Nantucket Home Magazine, Vol. 15, Issue 3, Late Summer 2023

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Vol 15 Issue 3 Late Summer 2023 Vol 15 Issue 3 Late Summer 2023

Welcome to Nantucket... or even be琀er welcome bACK!

Whether you have been coming to Nantucket for years, or this is your first visit to the island, you will likely experience what so many of us did when we first set foot here. Nantucket is special, different, and “other” than the rest of the world. Here you will find a rare combina琀on of beau琀ful and accessible beaches, world class restaurants and shops, a lowkey lifestyle, and an enduring commitment from the community to preserve and support Nantucket’s significant history, beaches and open spaces. Nantucket offers some of the most beau琀ful real estate in the country. But it is the people that make this island most special.

People come to Nantucket from all over the world and many decide, a昀er coming for a visit, that they want to stay. Our year­round popula琀on has grown rapidly in the past two decades and is now represented by people from many different countries and cultures. Many of our visitors decide to come back and end up ren琀ng a vaca琀on home year a昀er

year. Nantucket has a long history of ren琀ng to vaca琀oners, many of whom can only experience the island by ren琀ng (and not owning). Some people, with the means to do so, decide to buy land and build a home, or to purchase an exis琀ng home on­island.

The past three years, driven by the pandemic and the demand to be in special places, saw real estate values soar to unprecedented levels on Nantucket. The Nantucket Associa琀on of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) is here to provide local knowledge, resources and professional exper琀se in all thing real estate related on Nantucket. Our agents are not only highly informed about the island real estate market but are the best source of informa琀on about anything related to the island. A昀er all, we live here too.

We pride ourselves on our experience, local knowledge, and ability to navigate smoothly in this very special market. Please reach out to a NAREB member office and take the first step towards a great real estate experience.

NAREB 2023 Execu琀ve Board

Penny Dey

Brian Sullivan

Kate Sayle

Susan Shepherd

Robert Sarkisian

Penny Dey, President NAREB President Vice­President Secretary Treasurer Member at Large Member at Large

Deborah Killen­Lothian

To contact NAREB: editor@nareb­ www.nareb­

2 nantucket HOME

ACK Dis琀nc琀ve Proper琀es

Fernando Colon­Osorio


PO Box 254

Nantucket, MA 02554

Advisors Living

Jason Weissman


117 Pleasant St, 2nd Floor

Nantucket, MA 02554

Atlan琀c East Nantucket

Real Estate

Penny Dey


82 Easton St Nantucket, MA 02554

Bamber Real Estate

Ronnie Bamber

508­228­1416 Nantucket, MA 02554

Bantry Way Brokerage

Andrew Lane


587 E Broadway Boston, MA 02127

Bass Point Realty

Michael Glowacki


85 Pleasant St Nantucket, MA 02554

Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Island Proper琀es

Michael O'Mara

Robert Sarkisian


35A Old South Rd

Nantucket, MA 02554 islandproper琀

Boyce Realty

David and Dana Boyce


PO Box 453

Siasconset, MA 02564

Centre Street Realty

John McDermo琀


34 Centre Street

Nantucket, MA 02554

Cha琀ield­Taylor RE

Moncure Cha琀ield­Taylor


PO Box 1881

Nantucket, MA 02554

Chris琀e's Interna琀onal RE

Atlan琀c Brokerage

Doug Gra琀an


7 Bayberry Court

Nantucket, MA 02554

Coastal Point Proper琀es

Sofia Noom


100 Independence Dr

Hyannis, MA 02554


Coldwell Banker Realty

Ryan Michaud 617­266­4430

2 N Beach Street Nantucket, MA 02554

Compass Real Estate of MA

Meg Andrews 617­206­3333

126 Newbury St, 2nd Floor Boston, MA 02116

Congdon & Coleman RE

Stephen Maury


57 Main St, PO Box 1199 Nantucket, MA 02554

Craigville Realty

Mar琀n Traywick


648 Craigville Beach Rd West Hyannisport, MA 02672

Denby Real Estate

Kate Ranney Sayle

508­228­2522 PO Box 901

Nantucket, MA 02554

Dilworth Real Estate Nantucket

Debbie Dilworth

508­221­2956 PO Box 2163

Nantucket, MA 02564

Douglas Elliman of MA LLC

Kevin Ahearn 617­227­6070

20 Park Plaza, Suite 820 Boston, MA 02116

Engel & Volkers

Valerie Post


6 Gloucester St Boston, MA 02115

Fisher Real Estate

Brian Sullivan


21 Main Street Nantucket, MA 02554

Great Point Proper琀es

Edward Sanford

Bill Liddle

Greg McKechnie


1 North Beach St Nantucket, MA 02554 greatpointproper琀

Grey Lady Proper琀es

James Cooper

508­228­8284 PO Box 2668 Nantucket, MA 02584

The Hanley Garre琀e Group LLC

Jay Hanley


12 Amelia Dr Nantucket, MA 02554

J. Feeley RE Group, Inc.

Jamie Feeley


37 Old South Rd #6 Nantucket, MA 02554 co琀

Jordan Real Estate

David Callahan

508­228­4449 8 Federal St Nantucket, MA 02554

J. Pepper Frazier Co

J. Pepper Frazier, II

Dalton T. Frazier


19 Centre Street

Nantucket, MA 02554

LaMacchia Realty, Inc.

Anthony Lamacchia

465 Waverly Oaks Rd Suite 216 Waltham, MA 02452


Land Vest Nantucket

Joanna Dresser


37 Old South Rd #5 Nantucket, MA 02554

Lee Real Estate

Jeff Lee


10 S Beach St Nantucket, MA 02554

Maury People/Sothebys

Interna琀onal Real Estate

Gary Winn


37 Main Street Nantucket, MA 02554

Mo琀 and Chace/Sotheby's Interna琀onl Real Estate

Joshua Cullion


100 Exchange St

Commercial Unit D Providence, RI 02903 mo琀

Nantucket Custom Real Estate Services

James Foote


1 Macys Ln, Suite EV V2 Nantucket, MA 02554

Nantucket Real Estate & Appraisal

Bill Moran


34R Somerset Ln Nantucket, MA 02554

Nantucket Rentals & Sales

Niki Picinich

917­414­4979 31 Autopscot Circle Nantucket, MA 02554

Osprey Real Estate

Brian Schereschewsky

Francie Bovers

508­228­7890 PO Box 955 Nantucket, MA 02554

Sanford Real Estate

Amy Sanford 508­332­8692

5 Catherine Ln Nantucket, MA 02554

Shepherd Real Estate

Susan Shepherd 508­228­5668 Zero Main Street Nantucket, MA 02554 nantucket­

Tea Rose Realty

Tom Miner

Territory Real Estate

Terry Sanford 617­216­3870 867 Boylston St, Suite 400 Boston, MA 02116

Today Real Estate

Todd Machnik 508­568­8130 1533 Falmouth Rd Centerville MA, 02632

Treetop Group Sid Gehlot 100 Tower Office Park Suite I Woburn, MA 781­305­3731

Vaughan Machado Real Estate Vaughan Machado 508­228­5062 PO Box 1095 Nantucket, MA 02554

Welch & Associates Inc. Stephen Welch 7 Nashaquisset Ln Nantucket, MA 02554 welch­

Westbrook Real Estate Robert & Daryl Westbrook 508­257­6206 PO Box 262 Siasconset, MA 02564

William Raveis Real Estate Wendy Beaulieu 508­228­9117 17 Main St Nantucket, MA 02554

The Zillow Group

Qadra Evans 206­516­2255 1301 2nd Ave, Floor 31 Sea琀le, WA 98101

4 nantucket HOME
Massachuse琀s has a mandatory licensee­consumer rela琀onship disclosure that will be provided to you, the consumer, by the real estate agent that you choose to work with. Please make sure to complete this form with your broker, so that agency is disclosed.
A Large Tree Transplanting and Transporting Specialist, Capable of Relocating Your Existing Trees or Bringing Additional Mature Trees to Your Nantucket Property. Tim Brown-owner • 508.228.4705 • • NANTUCKET FORESTER

Sales:Corinne Gi n


Editorial:Suzanne Daub

Design:Sarah Morneau

Coverphoto by Suzanne Daub

NantucketHome RealEstate News& PropertyLis ngsisa publica on ofthe Nantucket Associa on ofRealEstate Brokers(NAREB),published four mesa year.The printversion isdistributed free on Nantucket& elsewhere;the digitalversion isavailable,including withoutlimita ons the design,adver sements,photos,& editorialcontent,are copyrighted 2023 byCoastal InternetAccess,Inc (CIA,Inc.). No por on ofthismagazine may be copied,reprinted, orreproduced in any form withoutexpresswri en permission ofCIA,Inc.

