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World's Children's Prize

The World’s Children’s Prize (WCP) Program is the world’s largest annual program educating and empowering children to become humane changemakers who stand up for the equal value of all people, the rights of the child, human rights, democracy, and sustainable development. Patrons of the World’s Children’s Prize include H.M. Queen Silvia of Sweden, Malala Yousafzai, the late Nelson Mandela, Graça Machel, Xanana Gusmão, Desmond Tutu, and Sweden’s Prime Minister. Since the year 2000, close to 50 million children have participated in the annual WCP Program.


Fra globe low

April 18, 2016

Port globo low

April 18, 2016

De derglobus low

April 18, 2016

Sve globen

April 18, 2016


April 16, 2016

Eng molly melching

April 16, 2016

Sve rosi gollman

April 16, 2016

Port manuel rodrigues

April 16, 2016

Fra molly melching

April 16, 2016

De manuelrodrigues

April 16, 2016

Fra rosi gollman

April 16, 2016

De molly melching

April 16, 2016

Sve manuelrodrigues

April 16, 2016


April 16, 2016

Port molly melching

April 16, 2016

Fra manuelrodrigues

April 16, 2016

Eng rosi gollman

April 16, 2016

Sve molly melching

April 16, 2016

Eng manuelrodrigues

April 16, 2016

Port rosi gollman

April 16, 2016

Globe sp 46 peru

December 2, 2015

Globe sw 46 peru

December 2, 2015

Globe fr 46 peru

December 2, 2015

Globe po 46 peru

December 2, 2015

Hindi globe

May 20, 2015

Hindi javierstauring

April 18, 2015


March 31, 2015