, what’s inside can be revealed and expressed. The roadmap to this love is what I intend to show you.
I’m Dr. Torri Love Griffin, LPC also known as Dr. Love. I’m a licensed professional counselor, a transformational life coach, and the creator of the LiSENSE 2 DATE® Relationship Training Programs for Teens, College Students & Adults. I have spent years working with people seeking better relationships, and in all instances, the ones who have been the most successful in finding a loving relationship with a partner began by rekindling a loving relationship with themselves.
When we develop ourselves and establish a deep sense of self-love and self-understanding, we can then attract people who are attracted to our authentic selves. These individuals are captivated by our inner light shining through us when we are experiencing joy and confidence, and when we are comfortably standing firmly, unapologetically in our own truth.
What I’ve noticed is that people are trying to attract someone to love them, yet they’re presenting only certain parts of themselves that actually aren’t authentically real, not authentically themselves. They put on an act to attract others from their clothing choices to their flirting habits, and some people even tell bold-faced lies that they think will be attractive such as lying about their age, financial status, interests, hobbies, and so on. Externally, they may wear clothes they don’t really prefer, wear more makeup than they need to, squeeze into shapewear, add hair pieces and extensions, wear fake lashes,
etc. Some even alter what they choose to eat and drink in an attempt to attract someone.
I’m certainly not saying that there’s anything wrong with wearing makeup and shapewear or passing up ordering barbeque ribs on a first date, but if you’re taking so much effort to pretend you’re someone other than you, who is it exactly this other person is supposed to fall in love with?
This includes the internal lies these are the lies that we try to convince others of that aren’t true of who we really are personality and lifestyle-wise. It’s the introvert pretending to be an extrovert, the anxious person pretending to beam with confidence, the anti-PDA (public display of affection) person pretending to be touchy-feely, or that insensitive person pretending they’re an empath.
When you present these external and internal lies to your world, one of two things happens: 1) You succeed in attracting someone, but they are only into the person you falsely presented yourself to be. After a short time, you won’t be able to keep up your alter ego, and the person who was interested in you will feel deceived and wander off. 2) You succeed in attracting people who only come so close before exiting the scene because they intuitively sense that something is off about you they may not understand what it is, but it feels uncomfortable like they are noticing a glitch in the matrix, and they don’t want any part of it.
As I state in the very first lesson of My Little Book of Wisdom: 52 Lessons I’ve Learned from Living Life, by Torri L. Griffin, Ph.D., LPC,
No one is as good at being you as you are. You only fail if you are trying to be someone you are not.
People spend far too much time longing to somehow be different from who they genuinely are. The truth is, who you are is exactly who you are supposed to be. Who you are is uniquely different from any other person on the planet and you cannot be duplicated. You are the original, and you are enough more than enough, just the way you are, right now. This doesn’t mean that you can’t improve the way you show up in life, but who you are at the core is just as you should be and you are both perfect and enough.
This is why you must begin with self-love and authenticity. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being introverted, a little anxious, anti-PDA, or a bit insensitive and brash. There are plenty of people in the world who love these qualities, and they’ll love any of your unique qualities for that matter, but you need to give them an opportunity to find you by being your whole self. You need to spend time in spaces and with people who enjoy who
you are, doing the things you love to do. You can take the first step towards this by being honest with yourself and loving all of yourself.
If we could make it a daily habit to spend a little more time with people who love, recognize and accept who we are, who find us in our most happy and fulfilled spaces, they would see us showing immense courage and freedom in life. When we arrive in our zone of authenticity, we find others who are loving themselves in their most authentic ways as well, and we begin to vibe together. It’s being in this zone at the same time with others that frees us to be real with the people there; they, in turn, are excited to understand, recognize, and enjoy the authentic us that far too often we’ve kept hidden.
Heart Connections Are Where It’s At
Some people are more focused on looking their best rather than being their best. They think that if they could just hook the right person, then that union will bring out the best in them and everything else will fall into place. So, thinking that they know what their fairytale loved one would want, they re-shape themselves or prepare themselves in a way that looks appealing in their mind’s eye to the type of person that they want to attract. Yet, once they attract that someone, they usually find there’s no heart connection, and heart connections are what make love relationships last. Heart connections are the places where we feel free to reveal our truths and be accepted and even enjoyed for who we are. When the façades, ornamentations, and pretenses are not around, when all of the externals have been removed and we are vulnerable and exposed as our authentic selves, and we find someone who is in touch with that, loves that, inspires us, encourages us, and enjoys us our self-love joins with the love of that other to create something deep and magical. You are enjoying being you, they are enjoying being with you, they are enjoying being them, you are enjoying them, and you discover this blessed space of enjoying being together that’s when real love with another is born.