Forinquiriesaboutourpublishing schedule and detailson adver sing,emailCorinne To telluswhatyou mightlike to see in NantucketHome,please emailto Suzanne Daub

6 nantucket HOME Contents Volume 15 • Issue 3 • Late Summer2023 NAREB Welcome ..........................2 NAREB MemberDirectory ..................4 Gardens to Help OurCommunity Thrive .......7 Birding by the Numbers ....................8 NantucketEventHighlights ..................9 BrokerDirectory ..........................90 Meetthe Brokers ..........................95
nantucket HOME Real Estate News & Property Listings nantucket HOME R eal E state N ews & P ro p erty Listin g s c omp lime nts of NAR EB La te S um m r 2 0 2 3 V o 5 Issue 3 Vol 15 Issue 3 Late S mmer 2023 Vol 15 Issue Late Summer On newsstands now or READ ONLINE Visit Real Estate Nantucket Events Home Design & Decora琀ng Landscapers & Lawn Care Build, Repair, & Renova琀ons Building Special琀es Cleaning, Caretaking, Property Managers Hardscapes, Gardening, & Fences Green & Eco­Friendly Swimming Pools Current Issue: Volume 15 • Issue 3 • Late Summer 2023

Gardens to Help Our Community Thrive

Nantucket is known for its love ofhor culture and lush gardens lining the cobblestone walks oftown and the jagged coastline ofSiasconset and Madaket.Gardens beau fy your home,while also helping the environment,butonly ifmaintained naturally.A rain garden isan environmentally beneficial, func onally landscaped garden designed to capture and filter stormwater,allowing you to sustain a beau fulgarden without fer lizersoroverwatering.They are idealforthe landscape of Nantucket since they are able to thrive adjacent to a beach, dune,coastalbank,waterbody,or within an area prone to flooding.

Stormwaterpicks up pollutants while traveling along:oil from roadways;siltand sand from exposed soil;nutrientsfrom fer lizers;bacteria from petwaste;and pes cidesfrom lawns.

In many Massachuse s towns, including Nantucket, stormwaterrunoff doesnotgo to a treatmentplant.Pollutants flow through a storm drain and are delivered into the nearest body ofwaterresul ng in stormwaterpollu on thatcontaminatesshellfish bedsand swimming areas.Rain gardenstransform stormwaterfrom a destruc ve carrierofpollu on into a source ofsustenance forplantand wildlife habitats:the plants thrive on nitrogen and phosphorus that is picked up,while their stems trap sediment.Through this process,plants are able to thrive withoutthe need forfer lizerorexcess watering.Rain gardens collect rainwater from a roof,driveway,or street,capturing it in shallow depressions and allowing it to

soak into the ground.Rain gardens also help recharge stores ofgroundwater in aquifers.The plants and grasses filter out pollutantsand ideally encourage na ve biodiversity.They are a cost­effec ve and beau fulway to reduce runoff.

Clean water is a topic on the minds ofmany Nantucket residents,especially when it involves gardening. The desire fora beau ful,colorfulgarden can lead people to using harmfulfer lizers,pes cides,and even overwatering. Asresidents ofan island,we mustbe mindfulofwhatwe are pu ng into our water sources. Water is an invaluable resource on Nantucketbecause ourwaterisdrawn from a single­source glacial aquifer. Plunging hundredsoffeetbelow sea level,ouraquifer isa bowl­shaped store offresh watercaptured beneath the island in the sand,which serves as an excellent naturalfilter. The lens, or the water within the dense clay walls of the "bowl," is replenished by rainfall.

The Clean WaterCoali on wasformed on the island in the spring of2023 by the NantucketLand Councilpartnered with the NantucketShellfish Associa on,the Maria MitchellAssocia on,and 14 otherorganiza onsand en es. The Coali on wasformed in response to the ar cle passed by the town banning the use offer lizer. The organiza on isworking with the town to ensure clean waterisa priority,they are trying to educate residentsaboutthe dangeroftaking ourbodiesofwater for granted. There are three major pollutants on the island: fer lizers,stormwater,and wastewater. A erthe ban on fer­

continued on page 12...

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Nantucket Summer Event Highlights

Here are some ofourfavorite and regularly scheduled summerevents.Foran up­to­date calendarofdaily events,

Special Events

House & Garden Walking Tour:August2


From 11 am to 4 pm,rain or shine,participants willbe welcomed into 6 lovely homesand 1 garden,allon Orange Street. A complimentary Tea willbe served atSt.Paul’sChurch on Fair Street,and a boutique willfeature interesting items forsale.

ion Show," live auction,conversation with Elin & Tim Talks Books,lightbites,cocktails,& dancing: allto benefitthe NantucketBook Foundation.

NantucketBig Game Ba le: August3 to 5


Nantucket’s summer invitationaloffshore sport fishing tournament is “fishing fora cause.Fishing isallowed EastorSouth ofthe Island fora wide variety ofgame fish from Bluefin,Yellowfin,Albacore,MahiMahi,Blue Marlin,White Marlin,Big Eye and more. This year’s tourney willbenefitDion Foundation,forchildren with rare diseases.

NantucketPreserva on TrustAugustFete:August10

Tickets & details

Join NantucketPreservation Trustforthe 18th AnnualAugust

Fête:SetSailforIndia Street. Tourfive well­preserved historic homes on India Streetand learn aboutthe history and evolution ofone ofNantucket’s most iconic thoroughfares.Enjoy cocktails and hearty hors d’oeuvres,a raw bar,and music by the Shep Catsin a beautifultented reception,stepsaway from the heartofdowntown Nantucket.

NantucketBy Design:August2 to 5


Asthe NHA’spremiersummerfundraiser,Nantucketby Design celebrates the island’s unique influence on American design with engaging keynote speakers,discussions,a design panel, masterclasses,and more! An opening nightcocktailparty,a NantucketShow preview party,and a closing nightparty will add to the fun.

A Five­StarEvening with Elin Hilderbrand:August3


Join Elin Hilderbrand,the NantucketHotel& Resort,and the Nantucket Book Foundation in a celebration ofElin's latest book,The Five­StarWeekend.Enjoy a "Read the Runway Fash­

Boston Pops on Nantucket:August12

Tickets are available

This annualfundraiser for NantucketCo age Hospitalbrings thousandsofpeople togetheratJe esBeach foran unforgettable nightofentertainment.Allfunds generated during the event stay on Nantucket to sustain the hospital’s year­round commitmentto the health & wellbeing ofthe island community.This year’s specialguestis MichaelCavanaugh,bringing the musicofElton John and more to ourisland. Reserved seating and generaladmission ckets are available at

nantucket HOME 9
continued on page 19
photo courtesy NHA image courtesy NantucketBook Founda on photo by Suzanne Daub
17 MAIN STREET | NANTUCKET, MA | 02554 | 508.228.9117 RA V EISNANTUCKET.C O M Ocial Real Estate Company of the Boston Red Sox #1 Family-Owned Real Estate Company in Florida and the Northeast 140+ Oces | 4,500+ Sales Associates | 8 States - CT, FL, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT Book a Rental Today! William Raveis Nantucket is a full-service real estate agency. Our experienced team members are here to make your dream vacation a reality. We provide a large inventory of rentals to help you find the ideal property that is just right for you! Our dedicated agents operate with an abundance of knowledge and experience to ensure that your stay on island is as seemless as possible.
17 MAIN STREET | NANTUCKET, MA | 02554 | 508.228.9117 RAVEISNANTUCKET.COM Ocial Real Estate Company of the Boston Red Sox #1 Family-Owned Real Estate Company in Florida and the Northeast 140+ Oces | 4,500+ Sales Associates | 8 States - CT, FL, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT Sconset Sconset 105 Low Beach Road | $14,995,000 | 5 BR, 5 BA 105 Low Beach Road | $14,995,000 | 5 BR, 5 BA John Arena | 617 771 3511 John Arena 617.771.3511 Mid Island 16 Teasdale Circle | $2,950,000 | 10 BR, 7 5 BA 16 Teasdale Circle $2,950,000 10 BR, 7.5 BA John Arena | 617.771.3511 Arena 617.771.3511 Town 89 Easton Street | $5,950,000 | 10 BR, 8 5 BA 89 Easton Street $5,950,000 10 BR, 8.5 BA Paula Maloney | 508 332 8412 Paula Maloney 508.332.8412 Town 7 Easy Street | $4,295,000 | 2 BR, 1 5 BA 7 Easy Street $4,295,000 2 BR, 1.5 BA Josh Lothian & Deb Killen | 508.221.7630 Josh Lothian & Deb Killen 508.221.7630 Town 3 Bear Street | $2,695,000 | 3 BR, 3 BA 3 Bear Street $2,695,000 3 BR, 3 BA Kenny Hilbig | 508.901.3311 Kenny 508.901.3311 Madaket 36 Tenessee Avenue | $4,295,000 | 3 BR, 1 5 BA 36 Tenessee Avenue $4,295,000 3 BR, 1.5 BA Josh Lothian & Deb Killen | 508.221.7630 Josh Lothian & Deb Killen 508.221.7630

Here for all your financial needs

Gardens to Help OurCommunity

continued from page 7

lizer,rain gardens are a wonderfulway to sustain a garden. Rain gardensare effec ve in removing up to 90% ofnutrients and chemicals and up to 80% ofsediments from rainwater runoff. When people begin growing a garden fer lizerisa naturaltrain ofthought,itis a reliable resource in orderto culvate a successfulgarden,butfer lizerscontain an overload of nutrientswhich can cause significantdegrada on ofourbodies ofwater,referred to as nutrient pollu on. Rain gardens are a way thatNantucketci zenscan bypassfer lizersand be involved in the fightagainstclimate change on the island. Pollutantsthatare notabsorbed orremoved from waterwayswill create algalblooms.

Nantucket’sMiacometPond isa specialfeature ofthe island. For years,children would swim and play in the pond, butitnow hasa deep muck,fullofnitrogen and phosphorous that's been entering the pond from sep c systems and fer lizerrunoff fordecades. Harmfulalgalbloomsproducing toxins are occurring frequently in island ponds. The nutrientsentering the pond cause algalbloomsand invasive plantsthatdamage the shoreline rendering the pond unswimmable in the summer. Ourtreasured beaches,ponds,and harborare atrisk ifresidents does notdo theirpart.

