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Visit our website at womenworldleaders.com to find out how you can get involved!
Enjoy our daily devotionals shared by Kimberly on our Facebook page, website, and email list!
Instagram: @womenworldleaders
Facebook: @womenworldleaders
Our Global Office Team is willing to speak at women’s events or conferences.
Empowerment – Kimberly Hobbs
Teaching – Julie Jenkins
Website: womenworldleaders.com
We are a team unified in His love and will intentionally pray about any presented opportunities to speak at your next event.
Join us at Keiser University in West Palm Beach, FL for our seasonal events for a time of praise and worship, prayer, guest speakers, and gathering.
Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement.
Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!
I am deeply humbled to honor my King in this ministry and magazine alongside so many beautiful women who are called by faith to share a mutual passion for serving others. Together it is our desire to show love and encouragement toward one another while empowering sisters of the cross into a life with significant purpose. May you be fueled by the Word of God within the pages of this magazine and strive to attain a stronger desire to serve others while growing in Christ and glorifying our wonderful God and Savior in the process.
It has been many years since I have shared how the journey of Women World Leaders began, which is now allowing you to read this incredible publication put together for God’s glory.
I felt a calling from God on my life for many years, but I never felt worthy to step up and serve Him due to my past mistakes that continually haunted my mind. I sat on my hopes and dreams of aspiring to become a leader, burdened by excessive guilt heaped on me from my torments. Many years passed by, stealing time and allowing the enemy to rob the treasures
God had for me by keeping me from walking in my calling as a confident woman of God, a leader for His honor, glory, and kingdom.
As life moved forward and I saw the results of a stagnant lifestyle that didn’t have much purpose, it saddened me. I knew there had to be more to this life. God showed me my need to rely on Him more and myself less. My relationship grew in Christ and His Word when my focus was no longer on me. My repentance and understanding of God’s forgiveness are what became the “shift,” the extreme turning point for my life. The joy of the Lord became my inner strength. My desire to serve God became greater than my desire to please myself.
One vivid day in April 2010, God gave me a scripture verse that would become my life verse. I began to study it. I knew it would be a significant verse for my personal life and that God had singled it out for me that specific day for a special purpose. It is a scripture verse that reminds anyone who may be seeking something that our God can do the unimaginable. He can do anything through anyone who is willing to repent, surrender, and be used by Him. Ephesians 3:20 has now become the
The joy of the Lord became my inner strength. My desire to serve God became greater than my desire to please myself. “ “
~ Kimberly Hobbs
verse of power for me and for Women World Leaders. It is our verse for the ministry and the mission of Voice of Truth, which we recite often together.
Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
(Ephesians 3:20 NKJV)
This verse became the driving force and the POWER I needed to begin a Bible study for women, which became Women World Leaders. The driving power was the Holy Spirit. He is alive and at work within me and the leaders in this ministry. I am here to humbly say that He can be alive and at work within you, too, if you say yes to His whisper in your ear.
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”
(Isaiah 30:21 NIV)
My prayer is that you will know and grasp this astounding power we receive from the Holy Spirit when we know Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, experiencing a relationship with Him. I could never accomplish any growth within this ministry and this magazine in my own strength. It is the power of God continually working that equips not only me but this army of women to unite for His purpose. God has turned me, along with many other broken, wounded women who have felt unworthy to serve, into women who are now free and alive in Jesus with visions to help other women. As wounded as some of us have been, partnering together to reach the globe for Jesus Christ has been our fervent desire since the beginning.
The story of Women World Leaders contains many of our “life stories” that resonate with readers and others who
decide to jump on board and reach the planet for Christ. They represent the unconditional, unending, undeniable love and forgiveness the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have for each one of us. The scripture that we point others to is the one that allows everyone to know that with God, all things are possible. As many founding leaders came together to serve God five years ago in a Bible study, our mission quickly grew to one of serving! It became the greatest joy we could ever ask for or imagine in this lifetime and on this planet to share personal stories and equip others with God’s promises through His Word to change lives.
As we grow together within this beautiful ministry, we embrace the diversity of women of all ages, colors, cultures, and nationalities—all for the glory of God. Together, our prayer is to continue to raise the army of “warrior princesses” who will live for Christ and impact lives. We are blessed when we get to see lives changed for eternity, healed forever, strengthened with love, and redirected to serve our Lord and Savior through sharing our personal stories.
Together, as Women World Leaders inside Voice of Truth, we cast the vision of faith each day, watering it with tremendous prayer to our Heavenly Father. And we receive plenty of “Son-shining” blessings to promote growth. The moment this ministry was planted in the soil, it was destined for God’s favor. It has been properly cultivated, and the glory of its success goes completely to God.
I am beyond humbled and grateful that you are reading this magazine today, and I wish to speak on behalf of all our women within this ministry and those who write and create this magazine; you have been prayed over and sought after, and it is God who led you to have a copy of this edition for His purpose and plan. It is our hearts’ prayer that together, as women of purpose, God would reveal Himself to you in a deeper way through the scriptures, prayer, and stories shared within. May you find something that will help you here, whether it be healing joy, worship, encouragement, inspiration, teaching, or connection; let it all be synced with love, Christ’s love, as you turn the pages of Voice of Truth
As you read, God may spark YOU to come alongside us as we continue this beautiful journey of women serving God together with purpose! We are here to help you further. We are glad you are here, and you are loved.
Exceedingly, Abundantly
Beyond, Kimberly Hobbs Founder, Women World Leaders Ephesians 3:20Dulce Mujer de Dios,
Me siento profundamente honrada de honrar a mi Rey en este ministerio y junto a tantas mujeres hermosas que son llamadas por la fe a compartir una pasión mutua por servir a los demás. Juntas, es nuestro deseo mostrar amor y aliento unas a otras y al mismo tiempo empoderar a las hermanas de la cruz para que lleven una vida con un propósito significativo. Que seas impulsada por la Palabra de Dios dentro de las páginas de esta revista y te esfuerces por alcanzar un deseo más fuerte de servir a los demás mientras creces en Cristo y glorificas a nuestro maravilloso Dios y Salvador en el proceso.
Han pasado muchos años desde que les compartí cómo comenzó el viaje de Mujeres Líderes Mundiales, que ahora les permite leer esta increíble publicación elaborada para la gloria de Dios.
Sentí un llamado de Dios en mi vida durante muchos años, pero nunca me sentí digna de dar un paso adelante y servirle debido a mis errores pasados que continuamente atormentaban mi mente. Me senté sobre mis esperanzas y sueños de aspirar a convertirme en una líder, agobiada por la culpa excesiva que mis tormentos acumulaban sobre mí. Pasaron muchos años, robando tiempo y permitiendo que el enemigo me robara los tesoros que Dios tenía para mí al impedirme caminar en mi llamado como una mujer segura de Dios, líder para Su honor, gloria y reino.
A medida que la vida avanzaba y veía los resultados de un estilo de vida estancado que no tenía mucho propósito, me entristecí. Sabía que tenía que haber más en esta vida. Dios me mostró mi necesidad de depender más de Él y menos de mí mismo. Mi relación creció en Cristo y Su Palabra cuando mi atención ya no estaba en mí. Mi arrepentimiento y comprensión del perdón de Dios son lo que se convirtió en el “cambio”, el punto de inflexión
Ya sea que gires a la derecha o a la izquierda, tus oídos oirán una voz etrás de ti que te dirá: “Este es el camino, andad por él”.
(ISAÍAS 30:21 NVI)
extremo para mi vida. El gozo del Señor se convirtió en mi fuerza interior. Mi deseo de servir a Dios llegó a ser mayor que mi deseo de agradarme a mí mismo.
Un vívido día de abril de 2010, Dios me dio un versículo de las Escrituras que se convertiría en el versículo de mi vida. Empecé a estudiarlo. Sabía que sería un versículo importante para mi vida personal y que Dios lo había elegido para mí ese día específico con un propósito especial. Es un versículo de las Escrituras que recuerda a cualquiera que esté buscando algo que nuestro Dios puede hacer lo inimaginable. Él puede hacer cualquier cosa a través de cualquiera que esté dispuesto a arrepentirse, entregarse y ser usado por Él. Efesios 3:20 ahora se ha convertido en el versículo de poder para mí y para las Mujeres Líderes Mundiales. Es nuestro verso para el ministerio y la misión de La Voz de la Verdad ( Voice of Truth), que recitamos juntas a menudo.
Ahora bien, al que es poderoso para hacer mucho más de todo lo que pedimos o pensamos, según el poder que actúa en nosotros.
(Efesios 3:20 NVI)
Este versículo se convirtió en la fuerza impulsora y el PODER que necesitaba para comenzar un estudio bíblico para mujeres, que se convirtieron en Mujeres Líderes Mundiales. El poder impulsor era el Espíritu Santo. Él está vivo y obrando dentro de mí y de las líderes de este ministerio. Estoy aquí para decirte humildemente que Él también puede estar vivo y obrando dentro de ti, si dices sí a Su susurro en tu oído.
Ya sea que gires a la derecha o a la izquierda, tus oídos oirán una voz etrás de ti que te dirá: “Este es el camino, andad por él”.
(Isaías 30:21 NV)
Mi oración es que conozcas y captes este asombroso poder que recibimos del Espíritu Santo cuando conocemos a Jesús como nuestro Señor y Salvador personal, y experimentamos una relación con Él. Nunca podría lograr ningún crecimiento dentro de este ministerio y de esta revista con mis propias fuerzas. Es el poder de Dios trabajando continuamente lo que nos equipa no sólo a mí sino a este ejército de mujeres para unirnos para Su propósito. Dios me ha convertido, junto con muchas otras mujeres quebrantadas y heridas que se han sentido indignas de servir, en mujeres que ahora son libres y están vivas en Jesús con visiones de ayudar a otras mujeres. A pesar de lo heridas que hemos estado algunas de nosotras, asociarnos juntas para alcanzar el mundo para Jesucristo ha sido nuestro ferviente deseo desde el principio.
La historia de Mujeres Líderes Mundiales contiene muchas de nuestras “historias de vida” que resuenan en los lectores y otras personas que deciden subirse a bordo y alcanzar el planeta para Cristo. Representan el amor y el perdón incondicional, interminable e innegable que el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo tienen para cada uno de nosotros. La Escritura que señalamos a los demás es la que permite a todos saber que con Dios todo es posible. Cuando muchas líderes fundadoras se reunieron para servir a Dios hace cinco años en un estudio bíblico, ¡nuestra misión rápidamente creció hasta convertirse en una misión de servicio! Compartir historias personales y equipar a otros con las promesas de Dios a través de Su Palabra para cambiar vidas se convirtió en el gozo más grande que jamás podríamos pedir o imaginar en esta vida y en este planeta.
A medida que crecemos juntas dentro de este hermoso ministerio, abrazamos la diversidad de mujeres de todas las edades, colores, culturas y nacionalidades, todo para la gloria de Dios. Juntas, nuestra oración es continuar levantando el ejército de “princesas guerreras” que vivirán para Cristo e impactarán vidas. Somos bendecidas cuando vemos vidas
cambiadas para la eternidad, sanadas para siempre, fortalecidas con amor y redirigidas para servir a nuestro Señor y Salvador al compartir nuestras historias personales.
Juntas, como Mujeres Líderes Mundiales dentro de La Voz de la Verdad, proyectamos la visión de fe cada día, regándola con tremenda oración a nuestro Padre Celestial. Y recibimos muchas bendiciones “brillantes como hijas” para promover el crecimiento. En el momento en que este ministerio fue plantado en la tierra, estaba destinado a favor de Dios. Ha sido cultivado adecuadamente y la gloria de su éxito es enteramente para Dios.
Me siento más que honrada y agradecida de que estés leyendo esta revista hoy, y deseo hablar en nombre de todas nuestras mujeres dentro de este ministerio y de quienes escriben y crean esta revista; Hemos estado en búsqueda y orando por ti, y es Dios quien te llevó a tener una copia de esta edición para Su propósito y plan. Es la oración de nuestro corazón que juntas, como mujeres de propósito, Dios se revele en ti de una manera más profunda a través de las Escrituras, la oración y las historias compartidas en ellas. Que encuentres algo que te ayude aquí, ya sea alegría sanadora, adoración, aliento, inspiración, enseñanza o conexión; deja que todo se sincronice con el amor, el amor de Cristo, mientras pasas las páginas de La Voz de la Verdad (Voice of Truth).
Mientras lees, Dios puede impulsarte a acompañarnos mientras continuamos este hermoso viaje de mujeres sirviendo a Dios juntas con un propósito. Estamos aquí para ayudarte más profundamente. Nos alegra que estés aquí y eres amada.
Nosotras, todas las escritoras y editores de Voice of Truth, estamos orando por ustedes. Oramos para que nuestro trabajo por y acerca de Dios y Su amor las inspire a regocijarse en todo mientras le ofrecen su agradecimiento y alabanza.
Extremadamente, abundantemente y más allá,
Kimberly HobbsFundadora, Mujeres Líderes Mundiales Ephesians 3:20
Gospel Grace
Writings from the Global Office
Biblical Profiles JULIE JENKINS
Change Your Story
Healing Heart & Soul ALICIA ROBERTS
El Roi... the God who Sees Me
Nonna’s kNOWledge
Holy Wellness
Through the Eyes of Merci
Chasing Butterflies
Voice of Truth Cover Story
Through a Mother’s Eyes
Kingdom Promise: Abundance, Hope, and a Future
Ever Interceding
Dear Sister
Coffee Chats
Musings on the Book of John
Songs from the Spirit
A Focus on Him
Red Carpet Ready
VOT Stories
Global Connections
Kimberly Ann Hobbs – VOT Founder & WWL co-CEO
Julie T. Jenkins – VOT Lead Editor & WWL co-CEO
Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Designer
Johana Torres – Spanish Translator
Kelley Rene – Editor
Kaye Hollings – Editor
Kerri Bridges – Editor
Jo Anne McKinney – Proofreader
Shelly Haas – Proofreader
Arlene Salas – Giving Acknowledgments
Kimberly Ann Hobbs – co-CEO
Julie T. Jenkins – co-CEO
Lisa Hathaway – Business & Finance
Diana Brown – Prayer
Janet Berrong – Connection Coordinator
Jessica Morneault – Events
Connie Van Horn –Encouragement Ambassador
Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Arts
The life of Mary and Joseph and their epic journey to Bethlehem has always been a source of profound inspiration. Their transcendent story has captivated millions of hearts and minds for centuries.
Yet, against the present-day backdrop of so much global unrest, reflecting on their struggle of that silent night offers even greater inspiration this year.
Our lives are intended for relationship with God. In the Garden of Eden, God brought new life to His creation. His glory shone, flourishing in the beauty, sights, and sounds of all He created, which was good. Then, He brought human life to Adam and Eve and entered into communion with them through His presence. God’s plan was an everlasting union between Himself and the humans He created. But when the one rule He gave was disobeyed, sin entered the world, and that holy relationship was damaged.
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin; and so, death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
(Romans 5:12 KJV)
God gives us free will to make decisions, just as He gave Adam and Eve. But our unstoppable God doesn’t leave us to die in our sins because of our disobedience or the original sin of Adam and Eve. With His perfect love, God enacted a plan to restore what was lost and taken from us by sin. His plan was Jesus, His only Son, whom He gave as a gift to us—to all humanity. Jesus came to restore our relationship with the living God! Through Jesus, God offered us all that our sin and the enemy had stolen: His very presence.
When sin permeates our lives, it robs us of joy, mercy, undeserved gifts, and our daily relationship with God. Holy God cannot reside where sin abounds. And when we are void of our Father’s presence, the power He created us to have through the Holy Spirit is also absent!
The good news for you and me is God has offered us an unimaginable gift: His acceptance of Christ’s shed blood on the cross—a true demonstration of His love for us—as remission for our sins. God only asks us to repent of our sin and shame and, as we ask His forgiveness, to believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus Christ is God’s true Son, who alone has provided the ultimate payment for our sin.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(John 3:16 KJV)
Although we’ve been washed clean of our sins by Jesus’ death on the cross once and for all time, we desperately need the courage to talk to the Lord to sanctify us and purge us from our wicked ways. We must continually give ourselves to God as we seek to live a courageous life of holiness, offering confessions for our sinfulness as we grow to be more like Jesus.
Our natural flesh tends to worry and fear when we have done something wrong. But our God knows our limitations and is merciful. When we turn to Him, He offers ongoing grace, providing us the ability to be strong and courageous for whatever He asks us of us. May we, as believers, be courageous together.
Courage is a funny thing. We think we can do anything and everything until the moment it’s time to act. That
is when fear sets in and does everything in its power to talk us out of the courageous faith we have been given by God.
My life radically changed the day I decided to follow Jesus. I became so overwhelmed by His love that I wanted to share it with the whole world. I told God (and everyone) that one day I would write stories about Him, my relationship with Him, and how trusting in Jesus as my Lord and Savior changed my life.
But how? Over and over, this question played out in my mind. I would tell myself I’m not good enough. I would tell myself I have made too many mistakes to be used by God. I would tell myself I’m not smart enough and I’m not brave enough. My list of why I couldn’t step out in faith to do what God called me to do continued to grow.
But when we let Him, God shows up and gives us courage. Suddenly, we have the strength to cast down any fear in the name of Jesus as we cling to our relationship with God. But one thing is certain: we can’t exercise courage while holding fear in a tight grip.
We must release our fear through confession so we can overcome any opposition with courageous faith.
