Classified Ads Classified Ads cost $6.00 per ad, per issue. Payment is by cash or check, payable to “CSA.” Classified ads list tangible and real property owned or wanted by the TGO resident who places the ad. All ads must be brief, 25 words or less. Over 25 words are charged an additional 30¢ per word. Forms are available at the Plantation Manor CSA Office, 145 Plantation Drive. The placement of new ads and the renewal of existing ads must be made, with payment, no later than 5:00 pm. on the Friday before the upcoming publication date. The (exp) date shown is the final issue of publication for which an ad has been paid. Errors must be reported within one week after the initial publication. No refunds for early cancellation of ad. Wanted and Lost/Found ads are placed at no charge, if space is available, for up to two consecutive issues.
FOR RENT: RV Lot at 385 Oak Cove Road. Close to pool and laundry. Use of 8 x10 shed included. One+ month rental preferred. Discount for 3 months. Call or text Rich at 636-288-6047. Email: (exp 04-01-22) FOR SALE: Home at 234 Plantation. Beautiful 2 bedroom and 1.5 bath, office, all furniture and appliances included. New central air and plumbing in 2021. Screened in porch. RV port for Class C with hookups. Storage shed. Call Luanne at 305-942-3975 (exp 04-29-22) FOR RENT: RV Lot at 50 Sunset Drive. May-Dec openings. Monthly rental preferred. Discount for consecutive months. Call/text Dave at 616-450-4509. Email: (exp 12-23-22)
WANT TO RENT: TGO Park Home or Resort Home. Couple looking to rent for 5 months. Nov. 15, 2022 to April 15, 2023. No pets, non-smokers. TGO references available. Will consider multi-year agreement. Call/Text Henry 506-874-0953 or Judy 506-874-8772 Email: (exp 04-01-22) WANT TO RENT: TGO Park Home, Villa or Resort Home. For the 2023 winter season. Currently renting at TGO. Excellent references from TGO Owners. Call or text Chris at 215-858-3964 or email (exp 04-15-22) WANT TO RENT: TGO Park Home, Resort Home. For January through March 2023. We have rented in TGO for several years , non-smokers, no pets with several references. Please call Dick or Heather at 905-380-7141 or 905-682-6584 or email (exp 04-01-22)
FOR SALE: US Forever stamps - Coils Flag 100 stamps FV $58 - $45. Sheets of 20 Forever stamps - Love, Santa, St. Nick, Madonna & Sharks - $11.60 - $9. Contact Ed Henderson 980-239-0950 (exp 04-01-22) FOR SALE: Magna Shade - Black with tan trim for a 2019 or newer Newmar Dutch Star 4369. The set includes windshield, driver’s side window, door windo and wiper covers. $500. Text Florence at 614-266-8998 (exp 04-01-22)
I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? Answer is somewhere in this issue.
SUDOKU puzzles have one solution that can be reached logically without guessing. Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row, column, and 3x3 square must contain one of each digit. Here’s an “Easy” version. No solution is provided.