The NantucketLand Bank hasbeen taking stepsforyears to address climate change on ourisland.Rain gardens collecvely produce substan alneighborhood and community environmentalbenefits.They reduce the poten alfor erosion and minimize the amount ofpollutants flowing from a yard into a storm drain,and ul mately into ourwaterways.

According to RachaelFreeman,the EnvironmentalCoordinator at Nantucket Land Bank,“The biggest benefit is one we can’tsee. Dirt,fer lizer,soaps,and oils are justa few of the pollutantsthatcan be filtered outofrunoff when itiscaptured in a rain garden and allowed to soak into the ground. Removing harmfulcompoundsbefore they enterourgroundwater or reach our harbor and ponds is a very important ecosystem service.” Rain gardens use the concept ofbioreten on,a waterquality prac ce in which plantsand soilsfilter pollutants from stormwater.

The Land Bank is beginning its very own rain garden. On the NLB property of 65 & 67 Easton Street, situated in a densely developed area ofdowntown,this smallpocket of green space has allowed the Land Bank to explore naturebased solu ons forstormwatermanagement.

On the NLB Instagram Guthrie Diamond discusses the Land Banks'excitementaboutthisnew space,“thisisjustone ofmany projects where the Land Bank is looking forways to balance climate resiliency with ourmission ofpublicaccessto open space.”

The ini alwork to create a rain garden atyourhome will culminate in a stunning feature foryourNantucketoasis. They are simple fixtures that encourage biodiversity and beau fy yourland. To begin,survey yourland to see where runoff naturally flows. Itisimportantto keep the garden atleasta dozen

continued on page 16...

12 nantucket HOME
Whether you’re looking to buy a first home or investment property, saving for a rainy day, preparing for retirement, or managing a business – Cape Cod 5 has the expertise, tools and products to help you achieve your goals. 112 Pleasant Street Zero Main Street | 888-225-4636 SCAN ME Member FDIC NMLS#401717 Explore ways that Cape Cod 5 can help you on your financial journey.

Printed above isa depic on ofa work in progressthatincludesa rain/storm garden componentthatthe NantucketLand Bank hopesto accomplish along Easton Street. Thisisthe plan thatwasincluded in the NLB’srecentConserva on Commission filing;theirteam isworking with Horsley Wi en to revise the plan based on commentsthe Conserva on Commission hasmade to date. Thisdoesnotrepresenta finalplan.

Polpis | 81 Polpis Road 5 Beds 5 Full & 2 Half Baths
| Stephen Maury Town | 8 Silver Street Land | 7,112 Square Foot Lot $1,800,000 | Joyce Montalbano Surfside | 2 Maple Lane 6 Beds 6 Full & 2 Half Baths $6,995,000 | Stephen Maury Surfside | 5 White Street 7 Beds 8 Full & 2 Half Baths $6,995,000 | Matt Payne 57 Main Street, Nantucket MA | (508) 325-5000 - call or text |
Wanoma Way Estate - 3 acre property, 4 beds 4.5 baths house, 3 beds 2 baths cottage, and 1 bath 2 bay garage with artist’s loft above. Ocean views from every room and short distance to the beach | $9,500,000 | Joyce Montalbano

Estate setting with private access to Tom Nevers Pond and Low Beach. House, guest house and garage with studio. List price $9,500,00.00. Partially furnished and available for this summer occupancy. Call for details.

Land in Town. 7,112 square foot lot. List price $1,800,000. Call for details.

57 Main Street, Nantucket MA |
60 Wanoma Way
(508) 325-1666
Montalbano, Broker GRI SFR
Exclusively listed by: Joyce
8 Silver Street

Gardens to Help OurCommunity

feet from the founda on ofa house,at least 25 feet from a sep c or well,and away from areas where ponding persists a erstorms. Once you have located the perfectarea comes the joy ofchoosing beau fulplants to adorn your new rain garden. Ifyou are nota plantexperthere are some suggesons.

In a sunny space Bu erfly Milkweed,Bee Balm,Turtlehead,Black­Eyed Susan,Coneflower,and Blue Wild Indigo are lovely addi ons. To create variety among the flowers,add grasses like Switchgrass and Li le Bluestem. Finally,nothing saysa Nantucketgarden like the addi on ofna ve shrubslike Beach Plum,Azalea,Bayberry,Elderberry,Huckleberry,Sweetfern,and Wintergreen.

These plants willnot just add beauty to your home and yourlife,severalalso have medicinalusages and can be used to make simple teas, nctures,salves,orasgarnishes. According to Ava Rollins ofACKlimate Nantucket,Bee Balm can relieve nausea, PMS, and sore throats, and its leaves are a beau fuladdi on to pesto fora summerdinnerparty. Elderberriescan be stored in glassmason jarscovered in brandy or vodka to create potent ncturesreadily on hand forcold season come autumn. Finally,beach plumsmake a deliciousjam. Throughoutmy childhood,my grandmotherwould bring jars and jarsofherdelectable beach plum jam to share with family and friends.

In shadier areas,you can plantCinnamon Fern,Cardinal Flower, Blue Flag Iris, Goatsbeard, Wild Bleeding Heart, Columbine,Sensi ve Fern,Spicebush,Rosebud Azalea,Highbush Blueberry,Turtlehead,Sweet Pepperbush,Blue Dangle Huckleberry,and Bleeding Heart.

In wet areas,na ve beau es like Goldenrod,assorted Asters,and Lowbush Blueberrieswillthrive.Ava advisessaving money and skipping the Juice Barline by blending fresh blueberries and honey to make delicious summerpopsicles.

While allthis informa on may seem overwhelming,the best part about rain gardens is once you have chosen your flowersand plantsto accessorize the garden,the only upkeep is weeding and pruning.

16 nantucket HOME
continued from page 12
Enter our 2023 Nantucket Photo Contest Rules & Entry form here: See past winners and entries at: DEADLINE TO ENTER IS SEPTEMBER 12, 2023
photos & honorable mentions will be published in our Autumn edition and online at The Insider’s Guide to Nantucket:
Bee Balm photo by Lavenda Darger
photo by Cameron Parnoff of Hamden, CT

SOLD for $38 Million

Your Asset is our Priority

Marybeth Gilmartin-Baugher and Shelly Tretter Lynch are proud to announce the highest price sale on Nantucket. This gorgeous compound has just sold at a record breaking price. We are available to assist you in your search for the perfect Nantucket home, whether to purchase or lease. Looking to sell? Let us use our world-class marketing strategies to help you navigate the sale of your home or investment property.

The Nantucket Advisory Group at Compass is your dedicated team of real estate professionals, representing the finest properties on island. By leveraging our deep island roots and understanding of the local market, we can help you make well-informed decisions that align with your real estate goals.

The Nantucket Advisory Group
Shelly Tretter Lynch is a real estate licensee aliated with Compass LLC, a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Marybeth Gilmartin-Baugher is a real estate broker aliated with Compass LLC, a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Marybeth Gilmartin -Baugher Founding PartnerThe Nantucket Advisory Group Licensed Real Estate Salesperson marybeth.gilmartin@ 508-257-0888 Shelly Tretter Lynch Founding PartnerThe Nantucket Advisory Group Licensed Real Estate Salesperson shelly.tretterlynch@ Nantucket Nantucket Let us help you 昀nd your place on island NANTUCKET MA 4 5382 N 07 5990 W

this Season

& Enjoy Nantucket Living Discover year-round island living where you can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and experience all the beauty that Nantucket offers. Enjoy several months, weeks or even just days at this resort-like community featuring a Clubhouse, Pool, and more. Choose from several styles of new four-bedroom custom single family homes with open floor plans, large kitchen islands, and spacious living for relaxing or entertaining family and friends. All homes include a finished lower level with full bathroom, and private access. Conveniently located close to beaches, bicycle path, specialty restaurants, and shops. | 978-501-9299 | 3 Honeysuckle Drive, Nantucket Prices Starting From $2,285,200 CUSTOM BUILT HOMES RESORT-STYLE LIVING FOR ALL SEASONS Renderings are an artist’s perception and are subject to change.


NantucketRace Week & Opera House Cup: August16 to 20

Rega as,awards ceremonies,& par es hosted by Nantucket YachtClub and GreatHarborYachtClub to benefitNantucket Community Sailing.Race Week culminates with the Opera House Cup,the firstall­wooden single­hulled classic boatrega a on the EastCoast.Spectatorscan watch the colorfulHarborStartfrom the beach atBrantPointthe morning ofSunday, August20.

ClassicalMusic concerts presented by the NantucketMusicalArts Society

Tim RussertSummerGroove: August19

Tickets on sale One unforge able nightbenefi ng the NantucketBoys& Girls Club. This yearpromises to be an evening you'llneverforget including groovy entertainment,inspira onalguests and lots ofdancing. Fun beginswith an open bar& food at6 pm,connues with a live auc on and SpiritofHope Award,and ends with dessertand dancing.

“Whata Feeling” TWN’s SummerBenefit: August20


A one­of­a­kind nighton Nantucketfeaturing a cabaretspotligh ng Broadway hits from the prolific 1980s and a rocking dance party with live performancesoffavorite 80spop songs. BenefitforTheatre Workshop ofNantucket.

Live Music for All Ages

Concerts atthe Beach...

The Town ofNantucketpresentsfree outdoorconcertsatthe bandstand on Children’sBeach through mid­Augustfrom 6 to 7:15pm:

July 30 ­Janie DupontQuartet

August6 ­Aiden Sherry Trio

August13 ­Shep Cats

August20 ­ChrisHanson


Summer concerts in St.Paul’s Church on Fair Street.Doors open at6:30 pm;concerts begin at7 pm.

