Primary Education Awareness Manual

Page 132


Let’s work together to be a bullybully - free school! Online or offline, bullying is: • name calling or put downs •


spreading rumors or gossip

excluding someone

social manipulation


taking someone's belongings

always choosing the same person last hitting, pushing or shoving

If you are being bullied, here are

8 BullyBully-Stopper Strategies: 1. Stay calm and try to ignore what the bully is saying or doing—don’t let the bully know you are feeling angry, upset or embarrassed. 2. Walk away to another group of students or adults. 3. If you can, avoid situations that may be difficult. 4. Find Upstanders and ask them for support. 5. Try using humor with the bully. You may need to practice but humor can help stop the bullying. 6. If you feel comfortable, calmly talk to the bully and let the bully know how you feel. 7. Try something kind and unexpected. unexpected

put an end to bullying. spread the word!

8. Always talk with a trusted adult for help and support.

Shoulders back, head up high, Look the bully in the eye. Use your words or walk away, Don’t play the game that bullies play.


NOVA Prevention Education Programs Bully-free Handout for Grades 4 and 5

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