What's For Dinner

Page 34

LAMB ROAST LEG OF LAMB ... Do not remove the "fell" or skin covering the leg. Sprinkle roast with salt and pepper, and place skin side down and cut side up, on a rack in an open roasting pan. Place in a moderate oven of 325 to 350 degrees F. Do not cover and do not add any water. Allow 35 to 40 minutes per pound for roasting. Make gravy from sauces remaining in pan. Lamb shoulder, breast, loin and sirloin roll may be roasted in same way. Allow ten minutes more per pound for roasting boned roasts. STUFFED BREAST OF LAMB Breast of lamb I chopped green pepper I cup uncooked rice Paprika 1 onion, finely grated Salt and pepper Have a pocket cut in breast of lamb from the end. Cook rice in boiling salted water, drain, and season with green pepper, onion and paprika. Season breast of lamb with salt and pepper and fill the cavity with the rice stuffing. (Bread stuffing may be used, if preferred.) Sew or fasten edges together with skewers. Place on a rack in an open roasting pan. Do not cover and do not add water. Put in a moderate oven of 325 to 350 degrees F. and roast until done, about 2 to 2 Y2 hours. Serve with candied sweet potatoes, peas in cream, and salad of grapes molded in lime gelatin. LAMB EN CASSEROLE 2 pounds lamb shoulder I cup string beans Flour for dredging I teaspoon 12 small onions Worcestershire sauce 2 carrots 2 cu ps meat stock 4 potatoes (canned consomme may be used) Have meat cut in I inch cubes. Dredge with flour and brown in hot lard. Season with salt and pepper and put in large baking dish. Also place in baking dish whole small onions, sliced carrots, sliced potatoes, and cooked green beans. Add 4 tablespoons flour to fat in pan where meat was browned and blend well. Add 2 cups meat stock and stir until thickened. Season with Worcestershire sauce. Pour over meat and vegetables and cook in moderate oven until meat and vegetables are done, about 1 hour. Serve with scalloped spinach, cold slaw and banana cream pie. LAMB CHOPS ... To broil lamb chops, rub preheated broiler pan with a piece of fat from one of the chops. Place chops on pan under moderate heat. Cook and sear on one side, season with salt and pepper, turn, cook and brown, then season on other side. Remove to a hot platter and serve at once. Allow fifteen to eighteen minutes for loin or rib chops and twenty to twenty-four minutes for shoulder chops. To panfry lamb chops, heat heavy frying pan, rub with fat from one of chops and place chops in pan. Cook quickly until brown on one side, season, rum and brown and season on other side. About


15 minutes is required for cooking most lamb chops in this way. Allow rwo rib or loin chops for each serving and one shoulder chop, since they are larger.


BAKED STUFFED LAMB CHOPS 6 thick lamb chops 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon 3 tablespoons minced onion chili sauce cup chopped canned 1 Y2 teaspoons flour or fresh mushrooms 1 tablespoon water

Melt butter in a saucepan, add the minced onion, chopped mushrooms and chili sauce. Simmer for 5 minutes, then add flour. Stir well and add water last. Simmer for 2 minutes longer. Cut a pocket in each chop and fill with the prepared stuffing. Arrange in a baking pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and bake in a hot oven of 400 degrees F. for 35 to 40 minutes or until done. BAKED LAMB LOAF 3 cups lamb, ground 1 green pepper, 1 cup milk or stock minced 1 egg 1 Y2 teaspoons salt 1 cup bread crumbs Pepper 2 tablespoons onion, 2 tablespoons minced minced parsley Beat egg, add liquid, then crumbs. Add meat and vegetables; add seasonings. Combine with bread crumb mixture, and pour into well greased loaf pan and bake in a moderate oven of 375 degrees for 1 Y2 hours. Turn onto hot platter and serve with well seasoned creamed peas as a sauce. IRISH STEW WITH DUMPLINGS 2 pounds neck or 2 or 3 medium potatoes breast of lamb Water or meat stock 2 onions, sliced Flour, salt and 2 carrots, sliced pepper Cut meat inro serving pieces, place in a kettle, cover with water or stock and bring to a boil. Add sliced onion and salt and pepper and allow to simmer for about 2 hours. Add potatoes and carrots and cook more rapidly until vegetables are tender. Thicken liquid in pan with flour rubbed to a smooth paste with water. Pur in dumplings, being sure they rest on meat and cannot sink into liquid, as this will make them heavy. Cover and cook for 12 minutes, then take out and serve around the meat and vegetables on large platter. If gravy is desired, take out part of liquid before adding dumplings. To make dumplings, mix and sift together 2 cups flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, Y2 teaspoon salt; work in 2 teaspoons butter; and add % cup milk gradually, to form a heavy batter. (Slightly less milk may be required.) Drop by teaspoons on top of stew, cover closely and cook for 12 minutes. Do not open kettle while dumplings are cooking.

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