8th edition quarter II 2022
Our Mission A unified, global women’s ministry empowering one another to follow Christ and to love in abundance; cultivating women warriors in their purpose by His promise and power.
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Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement. Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purposedriven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!
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Speaking Our Global Office Team is willing to speak at women’s events or conferences. Empowerment – Kimberly Hobbs Teaching – Julie Jenkins We are a team unified in His love and will intentionally pray about any presented opportunities to speak at your next event.
Seasonal Events Join us at Keiser University in West Palm Beach, FL for our seasonal events for a time of praise & worship, prayer, guest speakers, and gathering. 2
Letter from the Founder W
e are well into 2022, and we are embracing the days as they come to us. Some are filled with joy and laughter, and some have been deluged with heaviness and sadness. We look around our world as we see it through our own lenses, and doubts arise in our minds about our future and that of the world. We are here as a ministry to offer you encouragement and hope through Jesus and His Word, despite the kind of day you may be having. When you pick up and read Voice of Truth, it is our prayer that God will speak to your heart exactly what you need to hear. Although we all face doubt and struggles at times, including when we venture out to conquer new ground or fulfill something God has called us to do, opposition seems to come. We are here to help. This magazine is offered by women from around the world who write, create, and pray, all with the desire to help others put their focus on Christ. The enemy loves to stir up unbelief and fears, often using our past failures against us. These can haunt our minds and cause doubts in the darkness. Why do we doubt? Many times it is because the opposition wants to take your eyes off Christ. Do you ever feel the enemy attack when you know God is getting ready to do something great in your life? It is normal for doubt to enter our minds. Doubt can be described as lacking confidence or being wary of something unlikely to happen. Satan uses this tool to make us lack confidence in God’s Word and consider God’s mercy, grace, provision, and goodness unlikely. However, despite the devil’s role, we must take responsibility for our own doubts and reactions to the world’s attacks, whether they be personal or collective. Do you allow doubt to paralyze you? Permit your human reasoning to overshadow your faith in God? No matter how logical our own thoughts may seem, we must always trust God’s truth instead. Because God has made foolish the things of this world. (1 Corinthians 1:20) When we struggle with fear or unbelief, often we fail to lean on
scripture, and instead, we long for something tangible or emotional. We want Jesus to put His arm around us and tell us we will be all right, believing that would make us feel better. But what God wants is for us to get back into faith, dear Sister. And that only comes through prayer and reading the Word of God. The remedy for our doubt IS faith! Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) As you read Voice of Truth, you will read scriptures verses that strengthen your faith scattered throughout. When we understand what God has already done, what He promises us for today, and what we can expect from Him in the future, we can overcome our doubt and act in faith instead. God tells us in Hebrews 11:1 that we can have confidence even in the things we cannot see because God has proven Himself faithful, true, and able. When you surrender your life to Christ, THE voice of truth, God’s voice, begins to chip away at the doubt lying to you and replaces it with the truth that you are His child, and through Him, you can do exactly what He calls you to. Do not doubt in the darkness what God shows you in the light. As you read on, know that we as a body of believers have prayed over this edition. We’ve asked God to strengthen you with joy, peace, increased faith, captivating thoughts, the message of salvation through Jesus Christ, and wisdom to combat lies that may cause doubt and fear. Together may we continue to run towards the arms of our Savior and His love as we faithfully read His Word each day. I close this letter with a whispered prayer inside my heart for you, dear Reader, that God will speak into your life and empower you to walk closer to Him as you read the many pages of Voice of Truth. Exceedingly, Abundantly, Beyond,
Kimberly Hobbs Founder & Executive Director kimberly@womenworldleaders.com Ephesians 3:20
Carta de la Fundadora iEstamos bien entrados en 2022, y estamos abrazando los días a medida que nos llegan. Algunos están llenos de alegría y risas, y algunos han sido inundados de pesadez y tristeza. Miramos alrededor de nuestro mundo como lo vemos a través de nuestros propios lentes, y surgen dudas en nuestras mentes sobre nuestro futuro y el del mundo. Estamos aquí como un ministerio para ofrecerte aliento y esperanza a través de Jesús y Su Palabra, a pesar del tipo de día que puedas estar teniendo. Cuando leas Voice of Truth, es nuestra oración que Dios te hable a tu corazón exactamente lo que necesita escuchar. Aunque todos a veces enfrentamos dudas y luchas, incluso cuando nos aventuramos a conquistar nuevos terrenos o cumplir con algo que Dios nos ha llamado a hacer, la oposición parece surgir. Estamos aquí para ayudar. Esta revista es ofrecida por mujeres de todo el mundo, que escriben, crean y oran, todas con el deseo de ayudar a otros a poner su enfoque en Cristo. Al enemigo le encanta despertar la incredulidad y los temores, a menudo usando nuestros fracasos pasados en nuestra contra. Estos pueden rondar nuestras mentes y causar dudas en la oscuridad. ¿Por qué dudamos? Muchas veces es porque la oposición quiere quitarte los ojos de Cristo. ¿Alguna vez has sentido el ataque del enemigo cuando sabes que Dios se está preparando para hacer algo grande en tu vida? Es normal que la duda entre en nuestra mente. La duda se puede describir como falta de confianza o desconfianza de algo que es poco probable que suceda. Satanás usa esta herramienta para hacernos perder la confianza en la Palabra de Dios y considerar improbable la misericordia, la gracia, la provisión y la bondad de Dios. Sin embargo, a pesar del papel del diablo, debemos asumir la responsabilidad de nuestras propias dudas y reacciones ante los ataques del mundo, ya sean personales o colectivos. ¿Permites que la duda te paralice? ¿Permites que tu razonamiento humano ensombrezca tu fe en Dios? No importa cuán lógicos puedan parecer nuestros propios pensamientos, siempre debemos confiar en la verdad de Dios. Porque Dios ha convertido en locura la sabiduría de este mundo. (1 Corintios 1:20) Cuando luchamos con 4
el miedo o la incredulidad, a menudo no nos apoyamos en las Escrituras y, en cambio, anhelamos algo tangible o emocional. Queremos que Jesús ponga Su brazo alrededor de nosotros y nos diga que estaremos bien, creyendo que eso nos hará sentir mejor. Pero lo que Dios quiere es que volvamos a la fe, querida hermana. Y eso solo viene a través de la oración y la lectura de la Palabra de Dios. ¡El remedio para nuestra duda ES la fe! La fe viene por escuchar la Palabra de Dios. (Romanos 10:17) Al leer Voice of Truth, leerás versículos de las Escrituras esparcidos por todas partes que fortalecen tu fe. Cuando entendemos lo que Dios ya ha hecho, lo que nos promete hoy y lo que podemos esperar de Él en el futuro, podemos vencer nuestra duda y actuar con fe. Dios nos dice en Hebreos 11:1 que podemos tener confianza aun en las cosas que no podemos ver porque Dios ha demostrado ser fiel, verdadero y capaz. Cuando entregas tu vida a Cristo, LA voz de la verdad, la voz de Dios, comienza a socavar la duda que te miente y la reemplaza con la verdad de que eres Su hija, y a través de Él, puedes hacer exactamente lo que Él te llama hacer. No dudes en la oscuridad lo que Dios te muestra en la luz. Mientras sigues leyendo, debes saber que nosotras, como cuerpo de creyentes, hemos orado por esta edición. Le hemos pedido a Dios que te fortalezca con gozo, paz, mayor fe, pensamientos cautivadores, el mensaje de salvación a través de Jesucristo y sabiduría para combatir las mentiras que pueden causar duda y temor. Que juntas podamos continuar corriendo hacia los brazos de nuestro Salvador y Su amor mientras leemos fielmente Su Palabra cada día. Cierro esta carta con una oración susurrada dentro de mi corazón por ti, querida lectora, que Dios hable a tu vida y te capacite para caminar más cerca de Él mientras lees las páginas de Voice of Truth. Sumamente, Abundantemente, Más allá,
Kimberly Hobbs Founder & Executive Director kimberly@womenworldleaders.com Ephesians 3:20
Gospel Grace - Kelley Rene (with Spanish version)
Writings from the Global Office - WWL Staff
Dear Sister - Dr. Jia Conway
College Courage - Sarah Jenkins
Pull Back the Curtain - Lynne Hudson
Living a Holystic Life - Melissa Kessler
A Beautiful Mess - Jessica Prukner
A Focus on Him - Lillian Cucuzza
Wings of His Love - Rusanne Jourdan
Kingdom Promise - Kelly Williams Hale
Following the Son - Michele Hughes
A Purposed Creation - Kerri Bridges (with Spanish version)
Wholeness - Lynne Hudson (featured cover art)
Leaving a Godly Legacy - Kathleen Barrett
Journey with Jesus: Nuggets from the Gospel of Mark - Rev. Lisa Morrison
Holy Hush - Deborah Watson
Musings on the Book of John - Connie Hecker
Prayers for the Sons of the King - Dr. Jia Conway
Reassembled - Victoria Robinson
Stormy Seas - Lynne Hudson
Nonna’s kNOWledge - Carolyn Joy 5
Three Strands - Cindy Southworth
A Photo Column by Jessica - Jessica Morneault
Faith and Family - Donna Whartenby
Faith Walk - Dr. Chidi Kalu
Change Your Story with Kirstin Leigh - Kirstin Leigh
The Pearl: A Mother’s Love - Lynne Hudson
Through a Mother’s Eyes - Diane Cheveldayoff
Coffee Chats - Tina Kadolph
Ever Interceding - Diana Brown
Voice of Truth Stories
WWL Global Connections
Voice of Truth Credits Kimberly Hobbs - VOT Founder & WWL Executive Director
Janet Berrong - Encouragement Team
Carrie Christopher - VOT Co-founder
Arlene Salas - Giving Acknowledgments
Julie Jenkins - WWL Teaching Leader, VOT Editor
Johana Torres - Spanish Translator
Diane Cheveldayoff - Leadership Director and Finance Kayla Follin - Graphic Designer Kelley Walker Daniels - Editor Kerri Bridges - Editor Lisa Morrison - Editor Dana Reeves - Administration & Mailing Jessica Morneault - Photography Co-Management 6
This ministry is flourishing by an army of Women World Leaders. Many thanks to: Cindy Southworth, Diane Cheveldayoff, Dr. Jia Conway, Lynne Hudson, Cakki Warren, Diana Brown, Lois Daley, Martine Henry, Michele Hughes, Tina Gallo, Yvette Behmer, Dr. Chidi Kalu, Candice Daniel, Rusanne Jourdan, Lillian Cucuzza, Connie Van Horn, Sara Sahm, Carol Whipkey, Shelly Haas, and Vaishali Nair.
y precious granddaughter surprised me with a visit recently. When she saw me, she threw her arms wide open and ran to me. Oh, how pure and simple is the love of a child! But it didn’t take long before I found her digging her little fingers through the soil of my (many) plants. Then, like a magnet, she found the one cabinet I forgot to wrap in rubber bands as a safety measure. After that, she remembered the staircase. She’s not quite two, but she repeatedly pointed to the landing and called out, “Stairwzz! Stairwzz!” With her hands to the sky, she clutched mine and took each step one at a time. So up and down we went. Again and again, until she got distracted. Between the oven, the pool, and other hazards, it felt like we spent much of our time diverting her from danger.
over the years, diverting me from danger. At times, I’ve lovingly followed His lead. Then there were other times I chose my own way. I simply didn’t want to obey. Reflecting back, it’s easy to recognize how God has led me away from the dangers in my life. Not necessarily audibly, but in the peace that came when I gave my problems and issues to Him. At times He spoke through my pastor, Bible study leader, or close friend. And incredibly, one time, a DJ on a Christian radio station spoke directly to a very real situation with which I grappled. I knew in that moment God was showing me how to move forward. God will never stop leading and guiding us. But His purpose is not just to keep us safe as we walk through this world, but through it all, to bring us back home to Him. He wants fellowship with us, for us to get to know Him.
Just as I guided my granddaughter, I recognized how God — through various means — has directed my path
John and the other gospel writers recount the beautiful life of our Savior and the incredible sacrifice He made for each one of us. They tell us in no uncertain terms that Jesus, fully God and fully man, came to earth to save us from our sins — those bad things we’ve all done that separate us from Him. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23 NIV) Jesus lived a perfect life. He died on a cross and rose again on the third day. Through His sacrifice, we can have eternal life, and God welcomes us into His family. Our part is simple. “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31 NIV) We could never earn our salvation, it is a free gift. This gospel message of God’s saving grace is found in His Word and is intended to guide us on the path toward Him, away from the dangers of the world. “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” (Psalm 119:105 NIV) The Holy Bible — our Father’s love letter to us — is our manual for life. “God sent His one and only son into the world so that we might live through Him.” (1 John 4:9 NIV) He outlines His plan to rescue us, no matter the many times we find ourselves in need of His help. The stories demonstrate how we should live. Or not. It is a guardrail to steer us away from danger and into the arms of our Heavenly Father.
Just as I’m filled with joy when my granddaughter flings her arms wide to wrap me in a hug, our Heavenly Father is overjoyed when we run to Him. He desires a genuine relationship with us, and it is through His saving grace that we are able to connect with Him through prayer and His holy scriptures. Nothing we could ever do will diminish His love for us, and staying in His Word will ensure we don’t stray.
He desires a genuine relationship with us, If you’ve never accepted the free gift of God’s salvation, pray this prayer with me. God is waiting with arms wide open to welcome you into His family. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your free gift of salvation. I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Your Son, and He died on the cross and rose again that I might live. I give my heart to You today and choose to follow You. Cleanse me of my past and fill me with Your Spirit. Heal me from those things that have separated me from You. Guide me in all I do. Be glorified in my life, Father. I love you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. If you prayed that prayer today, we welcome you into the family of God! The angels and all of glory rejoice with you today! Email us at info@womenworldleaders. com and tell us your story. We want to celebrate you and cover you in prayer as you step into your new life in Jesus. Kelley Rene lives in Panama City, Florida, with her husband and mini Australian Shepherd. After thirty-two years of marriage, five children, fifteen moves, two continents, and numerous volunteer and paid jobs, she activated her passion: writing. She loves to experience new places and meet new people, often the inspiration for her stories. With a longing to be a conduit of God’s love and a catalyst for forgiveness, she quickly adopted Rescued and Redeemed as her mantra. Along with her chapter in Embrace the Journey, Kelley has published three novellas, and is finalizing a fourth to be compiled into an anthology, Way of the Broken. When she’s not scribbling out fiction, you’ll find her crocheting, kayaking, or cuddling a good book and cappuccino. Keep up with her at kelleyrene.com.
i preciosa nieta me sorprendió con una visita recientemente. Cuando me vio, abrió los brazos y corrió hacia mí. ¡Oh, cuán puro y simple es el amor de un niño! Pero no pasó mucho tiempo antes de que la encontrara hundiendo sus pequeños dedos en la tierra de mis (muchas) plantas. Luego, como un imán, encontró el único gabinete que olvidé envolver con bandas elásticas como medida de seguridad. Después de eso, recordó la escalera. No tiene ni dos años, pero señaló repetidamente el peldaño y gritó: “¡Escalerawzz! ¡Escalerawzz!” Con sus manos hacia el cielo, agarró las mías y dio cada paso uno a la vez. Así que subimos y bajamos. Una y otra vez, hasta que se distrajo. Entre el horno, la piscina y otros peligros, parecía que pasábamos gran parte de nuestro tiempo distrayéndola del peligro.
