Macmillan Education Professional Development Online Workshops and Courses

Page 84


Who is Macmillan Teacher Campus? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Macmillan Online Teacher Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ETDP-SETA Accredited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 How to log teacher-ini ated learning with SACE . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Assessment Grades 4–12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Digital Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Flipped classrooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 School and Classroom Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Is my material suitable for my online sessions? . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ECD 0–4 Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Grade R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Online mee ng e que e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Founda on Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Coding and robo cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Language Grades 1–12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Benefits of online assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Mathema cs Grades 4–12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Augmented reality and virtual reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 The Sciences Grades 4–12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Accoun ng Grade 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Projects/Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 CONTENTS Artwork created by Freepik


Read more about Macmillan Teacher Campus on the Macmillan Educa on website. Macmillan Teacher Campus is an accreditedprovidertraining Accredita on Number: ETDP10512

Macmillan Teacher Campus, a professional accredited teacher training unit, was officially launched on 3 May 2007. Our offering includes training and support in all phases ranging from ECD, GET, and FET as well as TVET colleges. We are also renowned for our accredited training courses.

We make use of knowledgeable and experienced professionals from different fields of educa on in South Africa. We develop workshops and courses aligned to the needs and current trends of the educa on profession.

At Macmillan Teacher Campus, we understand that no curriculum is sta c and that it has to adapt to new knowledge, skills and methodologies to enhance teaching, learning and assessment. We assist educators, lecturers, departmental officials and learners to take on the challenges of the twenty-first century.



Macmillan Educa on South Africa is a world-class educa onal content and service provider. As a trusted publishing brand, Macmillan Educa on provides content in relevant and flexible formats.

SACE Number:ProviderPR10690 QCTO Accredita on Number: SDP 01190305-1575


The ability to select and use the appropriate digital tools and technologies to achieve a par cular outcome.

Macmillan Teacher Campus believes in keeping up with the latest trends. And what is more trending these days than conduc ng workshops on an online pla orm?

This catalogue is packed with online sessions to suit different needs. We offer an extensive range of topics in various categories, including Accredited courses, Assessment, Inclusion and Whole-school development. We also offer a large selec on of subjectrelated workshops for all phases for schools, public and private, as well as TVET colleges. Should you not see what you are looking for, we have the resources and authors to design and tailor-make courses that suit the needs of your organisa on.



GoToTrainingGoogleMeet GoToWebinar Zoom MicrosoTeams

The onset of Covid-19 and the forced lockdown saw many teachers at a loss of how to engage with their students remotely. Macmillan Teacher Campus provides a solu on that will give teachers and lecturers the confidence they need to offer their lessons on online pla orms and at the same me enhance their digital fluency

Macmillan Teacher Campus uses various online pla orms to deliver quality workshops that are interac ve and easily implemented the very next day. Digital fluency

WHO IS MACMILLAN TEACHER CAMPUS? 3 WATCH OUR FREE WEBINARS You can watch any of our free webinars on our Macmillan Teacher Campus Webinar Channel. Follow this link: h ps:// teachercampus or scan the QR code to reach this site. HOW TO ACCESS A COURSE? Free webinars and workshops 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 Click on the link provided in the adver sement You will surnamethedirectedbetoplaormregistraonpageEnteryourname,andcorrectemailaddress You will receive a confirma on email from the training pla orm Reminder emails will be sent containing a “join”training,dayOnlinktheoftheclickonthelinkprovidedinthereminderemail Wait for the session to begin

WHO IS MACMILLAN TEACHER CAMPUS? 4 Paid-for workshops You can access the training using your PC, laptop, tablet or cell phone. 01 02 03 04 05 06 Click on the link provided in the


Abbrevia ons used in this brochure: HODs – Heads of Departments ILST – Ins tu onal Level Support Team RCL – Representa ve Council of Learners SAT – School Assessment Team SBST – School-Based Support Team SESs – Subject Educa on Specialists SGB – School Governing Body SMT – School Management Team

in to h


currently available on MOTC pla orm are clearly indicated in this booklet. Look out for the MOTC logo next to the hosted workshops.

Macmillan Online Teacher Campus (MOTC) is an online pla orm hos ng a range of workshops that are easily accessible and very These workshops can be done at your own me, at your own comfort of your own home.

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This course focuses on facilitator skills that will differen ate you from the tradi onal trainer/presenter. Learn key strategies to impart informa on to learners in an interes ng and unforge able way Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: plan and prepare for facilita on facilitate learning evaluate learning and facilita on. Por olio of Evidence To be submi ed within four weeks a er the last day of the course on: Four days ETDP-SETA NQF Level 5 Credits: 15 Unit Standard No 115753 on: Four days Level 5 Credits: 10 Unit Standard No 117871


This course links assessment to the classroom and provides effec ve prac ces for teaching and learning. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: demonstrate understanding of outcomes-based assessment prepare for assessment conduct assessments provide feedback on assessments review assessments. Por olio of Evidence To be submi ed within four weeks a er the last day of the course Target Audience teachers, lecturers, managers in educa on and SESs


ETDP-SETA ACCREDITED 7 Target Audience All teachers, lecturers, managers in educa on and SESs MODERATOR COURSE



The students of the future will demand the learning support that is appropriate for their situa on or context. Nothing more, nothing less. And they want it at the moment the need arises. Not sooner, not later. Mobile devices will be a key technology for providing that learning support.

• To


Dr. Marcus Specht, Professor of Advanced Learning Technologies, Open University of Netherlands


Target Audience All

This course deals with assessment and modera on on different levels in the educa on environment and provides effec ve prac ces for assessment Outcomes of Workshop workshop will enable you to: demonstrate understanding of modera on within the context of an outcomes-based assessment system plan and prepare for modera on conduct modera on advise and support assessors report, record and administer modera on review modera on systems and processes. Por olio of Evidence be submi ed within four weeks a er the last day of the course teachers, lecturers, managers in educa on and SESs on: Three days ETDP-SETA NQF Level 6 10 Unit Standard No 115759

ETDP-SETA ACCREDITED 8 WRITE AND PRESENT WRITE AND PRESENT FOR A WIDE RANGE OF PURPOSES, AUDIENCES AND CONTEXTS This unit standard is intended to promote clear, unambiguous wri en and oral communica on within the educa on environment Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • use wri ng skills for specific purposes, audiences and contexts • access, process, re-organise, and synthesise informa on in order to present it • use appropriate language conven ons, textual features and style for specific workplace purposes • dra and edit texts. Por olio of Evidence • To be submi ed within four weeks a er the last day of the course Target Audience All teachers, lecturers, managers in educa on and SESs Dura on: Two days ETDP-SETA NQF Level 5 Credits: 5 Unit Standard No 115790 the CPTDIS tab Choose rightSign-upEducatoronthehandsideofthepage.Fillinyourdetailsandsave.Keepyourusernameandpasswordsafe.Gotothe login tab also on the right hand side of the page. Fill in your username and password and login to your profile. Click on Educator tab. Scroll down to Record Your Points, choose Teacher Ini ated. Complete all the informarequiredonandsubmit.Youencouragedare to reportwhenimmediatelyyouhavecompletedanacviy. 123456

