4 minute read
Anamarija Dimovska
Neustrezni konservatorsko-restavratorski posegi na keramiki
KZ 1298
Material in tehnika: glaziran porcelan Dimenzije: 6 x 9,7 cm Pri delu z muzejskimi predmeti pogosto naletimo na stara popravila in neustrezne pretekle restavratorske posege.
V nasprotju s kovino in z lesom, kjer je bil dodani material enak originalnemu, je bilo za restavriranje keramike treba najti ustreznejše načine dopolnjevanja ali spajanja obstoječih fragmentov, ki ne bi zahtevali ponovnega žganja. Glavni razlog za to so predvsem spremembe, ki se med tem dogajajo, in težave s kompatibilnostjo. Dodani materiali so se razlikovali glede na restavriranje uporabnih predmetov in predmetov s posebno estetsko vrednostjo. Njihov nabor je bil zelo širok. Za medsebojno lepljenje posameznih fragmentov so uporabljali škrobne paste, naravne gume in smole, proteinska lepila, čebelji vosek in razne maščobe. Alternativa lepilom je bilo mehansko spajanje, kot so kovičenje s kovinskimi zakovicami, povezovanje z vrvjo in žico, uporaba moznikov ter spajanje s staljeno kovino. Med drugim so za dopolnjevanje uporabljali tudi blato, glino, mavec, cement, kamen, les, kovino, papir, žgano glino in druge materiale. V 20. stoletju so se na tržišču pojavili sintetični materiali, ki so nadomestili nekatere tradicionalne materiale. Ker njihove lastnosti še niso bile dovolj raziskane, je to povzročalo težave pri poznejšem odstranjevanju.
Po natančnem pregledu predmeta in dokumentacije je ena prvih nalog konservatorja-restavratorja odstranjevanje neustreznih prejšnjih restavratorskih posegov. Za ta postopek se odločamo iz več razlogov, npr. zaradi estetskega videza predmeta, pomanjkljive spretnosti restavratorja, ki se odraža v nenatančnem nanosu materialov in nepravilnem izboru barvnih tonov, v namernem spreminjanju videza predmeta ter neprimernih dopolnitvah in preslikavah, ki segajo čez original. Neustrezni materiali lahko spreminjajo barvo, temnijo in propadejo celo do te mere, da ne opravljajo več svoje funkcije. V najslabšem primeru lahko krčenje dodanega materiala povzroči poškodbe originala.
Pred odločitvijo za odstranjevanje starih restavratorskih posegov moramo dobro premisliti in pretehtati vse možne poškodbe in stres, ki ga bomo povzročili predmetu, predvsem v primerih, ko prejšnji posegi ne ustrezajo restavratorski etiki o uporabi reverzibilnih materialov in minimalnih posegov v predmet. Kljub temu pa ima lahko stari poseg svojo zgodovinsko vrednost kot dokument časa.
Površinska umazanija in mehanska poškodba nosilca
Površinska umazanija in ostanki zateklega lepila
Odstranjevanje površinskih nečistoč in predhodnih restavratorskih posegov
Sestavljanje posameznih fragmentov
Nanos lepila
Predmet po končanih konservatorsko-restavratorskih postopkih
Literatura in viri
Buys, Susan, Victoria Oakley: The Conservation and Restoration of Historical
Ceramical Object (Series: Conservation and Museology). London: Butterworth-
Heinemann, 1996. Koob, Stephen: Obsolete Fill Materials Found on Ceramics; https://doi. org/10.1179/019713698806082958 (30. 4. 2020).
Anamarija Dimovska
Inappropriate conservation and restoration treatment on ceramics
KZ 1298 Materials and Tehniques: glazed porcelain Dimensions: 6 x 9.7 cm
When working with museum objects, we often encounter old repairs and inappropriate past restoration work.
In contrast to metal and wood, with which added material is the same as the original, in restoring ceramics it is necessary to find more appropriate ways of supplementing or merging existing fragments, which do not require re-firing. The main reason for this is changes that take place during this process, and compatibility issues. The materials added vary depending on whether the item being restored is a functional object or an item of particular aesthetic value. The range is very wide. Starch pastes, natural glues and resins, protein adhesives, beeswax and various fats have been used to bond fragments to one another. An alternative to adhesives is mechanical bonding, such as riveting with metal rivets, binding with rope or wire, using dowels, or fusing with molten metal. Among other things, mud, clay, plaster, cement, stone, wood, metal, paper, fired clay and other materials have been used as supplements. In the 20th century, synthetic materials appeared on the market, replacing some traditional materials. Since their properties had not yet been sufficiently investigated, this has led to difficulties in subsequent removal.
After a thorough review of the item in question and documentation, one of the first tasks of a conservator-restorer is to remove inappropriate previous restoration interventions. This decision is made for several reasons, e.g., for the sake of the aesthetic appearance of the object, the lack of skill of the restorer, which is reflected in imprecise application of materials and incorrect choice of colour shades, the deliberate alteration of the appearance of the object, and inappropriate additions and alterations that extend beyond the original. Unsuitable materials can change colour, darken and deteriorate to such an extent that they no longer perform their function. In the worst case, shrinkage of the added material can damage the original.
Before deciding to remove old restoration interventions, careful consideration must be given to any possible damage or stress that will be caused to the object, especially in cases in which previous interventions do not meet restoration standards on the use of reversible materials and minimal interventions to an object. However, an old intervention may have historical value as a document of time.