Así como guié a mi nieta, reconocí cómo Dios, a través de varios medios, ha dirigido mi camino a lo largo de los años, desviándome del peligro. A veces, he seguido con amor su ejemplo. Luego hubo otras veces que elegí mi propio camino. Simplemente no quería obedecer. Reflexionando, es fácil reconocer cómo Dios me ha alejado de los peligros de mi vida. No necesariamente en forma audible, sino en la paz que vino cuando le entregué mis situaciones y problemas. A veces hablaba a través de mi pastor, líder de estudios bíblicos o amigo cercano. Increíblemente, una vez, un DJ en una estación de radio cristiana habló directamente de una situación muy real con la que lidiaba. Supe en ese momento que Dios me estaba mostrando cómo seguir adelante. Dios nunca dejará de dirigirnos y guiarnos. Pero Su propósito no es solo mantenernos a salvo mientras
caminamos por este mundo, sino a través de todo, traernos de vuelta a casa con Él. Él quiere tener comunión con nosotros, para que lo conozcamos. Juan y los demás evangelistas relatan la hermosa vida de nuestro Salvador y el increíble sacrificio que hizo por cada uno de nosotros. Nos dicen en términos claros que Jesús, completamente Dios y completamente hombre, vino a la tierra para salvarnos de nuestros pecados, esas cosas malas que todos hemos hecho y que nos separan de Él. “Pues todos han pecado y están privados de la gloria de Dios”. (Romanos 3:23 NVI) Jesús vivió una vida perfecta. Murió en una cruz y resucitó al tercer día. A través de Su sacrificio, podemos tener vida eterna, y Dios nos da la bienvenida a Su familia. Nuestra parte es simple. “Cree en el Señor Jesús, y serás salvo”. (Hechos 16:31 NVI) Nunca podríamos ganar nuestra salvación, es un regalo gratuito. Este mensaje evangélico de la gracia salvadora de Dios se encuentra en Su Palabra y tiene la intención de guiarnos en el camino hacia Él, lejos de los peligros del mundo. “Tu palabra es una lámpara a mis pies; es una luz en mi sendero.” (Salmo 119:105 NVI) La Santa Biblia -la carta de amor de nuestro Padre para nosotros- es nuestro manual de vida. “Dios envió a su único hijo al mundo para que vivamos por medio de él”. (1 Juan 4:9 NVI) Él esboza Su plan para rescatarnos, sin importar las muchas veces que nos encontremos en necesidad de Su ayuda. Las historias muestran cómo debemos vivir. O no. Es una barandilla para alejarnos del peligro y llevarnos a los brazos de nuestro Padre Celestial. Así como me llena de alegría cuando mi nieta abre los brazos para envolverme en un abrazo, nuestro Padre Celestial se llena de alegría cuando corremos hacia Él. Él desea una relación genuina con nosotros, y es a través de Su gracia salvadora que podemos conectarnos con Él a través de la oración y Sus Sagradas Escrituras. Nada de lo que podamos hacer disminuirá Su amor por nosotros, y permanecer en Su Palabra asegurará que no nos desviemos. Si nunca has aceptado el regalo gratuito de la salvación de Dios, haz esta oración conmigo. Dios está esperando con los brazos abiertos para darte la bienvenida a su familia.
Padre Celestial, gracias por Tu regalo gratuito de salvación. Reconozco que Jesucristo es Tu Hijo, y Él murió en la cruz y resucitó para que yo pudiera vivir. Te entrego mi corazón hoy y elijo seguirte. Límpiame de mi pasado y lléname de Tu Espíritu. Sáname de aquellas cosas que me han separado de Ti. Guíame en todo lo que hago. Glorificate en mi vida, Padre. Te amo. En el Nombre de Jesús, Amén. Si repetiste esta oración hoy, ¡te damos la bienvenida a la familia de Dios! ¡Los ángeles y toda la gloria se regocijan contigo hoy! Envíanos un correo electrónico a info@womenworldleaders.com y cuéntanos tu historia, queremos celebrarte y cubrirte en oración mientras entras en tu nueva vida en Jesús. Kelley Rene vive en la ciudad de Panamá, Florida, con su esposo y su mini pastor australiano. Después de treinta y dos años de matrimonio, cinco hijos, quince mudanzas, dos continentes y numerosos trabajos voluntarios y remunerados, activó su pasión: escribir. Le encanta experimentar nuevos lugares y conocer gente nueva, a menudo la inspiración para sus historias. Con el anhelo de ser una conductora del amor de Dios y un catalizadora para el perdón, rápidamente adoptó Rescatados y Redimidos como su lema. Junto con su capítulo en “Embrace the Journey”, Kelley ha publicado tres novelas y está finalizando una cuarta para compilarla en una antología, Way of the Broken. Cuando no está escribiendo ficción, la encontrarás tejiendo, navegando en kayak o abrazando un buen libro y un capuchino. Manténgase al día con ella en kelleyrene.com.
Writings from the Global Office “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)
Empowering Lives with Purpose CONTROL
any of us struggle with multiple things in our lives, such as worry, anger, and depression. But how many of us struggle with a desire for control? All the way back to the garden of Eden, we see Adam and Eve struggle for control. God said to Adam and Eve, “You must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” And what did Satan do? He discredited God by accusing Him of withholding good from His children. Satan told Eve she should not trust God to define good and evil for her; she needed to be able to do it for herself. Then she would have control. (Genesis 3)
Today, in our pride, we still crave control. I personally struggled with this. Then I realized our desire for control is part of the ongoing curse of sin. So I asked Jesus to forgive me for my past mistakes of control, and now, whenever the desire comes to control a situation, I release it to God and ask Him to guide the situation. I do not believe I am alone in this struggle, as many women have the desire to be in control. We think being in control will make our lives better, don’t we? We think we know almost everything pertaining to our needs, wants, and desires, and we want to de-
cide what is best. But if we open our eyes to what God says, we see that life does not revolve around us and our thoughts and desires. Think about the enemy of our souls and how he desires to “save” the situation at hand. He tells you that control will give you peace, safety, power, comfort, respect, and much more.
Dying to a desire for control is not easy. It takes a tremendous amount of courage. We do not know what is best for us. Only God, in His infinite wisdom, sovereignty, and love, deems what is best for us. Dying to a desire for control is not easy. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to admit this to God and yourself. It takes even more courage to confess it as sin. It is a time between you and Him to truly recognize you are not God, and you are not all-knowing or even able to make the best decisions for your life. Trusting God in your circumstances, relationships, and choices takes extreme faith. Regularly overcoming your own will and surrendering to His control will grow your confidence that His is the best plan. This process will bring Him glory,
relieve your stress, and give Him the freedom to fulfill His purpose in you. Even though you think you have the best plan for your life and try to enact that plan by your control, God will confirm that His plan is always better than we could ask or imagine. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. (Romans 7:18 NIV) As you surrender control to God, remember to pray and seek Him first before making any decision, and be comforted knowing what He says in Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Please, let’s pray together about relinquishing all control to God and be assured that He knows what He is doing. Then, as you do, you can gloriously watch the “big things” you seek to control become “little” in the hands of God.
Kimberly Hobbs Founder & Executive Director kimberly@womenworldleaders.com Ephesians 3:20
Biblical Profiles LYDIA
e have much to learn from Lydia, introduced in Acts 16:11-40. Lydia was a Gentile woman who lived in Philippi, a Roman colony inhabited primarily by the Roman military. She was a dealer in purple cloth, a valuable commodity used to make royal clothing. So she was likely wealthy from her business dealings. More importantly, however, Luke tells us that Lydia was a “worshiper of God.” (Acts 16:14, NIV) We can also extrapolate that Lydia was wise and brave. She actively sought the one true God in an area where emperor worship thrived. And although much could have sidetracked her, Lydia did not let the culture, her business success, or anything else stop her from seeking God. She demonstrated wisdom in meeting with others for prayer, and she showed bravery as she went against the norm of society. As she was praying with a group of women one Sabbath, Lydia heard the gospel message from the apostle Paul, who was on his second missionary journey. The message Lydia heard was that Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, had come to earth, fulfilling the prophecies of the Jewish scriptures and demonstrating His deity. However, the Jewish leaders had turned against Jesus, and He was sentenced to death by crucifixion. Three days later, Jesus was resurrected, proving that He was the one true God and overcoming death for all those who believe in Him. Jesus came for all, and belief in Him is the key that opens the door to an eternity spent with God. Lydia had been seeking the one, true God, and now she had her answer! And she responded immediately. Not only did Lydia believe in the deity of Jesus, but she also told her family what she learned, and they were all baptized together. And then, quickly and obediently putting her faith into action, the new Christ-follower invited the missionaries to stay in her home, considering it an honor to host them and demonstrating genuine Christian hospitality.
If you are a Christian, you may have noticed that things are not guaranteed to be easy when you step out for Jesus. That is often because the devil is not pleased when people vow to serve the Lord. Things were not different in Lydia’s time. After the missionaries came to stay with her, although there were no doubt beautiful periods of joy as they worshipped the Lord and experienced the Holy Spirit together, there were also times of persecution. For example, Paul and his companion Silas were soon put in prison for their preaching, which sent Lydia and her household into an intense time of prayer. The missionaries were eventually released, and they returned to Lydia’s home to encourage their brothers and sisters in Christ before they left the area to continue their mission. But Lydia stayed behind, now a target as one of the central Christian leaders in Philippi.
We are all born with a God-sized hole in our hearts that only He can fill. No matter what our society teaches or looks like, we will never be satisfied until we invite Jesus into our lives.
As we study the life of Lydia, there are at least three lessons we can meditate on: • We were created to seek the one true God! We are all born with a God-sized hole in our hearts that only He can fill. No matter what our society teaches or looks like, we will never be satisfied until we invite Jesus into our lives. • God calls each of us to active obedience. Lydia did not hesitate to use her gift of hospitality to host the missionaries. God had a distinct purpose for her, and He has a distinct purpose for you. • God’s blessings always outweigh the cost. Although leading the Christian church at Philippi surely had its challenges, the gospel of Jesus Christ spread throughout the area partly due to Lydia’s brave leadership, and many were given the gift of salvation. Lydia left her mark on history – though not through business or wealth or purple cloth, as the world would expect. Instead, she left her mark on history through fellowship with God, obedience to Him, and Christian wisdom and bravery covered in kindness and strength. That’s quite a legacy! What legacy are you leaving? Let me encourage you to follow Lydia’s example. Seek God’s leading and respond in obedience, remembering His blessing will always outweigh any cost.
Julie Jenkins Teaching and Curriculum Leader julie@womenworldleaders.com
Dear Sister,
“You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.” (Psalm 139:4 NLT)
One of the many wonderful things to love about God is that He covers you in everything that you do. He encircles your very being with His. There is nothing that you will ever do or say that God will not meet you in your place of void and need. You never have to doubt or wonder if God is on your side and wants you to prosper. He gives you the words to say that come forth with power and authority. He fills you to overflow, so you never feel inadequate in what you need to say or do. You are a woman of power, authority, and strength. What comes forth from your mouth shifts the atmosphere and changes outcomes. Your words are never empty or senseless, but instead, they embody your wisdom and come from a place of knowing. This is a knowing of who you are and the value you add. Stop holding back. Speak, Sister! Let rivers of living water flow from a place of overflow and substance. God already knows. It’s your time and your turn.
Love You,
Dr. Jia 16
here’s something about birthdays that make us all reflect, me especially. Another lap around the sun indicates another 365 days of our residency on planet earth and causes us all to look back on the moments and lessons that have shaped us into the version we are at the present moment. My curtain call for 21 came in March of this year, beckoning in my 22nd initiation of the 365 days to come. As I sat with myself the night before my birthday, I looked back on the year and considered the characters within chapter 21 of my life. I pondered those the year brought me but couldn’t help but notice the recurrent ones more – those who entered my world far before the year previous, having stuck out 5, 10, and even 20 years by my side. In looking through that lens, the character that came to mind in my reflection was the one who has known me the longest. Every lesson in life I could ever look back on came first from her lips, seeing that she is the one that brought me life in the first place. The person I’m speaking of? My mom. Julie Terese Jenkins serves as the Vice President and Teaching and Curriculum Leader for Women World Leaders – all fitting titles because she now teaches others the way she always taught me. The principles that drive my life were ingrained in me by my mother from March 11, 2000 on. From my first breaths, I was taught how important it is to treat others with respect, work diligently at all tasks put in front of me, celebrate with chocolate cake (always), and save tissue paper by flattening and folding it for the next occasion.
She taught me how to love those around me and enjoy every moment of my life in full abundance. She taught me the inevitable sacrifice of things you love for the people you love – she taught me servant leadership and unbridled care for others, always. I could attribute each lesson to her personal journey and growth, but she’d even tell you that’s not fair. Each time my mother has taught me something that’s changed my life, it’s come straight from the Word of the Lord. In the moments where she encouraged me to put more effort into the work ahead of me, she’d cite Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV), “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
I look back on all my years of life and can’t help but thank my mom for all she’s taught me, but more importantly, how she’s allowed herself to be taught.
since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” In the times I needed to remember that even the bleak moments were an opportunity to embrace the moment, she’d remind me of Jesus’ promise in John 10:10 (NIV), “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” In the instances where I needed to be knocked down a few pegs, she’d tell me to “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3 NIV). My mother is the reason I look back at my 22 years of life and see a vibrant and permeating stain of love. It’s a stain that she’s made sure needs to be explained – one so bright and noticeable that it brings forth questions about its origin. My answer every time is the Lord. I look back on all my years of life and can’t help but thank my mom for all she’s taught me, but more importantly, how she’s allowed herself to be taught. God leads each moment and movement within her life, and it’s something she’s instilled in me and all of you. I celebrate my birthday this year with that stain of love so proudly adorned upon me, but would be remiss if I didn’t recognize my mother for teaching me of its importance. Thank you, Mom – the world is marked with Jesus’ love because you have taught others how to embrace it. Sarah is a recent graduate of Florida State University, with a degree in Political Science and Public Relations. She has a distinct love and passion for people, ofter translated through the art of writing. Sarah has committed her future to the power of communicating well in the sphere of politics, while praising the God who will get her there!
PULL BACK THE CURTAIN This woman is a fearless and powerful warrior princess. When she steps out to pull back the curtain on her vision, her destiny becomes clear. God directs her steps and clarifies the path she is to take. She has the courage of David, and she is equipped with his slingshot, ready to fight those giants. As she steps out to embrace her vision, she is fortified with the armor of God and knows that nothing can stand in her way when she has the backing of the Lord. Give God the space to show you your vision, and then take those first steps of pulling back that curtain with
faith. Then, the blockages will fall, and the full force of God’s almighty power and grace will be with you when you surrender to His will.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
n a still and quiet space with just me and God, I sat asking Him what I was to do, not only for this new year, but for my life in general. I thought I heard wrong, but He clearly spoke to me and said, “SURRENDER.”