August1 ­Cava na Duo:Flute & Guitar

August8 ­BalourdetString Quartet

August15 ­Llewellyn Sanchez­Werner,pianist

AriAxelrod is back atWhite Heron Theatre


Two nightsonly—on August18 & 19—thisinterna onally acclaimed,award­winning show honoring the songsand stories ofJewish composers and theircontribu ons to the American Broadway Musical. AriAxelrod’svoice willtransportyou ashe singsthe beloved melodiesand lyricsofIrving Berlin,Leonard Bernstein,Stephen Sondheim,and Carole King.

SummerDecks Series


World­class DJs on the Dreamland’s beau ful Harborview Deck.Dance the nightaway star ng at6 pm with cash bar& lightrefreshments.

July 26 ­Jimbo James

August9 ­WilTrahan

August23 ­ Pete Ahern

September6 ­Pete Ahern

Sea Shan es Mari me Music Series

The NantucketHistoricalAssocia on and Egan Mari me presentfour free & family­friendly evenings oflive outdoor mari me music performances from 5:30 to 7 pm.Bring chairs, blankets,and picnics and immerse yourselfin the cap va ng world ofsea shan es:sing along and be partofa living mari me tradi on and memorable musicalvoyage! Egan Mari me’s free Shipwreck Shu le will take visitors to the Shipwreck Museum forthe August24 & September7 performances:the shu le willdepartfrom VisitorServices at5 pm.

August17:Craig Edwards,Armand Aromin,Benedict

Gagliardiatthe Old Mill,50 ProspectStreet

August24:The Shep Cats:Erik Wendelken & Steve Shep pard atthe Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum,158 Polpis Rd

August31:Susan Berman & Ray Saunders atthe Old Mill, 50 ProspectStreet

September7:BillSchustik & Andre Quackenbush atthe Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum,158 Polpis Road

Concerts in The Dreamland

August3 at7 pm ­Ferry Me,Boatman


The RossiniClub pays tribute to honorary Nantucketcomposer, Ned Rorem, who passed away in late 2022. The composer, known forboth hisartsongsand lurid diaries,lived on­island for decadesand wrote musicaboutordedicated to Nantucket. Two ofhisworks,the lush NantucketSongsand the diary­like Winter Pages,willbe performed by Nantucketar stsincluding soprano Greta Feeney,cellistEthan Philbrick,and clarine stNick Davies. To complement these works,two pieces by Hungarian composers György Lige and Béla Bartók filloutthe program.

continued from page 9 continued on page 27...

nantucket HOME 19
photo by Suzanne Daub
u S F


Thank you to these individuals and businesses who have stepped up to volunteer their 琀me for the Nantucket Associa琀on of Real Estate Brokers this year.


Bruce Beni, Chair, Lee Real Estate

Penny Dey, Atlan琀c East Nantucket Real Estate

By­Laws and Legal

Kate Sayle, Chair, Denby Real Estate

David Callahan, Jordan Real Estate

Debbie Dilworth, Dilworth Real Estate

Michael O'Mara*, Berkshire Hathaway Island Proper琀es

Brent Tartamella, Fisher Real Estate

Community Outreach

Execu琀ve Board of NAREB


Marion Conley*, Chair, J. Pepper Frazier Company

Jack Bulger, William Raveis Nantucket

Lara Hansen, Fisher Real Estate

Lis琀ng Service Oversight

Kate Sayle, Chair, Denby Real Estate

Marion Conley*, J. Pepper Frazier Company

Lara Hansen, Fisher Real Estate

Kenny Hilbig*, William Raveis Nantucket

Edward Sanford, Great Point Proper琀es

Susan Shepherd, Shepherd Real Estate

*Past recipient of the NAREB Volunteer of the Year Award.

Live Music for All Ages, cont.

August7 at8 pm ­Wild Rivers in Concert


ThisIndie Trio Khalid Yassein,Devan Glover,and Andrew Oliver) have a gi for penning introspec ve lyrics and genre­fluid melodies that transmit wisdom beyond their years. Fresh off opening forThe Chickson theirinterna onalsummertour,Wild Rivers willperform live in The Dreamland for a very special evening in the Main Theater!

continued from page 19 67

August24 at8 pm ­Soule Monde


Thisisavantfunk born ofthe syncopated mindsofpowerdrummerRuss Lawton and organ wizard Ray Paczkowski,legends in the jam band scene.The “duo” iscemented into an indestrucble unit,where bold improvisa onalleapsare interpreted telepathically and reciprocated effortlessly. Paczkowski has an intrepid ability to simultaneously tame the Hammond B3 and clavinet,filling Soule Monde’ssound with beau fuland dynamic melodies. Lawton isthe consummate ‘pocket’drummer,driving the groove furtherwithouteverlosing a step,orRay.Thisisthe jazz­duo yourparents warned you about.


continued on page 37

nantucket HOME 27
TH ANNUAL “Summer on Orange”
AUGUST 3, 2023
OR SHINE The Nantucket Garden Club, Inc.


Live Music for All Ages, cont.

Thursday Noonday ConcertSeries

Free 30­minute concerts at12 noon in the historic Unitarian

Universalist Mee ng House at 11 Orange Street. Dona ons are accepted atthe door.

July 27 ­Susan Berman & Ray K.Saunders

August3 ­Isiah Williams

August10 ­NigelGoss& Friends

August17 ­Carson Cooman

August24 ­Mitch Blake


Cisco Brewery • 5 Bartle Farm Road •

Live music outdoorsatmosta ernoonsfrom 4 to 7 pm (Sundays from 3 to 6 pm).

The Rose & Crown • 23 S.WaterStreet•

Locallive music and DJs on weekends.

The Gaslight• 3 N.Union Street•

Local,regional,and na onalacts on stage.Ticketed shows and shows with covercharge atthe door.

The Brotherhood • 23 Broad St.•

Live music atthe Brotherhood’s new SurfBar

Theatre presents...

White Heron Theatre


Making theatre truly transforma ve with classical,contemporary,and new plays thatspeak to audiences in meless ways. through July 27:Blithe Spirit

July 30 through August2:CallFosse atthe Minskoff

August10 to 24:The 39 Steps

Theatre Workshop ofNantucket


Community theater dedica ng to enriching,educa ng,and challenging ar sts and audiences ofallages. through August26:Rock ofAges

September14 to October7:James Gallagher

On the Isle


Summertheatre in Siasconset.

July 27 to 30:The Turn ofthe Screw

Dreamland Stage Company


Island theatre program by and forchildren. August10 to 13:The Spongebob Musical

“Moby­Dick Rehearsed” ­August28,29,30

Purchase ckets

From 7 to 8:30 pm ,the NHA and Theatre Workshop ofNantucketpresentthe one­actplay “Moby Dick Rehearsed”in the Nantucket Whaling Museum. Wri en by Orson Welles in 1950,thisplay within a play isboth a celebra on ofthe stage and tes mony ofthe enduring legacy ofHerman Melville’s master ure.

continued from page 27 continued on page 42...

nantucket HOME 37
photo by Mark Crosby Photography

� We are locally owned with two offices, both on the island.

� We are consistently a leader in the Nantucket real estate market. Over $894 million in sales in the last two years.

� In 2022, we sold 27% of all listings on the island.

� We have a proven track record of success that spans more than two decades. Our commitment to our clients has made us one of the top referral-led businesses.

� We donate our money and our time. We are youth sports coaches, board members, treasurers, teachers, and protectors of 4-legged creatures.

� We offer accountability and personal service second to none.

Most importantly, our team of 31 agents call Nantucket home. We look forward to helping you Find Your Nantucket.

We’re celebrating our 22nd anniversary. Let us reintroduce ourselves.
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Nantucket Appraisal Company


Enjoy Island Art...

Ar sts Associa on Exhibits & Events

Certi昀ed Residential Real Estate Appraisers

Gifting ● Partial Interest

continued from page 37

The mission ofthe ArtistsAssociation ofNantucketisto foster the visualartson Nantucket.We create a vibrantartscommunity by promoting,supporting and encouraging the work of Nantucketartists,providing educationalprogramsin the arts, and preserving the legacy ofNantucketartists.

through August14:By Land & By Sea in AAN Gallery at15 Washington Street

August4 to October2:Make an Impression online at

August5 from 9 am to 2 pm:AnnualSidewalk ArtShow #2

August11 from 5 to 7 pm:MasterworksOpening Reception in the Big Gallery

● Restrictions, Easements and Covenants

● Rectroactive Needs

● Eminent Domain

● Abatement

● Complicated Ownership, and on, and on, and on...


Women-owned & operated

August11 to September25:Masterworksin the Big Gallery

August18 to September11:Artist/Patron 2023 in AAN Gallery

September3:Amelia Drive StreetFairatVAC

September15 to October16:10x10 Open in AAN Gallery

September18:FallClassRegistration Opens

continued on page 65


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42 nantucket HOME
Fsvr erh vemwih mr Ejvmge0
sj xli mwperh {mxl }sy2
Box 484, 508-228-6818 PO
Nantucket, MA 02554
Fair Market Value Appraisal Reports for Lending ● Estate Tax ● Planning and
When maritime is your favorite time. Whatever your passion, we have a home for it.
Mid island 27 TICCOMA WAY ‘Sconset 20 MAIN STREET $15,500,000 $5,450,000 Fisher Real Estate • 508.228.4407 • 21 Main Street • Nantucket, MA 02554 Polpis 59B POLPIS ROAD $6,495,000 Cliff 81 CLIFF ROAD $11,950,000 ‘Sconset 9 HYDRANGEA LANE $3,950,000 West of Town 1 BARRETT FARM ROAD $5,900,000


Explore Nantucket, With Our Local Expertise

Beyond our transaction expertise, we share our island expertise. From our deep market knowledge and real-time analytics to knowing the best fishing, dining and on-island adventures firsthand, Fisher has you covered. We go beyond helping our clients buy and sell their homes. We help make their whole island experience a memorable one.

