What Would You Change by Jaevon Lee
if i had power, what I want to do is fly, and I would change some rules like having to go to school everyday, and I say that because not everybody likes going to school everyday. Als, I will change school to three days of the week, and the other two days you will study for the next lesson. I would like to stop climate change with the sea level rising because it takes over people’s land. I would also like to fly because I could get anywhere fast and on time. I would also like to stop COVI D from rising around the world because it’s killed a lot of people. It’s messed up people’s living style, like losing their houses because they lost their job and were not able to make money or buy things and pay their rent. It also stopped people from going outside and going out to eat and others. I would also like to stop gas prices from being so high because it stops people from driving a lot and it messes up people from wasting their money everyday.
To Walk in My Shoes