OR online


It is also important to keep a

Repor ng can be done manually by sending

of professional




These are: • Type 1 Ac vi es/Programmes: (Teacher ini ated) • Type 2 Ac vi es/Programmes: (School ini ated) • Type 3 Ac vi es/Programmes: (Externally ini ated) It is

to earn

HOW TO LOG TEACHER INITIATED LEARNING WITH SACE registered with SACE required at least Points in three years of the CPTD cycle. par cipate types development ac to these points. essen that ini ated by on the SACE website. por of SACE website? selected templates from SACE through the CPTD Portal as follows:

vi es


all your training and ac vi es as Howevidence.doIreport my PD ac vi es/programmes on the

Every educator


150 Professional Development

you, the teacher,

you record all your ac vi es

your PDP to

in three different

An educator must

Target Audience Teachers, HODs, Depu es and SESs

Target Audience Teachers, HODs, Depu es and SESs

• analyse and review the assessment • interpret and report on assessment.

Dura on: Full day Dura on: Half day



• iden fy and list the benefits of feedback to teachers, learners and learning

Outcomes of Workshop

• iden fy the characteris cs of effec ve feedback • plan and give feedback effec vely.

This workshop covers assessment management in schools star ng with the planning for assessment. Then we deal with the design and development of assessment ac vi es and tasks, followed by analysis and review of assessment. Lastly, we learn how to interpret and report on assessment results.

• plan and prepare for assessment • understand what modera on and quality assurance are and how to implement them • design and develop assessment ac vi es and tasks

This workshop will enable you to: • define assessment and explain its different purposes


This workshop looks into the importance of effec ve feedback to the learning process. We also deal with the do’s and don’ts of giving constructuve feedback. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • define feedback • recognise the importance of feedback in the learning process

• get an overview of the most important elements of understanding (building blocks) needed to effect inclusive educa on prac ces in the classroom

Outcomes of Workshop

• design and review an IESP and monitor a child’s progress

• iden fy a child’s posi on on a developmental chart


• reflect cri cally upon your own perspec ves and that of others regarding inclusion

• learn to problem-solve by applying the thinking hats of de Bono

This workshop covers everything you need to know about inclusive educa on, from policy implementa on to the Individual Educa on Support Plan.

• examine the curriculum offerings and the outcomes of the child to determine diagnos cally the area/s that need/s interven on

This workshop will enable you to:

• apply the theory provided on inclusive educa on in the classroom as it pertains to early iden fica on and screening • apply the various theories on the learning process and teaching to enhance and ensure appropriate teaching strategies/prac ces for curriculum differen a on and the enhancement of access to the curriculum e.g. mul ple intelligences and learning styles

• develop an Individual Educa on Support Plan (IESP) based on an EAGO

• use the Ecosystemic Assessment Graphic Organiser (EAGO) to provide a structure and an outline of the factors that need to be considered when developing an Individual Educa on Support Plan

• develop a broad understanding of the cri cal issues needed to be in place in a classroom within an inclusive educa on approach

• reflect on own effec veness of current teaching strategies.

Target Audience Teachers, HODs, Depu es and Principals, SMTs, SBSTs, SESs Dura on: Full day


• gain an overview and refer to current legisla ve policies and guidelines on inclusive educa on • understand that emo on is a part of inclusion

People expect to be bored by eLearning –let’s show them it doesn’t have to be like that! Cammy Bean

This workshop will equip teachers with the knowledge and skills that they require in order to balance promo on requirements and the learner’s opportunity to demonstrate their own personal competencies

• understand and apply the principles of assessment and how they impact an inclusive classroom • determine barriers to learning, level of func oning and par cipa on to determine support needs • develop empathy with learners who have barriers to learning

• use various strategies to differen ate assessments for learners with barriers to learning

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:

Dura on: Half day Dura on: Half day


• understand the importance of compiling the relevant informa on for a learner’s applica on for concessions.

Target Audience Teachers, HODs, Depu es and Principals, SMTs, SBSTs and SESs

• plan different types of alterna ve assessment • adapt their class assessment to accommodate learners’ various learning modali es

If a learner has not mastered the skill of reading, it will impact their en re life, and their me at school will be frustra ng and difficult. This workshop focuses on strategies that teachers can use to help learners with barriers to learning to master and improve their reading and comprehension skills. This will then develop skills that are needed to study for all kinds of tests and to learn for understanding.

• analyse specific concepts of reading where the learner is having difficulty


• recognise the importance of inclusion in South African schools

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand the process of learning to read • iden fy where the learner is in the process


Target Audience Teachers from mainstream and LSEN schools; officials from districts and provincial offices Dura on: Full day

•  ps to adapt resources • three steps in planning a differen ated lesson

• apply different strategies to assist the learner with barriers to learning to improve their reading abili es • adapt and include different reading and comprehension strategies in your everyday teaching

This workshop is intended for educa onists implemen ng an inclusive learning programme using a variety of differen ated methodologies, strategies and techniques.

• differen ated teaching •  ps to differen ate learning content

This workshop will enable you to:

• create an environment that supports differen a on • what you need to know in order to differen ate



• learn to differen ate your teaching and assessment

• use various strategies to differen ate assessments

• design and plan fun reading ac vi es for all the learners in your classroom in order to create a love for reading.

• review the categories of barriers to learning in the South African context

You will gain the necessary competence to facilitate a well-structured and varied programme of learning to support all learners, including those who experience barriers to learning and development. This process will enable all learners to par cipate ac vely and confidently in the learning process. It provides prac cal, hands-on ideas that can be adapted for the different phases of educa on. Outcomes of Workshop

• plan different types of alterna ve assessment.


