How To Find A Good Partner BY Kisha Green First, let's understand and fully grasp the concept that NOT every time a single person is single is because they cannot keep a partner. Everyone's looking for someone instead of using that energy to become the best version of themselves. Sometimes, they seek peace, which comes from within, and once that is obtained, they can put their best foot forward before expecting it to be it for someone else. The most important rule is to be the kind of person you want to attract So many times, there are red flags, BLOODY RED flags, but we will pretend that we do not see them, which sets us up for more disappointment than we could ever imagine. Often, after being hurt many times, we will put up a guard to repel the losers, but it also scares off the good ones because of past hurts and traumas. You must keep reminding yourself that one bad apple does not necessarily spoil all of the bunch, and you must remember that a suitable mate will always possess reliable and steady characteristics that make you feel physically and emotionally safe. Even though you grew accustomed to lies and deceit in the past, this new potential will not lie, cheat, or steal. It may sound like common sense, but many people have accepted those flaws to say they have someone, and if it is a serious, committed relationship you desire, a healthy relationship of any kind does not contain either of them. Lastly, being supportive is a must-have, and this does not mean that you are constantly saying yes, but it means you need to offer aid when needed and celebrate while showing up fully and not holding yourself back.
Good Luck and Happy Dating!