God promised to give Gideon the strength he needed, but he was too overcome by his limitations and weaknesses. He failed to see how God was going to work through him. Can you relate to this in your personal life?
Fear often makes us wait longer, while courage allows us to act on God’s mission and purpose for our lives. God called Gideon to do something bigger than he alone could do. Competent leaders act with courage as they maintain a close relationship with their Creator. They know that when God calls them to do the impossible, He will make it possible. That is where courage comes into play. It is in our “impossible” tasks and situations that our relationship with God allows us to be COURAGEOUS.
God calls us all to specific assignments. Every human being who loves Jesus has been given a gift by God. But stepping out and exercising that gift nearly always requires courage. With God, harnessing all
He has prepared for you BECOMES POSSIBLE. But without God, it’s impossible! Your faith will tell you what you need, especially in the moments of, “I’m not good enough.” It is then that God says, “You are good enough. I’ll send you because you are exactly what I am looking for.”
You are enough when you have Jesus! What God calls for, His grace provides for. That is where the rubber meets the road. We have a decision to make, just as God gave Adam and Eve a choice. Decisions are made in the face of fear, danger, and the call from God. You can either turn your head in fear or grip courage and trust in Jesus, the gift of eternal life God gave us.
God wants us to obey His call and be fully in love with Him. He will take care of the rest. He only needs your willing heart, mind, and body. He is looking for a relationship with you, continual communion as you carry out being the hands and feet of Jesus in your present life.
If you have been waiting to give your heart fully to Jesus, now is the time to be courageous. Take a step into a relationship with the God who wants all of you. You can do it right now through prayer. When you do, Jesus will come into your heart, and God will reveal Himself to you. He will save you and make you His own, never leaving you or forsaking you—ever!
David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.”
(1 Chronicles 28:20 NIV)
If you are ready to give your heart to Jesus and enter into the best relationship you will ever be part of, please pray with us:
Father God, I give You my life. I confess I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I can’t do this life on my own any longer. Sin has kept me a prisoner and has caused grief in my life. I need you, Christ Jesus, to forgive me for my sin and enter my heart through the power of the Holy Spirit. Help me follow you each day of the rest of my life and have a close relationship with you. Thank You for loving me and thank You for Your perfect love shown to me by dying on the cross to pay for my sins. I know it is not because of any good work of mine that You love me, but by Your grace and mercy and forgiveness that You have rescued me forever! I commit the rest of my days to you, Jesus, king of my life. Amen
If you have prayed this prayer, please email us at prayer@womenworldleaders.com so we can encourage you further.
We love that God has called us, as a ministry, to love and empower women who desire to love God, come closer to Him, and serve Him with their whole hearts.
Nuestras vidas están destinadas a una relación con Dios. En el Jardín del Edén, Dios trajo nueva vida a Su creación. Su gloria brilló, floreciendo en la belleza, las vistas y los sonidos de todo lo que Él creó, lo cual era bueno. Luego, trajo vida humana a Adán y Eva y entró en comunión con ellos a través de Su presencia. El plan de Dios era una unión eterna entre Él y los humanos que creó. Pero cuando se desobedeció la única regla que Él dio, el pecado entró en el mundo y esa santa relación quedó dañada.
Por tanto, como el pecado entró en el mundo por un hombre, y por el pecado la muerte; y así, la muerte pasó a todos los hombres, por cuanto todos pecaron.
(ROMANOS 5:12 RVR1960)
Dios nos da libre albedrío para tomar decisiones, tal como le dio a Adán y Eva. Pero nuestro Dios imparable no nos deja morir en nuestros pecados por nuestra desobediencia o por el pecado original de Adán y Eva. Con Su perfecto amor, Dios promulgó un plan para restaurar lo que perdimos y nos fue arrebatado por el pecado. Su plan era Jesús, su único Hijo, a quien dio como regalo a nosotros, a toda la humanidad. ¡Jesús vino a restaurar nuestra relación con el Dios vivo! A través de Jesús, Dios nos
ofreció todo lo que nuestro pecado y el enemigo nos habían robado: Su misma presencia.
Cuando el pecado impregna nuestras vidas, nos roba el gozo, la misericordia, los dones inmerecidos y nuestra relación diaria con Dios. El Dios santo no puede residir donde abunda el pecado. Y cuando estamos privados de la presencia de nuestro Padre, ¡el poder para el cual Él nos creó a través del Espíritu Santo también está ausente!
La buena noticia para ti y para mí es que Dios nos ha ofrecido un regalo inimaginable: Su aceptación de la sangre derramada de Cristo en la cruz, una verdadera demostración de Su amor por nosotros, como remisión de nuestros pecados. Dios sólo nos pide que nos arrepintamos de nuestro pecado y vergüenza y, al pedirle perdón, que creamos en nuestro corazón y confesemos con nuestra boca que Jesucristo es el verdadero Hijo de Dios, el único que ha proporcionado el pago final por nuestro pecado.
Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo, que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna.
(JUAN 3:16 RVR1960)
Aunque hemos sido lavados de nuestros pecados por la muerte de Jesús en la cruz de una vez por todas, necesitamos desesperadamente el coraje para hablar con el Señor para que nos santifique y nos purgue de nuestros malos caminos. Debemos entregarnos continuamente a Dios mientras buscamos vivir una vida valiente y de santidad, ofreciendo confesiones por nuestra pecaminosidad a medida que crecemos para ser más como Jesús.
Nuestra carne natural es preocuparnos y temer cuando hemos hecho algo mal. Pero nuestro Dios conoce nuestras limitaciones y es misericordioso.
Cuando acudimos a Él, Él ofrece gracia continúa, brindándonos la capacidad de ser fuertes y valientes para cualquier cosa que nos pida. Juntos como creyentes, seamos valientes.
El coraje es algo gracioso. Creemos que podemos hacer cualquier cosa hasta el momento de actuar. Entonces es cuando el miedo aparece y hace todo lo que está a su alcance para disuadirnos de la fe valiente que Dios nos ha dado.
Mi vida cambió radicalmente el día que decidí seguir a Jesús. Me sentí tan abrumada por Su amor que quise compartirlo con el mundo entero. Le dije a Dios (y a todos) que algún día escribiría historias sobre Él, mi relación con Él y cómo confiar en Jesús como mi Señor y Salvador cambió mi vida.
¿Pero cómo? Una y otra vez, esta pregunta apareció en mi mente. Me diría a mí misma que no soy lo suficientemente buena. Me diría a mí misma que he cometido demasiados errores para ser usada por Dios. Me diría a mí misma que no soy lo suficientemente inteligente ni lo suficientemente valiente.
Mi lista de por qué no podía dar un paso de fe para hacer lo que Dios me llamó a hacer siguió creciendo.
Pero cuando se lo permitimos, Dios aparece y nos da valor. De repente, tenemos la fuerza para derribar cualquier temor en el nombre de Jesús mientras nos aferramos a nuestra relación con Dios. Pero una cosa es segura: no podemos ejercitar el coraje mientras mantenemos el miedo bajo control. Debemos liberar nuestro miedo a través de la confesión para que podamos superar cualquier oposición con una fe valiente.
Dios prometió darle a Gedeón la fuerza que necesitaba, pero estaba demasiado abrumado por sus limitaciones y debilidades. No pudo ver cómo Dios iba a obrar a través de él. ¿Puedes identificarte con esto en tu vida personal?
El miedo a menudo nos hace esperar más, mientras que el coraje nos permite actuar según la misión y el propósito de Dios para nuestras vidas. Dios llamó a Gedeón para hacer algo más grande de lo que él solo podía hacer. Los líderes competentes actúan con valentía mientras mantienen una relación estrecha con su Creador. Saben que cuando Dios los llame a hacer lo imposible, Él lo hará posible. Ahí es donde entra en juego la valentía. Es en nuestras tareas y situaciones “imposibles” que nuestra relación con Dios nos permite ser VALIENTES.
Dios nos llama a todos a tareas específicas. Todo ser humano que ama a Jesús ha recibido un regalo de Dios. Pero salir y ejercitar ese don casi siempre requiere valentía. Con Dios, aprovechar todo lo que Él ha preparado para ti SE HACE POSIBLE. ¡Pero sin Dios, es imposible! Tu fe te dirá lo que necesitas, especialmente en los momentos en los que dices “no soy lo suficientemente buena”. Es entonces cuando Dios dice: “Eres lo suficientemente buena. Te enviaré porque eres exactamente lo que estoy buscando”.
¡Eres suficiente cuando tienes a Jesús! Lo que Dios pide, Su
gracia lo provee. Ahí es donde la goma se pone en marcha. Tenemos que tomar una decisión, así como Dios les dio a Adán y Eva una opción. Las decisiones se toman ante el miedo, el peligro y el llamado de Dios. Puedes girar la cabeza con miedo o tomar coraje y confiar en Jesús, el regalo de la vida eterna que Dios nos dio.
Dios quiere que obedezcamos su llamado y estemos completamente enamorados de él. Él se encargará del resto. Él sólo necesita tu corazón, mente y cuerpo dispuestos. Él busca una relación contigo, una comunión continua en el desempeño de ser manos y pies de Jesús en tu vida actual.
Si has estado esperando entregar tu corazón plenamente a Jesús, ahora es el momento de ser valiente. Da un paso hacia una relación con el Dios que los quiere a todos. Puedes hacerlo ahora mismo a través de la oración. Cuando lo hagas, Jesús entrará en tu corazón y Dios se revelará a ti. Él te salvará y te hará suyo, nunca te dejará ni te abandonará, ¡jamás!
David también dijo a Salomón su hijo: “Sé fuerte y valiente, y haz el trabajo. No temas ni desanimes, porque
el Señor Dios, mi Dios, está contigo. Él no te dejará ni te desamparará hasta que esté terminada la obra del servicio del templo del Señor” (1 Crónicas 28:20 NVI).
Si estás lista para entregar tu corazón a Jesús y entrar en la mejor relación de la que jamás serás parte, ora con nosotras:
Padre Dios, te entrego mi vida. Confieso que soy una pecadora que necesita un Salvador. Ya no puedo hacer esta vida por mi cuenta. El pecado me ha mantenido prisionera y ha causado dolor en mi vida. Necesito que tú, Cristo Jesús, me perdones por mi pecado y entres en mi corazón por el poder del Espíritu Santo. Ayúdame a seguirte cada día del resto de mi vida y a tener una relación cercana contigo. Gracias por amarme y gracias por Tu amor perfecto que me mostraste al morir en la cruz para pagar por mis pecados. ¡Sé que no es por ninguna buena obra mía que Tú me amas, sino por Tu gracia, misericordia y perdón que me has rescatado para siempre! Te encomiendo el resto de mis días, Jesús, rey de mi vida. Amén
Si has hecho esta oración, envíanos un correo electrónico a Prayer@womenworldleaders.com para que podamos alentarte aún más. Nos encanta que Dios nos haya llamado, como ministerio, a amar y empoderar a las mujeres que desean amar a Dios, acercarse a Él y servirle con todo su corazón.
Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ Podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement.
Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!
Weeach need assistance to fight our day-to-day struggles. We can receive that assistance through love, prayer, and encouragement, which allows us to move forward in unity as believers. God will open a new chapter in your life today as you read the articles and scriptures in Voice of Truth. Through the words presented within this magazine, He wants to fill you with love—His love. Do you believe it? This is not something to fear but to rejoice in. God loves you very much.
I’m here to empower and encourage you to look toward your Savior, who has shown ultimate love for your life. The Lord is declaring a shift within your life as you recognize the everlasting love He has for you. He is going to sift you. He’s going to move within you so that you will not remain in the same place. God is changing circumstances, moving mountains, and removing roadblocks as He makes a way for you, dear sister. You must believe this and know that the God of the universe, your Creator, has tremendous love for you. It is an all-consuming love; He wants you to grasp fully how extensive His love is for you. He wants you to experience it.
God’s desire for each of us is to be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from Him. God’s love makes you complete. His love makes your life and your heart whole. Only He can satisfy any longing in your heart. When you understand this, nothing will stop you from leaning into the shift that is taking place within you and will catapult you closer to God.
May you experience God’s purpose and plan over your entire life and feel the abundant love He has intended to pour out over you in this moment. Not by my written words but by who He is from His Word, which is TRUTH. He can do exceedingly, abundantly more than you can ever ask or imagine according to the power that is at work within you—if you allow Him to. Ephesians 3:20 tells you that you can experience His perfect love through the POWER of the Holy Spirit. When we are hurting, it is so easy to give up amid the darkness and turn away from God’s loving presence, but we must remember that Jesus ISN’T the light at the END of our tunnel—He is the light IN our tunnel! His light not only lights up our journey, but He also takes each step with us and draws us in to walk with Him every step of the way. So please don’t stop short of reaching God’s beautiful love. As a believer, He allows you to move forward in unity WITH HIM because of His love.
And so, we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
(1 John 4:16 NIV)
God’s love is an uncontrollable downpour of healing that cannot be stopped. God’s love brings life to everything it saturates. May He restore your health if you are ailing, your relationship if it is severed, your broken vessel if it’s in pieces, and especially your broken heart if it is hurting. God’s love will heal whatever is broken in you.
Imagine the forces of hell pushing you to sell out your love to what does not matter, distracting you from what does. That struggle is daily. Other idols are vying for your love. I encourage you to call out to God to redirect you to the things that matter. Make a conscientious effort to make the shift so that God can sift through what needs to exit from your life. Remember, Peter began sinking in the water when He took his eyes off Jesus. Listen to the voice of the God who saved your soul from hell, who loves you more than anyone or anything He created, and run into His arms of love for YOU. God has provided you with a beautiful choice. You do not have to remain in your heartache, brokenness, or despair found in your dark
tunnel. Please do not view His love as far off in the distance either. It’s within your reach. It’s yours already. Remember, walk with God. Get into His Word. And understand His beautiful love, because all who live in His love, live in God.
God wants you to experience HIS love. He wants you to live in HIM and HE in YOU.
all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
(Psalm 103:2-4 NLT)
Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies (Psalm 103:2-4 NLT).
God’s love is so powerful that He cannot separate Himself from His love. God redeems us from our sins and crowns us with His perfect love. Trust in the love of God today if you are feeling alone, discouraged, or broken. Let God accomplish infinitely more than you can ask or think as He shows HIS love to you. Invite Him into the broken places, allowing Him to be your love, waiting to hold you as you’ve hit the end of your tunnel. HE IS YOUR LIGHT. Acknowledge Him as your LOVE that you don’t want to live without. You can never be alone when you experience the greatest gift of all—God’s beautiful love.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
(Romans 5:8 NIV) Kimberly Hobbs Founder, Women World Leaders Ephesians 3:20Have you ever heard the term “quiet confidence”?
When I hear that phrase, many thoughts run through my head:
n The Bette Midler song, Wind Beneath My Wings
n The caregiver for a chronically ill individual
n A stay-at-home mom who has put her own dreams on hold
After reading and preparing for this article, I have yet another example, and a great one at that, of someone who lived out his calling with quiet confidence:
n Andrew, Jesus’ apostle
The Bible gives us precious little information about Andrew, but when we consider what we do know, we see a man who seemed comfortable in the background yet was willing to jump with abandon into whatever he was called to.
Matthew, Mark, and John all introduce us to Andrew early on in their gospels, and rightly so, as Andrew was the first of Jesus’ 12 apostles to become His follower.
Andrew was originally a disciple of John the Baptist. But when John pointed to Jesus and said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” Andrew IMMEDIATELY went to Jesus, saying, “Rabbi…where are you staying?” Jesus told Andrew to follow Him and see, which Andrew did, without question. (John 1:35-29 NIV).
Andrew was confident that he knew what he knew: Jesus was the Messiah the people were waiting for.
Later, Andrew went to find his brother Peter and brought him to Jesus. From there on out, we hear much more about Peter than Andrew. Peter became one of the inner three apostles, the outspoken leader, and, in Jesus’ own words, the “rock.”
Yet throughout the remainder of the gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and even historically, we catch glimpses of Andrew and recognize the quiet confidence with which he lived his life in service to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Luke records that Andrew was a faithful follower. When Jesus called all his disciples together to designate 12 of them as His apostles, Andrew was among the chosen (Luke 6:12-16).
And after Jesus’ death, Andrew waited, praying faithfully, as instructed (Acts 1:1314).
John records that Andrew was aware and involved. Jesus was teaching a hungry crowd of 5,000 on the shore of the Sea of Galilee when Philip was dismayed at Jesus’ suggestion to feed the people. But Andrew noticed a child who might be able to help and brought him to Jesus, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9 NIV).
And another time, when some people came to Philip asking to meet Jesus, Philip told Andrew. Together, they brought the request to Jesus (John 12:20-21).
Andrew was continually aware of how he could help and confidently served where he could.
Mark records that Andrew was always seeking to learn from Jesus. When Jesus proclaimed that the stones of the magnificent temple would be thrown down, Andrew asked, “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled?” (Mark 13:4 NIV).
With commitment and awareness, Andrew lived his life in quiet confidence, continually responding to Jesus.
Andrew followed Jesus in quiet confidence until his death. Historical tradition states that he continued teaching others about Jesus until he was crucified for doing just that, after having been warned to stop.