Know Your Love Model
Our models for love as we grow up matter tremendously. Some people are born into nuclear families with a mother and a father who love each other, love and care for their children, and provide a beautiful example of what a healthy, loving relationship can be in a family. Others experience different kinds of healthy love in their families from grandparents, close friends of the family who provide love through a strong support system, or other types of family units with two moms, or two dads, being raised by extended family members, etc. In any of these cases, a strong example of healthy types of love is present.
Many other children grow up in far more chaotic environments where healthy examples of love may be scarce or non-existent. Physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse may be present. Emotional detachment, neglect, and lack of nurturing or affection might be a part of their lives. Sadly, these experiences are much more common than many of us might like to admit. When you grow up with poor to absent examples of authentic love, self-love can feel impossible or at least very confusing. In these instances, a great deal of exploration and healing usually needs to occur before self-love and acceptance emerge in the fullness needed to experience a complete, loving life. I would highly recommend seeking out the help of a professional counselor or therapist for anyone in this position. There are people who will help you navigate through this work. I’ve worked with many individuals who have embarked on this journey of healing and self-discovery. It is hard work, at times, but it is valuable and can yield great results.
What Love Is
As I have said for years to audiences large and small, and my clients, “You can live life, or you can love living life, the choice is yours.” But you would have to know the difference between just living, loving your life, loving yourself, and loving others. The word “love” has so many definitions in the English language. It can stand for the erotic type of love that so many seek. It can also stand for the supportive kind of love in a strong friendship. It could be a brotherly or parental type of love or the love we have for pets, oranges, board games, or other things. So, we really use this word to mean too many things for any of us to have the same, simple definition of it. When it comes to love in a relationship, those choosing to love each other have to settle on what love means to each of them and how it both looks and feels before committing to loving each other. Dr. Gary Chapman covers this well in his books on the 5 Love Languages.
For the sake of this discussion, when we talk about loving yourself and loving your life, we’ll call love that intense feeling of deep affection you experience while taking pleasure in something you enjoy doing. Loving yourself and loving your life feels like being in a passionate relationship with yourself it’s being in that zone.
Having that authentic love in the moment for what it is, while it is, doing what you love doing, can even make your skin tingle! Zing! Others would say it’s that mindful, calm, and peaceful satisfaction that comes from being and doing exactly what makes you, you. It’s choosing your moments and your memories deliberately and intentionally to create what you want with those you choose to share your time with. It’s truly being high on life. That’s passion. That’s love. It’s you, connected with you, connected with your divine energetic center not dependent on other people’s opinions just you being you. When you’re doing that, that’s a feeling. It’s also a place. It’s an action. But when you’re there, even if it’s just for a short moment, when you’re there, you’re in love. That is what love feels like. That’s what love looks like. That’s what love is.
But so many times we’re focused on serving, satisfying, fixing, changing, solving, or doing… doing… doing… Not being. You’ve heard the phrase, “We are not human doings, we are human beings.” Love comes from being;
love comes from the peace you have when you are being your true authentic self, especially in the company of others.
People tend to think they have to “do” to be accepted, to be wanted, or to be loved by others. That’s why it’s so important to be able to do that for yourself, to fall wildly in love with the life you have and be so satisfied with it that you’re not interested in the external to the point that you need to lie to yourself, about yourself, or to others to receive this life-force of love. It comes from within, and when you have this, it’s magnetic. People see it. People feel it when you’re in the room. Your mere presence attracts attention they can’t ignore the fullness of your spirit. And it’s because you’re carrying with you the confidence that comes from you being both the most absolute best you in that moment, and you’re not distracted by trying to impress, attract, or do.
So, knowing the difference between what it feels like to be free, empowered, and authentic compared to feeling that you must please, perform, or conform to meet the expectations or desires of others is key. When you’re being yourself, when your presence in the fullness of all you are attracts someone else, and they feel free to be all they are, and you crave this matched authenticity when you’re together, that’s what love feels like.
Pay Attention to the Signs
On the highway of love, it’s important to respond appropriately when we see “red lights” in relationships. A red light is a situation or problem that needs attention. This might seem obvious, but for many people who grew up with chaotic love modeling, this can be incredibly challenging. It happens a lot! To many, chaos in a relationship is exciting. There are people who are turned on by intense arguments, and then they look forward to “make-up sex.” They find calm, supportive relationships with healthy communication boring and a turn-off. This is so common that as you’re reading this you might very well be thinking, “What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that love?”