Target Audience Teachers, HODs, Depu es and Principals, SMTs, SBSTs and SESs


TIPS AND TRICKS TO IMPLEMENT INCLUSIVE EDUCATION workshop provides prac ALL learners classroom small changes workshop most issues needed place

will enable you to: • understand that emo on is a part of inclusion • iden fy the

cal, easy to implement ways in which teachers can accommodate

by making just a few

important elements and building blocks needed to implement inclusive educa on prac ces in the classroom • reflect cri cally on your own perspec ves and that of others with regard to inclusion • develop a broad understanding of the cri cal

in the way they teach and assess. Outcomes of Workshop This


in a classroom within an inclusive educa on approach • apply the theory provided on inclusive educa on in the classroom • apply teaching strategies/prac ces for curriculum differen a on • develop appropriate interven on strategies. Target Audience Teachers, HODs, Depu es and Principals, SMTs, SBSTs, SESs Dura on: Two days

in their

to be in

This workshop focuses on using different apps for every aspect of your teaching. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: see benefits of using mobile applica ons in educa on experience apps for different purposes select a suitable app for your class do cri cal evalua on of a content-based mobile app • interact with various apps. Target Audience Teachers on beginner/entry level and intermediate level digital fluency Dura on: Half day Dura on: 2 hours


This workshop gives basic ps about se ng up and maintaining a school website



This workshop will enable you to: know what is a website recognise the different website categories recognise different types of websites understand the difference between website design and website development know what are content management systems set up a website choose a content management system (CMS) register a domain and find a hos ng op mise a website customise a website choose a theme or template add pages to the menu edit sidebars install plugins. Audience School managers, HODs, SMT, Teachers

Outcomes of Workshop





This workshop focuses on how to conduct effec ve group work in prepara on for the implementa on of blended learning. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: understand the process of content delivery implement the process of content delivery know what is blended learning • use devices effec vely to find informa on • interact with the sta on rota on model select group members suited for par cular group models, subjects and age groups effec vely implement group work. Target Audience Teachers on beginner/entry level and intermediate level digital fluency Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: Half day

This workshop focuses on using Google Forms as a tool for online assessments. Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: create an assessment using Google Forms Forms se ngs • share your forms remarking ac vi es • se ng different ques ons • automark. Target Audience Teachers on beginner/entry level and intermediate level digital fluency

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:


• design Process and Concepts of Computa onal Thinking, crea ng logical steps that robots can follow.

• define and explore computa onal thinking.

• Algorithms and Coding • introduc on to coding and crea ng algorithms, iden fying problems, using simple block coding Robo c Skills

• introduc on to Mechanical and Electrical engineering systems and circuits using the Engineering


Teachers on beginner/entry level and intermediate level digital fluency


Dura on: 2 hours

This workshop will enable you to: recognise the six models of blended learning understand the reasons why blended learning is worth it plan a blended learning lesson choose the device that best suits your blended learning program. Target Audience

The new coding and robo cs subject is aimed at guiding and preparing learners to solve problems, think cri cally, work collabora vely and crea vely, and func on in a digital and informa on-driven world. But, how are you, the teacher coping? Are you feeling lost when the term “coding and robo cs” is used? A end this popular workshop and get the uncertainty out of the way.

• iden fica on and analysis of regulari es, repe ons and change in pa erns that increases in size and number consis ng of physical objects, drawings and symbolic forms to make predic ons and solve problems, using a range of tools

Dura on: Half day

This workshop focuses on how to effec vely make use of the sta on rota on model.

• pa ern recogni on and problem solving


Outcomes of Workshop

Target Audience


This workshop focuses on crea ng an interac ve presenta on that is visually pleasing for your online lessons. Outcomes of Workshop

When teaching the robo cs and coding curriculum, the Engineering Design Process (Inves gate, Design, Make, Evaluate, Communicate – IDMEC) forms the backbone of the subject and should be used to structure the delivery of all learning aims.

Founda on phase, Intermediate Phase and senior phase teachers teaching coding and robo cs CREATE A VIDEO USING SCREENCASTING SOFTWARE


This workshop will enable you to: set up and download Screencas ng so ware create your account write scripts • know basic recording se ngs record a session on: 2 hours on: 2 hours

DIGITAL LEARNING 18 • internet and e-communica on • applica on skills Target Audience


Outcomes of Workshop

Founda on Phase, Intermediate Phase and Senior Phase teachers teaching coding and robo cs

This workshop will enable you to: explore how to use the Engineering Design Process in the Founda on Phase how the process can be used across the five Coding and Robo cs Curriculum Strands of Pa ern Recogni on and Problem Solving, Algorithms and Coding, Robo c Skills, Internet and E-Communica on skills and Applica on Skills.


workshop focuses on crea ng an interac ve presenta on that is visually pleasing for your online lessons. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • use basic PowerPoint func onality • insert text • manipulate objects • insert smart art • insert videos • insert simula ons • insert anima ons • insert transi ons • present mode. Target Audience Teachers on beginner/entry level and intermediate level digital fluency


workshop gives insight into the dangers that lurk online and will empower you to manage cyberbullying in your school Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • know the dangers of pos ng online • have a good understanding of cell phone safety Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: Half day


DIGITAL LEARNING 19 • edit and save your session • upload a video to a YouTube channel. Target Audience Teachers on beginner/entry level and intermediate level digital fluency


• know what cyberbullying is • understand the dangers of social networking.


This workshop will enable you to be familiar with basic laptop skills, such as: • table construc on and layout manipula on of pictures • numbering • headings • line spacing. Target Audience HODs, lead teachers, Founda on Phase teachers


This workshop will teach you to teach, plan and make resources with your laptop. Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will teach you to teach, plan and make resources with your laptop. Outcomes of Workshop


Target Audience School managers, HODs, SMT, Parents, Learners, Teachers

This workshop will enable you to: • work through the different language elements to create lessons in which the laptop is integrated into the teaching of lessons

• use Microso Word and PowerPoint to design visual flash cards and worksheets to use in teaching of maths, languages and life skills.

The workshop is subject specific.

Dura on: 3 hours Dura on: 3 hours



This workshop will teach you to implement and sustain the implementa on of digital learning in your school.

Target Audience

Dura on: 3 hours Dura on: 3 hours

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: ini ate the change • develop a strategy for change mo vate your staff and colleagues implement the change recognise and assign roles in change management sustain the change recognise the importance of what the school measures to indicate success know how teacher and learner performance is evaluated and improved implement a rewards & recogni on system.

This workshop will teach you to teach, plan and make resources with your laptop for Founda on Phase.

Target Audience FP Teachers, HODs, Subject advisors MANAGE THE CHANGE TO e

Outcomes of Workshop



This workshop will enable you to prepare your laptop and: install font (Grade 1 font) download video content • do screen grabs or screen shots use Microso Word and PowerPoint to design visual flash cards and worksheets to use in teaching (flashcards for maths, languages and life orienta on).


lead teachers, digital champions

• write


2 hours


techniques • design


hours Dura

Target Audience principals,

digital fluency


• assess

This workshop focuses on how to plan an eLesson for your digital classroom, and how to interact with online tools to assist in planning a lesson.

plan • know

Target Audience Teachers


HODs, School

• recognise

• know

This workshop focuses on se ng up a class, and crea ng ac vi es for your learners in Google Classroom. of Workshop workshop will enable you to: your class ac vi es for your learners ac vi es rubrics. Audience on beginner/entry level and intermediate level on: 2 on:

• create

• create

plan • iden fy strengths

• add

digital fluency Dura




Outcomes of Workshop workshop will enable you to: what a lesson plan is the purpose of a lesson the key elements of a good lesson plan a lesson and weaknesses in various class management your own online lesson using a preferred tool. on beginner/entry level intermediate level

This workshop will enable you to: engage with your learners online understand why you should teach remotely know what pla orms are available to host online sessions know what other tools are available to make your sessions more interac ve. on beginner/entry level and intermediate level digital

on • manage digital

Target Audience School managers, HODs, SMTs, Teachers TEACH REMOTELY LIKE A PRO

Target Audience Teachers

This workshop focuses on engaging with your learners online, as well as which pla orms are available to use and which online resources are available.