While we may gravitate to wanting to emulate the great and well-known biblical leaders such as Peter and Paul, we would also do well to appreciate and imitate Andrew’s actions.
n Andrew was quick to follow and learn from Jesus. Am I willing to drop everything and follow Jesus’ call on my life, continually learning and growing?
n Andrew lived with awareness and confidently brought others to Jesus. Am I aware of those around me and willing to step away from my agenda to help others find their way to Jesus?
n Despite often having a back seat to others and being persecuted to his death, Andrew stayed committed to Jesus. Have I committed to staying in Jesus’ will and by His side despite anything that may come against me?
The Bible doesn’t record any flashy miracles Andrew performed or heart-stirring speeches he gave. But throughout his life, it seems Andrew was steady and willing to do what he was called to do. With commitment and awareness, Andrew lived his life in quiet confidence, continually responding to Jesus. Am I willing to do the same?.
Meet and connect with women from around the world and find out how you can be a leader wherever you are located. You can use your God-given gifts to help others draw closer to Jesus. We can do it together. Women World Leaders is here to help!
When you share one, be sure to instruct the recipient to scan the QR code on the back with their phone. When they do, they will be taken to the Women World Leaders landing page and given the opportunity to watch a life-changing 6-minute video provided by our friends, The Heaven Guy Team. Available in six languages, the video shares true love—the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
As a ministry, we can track how many people open the page, watch the video, and check the box proclaiming they have accepted Christ. We can also contact and disciple anyone who chooses to leave their information in the provided section.
Give, and it will be given to you. A good amount will be poured into your lap. It will be pressed down, shaken together, and running over. The same amount you give will be measured out to you.
(LUKE 6:38 NIRV)
Do you know how many times the word GIVE is used in the Bible? 2,162 times. The word love is used only 741 times. This tells me God puts a lot of emphasis on giving. And no one understands giving more than Jesus. He was willing to give up His life for you. And me. That is the ultimate Giver. He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him generously give us all things?
(Romans 8:32 ESV)
If you’re like me, you’ve struggled with giving. Giving isn’t natural. From the moment we are born, we are selfish. We want to hold onto things. If you have children, you have seen this played out. Therefore, Jesus knew we would need help in this area of giving. And isn’t it just like Him to be the ultimate giver? Jesus gave His life so that we could have eternal life in Heaven.
What does He want us to give? How does He want us to give? He wants giving to be a priority. Scripture tells us to give our first fruit and our best. We are to give a tenth—a tithe—of our income back to Him to be used for His glory. And we are to give cheerfully. In addition to our finances, we are to give of our time and talents inside and outside of the church. One of the gifts of the Spirit is the gift of giving.
(ACTS 4:12 NLT)
Finally, we are to give freely. Jesus said, “Freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8 KJV). Maybe you have never tithed. Maybe you need more study and a change of heart on the matter. Or maybe you are very generous, and you have experienced the joy of giving. It is better to give than to receive. No matter where you fall on the spectrum of giving, we can all grow in our giving.
Therefore, I challenge you, if you struggle with giving, pray about it and ask God to help you. Start by just being obedient and giving a tenth to your local church. And if you are a generous giver, I challenge you to ask God to show you where and how you can give more for His glory. And ultimately, God wants us to give our life to Him. To allow Him to be our personal Lord and Savior. He loves us so much.
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:20 ESV).
Michele Hughes, a #1 best selling author, resides in Jupiter, Florida, with her husband. They own and operate GoLifeSavers.com where Michele has taught CPR classes since 2011 as the lead instructor. Michele holds a master’s degree in education and serves on the leadership team in Women World Leaders. She loves the Son/sun, family, paddle boarding, travel, and encouraging others.
Our minds are the control center of our lives. Our minds bridge our hearts, and this bridge has the potential to lead to a wealth of decisions that can build us or break us. As men, the access of your minds is one of the most powerful attributes of who God created you to be. Mind matters tap into the river of God’s overflow because as you think about the depth and width of God’s love, you experience the vastness of His love. Mind matters guide your faith towards experiencing more than just being, and mind matters flow through the veins of the heart that fuel the soul.
What you have believed to be the truth of your mind as a son of the King will be the truth of your heart that bleeds the gospel, oxygenates the children of God, and gives life to the barren of the land. Sons of a King, your mind is a portal of life, and the connection to your heart and body is real. Sons of a King, you are sitting in the seat of victory, not the seat of a victim; you are a conqueror and not the conquered because you are in control of the matters of your mind. Sons of a King, your MIND MATTERS as it is one of the most potent tools that God has equipped you with to love, live, laugh, and build your legacy.
Spring is the season when the earth revives itself from the cold, drab winter months in many parts of the world. It reinvigorates new growth. Plants sprout signs of new life. Spring is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. It is a time when God shows off His creation with the beauty and abundance of new creations. Genesis 1:14 (NIV) tells us, Then God said, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years.”
Spring is the time of the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere when temperatures become warmer, promising new growth through life-giving rain. Song of Solomon 2:11-13 (NLT) says, Look, the winter is past, and the rains are over and gone. The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air. The fig trees are forming young fruit, and the fragrant grapevines are blossoming. The world is awakened by the warming of the earth while fragrances of new growth and spring colors burst open.
Bears emerge from the sleepiness of hibernation and shake off their winter coats. Hatchlings break through their shell with eyes wide open. Babies are born into a world and experience a new beginning in life, hopeful in this unfamiliar environment.
Spring is the time to be rejuvenated and shed winter clothing. It’s a reminder to leave the old parts behind as you look to new beginnings in a life filled with God’s creations, beauty, and hope. Romans 15:13 (NIV) tells us, May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Why not look to seek joy and peace in God’s creation? Refresh and rejuvenate your mind and spirit by observing spring, its colors, and aromas as you spend time in nature.
We have different seasons in our lives. Let God do as He wishes in your life in each season to guide you as you learn and grow in Him. It may be a time of spiritual maturity. It might be a season of struggles, resulting in learning to trust Him more. It might be a season for Him to give you a change of heart. These seasons will give you hope in God and not in yourself. Let spring be a time of hope and rebirth. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12 NIV).
Here are some steps you can take for a spring refresh:
3 Draw closer to God in faithful, consistent prayer. You will experience spiritual growth as you commit to a regular prayer life.
3 Commit to reading the Bible for 30, 60, or 365 days. Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, provides good insight into God’s Word in an easy, daily read.
3 Take walks outdoors to enjoy spring firsthand. Leave your cell phone at home to reduce distractions.
3 Start healthy habits, discover new healthy recipes, and make healthier decisions.
3 Spring clean a closet, drawers, or refrigerator. Get rid of the old, dead, and icky things. Toss out or give away any unwanted, discarded things. This is a great opportunity to help others in need.
As you take steps into this new season, pray to ask God’s direction in a new beginning, a fresh start to guide you into new actions and goals to help
you and your family grow in their knowledge of our Heavenly Father. Pray with your children every day to start a new habit and learn how easy it becomes to talk to God anytime, anywhere. Give your family a fresh start and a new beginning this spring.
With her degree in Education, Donna taught public school, facilitated corporate education, and developed curricula for personal and professional development. Now retired, she teaches Bible studies, serves as church administrator, and is the co-coordinator of Women Encouraging Women, a ministry to encourage women in their walk with Jesus. Donna also sings in the choir and praise team, and plays the piano.
Donna lives in South Florida with her loving husband, Keith, of over 40 years. They have a son, Bill, who with his wife blessed them with three wonderful grandchildren. They love family vacations to discover God’s creation wherever they go. Donna loves writing for Voice of Truth.
The days seem long, but the years are short.BY JESSICA PRUKNER
Social media memories have become one of my favorite daily visits. The memories seem to date back about eight years now; I enjoy seeing my kids’ little faces and hearing their little voices and laughs when I click on them. My youngest reminds me that she will soon be a teenager, leading to a whole house of teens. This realization makes these social media memories bring a bigger smile to my face and a few happy tears to my eyes. Where did the time go?
I remember when my three kids were younger, and I would take them to a mom group once a week at a church for an hour of “me time” and conversation with other moms. There would be an “older” mom, the category I now seem to fall in, who would tell us how fast it will all go by. I remember the saying, “The days seem long, but the years are short.” In those moments, the days seemed like they lasted forever. I remember plopping down at night in my bed, beyond exhausted, hoping to sleep through the night without interruptions to start the whole day over on repeat again.
Now, here I am with three almost teenagers, one who will have her driver’s license this year
and is already considering colleges. I just can’t believe it. I can’t believe I survived those long days. I can’t believe they went by so quickly. I can’t believe how much fun I am having with these three wonderful, amazing, fun, and energetic teenage humans in my house. In the moments I get lost in the memories being replayed before me, I am so very thankful we chose to homeschool them for all those years. The level of learning fun that we had on a daily basis was beyond what a school system could have provided. The science experiment messes, the fort-building reading areas with imagination and cuddles, the farm life with all the hands-on animals, the craft attempts and successes that were ours are all things I know I will treasure forever and I believe they will remember forever.
worrying about the right curriculum, if they should be in certain grade levels or co-ops, and what extra classes I should put them in online; the list of worries almost seemed never-ending.
I am so very thankful we chose to homeschool them for all those years.
Rest knowing that each day is a gift from above to enjoy and experience your children.
Early on, when I began homeschooling my kids, I remember carrying so much weight and worry. Am I doing this right? Am I messing them up? Will they learn anything? Will they be smart enough? Will they be socialized correctly? I cried many tears and spent sleepless nights wondering if I was able to provide them with enough. I know this is a common homeschooling parent talk track because, over the years, I have gotten weekly emails asking for direction and advice that all stem from the fear of somehow “messing our kids up.” I remember
But here we are, almost ten years later, with teenagers preparing to become adults, and I couldn’t be more proud of the people they have become. Are they perfect? Absolutely not. No one is. But what these kids have become and how much they have learned is wonderfully beautiful. Each one of my kids brings their gifts and talents to their community, they love God, and they love people. They have been able to flourish in their own personal ways and have found a way to affect this dark world positively. Each kid has convictions and strong opinions they boldly share and stand firm on. They seem to know more information than I ever taught them, and each has skills in areas of which I am absolutely clueless. For example, my oldest loves to dance and compete. I love to watch her lose herself in something she loves so much. She is passionate about mental health and how the brain works and can debate you for hours on any subject she loves. My son is a phenomenal drummer, photographer, lego creation artist and builder, and baseball player. My youngest loves animals and softball and can medically care for serious injuries that have urgent care workers
offering her a job when she turns 18. All the things I have just listed are not any skills I have taught them, but the freedom of homeschooling allowed them to be directed to what interested them most.
I may not have the highest ACT/SAT-scoring kids, but I do have kids who have been able to find what they love daily in their schooling career and pursue it with all-in effort. I have been able to fuel their passionate fires by getting them private lessons, deeper knowledge, or personal experiences that just can’t be allotted by a public school system that is trying to teach 30+ kids at once. This is the beauty of homeschooling. Mom, dad, and homeschooling caregiver, you are not perfectly equipped for this job. I was not perfectly equipped. But, God. I love that saying, “BUT, GOD!” God knows exactly who and what your kids are to become. God has a wonderful plan for their lives. He is the one who can perfectly direct their footsteps.
You are not inadequate to teach your kids when God is on your side. If there is one thing I have learned from homeschooling my kids in the past ten years, it is this: “God’s got them.” I don’t have to be “God” because He already is, and He knows best how to do His job. He will lead and guide my kids to their destiny. Our job is to trust Him and guide our kids to Him constantly, daily, in every struggle, battle, victory, and season. Homeschooling is a beautiful gift because it allows me to keep the most important thing front and center daily: GOD! Nothing else matters when we keep the main thing the main thing.
Don’t doubt what you are doing, don’t worry yourself to sleep, and rest knowing that each day is a gift from above to enjoy and experience your children, the beautiful gift God entrusted you with, to daily bring them back to Him in every opportunity of learning. When we allow them to grow without the overburdening stresses of this world, completely focused and centered on God, our kids can flourish and become exactly who they need to be. Thankfully, if we keep posting, the social media memories will continue to grow so we can daily thank God for all He has done.
God knows exactly who and what your kids are to become.
Life on this earth is a journey. Yet, through the ups and downs and twists and turns, we can trust our unchangeable God to lead us, just as He has led those who have walked ahead of us.
Each woman in this book invites you to walk beside her as she shares lessons she learned traversing life’s circumstances.
As you read, these stories will remind you that no matter what we encounter, we can always look to God, trusting HIS provision, strength, and direction. He is always with you, and He has a plan to lead you to a path that is more beautiful than you can imagine.
Allow God to strengthen and empower you to step boldly in faith as you read these stories along with expertly placed expositional teachings written by best-selling authors and faith-mentors Julie Jenkins and Kimberly Hobbs. God is guiding you to spiritual growth.
It’s time to Embrace YOUR Journey!
Please join us for 1, 2, 3 or ALL 4 days!
Food, lodging, activities included each day.
Discounts available through April with code: WomenWorldLeader
Questions? Contact Ken Hobbs at kenhobbs2@yahoo.com
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Announcing the pregnancy of my fifth baby was wild.
“You know what causes that - right?”
Uncomfortably, I’d smile and say back, “Yep! I’m really good at it, too!” Just to make them as uncomfortable as I felt in the moment.
When you have more than the standard two kids in America, it feels like everyone thinks you’re crazy. The opinions of others shouldn’t matter because God is the one who gave them to us, and He trusts us with all the children He gives us.
dividing our time and conquering the crew we’ve been blessed with. We long for the days when we could put one child on each hip and grocery shopping was a breeze (and way cheaper, too). Then we send each other pictures of our oldest boys snuggling our youngest and being simply in awe of the goodness of a God who has blessed us abundantly.
Upon finding out about the upcoming birth each child, I’ve stared at the two pink lines and thought that God was crazy. How could I possibly love another baby like I love this one, or how could my heart grow to love another? How could I divide my time to make sure I’m meeting the needs of all of my children? Only God. He gives us the children and then also the strength to cope through it all.
Friends with two children tell me all the time “I don’t know how you do it with five. I have two and feel like I’m going crazy!”
One of my friends has the same number of kiddos as I do. When the two of us get together, there are ten kids under the age of eight. It’s a wild time. We are often in conversation about whether or not we are doing it right, if we messed up because we are struggling with
I tell them the truth. The truth is that it’s all hard. With one child, you’re their entire world, and they rely solely on you for interaction. Two kids are constantly fighting with each other. Three, you’re outnumbered, and life is crazy. Four kids, and now you’re trying to find room for everyone. Five is a different type of hard, but it’s all hard, which is why we have to trust God in this season.
We are called to be the peacemakers of our households. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
We are called to be strong and to embody dignity. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
We are also called to be blessed. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
We are entrusted with God’s children. We love them so much, but how much more does He love them? We are called to be mothers, but we are also God’s children.
So while I sit in the depths of motherhood, begging God for the strength to get me through this wild and wonderful stage, I will reach up for Him in the way that my three-year-old gives a pouty lip and says, “Mama, I want you. Pick me up!”
Lord, pick me up. Hold me through this time. Cheek to cheek. Heart to heart.
When we get through this season of raising little people to love the Lord, and when they get to eternity because of our diligent work, I pray God looks at me and says, “Well done, good and faithful servant. I trusted you with five. You stewarded five to my Kingdom.”
Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Amanda Jackman is from the small town of Imlay City, Michigan. She and her husband, Brad, have five children under the age of seven (Bradley-7, Juliet-6, Walter-5, Arthur-3, and Arlington-8 months). She has a Paralegal Studies Degree and enjoys reading and writing. She loves the busy life of being a wife and mother.
Prayer is the most powerful yet overlooked weapon we have. Praying makes us wise, courageous, tenacious, and unstoppable. It gives us confidence and energy, sharpens our discernment, protects us from discouragement, provides direction, helps us distinguish between busyness and fruitfulness, brings calm to our storms, and opens doors of opportunity like nothing else can.
So why don’t we do more of it? We want to. We plan to. We need to, but…
World-renowned theologian and evangelist John Wesley said that “It seems God is limited by our prayer life—that He can do nothing for humanity unless someone asks Him.”
If this is true, and I believe it is, then it makes sense that the enemy would do everything in his power to keep us from praying.
On this earth, we are in a battle with faith and fear. Good and evil. Our feelings want to call the shots. And let’s be honest, we don’t always feel like praying. We’re busy. We have to work. We get discouraged.
We need a game plan.
Most of us have heard that if we want a powerful prayer life, we need to set a time, find a quiet place, and be consistent. If you’ve done this, you know it’s a game changer. If you haven’t, why not do an experiment? Try it for 30 days and see what happens.
I’ve always prayed. However, as my story changed, my prayers changed. The more I grew in God, read His Word, sought His heart, and understood His ways, the deeper and stronger my prayer life became. For me, this didn’t come naturally. I had to develop discipline. I had to learn not to just go through my prayers but to sit with them. God speaks in the silence. There was a time when my prayers sounded like a grocery list. There was the “gratitude” aisle, the “desperately need” aisle, etc. As I was going through my prayer list one day, I felt God saying, I wanted to give you insight on that, but you moved on before you heard me.
I challenged myself to pray about one subject while listening to a song. At first, I would pray about “one thing” for about forty seconds, then start praying about something else. Every time I did, I would start the song over. After a while, the five-minute song would end, and I would be surprised it was over. I started choosing eight, ten, twenty-minute songs. God was moving!
I pray audacious prayers. I have seen some of them turn into realities. I have experienced healing, and I’ve seen it in others. When our prayers are answered, our faith rises to a new level.