42.5 UNION STREET $2,650,000 $3,995,000 Brian Sullivan • Jen Allen • Cam Gammill • Joelle Bouchard • Lara Hanson • Liza Hatton • Spencer Heydt • Sarah Holmes Cait Kappler • Marleah Lydon • Danno Lynch • Gina O’Callaghan • J. Brent Tartamella • Gaelan Truyman • Quinn Veysey • Erin Wilson Town 2 CAMELIA LANE
Cliff 13 CLIFF ROAD $6,750,000 Naushop 74 GOLDFINCH DRIVE $2,795,000 Shawkemo 1 SHAWKEMO HILLS LANE $8,995,000 Miacomet 10 DOC RYDER DRIVE $4,995,000 Fisher Real Estate • 508.228.4407 • 21 Main Street • Nantucket, MA 02554 Tom Nevers 4 HUNTINGTON STREET $2,650,000 Naushop 91 GOLDFINCH DRIVE $2,250,000
@fishernantucket Brian Sullivan • Jen Allen •
Gammill •
Bouchard • Lara Hanson • Liza Hatton • Spencer Heydt • Sarah Holmes Cait Kappler • Marleah Lydon • Danno Lynch • Gina O’Callaghan • J. Brent Tartamella • Gaelan Truyman • Quinn Veysey • Erin Wilson The best of Nantucket all in one place #1 NANTUCKET TRAVEL GUIDE LEADING MARKET INSIGHTS OVER 1,500 ORIGINAL BLOGS VIRTUAL NEIGHBORHOOD GUIDES SIGN UP:
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SONSET 2 dditional Lots

I 'S B . P B R A O , . "R," .
Lee Real Estate 03200 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024
THRT ROD MONOMOY cres EST HLLOWELL LNE LIFF Sachem orner T M S N C F . 4 C R 2 1/3 . C N S H L G R. "S C" 1920. T . T H L 2 N S. wwwleerealestatecom
SONSET MEDOUIE REEK ROD WUWINET 2 cres T 'S S T , , . M , . 6.2 . T . M G C T . C . A , , . Medouie reek ssociation Private Dock Lee Real Estate 03200 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024
, S G/KMS D 1820 M S. T N ' . 1111 sqft total 444 0 sqft lots MIN STREET TOWN Double Lot wwwleerealestatecom
BEAUTIFUL MODERN 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATHROOM B 1820 1998, . Lee Real Estate 03200 wwwleerealestatecom 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 HOWRD STREET TOWN A HIGHER LEVEL OF SERVICE



"We absolutely loved our experience of working with Jeanne. As first time home buyers on Nantucket, her knowledge of the market was invaluable. Every step of the way, Jeanne had advice and guidance that was tailored to exactly what we were looking for. We needed a seasoned realtor to help us navigate the complexities of this competitive market - from thinking through trade-offs from our wishlist to partnering with us on negotiations and closing tactics, Jeanne brings an incredible amount of experience and knowledge. We are so happy with where we've landed and look forward to working with her in the future as well. "


Westbrook Real Estate is a full-service real estate office offering vacations rentals and property sales in all areas of Nantucket. Our inventory of rental properties includes small and large beach cottages, houses in Town and Sconset, and estate properties.

We are members of the Nantucket Association of Real Estate Brokers and can show any property listed for sale on Nantucket and list properties for sale with the multi-listing service. We offer Buyer and Seller Representation.

56 nantucket HOME LIENT REVIEW
wwwleerealestatecom • 508.257.6206 •

81 CLIFF ROAD | $11,950,000

Cliff | Set on a hill at the foot of Cliff Road & Sherburne Turnpike, “Picture Perfect” is an idyllic Nantucket setting for spending time and building memories with friends and family. Moments from Steps Beach, Something Natural, at the start of the Cliff Road Bike path and minutes to downtown Nantucket, this 6 bedroom, 6 plus bath home features a front porch for watching the world go by and a private backyard pool and patio. Mature trees dot the property, offering both shade and privacy. Renovated in 2022, this home has all the modern systems and amenities while offering the nostalgia of summer’s past.


Principal Broker

508.414.1878 (c) | |


CISCO | 5 BEDROOMS | 5.5 BATHROOMS | $11,985,000

This exquisite custom home has undergone a complete renovation down to the frame, resulting in a brand-new home with modern systems, windows, and a roof. The home is in the highly soughtafter Cisco area near popular attractions like Bartlett Farm, Cisco Brewers, Miacomet Golf, and stunning south shore beaches. Boasting five elegant bedrooms and five-and-a-half bathrooms, this stylish property features impeccable landscaping, a luxurious pool, and an inviting patio with a fire pit. With multiple outdoor seating areas, this home provides the perfect space for entertaining, relaxing, and taking in the breathtaking views of Bartlett Farm. An additional 14,781 sq. ft. lot is available for $3,500,000, providing even more opportunity to make this dream home your own.

Exclusively Listed By Gary Winn Broker


Maury People Sotheby’s International Realty

37 Main Street, Nantucket MA

Nothing Compares
Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Equal Housing Opportunity.



Sweeping ocean views, spectacular sunsets and authentic Nantucket charm located at 36 Sheep Pond Road. This beach retreat, abutting conservation land, offers four bedrooms in the main house and a separate finished studio with a full bath and kitchenette. Two additional structures allow for extra storage and studio space. Sited on a two acre lot with expansion potential-seven bedroom septic in place-floor plan, elevations and site plan available. Unobstructed ocean views and direct access to the beach.

Nothing Compares
Exclusively Listed By Gary Winn Broker 508.330.3069 Maury People Sotheby’s International Realty 37 Main Street, Nantucket MA Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. MAURY PEOPLE SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY 37 Main Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 | | 508.228.1881 NOTHING COMPARES
Cliff | $14,250,000 4 Bedrooms, 5.5 Bathrooms Bernadette Meyer Tom Nevers | $9,475,000 10 Bedrooms, 10+ Bathrooms Chandra Miller Mid Island | $2,200,000 .29 Acres Chandra Miller Surfside | $2,695,000 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms John F. Trudel III Tom Nevers | $529,000 .18 Acres John F. Trudel III Surfside | $8,750,000 7 Bedrooms, 7+ Bathrooms Will Maier Sconset | $6,795,000 5 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms Chandra Miller Town | $3,999,000 6 Bedrooms, 7.5 Bathrooms Bernadette Meyer

Town | $11,995,000

17 Bedrooms, 17+ Bathrooms

Bernadette Meyer

Sconset | $5,925,000

4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bathrooms

Susan Chambers

Surfside | $4,950,000

2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms

Mary Taaffe

Middle Moors | $4,650,000

5 Bedrooms, 4.5 Bathrooms

Will Maier

Town | $4,998,000

10 Bedrooms, 10.5 Bathrooms

Bernadette Meyer

Naushop | $2,275,000

3 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bathrooms

Bernadette Meyer

Sconset | $2,195,000

1 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms

Chandra Miller

South of Town | $1,649,000

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms

Bernadette Meyer

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Equal Housing Opportunity.
PEOPLE SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY 37 Main Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 | | 508.228.1881 NOTHING
Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. MAURY PEOPLE SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY 37 Main Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 | | 508.228.1881 NOTHING COMPARES Cisco | $3,500,000 .34 Acres Gary Winn Mid Island | $2,600,000 .4 Acres Lucie Cristler Sconset | $2,795,000 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Chandra Miller Town | $4,295,000 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bathrooms John F. Trudel III Town | $3,995,000 3 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms Marybeth Gibson Cisco | $3,650,000 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Kathy Gallaher Sconset | $5,995,000 6 Bedrooms, 6 Bathrooms Bernadette Meyer Surfside | $4,500,000 4 Bedrooms, 5.5 Bathrooms Marybeth Gibson Brant Point | $4,400,000 5 Bedrooms, 4.5 Bathrooms Susan Chambers

47 HUMMOCK POND ROAD | $5,895,000

Hummock Pond | The last remaining property in coveted Hawthorne Park is now available for immediate purchase and use! The Cottage’s airy and alluring layout, soft palette tones, luxe finishes and natural stones and hardwoods complete a masterful design that’s uniquely suited to help islanders embrace and celebrate total comfort.

Designed with award-winning architect Workshop/APD, the Hawthorne Park neighborhood is composed of elegant, high design homes set against a peaceful and inviting threeacre community park. A rustic refuge promising a resort-inspired experience, the amenity-rich acreage features a pool, hot tub, and gym; all situated just minutes from the ferry and moments from the Cisco Bike Path.

JEN ALLEN 508.332.0568 | ERIN WILSON 267.625.1441 |


Enjoy Island Art, cont.

continued from page 42

Ar sts Associa on Salon Series ­ a specialprogram for art lovers who wantmore.Fordetails and passes­series

August1 at5:30 pm ­Demonstration with Katie Trinkle Legge: ArtistMember & pastPresidentofAAN,Katie Trinkle Legge, iswell­known forherlarge­scale stilllifes.Katie willbe one of AAN’ssummerArtists­in Residence and willtreatthe Salon Series members to a specialdemonstration and discussion.

Late August­Private Collection Tour: A well­known collector invites the Salon members into his home to view his private collection ofartwork.This is an extraordinary opportunity to see a museum ­quality collection in an intimate setting.

... Maritime Fun ...