Here are a few things that authentic and healthy love is not: it isn’t dependent, needy, restrictive, insulting, reckless, intimidating, dangerous, callous, degrading, angry, isolating, controlling, manipulative, dishonest, paranoid, jealous, clingy, suffocating, aloof, etc. This list could go on for pages. And again, as obvious as this might seem, there are lots of people who get into or who are currently in relationships that present with one too many of these traits. These are all red lights.
Red lights aren’t sexy. Red lights are warnings. When red lights appear, it’s not always an indication that the other person is toxic. It is an indication that parts of the relationship are toxic and need to be addressed. When you see a red light, the appropriate response is to stop and act immediately. Identify the incident/experience/attitude/emotion and seek to resolve it. If you both aren’t willing to work together to solve serious issues in your relationship, the relationship could become a source of anguish for as long as you stay in it. Always know that you can release yourself and your partner from any relationship that isn’t working if working it out together isn’t an option.
Like the red lights, there are “green lights.” Green lights are signs and signals that a relationship is nourishing and healthy to be involved in. This list is customizable, but healthy authentic love can be described as interdependent, supportive, enjoyable, encouraging, exciting, calming, honest, helpful, responsible, inclusive, safe, affirming, freeing, fun, trusting, communicative, etc. This list could also go on for pages.
Avoid Fictional Relationships
Sometimes we get into situations because we believe we need the other person, or we believe they need us, or we need to be needed, and we end up in fictional relationships with people to get what we want or what we think we want to get our needs met. And to be perfectly honest, our wants have come from ideals that we’ve only seen and we believe that’s what we want because we think it’s what we should want. After all, who decided that the standard is “tall, dark, and handsome” without asking us first? These wants become normalized and seep into the lexicon of cultural ideals because it’s what we see daily. We see fictional relationships portrayed on television and in movies, magazines, and social media nonstop. We also see celebrity dramas played out in tabloid articles and even in courtrooms while the lines between what is real, what has been dramatized, and what is massively toxic get blurred and confused as a social norm. None of this is normal, though.
So, we think we’re only interested in the hottest of potential partners who are financially wealthy and willing to support us, or who are attractive, exciting, and larger than life, though they may be psychologically unstable. And we look at all of this excitement thinking this would make a dream life for us because it looks that way in the cinema or on Instagram. We’ve developed a very myopic view of our dream relationships so much so that we’ve forgotten to imagine how all this will play out down the road when the reality of day-to-day life strikes and we need to agree on finances, or raising children, or what to do when other life-changing events happen. Have we even thought about whether we’re going to enjoy spending time with this person a week, a year… or more from now?
Not that relationships need to last long to be fulfilling, but whether it will be fulfilling for us at all should be strongly considered and based in reality. What if they never reach that potential we’ve been waiting on? What if something goes wrong in terms of health or finances? Those images we see in advertising may not feel as good as they look when we have them in dayto-day life.
You Are Worthy of Love
So many people think that they are unworthy of good love. The numbers are astounding! This message comes both consciously and unconsciously, by accident and on purpose from loved ones and strangers. Some people are told they are not good enough and they believe it to the point that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. They convince themselves that they should settle for lackluster love or risk being alone. Because as the saying goes, “anything’s better than being by yourself.” And Well, I’m here to set the record straight! You each of you are loveable, you are deserving of the best love, and no one needs to be in a romantic relationship to be whole, loved, supported, or cherished.
Too many of us went through situations in our lives, whether we were children at the time or adults, whether it came from a parent or a relationship, where someone’s words were so powerful that they shifted us to believe the lie that we weren’t good enough. Maybe we were told that we were too fat to love, too skinny, too quiet, too messy, too… lies, lies, lies. You are enough. You deserve good love.
We are each more than enough, but those words can create wounds and scars so deep that they can be extremely difficult to heal without professional counseling. Find someone skilled and experienced who knows a blueprint to those places and who can help guide you there safely and gently. Then, you can release the power of those lies and open up that massive source of love you’ve had hiding within you. You will find that self-love there, and it will beam outward, attracting the authentic love you deserve from others around you.
At the core, we are each an amazing creation. Some entity literally thought of each one of us and decided that we were needed on Earth that our existence matters. I believe this in the core of my being because I have a belief in a higher power, a God who picks each person and says, “There’s something I need on Earth, and you, my friend, are the answer to someone’s question. You simply need to be yourself, open up all the greatness I’ve put inside of you, and present it as the gift that it is to the world.”
When you recognize that you have deep value and purpose and that you are an amazing person, love will flow freely from you and to you.