Outcomes of Workshop workshop will enable you to: your technology your levels of technology integra tools in usage the importance of teaching your learners about to know so ware resources fy technology as a managed whole-school solu on.

journey • define

• iden

• recognise

scenarios • understand

This workshop teaches you to effec vely manage a fully integrated eLearning environment, and manage your digital resources including so ware and apps.


the classroom • analyse technology

hardware management and care • get

Outcomes of Workshop

fluency Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 2 hours




This workshop focuses on engaging with your learners online using Microso Teams. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: schedule a Teams session understand basic Teams func onality share screen • draw a endee reports share documents • make your lessons interac ve. Target Audience Teachers on beginner/entry level and intermediate level digital fluency


Target Audience School managers, HODs, SMTs, Teachers

Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 2 hours


This workshop demonstrates how to use video resources effec vely, as well as ps on crea ng your own effec ve educa onal video. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: use a camera/recorder on a phone or tablet to record a short video iden fy the equipment needed to make simple videos for classroom use download screen-grabbing so ware for laptop or phone to record screen recognise the advantages of using video in teaching • build 21st century skills use YouTube success factors to make your class successful evaluate exis ng video content iden fy the aspects that make a good video.


Examples of flipped classroom tasks: ● Watch a pre-made video about a par cular concept or content area – this may be a video made by the teacher or an exis ng online video

● Complete a simula on task, to build understanding of a concept, e.g.: a balance and mass, where learners have to digitally place objects onto a digital scale, and compare the mass of various objects

A flipped classroom – what do we mean? We are not turning the classroom upside down; rather we are changing the way learners interact with lesson material. Language teachers have been ‘flipping’ the classroom for years, where they tell you to go home and read the book, and then you come back to school to discuss or learn more about the informa on.

Donna J Abernathy

● Research informa on about a par cular topic or ques on

Online learning is not the next big thing, it is the now big thing.

● Read and review an online document or ar cle

In a flipped classroom approach there is a combina on of face-to-face engagement and lessons mixed with independent work, usually using some type of technology. The origins of a flipped classroom are when teachers began reques ng learners to watch pre-recorded videos, or read documents, background informa on or ques ons related to the content, at home, in order to discuss this in class.


The teacher then saves me as the learners have viewed or read the content and have even begun thinking about the informa on. The teacher can now deep dive into the teaching and learning of the content. This provides more me for teaching and learners interac ng with informa on, which hopefully builds greater self-knowledge and understanding.

A flipped classroom scenario is a type of blended learning where learners are asked to engage with the content at home, then when at school they work through/discuss or complete a task using the informa on, but having some base knowledge of the content. Normally in a classroom a teacher introduces the content at school, and learners work through or prac ce the informa on at home.

26 The benefit of the flipped classroom is learners can be encouraged to ask ques ons about the content. They are able to share ideas with background knowledge due to having done ini al research. Learners can be further empowered to take ownership of their learning. Sources ● h ps:// on ● h ps:// on-among-class-peers Examples of in-class lesson tasks related to the flipped classroom: ● Teaching further about the content viewed or read, thereby crea ng greater clarity and understanding ● Teacher-led, face-to-face classroom discussion ● Unguided learner-led face-to-face classroom discussion ● Debates about the topic ● Presenta ons about findings or researched informa on ● Interac ve ac vi es or tasks related to the content ● Peer evalua ons, or peer reviews of informa on shared ● Task-based or sta on-based ac vi es, which learners can rotate through in the classroom – the informa on would be related to the work done at home ● Actual experiments, a er prac cing on the simula ons at home



Target Audience

• draw up a conflict handling ac on plan and apply conflict handling techniques within the workplace and future conflict situa ons.

• iden fy and apply effec ve listening techniques during conflict handling

Principals, deputy principals, HODs, subject heads, team leaders, teachers, RCL members and SGB members

Understand the importance of a tudes, percep ons and posi ve behaviour during conflict handling; iden fy and apply the steps in the suggested conflict handling model in the workplace and future conflict situa ons.


• iden fy the workplace culture and understand the influence of the individual and workplace culture on the conflict handling process

• determine and iden fy obstacles during the conflict handling process from a personal point of view • iden fy and interpret your individual conflict handling style and suggest uses for the other conflict handling styles

• understand what curriculum planning and management entails • plan for curriculum development Dura on: Full day Dura on: Full day

This workshop will help you to understand what curriculum planning and management entails, as well as effec ve QA, analysing stats and mee ng procedures. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:

• understand and define the term conflict and terminologies used during conflict handling

• iden fy and apply the steps in the suggested conflict handling model in the workplace and future conflict situa ons

• understand the importance of a tudes, percep ons and posi ve behaviour during conflict handling • iden fy and state posi ve communica on prac ces during conflict handling

This workshop explains and defines diversity and iden fies problems/barriers to diversity, as well as the value and benefits that may exist when dealing with diversity.

SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 28 • develop a management plan • follow assessment and quality assurance procedures • apply assessment and evidence principles • use monitoring and modera on tools • iden fy the different HOD files required • capture and analyse sta s cs • get to know about and apply mee ng procedures.

Target Audience

Target Audience Deputy principals, HODs DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand the different types of diversity in a school and classroom be able to apply different strategies to implement in a school and classroom to address diversity issues be able to select and use different learning and teaching material to address diversity in the school/classroom • be able to dra policies to ensure inclusivity have an understanding of the values of the Cons tu on in the school/ classroom

• as a school leader, understand and realise your responsibility and accountability in terms of diversity management.

Principals, deputy principals, HODs, teachers, RCL members and SGB members Dura on: Full day Educa on is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X

This workshop will help you to understand PLCs and the roles of stakeholders as well as set up func onal PLCs using a set of guidelines.



Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: create vision and mission statements for your school’s media centre • generate a budget • learn about and prac se collec on building, cataloguing, classifica on and processing of books answer requests • learn about copyright, plagiarism and referencing.

This workshop covers everything you possibly need to know about establishing a media centre at your school and will equip you to manage it efficiently.

Target Audience Media Centre teachers and assistants, SMTs

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: develop an understanding of professional development and professional development communi es • apply your knowledge of PLCs to advocate their importance discuss the different aspects of PLCs and the roles of their stakeholders iden fy the professional learning community that will work best for you set up PLCs as the lead teacher or subject facilitator using a set of guidelines set up a year-long PLC programme according to the needs of your community realise the importance of support for your staff in being a member of a PLC (as principal).


Target Audience Teachers, HODs and SESs on: 2 days on: Full day




This course will equip school district officials, school management team members, principals, teachers and other key stakeholders within school or educa onal environments with the necessary strategies and skills to enable them to facilitate posi ve human rela ons.

