Ιστορικά / History Lot. 8116
Starting Price: 50 €
STURM Christoph Christian, “Anekdoten zur Bildung der Sitten aus den Griechischen und Römischen Schriftstellern gesammlet”, Trampe, Johann Gottfried, Halle, 1767. Two (2) Volumes bound together. 8vo, pp. [6], 216 + [8], 168. Scarce work of the German preacher and author Christoph Christian Sturm. Text decorated with beautiful wood-cut chapter ornaments. Ex-libris label “A. Hercheri”. Contemporary thick paper boards. External heavy wear, clean and fine inside.
Lot. 8117
Starting Price: 100 €
“HISTOIRE UNIVERSELLE, Depuis le commencement du monde jusqua present… contenant : L’Histoire de Créte, de Cypre, de Samos, des autres iles grecques et partie de celle des Macédoniens - Tome douzième”, Paris : Moutard, 1780. 8o, pp. xii, 484, 98, [2]. Universal history from the beginning of the world to the present, written in English for a society of intellectuals and translated into French. The current volume focusses in the history of Crete, Cyprus, Samos and the Macedonia (Κρήτη, Κύπρος, Σάμος & Μακεδονία). It includes the two folding maps entitled: “Carte de l’ancienne Grece” & “Carte de la Macedoine, De la Thessalie, et de L’Epire”. Contemporary binding, full-leather, spine with decorations in gilt. External heavy rubbing, inside light signs of water-stain on first sheets, signs of worm-holes on ~30 sheets at the end.
Lot. 8118
Starting Price: 100 €
[ΚΑΘΟΔΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΜΥΡΙΩΝ] “HISTOIRE UNIVERSELLE, SUPPLEMENS de L’Histoire Ancienne… contenant des additions a l’histoire d’Egypte, de Phenicie, des Juifs, des Philistins, des Celtes & de la Grece; l’histoire de Thebes, la Retraite de Xenophon, & l’histoire des Etrusques” Tome Trente-troisieme, Paris : Moutard, 1781. 8o, pp. xxiv, 343, 205. The current volume focusses among others to the Xenophon’s Anabasis [ΚΑΘΟΔΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΜΥΡΙΩΝ] and includes a related folding map entitled “Carte pour l’expedition de Cyrus le Jeune et la retraite des dix mille Grecs”. Contemporary binding, full-leather, spine with decorations in gilt. External heavy rubbing, inside light signs of mainly marginal worm-holes throughout.
Lot. 8119
Starting Price: 80 €
SAVARY Claude Etienne, “Lettres sur la Grece: faisant suite de celles sur l’Egypte”, Amsterdam, Changuion, 1788. 8vo, pp.319. Edition printed the same year as the first in Paris. Missing the folding map of Crete and the southern Aegean, including the folding plate of the Labyrinth (teared). A collection of letters describing the actual conditions in the Greek islands. Full contemporary leather, spine with title & decorations in gilt. Rubbed, along edges & corners.
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A . K A R A M I T S O S #68 9