My Love Zone
Ilove dancing. I started dancing professionally when I was four years old, and over the years, throughout my teen years, college years and beyond, I always found myself in some sort of dance team, troop, or class, constantly rehearsing and performing around town. As an adult, the dancing that I’ve settled into is mostly freestyle, line-dancing, Chicago-style stepping, and Detroit-style ballroom. And I love it. I love it, love it, love it! Because I’ve studied, I’ve learned, and I’ve practiced, the dance floor has become like a safe, play place for me. I enjoy releasing myself and becoming one with the music, and I just dance.
When I get on the dance floor, I totally climb into a song, and every part of me is engaged in that moment with dancing. There are usually other people there, and the energy of all of us together expressing ourselves with our bodies, and experiencing the song is transformative. We have a moment together, a magical moment, where we are in the same zone together. We’re all moving and flowing and unaware or uncaring that other people are watching or that they are even in the room with us because we are all doing our own thing together.
After one of these experiences, totally lost in the song, I had climbed all the way in and was giving it my all, I learned that one person was paying particular attention to me. I was totally oblivious. I do remember at that moment feeling an overwhelming love flowing through me, and I was not conscious of the people near me, I was not concerned about my hair, my outfit, my makeup, my shoes, my clothes, none of that.
This person who was observing me, said to me later, “You know, at first, I was watching all of the ladies dance. And I was enjoying it. And then I saw you. And then I realized, I was enjoying watching you dance. And pretty soon, I was only watching you.”
In a separate setting, also involving a dance floor, a gentleman invited me to spend 4 ½ minutes dancing to a song. This was a stepping or ballroom song and required that I be led by hand motions for us as a couple to dance. As we left the dance floor, this gentleman said, “Thank you. It’s been a long time and while I thought I was missing dancing, actually I was missing dancing with you.” Wow!
This was someone that I had danced with before, but we’d never had a deep connection. Then, he noticed me in this particular moment. That connection was me, again completely uninhibited, expressing my fully authentic self, beaming with inner love. I was in the zone. I was in my most authentic place. I wasn’t concerned about being liked. I wasn’t concerned about being rejected. I wasn’t concerned about who might be watching me or what they might be thinking. I was where I wanted to be. I was giving it my all for myself, feeding my joy.
And I wasn’t even trying. That’s the thing. I wasn’t trying to attract anyone, but I did. And he was attracted to the fullness of me experiencing pure joy. That relationship lasted for many years and involved us dancing publicly, privately, in stores, and even in parking lots. We danced absolutely everywhere there was music. It was fun, it was freeing and it was exhilarating to be in that zone together.
If I had been trying to attract someone, he would not have noticed what he noticed about me. Instead, I was focused on my joy, enjoying where I was fully present. And I was electric; my skin was tingling. I was so at peace and content and jazzed and thrilled and feeling fabulous and excited and centered…all those strong words that make me grounded…that no one could have bothered me. I was in my love zone and didn’t even know it.
Love Living Life… Today and Every Day
All that I just described above is the most honest, vulnerable, authentic, healthy, and purpose-driven way to attract love to you. It’s about focusing on creating a space in yourself that helps you fall in love with your life and fully interact with it. If you have these moments throughout each day where you don’t just live life, but you love living life that’s the lifestyle each of us should pursue. By finding and doing something you love every day, and realizing that it is not necessarily the same one thing, but at least one thing, you allow that love to flow through you 365 days per year. That puts you in the zone with the glow in every molecule of your body in multiple settings around multiple people experiencing the impact it has on your life.
Let me ask: What is that for you? What are some of the things you love to do? I love closing my eyes while facing the sun as it warms my skin. I love finding four-leaf clovers along the side of the path while walking through the park. Go do that thing that lights you up for at least 10 minutes a day. I love learning about the cosmos. I love bird watching. I love teaching. Go do the things that feed your spirit. Even if you only do a little bit of it each day, it causes you to align with the Source that makes you who you are. It brings you back to the center every day.
That’s where you need to be at some point in every day to be attractive to the people who really would be and are attracted to who you truly are, and that is the formula to falling wildly in love with life. You can live life, or you can love living life. The choice is yours. It is a choice that is made daily, and each new day is an opportunity to start again. When you start each day, you get to use what you learned the day before to make this new day better. Every day, if you learn something new, you get to do something different to change your current circumstances. This is a fabulous opportunity that each of us gets to apply to our lives. This is the new day that has been made for us to enjoy and experience more than we did the day before. So, let’s look at how I do this in my life to live as consciously as I can.