There are other prayers that I’m still waiting for God to answer. If you know that what you are praying for is in alignment with God’s will, hold on to hope! Pray continually and without ceasing until you see the results. We serve a God of miracles. Believe for the impossible.
Even though I have disciplined myself to pray “regardless of how I feel,” there have been days when the words wouldn’t come. It was as if a heavy weight was keeping me from praying. This was the enemy. I refuse to let him win.
I turn on praise music. I sing. Other times, I put headphones on and let the praise music seep into my soul. I’ve felt the tears run down my face. I have fought to believe.
Sometimes it is a fight. But it is a fight that, with God, you can win. Praise is a weapon! Praise confuses the enemy and the forces of evil. When we praise God in spite of our circumstance, when we believe for the impossible, we are declaring that we know who God is! That we believe He can do what He says He can do. That He is alive within us and is fighting for us.
God is for you! He created you in His image. He wants you free from faulty mindsets, free from the childhood trauma you experienced, free from depression, anxiety, addictions, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and every other issue that has held you back.
It is through prayer that we find the strength to stand against depression, rejection, temptation, fear, and every other negative behavior and emotion. Praying helps us discover our purpose, it heals our hearts and renews our spirits, and yet it is so much more. Prayer brings us into the greatest relationship
we will ever have. It connects us to our Maker, our Father, our Healer, our Redeemer, our Master, our Savior–a Friend like no other.
2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV says, If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, He said, Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Matthew 6: 9-13 ESV).
Our prayers are meant to bring heaven to earth.
more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.
(Ephesians 3:20 ESV)
After running away from her dreams and battling addictions for over a decade, Kirstin Leigh is now an acclaimed author, speaker, wellness coach, and the founder of The Change Your Story Workshop, a 9-week program that offers a faith-based, holistic approach to breaking free from what’s breaking you, and discovering how purpose is the key to breakthrough. For more information or to enroll: www.thechangeyourstoryworkshop.com. To find out more about Kirstin, visit www.KirstinLeigh.com.
La oración es el arma más poderosa que tenemos, aunque la pasamos por alto. Orar nos hace sabios, valientes, tenaces e imparables. Nos da confianza y energía, agudiza nuestro discernimiento, nos protege del desánimo, nos proporciona dirección, nos ayuda a distinguir entre estar ocupado y ser fructífero, trae calma a nuestras tormentas y abre puertas de oportunidades como ninguna otra cosa puede hacerlo.
Entonces, ¿por qué no hacemos más? Queremos. Planeamos. Lo necesitamos, pero…
El teólogo y evangelista de renombre mundial John Wesley dijo que “parece que Dios está limitado por nuestra vida de oración: que no puede hacer nada por la humanidad a menos que alguien se lo pida”.
Si esto es cierto, y creo que lo es, entonces tiene sentido que el enemigo haga todo lo que esté en su poder para impedirnos orar.
En esta tierra estamos en una batalla contra la fe y el miedo. Bien y mal. Nuestros sentimientos quieren tomar las decisiones. Y seamos honestos, no siempre tenemos ganas de orar. Estamos ocupados. Tenemos que trabajar. Nos desanimamos.
La mayoría de nosotros hemos oído que si queremos una vida
de oración poderosa, debemos fijar un tiempo, encontrar un lugar tranquilo y ser coherentes. Si ha hecho esto, sabrá que es un punto de inflexión. Si no lo has hecho, ¿por qué no hacer un experimento? Pruébelo durante 30 días y ve qué sucede.
Siempre he orado. Sin embargo, a medida que mi historia cambió, mis oraciones cambiaron. Cuanto más crecía en Dios, leía Su Palabra, buscaba Su corazón y entendía Sus caminos, más profunda y fuerte se volvía mi vida de oración. Para mí, esto no fue algo natural. Tuve que desarrollar disciplina. Tuve que aprender no sólo a rezar mis oraciones sino a sentarme con ellas. Dios habla en el silencio. Hubo un tiempo en que mis oraciones sonaban como una lista de compras. Estaba el pasillo de la “gratitud”, el pasillo de las “necesidades desesperadas”, etc. Un día, mientras repasaba mi lista de oración, sentí que Dios me decía: Quería darte una idea sobre eso, pero seguiste adelante antes de escucharme.
Me propuse el desafío de orar por un tema mientras escuchaba una canción. Al principio, oraba por “una cosa” durante unos cuarenta segundos y luego empezaba a orar por otra cosa. Cada vez que lo hacía, empezaba la canción de nuevo. Después de un rato, la canción de cinco minutos terminaba y me sorprendía que hubiera terminado. Empecé a elegir canciones de ocho, diez, veinte minutos. ¡Dios se estaba moviendo!
Hago oraciones audaces. He visto algunos de ellos convertirse en realidades. He experimentado curación y la he visto en
otros. Cuando nuestras oraciones son contestadas, nuestra fe se eleva a un nuevo nivel.
Hay otras oraciones que todavía estoy esperando que Dios responda. Si sabes que lo que estás orando está alineado con la voluntad de Dios, ¡aférrate a la esperanza! Ora continuamente y sin cesar hasta que veas los resultados. Servimos a un Dios de milagros. Cree en lo imposible.
Aunque me he disciplinado para orar “sin importar cómo me sienta”, ha habido días en los que las palabras no me salían. Era como si un gran peso me impidiera orar. Este era el enemigo. Me niego a dejarle ganar.
Pongo música de alabanza. Yo canto. Otras veces, me pongo auriculares y dejo que la música de alabanza se filtre en mi alma. He sentido las lágrimas correr por mi rostro. He luchado por creer.
A veces es una pelea. Pero es una lucha que, con Dios, puedes ganar. ¡La alabanza es un arma! La alabanza confunde al enemigo y a las fuerzas del mal. Cuando alabamos a Dios a pesar de nuestras circunstancias, cuando creemos en lo imposible, ¡estamos declarando que sabemos quién es Dios! Que creamos que Él puede hacer lo que dice que puede hacer. Que Él está vivo dentro de nosotros y está luchando por nosotros.
¡Dios es para ti! Él te creó a su imagen. Él te quiere libre de mentalidades erróneas, libre del trauma infantil que experimentaste, libre de depresión, ansiedad, adicciones, agradar a las personas, perfeccionismo y cualquier otro problema que te haya frenado.
Es a través de la oración que encontramos la fuerza para enfrentar la depresión, el rechazo, la tentación, el miedo y cualquier otro comportamiento y emociónes negativas. Orar nos ayuda a descubrir nuestro propósito, sana nuestro corazón y renueva nuestro espíritu y, sin embargo, es mucho más. La oración nos lleva a la relación más grande que jamás tendremos. Nos conecta con nuestro Hacedor, nuestro Padre, nuestro Sanador, nuestro Redentor, nuestro Maestro,
nuestro Salvador: un Amigo como ningún otro.
2 Crónicas 7:14 RVC dice: si mi pueblo, sobre el cual se invoca mi nombre, se humilla y ora, y busca mi rostro, y se aparta de sus malos caminos, yo lo escucharé desde los cielos, perdonaré sus pecados y sanaré su tierra.
Cuando los discípulos preguntaron a Jesús cómo orar, Él dijo: Orad, pues, así: “Padre nuestro, que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino.Hágase tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo. El pan nuestro de cada día, dánoslo hoy. Perdónanos nuestras deudas, como también nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. No nos metas en tentación, sino líbranos del mal.” Porque tuyo es el reino, el poder, y la gloria, por todos los siglos. Amén (Mateo 6: 9-13 RVC).
Nuestras oraciones están destinadas a traer el cielo a la tierra.
Y a Aquel que es poderoso para hacer que todas las cosas excedan a lo que pedimos o entendemos, según el poder que actúa en nosotros.
(Efesios 3:20 RVC)
Después de huir de sus sueños y luchar contra las adicciones durante más de una década, Kirstin Leigh es ahora una aclamada autora, oradora, asesora de bienestar y fundadora de The Change Your Story Workshop, un programa de 9 semanas que ofrece una experiencia holística basada en la fe. enfoque para liberarse de lo que lo está destrozando y descubrir cómo el propósito es la clave para lograr un avance. Para obtener más información o inscribirse: www.thechangeyourstoryworkshop.com
Para obtener más información sobre Kirstin: www.Kirstinleigh.com
I was at my wit’s end. I felt confused and powerless. I tried calling out to the Lord and praying but couldn’t gather the words. My spirit was broken, and I had trouble uttering my prayer request. With tears in my eyes and yet a little hope in my heart, I began to sing…
This old hymn, written initially by Annie S. Hawks and remade several times, was all I could mutter, so I began to repeat the refrain over and over. Each time I sang it, I felt the urge to sing it again with more intentionality and authority. Overwhelmed with emotion, I lifted my hands and allowed each phrase to penetrate my heart. With each round, I felt the chaos in my mind clear, and the weight of my stress began to subside.
The song helped me to center and focus in a way that allowed me to find the words and the strength to pray. The hymn’s lyrics were short and simple, but they were so powerful to me. I needed the Lord to hear me. The song reminded me that I needed Him not only in this situation but in every hour of my life. The lyrics were
a cry out to the Lord to bless me now, and I certainly needed a blessing.
Have you ever felt so defeated that you were emotionally done or at your wit’s end? Ever needed a miracle or breakthrough to occur but felt too bogged down with fear or concern to cast your cares upon God? 1 Peter 5:7 says, Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (NIV). In this passage of scripture, Peter admonishes us to compile all of our worries and concerns and give them to God as He cares for us and can alone fulfill our needs. When we humble ourselves and let go, not only will we feel better, but that is also when God can truly work on our behalf.
When I began reciting the words of the hymn, I was a bit of an emotional wreck because of several issues that came crashing down on me all at once. My son was having problems at school, work was busy, my to-do list just kept getting longer, finances were challenged, and I was tired physically and emotionally. I began to experience the routine brunt of single motherhood, and my emotions were triggered. I needed my Savior to step in and save the day.
There was a time in the past when I was broken over the fact that I had to raise my child alone as a result of divorce. Having only a small and, at times, inconsistent support system often crushed my spirit. Over the years, I was blessed to receive what I needed. God always supplied, but I also had to undergo some healing to cope with past abandonment and resentment wounds.
I’d done the work to move past the wounds, but as we know, emotional triggers don’t always go away. Our response to them helps us maintain our healing. All the problems I was experiencing triggered deep within me the hurt of being a single mom with limited support. However, I chose to respond to my trigger through prayer and praise.
1 John 5:14-15 (NIV) says, This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. This scripture reminds us to be confident that God hears us and will answer our prayers according to His will. His will for us is that we live an abundant life. He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us; therefore, we can rest assured that
He doesn’t want us to live life broken, hurt, and confused.
Reflecting on and singing songs such as “I Need Thee Every Hour” gives us the power to pause our moment of suffering and reminds us that we have the key to overcome anything. Our key is Jesus. When we submit our petitions to Him in prayer, we can be confident that He understands our requests even when we can’t get all the words out. Meditating on and reciting the lyrics is a form of praise, and God loves our praise.
Whether you are going through a tough time or have difficulty starting your prayers, I encourage you to say whatever comes to mind. Don’t get caught up feeling you need to say the “right things.” God knows your heart, and He can fill in the gaps. You can even try singing a song or reciting a text and allowing the words to speak for you. Remember that He sees, hears, and cares for you. Your troubles and worries are no match for Him, and He is waiting to bless you!
Alicia Renee’ is a resilient woman who has triumphed over heartbreak and life’s challenges. She is a best-selling author, speaker, and certified inner-healing and confidence coach committed to empowering women and helping them get unstuck. She is also the founder of The Confident Lily. Connect with her at www.confidentlily.com
Hawks, Annie S. (1872). “I Need Thee Every Hour.” On Then Sings My Soul: Reflections of Over 40 Favourite Hymns. Monarch Books.
It has always amazed me how quickly things can change, especially when we least expect it. I mean, in the blink of an eye, you can find yourself on an unforeseen path. We have our plans, ideas, and expectations, but somehow, God continues to work His plan—the only plan that matters. I
have seen the sovereignty of God in my life over the years, so why would I be surprised how He moves even when it is not how I think He should? He comes in and interrupts our plans for a reason and purpose.
While sitting in a theater watching “The Sound of Freedom” on July 4, 2023, I heard a call to go on a mission trip for sex trafficking. When the lights went out mid-movie, I got out on my phone to look for organizations that arrange such mission trips, and I found one called Rahab’s Rope. I emailed them immediately and got a response
the next day. Within one week, I filled out a 16page application, interviewed on the phone, and was accepted for the trip to Goa, India, that would take place from December 30, 2023, to January 13, 2024. The timing was perfect, as always, because that is how Jesus works. God opened the door, and I walked in His “yes.” The money was all raised—of course it was, because this was what God had for me. I felt at peace about it. I answered, and I walked. We started having group calls, and I met some amazing women I would be with on this trip. I was so excited; God was leading, guiding, and preparing me.
But then I started feeling strange the week leading up to the first week of December. It was hard to describe, but I knew things were off. On December 1, I found myself in the hospital having emergency surgery for acute appendicitis. I had to rest that whole week. My mind started running rampant, and then I caught myself. Why would I ever question what God is doing? I knew He was working. He reminded me that He was protecting me from something.
On Christmas Eve, I started to feel as if I was getting a cold. I pushed through with family and the holidays, knowing I had a few short days until I left for India. I was already packed and getting things finalized on my to-do list. Then, on Thursday, December 28, I went to urgent care and was diagnosed with Flu A. I was sitting in the doctor’s office, wondering how to make a 19-hour plane ride with the flu.
My heart and mind were not matching in thoughts or feelings. My mind knew the realistic thing to do, but my heart knew I wanted to go on the trip.
I knew I had heard God’s yes. As I lay in bed all day praying and worshiping, I heard God say so clearly, “Lisa, you were faithful and did walk in my yes, but you need to trust me and also be okay walking with the no I give you.” As I lay there, tears rolled down my face. I had to make a tough decision not to go on the trip. There is nothing like a last-minute decision not to travel around the world on a mission trip for which people had given and supported me in so many ways.
But God sees. God knows. God is sovereign.
When I told the team, I received a credit and was quickly scheduled to go to India on a medical mission trip in August. I don’t know why this happened, and I might never know. But I do know that even when God says no and shuts a door, He is still so good. God sees things we don’t, and we must trust His hand. It is hard to walk in that trust, but there is nothing sweeter than knowing Jesus has me in His hand.
God opens doors, and He closes them. I have learned not to question why, because I know that the God of the universe sees me. I continually rehearse all I know of God. It’s like a movie on rewind because I have seen His faithfulness, and God never changes. When I wonder what God is orchestrating in my life, the scripture that speaks to my soul is Psalm 63:7-8. For you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings, I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me (ESV).
You might be experiencing a detour in your life and feel you can’t see how God is working. My friend, God works beautifully in our detours to bring Him glory. Things may look different than we imagined, but the puzzle pieces will come together so intricately to make a masterpiece only He can create. We might not see it right now, but we will see it. God is so faithful, and His Word is steadfast.
What will you do in the “even ifs” of your life?
Will you choose to worship Him? Will you still choose to see Him as sovereign over your life? Walk in His “yes.” And be okay if you walk boldly and faithfully in the “yes” and then the door closes. Your obedience is the ultimate gift to God. He is worth it all, and He will forever be with you in the “even ifs.”
Voice of Truth speaks to my heart daily. It starts in the morning, then carries me through the day! I love this magazine and pray for every person who is part of putting it together!
~ Carol A. Whipkey, Thompson, OhioThere are wars and rumors of wars. There are sicknesses and diseases like never before. There is so much hatred to go around that people do not know how to love anymore. Now is the time to encourage one another. This world is spiraling out of control at warped speed. Everyone could use some words of encouragement. In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Paul writes, Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing (NIV).
To encourage means to give support, confidence, hope, or advice to someone so that they will do or continue to do something. Paul knew that the new believers in Christ were going through difficult times and that their tough times would continue. Paul understood the power of words and inspired this new group of Christians to lift each other up. He wanted them to encourage and motivate each other to walk this new path that would bring them eternal life in Christ.
People like to be around positive people. No one likes to be around the person who is sour grapes, someone who brings people down and deflates the air in a room. There were plenty of difficult situations and sinful motives in New Testament times, just like there are now. We have a choice to be a person who dwells on the bad or who resides in the good. The person who sees good in every person or any situation is a person others want to be around.
Have you ever been in a situation that appears to be hopelessly bleak? When around every corner, trouble, darkness, and despair seemed to prevail? Remember that if given the opportunity to deposit your problems or bad situation and leave with someone else’s trials, you would likely choose to leave with your own. Try and find the rose among the thorns. Perhaps the bad situation has enabled broken relationships to mend. Perhaps,
the out-of-control person pushed others to set healthy boundaries. Encouragement is something we carry with us at all times. All it takes is a little thought and a few words. We could encourage a young child that their reading and writing is coming along nicely. We could encourage a young mom that she is doing a great job with her kids. We could encourage the person serving us food that they’re appreciated and have a beautiful smile.
Encouragement is something we carry with us at all times.
While there are always plenty of people to encourage, let’s always remember to lift up our children and grandchildren. God specifically placed them in our lives for us to shepherd and
pour our love into them. Tell them they are doing a great job. Encourage them as they learn to walk and talk, play a musical instrument or sport, and come home with school grades. Encourage them as they learn how to drive, cook, and find a job. There are endless ways to encourage those God has entrusted to our care. Of course, the most valuable nurturing we could give them is to encourage them to pray, read, and study God’s Word. Proverbs 22:6 promises, Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (ESV). Encouraging words can change lives. Encouraging words can turn a bad day into a good day. Encouraging words can live forever!