Whoa! What, God? Like totally surrender and give up control??? Do you know who you’re talking to? Oh, He sure did, and He knew what my soul needed. It was a scary thing to do, but if He was telling me, I would be sure to listen. So, I didn’t even wait for the new year to start following His command. And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it. (2 John 1:6, NLT) As I stepped forward into surrender and that word kept swirling through my mind, I had no idea how I could
follow through. Then one day, the lyrics of “Whole Heart” by Hillsong United made it clear, “Here I stand high in surrender…” and that’s exactly what I did. If you are being called to surrender (and we all are!), I encourage you to sit still, listen to this song, and let God have His way with you. I am sure you will not be disappointed. But first, keep reading to hear why surrendering to our God is essential to attain peace in your life. Now, about two months into my commitment to surrender, my life feels brand new in every way. My marriage has a spark again. My children aren’t scared to tell or ask me things. And I have started a brand new ministry in my local area to bring more godly peace to women. I no longer fear that I am not doing enough; the extra weight I was carrying from stress has melted away. I completely trust that God will provide all I need: complete healing, timely answers, people sent to me,
doors of opportunity opened, serving opportunities in my church and community, and happiness, joy, and laughter in my home. Thank you, Jesus! And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19, ESV) Now that you have a tiny glimpse into how my life has changed, are you ready to see changes in your own life? I promise not to steer you wrong. If you are searching for physical healing, financial provision, happiness, stillness, mental or emotional healing, and most of all, peace, then surrendering to God is the path to choose. Below are the steps I took to follow the process of surrendering. #1: Before moving forward, commit to giving up control. You don’t need it. Because our God is in control even when you think you are. He is the ultimate decisionmaker in all things. You may be pushing for certain things to happen and ways to change, but He has the final say. So what if you stop pushing, stressing yourself out, and trying to take control when you really don’t have the control anyway? Give it to Him and be ok with it. This is not an easy thing to do - I know that very well as a woman who has wanted control over things for as long as I can remember. But when things get to a point where you are stressed from dawn until dusk, something needs to change. What if you let God? To help with this step, grab a journal and write about what could change if you stopped stressing about all the big and little things. For example, could your health physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – be positively impacted? If you fear giving up control, write about the positive results of letting God handle both the big and the little things in your life. And then evaluate what could happen if you insist on keeping control, allowing the stresses of life to weigh on your shoulders. Think about the potentially harmful things that often occur when we are burdened by stress. Ask yourself, are the consequences worth the results, especially when there is a much better option? Once you realize the amazing possibilities of letting God lead the way, it will be much easier to start giving it all to Him. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28, NIV)
#2: Be still and bring all of your concerns to the Father. Set aside time daily to sit with Him quietly and listen. He knows your worries, so if you want to repeat them, go for it. If not, just listen and pay full attention to what He tells you to do next. It may be nothing, and that is completely ok. There is no need to hustle to make things happen. There will be times when He will seem silent, but He will guide you in His perfect timing. So just be still…
Be still and bring all of your concerns to the Father. Set aside time daily to sit with Him quietly and listen. #3: Go wherever God leads. Check back in with Him regularly, making sure that you follow God’s instructions while filtering out what the world tells you. (Romans 12:2) He will take you to places you never expected, put you on assignments you never imagined, and call you to things you have no idea how to do. And yet He will empower you and instruct you every step of the way. We can trust that God knows best, is in complete control, and has a plan better than we can imagine! So, how about it? Will you stand high in surrender with me and see how God can change your life? Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV) Melissa is a wife and mom of two boys who are a huge inspiration in her life. She is a best-selling author and a Holistic Adrenals Coach, who recently opened ‘Still… Christian Wellness & Meditation’ ministry in her local area, helping women experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. (Phil 4:7) She has a great passion for natural health, speaking truth, and living according to the Word of God. Follow Melissa on all social media platforms @stillwellnessmeditation
POWERPOINT: GOD AT WO LEADERS YESTERDAY AND T Lillias Trotter BY LEECY BARNETT “Have we learned the buttercup’s lesson yet? Are our hands off the very blossom of our life? Are all things-even the treasures that He has sanctified--held loosely, ready to be parted with, without a struggle, when He asks for them?”1 Lillias Trotter was probably the best artist that no one has ever heard of. Born in 1853 London to a successful stockbroker and his respectable wife, Lillias grew up in the center of the political, economic, and cultural capital of the world, London. As a young child, she displayed an
extraordinary ability to perceive beauty and flourished as a self-taught artist who took her sketchbook with her wherever she went. In her early 20’s, while on a trip to Venice, she met John Ruskin, who was the arbitrator of cultural taste in 19th century Britain. Ruskin’s opinion could make or break an artist’s reputation, so Lillias was thrilled when he saw her work and took her on as a protégé. In his famous lectures on The Art of England, Ruskin reflected on Lillias’ impact on his thinking: “For a time I used to say…women could not paint or draw. I
ORK THROUGH WOMEN TODAY am beginning, lately, to bow myself to the much more delightful conviction that nobody else can.”2 But there was another side to Lillias. After her father died when she was 12 years old, Lillias turned to her Heavenly Father and became a committed follower of Jesus Christ. In the 1870s, she became immersed in the spiritual awakening that was sweeping across England. Evangelist D.L. Moody was winning people to Christ, teacher Hannah Whitehall Smith was encouraging believers to live “a life of inward rest and outward victory,”3 and Mary Jane Kinnaird, founder of the YWCA, was mobilizing upper-class women to meet the needs of working-class women. Lillias was active in all three of these ministries and she felt God’s calling on her life. By 1879, it seemed that Lillias would have to choose between art and faith. Ruskin said if she would devote herself to art “she would be the greatest living painter and do things that would be immortal.”4 She agonized for days over this choice which she knew would shape the rest of her life. But for Lillias there was ultimately no choice; she had to follow God: “I see as clear as daylight now, I cannot give myself to painting in the way he [Ruskin] means and continue still to ‘seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.’”5
Lillias continued with her YWCA ministry until 1887, when, at a missions conference, her life was once again set on a new trajectory. Lillias recalled the speaker asking, “Is there anyone in this room whom God is calling for North Africa? It’s me, I said, rising. He’s calling me.”6 Lillias spent the rest of her life as a missionary in Algeria, but she never gave up painting. She illustrated all her journals and the Arabic tracts she wrote with watercolors of the beauty she found in the people and landscapes of North Africa. Ironically, nearly a hundred years after her death, Lillias Trotter’s art is experiencing some notoriety due to the recent documentary, Many Beautiful Things. Are you like Lillias, wise enough to view any talent you have as a “gift God freely gives us [which] is good and perfect, streaming down from the Father of lights, who shines from the heavens with no hidden shadow or darkness and is never subject to change.”? (James 1:17, TPT). And are you willing to let Him show you how and where to use that talent so He is the one glorified? 1 Trotter, I. L. (1890). Parables of the Cross. London: Marshall Brothers. https://www. gutenberg.org/files/22189/22189-h/22189-h.htm (The Buttercup painting is also from this book) 2 Ruskin, J. (1884). The art of England: Lectures given in Oxford. George Allen, p. 24. 3 Whitaker Smith, H. (1979). The Christian’s secret of a happy life. Revell, p. 13. 4Rockness, M. H. (2015). A passion for the impossible: The life of Lillias Trotter. Discovery House, p.83. 5 Ibid., p. 84.
Are you willing to let Him show you how and where to use that talent so He is the one glorified?
6 Hinson, L. W. (Director). (2015). Many beautiful things: The life and vision of Lillias Trotter [Film].
KINGDOM HARVEST Women World Leaders is now in 50+ countries – His Gospel is changing lives. Unite with Us, Share in the Harvest! We are committed to bringing a great harvest through Voice of Truth, which is available for free in both printed and digital formats. We have faith that the Lord is our provider! As this magazine grows daily, we invite you to help us bring in the harvest. Will you partner with us in prayer and giving as you ask Him how He wants you to be a part of this magazine? Your seed will blossom in the hearts of women around the globe as you partner with us. As you give, we are praying and trusting that the Lord will bless you and all your needs will be met according to His riches in glory. We praise the Lord for you and thank you for your obedience and generosity.
Give on our website at womenworldleaders.com
OR mail a check to: Women World Leaders PO Box 210895 Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 (Check payable to Women World Leaders) Women World Leaders is a registered 501(c)3 non profit. EIN: 85-4351245 26
here is always so much excitement and anticipation in the spring months for a homeschool family. The year is beginning to wrap up, the curriculum week count is drawing close to the end, and life is teeming outside. I live in Florida now, where almost every day is a beautiful day. But back when we lived in Michigan, I remember the excitement of some of those first warm days after a long, frigid winter. The kids would run outside barefoot and in shorts, without a jacket, on a sunny but mere 55° day. You could smell life, the green buds were abundant, the flowers were starting to bloom, and the bugs were flying around again, buzzing joyfully; it was the perfect time to take science outdoors! And all the parents who were cleaning up science experiments in their kitchens all winter long could now rejoice! There is something unique I have always loved about science and homeschooling. It is very different from my middle school science class experience when I attended public school and respectfully argued with my teacher that I didn’t come from a bang. I was created! Creation is everywhere. My favorite thing as a homeschooling mom is to allow my kids to experience God’s creation all around us. The life in the trees, the grass, the butterflies, and bees. The ocean, the sunrise, and the sunsets. Recently, we have started field trips again and have taken the kids out and about for hands-on experiences. We have bathed African and Asian elephants, getting to hear them purr and feel
their tusks and skin in our hands; getting so close we could see their gorgeous eyelashes. We traveled to Costa Rica and played with white-faced monkeys for over an hour in the wild, in awe of their intelligence and sweet behavior. We held their little hands and played games to see if they could get the peanut out of my son’s hand each time he switched and hid it. We visited wolves and wolf dogs and learned the difference in their DNA and how it all affects their behavior. We got to pet them, respect them, and howl with them. We recently came in close contact with dolphins on our beach and caught a bonnethead shark and stingray that were safely released. In all these experiences, there is nature, creation, and God, the Creator. Don’t let the spring season only be filled with the hustle and bustle of the ending of the school year. Make time to take your kids outside to explore creation; be still, look, listen and learn. Use the little moments, with acorns and flower buds, sunsets and sunrises, to exemplify the wonderful Creator who made it all for us to enjoy - a message of love to His children. Allow yourself to be in awe with your kids and have childlike wonder as you take in how absolutely amazing our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the world, is. After all, He designed not only all the beautiful animals and landscapes, but He also created man and woman. He created you and each one of your kids - fearfully and wonderfully made! And when He was finished, He called it good. Let these moments be stamped in your kids’ hearts for a lifetime.
ecently a bald eagle, flying nearby, was attacked from behind by a boat-tailed grackle protecting its territory. The much smaller blackbird almost landed on the back of the eagle in mid-flight! Unfazed by the attack, the eagle continued going forward, focused on its journey. The blackbird reminded me of Satan, constantly attacking and accusing us, but very small compared to our big God! We can either let Satan bring us down, or we can keep our eyes upon Jesus and remain yielded to
God’s plan for us. Like the eagle, our confidence should never wane with God on our side. As Paul states in Romans 8:31, If God is for us, who can be against us? (NIV)
Like the eagle, our confidence should never wane with God on our side.
A huge spiritual battle is going on for our souls. God created us for fellowship with Him and He will never leave us alone. Although we are made in His image (Genesis 1:27 NIV), He gave us free will, meaning the right to choose to follow and obey Him, or not. God is a loving and good father who hates to see His children stray and go down the wrong path. We think we know what is best for us, but we cannot see the big picture. But God goes before us because He knows the future, and His thoughts are higher than ours. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV) Being a good father, God knows what is best for us. God is constantly drawing us to Him, and He is a gentleman about it. Yet, the devil is constantly attacking, just like the blackbird, trying to stop us with vicious lies. Jesus calls Satan a murderer, liar, and the father of all lies. (John 8:44 NIV) Therein lies the spiritual battle. God is drawing us closer to Him and Satan is trying to hold us back from God. Satan has two plans: Plan A is to stop us from accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and Plan B is to keep us from being effective witnesses for Jesus Christ. We are either in Satan’s Plan A or Plan B. If we get down on ourselves, berate ourselves, feel inferior, have doubts and fears, have low self-esteem or a low selfimage, are rebelling against the good intentions of our parents, or against the will of God, please understand that these sabotaging things do not come from God. For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment. (2 Timothy 1:7 HCSB) These constant attacks come directly from the enemy, Satan himself. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 NIV) He is seeking to destroy us all with Plan A or Plan B.
• Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. (James 4:7-8 NIV) • …but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:31 NIV)
God gave us the Bible as a defense shield against Satan’s attacks.
You are loved and valuable in God’s eyes and He beckons you to soar with Him on wings like eagles, with confidence. How beautiful His love letter, the Bible, is to comfort, edify, encourage, and give you hope versus the negative, despicable things Satan says and does to tear you down. Decide to spend time with God, the lover of your soul, in His Word on a daily basis, and Satan will have no choice but to flee and go elsewhere. Lillian’s passions are nature photography and serving God. She is a best-selling author and a contributor to ‘Voice of Truth’ magazine. Lillian uses her photography and writing talents to glorify and honor God for His beautiful creation. Visit, like, and follow her website www.HisCreationsLLC. com, Facebook and Instagram @HISCreationsLLC, or email her at Lillian.HisCreations@gmail.com.
God gave us the Bible as a defensive shield against Satan’s attacks. Here are just a few of the many promises of God to help repel and extinguish the flaming arrows of Satan:
WINGS OF HIS LOVE Surrender BY RUSANNE CAROLE Surrender it all Surrender it all I am here with you every step of the way I have been with you before you took your first breath and opened your mouth to cry out! You can cry out, my child I hear you even when you don’t say a word, whether the tears flow or not I can hear your heart I know your hurts I know your disappointments I know your thoughts, your dreams, your desires I put my desires in your heart Like a mother places a baby down to sleep Or a woman prepares a meal for her family Or a gardener plows the soil and places a seed to be watered and nurtured! I place them there, my love, to be fulfilled
Turn everything off Come to me and with me Take my hand I have so much to say So much for you All you must do is believe! Trust me, and if you fall, I will be there to pick you up Trust me in it all I have you in my capable, strong, and sovereign hands Keep your eyes on me I will lead you in this dance of life When you’re tempted to run ahead Stop and look back! I am always there, always there! Watching over you Never too far We take this ride together, my treasure I am always with you I love you
I receive pleasure when I see them take root and flourish in your life
Rusanne is a published author, podcaster, speaker, advocate and teacher for young people, including those with additional needs.
Look to me Be still Be quiet
She was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, representing her state in the 1984 Miss USA pageant. Her home has been in Australia since 1999.
Hear my voice I speak to you all the time
“Rusty,” as the Aussies like to call her, loves to study, write, walk on the beach, and hang out with her four boys. She is a full-time carer for her youngest son. Life is full-on!
hat does grace mean? I’ve heard the word my whole life – mostly attributed to my accident-prone self. When walking through the doorway swinging my arms, my hand would inevitably bash against the doorjamb. “Good job, Grace.” Or, walking down the sidewalk with absolutely no obstacles, I would trip and stumble over a speck of dust. Again, grace. But the grace I want to talk about is God’s grace, His undeserved favor. God extends His grace to us despite our failures and shortcomings. But boy, I can tell you it has taken me many, many, MANY years to begin to grasp the amazing wonder of God’s grace. It is by His grace that any of us still walk the earth. His grace allows us to wake up each day and attempt (in our weak, self-centered way) to go about the daily business of living. And it’s by His grace that we are forgiven, over and over and over again, when we fall short OR fall down. (Hmmm… so there IS some correlation between God’s grace and my accident-prone young self’s definition of grace!) God’s grace is what we must shower on those who cause us harm or disappointment. And we must also extend grace to ourselves. Unfortunately, both can be difficult to remember. A few years ago, I had the word “grace” tattooed on the inside of my wrist as a reminder to extend grace to others. But glancing down at that word written on my wrist also reminds me that God gives me grace. And I can give myself grace as well.
God’s grace is what we must shower on those who cause us harm or disappointment.
Have you ever messed up so badly that you wondered, How could God use me after that? I sure have. And I remember so vividly when the Lord reminded me of His grace. I was sound asleep after attending the first day of a women’s conference. I felt God was calling me to ministry, to serve women who felt like their past disqualified them from His purpose. I heard a voice whisper, “My grace is sufficient.” I immediately sat upright in the cozy hotel bed, grabbed my Bible, and located this verse: And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness. Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10 NIV)
That was the beginning for me. The beginning of my understanding of the grace Jesus gives me. The grace He gives all of us. His grace saves us. And in my case, His grace empowered me to walk forward into ministry, despite my own past. And His grace is available for you, too. God’s grace is difficult to comprehend because it goes against everything the world tells us. We are told to treat others the way they treat us. Which, in some cases, is ugly and mean. Should we then be ugly and mean back to others? Is that what Jesus did when he was persecuted and called names? No. He loved the haters despite their hate. That is grace. The world tells us we are never enough – that we are never good enough. But Jesus tells us otherwise. Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. (Luke 12:6-7 NIV)
His grace saves us. And in my case, His grace empowered me to walk forward into ministry, despite my own past. And His grace is available for you, too.
Precious friend, God’s grace is undeserved favor. It wouldn’t be grace if we could earn it. God is holy, and although we grow in holiness in this lifetime, there is not a single one of us who is holy enough to deserve God’s favor. But He offers it freely - through His loving grace. We cannot behave in any way that will make him love us more. He simply loves us – and offers His grace. Our freedom from the grip of past mistakes is directly related to how and when we grasp this truth.
That is grace.
God is extending His glorious grace to you right now. I pray you will join me in accepting His favor – which He so desires for you!
Accepting God’s grace is understanding that there is nothing you can do to earn it. There is nothing we can do to make God love us more – or less. He loves us – unconditionally. If you have children, you can relate to this. Like the prodigal son, our children can literally walk away from us, yet we welcome them back with open arms - every time. As God’s children, regardless of the messes we get into and the mistakes we make, God loves us and offers us His grace. Period.