Live Life by Principles
There are principles that I live by to ensure that I live my life on purpose each and every day. I start with the seven principles for living life, and then I apply the ten principles for loving life. Here they are.
Seven Principles for Living Life
I. I have one life. That one life intersects with other lives, but it is primarily my own. It is my responsibility to manage and maintain my life and create the atmosphere that will lead to a fulfilling experience.
II. The life I live has a specific, detailed, definable purpose. I live life to accomplish a goal that somehow impacts the community, the environment, and/or the world. It is my responsibility and opportunity to identify, pursue and accomplish my purpose.
III. The life I live is expressed in a variety of ways and has many facets. I encounter the world physically, emotionally, spiritually, professionally, personally, socially, financially, and more. Each facet of my life expresses something about me.
IV. The life I live has impact. As I interact with others in various situations, my words and actions leave an indelible mark on whomever I meet. That mark is positive, neutral, or negative.
V. The course of my life can be changed in an instant. Though I may be on a specific path in life, a series of consistent choices, a single catastrophic event, or one hasty decision can change the direction and/or quality of my life as much as 180º.
VI. The life I live is guided by themes I acquired from family
members, home life, community involvement, and society-atlarge. These themes, once identified, can be adjusted and changed at my will.
VII. The life I live has begun but will at some point end. Without knowing when its end will be, I can only utilize the time I have right now to accomplish my goals. I can plan for tomorrow, but I can only act during today.
These seven principles above ensure that I can consciously plan my days knowing that I can live with meaning and purpose. I can make the most of my life and understand how important it is in relation to others and the lives they are living. To make my life even more enjoyable and deliberately LOVE it, I go further and apply the ten principles for loving life. Knowing what to do to love my life helps me fall wildly in love with it.
Ten Principles for Loving Life
I. I have one life and I can love my one life. When I love my life, I fully live my life. When I intentionally live my life, I can sincerely love my life.
II. I love my life when my life is guided by principles, practices, and a purpose. I love knowing that I can accomplish what I intend and that what I accomplish has some assigned value that impacts myself and/or others in some desired way.
III. I love my life when I perceive that those things that occur in my life somehow assist me in accomplishing my overall purpose. Not only do good things happen, but those things that do happen can be used and integrated into my life for furthering my overall goals.
IV. I love my life when my life includes those people and activities that produce the kinds of interactions and outcomes that align with my intentions. I am satisfied when I am successful.
V. I love my life when the facets of my life are aligned on the continuum that is central to my core being. My physical, emotional, spiritual, social, interpersonal, financial, and psychological expressions of myself are driven by a common
theme. Congruence in these themes leads to intrapersonal harmony, and I am content.
VI. I love my life when my intentions, efforts, actions, and outcomes are aligned and congruent. When I plan and execute an action, the actual, final outcome usually matches my expected outcome.
VII. I love my life when those people I surround myself with enhance, support, direct and sustain me either emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc. I consciously select those that I want to have in my life. I authentically interact with others and I allow others to authentically interact with me.
VIII. I love my life when I successfully do those things that align with my personal expectations of myself.
IX. I love my life when I successfully stop doing things that conflict with my core beliefs about myself.
X. I love my life when I deliberately do the things I love doing daily. Each day I determine to do something that I love to do. The more I do in my life that I love, the more I love living my life.
These ten principles serve as an anchor for me as I live each day. They cause me to carefully consider my actions and their impact on what happens as I approach the various experiences each day brings. As the day comes to a close, I get to review it and determine if I simply lived through it or if I deliberately chose to LOVE living through it. If I am pleased with my results, I rest in peace. If I choose to adapt and adjust, I awaken to the new day with a plan to love my life just a little bit more than I did the day before. Falling wildly in love may not happen fast. It is more of a gradual process that involves taking steps to arrive at the desired destination. Consistency produces results.
How You Can Love Living Life Every Day
As I state in the second lesson of My Little Book of Wisdom: 52 Lessons I’ve Learned from Living Life, by Torri L. Griffin, Ph.D., LPC,
When you consistently do at least one thing you love to do DAILY, you’ll love living your life.
To love living life, you have to love something about your life every day. That may mean doing something you love to do daily or doing something with someone you love, daily. Again, it does not have to be the same thing that you do, but it does have to be something AT LEAST ONCE A DAY.
Let’s look at how you love your life. We will begin with a short list of your favorite things to do. List below your ten favorite things to do regardless of the price, regardless of how many people it takes to do them, and regardless of whether or not you have ever done that thing. Ready, set, go.