Paul once again used the same encouraging words in 1 Thessalonians 4:18, Therefore encourage one another with these words. The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together
When I write an article, I always share the topic with my grandchildren (ages 5-13). Taking the time to talk to them about encouragement, I learned things about them that I can now encourage in them.
Desiring to make this an interactive exercise, I asked them to encourage me in something. Most were great at encouraging my writing and to pursue my dreams. However, my seven-year-old granddaughter said, “I would like to encourage you to cook more so you don’t have to waste your money going out to eat!” (That is not exactly what I was searching for!)
with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
In good times and in bad times, that is the best encouragement we could ever give one another! As mothers, grandmothers, aunts,
sisters, and babysitters, let’s always remember to encourage our children to seek their sooncoming King!
Start today and speak words of encouragement NOW!
Carolyn Joy is a Southwest Florida Real Estate Agent, mother of three married children and Nonna to eleven grandchildren. She serves in her church and helps lead a women’s Bible study in her community. She’s the author of two devotional journals, The Overflow of the Heart and Let Your Heart Overflow with Joy, which encourage scripture memorization and writing prayers. Her novel, Out of the Grey Zone, demonstrates God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love.
At the age of seventeen, a relentless and excruciating firestorm of pain struck Audrey Marie. She had been excelling in life when her world was suddenly turned upside down by the invasion of a searing lump.
A first failed surgery left an open wound that wouldn’t heal. After a year, a second surgery successfully closed the wound, but that was only the beginning. Instead of bringing an end to suffering, a medical diagnosis forced the struggling young lady to face living the rest of her life in pain.
Chronically Unstoppable is a true-life journey of pain, strength, and revitalized hope. This first-person memoir substantiates that working with pain can lead to freedom. Whatever battle you face, Audrey Marie’s story will ignite within you a determination to develop a transformed mindset offering self-validation and preservation.
“Pain does not get to be in the driver’s seat any longer. I won’t allow it.”
Home is a place I love, but that wasn’t always so.
As we enter a new year, I have been reflecting on my home and how it has contributed to my family’s wellness. Have you ever considered how your home can affect your health? I hope this article will open your mind and cause you to revisit this question often.
My family and I moved into our new home a year ago—a place I had prayed to God for, maybe even begged for, for quite a few years. Previously, we had moved across the country, leaving behind a house that I thought would be our forever home and moving into a rental townhouse that was nice, but not ideal for our family. Then, God blessed us with a beautiful new place we could call our own.
During our time of transition, my prayers often
began, “God, I want a big, beautiful house in a specific location.” For better or worse, I’m a woman who knows what I want. That prayer was not answered to my specifications, and I am pretty sure I know why. God wanted more from me through the home He would provide. He wanted my gratitude. Don’t we all expect gratitude when we give someone a gift? After a long time of praying for the perfect home, my prayers began to change to something more like this: “Lord, I am asking for a home to continue raising my family in that contributes to our wellness and allows us to minister to others.” As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15 KJV).
God didn’t answer my prayer overnight, but
I felt Him working after I changed my prayers a bit. He was working in and around me. My heart started opening to new locations and homes that fit our needs, rather than huge homes with more rooms than we ever needed in the perfect location. And one day, I searched, and the perfect home for our family popped up. It was not in the location I had wanted, it wasn’t as big as I wanted, and it didn’t have that beautiful oversized swimming pool in the yard either. But I immediately knew it was the perfect home for our family.
When we initially moved into the house, when I arrived home, I felt like I wasn’t in the right place. It wasn’t where I wanted to be. But I kept reminding myself that God gave us this home to get our kids through their middle and high school years and enable us to open the doors up to our friends and family, small groups from church, and whoever else we could minister to.
Now, I can say that our home has been built on the foundation of God, is full of His presence, and is a place where we worship Him daily. When I step foot across the threshold, I immediately feel peace, serenity, tranquility, and joy. His presence is always here, and that is what has made this home truly feel like mine.
As a person who believes that our wellness should be one of our top priorities, I can assure you that having God in the home is where it all starts. Our wellness involves many things, including the food we eat, the exercise we partake in, the products we use, the relationships we hold, our stewardship, whether we are living out our calling, our fulfillment levels, the amount of stress we allow into our lives and how we manage it, the condition of our home, and most importantly our relationship with our Creator.
Last year, I didn’t exactly meet all of those wellness goals, but yielding to God and trusting His will for our home has allowed my relationship with Him to become much deeper. Even though I know my wellness routines will continue to improve, I know their basis rests on God’s presence in my home at all times, allowing me to achieve the wellness goals I have set.
Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it. (MATTHEW 7:24-27 ESV)
What can you do in your home to feel God’s presence and improve your wellness this year?
Here are some suggestions:
3 Play worship music throughout your home
3 Place Bibles around as part of your aesthetic
3 Stack Christian books on open shelves
3 Simplify your home—minimalism has changed my life
3 Decorate your walls with scripture art—we have a big framed scripture in the center of our home reminding everyone who visits our home that we serve the Lord; I believe this changes everything for every person who enters
3 Invite people you love into your home, and don’t feel uncomfortable playing worship music while they are present
3 Prepare a space where you sit with God every day—it’s hard to avoid spending some time with Him when you see the space
Wellness begins in the home. How you live, what you eat, and the foundation of your home determines the rest of your life. May the presence of the Lord in your home be reflected in your overall wellness.
(JOSHUA 24:15 KJV).
Melissa is a wife and mom of tween and teen boys who are a huge inspiration in her life. She is a best-selling author who leads workshops and retreats to help women encounter a wellness journey and find rest and stillness amidst the busy lives they live so they can experience a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7). She has been practicing holistic wellness as an entrepreneur for over ten years. Learn more from Melissa on all social media platforms @melissakesslerwellness or focus on wellness in the home @kesslerhomeanddesigns
“Corrie,” [her father] began gently, “when you and I go to Amsterdam... when do I give you your ticket?”
“Why just before we get on the train.”
“Exactly. And our wise Father in heaven knows when we are going to need things, too... When the time comes that some of us will have to die, you will look into your heart and find the strength you need just in time.” 1
If you met Corrie Ten Boom in 1939, chances are you would not have been particularly impressed by her. She was a 47-year-old unmarried woman living in her family home in the ancient Dutch town of Haarlem with her widowed father and older, also unmarried, sister, Betsie. Her only remarkable achievement was becoming “the first woman to be licensed as a watchmaker in the Netherlands.” Yet a year later, Corrie would need to call on her heavenly Father for strength to face circumstances she could never have imagined.
On May 14, 1940, Nazi Germany invaded the Netherlands. It took only three days to totally conquer the nation whose neutrality had been disregarded. Ever since the Dutch Republic had broken away from Spain hundreds of years before, their official policy had been one of religious toleration. Therefore, many Jews had settled in that nation, which allowed them to practice their faith freely. The Ten Boom fam-
ily were committed members of the Dutch Reformed Church and had a special love for the Jewish people. A century before this invasion, Corrie’s grandfather had started a “prayer meeting for Israel.” Now, their German overlords were imposing the Nuremberg Race Laws on Dutch Jews and soon would be sending them to their deaths. The Ten Booms knew they had to do something to help the people whom God considered the apple of His eye (Deuteronomy 32:10 NASB). So, they built a secret room in their home and, working with the Dutch underground, they were able to help an estimated 800 Jews escape before the family was betrayed to the Nazis, their home was raided, and Corrie, Betsie, and their father were hauled off to prison.
Corrie’s father, Casper Ten Boom, became sick and died shortly after he was imprisoned. Corrie and Betsie were transferred from prison to prison and finally ended up in Ravensbrück concentration camp, a women’s labor camp in Germany. God had miraculously allowed the sisters to keep a small Bible with them. When they arrived at Ravensbrück, they were appalled at the living conditions; their barracks were infested with
fleas! Corrie and Betsie took out their Bible and read the encouragement to give thanks in all circumstances. After thanking God that they were together and that He had allowed them to keep their Bible:
“Thank you” Betsie went on serenely, “for the fleas and for...
... [Corrie said], “Betsie, there’s no way even God can make me grateful for a flea.”
“Give thanks in all circumstances,” she quoted. “It doesn’t say ‘in pleasant circumstances.’ Fleas are a part of this place where God has put us.”
...But this time I was sure Betsie was wrong.
At Ravensbrück, they had unusual freedom to lead Bible studies and prayer meetings in the barracks. Later, they found out why: The guards refused to enter their dormitory because of the fleas!
Ravensbrück was a cruel place that engendered cruelty in the guards. Because of the harsh treatment she received, Betsie died there. Corrie was released on Christmas Day, 1944, due to a “clerical error.”
We, like Corrie, are to trust God will give us the strength we need when we need it.
After the war, Corrie began speaking of God’s love and forgiveness to people all over Europe.
1Ten Boom, C., Sherrill, J. & Sherrill, E. (1971). The Hiding Place. Chosen Books, p. 33.
2 Corrie Ten Boom. (2023, December 7). Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corrie_ten_Boom
3 Ten Boom, Corrie. (1978). Father Ten Boom: God’s Man. Fleming H. Revell Co., p. 28.
4 Corrie Ten Boom. (2023, December 7). Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corrie_ten_Boom
5 Ten Boom, C., Sherrill, J. & Sherrill, E. (1971). The Hiding Place. Chosen Books, p. 181.
6 Ibid, p. 215.
When speaking in Germany, one of the elite SS troopers who had been a guard at Ravensbrück came up to thank her for her message that Jesus had washed away his sins. Seeing this man brought back all the trauma, hurt, and loss she had experienced in the concentration camp. Corrie prayed: “Jesus, I cannot forgive him. Give me Your forgiveness.” As she reached out to take the guard’s hand she was overcome by God’s love for her former captor. She “discovered that it is not on our forgiveness any more than on our goodness that the world’s healing hinges but on His.”
You may be living an ordinary life as Corrie was and wonder if you can live up to the challenges that may come your way in these uncertain times. But we, like Corrie, are to trust God will give us the strength we need when we need it: So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most (Hebrews 4:16 NLT).
Full & Complete, that’s what the Word says
But Lord, help me understand the life we should seek
Oh, how we chase things…
Either never capturing them or succeeding, only to receive temporary happiness, aching to chase the “next thing” to fill us up
Our measurements are often not holy
The Abundant Life—oh, Lord, tell me what this truly is!
As we run the race in this life we are given
Sometimes stumbling
Pleasing others
Pleasing me
Not really focusing on pleasing Thee
I’m hanging on with all my might
The winds of warring slap my face
The pelts of water drown my desired and soughtafter dreams and desires
But, Father, what are the dreams and desires You have just for me?
The Abundant Life, what does it truly mean?
I’m hanging on with all my might, trying to know just that
You are the Vine I am the branch
Holding on tight
Often calloused hands and an exhausted soul
Holding onto Your Word and Your Promises that I know are true
Sometimes, only when emptied can we be abundantly filled by You
Abundant LOVE
Connected to the vine, but rather than holding on, being held
Held by the ONE who gave so abundantly so I can abundantly live
Live not as the world lives
But at Your feet
Learning Becoming Surrendering
Letting go to be held by You through all that comes my way
Abundance, yes, but not of me
Abundance through the ONE who truly LOVES ME!
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Women World Leaders presents “Through the Eyes of Merci,” written by award-winning author Kelley Rene. Kelley writes contemporary fiction to illustrate biblical truths in the mundane, the exhilarating, and even the stormy circumstances of life.
Merci Rivers is a college senior navigating the challenges of university life. In the last issue, she collided with a glass bottle that sent her to the emergency room, causing her to miss an important interview for an internship she needs to graduate. Deflated and discouraged as she seeks help from her academic advisor, Merci can’t help but wonder, Why did God let this happen?
Read “Through the Eyes of Merci” from the beginning. The first episode is printed in Voice of Truth: 11th Edition, Quarter I, 2023. All episodes are available www.womenworldleaders.com.
Merci steps out of Merriam Hall into a chilly spring morning. The heavy metal doors of the building slam shut behind her with a screeching wail.
“God, I am so angry!” she shouts as she plods down the elaborate concrete staircase, disturbing a nest of chirping birds nearby. Fury pumps through her veins.
Her academic advisor’s words ruminate in her mind. Unfortunately, without completing an internship, I have no choice but to deny your application for graduation. It’s completely out of my hands. Merci knew it was unlikely that the university would waive the internship requirement, but she had hoped her advisor could find an alternative.
Fresh tears sting Merci’s eyes. She swipes at them, irritating the tender skin still raw from the stitches. An obscenity surges through her and nips at her throat. Three months earlier, a beer bottle collided with her nose, and every day since that fateful party, she’s faced the consequences—by no choice of her own. Thankfully, there was no long-term damage—aside from the obvious scar, the missed interview—which cost her the internship, and of course, the raised eyebrows every time she answers the question, “What happened?”
Merci kicks and stomps her way across a budding knoll to the student parking lot. Now, she must stay at the university for another semester. She’d have to apply
for more student loans to take extra classes she doesn’t need just to meet the enrollment qualifications. It doesn’t make sense, she fumes as she jams her hand into her bag to find her car keys.
This is so unfair, God. I just don’t understand. Why is this happening?
A car horn reverberates off the concrete walls of the garage, startling Merci and sending her keys to the pavement. As she rights herself, her eyes lock with Belinda, who is sitting in the front passenger seat of the car parked next to hers. Something in the girl’s composure jolts Merci out of her temper tantrum. She waves her hand, realizing she has never thanked Belinda for all her help the night of the accident. Belinda had carefully dressed her wound and driven her to the emergency room.
Belinda looks away.
“Belinda!” Merci steps between the vehicles and taps the closed window.
Belinda hesitates, then opens the door a crack. “Hey.”
“I wanted to say thank you,” she motions towards her face, “for helping me.”
Belinda contorts her mouth. “It was nothin’.”
“It certainly was. Just having you with me that night made me feel so much better.” Merci wants to reach in for a hug, but the space is tight, and Belinda seems guarded.
“Are you okay?” Merci squats beside the car and grasps the door for balance.
A ripple runs across Belinda’s chin, and her eyes fill. “No.” She crosses her arms over her chest.
Merci drops to her knees and gently touches Belinda’s arm. “What’s wrong?”
“Baxter is angry with me.” Sobs rumble over her shoulders and jumble her words. “Clive kissed me and told Baxter we’re together.”
Merci hesitates. What is the charming Clive thinking? Maybe that’s why her roommate, Baxter, hasn’t been at the apartment much. “Are you? Together?”
Another sob ripples through Belinda’s body. “Once.”
How could he? She’s a freshman. A new wave of fury consumes Merci. “Belinda, do you want to go somewhere to talk?”
“I can’t.” She rubs the heels of her fists over her eyes. “I’m waiting for Clive.”
Merci bites back a retort. “Do you want to wait for Clive… or do you have to wait for Clive?”
“He told me he’d only be a minute, but it’s been at least forty-five.”
Her deflection told Merci what she needed to know.
“Belinda, I’d really love to talk with you more. How about you and I go have coffee?”
“Clive will be mad if I’m not here when he returns.”
“He may be. But that’s okay. If he cares about you, he’ll understand.”
Belinda draws in the words, allows them to simmer and saturate her mind. “True.”
Merci stands and holds the door open. “Hop in my car. I’ll tell Clive it was my idea.”
Lord, could it be that You have more for me to do here? Forgive me, Father. Help me to keep my eyes on You.
It’s possible that you, like me, can relate to Merci. Sometimes, things happen in life that just don’t make sense. Our understanding is limited, but God’s is not.
Do you get angry when your circumstances take a left turn when you want them to go right? Do you throw yourself a pity party? I know I have a time or two. Or three. But God is ever so gentle in revealing His will if only we’ll take our focus off ourselves and put it back on Him.
Joseph models this principle beautifully in Genesis. His brothers sell him into slavery. He’s wrongly accused. He’s forgotten in prison. And yet, years later, Joseph
says to his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people” (Gen 50:20 NLT).
If you’ve found yourself in an unfortunate situation— whether by your own doing or not—you can trust God to lead and direct you through it. If necessary, repent. Turn to God. Allow your circumstances to teach you, grow your faith, and propel you into greater purpose. But beware. Don’t transfer your limitations to God. His plan may look very different than your expectations.
Merci has a choice: wallow in self-pity or accept a divine assignment. When life presents you with unfavorable circumstances, take a deep breath, refocus on God, and step into His will. He will show you great and mighty things. (Luke 5:26)
Check in with Merci next quarter to see how God takes a broken nose, a missed interview, and a new friendship to strengthen Merci’s faith and redirect the course of her life.
Kelley Rene is the co-visionary author of the international best-seller Miracle Mindset: Finding Hope In the Chaos. She desires to be a conduit of God’s love and forgiveness and is often inspired by new people she meets on her travels. When she’s not scribbling insightful stories, you’ll find her crocheting, kayaking, enjoying the beach, or cuddling a good book and cappuccino. Keep up with her at kelleyrene.com or on socials @imkelleyrene.
Happy New Year. Many of us make New Year’s resolutions; mine usually starts out like this…
n Exercise.
n Eat better.
n Read my Bible daily.
n Be a better mom.
But this year, I only put one thing on my list.
n I want to know Jesus.