Kelly Williams Hale is a best-selling author, speaker, and leader. As a Clarity and Confidence Coach, she is passionate about equipping believers to be brave. Kelly is happily married and has three “only” children – Christie, Dallas, and Austin – all born about a decade apart! You are invited to download her free guide: You are enough. 5 steps to slay self-doubt and start living your best life at www. thebebravelife.com.
FOLLOWING THE SON Splendor PHOTOGRAPHY AND WRITING BY MICHELE HUGHES His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden. (Habakkuk 3:4 NIV)
f you’ve ever experienced a sunrise or a sunset, you know the splendor it holds. Many people wake up early in hopes of capturing the perfect sunrise photo. Some people schedule family photos or special occasions during the sunset in hopes of experiencing a special moment. One early morning, I ventured into the dark for a fifteenminute drive to the beach on the East Coast to experience the sunrise. And yes, I say experience because it’s always different, and this particular morning was exceptional. I like to go at least thirty minutes before the sun actually appears on the horizon to get the full effect. That morning, the mood and atmosphere changed quickly, and I was stunned when these rays appeared. I was taking it all in and noticed the rays took up almost my entire view. I love taking photos, and I was thrilled to be able to capture this moment. I quickly put my phone/ camera down and made a full circle to experience my surroundings. I was in awe. And to think, our Creator makes this happen every day!
It reminds me of the Chris Tomlin song, How Great Is Our God. Here are the first few lines:
“The splendor of a King Clothed in majesty Let all the earth rejoice All the earth rejoice” (Tomlin, Reeves, and Cash, 2004, Verse 1) I couldn’t help but rejoice as I imagined God in all His splendor holding out His hands, and this is what emerged. I can’t even begin to wrap my mind around something or someone so majestic. But, I can appreciate it and receive it. Our Creator is evident everywhere we look. It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’” So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. (Romans 14:11-12 NIV) Michele, a #1 best-selling author, resides in Jupiter, Florida, with her husband. They own and operate GoLifeSavers.com where Michele has taught CPR classes since 2011 as the lead instructor. Michele holds a master’s degree in education and serves in the Leadership Development team as a leader in Women World Leaders. She loves the Son/sun, family, paddle boarding, travel, and encouraging others.
A PURPOSED CREATION BY KERRI BRIDGES “The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky displays His handiwork.” Psalm 19:1 NET
here is something about the world around me that sparks a genuine response of awe-inspired reverential worship. From the vast blue expanse above to the mysterious world of the depths of the sea, creation proclaims His greatness. All are a witness to His renown, acclaim, and distinction as the Architect and Designer of the abundant life that permeates everything around us and within us. As a kid, I loved to watch the bustling activity of ants as they marched to orders unseen or unspoken. This little microcosm of a much larger world fascinated me. I still love to take a moment from time to time to pause from the hustle and bustle of my life and revel in the hustle and bustle of another life, so different from mine, yet so alike. And every time, I am in awe and wonder at my Creator, spurring whispered words of reverence and adoration to Him. One of my family’s favorite pastimes is diving. My husband instilled this love in me and my children. As my face hits the water and I gaze into this world within a world, I marvel at the vibrant colors, multiformity, and distinctly different way of life. From their seemingly counterintuitive form of respiration to their contrasting
mode of transport, this peculiar domain inspires praise provoked by an overwhelming sense of wonderment and awe. One of my favorite pieces of creation is trees. South Florida is home to many native, indigenous species and many that were transplanted here from around the world. Between the numerous varieties of palms, the expansive arms of the banyan, and the gorgeous Giant Kapok Tree on display in the heart of West Palm, brought here from the Amazon rainforests, they are a lovely tribute to the copious creativity of the Maker of all. In many locations, we have roads lined with arching trees, their arms stretching up and inward, creating an enchanting canopy sweeping the sky above. As I am enraptured by the experience, my heart fills with a sense of the divine, and I cannot help but raise my eyes to the heavens, raise my arms to the sky, and raise a hallelujah to the one supreme Builder, Producer, and Composer of it all. “God’s splendor is a tale that is told; His testament is written in the stars. Space itself speaks His story every day through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky, showing His skill in creation’s craftsmanship.” Psalm 19:1 TPT
UNA CREACIÓN CON PROPÓSITO POR KERRI BRIDGES “Los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios; el firmamento proclama la obra de sus manos”. Salmo 19:1 NVI
ay algo en el mundo que me rodea que provoca una respuesta genuina de adoración reverencial inspirada en el asombro. Desde la vasta extensión azul de arriba hasta el misterioso mundo de las profundidades del mar, la creación proclama Su grandeza. Todos son testigos de Su renombre, aclamación y distinción como el Arquitecto y Diseñador de la vida abundante que impregna todo lo que nos rodea y dentro de nosotros. Cuando era niña, me encantaba ver la bulliciosa actividad de las hormigas mientras marchaban siguiendo órdenes sin ser vistas ni pronunciadas. Este pequeño microcosmos de un mundo mucho más grande me fascinaba. Todavía me encanta tomarme un momento de vez en cuando para hacer una pausa en el ajetreo y el bullicio de mi vida y deleitarme con el ajetreo y el bullicio de otra vida, tan diferente a la mía, pero tan parecida. Y cada vez, estoy asombrada y maravillada por mi Creador, susurrando palabras de reverencia y adoración hacia Él. Uno de los pasatiempos favoritos de mi familia es el buceo. Mi esposo me inculcó este amor a mí y a mis hijos. Cuando mi cara golpea el agua y miro este mundo dentro de un mundo, me maravillo de los colores vibrantes, la multiformidad y la forma de vida claramente diferente. Desde su forma de respiración aparentemente contraria
a la intuición hasta su modo de transporte contrastante, este dominio peculiar inspira elogios provocados por una abrumadora sensación reverencial y de asombro. Una de mis piezas favoritas de la creación son los árboles. El sur de la Florida es el hogar de muchas especies autóctonas nativas y muchas que fueron trasplantadas aquí desde todo el mundo. Entre las numerosas variedades de palmeras, los extensos brazos del banyan y el magnífico árbol Kapok gigante que se exhibe en el corazón de West Palm, traído aquí desde las selvas amazónicas, son un hermoso tributo a la copiosa creatividad del Hacedor de todo. En muchos lugares, tenemos caminos bordeados de árboles arqueados, sus brazos se extienden hacia arriba y hacia adentro, creando un dosel encantador que barre el cielo. Mientras estoy embelesada por la experiencia, mi corazón se llena con una sensación de lo divino, y no puedo evitar levantar mis ojos al cielo, levantar mis brazos al cielo y elevar un aleluya al único Constructor supremo, Productor y Compositor de todo. “El esplendor de Dios es una historia que se cuenta; Su testamento está escrito en las estrellas. El espacio mismo cuenta Su historia todos los días a través de las maravillas de los cielos. Su verdad está de gira en la bóveda estrellada del cielo, mostrando Su habilidad en la artesanía de la creación.” Salmo 19:1 TPT
WHOLENESS You are God’s magnificent masterpiece, carefully formed and uniquely designed by the Most High. Your beauty shows through every nuance of your fragility. There is an underlying strength of courage and boldness in you. In this painting, there is power in the merging of the tones. The blending of the strong red-violet to the delicate magentas depicts an embodiment of compassion and love flowing from your inner core. The dewdrops from heaven are the replenishing of God’s living water throughout your journey as He sees your rivers of tears and dries them to comfort and sustain you. The thorns are your trials, which bring about your powerful testimony to encourage others to take the first bold step, leave their comfort zone, and fully trust Him. Finally, as layers of your love float down like the petals, they are captured and rescued by those who are tender of heart. Ephesians 2:10 (TPT) “We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!”
Lynne is a professional prophetic artist with a diverse art career of over 40 years. Her work has been featured in many art exhibitions throughout Australia and NYC. Not only is Lynne our prophetic artist for Voice of Truth, but she also has her own ministry, which consists of teaching and painting prophetic art. Lynne resides on the Gold Coast.
www.lynnehudson.com lynne@lynnehudson.com Instagram: Lynne Hudson Art FB: Lynne Hudson Spiritual Paintings
The Legacy of Finishing Well B Y K AT H L E E N B A R N E T T
e are gliding into the day set apart to celebrate and sing the praises of mothers everywhere. Are you a mother, a grandmother, or a chosen woman who influences the younger generation in any way? The younger ones you will leave behind will forge ahead to influence the generation that follows them. Will they be able to say of you, “She finished well and showed us the way”? I have a vision of “finishing well” and what it means. But to different people, it means different things. For instance, do you think it will matter to your family if you finish well with a cushy retirement? How about if finishing well means passing on a collection of coins that consistently increases in value? Maybe, for the sports enthusiast, finishing well would mean earning all the top trophies and awards. Or, for a person who thrives on approval or church leadership, it could mean unending accolades and commendations. But for a committed and growing Christ-follower, finishing well encompasses more than fleeting material gain. In the end, it will be one’s character and faith that will speak the loudest and leave an impactful legacy.
LEAVING A GODLY LEGACY In an online English course I am taking, our assignment was to read a chapter from “Deathless Lovers,” by Larry Woiwode. We examined the details that give away Woiwode’s attitude toward his grandmother. He highly admired, respected, and trusted her. She was an enduring comfort when his mother died. So instrumental in Woiwode’s life, her memorable scents, “dry pine needles, freshly baked bread, and wet clothes on her dress,” lingered in his mind and influenced his attitude toward the woman he would marry. The storyline, although a bit strange, proves a point. Those in your household may be watching you more closely than you are aware. (Quote from Larry Woiwode, “Deathless Lovers,” from the Neumiller Stories. New York: Penguin, 1989.)
For a committed and growing Christ-follower, finishing well encompasses more than fleeting material gain.
My vision of finishing well is found in some simple self-questioning: How have I loved the Lord? Have I fulfilled God’s purpose for me here on earth? Have I reflected Christ-like character in my own home first? Is my spiritual house in order? Is my physical house in order (because you know, people look at the outward appearance, including messy closets)? In the closing chapters of one’s life, an unfavorable medical diagnosis may not look like someone finishing well. In this season of my life, I am tested with such a diagnosis. My daughter was with me at the “reveal.” As I processed the unwelcomed news, I tended to overreact and so ranted to my daughter in a later phone conversation: “I need to get so much done! Sort through old files, gather important documents, put things in order. Clean out closets!” When we both stopped laughing at my absurd reaction, I realized two things. I have a daughter who keeps me balanced and laughing at myself. And I have a God who is more than able to schedule my life and times. I smile. I will finish well! And the closets may or may not get done before the Lord calls me home.
bit of a stretch and a whole lot of lightheartedness, we can apply that axiom and 1 Corinthians 14:33 to keeping an orderly and clean physical house. This practice shows respect for yourself, your family, guests, and the God who provided all that surrounds you. The discipline of orderliness will be part of the legacy you and I will leave. Take a moment and look around. Is your home a welcoming sanctuary or a chaotic maze of confusion? As a mother of young children at one time, my home was a traffic jam of toys, dried-up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, milk-stained bowls, single socks, and dust bunnies galore.
The discipline of orderliness
will be part of the legacy you Finishing well may be different for you, but I have found that the following mental guidelines help me to make it to the finish line. As a Christ-follower, I must: 1. Keep the faith: “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7 NIV) 2. Love well: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37 NIV) 3. Demonstrate a right attitude: “You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” (Philippians 2:4 NLT) 4. Find and fulfill God’s purpose: “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12 NLT) “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10 NIV) 5. Keep my physical house in order: “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” (1 Corinthians 14:33 NIV) If you have checked off items 1-4, your spiritual house is probably already in order. But what about your physical house? Is it true that “cleanliness is next to godliness?” If you do a Google search, you will find that the phrase was coined by John Wesley in 1791 in a sermon referencing the importance of spiritual cleanliness. But with a little
and I will leave.
So now, allow me to “sweep” up that mess and conclude. To finish your life well, you’ll want to consider the truth and excitement of this last verse. Revelation 19:7, “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.” (NIV) Redeem your time, beautiful bride of Christ! Ready yourself! Finish well with loving thoughtfulness, intentionality, purpose, and order. The next generation will be influenced to carry on the strength and stability you have shown them. Most importantly, finishing well means that you’re ready and prepared to meet your Bridegroom, Christ Jesus. Kathleen Barrett is an Indie published author and blogger on the Treasure Coast of Florida. She has written two books, co-authored one, and has numerous articles in a variety of publications. She serves when needed on the communication team of her church’s Senior Legacy Group. Tending a modest garden and preparing Sunday afternoon feasts for her multi-cultural family brings her joy. Visit her website, https://kathybarrettwrites.com/ Or contact her by email at kathybarrett222@yahoo.com
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A Women World Leaders Gathering
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Keiser University Flagship Campus, WPB, FL
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JOURNEY WITH JESUS: NUGGETS FROM THE GOSPEL OF MARK Results or Relationship? (Mark 1:21-34 NIV) B Y R E V. L I S A M O R R I S O N
ith the internet, word travels fast. Too fast, it seems at times. We can get all kinds of news in real-time because of the advantages of technology. We can know that a bomb went off at a London Tube station or that Desmond Tutu passed away basically the moment these events occur. If we are in the area, we might even show up to see the effects of the bomb or pay our respects to a man who was a world changer. In Mark 1:21-34, we see news spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee that Jesus, new on the scene, taught in the synagogue as one with authority, cast out an impure spirit from a man, and later that same day healed Peter’s mother-in-law from a potentially fatal fever. These three things — teaching with authority, casting out an impure spirit, and healing a deadly fever — all occur on the Sabbath day when people are to be at home except for travel to the synagogue. So, how is it that news spread so fast that ‘all the sick and demon-possessed,’ and ‘the whole town has gathered at his door…that evening after sunset’? (vv. 32-33 NIV) They don’t have the internet to get the news in real-time. They don’t have a phone to call or group-text friends, family, and neighbors. Yet the news spreads like wildfire on a day that all is supposed to be still. I’m sure we can imagine with such breaking news that the word got out even without advanced technology, and even though it was a day to be still. However, the thing to ponder is this: Mark tells us that all the sick and demonpossessed show up at the door. The all refers to the fact that the land is unclean. The people have drifted away from God, and through Jesus, restoration is beginning to occur.
One exorcism and one healing take place, and now, a continuous stream of people flows to Jesus. Why are they there? For their own personal healing. They want results. Who can blame them? If we or our loved ones were sick or demon-possessed, we, too, would show up at Jesus’ door wanting results. And yes, Jesus can heal any sickness, disease, and even cast out demons. Jesus wants to do more, though. He wants these miracles to point to who He is. He is more than a healer. He is the Son of God, and as the Son of God, He wants a personal relationship with us. That is why He left heaven to come to earth. May we desire to enter into a relationship with Him rather than just seek results from Him.