My Favorite Things to Do List
Next, review this list and put a star next to those that you have engaged in this year. Kudos if you have at least five stars. Add a star to those you have participated in during the past 30 days. From the items without stars, select three that you think might be doable in the next thirty days and place them on the lines below.
My Target Favorite Things to Do in the Next Thirty Days 1. 2. 3. Now, let’s add an affirmation to really bring this to life.
Another way to love living your life is to spend time with your favorite people or simply people you enjoy spending time with or talking to. They may or may not know that they fit into this category, but as long as you get to enjoy the time together, it counts as you loving your life. List ten of your last enjoyable conversations.
I really enjoyed talking to/spending time with: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
If this occurred in the past two weeks, kudos to you, again. If these encounters happened many months ago it may be time to call, text, email, or visit someone, or plan a get-together. List the three people you are most likely to reach out to next.
I plan to get in touch with one of the following people in the next few days. 1. 2. 3. Let’s add an affirmation to keep this top of mind.
These two very simple but powerful things can improve the quality of your life and help you love it, simply by knowing and being active in your favorite activities and conversations. A third thing to consider is the environment you spend time in. Do you love being outdoors? Are you best in a warm or cold climate? Where do you wake up that makes your heart sing? Do you live or work there or do you need to schedule a trip to be where you love to be? Your next list is your ten most favorite places and spaces to be in.
My Ten Most Favorite Places to Be
Of these ten, how many can you say you have visited or spent quality time in over the past thirty days? Do you remember how you felt while you were there? Did you make any memories? Triple points if you were there doing something you love with someone or among others you enjoy being there with. It is the consistent compilation of small things like these that make life something to fall wildly in love with.
How to Make Love… Come to You
Though our conversation has largely been about how you, as a singular person, can be wildly in love with life, this wild love can totally involve another person. You may have someone in mind or be totally engaged with a love partner. Regardless of your relationship status, there is definitely more love available for you. For those looking to add, let’s start with a few preliminary questions.
1. What does love feel like to you?
2. How do you know when love is near?
3. What do you do when you are in love with someone vs. when you are not?
4. Are you currently in love?
5. How would/does having someone to be in love with improve your life?
When it comes to being magnetic to love, starting with the feelings associated with love is a major building block in the process. Recognition of those feelings, good and bad, is the foundation. The next layer is sorting out those that are preferred from those that are not. As was mentioned earlier, each person’s experiences are unique to them. Each person’s love model impacts what they choose to do and have in love and sometimes causes what is repeated in successive relationships. Taking a realistic look at what is in your relationship’s past can help you determine what will be in your relationship’s future.
Review What is on Your Relationship Resume
What you have learned about love and relationships over the years can be chronicled and reviewed by completing your relationship resume. This process helps you realize and recognize patterns and past experiences that shape your opinions and expectations of love. Some experiences are good and some are not, but they all play a role in what happens next for you in love. These experiences determine what you hope to avoid in future relationships and what you insist on experiencing again in the future. Let’s take a look at a few abbreviated relationship resume questions related to your recent or past relationships.
List something you enjoyed and something you disliked about three of your previous relationships.
1. Name of a person I was involved with:
Something I really enjoyed about us:
Something I really did not enjoy about us:
2. Name of another person I was involved with:
Something I really enjoyed about us:
Something I really did not enjoy about us:
3. Name of another person I was involved with: Something I really enjoyed about us:
Something I really did not enjoy about us:
List a fun memory and an uncomfortable memory about each of these relationships:
1. Name of person #1 I was involved with: Fun memory: Uncomfortable memory:
2. Name of person #2 I was involved with: Fun memory:
Uncomfortable memory:
3. Name of the person #3 I was involved with:
Fun memory:
Uncomfortable memory:
What feelings do you remember experiencing that you want to embrace again?
I remember feeling:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
What was a lesson that you learned from each relationship?
What I learned from the 1st one:
What I learned from the 2nd one:
What I learned from the 3rd one:
What is a theme related to love that these three relationships have in common?
If you had to change something about that theme and create a new one, what would you change it to?
Release Yourself from Relationship Regret
Something you may have uncovered from the review of your relationship resume could be considered regret. It is hard to fall wildly in love when there is regret hanging around. Some things people regret going through happened by accident but others happened through someone’s free will. Regardless of the source of the incident, the impact can be the same. Though there may be more work to be done, take a moment to release yourself from those things that are in your past that have regret attached.
Fill in the blanks with the names of anyone who you’ve got a regretful memory with. Let’s start with releasing them aloud. Speak the three statements below aloud as you release yourself from the impact of regret. Make sure you are in a place you feel comfortable doing this exercise. Feel free to adapt the statements to fit your unique situation.
