The Legacy of Finishing Well B Y K AT H L E E N B A R N E T T
e are gliding into the day set apart to celebrate and sing the praises of mothers everywhere. Are you a mother, a grandmother, or a chosen woman who influences the younger generation in any way? The younger ones you will leave behind will forge ahead to influence the generation that follows them. Will they be able to say of you, “She finished well and showed us the way”? I have a vision of “finishing well” and what it means. But to different people, it means different things. For instance, do you think it will matter to your family if you finish well with a cushy retirement? How about if finishing well means passing on a collection of coins that consistently increases in value? Maybe, for the sports enthusiast, finishing well would mean earning all the top trophies and awards. Or, for a person who thrives on approval or church leadership, it could mean unending accolades and commendations. But for a committed and growing Christ-follower, finishing well encompasses more than fleeting material gain. In the end, it will be one’s character and faith that will speak the loudest and leave an impactful legacy.