We all read scripture and study God’s Word, but how well and close do we really know Jesus? I want to know Jesus. By knowing Jesus we can love others and ourselves. We can have eternal life. We can have the confidence to fight the impossible fight and to be part of God’s greatest mission.
Let’s travel this together.
I have opened the door. I have made a way. Come to me and have life.
Go into the world and share the good news. Spreading God’s word to “all” people. God made a way,
God’s news has traveled the world near and far. Jesus has come to offer salvation for all people. It has survived thousands of years and remains the most popular message of all time. It is the only story that transforms lives. To all people. Many people have tried to stop or change His message. But God can’t be stopped. His mission can’t be stopped. Jesus couldn’t be stopped.
God’s people were waiting for God to send a deliverer—a powerful lion that would crush their enemies. Instead, God sent Jesus. He sent a lamb to take our sin away. Jesus was not weak or afraid; He boldly faced His enemies. He did the impossible. And He stood up for outcasts and rejects.
God does not call the strongest, coolest, most powerful, popular, or the richest. In fact, He introduced Jesus by using a scruffy bohemian prophet, John the Baptist. John was different. He lived outside of mainstream religious culture. Yet his message was more timely than any other: Repent for the kingdom of heaven has come near.
Jesus spent His time with ordinary people; He was not popular with the religious elite. He knew His purpose, and He spent much of his time with people who were flawed and overlooked. This message gives me hope. I used to spend most of my life not feeling good enough. When I finally gave my heart to Jesus, I was in the deepest of pits; I had no self-worth. I couldn’t understand how a perfect God could love a mess like me. I thought I had to fix myself first. I had it all wrong. God made a way for ordinary people like me to come into a relationship with a perfect Father.
And we see from how Jesus responded to the Samaritan woman, spending time with someone
When we discover who Jesus really is, we become empowered to spread the good news.
most would not look at or invite to the table, that Jesus’ way is forgiveness, kindness, and love. Forgiveness, kindness, and love should be our way, too.
We should be friends with people on the outside— the people most won’t take the time to even glance towards. The people that others dislike. Jesus came to call sinners. Not the religious elite.
Jesus‘s purpose is much greater than earthly power or gain. His intentions are more significant. When we discover who Jesus really is, we become empowered to spread the good news.
Jesus’ kingdom has turned the world upside down. It belongs to the poor and the persecuted. By His kingdom, even the worst sinner can be saved.
Believe in Him and know His power in your life. Don’t stay in spiritual darkness. His message can change everything. Jesus was troubled, but he faced His fear and refused to let anything stop Him from doing the will of God. We can walk boldly into the unknown. We can have confidence in who God says we are.
Jesus did everything to accomplish the will of God. We should do the same. We can walk the same. We can know Jesus and be close to Him.
God made a way. The way is JESUS.
World Publishing and Productions was birthed in obedience to a calling by God.
Our mission is to empower you—the writer and artist—to walk in your God-given purpose and to share your God-story with the world. We offer one-on-one coaching and a complete publishing experience.
Each contract is tailored to fit your needs.
Empowering you to share your God-given story with the world.
When we see the handiwork of God and His magnificent creation displayed in a picture, there is so much we can pull out of what we are looking at, but do we ever take a moment and pause to do so?
What do you see besides a beautiful picture on the cover of Voice of Truth magazine today? This entire photograph represents the beauty of God in so many ways. But when we just glance at a pretty picture, we lose so much of what God wants us to see. Let’s dive deeper.
Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.
The colors in this photo tell a story. Notice the glow of pink. Pink symbolizes love, nurture, and compassion. It evokes a feeling of comfort, warmth, and hope. Pink is also a sign of good health and happiness.
Going further, we know that pink comes from a mix of red and white. Passionate red signifies Jesus’ blood, while white represents His purity. Together, this combination represents the love of God.
Allow all the colors in Voice of Truth to draw you in, evoking feelings of love and nurturing as you immerse yourself in the scriptures presented. Be enveloped by the comfort, warmth, and hope that God is offering you as you read.
Now, let’s look at the flowers. In the Bible, flowers are often prevalent at significant events and symbolize virtues such as
love, faith, and hope. For example, the lily represents purity, innocence, and resurrection, while the rose symbolizes love, beauty, and hope. Flowers also brought fragrance, a sweetsmelling aroma with calming, lasting, therapeutic moments to many biblical saints.
Then there is the sunrise. We can marvel at numerous biblical references that highlight the magnificence of nature, and there is an array of Bible verses that explicitly mention the sunrise and its significance to us. The sunrise is an emblem of new beginnings. Each morning, God shows us His faithfulness as the sun rises, reminding us of His compassion and love for us in new each day.
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised (Psalm 113:3 NIV).
Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
And God has much to say about the ocean. The ocean speaks of God’s impressive power. The prophet Jeremiah reminds us:
This is what the LORD says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the LORD almighty is his name (Jeremiah 31:35 NIV).
In Psalm 95:5 (NIV), the writer proclaims, The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.
This scripture serves as a great reminder that our most awesome God created the ocean and all its wonders. The beaches on the dry land paint a picture for us of how God has accounted for every granule of sand; He knows our every thought just as He knows every grain of sand contained on all the beaches in the world.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you (Psalm 139:17-18 ESV).
It is impossible to comprehend all this with just a glance. God, our creator, has so much more for us when we sit and ponder with Him. He shows us His magnificence in so many ways all around us every day. Remember to take time during your busy day to look deeply into God’s infinite beauty, whether in a picture, a painting, or out in nature itself. There is endless purpose and glory to discover as we examine all the wonders God has prepared for us.
As a parent, no matter the age of our children, we never stop being a role model. Our roles change from being a full-time parent to being a parent/friend and even being a friend/parent, but we are always called to minister to our children as they go through their life journeys. But as we get older, we must remember and accept that our children can also be called to minister to us.
Parenting older children requires consistent effort, care, and intentionality, especially when offering advice and direction. There are times when the best parenting is simply letting our children know we are there for them, not necessarily condoning their life choices but loving them regardless.
Lately, in my family, we have experienced what I view as a role reversal more frequently. My girls, now in their late 20s, have become role models to others and even minister to my husband and me. We find it exciting and comforting to see our children’s emotional and spiritual growth. Although all three girls are in very different stages of life and have different priorities, time and again, we see them each expressing themselves maturely.
Recently, my husband and I made a ministry decision that took us to a new location—away from our girls’ “childhood home.” Our daughters each showed her support and encouragement, knowing we were
walking in obedience to whatever God deemed. And when God started revealing our current assignment may not be long-term, our daughters again exhibited such deep compassion and concern. Their ability to listen, support, and affirm us was skillfully displayed at such remarkable and needed times. They saw and pointed out a change in us; they sensed stress and anxiety, recognized health concerns, and even questioned the strain on our marriage as my husband and I were physically living in two locations for the majority of the time, awaiting the sale of our home. These were all valid concerns they could not ignore.
Life can take some interesting and unexpected turns. Yet, if we look closely and stay in the Word, seeking Him and His direction in our journey, God will speak to us in various ways. He can even speak to us through our adult children.
Through the years, our family adopted the saying, Appreciate the similarities and respect the differences, which has helped us have open minds when it comes to receiving input and advice and expressing concerns, all while knowing that we each speak to each other from the heart without ulterior motives. Many times, we get the impression we aren’t heard. As parents, it can be tempting to think that what we say or do goes unheard or unnoticed.
There have been times when we’ve requested specific prayer, and the response was, “Why don’t we pray right now?” or “God’s got a bigger plan than we can see in the chaos.” This, my friend, is the epitome of role reversal.
The Bible teaches us to respect those who are growing in Christ. Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity (1 Timothy 4:12 NLT). This scripture comes alive as my daughters continue their own life lessons and growth, and we’ve been pleasantly surprised by their comments and encouragement as the roles flipped.
THINK AGAIN! No matter their age, our children hear and see more than we know. As we are mindful of our actions and pray to see the fruits of our efforts as our children age, we can trust that God will determine the outcome in His time. And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. (Titus 2:7 NLT).
We have been very blessed to experience the results of our efforts. In the past, one daughter might go for months without communication due to outside influences making her feel weak if she talked to or confided in Mom or Dad. Recently, she began her journey back to her roots; now, we have lengthy and even spiritual conversations multiple times a week.
We will all continue to go through valleys, but we need to remember the growth that happens there. How we handle the valley and the mountain tops will leave a lasting impression. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings (Psalm 84:6 NLT). Blessings develop in the valley. Role reversal can be good or bad. I’m sure you know the sayings, “The apple didn’t fall far from the tree” and “You reap what you sow.” Think hard on those sayings, as the same can apply to the role reversal we experience. My goal is to make it a good one! How about you?
Diane is a professional meeting planner with over 40 years of experience in the hospitality industryplanning, contracting, and executing meetings and events worldwide. (www.ExecutiveDiamond.com) She and her husband Les have been married 31 years, have three beautiful adult girls, and work together in their ministry, HALO - Highway, Healing Arts Life’s Oxygen (www.HALOHighway.com). Although she never envisioned being a writer, Diane loves the impact made on lives in the various ministries of Women World Leaders and World Publishing and Productions.
We are committed to bringing in a harvest through Voice of Truth, which is available for free digitally and in the printed version to our donors. The Lord is our provider, and as this magazine grows daily, we invite you to help us bring in the harvest.
Your partnership with us in prayer and giving is a seed blossoming in the hearts of women around the globe. As you give, we are praying and trusting that the Lord will bless you and meet your needs according to His riches in glory.
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Reading the 14th edition of Voice of Truth—given to me by a friend—has changed my life forever. I was drifting for the past couple years and seeking fulfillment in things that ended in failure. Voice of Truth encouraged me and helped me to realize that I was not putting God first in my life.
After all the help in daily reading, it gave me things to focus on for each day. The last article in the magazine made me think and then pray about “God first,” always. Thank you for letting me share.
~ Judith Rise, Orlando, FloridaGod has given each of you a gift. Use it to help each other. This will show God’s loving-favor.
(1 PETER 4:10 NLV)
“Do more of what makes you awesome.” This is the saying on the front of my makeup bag. I’ve probably looked at it a hundred times, but just yesterday, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I heard God say, “Just be yourself, Kelly.”
This has been an ongoing theme in recent months as I’ve been digging deeper into God’s Word.
Many women have the same questions. What I know is that God created all of us—in His image—to bring glory to Him. How He does that is often through the gifts and talents He’s given each of us and the skills and experience we’ve cultivated in our lives.
God turns our pain into purpose so we can point others to Jesus, the one who restores our souls.
Before I dive in, I’d like to share a bit of my story.
The past few years have been such a journey for me. I know
God has given me the gift of encouragement, and ever since the COVID lockdown occurred, He has provided countless opportunities for me to activate this gift, particularly since I am now working my full-time job remotely. I hate that so many people experienced loss, hardship, and tragedy in 2020, but it was the best year for me in that a long-time prayer was answered: I began working from home.
I have been beyond grateful for the flexibility to manage my days as I meet work deadlines (of course!) and also pursue the desires God placed on my heart.
After my second divorce, God told me to share hope with other single mamas. At the time, I was still getting to know Jesus, becoming a Wednesday night Bible Study girl, and simply trusting God.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 11, but over the years, I had drifted away from Him, choosing instead to do life my way and turning to Him only when I was in dire straits. I would still pray, but it was definitely not from a place of relationship! Looking back, I had a healthy fear of God and
knew He was sovereign and the Creator of the universe. What I lacked was believing that I was loved.
Growing up, I felt a strong need to DO good. I was praised for getting good grades or helping around the house, receiving validation for what I did, not necessarily for who I was.
I always felt like an ugly duckling and constantly compared myself to the other girls in my class, in magazines, or on TV. If only I looked like her. If only I was shorter, smarter, skinnier—fill in the blank—then I would be happy. Worthy. Enough.
It took me years to understand my worth doesn’t come from the things I do (or did) or what I look like, but rather, it comes from who God says I am: Chosen. Loved. His favorite daughter.
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. (PSALM 139:13-16 NLT)
But I am still human, and life has a way of throwing us all curveballs that can throw us off our game. Even the most devoted believer will go through seasons of doubt, fear, and uncertainty. But God. He is faithful to finish the work He started (Philippians 1:6). Romans 8:28 tells us, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (NIV).
A common way our enemy will derail us on the path to our destiny is to tempt us with lies. The lie often begins with, “Did God really say?” (Genesis 3:1)
For me, it sounded like this: “Did God really say you’re meant to teach single moms? How can He use you? You’ve made so many mistakes.”
Maybe you’ve heard these lies: “Did God really say you had a gift to sing?” “Did God really say you should start that
business?” “Did God really say you have a message to share?” These lies have a way of dimming the light we are meant to carry into the world.
You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Fear is real. God gave us the emotion of fear to keep us safe. But Jesus says, “Fear not.”
Fear can keep us from becoming who God says we already are. We get caught up in perfectionism, pleasing others, and downplaying our gifts because they make folks uncomfortable. When fear keeps us from being ourselves, we begin to live a life never meant for us.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Verse 12 continues, “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you” (NIV).
God has a purpose specific to you. That means He’s given you everything you need to fulfill His plan for your life. The key to unlocking all He has for you is found inside your very soul. We were each created purposefully—with our unique personalities, strengths, and even our limitations. (Yes, God knows about your big ears and curly hair—He created them!) His desire is for each of us to “Do more of what makes you awesome.”
Mind you, we are all a work in progress, admonished to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18 NIV). God loves us too much to allow us to stay the same. Abiding in Jesus will, at times, feel like being pruned. Uncomfortable. Awkward. It may even hurt. We may fear we’ll be disappointed in the results. But God is a gentleman. He won’t force us to do anything. We get to choose to follow Him. As we walk out our faith, we will quit comparing our Chapter 1 with someone’s Chapter 12. As we go deeper into the Word, God will reveal what’s next for us.
I’m so excited to see what God does this year!
I am loved.
You are, too.
Kelly Williams Hale is an author, speaker, and coach. Through inner healing and intimacy work, Kelly teaches women how to get past proving their worth and how to fall in love with God. You are invited to join her Facebook community—Sisters Who Shine— for inspiration, encouragement, and support. She can also be reached at thebebravelife@gmail.com.
In our journey of life, we often find ourselves praying and seeking wisdom and guidance for what to do in our daily comings and goings, including direction for a job, ministry opportunity, a place to live, and so on.
In Philippians, Paul encourages us: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7 ESV).
Our Father God is interested in you and your decisions. After all, He knows what is best for us.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
(JEREMIAH 29:11 ESV)And our Father God cares for you. Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7 NIV).
Together, let’s look at ten steps and Bible verses that can help when seeking the Lord for wisdom and direction for decisions in our daily and not-so-daily journey. (This is not an exhaustive list, but points to consider.)
1. Ask God for wisdom—James 1:5 (ESV)
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
2. Trust the Lord—Proverbs 3:5 (ESV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding (ESV).
3. Pray pertaining to all things—Philippians 4:6 (ESV)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
4. Turn to Scripture—2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV)
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
5. Seek godly counsel—Proverbs 11:14 (ESV)
Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
6. Fear the Lord—Proverbs 1:7 (ESV) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Psalm 112:1 (ESV) Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments!
7. Commit to the plan God has for you—Psalm 16:8 (ESV)
I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
8. Be humble—Proverbs 14:12 (ESV) There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Proverbs 3:7 (ESV) Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
9. Read Scripture—Hebrews 4:12 (ESV)
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
10. Listen to Holy Spirit—John 16:13 (ESV)
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
When you are in the valley of decision, meditate on the Word and pray Scripture.
Here are some verses to cling to:
n Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
n James 1:5 (ESV)
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
n Colossians 3:15 (ESV)
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
n I Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
n Proverbs 15:22 (ESV)
Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.
n Proverbs 19:21 (ESV)
Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.
n Psalm 37:5 (ESV)
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.
Making decisions can often be difficult and unclear. Thank you, Father, that we are never without help because You, our Heavenly Father, are there to help and guide us. Scripture tells us to:
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known (Jeremiah 33:3 ESV).
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. (JEREMIAH 33:3 ESV)
Cling to Jesus and hold tight to Him…be ever interceding! He will show up, guide you, and speak to your heart!
The words of the hymn What a Friend We Have in Jesus, say it well:
What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer
Let’s talk to our Father together:
Father God, all wisdom comes from You. Thank You for Scripture, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and godly counsel with those in my circle.
Please give me wisdom and direction concerning the choices before me. Guide me to the right godly counsel to speak and confirm truth to my heart. I seek You and your kingdom first, but I am confused about how to move forward at this time. Help me to be still and know that You are God. Help me, Father, to hear from You clearly. Eliminate all fear related to this decision and give me the assurance I need to make this important decision in accordance with what You have for me in your plans.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Your turn:
Are you currently needing wisdom for a decision? What spoke to you in this article? What Scripture are you claiming? Choose a verse and write a prayer to the Father for guidance that you can claim in Jesus’ name according to His Word.
Share with us how God guided you in a decision in your life. How did you pray? What verse or verses ministered to you? Send an email to Diana@womenworldleaders.com We love hearing your God stories!
What would it look like if Women World Leaders partnered with a local coffee shop in Sanford, Florida to empower lives with purpose?
For starters, it would look like a bag of freshly roasted, washed Costa Rican beans and natural Ethiopian beans blended to perfection sitting on your kitchen counter. With notes of honey, vanilla, milk chocolate, and cocoa, you can’t go wrong.