I Release Others
1. I release (please provide 3 names) , , , and everyone else I have been in relationships with that offended me, hurt me, abandoned me, or had any negative effect on my present love mindset and experience.
2. I release them from my heart and embrace the lessons learned from their presence in my life.
3. I release the past and embrace the present.
4. I am now free to receive love again and give love again and enjoy love, because I deserve it!
I Release Myself
1. I release myself from selecting or accepting or lingering too long in relationships that offended me, hurt me, made me feel abandoned, or had any negative effect on my present love mindset and experience.
2. I release myself from the past and I embrace the present.
3. I can choose my love partners and make good decisions about who I give access to my wonderful self.
4. I am now free to receive love again and give love again and enjoy love, because I deserve it!
Reestablish Your Relationship Expectations
Another important thing to look at is your expectations for the type of love that is available for you again, regardless of your relationship status. If you believe your current relationship can improve, it can. If you expect things to remain the way they are, they may. Sometimes we can identify our true beliefs when they are written down and we are able to analyze our thoughts when they’ve been externalized to paper. Answer the following questions as truthfully as possible and let’s take a look.
1. What do I believe about love and my ability to engage in it? Do I have beliefs that put me at a disadvantage or am I as capable as anyone else to be involved in a love relationship?
2. If I do expect love, what does it look and feel like?
3. Am I ready for love…prepared mentally and emotionally? What do I have left to do before I can welcome love into my life/improve the love I already have in my life?
4. What are some of the positive relationship experiences I have built up over time that I can offer to this new love coming into my life/consistent love I already have in my life?
5. Do I have a friendship circle that can support me while I welcome love into my life/sustain the love I have in my life? No__ Yes __ __ Who is in that circle?
Let Your Request Be Made Known
Almost everyone has heard of the Love List. This was made popular more than twenty years ago when people were encouraged to write down the characteristics and traits of their desired love partner. Many participated and were able to boast that the partners they had drawn to themselves precisely matched what was written in their Love Lists. Rather than have you write a new or revised Love List, I do have a question for you. What do you really, really, really, really want from love? I ask because many people believe that what they seek is beyond themselves and is out there somewhere in another person. Sometimes what we really, really want, we already have. So, for this exercise, we will create an abbreviated Love List that will hold only your top fifteen requested attributes in another person.
In the chart below, identify five each of your favorite characteristics from three categories. They are:
• Physical Characteristics
• Personal or Internal Characteristics
• Accessories or External Possessions (car, house, shoes, pet, etc.)
After placing them in the chart, identify whether or not they are preferences, conveniences, traditions, or requirements for you and put the corresponding letter next to each characteristic: P, C, T, R.
• Preferences are characteristics you’d prefer that a partner has, but if they don’t happen to have them, you can still be happy. Hairstyles can be examples of preferences. You may prefer short hair, but they have long hair. With all things considered, this may end up being less important than originally thought.
• Conveniences are characteristics that might make life easier with them, but, again, they are not dealbreakers. For instance, you might
be hoping for someone who is bilingual, but this new person only knows one of the many languages you speak.
• Traditions are characteristics and traits that your partners have had in your relationship history that you do actually prefer. Once examined, you may absolutely insist that they be present, or you may be able to look past them and accept a new trait/characteristic. Skin tone is an example. You may have many in your history with similar skin tones, but a new person may have a very different look. The question is whether or not you are flexible in this arena with all things considered.
• Requirements are absolutely, positively must-have traits and characteristics. There is no flexibility with requirements. They are true dealbreakers. The person could be that millionaire who brings all the excitement to your life that we spoke about earlier, but they also smoke. You cannot stand smoke. Your requirement is that they be a non-smoker. You cannot be involved with this person because your requirements stand no matter what.
Notice where the majority of your requirements are. Are they in the physical characteristics or the personal/internal ones? Sometimes this is determined by age and what the answer to that earlier question of what you really, really, really want is. For those who are already involved, hopefully your requirements are being met in the relationship. If not, there may be a few red lights to address. For those who are open to new relationships starting, be sure that your preferences, conveniences and traditions are not being mistaken for requirements. Many a good person has been looked over and passed up because of things that were either temporary or rather insignificant in the long run. Feel free to make any adjustments to your labels upon further exploration.
Relationships Respond to Affirmations
As I mentioned in the previous section, many believe they will be changed once love has manifested into their lives. This may be true, but let’s look at some specifics and then combine all of this gathered information into one comprehensive affirmation.
