Camphill Mourne Grange
Home is where the heart is...
amphill Community Mourne Grange was established in 1971 and provides sector leading supported living and day opportunity services for people with learning disabilities, autism and other support needs. We are situated near to Kilkeel and are based on a 100-acre estate. Camphill’s founders, led by Dr Karl König in 1940, and inspired by the Austrian thinker Rudolf Steiner wanted to make a real difference to the lives of people who were marginalised and excluded from society. At Mourne Grange our aim is to provide a mutually supportive and purposeful community life for the people we support. Our values are based on enabling each individual to realise their full potential through creativity, engagement and involvement. These values and our approach
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are reflected in all aspects of our varied and vibrant community life, both in the life of one of our 11 homes and within our wide range of day opportunities. We support people to express themselves creatively through crafts, music and drama. These activities are fun, but also help people to develop new skills and confidence. We also have our own health centre to provide a range of therapeutic activities. Mourne Grange also offers a number of meaningful day opportunities for people who live in Mourne Grange and who also live out in the wider community. These include the following; The bakery which provides the opportunity to learn about making bread, biscuits and cakes and also supplies our coffee shop. The Community Produce team uses the fruit, berries and vegetables from our orchards and
gardens to produce delicious organic jams and bottled juice. The farm is registered to Demeter standards and the farm team have the opportunity to learn about looking after the land and animals. The garden team grow biodynamic vegetables and fruit for our community. In the weavery there is the opportunity to learn about weaving and felting and produce many beautiful woven items. The well-equipped wood workshop provides an opportunity to learn a range of skills, for example carving, sanding and wood turning. Home is where the heart is and in Mourne Grange we know about the sense of security and belonging that is generated through a nurturing family life. Our Community is composed of households that offer people a set of close, dependable relationships. If you are interested in more information about Mourne Grange or would like to come visit us our contact details are
Tel: 028 41760128 Email: Follow us on
04/10/2022 14:23