Page 141

Indeks osobowy Aleksander I 38, 50 Aleksander II 42 Anderson B. 22, 24, 30, 31 Armstrong J. 27 Bauer O. 17 Ben-Israel H. 25 Breuilly J. 21, 24, 25, 32 Brubaker R. 33 Burke E. 17 Connors W. Deutsch K.W. 21, 24, 31 Dżugaszwili-Stalin J. 17 Erikson. E.H. 27 Ferdynand I 37 Geerts C. 31 Gellner E. 21, 24, 25, 30, 32, 47 Giddens A. 24 Hayes C.J. 18, 19 Herder J. 18, 26 Hobsbawm E.J. 21, 24, 31 Hroch M. 32 James P. 22, 32 Karol V 37 Karol XII 37 Kemiläinen A. 19

Hroch.indd 140

Kilias J. 20 Kluxen-Pyth d. 25 Kohn H. 19, 24, 30 Komenský J.A. (Comenius) 14 Lemberg E. 20 Llobera J. 25 Ludwik Jagiellończyk 37 Maksymilian I 37 Malicki J. 11 Mann M. 32 Mazzini G. 17 Meinecke F. 17 Nairn T. 24, 32 Napoleon B. 26, 38 Özkirimli U. 25, 26 Piotr I 37 Renan E. 17 Rokkan S. 21 Rousseau J.J. 18 Smith A. 20, 27, 29, 30, 32, 48, 58 Tilly Ch. 21, 32 Weber M. 17 Wehler H-U. 26 Welcker F.G. 17

2020-12-29 14:34:38

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