1. What will you have that you don’t have right now once love comes to you/once the love you have improves?
2. How will you feel once love comes to you/once the love you have shifts to a new and improved level?
3. What will you do differently on a daily basis once love comes into your life/once this shift happens?
Hopefully, these questions are engaging your imagination, and you are beginning to see yourself in this space where so much of what you want awaits. Reciting affirmations helps bring what you believe is yours into your life. The following affirmations are designed to increase the love flowing into your life on different levels. The General Love affirmations increase the number of random people who treat you well and offer kindness to you for short spurts of time. This activity counts as love.
General Love Affirmations:
The True Love affirmation is designed to magnetize your true authentic love, but it must be designed based on your answers to the abbreviated relationship resume and related questions completed on the previous pages. Complete it by filling in the blanks below. Feel free to rewrite your affirmation based on your unique situation.
True Love Affirmation:
IT IS MY INTENTION TO WELCOME TRUE, AUTHENTIC LOVE INTO MY LIFE AND DAILY ROUTINE IN THE FORM OF (number of) [person(s)] WHO IS/ARE AVAILABLE, ____________________, COMPATIBLE, __________________, AND ___________________ (use the list from the earlier Love List exercise), WHO I ENJOY AND WHO ENJOY(S) ME AND WITH WHOM I CAN EASILY GET INTO MY LOVE ZONE, WHO HELP(S) ME FEEL _______________, ________________ AND ___ WHEN I AM AT ________________ (enter one of your favorite places to be), ENGAGED IN (enter one of your favorite activities) THAT I AM READY AND ABLE TO ADD TO MY LIFE AND ENJOY ON A DAILY BASIS, STARTING NOW.
Chart Your Progress
As you continue to speak your affirmations and prepare for a more loving experience, it helps to chart your progress. Even a two-degree shift will change your ultimate destination, so write down the little things that you notice when more and more love starts flowing into your life. I recommend a journal to capture your daily insights and personal revelations. If you’d like a deeper dive into creating and magnetizing love into your life, consider my love coaching program for singles or couples. The work of clearing old habits and experiences is certainly worth it to open the doors of your life to allow you to fall wildly in love. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. You have made the first step here. Expect results. Begin to track them here:
I know I am experiencing changes in the amount of love flowing into and through me because of… (please complete this sentence with your own description of your progress)
The Joy of Falling Wildly In Love
Though many people dream of falling wildly in love with someone they get to have and hold, from this day forward, it is my most humble opinion that the best person to fall wildly in love with is yourself. This definitely was not the most popular practice in years past, but times are changing and more people are beginning to understand how important selfcare and self-love actually are. In order to offer someone else good, wholesome, effective love, you have to be able to administer it to yourself. Choosing to be in love with the life you have been given is the most important decision you can make.
It is an honor and a joy to treat yourself well, and I hope you take every opportunity to be loving and kind to others modeled after the ways you are loving and kind to yourself. Our ideas of what love is and what it should be doing in our lives come from so many places that is would do us all good to practice manufacturing love and distributing it ourselves. The world can be a better place and falling wildly in love is the pathway to reach it.
Why I Love Living Life
Below are some of the reasons I Love Living Life Today! These are the people, places, and things I have Fallen Wildly in Love with:

“It’s My Time” Co-Authors
“It’s My Time” Co-Authors, Including Les Brown and James MacNeil

Family continued…

Co-Leading Women Aspiring Together to Succeed (WATTS)
Contributing Author for Women of More Magazine

Roses, Dancing, and My Biggest Find of 80 Four-Leaf Clovers

About Dr. Torri Love Griffin, LPC
Dr. Torri Love Griffin, LPC, AKA Dr. Love, is a licensed professional counselor, a transformational life coach, and the creator of the exciting LiSENSE 2 DATE® Relationship Training Programs for Teens, College Students & Adults. She is also the CEO of Love Living Life TODAY! LLC, Counseling and Coaching Services, and author of the hit, My Little Book of Wisdom: 52 Lessons I’ve Learned from Living Life. She is committed to helping men and women, young and old, create exquisite, delicious and beautiful relationships. Her audiences leave energized and invigorated empowered to be their authentic selves creating lives and relationships that make them LOVE LIVING LIFE! Let her help you transform your life or your love life either with one-on-one coaching, group coaching or through her I Love Living Life Community. Follow her on TW, IG & FB @DrTorriLove. Subscribe today at www.LoveLivingLife.com (or scan the QR code below) to receive her 10 Most Powerful Affirmations to Love Living Life Today