• describe what emo onal intelligence is and reflect upon their own in order to understand interac ons with others more clearly

Outcomes of Workshop

• explain how understanding what mo vates individuals assists in crea ng a climate of respect in working environments



• prac se self-awareness as a founda on to healthy rela onships with others

This workshop will enable you to:

This workshop will help you to understand the roles, func ons and characteris ce of effec ve mentors and coaches, and will help you to establish a sustainable culture of mentoring and coaching in your school/department/team.

This workshop will enable you to:

• prac se ac ve listening in order to communicate effec vely • describe the causes and effects of conflict • reflect upon and appreciate the consequences of conflict use effec ve communica on strategies to manage conflict construc vely

• describe and use different styles to manage conflict appropriately

• prac se asser veness to build healthy professional rela onships embody trust and inspire confidence • build high levels of respect

• reflect on their learning in order to improve their rela onships with others in personal and professional contexts.

Target Audience School principals, Deputy principals, Heads of department, teachers, District officials

• apply a mul -dimensional approach to problem-solving


• understand the roles and responsibili es of a mentor and coach Dura on: 3 hours Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop



This workshop will enable you to: approach sponsors and donors • choose an effec ve team • budget correctly. Target Audience

Dura on: Full day Dura on: Full day

Target Audience

• discuss possible stumbling blocks between the partners

• develop a communica on strategy and process between the partners


• learn the quali es and skills of effec ve mentors and coaches.

• dra a basic agreement about the partnership between teachers and parents for your specific school

Principals, deputy principals, HODs, subject heads, team leaders, teachers, RCL members and SGB members

• explain why the teachers and parents need each other to provide sustainable quality educa on to all

This workshop provides a new perspec ve on the importance of parental involvement at school and in the child’s development. We discuss the partnership between parentes and the school. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:

Principals, deputy principals, HODs, subject heads and team leaders

• understand what parental involvement at school entails

• demonstrate understanding of parental involvement with own child

SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 31 • learn different models of effec ve mentors and coaches

This workshop is the solu on to all your event and project management nightmares. Outcomes of Workshop

How do you know whether your conduct at school is in line with the code of ethics? This workshop will assist you to behave ethically at all mes.

Target Audience Grade 1–12 teachers, HODs, Principals, Deputy principals and SESs Dura on: Half day

• be able to reflect on your own values and the way they help you to make ethical decisions.

• know how difficult it can some mes be to make the correct ethical choice when confronted by ethical dilemmas • realise that there are always consequences when deciding to act ethically or unethically

SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 32 • support the teachers to provide sustainable quality educa on to all the learners in the school • iden fy the posi ve a tude between the partners to succeed together.

• have an understanding of how descriptors of the IQMS help teachers to make ethical decisions daily as part of their teaching prac ce

For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. Aristotle

• know the responsibility of ac ng when you see or experience unethical behaviour

• be able to discuss and describe ethics using different defini ons and interpreta ons understand how ethical behaviour is influenced by a variety of contexts


Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:

Principals, deputy principals, HODs, teachers, SGB members, parents

• have an understanding of how vices can lead to unethical behaviours

• see how legal ac vi es and some laws can also lead to unethical behaviour

Target Audience


This workshop will enable you to: define resources • evaluate the use of resources in the past assess different resources develop strategies for using resources of different types gain a greater understanding of teaching styles • discuss the teaching styles in rela on to a list of features and benefits of Macmillan books • understand how the VARK model relates to different teaching techniques analyse a number of teaching techniques in terms of learning styles draw up a class profile evaluate pages from textbooks in terms of the design principles discussed devise a lesson using a dic onary draw up a checklist to use in evalua ng websites


Outcomes of Workshop

Dura on: Half day

• watch four video clips and comment on them. Target Audience HODs, teachers, School Media Centre (library) teachers


This workshop explores the use of resources in teaching and how they enhance the learning process.

This training programme is for newly appointed parents and school members who are appointed to serve on School Governing Bodies. Taking our diverse South African context into considera on, the approach is culturally sensi ve and aims to inform the SGB members of their roles and responsibili es in light of provincial and na onal legisla on in the simplest way.

A guide to survive your me in office using case studies, checklists, informa on on roles and responsibili es, mee ng procedures and protocol as well as conflict handling.


SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 34 Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to understand, apply and implement the following: • Handover procedures – When must this take place? – What must be handed over? ›Previous records such as agendas and minutes ›Policy fi ›Financiallesfiles, including list of suppliers, audited statements, contracts, etc. – Change in signatories for the par cular school’s accounts, especially in the case of higher-quin le schools and Sec on 21 schools. • Signing of handover checklists by incoming and outgoing SGB members • Elec on of members to specific por olios • Co-op ng members for their exper se • Sending out mee ng invita ons and agendas • Mee ng protocol • Mee ng procedures • Minutes of mee ngs • The roles and responsibili es of different members • Establishing commi ees and defining roles within these commi ees (sec on 30(1)) • Recruitment of teachers (sec on 20(1)(j);(7)) • Conflict management. Target Audience Principals, deputy principals, parents, teachers and RCL members

Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand what posi ve classroom discipline is about • recognise the meaning of ‘discipline’ and ‘punishment’ Dura on: Full day Dura on: Half day

Empowering discipline, an interac ve workshop about developing strategies to manage learner behaviour. It focuses on posi ve a tudes and the development of suppor ve rela onships with learners, to create a disciplined learning environment. Outcomes


Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: understand what an SBST is know the roles and responsibili es of an SBST know how to compose an SBST know the characteris cs of a func onal SBST understand inclusive educa on know how to make your school an inclusive school know the most common barriers to learning know how to establish a support network for learners with barriers be able to list the necessary resources for an SBST establish an SBST that is func onal, suppor ve and las ng.

Target Audience Members of the SBST, principals, deputy principals, HODs, subject heads, grade heads, teachers, school psychologists and school counsellor/s

SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 35 • learn how to design a classroom discipline plan • realise the importance of character development and ins lling values in maintaining posi ve discipline • develop strategies to manage learner behaviour in a posi ve way.

Dura on: Full day need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning. Masie


This workshop will focus on the func ons, roles and responsibili es of members of the ILST (SBST).


Target Audience Teachers, HODs, Depu es, Principals, TVET lecturers and managers SCHOOL BASED SUPPORT TEAM

White Paper 6 states that all learning ins tu ons should establish an Ins tu onal-Level Support Team to support teachers.

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:

This workshop will enable you to prac se effec ve communica on in the workplace. It will also look at iden fying people you should build rela ons with as an HOD, the rela onship challenges that HODs encounter, as well as possible solu ons to these challenges.