We rejoice in God merging our missions together, partnering to serve Him — from empowering women to rescuing many from the plights of human trafficking. You can join our hearts and hands by purchasing a bag of coffee. All the proceeds will be shared between Women World Leaders & Love Missions.
Palate Coffee Brewery is blessed to have won taste quality awards; always roasted in His love, to perfection.
and support both missions with your purchase!
Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You.
Psalm 139:12 NKJV
Dear sister,
God sees no difference between night and day. Although we know that they serve different purposes, to God, they are one and the same. Do you not know that this is how God sees you? Do you not know that God does not separate who you are based on your circumstances, the decisions that you have made, the relationships that you are in, or the trials and tribulations of your life? He sees so much more when He looks at you.
His love covers a multitude of sins and holds no grudges or benchmarks by which to hold you hostage. Instead, the Lord preserves all who love Him. He draws close to those who call upon Him in truth. He is a great God whose love and compassion towards you are immeasurable, irreplaceable, and unable to be duplicated.
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable. Sister, you don’t have to worry about being different, set apart, peculiar, or the scars from the story of your life because the unsearchable God sees you as the moon and the sun that shine the same.
Love You,
As I wrapped up 2023 by taking down my Christmas tree and stepping into 2024, I reflected on how my December had been particularly challenging. I had a weight on my heart with a mix of memories, longing, and loss.
Perhaps my emotions were a reflection of the work I do and the awareness that not everyone has the privilege of creating good memories. I know this personally as I don’t remember any happy Christmases when I was little.
Christmases were sad and lonely, and I never got anything I hoped for, including safety.
I saw other children riding their new bikes and playing with their new dolls. When I returned to school, I saw their new clothes and shoes. I longed for the same. Because of these memories, I started Boxes of Love—a creation of boxes of toys, school supplies, and hygiene products distributed to children from struggling or abusive homes. I want them to know that someone cares.
As a child, sometimes churches gave our family something similar—we were so excited. It was the little things that were huge to us. Because we never got those things from my mom. Like the pencils that had lead that you took off and put in the hole underneath, and then a new lead would pop up. Or the powdered strawberry milk. You would have thought we were given a million dollars when we received these simple things.
Even today, I feel conflicted between the joy of the season and the reality of life’s heartbreak. It can feel overwhelming. But I’m excited for the new memories I’ve been able to enjoy and create with our grandchildren—the next generation. Being able to add their chapter to our family’s story is a gift I didn’t always think I’d have.
Because Christmas was so hard for me as a child, I always wanted it to be so special for my kids. I hope they know how much it meant to me to have our Christmases filled with love and security, not feelings of being less than others. But mostly, I wanted my children to know that Jesus loves them and died for them, and He is the only one who makes us worthy, no matter where we come from.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
(John 3:16 NIV)
So, as I stood in front of my tree, looking at the twinkling lights and ornaments, my heart longed for Christmases past—back to the days when my girls were young. Those were such sweet times for me as I was able to give my children the things I was never given—a safe, healthy family. I remember how I felt as I watched them open their gifts with the wonder of Christmas glowing in their eyes. I felt such joy, peace, and contentment.
When decorating my Christmas tree, I’ve never followed a fancy plan with matchingcolored bulbs or a particular theme, though I’ve always admired those trees and thought one day I might just do that. They always look so pretty.
Instead, I always go back to decorating my tree the same way each year—with a mix match of different ornaments, each holding a special memory or story.
Some decorations have dates on them—like the first Christmas for each of my girls and the ones they made at school. Yep, I still have those paper ornaments, and they still put a smile on my face as I think back on those sweet memories.
There are also the ornaments from the first Christmas Carl and I spent together. Not knowing what I was doing, I made decorations for our first Christmas tree by hand. They were crafted with so much love and filled with so many dreams and hopes for our future. Now they make me laugh; they look so silly. I was so young; it’s been over 40 years now.
While taking down the tree, I felt a bit sad, longing for those days and all the precious memories we made.
But even as I look back, I’m thankful for the new memories we are making with our grandchildren. Now I get to watch them and their excitement and wonder of Christmas. And I get to watch my daughters create new traditions for their families. Theirs is a stronger, faith-built generation.
With all that being said, the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 were tough, and my
heart felt heavy. I know part of it is missing our sweet grandson Berkeley, our little superhero, as we call him. He was such a fighter.
December, especially, brings back memories of our last moments with Berkeley here on earth. He left a huge gap in our family when he went to heaven. His Angelversary is in early January. And those memories and thoughts are still heart-wrenching, and I know they always will be. I’m so grateful for God’s promise that we will all be together again one day.
Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
(1 Thessalonians 4:17 ESV)
Despite my emotions and the ups and downs that come with decorating the tree, taking it down, and all the celebrations of the season, I realized that life is a mix of emotions and feelings. Although there is sadness and longing, we can also experience joy, if we don’t lose our focus.
In the midst of the chaos of life, we need to settle down and remember what is important. It’s not the physical gifts we give or receive, but it’s those we go through life with. It’s a baby who came to earth and died so that we might live. And live a life more abundantly.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.
(John 10:10 NIV)
Without Jesus, how would we get through the heartbreak and ever be able to see the good?
As we venture further into 2024 and all that it will bring, don’t forget time is fleeting, and life will always have its struggles.
But our hope and joy can only and always be found in Jesus.
Jesus is the one who heals the brokenness of our past, gives us hope for the future, and promises that we will one day see again our loved ones who are no longer here to make memories with us.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3 NIV).
Remember to reach out to those who may be experiencing rough times while others celebrate. You may be the only way they see Jesus.
Appreciate the little things; hug your children, grandchildren, family, and friends. We never know what tomorrow holds, and every moment is precious.
Tina Kadolph is the founder and president of Love Missions Global.
When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.) Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
“Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”
The Samaritan responded to Jesus, who asked her to give Him something. He asked her. He asked for something from her. He recognized her as a woman scorned by her own and His own, yet He recognized her value. She had something of value that she could give to Him!
Me? Of value? she may have thought. The concept had never entered her mind before! This moment was a tense one, both racially and culturally. Jesus had initiated contact with her, and it was not to dismiss or abuse her. He was asking her to do Him a favor. She was used to being beneath others, to being ordered around and abused. Yet, in one simple request, she was elevated to the ability to make a choice.
“Will you?” she is asked. Will she?
In shock, she questions His own question. And she is told about an even better choice. By asking something from her, Jesus gave her the opportunity to wonder. To ponder. To ask, How? and Why? To express her surprise. He gave her room to feel and dignity and value to seek truth. Jesus already knew who and what she was. He also knew where He was standing—and He knew the history and significance of that well.
Jesus approached the woman. When she looked at Him, she saw by His dress that He was likely one who thought he was better than her. And perhaps, due to her situation, she felt the same way about herself: an outcast among outcasts. Victimized and abused. With no place to turn. But then Grace appeared and asked her to give Him something.
Am I listening today for what God is asking me to give to Him? No matter how little I may think of myself, there is something of value that I have to give to Him. Am I willing to listen, learn, and give?
When I am in need, I often focus only on my needs. Jesus shows me that my neediness equips me to share the truth and love of the gospel.
I have never enjoyed neediness, sickness, trials, or tribulations. I don’t like asking for help because I don’t want to burden others with my needs. It somehow seems wrong to me. I was taught not to impose myself on others. Yet here, I see Jesus with a physical need, asking for help.
If we, in our time of need, go and ask for help, we, too, could be opening a door to offer spiritual help to others. My physical needs can be an opportunity to bless someone else spiritually.
Who can I turn to in my time of need? And am I willing to be a blessing to others in my neediness?
It is OK to ask.
Jesus had just offered living water to a Samaritan woman. She does not comprehend. How could she? Instead, she observes carefully—a trait her situation in life has trained her well in. The man is a Jew. He is alone. He is thirsty. He is passing through (she must think this odd as Jews usually take the long way around her area to avoid Samaritans). He has nothing to draw water with from the deep, historic well. He is clearly a learned man and must know this history. It’s the only well around. Where is He going to get any other water around here? But what is this “living water” He is talking about?
Do I look at my circumstances and see only the facts of the world, thus remaining clueless as to how Jesus will provide for me—or if He is even able? Do I doubt because I cannot see or understand? If you doubt, go ahead and be like this woman; it IS OK to ask! “Where?” “How?”
Do I look at Jesus and see only His humanity and not His power? The woman questions His intent. You’re asking me? (v9) The woman questions His resources. Where is your cup? (v11). She questions His authority. You aren’t greater than our father? (v12). And that is OK. That is how questions get answered. Jesus answers in love and power and always to our deepest needs, whether or not we even know what to ask for. His love gives to us first.
n What do I not understand today that is holding me back?
n What confuses me?
Lord, help me to turn to You with my confusion. Give me confidence that You care to answer, so I shall ask,
“What is my stumbling block to understanding?”
I have passed this way before, often confronting this very large puddle. When I arrived this time and discovered the stone, my first thought was, What is that? A stumbling block? But then a young woman walking up the steps reached that spot and, without hesitation, put her foot squarely in the center of that big block and continued up the stairs—without any risk of watery shoes. No! It’s a stepping stone Everything depends on how we look at it.
What things do I find in my life that can be either a stumbling block or a stepping stone? It’s in my power to choose how I will look at every opportunity. How will I look at my challenges this day?
This is also a picture of a “quick fix.” You know, those things we do not have time, money, or head space to deal with? We install a solution and continue to live with it day after day and month after month, putting out the latest crisis in our lives and putting off those needed permanent changes.
Jesus is not a ‘quick fix’.
He is our permanent solution. Ask Him today to be your stepping stone of faith. And then, with confidence, step into His kingdom, His Word, and His truth. And grow and learn.
Connie Hecker, MFA, is a Scenic Designer currently teaching at Liberty University. She is mom, stepmom, and grandmother to 13. Her “first career” was in interior and industrial design. Her “second” was as Manager of Operations and Maneuvers (note initials) in her extended family. Her ‘third’ is as a professor and she looks forward to what God has in store as her “fourth” someday.
I’m usually an early-to-turn-in-work kind of girl. But today I’m late. Truth is, I’m in that place where all I can do is lift my hands to heaven and wait. But I don’t feel like I have words to pray, and it’s hard even to lift my hands. I open my Bible, and my mind wanders. I pray, and I find myself thinking of tomorrow’s problems.
A couple of weeks ago, a friend asked me what I do when I don’t feel like God is answering. “It’s like all I can do is pray and wait,” she said.
“In those times, all you can do is pray and wait,” I responded. She had answered her own question, and I had no more true advice to offer.
It’s not the praying that tests our faith; that’s our obedience. It’s in the waiting that our faith is tested and refined. It’s when we feel alone and hopeless and want to force life to fall into place ahead of God’s timing. It’s when we don’t act on our own strength that God can move, and we find out what strength is. It’s in the waiting when we get to see God work miracles. And that is a hope I know to be true and dependable!
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
(ISAIAH 41:10 NIV).
Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in
all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (NIV).
Sometimes, it’s hard to admit we have times of waiting and aloneness that cause us to doubt or fear. The Bible refers to it as being in the wilderness. I know I’m not alone in feeling this way. The Psalms are filled with David’s lamenting cries, asking God to reveal Himself again. David kept seeking and praising, and so will I.
For those of you feeling alone, I pray this reminds you that feeling lonely doesn’t mean you are alone. Feeling hopeless doesn’t mean you don’t have hope. Feeling God is distant doesn’t mean God is far.
Today, I’m in the waiting. I know I’ll feel God’s presence again. I know He is with me even now. Somewhere, I must have taken a wrong turn, and I know that as I wait and seek God, His answer will be revealed in His timing. Until then, I will keep lifting my hands to heaven.
From a very young age, Sara dreamed of sharing God’s Word through music and word. Through many ups and downs, that dream has become a reality. She is a published author and sings with her church and other women’s ministry teams. Sara resides in Jupiter, Florida, with her family. Her music is available on her website, sarasahmmusic.com.
In March 2022, I took a photo of my husband, Dave, sitting peacefully on the patio floor with his beloved Miss Kitty by his side as they enjoyed each other’s company. Dave was released from the hospital two weeks earlier after having surgery on his legs for coronary artery disease. We didn’t know it at the time, but it was the calm before the heart health storm that continues to this day. Despite what was lurking inside his body, Dave and Miss Kitty were content to be with each other, resting side-by-side, happy together, without a care in the world, completely at peace.
I’ve since edited the photo, adding textures and posterizing it to create this final emotional piece of photo art. The photo depicts rest, peace, serenity, happiness, contentment, and spending quiet time with a loved one. It’s a metaphor for the peace, serenity, and happiness experienced by spending quiet time with God and being content by His side, no matter what.
The apostle Paul wrote in Philippians about the secret of having peace and being content regardless of the circumstance.
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:4-13 NIV).
Paul acknowledged that no matter the situation, good or bad, we are to always rejoice in God our Savior. Being anxious and worried is selfcentered and counterproductive, causes great distress, and impairs us from effectively spreading the gospel. Anxiety and prayer are two opposing forces, but thanksgiving, along with prayer and petition, is the antidote to worry.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you (Philippians 4:8 NIV).
Paul also understood the influence our thoughts have on our lives. Our thoughts determine our feelings, speech, and actions. We must be very
We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
careful what we choose to think about, taking every thought captive. Instead of constantly thinking about the bad or negative things going on in our lives, we should concentrate on what is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy so that the God of peace will be with us.
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
(Philippians 4:11-13 NIV)
Paul recognized that no matter what he had or didn’t have, the secret of being content was having a personal relationship and being in union with Jesus
Christ, who was the source of Paul’s strength. When Paul endured much pain with a thorn in his side, Jesus told him, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9-10 NIV). Paul knew that Jesus is enough, and when you have Him, you have everything. After that, for Christ’s sake, Paul boasted and delighted in weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties because he knew that when he was weak, he was strong because of Christ in him. Paul’s weakness was the ideal opportunity for the display of divine power. What a great example for us to follow.
In the last year and a half, Dave has been through a medical hurricane due to heart issues. Yet, we are both learning the secret of having peace and being content whatever the circumstance. He does not complain in his weakness because it allows Christ’s divine power to shine through him to be a witness to all. He can do all things through Christ who strengthens him. It draws Dave closer to Jesus, content to rest by His side, happy together, without worries, and completely at peace.
Lillian’s passions are nature photography and serving God. She is a best-selling author, award-winning photographer, and a regular contributor to Voice of Truth magazine. Lillian uses her photography and writing talents to glorify and honor God for His beautiful creation.
Visit, like, and follow her websites: www.HisCreationsLLC.com, www.LillianCucuzzaPhotography.com, Facebook and Instagram @HISCreationsLLC, or email her at Lillian.HisCreations@gmail.com
What a blessing you have been to me. I found out about this ministry through a mutual friend about a year ago. God was calling me to honor Him through my journey, and Women World Leaders gave me a platform for God’s voice to shine through. Meeting women from all over the world with their very own unique journeys has also made me feel less alone. Thank you for everything you do to reach all of us and unite us for God’s glory!
~ Lynn StricklandThursday, May 2 – Sunday, May 5
Join us for 1, 2, 3 or ALL 4 days!
Food, lodging, and activities included each day.
Discounts available through April with code: WomenWorldLeader
Scholarships available.
Questions? Contact Ken Hobbs at kenhobbs2@yahoo.com
Band of Brothers has the answer to the war on men! Men gather to form a brotherhood and learn how to be a better husband, father, and friend. They share release of deep life wounds through the power of forgiveness. A life change is the victory at a Band of Brothers Rally Point.
Band of Brothers is ready to meet you where you are.
I am pro-pajama. Anytime I come home from anywhere, I am quick to put on pajamas…maybe too quick. I love pulling pajamas that are freshly washed and smell like my favorite fabric softener out of my drawer. It’s even better when I pull them right out of the dryer and put them on. I wonder if the robes that we’ll wear in Glory will be cozy bathrobes. Hmm, probably not.
Think of how many people became pro-pajama during 2020. Even those working remotely from home wore “professional” on top, pajama on the bottom. I can hear the masses shouting, “We are pro-pajama!”
Do I want to taste and see that the Lord is good, or do I want to get into a fight of flinging grapes?
Around December 10, 2023, my husband and I started to notice a shift in our prayer time from one kind of prayer and calling to prayers with an expanded vision. I didn’t know that with the expansion of tent pegs would come a season of pressing. Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes (Isaiah 54:2 NIV).
Do you know the feeling of trying to cram fat into your favorite pair of jeans? I do. I can hear the button yelling, “You’re not gonna make me keep all that uhhh… I don’t know how much more of her I can take in!!!” There’s nothing comfortable about being crammed into a tight space! We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair. (2 Corinthians 4:8 NIV). Talk about discomfort!
My beloved and I decided to take a small trip to St. Augustine, Florida, for our anniversary/Christmas since they’re so close together. Under normal circumstances it would have been an amazing time, but NOTHING is amazing when being pressed. He and I said to each other several times, “I know nothing is wrong between us, but something is definitely up.”
I don’t know about you, but when the Lord is pressing on me to take certain thoughts captive quicker or pressing on my emotions to heal some deeper wounds in my heart, I certainly don’t want to be in public! And don’t ya know, when the Lord is doing a good thing to make me more like Himself, that no good-for-nothin’, piece-ofslime-liar, the devil, will try to cause his own trouble and make things seem much worse than they really are in an attempt to get a toe-hold or worse, a foothold!
