What's For Dinner

Page 9

BACON BACON, COOKING OF...Bacon should always be cooked at moderate temperature. Cooking it too fast detracts greatly from its flavor. It is well to nick edges of bacon with knife or scissors before cooking to prevent curling. Bacon, baked in the oven, is sweeter and much more flavorful than bacon cooked any other way. It requires much less attention also. Place bacon on a pan and place it in a moderate oven of 375 degrees F. and bake about 15 minutes, or until done, turning once. The fat that collects in pan during baking should be poured off. To pan-fry bacon, the most common method of cooking it, arrange slices in a cold pan, preferably a heavy one. Cook over moderate heat, turning each slice several times. When done, drain on heavy paper, place on a hot platter and serve. If cooking a large amount, drain off excess fat while cooking. To broil bacon, place slices on a broiler rack and cook under moderate heat until crisp, turning each slice occasionally. Broiled bacon need not be drained before serving as most of the fat drains off during cooking. BACON BAKED WITH SPINACH AND EGG ... Cook spinach and chop fine, seasoning well with salt and pepper. Heap lightly in a buttered baking dish. Smooth the top and place over spinach 2 slices of bacon for each person to be served. Place in a moderate oven of 375 degrees F. until bacon is almost cooked, then carefully break an egg for each person over the bacon. Sprinkle eggs lightly with salt and pepper and place in oven again until eggs are firm. Serve from baking dish. To complete the menu serve mixed or molded fruit salad and baked fruit dumplings. LIVER, SPAGHETTI AND BACON 1 pound beef or 2 cups canned tomatoes calf liver 1 small onion, minced 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter Dash of pepper Y2 pound spaghetti, ~ teaspoon sugar cooked Strips of bacon Scald liver, drain and dice. Dust with flour and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Melt fat, add meat and fry slowly until brown. Arrange alternate layers of meat and spaghetti in a well oiled casserole or baking dish. Combine remaining ingredients, except bacon, and pour over spaghetti and meat. Cover with strips of bacon and cook, covered, for 45 minutes in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F., then uncover and bake 15 minutes longer to crisp bacon. LIVER WITH BACON 1 pound beef or Salt, pepper and flour calf liver 12 strips bacon Have liver sliced thin. If it is beef liver, remove outer skin and veins. Cut in serving pieces. Sprin-

kle each with salt and pepper and dredge with flour. Fry bacon, remove from pan and keep hot while cooking liver. Put liver into hot bacon fat and brown on both sides. Five to eight minutes is sufficient time for cooking. Remove liver to a hot platter, arrange bacon slices around it and if tomatoes are in season, surround with slices of broiled or fried tomatoes and serve all piping hot. HAMBURG

PATTIES WITH BACON AND TOMATOES 1 pound ground beef 1 teaspoon salt ~ cup grated cheese Dash of pepper 2 tablespoons chopped 1 egg green pepper ~ cup milk 1 teaspoon grated onion Bacon slices % cup bread crumbs 3 tomatoes Mix meat, cheese, green pepper, onion and bread crumbs. Add salt and pepper and mix well. Add egg and mix it in. Add sufficient milk to moisten slightly. Shape into balls. Wrap each ball in a strip of bacon. Place in baking pan and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. until meat is cooked and bacon is crisp, 30 to 40 minutes. Place halved, seasoned tomatoes in oven on separate pan to bake during last 20 minutes. Arrange meat balls and tomatoes alternately on platter, . garnishing with watercress or parsley. Serve with succotash, sliced pickles, peaches and cake. STANDARD CLUB SANDWICH ...Place a crisp piece of lettuce and a slice of cold chicken on slice of buttered toast. Spread with mayonnaise, top generously with crisp hot bacon, then add second slice of toast. Spread with mayonnaise or tartar sauce, cover with lettuce, sliced tomatoes and stuffed olives, sliced. Top with third slice buttered toast spread with mayonnaise. Garnish and serve. Baked or boiled ham, tongue or roast veal may be substituted for chicken. They are better if browned slightly in butter before making sandwich. SAVORY LIMA BEAN SCALLOP 1~ cups dried lima 1 cup condensed beans tomato soup 1 small onion, diced ~ cup water ~ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons melted 1 cup chopped celery butter 2 tablespoons chopped Pepper green peppers Strips of bacon Soak beans in cold water for 6 to 8 hours. Drain and cover with boiling water. Add the sliced onion and cook slowly until tender. Drain, add salt, celery, green pepper, tomato soup, water, melted fat, and pepper and salt to taste. Pour into a greased casserole, top generously with strips of bacon and buttered crumbs and bake in a moderate oven of 375 degrees F. for about 30 to 40 minutes. Serve with salad of mixed greens and chocolate ice cream sundae.


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