• determine your success in addressing these discipline problems

• apply effec ve communica on at your workplace

• list the various discipline problems that occur in your school

• list the various ways in which your school communicates with parents


• iden fy the support that the HOD can get from the Departmental officials

• iden fy the rela onship challenges that HODs encounter that prevent them from being effec ve in carrying out their core du es

• iden fy the reason to maintain a good rela onship with Departmental officials.


This workshop is intended to assist teachers in managing their me and stress, through developing knowledge and understanding, and by equipping them with various skills and strategies.

• share best prac ces with each other

Target Audience

Principals, deputy principals, HODs, subject heads and team leaders

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:

• provide possible solu ons to these challenges

• iden fy your du es as HODs in rela on to a grade head, subject head and phase head

• iden fy the purpose/reason for communica ng with parents

• understand stress and me management and how they impact you as an individual on a personal and professional level

• learn what can be done to address personal and professional stressors

• iden fy the people you built rela ons with as an HOD

• be be er equipped to manage your stress by altering your mind-set, improving the balance in your life, saying a ‘professional no’ and prac sing mindfulness exercises Dura on: Full day Dura on: Full day

We all get the exact same 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. So, why is it that some people seem to be able to accomplish so much more with their me? By a ending this workshop, you will learn effec ve me management techniques to help improve your focus, be more produc ve, have a be er work/life balance, and reduce stress and anxiety.

Target Audience Teachers, HODs, deputy principals, principals, administra ve staff

If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.

SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 37 • equip yourself to manage your me be er by – formula ng SMART goals – learning to priori se – formula ng to-do lists, and – minimising me-wasters.

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: establish what wastes your me understand the purpose of me management learn planning techniques and resources for effec ve me management know how to set goals know how to priori se learn how to use to-do lists and other me management tools be able to create a me management schedule.

R Buckminster Fuller, author, inventor, architect, futurist

Dura on: Half day

Target Audience Teachers, HODs, Depu es, Principals TIME MANAGEMENT


Digital resources can be used for individual or group learning ac vi es. Group or projectbased tasks are more effec ve when learners use a shared document to collaborate and work on.

Any paper-based resources you used with your learners can be used online. If you printed resources, such as worksheets, before for your learners to use, these could now be shared or emailed to learners.

So to answer the ques on: is my material suitable for my online sessions? – the answer is yes, your exis ng teaching material may need to be digi sed, but it could be used.

Learners could trace over the le er shapes with their fingers on the screen of the device they are using.

Use your exis ng material to begin with, but adapt it as you become more comfortable with the digital tools, to crea ve more interac ve, effec ve and user-friendly digital resources for your learners as me goes on.

If you have hand drawn and wri en resources such as wri ng cards for Founda on Phase learners, these could be scanned into the computer, and turned into digital resources.

● h ps://

As me progresses, review the materials and inves gate how to make the content more interac ve. For example, a document you scanned that is now a sta c pdf, which the learners can’t interact with, can be converted or retyped to become a document where learners can add in the informa on and work on the document. Provide teaching situa ons where learners create their own informa on digitally, instead of working in a paper book.

by Karen Walstra

● h ps://

If you use physical models or conduct experiments, video yourself or a student using the model or conduc ng the experiment. These videos can be used as a teaching resource when learners can’t do the experiment themselves.



Digital learning tools allow teachers to easily set and assign ac vi es, conduct ongoing assessment, and analyse results quicker and more effec vely than paper-based assessments and tests. This in turn makes it easier for the teacher to develop individualised learning pathways for their learners. The relevant digital resources can be assigned to their learners depending on the individual’s needs, ability levels or interests.

As a teacher, using a shared document with your learners means you can see how your learners are progressing. You could mo vate learners, or offer assistance or praise learners for work done, before it is handed in, thereby making teaching more effec ve and proac ve.

Sources ● h ps://


ECD 0–4 YEARS 39 TEACHING AGES: BIRTH TO FOUR YEARS Caregivers are guided through the South African Na onal Curriculum Framework for children from birth to the age of four. The workshop provides insight and ac vi es which will address Early Learning Development Areas. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand the South African Na onal Curriculum Framework for children from Birth to Four • understand the themes and principles • understand the Early Learning Development Areas (ELDA) • share ideas on how to plan different ac vi es • create a posi ve learning environment • prac ce how to assess for learning • know how to assess learning to measure what has been achieved. Target Audience Parents and caregivers, ECD prac oners and support staff, community support services, child minders Dura on: Full day

GRADE R 40 ASSESSMENT IN GRADE R This workshop introduces assessment in Grade R in a prac cal manner. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand principles and types of assessment in Grade R • apply the requirements for assessment through the daily programme • u lise specific ac vi es to integrate assessment • understand the six steps of the assessment process • implement proper observa on skills • design and develop a rubric and checklist. Target Audience Grade R prac oners, HODs and SESs ASSESSMENT PRACTICES IN GRADE R This workshop covers everything that a Grade R prac oner needs to know about assessment in Life Skills, Language and Mathema cs. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand assessments in Grade R • understand and apply the requirements for assessment through the daily programme • u lise specific ac vi es to integrate assessments • understand and implement proper observa on skills • reflect on your teaching and assessments • design and develop a rubric and checklist • capture observa on notes • transfer marks to a recording sheet • capture marks on the relevant tool and on SA-SAMS • establish a baseline knowledge of the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) • understand the integrated daily programme • recognise and apply the correct terminology within the Grade R daily programme • understand and apply the requirements per play area within the Grade R classroom Dura on: Half day Dura on: Four days

GRADE R 41 • crea vely u lise specific resources within the various play areas • understand and implement proper rota on within the daily programme of focus and side ac vi es • complete a Grade R daily planner for implementa on in the classroom • understand assessment through the daily planner • capture anecdotal notes based on your observa on in the observa on book • capture observa ons onto a checklist • recognise the value of the integrated approach to the Grade R daily programme towards the holis c development of the child. Target Audience Grade R prac oners, HODs and SESs ASSESSMENT TOOLS This workshop deals with the use of assessment tools in a prac cal way to ensure that prac oners are confident using the different assessment tools. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand the various forms of assessment in Grade R • know the programme requirements for Grade R • set up a Grade R classroom • know how to complete a report card • understand how to use a work schedule • use checklists, recording sheets and rubrics effec vely to record assessments. Target Audience Grade R prac oners and HODs Dura on: Full day Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin



• understand and implement proper rota on within the daily programme of focus and side ac vi es • plan lessons to cater for differen a on in the classroom understand and implement the correct Grade R classroom layout recognise the value of the playroom towards holis c development of the child interact with the Grade R play areas understand and implement the Grade R ac vity rings develop a classroom where distrac ons are minimised, access to resources is maximised and synergy is developed between the lesson plan and the classroom layout. Target Audience Grade R prac oners and HODs



Teachers are guided to develop a classroom where distrac ons are minimised, access to resources is maximised and synergy is developed between the lesson plan and the classroom layout. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: establish a baseline knowledge of the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) understand the Integrated Daily Programme recognise and apply the correct terminology within the Grade R classroom understand and apply the requirements of each play area within the Grade R classroom u lise specific resources within the various play areas in a crea ve way


This workshop will assist early childhood professionals in implemen ng an integrated approach to the daily programme. Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: be er understand the Integrated Daily Programme apply the requirements per play area in the Grade R classroom use specific resources to enhance the Daily Programme on: Full day on: Full day

• recognise the value of the child being ready for formal schooling


• recognise the value of the integrated approach towards the holis c development of the child.