Race Week & Opera House Cup ­August16 to 20


NantucketRace Week isa f5­day experience thatmarshalsthe en re Nantucketcommunity togetherforrega as,awardsceremonies,and par es.Races provide sportforeveryone from young dinghy sailorsand familiesin household one designsto grand prix racersatthe very top oftheirprofession.Racing begins August 16,with events scheduled daily through August 20.Sailors ofalllevels are welcome to par cipate.

BoatCharters aboard: The Endeavor• Book

Captain Jim offersprivate chartersand per­person fare sailing trips around the waters ofNantucketIsland.He can acquaint you with Nantucket's mari me history and sights along the waterfront. Novice & experienced sailors ofallages can help the crew setsailorsimply relax and enjoy the ride.Guestsare welcome to bring aboard refreshments.Captain Jim builtEndeavor,and he’s happy to share his knowledge oftradi onal boatbuilding.

Nantucketby Water• Book

A localfamily­run company dedicated to providing unique toursand cruisesto individualsand familiesofallage groups. From smallkids to grandparents,we have trips that cater to your needs and taste for adventure. Whether you take a leisurely touraround NantucketHarbor,ora longeradventure exploring the wildlife sanctuary of Coatue or visi ng the unique 5th Bend OysterFarm,we promise you an excep onal experience.

ACK Sail• Book

Enjoy Nantucket’s idyllic coastline from the comfortofa historicsailing yachtormotorvesselwhile celebra ng the perfect island experience with family and friends.

TallShip Lynx • Book

Re­live history aboard an 1812 privateer: hoistthe sails,steer the ship, fire the main ba ery of six­pounder carronades aboard a tradi onal, square topsail schooner. mid­June through early September.

continued on page 77

nantucket HOME 65
photo by Alice Breed

Mid Island | Located just around the corner from numerous rising stars on the list of go-to Nantucket spots, this newly constructed six-bedroom home is slated to be completed at the start of this summer. Brought to life by J5 Development with custom interiors by Hellenic Designs, this exciting new property will feature extensive amenities inside and out. Ensuite bedrooms, three laundry facilities, a separate appliance pantry, and an oversized mudroom top a long list of interior luxuries offered by this home. In the spacious backyard, a covered porch leading to the pool and cabana with a bluestone patio further enhances the property. Situated moments from markets such as Pip and Anchor and Nantucket Meat & Fish, as well as fitness and recreational spots like SUPTA Yoga, Nantucket Fitness, and the 100+ acres of State Forest, you are never far from convenience and summer fun.

508.414.1878 (c) | |
27 TICCOMA WAY | $5,450,000
Principal Broker

20 MAIN STREET | $15,500,000

‘Sconset | Built in the 1800s as a summer residence for Frederick Mitchell, sea captain and successful businessman, the property at 20 Main Street has a long and colorful history. Known as Solid Comfort in its early years, “Green Chimneys” is a unique and treasured property in the heart of historic ‘Sconset. Host to prominent Nantucketers and a large cast of characters throughout many storied years, this five-bedroom, eight-bathroom home boasts a covetable patina only achieved through the passage of time. Guests have described the space as transformative, and no wonder — an incomparable feeling of nostalgia enchants and imbues one’s senses upon spending even the smallest amount of time in this home. Nearly every bedroom and gathering space throughout the first floor of the home features a fireplace, contributing to the famed green chimneys dotting the roof, and inspiration for the home’s moniker.

508.414.1878 (c) | |
Principal Broker


82 Easton Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 • 508-228-7707 • 82 MA 02554 • 82 Easton Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 • 508-228-7707 •
Moors End is a stately three-story brick home with a 1920 carriage house situated on over an acre of land in the heart of downtown. The iconic property also includes an 1850’s stable and heirloom rose garden hidden behind a brick wall creating a secret estate on Pleasant Street. Linda Bellevue & Mary D. Malavase | Price on Request Scan to view video


Located in Town, this elegant property sits on an elevated site with a custom-built home offering the highest level of amenities, 5 bedrooms, each with en suite bath. Heated pool (12x25’), surrounded by blue stone patio, gardens, outdoor kitchen and fire pit, and pool house with full bath. Beautifully furnished by a designer, the property is offered with everything one could want to enjoy this summer on Nantucketjust bring your suitcase.

$7,200,000 | Penny Dey


This high 3.24 acre property on the east end of the island offers the perfect spot to enjoy peace and quiet close to Quidnet. Meticulously maintained, the property has a main house with 4 bedrooms, 3+ baths, multiple living areas and decks as well as a fully equipped attached cottage with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and a private deck. The property includes a full basement and two-car garage. Views of all three Nantucket lighthouses from the roof walk, deeded access to Polpis Harbor and an Barn Owl House make this a rare find.

$4,395,000 | Penny Dey

82 Easton Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 • 508-228-7707 •


This one-of-a-kind property sits on 1.16 acres and abuts over 300 acres of conservation land. The property has panoramic views of Long Pond as well as Nantucket Sound. A deeded easement with private stairs to the beach gives access to gentle surf that is ideal for swimming, boating, paddle boarding and surf casting. Views of the moors change with the colors of the seasons; the open sky gives spectacular sunrises and sunsets. This 1970s 4-bedroom, 3-full and 2-half baths house has great potential.

$7,995,000 | Llinda Bellevue


$3,375,000 | Jane Miller

82 Easton Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 • 508-228-7707 •
This 1950’s gem is located on a quiet street in Nantucket’s Old Historic District, very close to Main Street, yet just around the corner from the Cisco Bike Path. It is a welcoming home, featuring beautiful hardwood fir floors throughout, and an open living floor plan. The property has a good rental history and is being offered furnished.


$1,175,000 | Peter DuPont



A rare opportunity to own a small property in Town on a corner lot. There is currently an oversized garage on the property, with 600+/- square feet of existing ground coverage. Lots of potential.

$1,175,000 | Penny Dey

Penny Dey, Principal, GRI, ABRM

Erikka Perkins, Rental Manager

Mary O’Donnell, Office Manager

Yesenia Valer, Office Assistant

Centrally located, 5,000 square foot Residential Commercial parcel. Present zoning allows for 50% ground coverage. Town water and town sewer available. Great for a small business, shop or duplex.

$900,000 | Peter DuPont

Ken Beaugrand

Linda Bellevue, GRI, CBR

Heidi Drew, ABR, RSPS, SRS

Peter DuPont

Alison K. Forsgren, e-Pro, NAR Green, SRES

Angel Conrad Frazier

Mary D. Malavase, GRI, ABR, SRS, RSPS

Jane B. Miller, ABR, RSPS

Meg Ruley, ABR, RSPS

Lisa Sherburne, ABR, RSPS

Melinda Vallett

Geri Walker, RSPS, SFR

82 Easton Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 • 508-228-7707 •
Located between the amenities of downtown and the conveniences of mid-island you’ll find this cozy, updated one-bedroom, one-bath unit with off-street parking for two cars and views overlooking the creeks, Monomoy and Nantucket Harbor.

This one-of-a-kind property sits on 1.16 acres and abuts over 300 acres of conservation land. The property has panoramic views of Long Pond as well as Nantucket Sound. A deeded easement with private stairs to the beach gives access to gentle surf that is ideal for swimming, boating, paddle boarding and surf casting. Views of the moors change with the colors of the seasons; the open sky gives spectacular sunrises and sunsets. This 1970’s 4 bedroom, 3 full and 2 half baths house has great potential.

82 Easton Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 508-228-7707
Linda Bellevue, Broker, GRI, CBR 508-325-2700
Private deeded beach easement access with stairs
82 Easton Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 508-228-7707 CHARACTER, HISTORY AND ROMANCE Scan to view video Moors End is a stately three-story brick home with a 1920 carriage house situated on over an acre of land in the heart of Town. The iconic property also includes an 1850’s stable and heirloom rose garden hidden behind a brick wall to create a secret estate on Pleasant Street. Linda Bellevue & Mary D. Malavase | Price on Request Linda Bellevue, Broker, GRI, CBR 508-325-2700

42.5 UNION STREET | $3,995,000

Town | Ideally located near Nantucket’s active harbor, the town pier and just moments from Main Street, this home strikes a perfect balance of casual elegance with a unique blend of modern and traditional design elements. While the home lives as three bedrooms, it could easily function as four as the den/library could be converted into an additional first-floor bedroom. This property offers it all with two primary suites, off-street parking, a private porch & patio, and a solid rental income history.

Principal Broker

508.332.0568 (c) | |


... and Island History

Historic Downtown Walking Tours

Monday­Saturday at10:30 am & 1:30 pm

continued from page 65

Walk through historic downtown Nantucket with a Museum Guide and discover the unique history ofthe island.The Downtown Walking tourtransports visitors on a journey through Nantucket’s past and tells the story of the rise and the fallof the whaling industry,the rise oftourism,and the impactsthe island’s economy had on socialand racialdevelopmenton Nantucket. Details and tickets

A Walk Down Main Street

Tuesdays at3 pm through October3

NPT’sclassictourprovidesan overview ofNantucketin itsheyday and focuses on the portion ofMain Street between the Pacific NationalBank and the CivilWar Monument.Learn about the street’sdevelopment,the area’searly residentsand architectural styles,and how the houses have come to symbolize the island’s whaling era.Tickets & details

‘SconsetWalking Tour

Thursdays at3 pm through October5

Join NPT Executive Director Mary Bergman, who shares her knowledge ofthis unique fishing settlementatthe eastern edge ofthe island.The 75 minute tour focuses on the early “whalehouses” as wellas the village’s boom as a seaside resortand actors colony atthe end ofthe 1800s.Tours meetat1 New Street, Siasconset. Tickets & details

1st& 3rd Thursdays ofthe month at2 pm

In Codfish Park,little housestellbig stories.Learn aboutthe evolution ofCodfish Park and itsimportantrole in Nantucket’sBlack history and laborhistory.Toursmeetat1 New Street,Siasconset. Tickets & details

Meet Nantucket’s Natural World

NantucketWalkaboutGuided Wilderness Hikes

Offering naturalhistory walkson Nantucket'sprotected lands alloverthe island.Hikesinform on how,geologically,the island was created by the lastglacier,how Nantucketgotits unique collection ofplants and wildlife,how and when Native Americans and European settlers impacted the island's natural world,conservation efforts,& what the future may hold for Nantucket.Tickets

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Codfish Park Tour
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photo by Sarah Morneau photo by Suzanne Daub


continued from page 77

Meet Nantucket’s Natural World, cont.