He wants these miracles to point to who He is. Lisa Morrison is an ordained minister who has served as pastor and staff pastor in several positions in the local church, as well as in district ministerial and educational leadership positions. She has also served as an Adjunct Instructor in the Religion Department at various educational institutions of higher learning. She holds two master’s degrees and a post-graduate degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
HOLY HUSH Part VIII B Y D E B O R A H WAT S O N Women World Leaders is pleased to present Holy Hush, written by Deborah J. Watson. Deborah is the Executive Director of Studio222films.com and curator of the Branson International Film Festival. A writer, producer, and director in the film industry, Deborah uses her talent to reach hurting people with a message of hope. Holy Hush is written as an allegorical narrative based on scripture and Deborah’s Christian worldview. Rebekka, the main character that we are traveling with, is on a journey of making a life decision of living with or without her husband, Aaron. Progressing through this difficult time, Rebekka notices the “little things” circling her life and leading her to a decision. As the story unfolds (Holy Hush began in the January 2021 edition of VOT), we see this thirty-something-year-old city girl steal away into the wilderness to search the heart of God. Along the way, Rebekka is introduced to unexpected characters who seem to be leading her on a journey of discovery.
sudden gust of wind knocks Rebekka over with the first pounding wave. She grabs the edge of the boat and rises to face the impending storm. “I forgive you, Aaron!” she screams as loud as she can. It’s as if her breath pushes against the raging wind and forces the sailboat out to deeper waters as they clear the rocks and point break. The instant calm overwhelms her as she collapses to the deck of the boat. Rebekka clutches her chest and curls into the fetal position near the captain’s feet. She weeps like she hasn’t wept since the day the doctors told her she could not carry children. The day when great disappointment and anguish encapsulated her soul as the doctors revealed they would have to perform a complete hysterectomy to remove the cancer. She had held onto hope for so long, only to have it ripped from her arms with the final attempt to save her life. It was a decision she couldn’t make on her own but had to allow her husband Aaron to make with her. Weeks later, the doctors informed her of their success. Her body was cancer-free. Now adoption was their only option, if they really wanted to have a family. The captain steers the boat into the waves, and they gently rock Rebekka back and forth. But a motion that should bring comfort delivers even deeper sorrow. Rebekka crawls to the corner of the deck and sits up,
clutching her legs as she rests her chin on her knees and begins to hum, then sing the lyrics to Chris McClarney’s song, “Running After You.” “Deep calls to deep. Here in the roar of Your waterfalls, as the waves of Your peace wash over me.” She quietly sings, reflecting on the meaningful words. The spray of a wave splashes on her face as she looks up toward the calming waters and continues to hum the rhythm to the song. “Hope calls to hope,” the captain joins her. “Deep in my bones, there is an agony; I am aching for You. Nothing else will do.” Rebekka continues singing. “My soul thirsts for You. I need You. Would You break through? My soul thirsts for You…” The captain and Rebekka sing together. For the first time, Rebekka looks at the captain. She truly looks at the captain, and she sees the reflection of Aaron’s face for a moment before the captain turns away. A peace like she has never felt since that dreadful day everything changed begins to comfort her and soften her heart. She stands and walks toward the captain and rests her hand on his shoulder. “Take me home,” Rebekka whispers. The captain complies as he kills the engine and hoists the sails to allow the wind to carry her home.
What We Learn…
One of humanity’s darkest life journeys is the path of grief. It matters not if it’s the loss of being able to carry a child, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or the loss of a future dream. It’s a place and a time when emptiness can leave us alone and incomplete. Yet in those moments, God meets us there. He loves us and cares about us so much, He’ll do whatever it takes. All we have to do is turn and look towards Him for direction. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that My name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.” (2 Chronicles 7:14-16 NIV) Is Jesus the captain of our ship? If He is, we can look into his face and let Him carry us home. Even if home is where our heart was broken. He is there with us, every single step of the way. If you have not heard Chris McClarney’s song “Running After You,” please search it out and let it be a part of the healing of your soul.
MUSINGS ON THE BOOK OF JOHN Trusting - John 2:18-25 BY CONNIE HECKER The Jews then responded to him, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” But the temple he had spoken of was his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken. Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person. (John 2:18-25 NIV)
hen Jesus’ authority is challenged, He proclaims His resurrection. Uh, yeah. Bottom line, Jesus has power over the one thing that we all have no power over – life and death. Don’t get me wrong – our sin can result in life (pregnancy), and our sin can result in death (disease), but that is a far cry from God’s creation power of life after death! We have already seen Jesus’ creative power in the first “sign” John shares in his gospel (water to wine). Keep that in mind as we now see Jesus’ healing power revealed. This is the Jesus that we go to in prayer when we are in need. We know that He is the face and arms and feet of the Father, the one we can turn to and who sends us help in response to our cry. John tells us that Jesus was performing signs and that many believed in His name during the feast of Passover. At the end of the book, John says that there would not be enough books to be able to write everything that Jesus did. So, I can only imagine the impact and the stir that was happening with that much going on. I expect that Jesus healed each faithful person who desired healing. And as the word got out, I expect that hopes rose, and more and more came to Him for help. Today we would say that Jesus’ movement had a great kick-off. A great rollout. But Jesus was not looking for high commercial ratings or an Academy Award. Nor was He looking for an earthly crown. As the news of Jesus spread, they came, they received, and they expected more. Jesus did not entrust himself to these other people – He knew their hearts. He knew their limited vision, which steered their expectations. I need to examine my own expectations to see what needs to be released since my expectations may limit my ability to see His truth and trust in His ways for provision. Jesus knows my feeble heart and my worldly desires, and He will never stop pointing me in the direction of the Father. Now is the moment to ask myself, will I give Him this part of my heart as well and trust His guidance? This is a decision I make over and over again as it becomes a pattern in my life. Each time I choose to trust in the Lord over circumstances, the pattern of trusting Jesus is firmer and stronger. I learn to discern and trust Jesus at work through my circumstances.
AN ASIDE Yesterday, the sun shone very bright and gave wonderful warmth on a cold day. But, the bitter gusting wind was blowing away the effects of the sun’s warmth. As I walked, I looked around at the many other walkers. This ‘northerner’ had on her warm winter hat with her coat buttoned up at the neck, regretting that she had left her gloves at home. A young woman wearing shorts without a hat or jacket hurried by me, a brave smile on her face. Others were in various states of preparation for the weather. It was as if some had gotten dressed based on the appearance of the bright sunshine, expecting a warm day. While it seemed others had heard the wind, looked at a thermometer, or perhaps seen the weather report, and worn jackets and hats, well prepared for their walk. We walk in the light. The light that Jesus has brought into this world. It is a beautiful and perfect light. The light works deep into our soul and warms our hearts and minds. Yet while we are in the world, we must dress properly for the constantly changing winds of life. We are to dress in the spiritual armor God has provided for us. Am I spiritually dressed today, prepared for any weather? Are my head, eyes, and soul filled with the Light of His truth? Lord, let me walk today in your light - dressed, and prepared for the ever-changing winds of this world that might blow my way. Thank you for the protection and covering you provide for me in your Word. Let me be dressed appropriately for today and every day. Remind me to take time to check the spiritual weather report, seek the covering you have provided, and wear it gratefully that your light might shine through me, reflecting Your glory and bringing praise and honor to Your Name. Connie Hecker, MFA, is a Scenic Designer currently teaching at Liberty University. She is mom, stepmom, and grandmother of 13. Her “first career” was in interior and industrial design. Her “second” was as Manager of Operations and Maneuvers (note initials) in her extended family. Her ‘third’ is as a professor, and she looks forward to what God has in store as her “fourth.”
Prayers for the Sons of The King
Pray with us as we intercede for our fathers, husbands, sons, and brothers! “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” (Romans 12:6-8 NIV) God, thank You for every good and perfect gift with which You have equipped Your sons. Thank You for strengthening them in their gifts, talents, and abilities for the building of Your kingdom. We know that You have called them to greatness because You are the divine source of gifts. Empower them to lean on the strength of the Holy Spirit for the use of their spiritual gifts. Encourage them in their kingdom assignments that they may not grow weary in well-doing but that they will remember that the vision is for an appointed time and will manifest in due season if they faint not. Father God, hold up the arms of Your sons as they pursue the work of the kingdom in all of its glory. Continue to show them the gifts that You have placed on the inside of them and how You want them to use them to serve You and Your people. Grace Your sons as You did David, call them out as You did Jeremiah, and raise them up as You did the Apostle Paul to lead and guide others towards Your truth and righteousness In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dr. Jia Conway
BAND OF BROTHERS Please join us for 1 day, 2 days, or all 4 days! Thursday, Nov. 10-Sunday, Nov. 13th Register at www.bandofbrothersfl.com Ladies, please share this with the men in your lives – your husband or boyfriend, sons, sons-in-law, nephews, and friends. They all need what this bootcamp offers. Band of Brothers is ready to meet them where they are. Band of Brothers has the answer to the war on men! Men gather to form a brotherhood and learn how to be a better husband, father, and friend. They share release of deep life wounds through the power of forgiveness. A life change is the victory at a Band of Brothers Bootcamp.
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oday, we find ourselves in one of the most unprecedented times in history. We will not soon forget this period that caught some of us off guard and even ill-prepared. Many are scratching their heads, wondering if we are living in the “twilight zone.” Daily, people are losing their lives, jobs, and businesses. And millions are uncertain of their future. The COVID pandemic has been wreaking havoc worldwide, including on the healthcare system. And it has caused fiery debates on whether the recent medical care restrictions should or should not apply to abortion providers like Planned Parenthood. As hospitals filled up with COVID patients, many surgery centers postponed elective or diagnostic procedures. Yet abortion providers continued to operate, arguing their services were “time-sensitive women’s healthcare,” hence deemed essential. It is unfathomable that while many in the medical community are fighting to save lives, abortion providers are fighting to end lives.
The truth is that the vast majority of abortions have nothing to do with a woman’s health but are a choice of convenience. And the “time sensitivity” mentioned has everything to do with the abortion industry’s revenue generation, which is in the billions. The longer a child grows in the womb, the more likely the abortion industry will lose revenue. One reason is that when there are delays to the abortion, the mother-to-be has more time to change her mind and cancel the procedure. For many, the stress of this time period is unprecedented, which could become exacerbated for a young woman who receives an unwanted positive pregnancy test. Scared and vulnerable, she could easily be convinced that her world is caving in. Additionally, she may face pressure from the father of her child, her parents, or friends to just “get rid of it.” Although perhaps wellmeaning, her family and friends have no idea the future pain they are instilling on the one they love.
But imagine a stress-release of a different kind that could be offered to that young woman. The support of a pregnancy resource center brings hope and education to those scared moms-to-be, encouraging them to choose life for their children. Pregnancy Resource Centers have been around for decades. Thank God for them. They’ve not only singlehandedly saved countless numbers of unborn children, but they have also saved their parents from a decision that would haunt them for the rest of their lives. These life-affirming pregnancy resource centers are committed to keeping their doors open so that they can continue to provide life-saving services to any woman in a crisis pregnancy. No matter the cost. During this pandemic, center directors, staff, and volunteers risk their health and possibly even their own lives to provide a safe place for women and families in crisis. They are our unsung heroes.
During this pandemic, center directors, staff, and volunteers risk their health and possibly even their own lives to provide a safe place for women and families in crisis. They are our unsung heroes. They offer the abortion-minded woman, who may be panicked, confused, or questioning what to do, alternatives through counseling, education, resources, and free ultrasounds. They’re there to help the mother-
to-be walk down a path of life during one of her most challenging times. Now more than ever, your local pregnancy resource centers need your help, love, and support. These men and women are on the front lines of life and death decisions every single day. Whatever comes from this economy or any of the many challenges we face today, my hope is that the faithful donors and supporters of the local pregnancy resource centers will continue standing firm with their generous financial gifts and praying for these heroes. Keeping the lights on at these pregnancy resource centers is essential, giving the professionals and volunteers the capability to continue their life-altering, life-saving work during these uncertain times. When a caring pregnancy center staff member shows a woman the truth about her situation - that abortion does not have to be the only answer – they do more than save that unborn child’s life. They also save the unborn child’s parents from a lifetime of guilt, shame, and regret that follows an abortion decision. Abortion not only kills an innocent child. Abortion hurts women and men and damages society. It’s time to say enough is enough and commit to helping those on the front lines through both our prayers and financial gifts. Will you join me? Victoria Robinson has been a prolife leader for over two decades. She’s worked in pregnancy resource center ministry, travels around the country speaking at churches, fundraisers, and conferences worldwide. She’s the Founder of ReAssemble, a non-profit ministry offering after-abortion recovery retreats. You can visit her website at reassemblelife.com for more information. Victoria lives outside Nashville, TN.
Stormy Seas Know that the Lord is with you in your storm. He is in the boat with you. You are not alone. Isaiah 43:2 (TPT) “When you pass through[a] the deep, stormy sea, you can count on me to be there with you. When you pass through raging rivers, You will not drown. When you walk through persecution like fiery flames, you will not be burned; the flames will not harm you”
“[a]God’s method of deliverance is often not ‘out of’ but ‘through.’ His presence as we go through difficulties becomes our deliverance.” Psalm 23:4 (TPT) “Even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me.”
Nonna’s kNOWledge Be Beautiful NOW B Y C A R O LY N J O Y
ou can live in a way that will always make you beautiful. You can be beautiful first thing in the morning, just coming out of the shower, or even when your day is not going as planned. Beauty is much more than skin deep. It is more than what you see in the mirror. Beauty comes from within your heart, mind, and soul. Beauty is treating everyone with love. Beauty is talking kindly, even after a long day with demanding children. Beauty is serving those around you and helping someone in need, even when you are tired. Contrary to what the Bible teaches, the world teaches us that beauty is something we see with our eyes. Since we all want to be beautiful, we spend our money to
Having or showing high moral standards is what makes you beautiful. While taking care of our bodies is good, we must also focus on the beauty in our hearts.
change our outward appearance. Store shelves are lined with cosmetics to purchase, lotions to appear younger, and colors to enhance our facial expressions. We have become so consumed with our bodies that we devote much time to changing our reflection in the mirror, attaching value to our beauty. However, the Bible talks about a virtuous woman and describes her inner beauty. “She is worth far more than rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10b NIV) Having or showing high moral standards is what makes you beautiful. While taking care of our bodies is good, we must also focus on the beauty in our hearts. Proverbs 31:20 (NIV) says, “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” Do you think of yourself as beautiful as you serve others? Do you ever think how beautiful you look to the person you are helping?
As a godly woman, you can be beautiful in your text messages, your Facebook posts, and what you say on Instagram. What message are you sending? In this world of social media, people judge you without ever seeing you. You will be liked by what comes out of your heart and what you write, not how you look. Matthew 12:34 (NKJV) says, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Your words and actions make you beautiful. However, they can also make you appear ugly. That’s why it is so important to guard your heart and be careful what and who you attach to your heart. Your heart will guide your mouth and actions, resulting in your true beauty. “Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23 NIV) Proverbs 31 continues in verses 25 and 26 (NIV) with a description of a virtuous woman, “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” Is your heart filled with joy? Do you laugh and make the people around you feel good? Do you speak truth with wisdom? As spring brings forth beautiful flowers and new beginnings, start today by planting seeds of joy, hope, happiness, and forgiveness. Search your heart, watch your seeds grow, and be beautiful NOW! If your heart is beautiful, you will be positively gorgeous! Nonna’s chuckles: I asked two of my granddaughters, “What does a beautiful lady look like to you?” My seven-year-old granddaughter had trouble answering the question. Finally, after much deliberation, she said, “The reason I cannot answer the question is because every lady is beautiful in her own way!” My five-year-old granddaughter had a slightly different opinion of how a beautiful lady would look. With a giggle, she quickly answered, “A princess.” Then she stopped, thought for a moment, and raised the bar. “No, she would look like a queen!” Carolyn Joy is the author of ‘The Overflow of the Heart,’ ‘Let Your Heart Overflow with Joy,’ and ‘Out of the Grey Zone.’
