The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine
Joker Powersports 2nd Annual Anniversary Party By: David Burnette
2 previous attempts, Joker Powersports was finally able to have their 2nd annual anniversary party on June 27th. It was a pretty awesome day to get out and cut loose after being under quarantine for a few months. I think everyone was just happy to be getting out and enjoying a little time and fun with friends they haven’t see in a while. Seems we were all cooped up for the winter and just as soon as we were getting some good riding weather, COVID 19 put the brakes on everything. Everybody’s events were canceled for a while, but thank God, we were able to have a day of great weather for the event. The sun was out, a nice breeze was blowing, and there was no rain. Last I heard, there were over 500 bikes there with around 800 people during the peak of the party. Everyone was in a great mood, no attitude, just lots of fun. fter
My buddy, Moonshiner Red Dog, was set up next to us selling tee shirts along with other moonshiner memorabilia. He