I had to keep my mouth shut! My flesh, in the pressing, wanted its own way. For instance, my precious husband decided to read the book of Jeremiah. All the while I was saying to myself, “Jeremiah!!! Why Jeremiah?!?!?! Why can’t we read John?” I was having a hissy fit! Day after day, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, Jeremiah…AAAAAHHHHHHH! Thank God I kept my mouth shut! It didn’t matter what he did, it was all wrong because I, I, I, you get the picture. When I think of being pressed, my mind goes to I Love Lucy (Season 5, Episode 23), where Lucy is stomping grapes in a wine vat in Italy. Do I want to taste and see that the Lord is good, or do I want to get into a fight of flinging grapes because I’m tired of the work it takes to surrender to Him? I don’t think fighting the good fight of faith includes grapes.
Sometimes with a shift of season can come a pressing. It’s not the kind of pressure to stress us out. It’s His pressure to hide us in the cleft of the Rock. When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by (Exodus 33:22 NIV), to be protected during change for healing or restoration,
(Isaiah 54:2 NIV)
a pressure to heed His voice for direction, a pressure on the olives of my life to have a deeper understanding of Himself or His anointing. Whatever the reason He chooses, it is His call, because he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care... (Psalm 95:7 NIV). I find myself saying to my flesh, “Die already, just die!”
Our time is not our own; we are on His clock. I can assure you that if He wants your undivided attention, He will have it, even if it’s during a major holiday. He cares about your walk with Him a lot more than a date! (Be sure to read “Red Carpet Ready” from the last VOT issue, and you’ll know why I’m giggling.) I still have to say by faith, “I love His pressing” until I actually do, and that’s okay since I’m starting to enjoy the benefits of wearing those tight-fitted jeans more than my pajamas! I’m even glad to say that as I write this, I am in day clothes. With His pressure comes an even more intimate relationship and that is worth all the pressing in the world.
Now stand up and, with a loud voice shout, “I am not a grape-flinging fighter! I am ANTI-PAJAMA!!!”
DeAnn Alaine is a comedienne whose mandate from the Lord is to bring joy to the world through stand-up comedy. She is the CEO of ComeeDeAnn Productions LLC and host of the award-winning carwash comedy show, Modwash Moments with DeAnn Alaine on SOLWIN TV. Visit www.deannalaine.com today!
How are you sharing Voice of Truth? Write us. We want to share your joy of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world.
After my husband and I moved to our retirement home, I mentally crawled into a comfortable ‘retirement box’ by settling into a daily routine of staying home. Life was uneventful; we enjoyed our church involvement and spending time with family and friends.
Then came bubbly, beautiful Kelley Rene. She and I introduced ourselves at church and decided to meet for dinner to get to know each other.
Kelley is a member of Women World Leaders and an accomplished award-winning author. When we met for dinner, she blessed me with one of the books she wrote as a chapter author for Women World Leaders, and I was looking forward to reading it.
While we were eating, we started a conversation with a couple who sat next to our table. Minutes later, the Holy Spirit led Kelley to ask if it would be okay to use my copy of the book so she could give it to the woman. I gladly returned it, and the woman was thrilled to receive it. The next day, Kelley came to my house to replace my copy of the book, and we had a nice visit.
The next time Kelley and I saw each other, she told me she had been asking God for guidance in finding women to invite as chapter writers for another book for Women World Leaders. As she prayed, my name kept coming up, so she asked me if I
would consider being an author. I immediately said thank you —but no. I was comfortably retired, plus I wasn’t an author. She replied, “You haven’t even prayed about it yet!” We laughed, and I agreed to pray about it. Later that week, after praying about it, I contacted her—and said yes.
During my prayer time and in researching Women World Leaders, I was delighted to learn about their many ministries. I wanted, no, I had to be a part of this organization! One ministry, Voice of Truth, is a magazine of encouragement and insightful information about going through life while walking with our Lord.
As much as I would like to keep each beautiful copy I receive, just like Kelley blessing the stranger with the book, God always gives me someone to gift Voice of Truth. I’m grateful for the outreach of Voice of Truth and happy to be a member of Women World Leaders!
The heart of man plans his way but the Lord establishes his steps.
(Proverbs 16:9 ESV)
WhenI was asked to write a Voice of Truth story, I was honored and a little intimidated. I used to write all the time when I was younger, but over time, I stopped due to life and its interesting speed bumps and curves. Part of me thought, I’ve got this, but another part hesitated. I had wanted to be a writer once upon a time. Would what I write be good enough? I finally looked at the reminder on my phone, looked “up” to the heavens, and said, “Okay, I am going to face my fear.”
As a teenager, when doing the career testing, ministry came up because I liked to teach and help people. However, my faith has always been a quiet strength within me that I have continued to nurture but have tended to hold close to myself. It is not “out” there, and it was not a career path that was encouraged during those days, especially as a woman. I turned to the idea of a teaching career, but God had different plans for me.
In my mid-twenties, I became an English major turned commercial printer. Suddenly, I was able to help others in a completely different way. My skill set allowed me to help businesses extend their reach through the printed word.
But… over the years, I have asked myself, What have I done with my faith? I have helped friends in need, volunteered my time at non-profits, and used my career to help others achieve their missions. Non-profits have always been near and dear to my heart due to that quiet faith, so I have used my printing experience to assist while constantly looking for ways to help them succeed. Yet sometimes, I have questioned if it is enough…
When I was contacted to handle the printing for Voice of Truth, it was clear God was speaking to me. Meeting Kimberly Hobbs and being introduced to Women World Leaders enlightened me. I already had the drive to help, but this was something completely different. I had never been a part of something that had a worldwide reach, and it humbled and excited me to help spread the Word in a completely new way. To empower women through something so beautiful and well done is an inspiration and a lesson.
What I do, DOES help. And I am honored to be able to use my position at Palm Printing to help Women World Leaders and Voice of Truth, even as WWL and Voice of Truth reach me.
I first learned of Women World Leaders through the Facebook group. Once I realized how spiritually rich and emotionally nutrient their community was, I added a few hundred of my sisters in Christ to the group. This prompted Kimberly to reach out and have a deep conversation with me.
I learned of her media ministry, and she learned of my call from the Lord to write for Him. I soon began contributing to WWL daily devotionals. This led to Kimberly inviting me to write a chapter in the best-selling book Miracle Mindset.
By going through the various stages in this collaborative publishing process, I discovered that I have been on an island, isolated from the world with a fear of rejection, weary of feeling everything from everybody, protecting
myself from a perceived threat of people who have secret agendas about my gifts and talents. I now know it is time to give birth to my destiny and step out of the shadows. I can no longer do that alone. There’s too much going on, and there’s too much at stake. I need to link arms with the body of Christ. It is time for me to be around other people more... to both give and receive support.
Being part of Women World Leaders is teaching me more and more how to stop looking at life through the eyes of an orphan. I continue to learn how to think, act, and respond more like a member of a team—a sisterhood.
I thank God for guiding my steps to this powerful ministry. Women World Leaders continuously provides opportunities for new writers to express their God-given talents, give glory to God, and bring encouragement, discipleship, and inspiration to His children. It is a symbiotic relationship, and I am honored and grateful to be a part of it.
Afterpleading with God with big prayers, I recently made the big decision to leave my corporate job of ten years. I truly believe that God miraculously opened very closed doors for me to become a full-time stay-athome Mom. It’s amazing what God can do when you put your trust in Him and seek His will. I’ve discovered that when He repeatedly places thoughts, desires, and ideas on your heart, with prayer and confirmation, we realize it’s the Holy Spirit’s nudge.
I’ve always loved journaling and writing. I recently felt so many ideas and a strong calling on my life to begin writing. I dreamed of sharing God and my story with others and sharing my life mantra: Pray Big Things.
I was introduced to Women World Leaders by a friend, Stacy Thomas, who was published in another book by Women World Leaders, Surrendered. She connected me with Kimberly Hobbs. I started doing my own research into Women World Leaders and was impressed by this ministry reaching people not only nationally but across the entire globe. I continue to be encouraged by reading WWL books and Voice of Truth articles from women around the world—women who write about the journey that God destined for them and their amazing stories of His hand working in their lives! I love reading about His faithfulness and goodness in each and every situation.
I also continue to be amazed at the miracles in my own life as I see prayers answered. We never know what God is orchestrating in the background. I’m so grateful for this ministry and the amazing people God has placed in my life through it. I am currently writing in an amazing book with an incredible team. This book is going to bring hope and light to a dark and hurting world. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story, and I pray it encourages
someone else—just as I have been greatly blessed by all those who answered the call to write their stories. You never know what lives may be touched by sharing your testimony! I’ve been inspired by the work in this global ministry. God has pressed upon my heart to PRAY BIG and is giving me the confidence to share my story for His glory.
Thank you, Women World Leaders, for allowing me to follow the call God has placed on my life to write while I lead my most important ministry—at home raising my two precious daughters. Both callings are allowing me to invest in the Kingdom.
To you who are reading this right now: I encourage you to pray big and believe that if God calls you to it, He will see you through it!
I’ve been inspired by the work in this global ministry.
It was more than 20 years ago that an insidious enemy called HIV/AIDS swept the globe. It ravaged communities and left an entire generation of frightened, vulnerable children in its wake. God allowed us, two professors safe in the walls of academia, to hear their battered, desperate voices. We answered the orphans’ cries and, responding to God’s call, packed our bags and embarked fearlessly on a passionate mission that would come to be known as Kerus Global Education.
We charged into the fray, a team of two partnering with churches, schools, and organizations such as Samaritan’s Purse, CRU, World Vision, and many others, determined to bring God’s love and healing in the form of educational loaves and fishes. Experienced educators, we dove into local communities, identified influential faith and secular leaders, and planted the seeds of what grew into our It Takes Courage! (ITC!) initiative. Combining our expertise in public health, education, and a veritable lifetime of mission work, we embraced those traumatized communities and sys-
tematically trained those incredibly dedicated leaders, leaders who themselves had been brought to their knees by the pandemic. We empowered community leaders and gave them a way forward to not only heal but protect those in their care. Time was not on our side; people were dying and children were being orphaned, but we forged ahead, spreading the gospel alongside prevention, disease management, and trauma care.
When summoned a few years into our journey to South Africa, we answered the call without hesitation. Beckoned by a pastor and a primary school educator, their vision immediately captured our hearts. They had a keen eye and a deep sense of service. They watched as poverty-stricken, elderly grandmothers in their community stepped up to care for their or-
phaned grandchildren who lost not one but both parents to HIV/AIDS. These grandmothers, themselves in need of care and reassurance, were raising the next generation.
But there was a piece missing. There had to be some respite for these grannies and some practical support for them as well. And, without question, the trauma the orphans were enduring had to be addressed. Being beckoned to South Africa was not in vain. Far from it! In 2005, we opened the Kerus Care Center. Enveloping 100 orphans in care, concern, and God’s love, we continue to this day to provide a space, a safe haven if you will, where these precious, young children go after school for a nutritious, hot meal, help with homework, mentorship, and a sense of community. It is, in effect, surrogate parenting with the added benefit of supporting the courageous yet exhausted
But love changes our perspective; the once fearful and sad teenager’s eyes today reflect confidence and purpose.
grannies. It all started with one brick building. It has grown into a compound of several buildings that the entire community sees as a beacon of hope and safety.
Who could have imagined that another specter loomed on the horizon? As we worked tirelessly to spread It Takes Courage! (ITC!) around the world and to not only support but enhance the services provided by the Kerus Care Center, danger was at the door. Yet another ugly reality: human trafficking. Just
like in the early onset of HIV/AIDS, there is no cure. There is only education, prevention, and rescue. How do you fight a crime as hideous, as violent, and as depraved as human trafficking, abuse, and sexual exploitation of children as young as four years old with education? We were desperate; the very orphans we had watched grow and heal, their eyes going from the darkness of despair to the light of hope, were at risk of being kidnapped, sold for financial gain, and tortured for their lifetime.
not big business; it is huge business. Literally billions of dollars annually—representing tens of thousands of children— change hands in exchange for access to human life that they can abuse, exploit, and torture. It is a pandemic, a disease that threatens communities worldwide, weaving its way into communities of both poverty and privilege. Children are not safe, not safe from criminals, who often wear the guise of business leaders, politicians, and those we thought were otherwise respectable members of society. We mustn’t fool ourselves: it takes money to buy a child sex slave… and even more money to buy several.
It is prophetic that we were summoned to South Africa and that South Africa is home to the Kerus Care Center, for South Africa is the major hub internationally for human trafficking. Our loaves and fishes were needed for a new purpose. The Courage to Care initiative is Kerus Global Education’s weapon globally against human trafficking, exploitation, and abuse. Having gained the confidence of community leaders internationally through our ITC! initiative, the network we had forged became the natural and necessary conduit to equip communities with the antidote to save their children.
As a society, we avert our eyes, like many the world over were inclined to do with the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Sexual exploitation of children—tiny, precious, helpless children—is big business. Actually, it’s
Courage to Care (CTC) is a two-day interactive training that equips community leaders and caregivers with the education and skills to recognize would-be abusers and exploiters in action and, equally as importantly, to spot the signs of trauma in children. Leaders in communities—be they government officials, law enforcement officers, pastors, teachers, parents, or grandmothers—are given expert and effective guidance in helping children who need to escape the clutches of abuse and heal from that trauma. Spaces need to be created in communities where children feel safe physically and emotionally. Courage to Care provides the roadmap. It is life-saving. It is life-giving. It is the antidote.
Through Kerus Global Education, opportunities to share this necessary, life-saving, and cutting-edge training are opening up around the world. God has thrown the gates wide open and is beckoning us forward on an unprecedented level. Kerus has already reached more than 6 million people in 65 nations. But we are not stopping. Far from it. This year, Kerus is poised to launch Courage to Care trainings in Kenya, Zambia, and the Caribbean. The breadth and scope
of trainings already underway in the USA and South Africa will be expanded. The billion-dollar industry of child sex trafficking grows and spreads as we sleep, so we won’t sleep. We will train as if our lives depend on it. And lives do depend on it. Children’s lives.
Precious lives have been saved. Children are rescued from years of abuse, exploitation, and trauma. Abductions are prevented. We know the Kerus training is working. After attending the Courage to Care training, one pastor came to recognize the signs of human trafficking in his very own community, signs that had heretofore gone unnoticed.
Equipped with the CTC skill set, he took action and alerted authorities. Not just one, but 29 children had been abducted and were being prepared to be smuggled out of the country and into a life of sexual abuse and exploitation. That CTCtrained pastor saved them, each and every one. He was then able to lead his community to support those emotionally injured children in their recovery from trauma. And this is only one of thousands of individuals who have attended our training.
We truly believe that those who do recover are then better equipped to help save an even younger generation from bearing the same scars, from enduring a lifetime of pain and suffering. Indeed, over the years, we have linked hearts with so many incredible people of courage and commitment. It has been such a joy to be able to offer them hope and a path towards life. We are even seeing some survivors attend our training and then go on to be trainers themselves. The enthusiasm and passion that characterizes each training speaks to its relevance in the lives of our participants and those they seek to serve. The message of Courage to Care mirrors the heartbeat of the world. And IT IS TIME!
If you are interested in joining us to help save precious children from exploitation and abuse, please reach out to us through our website www.kerusglobal.org .
With love,
Jennie and MarciaSpaces need to be created in communities where children feel safe physically and emotionally. Courage to Care provides the roadmap.
It is life-saving.
It is life-giving.
It is the antidote.
To our sister and friend, Kelly Williams Hale. She has spent numerous hours laboring in love for our Savior to graphically design this magazine! Her heart of passion, creativity and love exude in everything she does! Thank you Kelly for the beauty you’ve made come alive through these pages! Much love to you! A special thanks goes to Johana Torres, our translator for Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders.
Johana is a faithful Woman World Leader who has supported this ministry with her time, talents, and prayers not only for us all, but graciously for the Hispanic community who is close to her heart. She has a passionate desire to serve God first in all that He calls her to do at home, in the family business, and in ministry. Thank you Johana for being a committed volunteer of your time. We love you.
As a ministry, we hereby dedicate this magazine unto the Lord almighty. He is our rock, our provider, our Savior, and the love of our life. This magazine thanks the Lord for providing all of the women, the finances, and the strength to complete a task such as this. All glory, dominion, and power praise His holy name. We bow down in complete reverence and love to our King of kings.
Lifting you up, Sister, before the Lord of Hosts. Asking the Lord to bless you in all of your ways - to humble your heart that you may receive the ever-flowing love and mercy of Jesus. Praying His sacrificial care towards you would stir you on to do good works and that His tenderness towards you would allow your full, reverent commitment to Him. Asking for repentance tears, that your trust in Him may increase as you receive every ounce of soul-satisfying grace that He has to pour upon you. Praying living waters would well up in you richly, providing all of your needs with His abounding presence. Asking our Father God to carry you to the fountain of life. Praying you will run this race with His merciful heart, carrying His truth. May His Word fill you in abundance. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Inspirational Writings, Scriptures, and Artistic Expressions of the Radiant Love of Christ.
Women World Leaders is on a mission to globally invest in the lives of women as they discover their lifework and purpose within God's design. By developing their God-given abilities and gifts, women are finding the power to serve in God's grace, a unity of fellowship among believers, and the joy of experiencing the exceeding abundance of God's glorious work.
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
PSALM 25:5 (NIV)
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