THREE STRANDS I Have Found the One BY CINDY SOUTHWORTH I have found the one my soul loves. (Song of Solomon 3:4 EHV)
his beautiful scripture, though paraphrased, was displayed in Ted and Carolyn’s bedroom as a reminder of their love for each other. However, after twenty-five years of marriage, it was difficult for them to remember a time when that verse sparked romantic feelings in their heart. How had their hearts grown so cold? Ted and Carolyn are not unique. Many couples are reaching out for help because unmet expectations have caused conflict, and like Ted and Carolyn, the result is that the individuals end up on divergent paths. Their check-up with a marriage coach reveals they both have been feeling emotionally distant; a lot of tension exists in the relationship; stress has taken its toll; each has been emotionally unavailable; small issues have recently escalated; and they don’t really know what their partner is thinking. Their joy has been fading away. Even though they know they need to talk, they really don’t know where to begin, and the result is invading loneliness. A weekend marriage intensive reveals several issues. Ted and Carolyn learn they need to become more emotionally safe with each other so they can return to being vulnerable with each other. They identify how early childhood experiences are fueling their limiting beliefs about themselves. They identify their own personal needs and start
kids are young and the budget is tight, creative minds plan fun nights at home together. They create a household budget to live by. Couples who implement a budget into their family planning, experience less stress in their lives. Once agreed upon, the budget controls their decisions, not either individual. Lowering debt and having a savings plan will bring harmony into their home.
communicating with each other how effectively to meet those needs. They go through a forgiveness exercise that helps them work through past conflicts. Lastly, they set goals to improve their time together and identify common interests that would increase oneness in their relationship. At the conclusion of the intensive, it is important that Ted and Carolyn make a covenant with each other to begin implementing some good new habits into their marriage. They commit to daily morning prayers and devotions together. Couples can build a strong spiritual connection by praying together and listening as each person pours out their heart to God. Allowing themselves to get vulnerable with God will naturally cause them to start being more vulnerable with each other. They commit to twenty minutes of daily heart talk with one another. Couples who disconnect from their phones, social media, and other distractions and focus attentively on one another for 20-30 minutes each day build strong emotional connections. It’s important that this time is used to appreciate and affirm one another, listen to each other’s concerns, and offer forgiveness for recent offenses. This process helps keep short accounts with one another. They agree to a weekly kid-free date night. Couples need time with each other and, despite the challenges they face, they need to engage in fun times together. Many couples take turns planning the date and get creative in a variety of ways that spark romance and joy. When the
They set healthy boundaries regarding the opposite sex to protect their marriage. Couples who agree on boundaries build trust into their marriage. It’s vitally important that a spouse can trust their partner’s actions when they are away from each other. They maintain their agreement about division of labor in the home. Smart couples have a plan for taking care of the house, yard, car, bills, etc. They don’t take for granted that these things will take care of themselves. They partner together and delegate responsibilities to other family members when appropriate. They agree to quarterly visits with their coaches until they feel they can manage on their own. Couples who reach out for help when needed are more likely to stay healthy. Ted and Carolyn discover the love of God that has no boundaries, a love that penetrates their soul, and a love they can share with each other. When we discover God’s redeeming love, our love for one another becomes richer and deeper. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecc. 4:12, NIV) Cindy Jacob Southworth M.S. Counseling Studies, is an AACC Certified Relationship Coach, part of the Women World Leaders Leadership Team, and a published author. She and her husband David reside in central Florida, have been in full-time marriage ministry since 2005, and pioneered the Marriage 911 intensive, women’s BreakThrough retreats, and the UP Leadership program that prepares couples for marriage ministry. Contact Cindy at Cindysporch@gmail.com or www.breakwaterministries.com
Embrace the Journey:
Life on this earth is a journey. Yet, through the ups and downs and twists and turns, we can trust our unchangeable God to lead us, just as He has led those who have walked ahead of us. Each woman in this book invites you to walk beside her as she shares lessons she learned traversing life’s circumstances. As you read, these stories will remind you that no matter what we encounter, we can always look to God, trusting HIS provision, strength, and direction. He is always with you, and He has a plan to lead you to a path that is more beautiful than you can imagine. Allow God to strengthen and empower you to step boldly in faith as you read these stories along with expertly placed expositional teachings written by best-selling authors and faith-mentors Julie Jenkins and Kimberly Hobbs. God is guiding you to spiritual growth. It’s time to Embrace YOUR Journey!
www.worldpublishingandproductions.com/shop All proceeds will support the Women World Leaders’ mission.
Blossoming In Our Difficult Moments B Y J E S S I C A M O R N E A U LT I believe that God wants us to take away a lesson from every difficult situation. He wants us to grow and blossom from moments that set us back. When I look at the closed buds shown in this photograph, I think of how we, as sisters, can be closed off at times. We are bound by things that hurt us. We choose to dwell on the past or allow negativity to replay in our mind. The enemy is always trying to filter in information that keeps us off balance, but God can use all things. Look at how the Lord grew you in your faith, how He stretched your ability to be patient and how He taught you how to forgive. He may have given you a testimony that will help countless others. Consider what you are letting into your mind and how it affects your ability to move forward, your sleep, and your peace. Release it all to God and reflect on your growth from the experience. As you allow Him to work in your life, you are sure to blossom into something beautiful. Jessica Morneault is a wife and mother using photography to bring awareness to ministries and highlighting women living with purpose. Jessica is also the photographer for Women World Leaders.
ave you heard God call your name? Kathy heard His voice when He called her to honor our overseas military. Rose heard her name called to host a back-porch small group during the pandemic. God called Melanie’s name to be a pastor’s wife and mother and Candy’s name to the spiritual gift of hospitality as in Romans 12:9-13. Perhaps you’ve heard your name called in the middle of the night as you suffered in pain as God said it is time to seek your Heavenly Father for comfort and joy. Or did you hear your name called to help that older person at the grocery store? Was your name called to help care for at-risk or abandoned infants, help care for the sick, sing in the choir, be the welcoming smile to church visiting guests, lead a Bible study, start a small group, or teach children about Jesus’ love? Have you heard God call your name during your quiet prayer time, in your church seat, or when you had no other place to turn as He said, “The time is now to seek my face” as in Psalm 27:8? In Exodus 3, Moses heard his name called to lead God’s people out of slavery from Egypt. Genesis 6:9-22 is the story of Noah’s name being called to build an ark when God’s judgment was to flood the earth and destroy corruption and sin. God called Mary’s name in Luke 1:2633 to deliver the Savior of the world, the Son of the Most High God. Paul’s name was called to take the gospel message of Christ’s death and resurrection to the world. This good news message is still relevant today to share how Jesus’ sacrifice is God’s redemption and salvation plan to rescue us from our sin. These are ordinary people whose stories are told in the Bible. They were each called by God to step out of their comfort zone to accomplish the task chosen for them. (Deuteronomy 14:2 NIV) God Himself has names we can lean on when He calls. Who are we to ignore El Shaddai – The Almighty God?
Or to dismiss our Abba Father’s promptings, responding “No, not now”? Are you ready and willing when the Lord calls your name to take on the assignment according to His will? (Exodus 19:5) Are you instructing your children and grandchildren to listen for His voice (Deuteronomy 11:19) and discover His unfailing love, comfort, and hope? To rely on God’s refuge and protection as our Shepherd, His healing as Jehovah Rapha, and His provision as Jehovah Jireh? As followers of Christ, when we go home to heaven, scripture tells us God will give us a new home and a new body. It also tells us in Revelation 2:17 God will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it. (NLT) Don’t ignore God’s voice calling your name. Only He knows what is in store for you when He calls. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV) Be ready to respond to His call. Be alert to confirm the voice is our Lord’s when He calls your name. Be prepared to affirm to the Lord, “I am yours.” (Psalm 119:94 NLT) Then, let the Holy Spirit guide you in doing God’s will for His Kingdom. Be ready to follow God when He calls your name! Donna grew up in a Christian home and attended weekly church activities with her family. Family is especially important in her life. She married her husband, Keith, 38+ years ago and raised a nephew after his mother passed away from cancer. Donna has three grandchildren and loves to spend vacations and holidays with them. She loves teaching and facilitates women’s Bible activities. She also loves singing and traveling. Donna is enjoying her new passion for writing for Voice of Truth.
Have you listened to our global reaching podcasts? L
ife is busy! We all have people to care for and many things to do, don’t we? It can be easy to go through an entire day simply completing the tasks before us – but God offers so much more! We know this, but often the question is – how do I fit in time for me? How do I intentionally take time to grow as God intended? We have a solution - an offering that you may not even be aware of: The Women World Leaders’ Podcast! The Women World Leaders’ Podcast is free and available on podcast outlets everywhere, including YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify, to name just a few. You can access it directly through our website (womenworldleaders.com) or wherever you listen to podcasts. Set your phone to automatically download each new release, and you won’t miss a single episode. When you log on, you will find that we have over 250 episodes available! But we also offer a fresh release each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Our dearly loved founder, Kimberly Hobbs, hosts Empowering Lives with Purpose on Mondays. These 30-minute interviews will inspire you to walk in your God-given calling. You will hear from women from all walks of life, including those involved in the faith-based movie industry, those who have watched God turn their trials into triumphs, and warriors of the faith who will inspire you to be all God calls you to be.
On Wednesdays, Teaching and Curriculum Leader Julie Jenkins hosts Walking In The Word. This is a time to delve into scripture and study verse by verse, as we ask God to teach us what He wants us to know and put into practice today. In your 15-20 minutes together, Julie will teach you nuances of scripture that will excite you and encourage you as you grow in your Christian faith. And on Fridays, we have a team of leaders who host Celebrating God’s Grace. This focus on how God is gifting us through relationships, health, his Word, and daily events will springboard you into the weekend with joy and purpose. We are excited to have a regular team of hosts as well as guest contributors on this segment. If you haven’t yet jumped on the Podcast Train, give it a try! You can listen while you are driving, walking, or making dinner. One listener even reached out to thank us for getting her through her dentist appointment! Now that’s a win! God wants to meet you where you are – and as a busy woman, that may mean He will meet you when you are washing the dishes or traveling on a business trip. So lend Him your ear, commit to the growth that He has planned for you, and capture the joy – even on those busy days.
FAITH WALK Cry No More BY DR. CHIDI KALU Have you ever had a season where it seems like everything that has happened to you has been one of utter disaster?
Sometimes you go through a situation that leaves you completely numb. Usually, you could figure it out, but this time you just can’t. You have looked everywhere, and things are just not making any sense. You know you have been through a similar situation in the past, and surely you knew the way out, but this time, you are stuck. Even those friends you once leaned on for help seem to have vanished. The friends left have no answers, and you are in a state of despair. Perhaps you have even dared to pray about the situation, but there is no change. In fact, the more you have prayed about it, the further the answer seems. You have nothing left to do but cry. I mean, you do not even need to try; the tears just roll down your cheeks because it seems everyone has left you hanging. “What do I do?” you ask. “Where do I go? Who do I call?” The more you ask, the more despair and hopelessness set in.
If you have ever felt this low, you will agree that it is not a fun place to be. Going to bed in tears and waking up in tears is never a happy place to be. I have been there, and I am sure you or someone you know also has. But, regardless of how you feel and the lies that the enemy tells you concerning your condition, I want to tell you there is always hope. Your situation will not crush you, even though it feels like it. Walk by faith and trust the Father who said He would never leave you nor forsake you. Our Father understands our pain, and it is never His desire for any of His children to be stuck. If anyone can deliver us, it is the Father. He said in Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT), “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” When we feel stuck or captive, that is precisely when we must activate our faith. God does keep His Word. If He says He knows the plans He has for us, take Him at His Word. If you dare to believe His Word, you will trust Him to change the situation or get you through it. One of my favorite Bible promises, found in Psalm 30:5 (NLT), says, For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning. Now that is excellent news, and it simply means that no matter how dark your night has been and if your season of despair seems to last longer than you desire, there is a change coming. There will be joy real soon, and if you can hold on to that Word, you will begin to feel a glimpse of hope peeping through the darkness. So today, I encourage you to cry no more; your season is fast changing. God desires to wipe away your tears and demonstrate His Word working in your life. When I battled loneliness and tears ran from my eyes uncontrollably, I honestly did not see or know a way out. Then I stumbled upon this promise in Isaiah 30:19 (NLT) one day while watching an inspirational program. And I ran to get my Bible to read it for myself. It states, O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. He will be gracious if you ask for help. He will surely respond to the sound of your cries.
No matter how dark your night has been and if your season of despair seems to last longer than you desire, there is a change coming. There will be joy real soon, and if you can hold on to that Word, you will begin to feel a glimpse of hope peeping through the darkness. God is gracious and, even amid the darkness, He promises new beginnings. Look for and embrace the new things coming into your life - new healing, restoration, hope, joy, friends, a new beginning, favor, new mercies, and a new season. See hope arising on the horizon and wipe away your tears. It’s time to cry no more as God fills you with His incredible joy! Dr. Chidi Kalu is President of Chidikalu. com, where she embraces, encourages, and empowers women. She ministers powerfully to secular and non-secular environments as a prolific Speaker, Author, Empowerment Life Coach, Corporate Trainer, and Management Consultant. With a heart and passion for God’s daughters, she has experienced significant impact as the hand of God moves in the lives of those she touches with her prophetic gift of encouragement, teaching, coaching, and intercessory prayer.
When you pass through the deep, stormy sea, you can count on me to be there with you. When you pass through raging rivers, you will not drown. When you walk through persecution like fiery flames, you will not be burned; the flames will not harm you. (Isaiah 43:2 TPT) “Storms” are a part of life. They are dark, loud, intrusive, and often ruin our plans. Some storms are unavoidable -- others are the direct result of our free will. Regardless of the reasons, storms are wet, messy, and muddy. But our biggest problem isn’t always the storms. Sometimes it’s how we respond to them. 7 steps to help you STAND STRONG THROUGH the STORMS 1. GIVE THANKS It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night. (Psalm 92:1-2 ESV) “Giving thanks” means we have to stop talking about how bad things are, how much we’ve messed up, how this “always happens,” and why things are never going to work. We need to stop singing songs that make us cry and wish for days gone by. We must stop repeating “no hope” broadcasts… you get the point. The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Make an extra effort to pay attention to your conversations. If everything you talked about came true, what would your life look like? Words of gratitude may do more than help you withstand a storm. They may keep a storm from materializing.
2. VISUALIZE What area of your life are you struggling with? If your answer is: my finances, my relationships, my weight, my job… I get it. I remember moaning to my best friend in college about how everything was wrong. My very practical, no-nonsense friend said, “We can’t solve every problem today, but if you can just choose one…” Everything gets us dizzy. Everything overwhelms us. We give up before we begin. If you could take care of one problem today, just one aspect of the storm, what would it be? Visualize how your life would look without this one storm cloud. Then ask yourself what steps you can take to make this happen and determine to take those steps.
“Giving thanks” means we have to stop talking about how bad things are, how much we’ve messed up, how this “always happens,” and why things are never going to work. 3. FIND A MENTOR It is not always possible to have an actual mentor, but you can still reap the benefits of having one. It just takes a little more effort. When I was little, my mom got the ‘Readers Digest.’ I would go through the quotable quotes and search for wisdom. One of my favorite ones was by Eleanor Roosevelt. “We gain strength, courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face. We must do that which we think we cannot.” My mom got tired of me circling passages with magic markers, so she bought me a notebook “for all my wisdom.” Throughout the years, I’ve written down
lyrics to songs, words from strangers, bits and pieces of sermons, and visions and dreams. I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve pulled out that book and found guidance, insight, and inspiration. Having people to call on, even if they are in a notebook, will help you stand strong against the raging winds. 4. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT It’s true that until we look in the mirror and get honest with ourselves about what needs changing, nothing will change. But only focusing on the bad stuff will leave us depressed and distraught. What is working in your life? Focus on that. Let yourself feel how very special you are. Always remember that you are a child of God. You are loved and redeemed. God choose YOU. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV) 5. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO CHANGE… …but you can’t change anyone else. Read that again. I can choose to change, but I can’t change anyone else. God grows and refines us through the storms of life, but that growth must happen between you and God. It doesn’t matter if you feel your spouse, child, boss, or best friend needs an overhaul. You simply can’t make that happen for someone else. But you are responsible for your own actions. And we all need refining, no matter how beautiful, smart, rich, or successful we are. Not understanding this, or at least not accepting this, leads us down a very lonely road. If you only see adjustments that others need to make, then it’s time to ask God to show you the necessary adjustments He wants you to make. Put your time and energy into making the changes you need to make for you. Because you can choose to change! Every storm is not of our own making, but listening to how God wants to refine you through them will yield great blessings.
It all depends on the tone, the moment, and the motivation, but there have been times when someone has told me to “relax” or “just breathe,” that… let’s just say that it didn’t help.
You have an all-access pass to God’s amazing love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace. It’s available 24/7. All you need to do is RSVP. The door is open, and God is your best protection to weather and grow through any storm.
Meanwhile, I’ve realized that when I get really upset, I don’t breathe (at least not correctly). I unconsciously hold my breath, which is probably why my face gets splotchy, my chest breaks out in red dots, and I get extremely hot. Now that I know this, I remind myself to breathe.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 NIV)
What about you? Could you benefit from just taking a breath? The rain may still be coming down around you, but breathing can put you in a better stance to walk through it.
