Stúdentablaðið - apríl

Page 5


Blaðamenn tölublaðsins

Contributing Journalists

Alina Maurer

Armando Garcia T.

Helgi James Price

Arnheiður Björnsdóttir

Atli Freyr Þorvaldsson

Auður Helgadóttir

Gabrielė Šatrauskaitė

Katla Ársælsdóttir

Maicol Cipriani

Sam Patrick O'Donnell

Unnur Gígja Ingimundardóttir

Ávarp Ritstjóra

Hólmfríður María Bjarnardóttir ÞÝÐING TRANSLATION Julie Summers MYND PHOTO Kata Jóhanness

Editor's Address Árið líður áfram. Árið sem við vildum að slakaði aðeins á og kæmi okkur í kunnulegar rútínur hefur ekki hægt neitt á sér heldur hrist okkur rækilega til og sprungið í loft upp með látum. Áframhaldandi heimsfaraldur, jarðskjálftar og eldgos. Ef einhver hefði sagt mér hvernig þetta skólaár yrði á síðasta skólaári hefði ég tæplega trúað því. En hér erum við samt, og ég vil minna ykkur á að þið eruð að standa ykkur vel. Það er ótrúlega

The year keeps rolling on. The year we hoped would let up just a little and return us to familiar routines has failed to slow down at all. In fact, it has tossed us to and fro and exploded with a bang, literally. The ongoing global pandemic, earthquakes, and a volcanic eruption – if someone had told me last year what this school year would be like, I would hardly have believed it. But here we are, and I just want to remind you that you are doing great. Just existing during a global pandemic is hard enough, never mind studying and/or working. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been standing right at the edge of burnout territory almost the entire semester. At this point, the boundary is almost impossible to see any more, and I’m looking forward to bidding farewell to this school year and taking a step back. I’m planning to take a long break and recenter myself. Don’t forget to put yourself first. Be kind to yourself and don’t feel bad if you drop the ball now and again – or even if you lost it a long time ago. Don’t forget that you’ve been spinning your wheels for over a year now, and it’s perfectly normal to be tired. Throughout the school year, we’ve shared all kinds of tips that we hope will help you cope with the current situation, which is about to come to an end! Finally, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. The immunization effort is going well, and I trust that our healthcare employees, the so-called “trio” (the Chief of Police, Surgeon General, and Head ­Epidemiologist), and the Minister of Health will


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