What's On! Mission – January / February, 2021

Page 45



LOVING FINN FINN When you meet meet Finn, Finn, you you can’t can’thelp helpbut butfall fallininlove lovewith withhis hissmile. smile.Like Likea atypical typicalfour-year four-year old, old, hehe enjoys enjoys exploring, exploring, playing playing and having fun. fun. But But on on May May23, 23,2019, 2019,he hewas wasdiagnosed diagnosedwith withSevere SevereNonverbal NonverbalAutism, Autism, along along with with Sensory Sensory Processing Processing Disorder (SPD), (SPD), Low Low Muscle MuscleTone, Tone,and andGlobal GlobalDevelopmental DevelopmentalDelay Delay(GDD). (GDD). With the onset onset of of the the COVID-19 COVID-19pandemic, pandemic,his hisparents parentsrealized realizedthat thathaving havinga acompanion companion ofof anan Autism Autism service service dog dog might might help him and and his his family family get get through throughthe thepandemic pandemicand andbeyond. beyond.Autism Autismservice servicedogs dogs are are faithful faithful companions companions that that assist assist autistic children children and and their their families familieswith withactivities activitiesofofdaily dailyliving livingasaswell wellasasincreasing increasing the the safety safety ofof the the child child and and reducing reducing thethe stress level of of their their family. family. For ForFinn, Finn,aaservice servicedog dogwould wouldprovide providemany manybenefits: benefits: • Improved quality quality of of sleep, sleep,better betterhealth healthand andtemperature temperatureregulation regulation • Increased social social interaction interactionwhich whichcan canininturn turnimprove improvehis hissocial socialskills skillsand andsocial socialinteraction interaction • Improved independence independence so soFinn Finnwouldn’t wouldn’thave havetotoconstantly constantlybe beholding holdingthe thehand hand ofof aa parent parent • If Finn bolts bolts or or goes goes missing, missing,these thesedogs dogsare arecapable capableofoflocating locatinghim himquickly, quickly,which which reduces reduces the the risk risk ofof serious serious harm harm • An overall calmer calmer environment environmentfor forFinn Finnand andhis hisfamily familywhen whenperforming performingeveryday everyday tasks. tasks. The The tactile tactile experience experience of of having having a a dog as a companion companion has has also alsobeen beenproven provento toprovide providecalming calmingeffects. effects. Finn’s mother, mother, Holly Holly Allen Allen along alongwith withfamily familyand andfriends friendshave havebeen beenfundraising fundraisingsince since March March 2020 2020 toto raise raise $25,000 $25,000 forfor a a service dog. Holly Holly was was overwhelmed overwhelmedwith withthe theoutpouring outpouringofofsupport supportfrom fromthe thecommunity. community.Mission Mission came came together together through through bottle drives, drives, fundraisers fundraisers and anddonations donationsto totheir theirgofundme gofundmeaccount account(Finn’s (Finn’sAutism Autism Service Service Dog) Dog) toto help help her her reach reach thisthis goal. goal. They have started started the the long long process processof ofgetting gettingaaservice servicedog. dog.Obedience Obedience1 Training 1 Training begins begins onon January January 9 and 9 and willwill gogo forfor 5 5 weeks, followed followed by by Obedience Obedience22Training. Training. To Tosee seeupdates updateson onhow howFinn Finnand andhis hisnew new companion companion are are doing, doing, follow follow them them onon their Facebook Facebook page: page: Loving_Finn Loving_Finn What’s On! • www.WhatsOnMission.ca


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