I don’t know what storms you are facing. But I know the God who wants to calm them and walk with you through them. His heart’s desire is to “work all things together for your good.” (See Romans 8:28) He wants to use every storm to draw us closer to Him. Below is a prayer I wrote. Would you like to say it with me? Or perhaps write one of your own? Dear Father God, I come before You, boldly asking for Your blessings. You know my struggles. You know my needs. Comfort me as I seek You. Fill my mind with peace that surpasses understanding. Give me divine wisdom, revelation, and strategies. Stir up my faith! Give me the strength to let the Holy Spirit lead me through this storm. Protect me from the enemy’s plans. God, I believe You can change the tide, calm the storm, and change my story. Remind me that You are for fighting for me. And that nothing can separate me from Your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. After running away from her dreams and battling addictions for over a decade, Kirstin Leigh is now a best-selling author, speaker, actress, and the founder of ‘The Change Your Story Workshop.’ She is passionate about empowering others to break free from strongholds and discover the masterpiece that lives within. To find out more about Kirstin or to purchase her books, you can visit: www.Kirstinleigh.com For information or to enroll in The Change Your Story Workshop: www. thechangeyourstoryworkshop.com
The Pearl – A Mother’s Love A pearl is made from an irritant. The oyster produces a film that covers and surrounds the irritant to neutralize it. As the oyster continues this process to soothe itself, the pearl grows. God’s love is also a soothing ointment for us. He surrounds us with His love and protection to heal our hurts, wounds, and irritations. Through this process, we become the perfection of God’s love shining brilliantly and reflecting His love and glory. Just like the pearl. Just as our Heavenly Father loves us, we as mothers want to neutralize our children’s hurts. We do this through the
combined love of God and our nurturing motherly love. Because we have been given the Father’s unconditional love, we are able to pass this love on. We are producing a string of pearls for the Kingdom and the next generation. Jeremiah 31:3 (NIV)
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”
amily traditions can lead to fun and the creation of great memories. Recently, I shared about our family adventures involving chasing sunsets (Voice of Truth, 1st Quarter 2022). Through those adventures, I learned that even while we are busy having fun and creating memories, God is at work teaching and guiding us. In your adventures, I challenge you to take time to open your eyes to see His hand at work and open your ears to hear His voice guiding you. On one of our sunset adventures, I realized that God has much to teach us in a sunset. For example, the characteristics of a sunset parallel those of people, our children included. Just as there will never be two sunsets alike, two individuals will never be alike. And although watching a bright sunset with its contrast and glare can be hard on the eyes, when we position ourselves just right, we can better appreciate the beauty visible from each unique angle. Like a sunset, there isn’t just one angle to our children. Although the shadows and glare threaten to distort our vision, even causing the view to be painful, when we ask God to position us to see our children from His angle, He will enable us to see their beauty through His eyes, from His angle and perspective. The above photo of Jamie Cheveldayoff and friend was taken by Joshua Musewicz
Admiring God’s handiwork, I noticed that the colors emanating from the evening sun were brilliant. Yet I was drawn to the vibrant colors reflecting in the water even more than those streaked throughout the sky. This phenomenon led me to recognize that just as the sky reflects in the stillness of a body of water, our own characteristics and attributes reflect in those around us. And we may or may not like what we see. Our awareness of this reflection should inspire us to examine ourselves. As my husband and I have raced to many sunsets, we have sometimes found one that seems very common, eliciting the comment, “I’ve seen better.” However, by simply comparing one sunset to another, we realized that we unintentionally put down God’s creation. When we apply this same principle to people and how we view others or even ourselves, we must be careful never to dismiss individuals as “nothing special.” Each of God’s creations is remarkable. If we could only see ourselves and others as God does, we would see each individual as fearfully and wonderfully made. One day we will have perfect vision, as stated in 1 Corinthians 13:12, “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.” (NLT)
Each of God’s creations is remarkable. If we could only see ourselves and others as God does, we would see each individual as fearfully and wonderfully made. One day we will have perfect vision...
will happen more quickly, but we can be assured that change will occur in every life. It requires the passage of time for the colors of a sunset to shift, and it can require patience to see the full glory of God’s beauty emerge in an individual. Along the way, we must know and acknowledge that none of us will ever arrive at perfection on this side of heaven, but if we give up on ourselves or others too early, we may just miss God’s grand display of colors as He shines through each person.
Along the way, we must know and acknowledge that none of us will ever arrive at perfection on this side of heaven Look closer at all the colors around you. Who are you influencing with the brilliance of God’s light shining through you? How do your views, words, and actions reflect on those around you? And where do you need to ask God to reposition you, changing your view, as you patiently ask Him to show you others through His eyes? All we are and all we do paints a tapestry for those around us – let’s give God the best of us so that we reflect His view, which is as beautiful as His most glorious sunset. Diane is a professional meeting planner with over 40 years of experience in the hospitality industry - planning, contracting, and executing meetings and events worldwide. (www.ExecutiveDiamond.com) She and her husband Les have been married for over 30 years, have three beautiful adult girls, and work together in their ministry, HALO - Highway, Healing Arts Life’s Oxygen. (www.HALOHighway.com) In addition to writing for WWL, Diane also loves serving on the Leadership and Finance teams. She can be reached at Diane@ExecutiveDiamond.com or Diane@WomenWorldLeaders.com
And just as we patiently wait as the colors change, as they do many times throughout the sun’s journey to the base of the horizon, we also need to allow and recognize that people change over their journey. Sometimes, change
COFFEE CHATS Are you trusting God…or do you have a backup plan? BY TINA KADOLPH
f you know me or have read my articles, you may be surprised to learn that I have not always had a heart for missions. In fact, for many years, my husband and I had no interest in missions. So much so that when missionaries came to our church, we often skipped service and went to the beach or did something else. We both thought the missionaries would talk to us about places we would never go, ask for money we didn’t have, and make us feel guilty. I share this honestly with you because I want you to see how God has such a sense of humor. Plus, I hope to encourage you to never say never to God. He can change hearts, and all things are possible through Him. Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible with God.” (Mark 10:27 NLT) So, when my two daughters (then in middle and high school) asked to go on a mission trip to Belize with our church, I was surprised. Both girls really wanted to go,
but because I was not going to let them go without me, I asked my husband if we could all go together. He wasn’t interested. Being a good mom, I signed up the girls and me. I was going for the sole reason of accompanying my children. The trip was $1500.00 each, so $4500.00 for us all to go. That’s a lot of money, and, honestly, we didn’t have that kind of money for a trip. I told the kids we would sign up and do all we could to raise the funds, participating in all the fundraisers, and if God wanted us to go, we would go. But if we didn’t raise enough, we would bless another participant with the money. My girls weren’t so excited about that Idea. They really wanted to go. I really felt like it was no big deal; we would go if God wanted. The day came when it was time for THE meeting, the meeting where we had to give the final payment. We were $2,253.00 short. We had raised $2,247.00, which I felt was amazing. But we were short. We were short a LOT. So, I had the talk with my girls, reminding them of our agreement: if we were short, we were going to bless
another person who might be short so that they could go. They were sad but agreed to help someone else. I hoped they would be happy to help another and see the blessing in that - a God moment. I really had not expected that we would be able to raise almost $5000 dollars. I truly figured we would give the money to help someone else. I had, from the very beginning, a backup plan.
this was Him. The girls started screaming, “God does want us to go! God really wants us to go!” I looked at them and said, “I don’t think He could make it any clearer.”
We entered the church, and I started walking up to the trip’s leader, ready to share with her about giving the money to someone else. There was nothing else we could do; we were short over $2000. As I walked up to the leader, a church staff member came up behind me. She said someone had anonymously dropped off an envelope to the church for me. Well, that was weird. Why would someone drop something off to the church for me? Why wouldn’t they just give it to me? I went and sat down and opened the envelope. The girls came running over and asked what I was doing as I had stopped on my way to deliver our news to the trip leader. I told them someone had dropped off something to the church for me. So, they sat beside me, curious or just nosey. They wanted to see who would write me a letter and drop it off to the church. I was also very curious - and confused. I looked at the envelope. It was nothing special, just a plain white envelope with my name written across the top. The only odd thing was that it was kind of fat or thick as I felt it in my hands. I opened the envelope and looked inside, with both girls staring at me. Inside was money. I pulled the money out; it was a lot of money, mostly $100’s. And I started counting. The girls’ eyes were huge, watching me as I counted. I counted $2,254.00! What the heck?? We were in shock. Where did this money come from? Inside was a slip of paper that said, “This is for your trip to Belize.” That’s it - no name and nothing else. All three of us began to cry. No one knew the amount we were short for the trip. No one! I had personally been collecting the money for over three months. Even my girls didn’t know how much we had collected until that day. We now had the money for the trip and were over by $1.00. How amazing is that? It was so close to being exact. God wanted us to know without any doubts that
God knows what is best for you, and He hears the desires of your heart. He will give you the desires of your heart when the time is right. We must be patient and trust in the Lord. This was a huge God-lesson for my daughters and, well, for me too. Psalm 20:4 declares, May He grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed. (NLT) That moment increased our faith, which has since extended to so many areas of our lives. And as a mom, I loved seeing God’s blessing lead to an increase in faith in my girls’ lives. Wow, God had shown up big. Big for my daughters, big for my husband (who was totally blown away), and big for me. God showed me that I had not trusted Him. From the very beginning, I had a backup plan that was meant to give God an out. I had put this in place unconsciously so I wouldn’t be disappointed and so that my daughters wouldn’t be disappointed in God. But after this experience, I not only trusted Him to provide in everyday life, but I also have trusted Him to provide for future mission trips. And now I teach others that God does call us and asks us to trust in His provision.
Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20 NLT) God wants you to go make disciples, and He WILL provide. We just need to step out in faith and trust Him to provide. He has provided for our mission trips over and over again. Trust Him. Don’t put a backup plan in place. Just trust HIM. He loves you, and He loves to show up big, so you will know it was Him and not you. What I didn’t know then was that God wanted us to go on that trip because He had a plan to change my family’s life. After that first mission trip to Belize, our lives would never be the same, in a very good way. Remember I told you God has a sense of humor? Well, now I have a mission organization, and I’m the one standing in churches telling people about foreign countries and asking for money to support what we do. Our God is so amazing. You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. (Proverbs 19:21 NLT) Thank you for reading. I hope this month’s Coffee Chats encourages you to trust in our God who is able. In the next edition of Voice of Truth, I will share how God worked through our trip to Belize and guided us to start Love Missions Global. I hope you will join us. Until next time. Tina Kadolph is the co-founder and president of Love Missions Global, a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the global abolishment of modern-day slavery, which has a safe house in South America and a life center called ‘The Bridge’ in Florida. Tina is the co-owner of ‘Palate Coffee Brewery,’ ‘Palate Roastery,’ and ‘Palate Bubs and Ice Cream’ in Sanford, Florida. She has been nominated as Hero of the Year by Spectrum TV and interviewed by CNN as an influencer, encourager, and inspiration.
Stomp out human trafficking
together we can
What would it look like if Women World Leaders partnered with a local coffee shop in Sanford, Florida to empower lives with purpose? For starters, it would look like a bag of freshly roasted, washed Costa Rican beans and natural Ethiopian beans blended to perfection sitting on your kitchen counter. With notes of honey, vanilla, milk chocolate, and cocoa, you can’t go wrong.
We rejoice in God merging our missions together, partnering to serve Him - from empowering women to rescuing many from the plights of human trafficking. You can join our hearts and hands by purchasing a bag of coffee. All the proceeds will be shared between Women World Leaders & Love Missions. Palate Coffee Brewery is blessed to have won taste quality awards; always roasted in His love, to perfection.
ORDER NOW ...and support both missions with your purchase! https://sanfordcoffee.com/WWL
EVER INTERCEDING Overcoming Prayer Struggles BY DIANA BROWN Do you ever struggle to pray?
Sometimes, finding the time or even the desire to pray can feel like a chore. Other obstacles to a vibrant prayer life might include wondering: How do I talk with God? Or What do I say?
It’s tempting to think that prayer should be a well-written script, put together with biblical terms to sound holy enough for God. But the truth is, we often overcomplicate prayer. Prayer is simply talking to God, not a speech or a formal monologue that we must first write out and then practice.
Regardless of the current stage of your Christian walk, here are some thoughts to make it easier for you to pray more boldly and regularly as you become ever interceding. GOD WANTS YOU TO COME TO HIM. When it comes to talking to God, there are two key things that the Bible points out: God hears us when we pray/talk to Him. God wants us to pray/talk to Him. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. (Jeremiah 29:12 ESV) For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. (I Peter 3:12 ESV) Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. (John 16:24 ESV) There should be no doubt that we have access or permission to talk to God. God is our Heavenly Father, and the Bible is clear that He wants to hear from us!
Prayer is a personal conversation with God. God chose us, and therefore, He knows us. He knows your personality – and He loves you. You don’t need to change your voice, tone, accent, or vocabulary to suit Him. For example, there is no reason for a simple prayer like “Lord, thank you so much for loving me” to be translated into: “Most excellent Heavenly Father above, thank you kindly for your amazing love that is bestowed upon me this day.” I know that sounds a bit extreme, but trust me when I say that so many people try to formalize their prayers because they want to sound “holy.” But check out what Jesus himself told his disciples regarding this: And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. (Matthew 6:7-8 ESV)
God, being God, already knows what you need or want before you even ask Him. So, there is no need to try to impress Him by packaging up your prayer into some long, elaborate text that doesn’t even sound like you. God simply wants us to talk to Him. And when we do so, we should be our authentic selves.
God, being God, already knows what you need or want before you even ask Him. So, there is no need to try to impress Him by packaging up your prayer into some long, elaborate text that doesn’t even sound like you.
Our God is the Almighty, the Beginning and the End, the Creator of all that is and all that ever will be, King of kings and Lord of lords, and sovereign over all. He’s God! Even in our authenticity, we must show respect when we talk to God. The Bible uses the term fear on many occasions to describe how our attitude and approach should always be towards God. For example: Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! (Psalm 33:8 ESV) The word translated as “fear” does not mean “afraid or scared” in this case, but instead means to stand in awe or reverence of God. To worship Him and be respectful to Him because of who He is. We should ALWAYS approach God with reverence. PRAY HUMBLY. Never approach God from the perspective of exalting yourself. After all, we are all sinners who have been saved by God’s grace. Jesus explains this principle:
PRAY WITH RESPECT. God wants us to be ourselves when we pray, yet we must also remember to whom we are speaking.
He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and treated others with contempt: “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee, standing by
himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 18:9-14 ESV) Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and love greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, who devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation. (Luke 20:46-47 ESV) PRAY FROM YOUR HEART. Nothing in Scripture says how long a prayer must last or how many words it should contain. Genuine prayer is authentic and from the heart. There will be instances when you won’t have much time to pray. For example, your prayer before a meeting that you’re nervous about might be as simple as “Father God, please let this be good news.” Or if you are at your wit’s end and genuinely don’t know what to do, all you may be able to say is, “Father God, please help me.” God already knows what’s on our minds, but He wants us to talk to Him about it anyway. Talking to God from our heart not only shows that we acknowledge His presence in our lives, but it also shows that we trust Him. That we have faith that He can and will answer our prayers. When we take to heart that God wants us to come to Him and remember to pray in our own words, with respect and humility, and from our heart, we will see our prayer struggles begin to melt away. God wants prayer to be a natural part of our lives and is pleased when we come to Him with even short conversations throughout the day as we build our relationship with Him. May your prayer life be strengthened and emboldened as you become ever interceding!
When we take to heart that God wants us to come to Him and remember to pray in our own words, with respect and humility, and from our heart, we will see our prayer struggles begin to melt away. Diana Brown is a woman of many accomplishments. She is, foremost, a mom. She is also a former school teacher, Intel Teach to the Future, and Discovery Channel Star Educator. Although born in Cuba, she has lived most of her life in South Florida and recently moved to Michigan as a newlywed. Diana trusted Christ as her Savior as a teenager and later attended Florida Bible College. She exhibits enthusiasm in every area of her life, especially in her love for Jesus. Diana is the Prayer Director for Women World Leaders and writes this column in the Voice of Truth on prayer, which is her heartbeat.
Voice of Truth Stories TOGETHER WE ARE WORLD CHANGERS How are you sharing Voice of Truth? Write us. We want to share your joy of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world.
i, my name is Linda Hobbs from Nebo, South Carolina.