Maria MitchellAssocia on forsummerschedule

With itsAquarium,NaturalScience Museum,HistoricMitchell House,VestalStreetObservatory,and the LoinesObservatory, the Maria MitchellAssocia on offers new exhibits and programs to quench everyone’s thirstfor science educa on and research.

Marine Ecology Field Trips & Beach Discovery Field Trips Evening OwlProwls

Stargazing Nights atthe Maria MitchellObservatory

Big History Nights with Dr.Rich Blundell

Children’s Programs include:Feeding Frenzy Program,Meet the Animals,Nature Story Hour,and Science through Art

Tours ofthe Coskata­Coatue Wildlife Refuge

The ultimate Nantucket adventure:a 2.5 hour 4x4 oversand vehicle van­tour where you’lllearn about the history ofthe area and aboutthe flora & fauna thatcallthe Refuge home. Tourschedule and tickets

NantucketConserva on Founda on nantucketconserva

The mission ofthe Nantucket Conservation Foundation is to

assistin the preservation ofNantucket’s characterby permanently conserving,maintaining,and managing naturalareas and habitatsand to encourage an appreciation ofand interest in the Island’s naturalresources. They have a variety ofoutdooractivitiesand eventsthisseason formembersand forthe public thatinclude:

Creatures ofthe NightEncounter

Bicycle Tours

OutdoorYoga Flow

SaltMarsh Exploration

Landscaping Tours


Linda Loring Nature Founda on forsummerschedule

LLNF is dedicated to being stewards ofthe property and fostering learning thatpromotesenvironmentalliteracy.Walking trails,field trips,environmentaleducation programs,and collaborative activities with partnerorganizations.

78 nantucket HOME
photo by Sarah Morneau photo courtesy NantucketConserva on Founda on

Polpis | Located in the highly desirable Polpis area, this six-bedroom home sits on just under an acre of land that looks out across the fields of the popular and picturesque Moors End Farm. Newly constructed in 2023, this estate property offers a great location and other necessary conveniences, such as a custom pool and spa and an oversized two-car garage with guest quarters that provide two additional bedrooms.

Polpis | Situated across from the fields of Moors End Farm, 59 Polpis affords the opportunity to own nearly an acre in a charming and bucolic setting, all while remaining moments away from mid-island conveniences. This property can support 2,951 sq. ft. of ground cover and is connected to town sewer, allowing for a main house, guest house, garage, cabana, and pool, with room to spare for fun extras such as a pickleball court. This transaction is a contract sale with a closing date of or before October 2, 2023. The property is currently occupied, and appointments are required for viewing. The house will not be shown, and the purchaser will be responsible for removing the existing structure and razing the foundation. Engineered plans from Site Design Engineering are included in the sale.

508.414.1878 (c) | | BRIAN SULLIVAN
Principal Broker 59 POLPIS ROAD |
$3,495,000 59B POLPIS ROAD | $6,495,000

Shawkemo | Winding stone walls lead you up a private, crushed marble driveway to the refined and luxurious estate that awaits at 1 Shawkemo Hills Lane. Concealed by mature and thoughtfully designed gardens, the 8,000+ square foot home has been meticulously maintained. With no detail left unpolished, this five+ bedroom (alternate sixbedroom plan) home is sure to meet the needs of any discerning buyer in search of the perfect multigenerational Nantucket home. Featuring a myriad of spaces, there truly is something for everyone to enjoy; procure your favorite bottle of wine from the custom wine cellar, relax with a film in the home theater, or spend a day around the pool complete with a visit to the steam room. Or lastly, enjoy a cocktail while watching sunset from your full width straight access roof walk with 360-degree views of the island. A home unlike any other, elevate your Nantucket experience with this impeccable Shawkemo property in one of the most private and desirable areas of Nantucket Island.

BRIAN SULLIVAN 508.414.1878 | QUINN VEYSEY 508.901.3350 | 1

Easy Living and Ready to Move In!

Located in Town, this elegant property sits on an elevated site with a custom-built home offering the highest level of amenities, 5 bedrooms, each with en suite bath. Heated pool (12x25’), surrounded by blue stone patio, gardens, outdoor kitchen and fire pit, and pool house with full bath. Beautifully furnished by a local designer, the property is offered with everything one could want to enjoy this summer on Nantucket - just bring your suitcase.
508.221.0801 Mobile 508.228.7707, X211 Office
$7,200,000 | Penny Dey Penny Dey, Broker, GRI, ABRM, Realtor©

“Broadside” is an extraordinary offering within the beautiful enclave of McKinley Avenue. Located in SOH zoning, this generously oversized property of over a half acre in 5,000 sq ft zoning with 50% allowable ground coverage has belonged to one family for over 50 years.

“A World Apart”

located in the heart of Brant Point, is a lovely five-bedroom home offering phenomenal harbor views from the roof walk, a short distance to the beach, and ample room for family and friends.

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. Maury People Sotheby’s International Realty | 37 Main Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 | SUSAN CHAMBERS Broker 508.228.1881 x100 OFFICE 508.560.0671 CELL EXCLUSIVELY SHOWCASED BY 12 WILLARD STREET | B RANT P OINT | $4,400,000 Exceptional Properties
Scan for more info. 5 MCKINLEY AVENUE | ’S CONSET | $5,925,000
Scan for more info.

West of Town | Neighboring more than 1,200 acres of conservation land, this gorgeous property offers many ways to enjoy the best of Nantucket living. The rolling landscape surrounding the home stretches over two acres and features manicured lawns, well-appointed perennial gardens, and a fenced-in, raised-bed herb/ vegetable garden. The three-level main house boasts an enormous chef’s kitchen and multiple living areas that open to the wrap-around porch and the varied outdoor spaces. A three-bay garage offers heated space for multiple vehicles or the opportunity for future finished areas, and the two-bedroom, one-bathroom dwelling above provides ample space for family and guests. This location is the perfect island destination with proximity to conservation trails, the bike path, and beautiful beaches at the end of Barrett Farm Road.

JEN ALLEN 508.332.0568 | JOELLE BOUCHARD 508.221.0134 | CONSERVATION LAND Sanford Meadows 10 Feet Dionis Beach 0.8 Miles Water Tower Beach 1.4 Miles Main Street 2 Miles Millies 2.6 Miles RAM PASTURE TRAIL SANFORD FARM TRAIL THE NORTHERN LOOP TRAIL 1 BARRETT FARM ROAD | $5,900,000
nantucket HOME 87

Classic summer beach house with loads of charm and character awaits its new owner. This 5 bedrooms and 2.5 bath home is located in the heart of ’Sconset and boasts incredible water views and a fabulous front porch overlooking the ’Sconset dunes and Atlantic ocean. Newly renovated in 2023 and being sold fully furnished, turn key ready for summer. Enjoy an effortless summer full of sunshine and sea air!

Main House + Cottage | Off-Street Parking

Charming main house & cottage nestled in the heart of Codfish Park. Step inside this renovated home and be greeted by the open living area, perfect for entertaining friends and family. The main house boasts a secondfloor primary bedroom with a deck offering picturesque ocean views. The cottage provides a private and tranquil retreat, ideal for guests or a home office. Strong rental history.

In & Out on Pump Square this cottage is darling, charming, and iconic! Built in c. 1898 this antique has been an integral part of the village for 100+ years and epitomizes ’Sconset summer living. Cathedral ceilings in the living area, sea views from the upstairs bedroom, and many unique features including wide pine plank floors this gem awaits its next steward. Two outdoor living vignettes to enjoy the summer wind at this special ‘Sconset cottage.

Introducing a unique opportunity to own in the heart of downtown Nantucket. Nestled on Sunset Hill Lane, this home benefits from an ideal location. Conveniently located close to the beaches, allowing you to enjoy endless summers. Situated within walking distance to Lily Pond Park, an oasis in the midst of the bustle. For history enthusiasts, the oldest home on Nantucket is just a stone’s throw away. Off-street parking is provided for your convenience.

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. MAURY PEOPLE SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY | 37 MAIN STREET, NANTUCKET, MA 02554 | 508.228.1881 | MAURYPEOPLE.COM
2 Beds | 2 Baths + Loft
5 Bed | 2.5 Baths 4 Beds | 2 Baths


Experience the ultimate privacy and beach lifestyle in this newly renovated home in Madequecham Valley. Surrounded by conservation and sea views this single family home boasts 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms on a sprawling 3-acre lot, perfect for enjoying the Nantucket sunsets and the refreshing ocean breeze. Complete with a private heated pool, cabana, and outdoor bar, this home is ideal for entertaining and creating memories with family and friends. Ample expansion potential with the perfect setting to turn into your private oasis.