One of the things that I love about the Women World Leaders’ magazine is the ability to use it with purpose. This past month, I was able to use one of the articles. “Ever Interceding” by Diana Brown in 2022’s 1st Quarter issue had an impact not only on my heart but on others I love. As a young mother and father, my husband and I used to pray scriptures over our children when they were sleeping. We would declare God’s Word over each one of them. I know and believe in my heart that God heard every one of those prayers. All of our children are now married with children of their own. And I still pray scriptures over each of them, my grandchildren, and great-grandchild.
One of my grandchildren has recently gone through a move and a job loss and was discouraged. In Diana’s article, she had listed a number of scriptures from God’s Word with blank spaces so that we could write in a person’s name and pray scripture over them. I immediately wrote in my grandchild’s name, took a picture of the page, and sent the whole page to them. I told them to read these scriptures every day, with their name inserted in the blanks, and declare God’s Word over their life. I received a text back - their heartfelt thanks and tears flowed. My own pastor recently did a sermon on how to pray, which so many people find hard to do. He said that praying God’s Word aloud is a perfect way to communicate with God. I’m not only inserting my grandchildren’s names in these wonderful verses, but I’m also putting my own name in these verses. This encourages me every day. Thank you for sharing Voice of Truth with the world. It makes lasting memories and has a great impact on lives.
i! This is Dianelli Snapp, an avid reader, encourager, and Holy Spirit-filled daughter of Christ, sharing love and truth at every corner. As a mother of two daughters, my parenting assignment continues to grow as I help steward my children into learning about the Word of God. As a young single mother, the most important thing I could ever do is teach my children to have a relationship with Christ.
As the world so desperately vies to grab their attention daily, it is important to teach our children how to pray and learn the Word for themselves. As John 3:30 says, God must increase, but we must decrease. In doing this, I can trust that my children abide in Christ and He abides in them. John 15:7 says, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” (NKJV)
I am so grateful to my dear friend Candice Daniel for sharing Women World Leaders with me. After she shared the many aspects of the ministry, I was immediately drawn with interest to help expand the vision. One of the aspects that attracted me to Women World Leaders was the heart of Kimberly Hobbs to share truth with as many individuals as possible. I am so grateful to Kimberly for the opportunity to share how the Voice of Truth has inspired me. I have read many stories in the magazine, which deeply moved me with heartwarming emotions. Remarkably, God has placed all these beautiful souls into this loving community to impact the world. If you, too, have contemplated your next step of being a part of something significant for Christ – consider Women World Leaders as you prayerfully consider God’s next step for you. These stories and inspirations unify us as the body of Christ so that we can bear more excellent fruit for the Kingdom of God. As we share with one another, we grow closer together as ONE body. Thank you, Women World Leaders, for inspiring the world!
One thing that has encouraged me on my journey through life as a mother is trusting that God always puts us where we need to be in life. Our lives are not that fragile where we think we have missed the mark on our life. God has every detail planned out for us. Trusting God means that we honor Him as our provider. And He most certainly has met me many times. Our obedience to HIM draws His plan closer to us. As I’ve continued to stay obedient to the Holy Spirit and His leading, this wonderful opportunity to write for Voice of Truth flew wide open to me.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” JOHN 15:5, NIV
MEET DANIELLE GIBBONS FROM THE GOLD COAST OF AUSTRALIA artwork, poetry, and stories really moved me. VOT is EXACTLY what the world needs. Fast forward to February, and another friend of mine, Louise, sent me a post from Women World Leaders via Facebook Messenger. I remember thinking, What’s this?, and almost deleted the notification. But then I felt prompted to open it. The post was titled “A Call to Writers.” It got my attention, and I responded. I set up a time to meet with Kimberly. After chatting with her briefly, I understood the heart of WWL. I deep-dived into the website, reading more stories and learning more about this wonderful faith-filled ministry. It’s incredibly vital for women to come together and support and encourage each other in our faith walks. I love reading about the incredible impact WWL is making in the world for His Kingdom. Hello Beautiful Souls,
Acts 1:8 (NIV)
‘“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’”
y name is Danielle Gibbons. I’m the owner of Cherished & Found, which helps women overcome themselves and take action in a God-prompting of their hearts. I use social media as my platform to voice the message of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I used to live in the United States and recently moved to Australia with my husband. We have settled into a beautiful local church and love our community here. In October, I met Rusanne Carole at a Women of Influence gathering on the Gold Coast of Australia. I felt very honoured to be among a wonderful set of women who all shared about their lives and the sphere of influence they had around them. Rusanne and I were in the same breakout group. We played icebreaker games which included answering many silly questions. As she introduced herself and explained what she did, I felt drawn to follow up with her after the gathering. She handed me a copy of Voice of Truth and shared about the Australian WWL Facebook Group. After coming home, I flipped through the pages and thought to myself, What an incredible magazine. The 80
Thank you, Rusanne, Louise, and Kimberly, for showing me Jesus and being bold to walk out His love for me. To connect with Danielle, email her at danielle@ cherishedandfound.com or reach her via Instagram and Facebook @cherishedandfound
n 2014, somewhere around the time that I was in middle school, my mom got saved. In other words, she became a Christian. I don’t remember the exact day or how it happened, but it changed our family’s lives. My mother started talking differently, and she completely changed overnight. That part I remember. She would write scripture and God-reminders on sticky notes and place them all over everything. I was young then, so I didn’t think much of it. Now I realize it shaped my heart. Those reminders taught me to be quick to forgive and quick to love. Most importantly, it has become second nature to bring up the qualities of God’s love to people I barely know. If I could meet Jesus today, I am sure He’d be quite like my mother. She is patient, kind, forgiving, and very loyal. I’ve never known or even heard of a love like hers. I have always been “a see it to believe it” kind of girl. Regardless, I believe Jesus died for my sins and loves me. Because of my mother, I was able to see God’s love for me. When my mother became a part of Women World Leaders, I witnessed her dreams come true. Since God changed her, she has never let go of her dream to write stories about God. Her passion has always been to write for lost and hurting women. Women World Leaders helped my mom bring her vision to life. It gave her purpose and the ability to believe in herself. I would sit back and watch her with excitement talk about Women World Leaders and Voice of Truth with everyone, including me. She shared with me all the ways that I, too, could be a part of something greater than myself. Today I get that chance, and I’m so thankful. Reading through some stories in the magazine has given me a new perspective on ministry and Jesus. For example, although no one can have everything they want just for being a follower, gaining the ability to stay humble, kind, and faithful is the reward. Serving others and finding the strength to be kind and forgiving even when it is hard is what we gain through faith. And then, we get to go out and share that faith with others. I know
that Voice of Truth reaches people all over the world the same way it has reached me. To be honest, my life has been hard. I’ve been hurt a lot, not physically, but my heart and spirit have been crushed at different times. Until recently, I questioned who I was and my own personal direction. But now, I’m learning to step back from myself and the world’s idea of me and imagine who God created me to be. I’m at a place in my life where I feel I’m at a crossroads with God. Time to make some big decisions. I must choose whose side I’m on. It seems like a lot for someone only 20. This is so hard for younger people today. The internet and all the distractions tell us lies about who we are and how we should look. It’s difficult trying to see God in an ungodly world. I see God. But I see the world trying to remove Him from my sight. It’s so easy to get lost. I don’t want to wake up ten years from now and wonder why I didn’t do more or say more. Women World Leaders is giving a voice to people all over the world. Young and older. We need to hear the voices reminding us that God is good and that He wants us to partner with Him on the greatest mission of our lives. I used to wonder why I spent so many years in a Christian school - because I never fit into that environment. I was different. And maybe not always a good different. I wasn’t good at hiding all my crushed pieces, and I couldn’t even pretend to be perfect. I get it now. Even though I was a mess most of the time, God was planting seeds. It wasn’t until I returned to public school for my senior year that I realized it wasn’t the school. I was never going to fit right. I felt like a foreigner. I was lost. But God was making me different so that He could use me to help others. God saw something special in me. He never wanted me to fit in. That is what I hope my voice can carry to younger people like me. It’s ok to be different. God never wanted us to walk the same. And I believe that God doesn’t want us to feel 81
comfortable and fit perfectly where we are - because this is not our home. We are foreigners passing through and trying not to get caught in the wind. My mom’s favorite thing to say to me is, “Stand up. Stand out. Even if you stand alone. And shine bright.” Thank you to all the women at Women World Leaders for giving me the opportunity to use my small voice for something good. In just this small step of obedience, I am changed. Writing this has sparked something in me, and I want more. My mom has always told me to dream big for God. He will always make a path. And just like her little sticky notes… Never give up hope and never quit on yourself. I’m excited to chase my own dreams. Life is short, and it’s time for me to move into action and take a leap of faith. To proudly live “different.” I pray for prosperity to all who take the time to read my words. God bless.
MEET LAUREL RODRIGUEZ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA I now love serving with the prayer team and seeing firsthand how God answers prayer. It’s an honor and privilege to serve God in this ministry. The powerful praying women I’ve grown to love are examples to me and encourage me. I love them and thank God for each of them. Daily they minister and intercede for others and one another. They touch my heart as I learn what it looks like to be filled with the Holy Spirit and the fruits of love and unity. Thank you, Jesus, for opening this ministry to me.
y God’s grace, my wonderful husband Gustavo and I have been married for nearly 46 years. We have lived in Boynton Beach since the end of 2013. We have three awesome grown children and four grandchildren - one we are waiting to meet in heaven. My siblings and I grew up hearing the Bible read to us by our parents, who lived out what they taught us. Of course, we each had to make the decision to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, acknowledging our need for Him. So thanks to my parents’ guidance and influence in my life, I received Jesus very young. Fast forward to now. God has grown me through many trials over these years. I’m so grateful for Women World Leaders and Voice of Truth, who have helped me find purpose in my life. This is such a God-ordained ministry that reaches not only me but women all over the world. Reading other God stories has encouraged me through scripture to “...not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NIV) Many months ago, our dear founder Kimberly asked if I would prayerfully consider writing from my heart my story and joining the prayer team of WWL.
Jesus is filling me again with the joy of the Lord, His love, and a total miracle of grace. Although I have only met a few women from the ministry in person, I feel as if I’ve always known them all! Jesus Christ brings love and unity. I am looking forward to meeting and hugging everyone in person one day. WWL and this precious group of prayer warriors have helped me trust God in a new way. Now, I can hardly wait to see what He will do moving forward! He is so deserving of all our praise. He is so good. As He has gently led me back to emotional and spiritual healing as depression and anxiety have exited my life! Getting my eyes and thoughts off myself and my own problems and focusing more on Him and others brings me joy. Serving Jesus is what life is all about to me, and even though the problems are still there, I’m not stuck inside them as I once was. All thanks to God for leading me to WWL. I pray that anyone who may not know for sure if they are a child of God would receive Him as their loving and living Savior. Please reach out and believe what God is saying to you in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world (you) that He gave His one and only Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (NIV) Then join us at WWL! You’ll love it. “As it is written ‘What no eyes has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has concieved’ – the things God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV) Gratefully His, Laurel Rodriguez 83
i everyone. I’m Kaye Hollings from WWL Australia (sunny Gold Coast), and I’m addicted to words.
I enjoy Shakespeare and Charles Dickens for their insights into the human condition, and I’ve laughed myself silly while reading the hilarious poems of Pam Ayres. Who hasn’t been touched by the deep spirituality of C S Lewis, Henry Nouwen, and Paul Young, the author of The Shack? (The Shack is my favourite fiction and the one that has impacted me the most, increasing my understanding of God.) But after becoming a Christian, I fell in love with the best book of all time. I’ve always loved nature, and Jesus found me one misty morning while riding a horse over a beautiful property. To a girl with no self-esteem, no purpose, or peace, He promised Isaiah 58:11 - The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sunscorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. (NIV) Wow! Those powerful words are still etched on my soul to encourage me when I fall into self-doubt and spiritual drought. 84
When God called me to work with the mentally ill, I was fearful, unwilling, and unhappy, but God showed me Isaiah 45:3 – I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (NIV) Initially, this encounter was as painful as a heart transplant, but it resulted in renewed vitality and strength to live and grow into His calling. Over many years the hidden treasures have been given to me, and I am richly blessed as I walk alongside the hurting and confused. Then God called me to become a funeral director and to volunteer at a disabled adults program. This time I didn’t resist but faced both new challenges with a sense of excitement and keen anticipation, knowing He was with me. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 was my rock-solid assurance: The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. (NIV) There was nothing to worry about because God would work through me and continue to give me the right words. It wasn’t about me! It was all about Him. I worked as a writer for many years and have authored five books. I constantly remembered Peter’s words – Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. (John 6:68, NIV) What a humbling experience it is to write to uplift others as He guides our thoughts and fingers. And now, with Voice of Truth, we have another wonderful tool to reach out to others and make a difference. Can you imagine life without music? I am so glad God gave us a world of vivid colour and precious sound rather
than a silent, black and white universe. Psalms are perhaps my favourite section of Scripture. I can see David sitting on a warm rock in a green pasture, feeling God, communing with Him, and writing worship songs when life was calm and turbulent outbursts when life was tough and seemingly impossible. I love Psalm 18:28-33 (NLT) – You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness. In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall. God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield to all who look to him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength and he makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. Whose words are we listening to – words that can hurt and destroy or words that give life-changing freedom? Come with me on an incredible adventure. Let’s strap on our hiking boots, pack plenty of water and food, and start climbing that mountain with His guidebook in our hands until one day we stand on the heights. Then, we will finally look into His eyes full of love, compassion, and healing and find the answer to every question and an end to all pain. We have all the necessary equipment, His written directions, and daily renewed strength to keep going. Let’s move forward together. www.kayehollings.com
God is awakening warriors within the body of Christ to step up and be heard. As overcomers in Christ Jesus live their lives with boldness and courage, God unleashes freedom and power to defeat the enemy, and the devil is reminded over and over that Jesus has victoriously conquered death. We need not worry or be anxious in any of our trials or tragedies in life because God's Word is clear that He will give us the victory. "Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything." (Romans 8:37 TPT) Victories: Claiming Freedom in Christ presents expository teaching coupled with individual stories that testify to battles conquered victoriously through the power of Jesus Christ. The words in this book will motivate and inspire you and give you hope as God awakens you to your victory!
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Proceeds will support the Women World Leader’s mission.
A Heartfelt Thank You To our sister & friend, Kayla Follin. She has spent numerous hours laboring in love for our Savior to graphically design this magazine! Her heart of passion, creativity and love exude in everything she does! Thank you Kayla for the beauty you’ve made come alive through these pages! Much love to you!
A special thanks goes to Johana Torres, our translator for Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders. Johana is a faithful Woman World Leader who has supported this ministry with her time, talents, and prayers not only for us all, but graciously for the Hispanic community who is close to her heart. She has a passionate desire to serve God first in all that He calls her to do at home, in the family business, and in ministry. Thank you Johana for being a committed volunteer of your time. We love you.
Our Pure Devotion As a ministry, we hereby dedicate this magazine unto the Lord almighty. He is our rock, our provider, our Savior, and the love of our life. This magazine thanks the Lord for providing all of the women, the finances, and the strength to complete a task such as this. All glory, dominion, and power praise His holy name. We bow down in complete reverence and love to our King of kings.
Praying for you, Daughter of Zion Lifting you up, Sister, before the Lord of Hosts. Asking the Lord to bless you in all of your ways to humble your heart that you may receive the ever-flowing love and mercy of Jesus. Praying His sacrificial care towards you would stir you on to do good works and that His tenderness towards you would allow your full, reverent commitment to Him. Asking for repentance tears, that your trust in Him may increase as you receive every ounce of soul-satisfying grace that He has to pour upon you. Praying living waters would well up in you richly, providing all of your needs with His abounding presence. Asking our Father God to carry you to the fountain of life. Praying you will run this race with His merciful heart, carrying His truth. May His Word fill you in abundance. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Inspirational Writings, Scriptures, and Artistic Expressions of the Radiant Love of Christ. Women World Leaders is on a mission to globally invest in the lives of women as they discover their lifework and purpose within God's design. By developing their God-given abilities and gifts, women are finding the power to serve in God's grace, a unity of fellowship among believers, and the joy of experiencing the exceeding abundance of God's glorious work.
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is in you all day long. PSALM 25:5 (NIV)
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