10 Beds | 11 Full Baths | 2-Car Garage | Studio

New high level construction with a beautiful setting and fine finishes sprawling over three acres in Tom Nevers. With three dwellings and a sophisticated landscape design this property makes it effortless to accommodate a multi-generational family and entertain many friends and guests. Gorgeous kitchen with butlers pantry, vaulted ceilings, oversized accordion doors, and floating marble vanities are just a few features to marvel in this spectacular home.

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.
Equal Housing
Main House | 4 Beds | 4 Baths | Cabana | Pool | Tennis Court


M: 508-560-0204

O: 508-228-7707 x 215

Marybeth Gilmartin-Baugher

Founding Member Nantucket Compass

Licensed RE Salesperson CT & MA

O: 508.257.0888 M: 917.561.5995

Ann Maury


M (508) 527-1045 57 Main Street, Nantucket O (508) 325-5000



M: 917-806-8213

O: 508-365-2833


Shelly Tretter Lynch

Founding Member Nantucket Compass

Sports & Entertainment Division Member

Licensed RE Salesperson CT & MA

O: 508.257.0888 M: 203.550.8508

Suzi Spring


M (508) 228-8217 57 Main Street, Nantucket O (508) 325-5000

Liza Hatton

Sales & Rental Agent

508.280.8925 (c) | 508.228.4407 (o) 21

90 nantucket HOME
12 Oak St., Suite B Nantucket, MA 02554 #3
| | @fishernantucket
Main Street, Nantucket, MA 02554
nantucket HOME 91
Sarah Holmes Sales & Rental Agent 603.493.9504 (c) | 508.228.4407 (o)
Main Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 | | @fishernantucket
508.228.2266, ext 134 C 508.292.0657
North Beach Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 OFFICES IN TOWN & SCONSET
CANTELLA sales & rental broker
508.228.2266, ext 113 C 508.450.3379
North Beach Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 OFFICES IN TOWN & SCONSET LIZ FINLAY sales & rental broker Gina O’Callaghan
Broker & Rental Agent, Realtor, CRS, RSPS 508.633.4757 (c) | 508.228.4407 (o)
Main Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 | | @fishernantucket
508.228.2266, ext 119 C 508.332.0682 1 North Beach Street, Nantucket, MA 02554 OFFICES IN TOWN & SCONSET
PARSONS sales & rental broker
92 nantucket HOME Lee Real Estate 03200 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 leerealestatecom @leerealestatenantucket 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 ruce eni Broker 020131 c 03200 o bruce@leerealestatecom Lee Real Estate 03200 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 leerealestatecom @leerealestatenantucket 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 Shellie Dunlap Broker & Rental Specialist 0901990 c 03200 o shellie@leerealestatecom Lee Real Estate 03200 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 leerealestatecom @leerealestatenantucket 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 Dan Dunlap Broker 02112 c 03200 o dan@leerealestatecom BROKER DIRECTORY
nantucket HOME 93 Lee Real Estate 03200 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 leerealestatecom @leerealestatenantucket 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 Kiri Mullen Sales & Rental Agent 0221 c 03200 o kiri@leerealestatecom Lee Real Estate 03200 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 leerealestatecom @leerealestatenantucket 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 Mimi Huber Broker, CBR, GRI 032203 c 03200 o mimi@leerealestatecom Lee Real Estate 03200 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 leerealestatecom @leerealestatenantucket 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 Maya Kearns Sales & Rental Agent 01039 c 03200 o maya@leerealestatecom Mark G. Burlingham BROKER ASSOCIATE OFFICE 508.228.9117 MOBILE 949.861.1451 E-MAIL Kathy Davidson SALES AND RENTALS OFFICE 508.228.9117 MOBILE 215.962.4120 E-MAIL Melanie Gowen SALES ASSOCIATE OFFICE 508.228.9117 MOBILE 202.365.0240 E-MAIL Lee Real Estate 03200 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 leerealestatecom @leerealestatenantucket 10 South each Street Nantucket M 024 Peter Engen Sales & Rental Agent 11012 c 03200 o peter@leerealestatecom
94 nantucket HOME Sue Jemison SALES AND RENTALS OFFICE 508.228.9117 MOBILE 610.301.3002 E-MAIL Cynthia S. Lenhart BROKER ASSOCIATE OFFICE 508.228.9117 MOBILE 508.325.1648 E-MAIL Kara Parhiala SALES AND RENTALS OFFICE 508.228.9117 MOBILE 603.401.8111 E-MAIL Sarah S. Punnett SALES ASSOCIATE OFFICE 508.228.9117 MOBILE 508.901.1226 E-MAIL Susan Renzulli SALES ASSOCIATE OFFICE 508.228.9117 MOBILE 508.332.0528 E-MAIL Robert Young BROKER ASSOCIATE OFFICE 508.228.9117 MOBILE 508.325.1571 E-MAIL DON'T BE LEFT OUT! You could be included in this Directory of Nantucket Brokers. Email Corinne at Follow us on Instagram: @Nantucket Insider BROKER DIRECTORY Kenny Hilbig SALES MANAGER/REALTOR® OFFICE 508.228.9117 MOBILE 508.901.3311 E-MAIL

MEET THE BROKERS: GREG, BILL, & EDWARD It’s All about Our Island Community

Whetheryou are buying or selling property, you want to work with an experienced professional who understands our island and who respects your needs and desires. The first step is ge ng to know yourbroker.

Greg McKechnie, Bill Liddle, and Edward Sanford are the expertswho have combined forces to create Great Point Proper es. Great Point Proper es was founded in 2002 by brokers Greg McKechnie and BillLiddle. In 2008 they joined forces with Edward Sanford ofSanford RealEstate underthe GreatPointProper esname. In 2013,GPP purchased Sconset RealEstate,the only firm focused solely on the island’sunique eastend.

Today,GreatPointProper esisone ofthe largestrealestate firms on the island,with 30 agents and five full­ me administrators.

Whatbroughtyou to Nantucket?

Greg:Every year,my family would come to the island forthe summer,and italways feltlike home.A er college,Iworked in England fora bit,butitdid nottake long forNantucketto pullme back.Once you spend some me here,this island will draw you in.

Edward:My grandparentscame to the island in the 1920s,my parentsmeton island,and ourfamily summered on Nantucket every year.As many can relate,when Idecided to take a year off from college and spend the winterworking asa carpenter, Ineverle .

Bill: My parents vaca oned on the island for a number of years;in 1979,when Iwasin sixth grade,we moved to the island full­ me.

Whatis yourfavorite season on Nantucketand why?

Bill:Like everyone else,Ilove summer.The island comesto life with friendsreturning to the island and familiesreconnec ng. The days are long,the harbor is full,and the landscape is amazing.

Whatis yourfavorite place to relax on Nantucket?

Greg:Iam notvery good atrelaxing,butIlove spending me

with family and friends outon Coatue.Itisone of the few mes and placeswhere Imay just sit s lland appreciate good company in a spectacularse ng.

Are you involved in any island non­profits?

Bill: I'm involved with Nantucket Community Sailing. Being on the waterand sailing is an important part of my life and NCS helps over 1,000 par cipants annually, all ages and abili es, to share the same experience.Plus, seeing Nantucketby wateristhe bestway to do it.

Whatmakes Nantucketspecial?

Greg:Naturalbeauty,the beaches,and the history allpale in comparison to whattruly makesNantucketspecial.Nantucket isallaboutcommunity.Ifthere wasevera place where people come togetherto help li up those who need a hand,thisisit. Maybe because we are an island 23 miles atsea,maybe because were alldrawn to the same place,butwhateveritis,this island knows how to take care ofitsown.

Bill: The island is stunningly beau ful—thanks to forwardthinking preserva onists and conserva onists. But what makesthisisland truly beau fulisthe people who make up the community.

How did you getstarted in realestate?

Edward:A erspending five yearsbuilding Alerion Classsloops on the island,Iwenton to manage my family businessrunning rentalco ages.Not long a er that,Idecided to get my real estate license in the mid­1980s.

Who established GreatPointProper es?

Greg:Billand Istarted GreatPointProper es back in 2002.It was a pre y big leap,but it has worked out be er than we could have hoped.Billand Iused to work outwith Edward,and Iwould bug him aboutmerging hiso ce with ours— finally,in 2008,we wore him down.The three ofuscome atthingsfrom very differentplaces,butthatcombina on iswhathascreated an amazing team and some long­las ng friendships.

nantucket HOME 95
continued on page 96...
Le to right:BillLiddle,Edward Sanford,and Greg McKechnie

Meetthe Brokers

continued from page 95

Whatchangeshave you seen in the island’srealestate market since you started in the business?

Greg:A lothaschanged.When Igotinto the business,Iwasone ofthe few who had a cellphone.We faxed lis ng sheets,and if itwas a really specialproperty,we would go take pictures and have them developed atthe one­hourphoto and mailthem off. There are more o ces and agents, the houses have go en fancier,and things move faster.But what is interes ng is that the thingspeople love aboutNantuckethave notreally changed.

Whatadvice would you give to someone interested in buying a home on Nantucket?

Edward:Ifa buyeriscommi ng to Nantucketlong term,history has shown thatowning any island realestate is a greatinvestment.Homeownersgetunquan fiable pleasure astheirfamilies plantrootshere and Nantucketbecomesthe family focalpoint. And thatispriceless.

Whatadvice would you give to someone interested in selling a home on Nantucket?

Greg:Icould say declu er,paint,and clean the windows,but the mostimportantthing isto make sure you are ready and have a plan.Selling iseasy;ge ng back in isharder.While Ihave had no buyersexpressregretaboutbuying,Ihave had more than a few sellersexpressregretaboutselling.

96 nantucket HOME

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