• implement proper rota on within the Daily Programme of focus and side ac vi es

• differen ate between language and mathema cal emergent skills

This workshop will assist early childhood professionals with a variety of teaching ideas which will help the cogni ve development of a child.

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand cogni ve development and its different domains

This workshop unpacks school readiness: general, emo onal and social development.


Dura on: Half day Dura on: Half day

Target Audience Grade R prac oners and HODs

• understand the importance of the senses

• understand how the science ac vity and make and bake ac vity forms part of the Grade R syllabus in prepara on for school readiness

• acquire skills to further enhance the use of the senses in the Grade R class

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: understand school readiness and its different domains understand the difference between school readiness and school maturity

• establish a baseline knowledge of the perceptual development skills

• reflect on your own teaching and assessment.

Target Audience Grade R prac oners and HODs

• understand the importance of the cogni ve development ac vi es

Target Audience Grade R prac oners and HODs

This workshop will enable you to: • be er understand sensory motor development

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will assist early childhood professionals with a variety of teaching ideas which will help the sensory development of a child.

• differen ate between fine motor and gross motor development

• understand the different domains of sensory motor development

• understand the importance of the motor development ac vi es

• understand how fine and gross motor development forms part of the Grade R syllabus in prepara on for school readiness acquire skills to further enhance the use of motor skills in the Grade R classroom

• recognise the value of the child being ready for formal schooling.

• recognise the value of the child being ready for formal schooling.

• implement an integrated approach towards language and mathema cal development

GRADE R 44 • establish baseline knowledge of the cogni ve development skills

• understand how cogni ve development forms part of the Grade R syllabus in prepara on for school readiness acquire skills to further enhance the use of cogni ve skills in the Grade R classroom

Target Audience Grade R prac oners and HODs SCHOOL READINESS SENSORY DEVELOPMENT

Dura on: Half day Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.

Anthony J. D’Angelo

• establish a baseline of knowledge of the motor development skills

GRADE R 45 SCHOOL READINESS VISUAL, AUDITORY AND SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT This workshop explores ac vi es which will enhance the development of the child’s visual, auditory and spa al development Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand visual, auditory and spa al development and their different domains • differen ate between visual, auditory and spa al skills • understand the importance of visual, auditory and spa al development ac vi es • establish a baseline knowledge of visual, auditory and spa al development skills • understand how visual, auditory and spa al development form part of Grade R in prepara on for school readiness • acquire skills to further enhance the use of visual, auditory and spa al skills in the Grade R classroom • implement an integrated approach towards visual, auditory and spa al development • recognise the value of the child being ready for formal schooling. Target Audience Grade R prac oners and HODs Dura on: Half day

by Nhlanhla Sibanyoni

The whole point of online mee ngs is being able to listen and see each other virtually. If there is an issue with either of the op ons it defeats the purpose of conduc ng online mee ngs. Also, make sure your internet connec on is working as intended. The online mee ng so ware should be simple and easy to use. Anyone should be able to hop in seamlessly, leading to a be er experience without any confusion. Dress appropriately Just like you wouldn’t show up to an office mee ng with pj’s on, you should dress appropriately for a virtual conference. Dress as you would in the office mee ng room. It’ll help you stay focused and in “work” mode, even if you’re in the comfort of your home. It’s s ll a work mee ng and you should treat it that way.


Only invite people who need to be in your mee ng


When your invite list is long, and you’re invi ng co-workers who don’t need to be involved in the discussion or decision, it can cause the mee ng to go off the rails. Make sure everyone invited knows who else will be there – just like you wouldn’t call on people to sit in during a tradi onal mee ng, you shouldn’t make surprise invita ons during an online one. Address technology issues before the mee ng

Arrive Early By arriving early, you can troubleshoot any problems with the mee ng tool by tes ng the video, audio, and background. You can even check your presenta on before presen ng it to make sure there aren’t any glitches or errors. Clear Background Always choose a place with a simple solid background colour such as a wall, rather than a place that displays many things behind you. Get the ligh ng right: whether it’s adding an extra lamp nearby or posi oning your workspace near a window, a li le extra light can go a long way. Anyone listening to you should not be distracted by what is in the background. They should be able to focus on your face and what you are saying. Learn how to mute your microphone When you’re not talking, it’s best to mute your microphone. This is especially important if you’re joining the mee ng from somewhere with unavoidable background noise, such as a cafe or airport. Give a virtual mee ng your full a en on Although it’s temp ng to check your emails or flick through papers when you’re not speaking, there’s a good chance you’ll miss key informa on or an opportunity to give input. End the mee ng on a posi ve note Something subtle that you can do as a way of improving virtual mee ng e que e is to end the mee ng on a posi ve note. You can do this by saying something as simple as “thank you so much for all your effort on this project” or “it’s been a pleasure working with you all on this”.

47 eLearning doesn’t just ‘happen’! It requires careful planning and implementa on. Anonymous Sources ● h ps:// ng-e que e/ ● h ps://blog.gotomee ng-e que e-every-professional-know/ ● h ps:// ngs/zoom-mee ng-e que e-dos-and-donts/ ● h ps://www.expressvirtualmee que e-for-online-mee ngs-10-things-you-need-toknow

• plan for teaching and learning Dura on: Full day Dura on: Full day

This workshop covers assessment management in the Founda on Phase star ng with the planning for assessment, then the design and development of assessment ac vi es and tasks, followed by analysis and review of assessment. Lastly, we learn how to interpret and report on assessment results.

• know how to assess learning to measure what has been achieved



Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • define assessment and explain its different purposes

• prac se how to assess for learning (informal assessment)

• know the mul ple intelligences and how they link with CAPS

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

• design and develop assessment ac vi es and tasks

This workshop will help you understand how to assess learning to measure what has been achieved. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • create a posi ve learning environment • share ideas on how to plan different ac vi es • iden fy ques ons to ask to plan for assessment

• plan and prepare for assessment • understand what modera on and quality assurance is and how to implement it

• analyse and review the assessment • interpret and report on assessment.


Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: demonstrate an understanding of formal assessment in CAPS know the number of formal tasks per subject explore how to group assessment criteria into formal assessment ac vi es break down assessment criteria into level descriptors design a rubric compile your teacher assessment plan demonstrate understanding of how to record formal assessment learn how to report learner achievement iden fy verbs in formal assessment criteria choose an appropriate form of assessment design an appropriate instrument.


Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

This workshop will help you plan your assessments according to CAPS requirements

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: demonstrate an understanding of informal and formal assessment according to CAPS know how to assess informally on: Full day on: Full day


This workshop will help you understand how to assess learning so as to be able to measure what has been achieved.

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


FOUNDATION PHASE 49 • iden fy ac vi es for each mul ple intelligence • create appropriate tools to assess learning and to assess for learning.


• understand


• understand

This workshop provides teachers with a clear understanding and implementa on of the CAPS curriculum. Outcomes of Workshop workshop will enable you to: become more knowledgeable of the CAPS requirements for all the components Dura on: Half day Dura on: Half day


• know

• understand

• know



FOUNDATION PHASE 50 • be able to complete a Teacher Assessment Plan • design instruments for formal assessment • be able to record formal assessment • know how to report learner achievement • be able to compile a metable • be able to plan daily ac vi es. Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs



CAPSGENERICMADEEASY workshop is a short introduc on to the CAPS curriculum Outcomes of Workshop workshop will enable you to: the need for a new curriculum which subjects will be o ered and the me allocated to each the structure and content layout of the CAPS documents the subject speci changes within speci subjects how to implement CAPS. Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs GAPS IN CAPS GENERIC

• use the CAPS-complaint DBE workbooks for all the subjects effec vely.


Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will enable you to: • understand and apply brain gym exercises in the classroom

• confidently do formal and informal assessment at the right me with the right tools


• manipula on of pictures • numbering Dura on: Half day Dura on: 3 hours

This workshop will teach you to teach, plan and make resources with your laptop. Outcomes of Workshop

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

• be able to do energe c and lively ac vi es and put magic back into teaching by planning well.

• understand what a dynamic teacher is

This workshop will help you put magic back into teaching. Outcomes of Workshop

• be able to teach thinking ac vi es in the classroom to enhance learner percep on • be able to help and support learners to do problem solving through crea ve and cri cal thinking

This workshop will enable you to be familiar with basic laptop skills, such as: • table construc on and layout

This workshop will teach you to teach, plan and make resources with your laptop.

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • work through the different language elements to create lessons in which the laptop is integrated into the teaching of lessons



• use Microso Word and PowerPoint to design visual flash cards and worksheets to use in teaching (flashcards for maths, languages and life orienta on).

• headings • line spacing. Target Audience HODs, lead teachers, Founda on Phase teachers

Dura on: 3 hours Dura on: 3 hours

• use Microso Word and PowerPoint to design visual flash cards and worksheets to use in teaching of maths, languages and life skills. The workshop is subject specific. Target Audience HODs, lead teachers, Founda on Phase teachers

• download video content • do screen grabs or screen shots

This workshop will teach you to teach, plan and make resources with your laptop for Founda on Phase. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to prepare your laptop and: • install font (Grade 1 font)



This workshop will enable you to: u lise specific resources to enhance teaching and learning link CAPS skills to the use of a specific resource • follow the step-by-step guide on how to make and u lise resources understand that play is important in the developmental stages of a child

This workshop will show you how to assist learners with their comprehension ability and improve overall literacy. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, par cipants will: know what the Balanced Language Approach entails have knowledge and skills to apply the following seven steps involved in reading comprehension:1.makeconnec ons as a pre-reading ac vity Dura on: 3 hours Dura on: Full day

• ensure that resources used are relevant and age appropriate reflect on own teaching prac ces in an a empt to enhance learner understanding.

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs LANGUAGE

Learn how to make and use resources to enhance learning in your classroom.

Outcomes of Workshop


• u lise resources to be er explain concepts to learners in their classrooms

Target Audience FP Teachers, HODs, Subject advisors MAKING RESOURCES


This workshop gives an exci ng look at how to teach phonics. Outcomes of Workshop

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs Dura on: Half day

2. ask effec ve ques ons to improve comprehension during reading

5. summarise the text a er reading

6. synthesise the text a er reading and connect new informa on to current knowledge


• have knowledge and be able to use different strategies for each of the seven steps to aid learners with their comprehension ability and improve overall literacy.

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

This workshop will enable you to: understand how to teach phonics using the Balanced Language Approach • differen ate between Phonemic Awareness and Phonics interact with the en re class using prac cal Phonemic Awareness ac vi es understand that Phonemic Awareness and Phonics can be taught together understand that phonics is progressive across the Founda on Phase and within a grade compare the phonic requirements per grade in the Founda on Phase as s pulated in CAPS translate the required phonics into CAPS-linked ac vi es for Grades 1–3 understand the phone c vocabulary that is taught in Grade 3 know the differences between consonant digraphs, vowel digraphs and vowel and consonant blends • differen ate between the different phonemic awareness skills during an assessment task assess phonics using the Balanced Language Approach differen ate between beginner, intermediate and advanced phonics ac vi es.

4. facilitate inference of the text during reading


3. monitor the understanding of the text during reading

7. evaluate the text a er reading and give own opinion

How, when and why do we teach sight words and vocabulary? This workshop addresses these important ques ons.


This workshop will enable you to:

• know what the Balanced Language Approach entails

• understand where sight words and vocabulary fit into CAPS.

• understand the role vocabulary plays in teaching reading and comprehension in the Founda on Phase

This workshop will enable you to:

• have knowledge of how to foster independent reading in your learners

• use Shared Reading and Group Guided Reading to improve the reading skills of learners in different grades and on different reading levels; for example, beginner readers, intermediate readers and advanced readers

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

• use the Group Guided Reading technique of the Balanced Language Approach

Outcomes of Workshop

Outcomes of Workshop

• understand where Shared Reading and Group Guided Reading fit into CAPS.

This workshop focuses on how to use Shared Reading and Group/Guided Reading to improve the reading skills of learners in different grades.

• know what the Balanced Language Approach entails

• understand the role sight words play in teaching reading in the Founda on Phase


• know how to use different techniques to teach sight words to learners on the Beginner Reading Level and Intermediate Reading Level


Dura on: Half day


Dura on: Half day

• know how to use vocabulary strategies to broaden the vocabulary of a Founda on Phase learner with focus on the advanced reading level

• understand and be able to use the Shared Reading technique of the Balanced Language Approach

This workshop will enable you to: apply the Shared Wri ng technique and apply the subs tu on strategy to build sentences the Balanced Language Approach’s wri ng process as prescribed by CAPS Founda on Phase: ing ng ng. Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

This workshop will present you with the skills needed to apply the Balanced Language Approach’s wri ng process as prescribed by CAPS Founda on Phase.


Dura on: Half day Dura on: Half day

FOUNDATION PHASE 56 Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


5. Presen


Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop provide a comprehensive approach to teaching comprehension using a variety of techniques and strategies. Outcomes of Workshop workshop will enable you to: use the Shared Reading and Group Guided Reading techniques of the balanced language approach understand the different building blocks of reading comprehension and have knowledge of different strategies to aid learners with their comprehension ability understand the importance of the ques oning technique used during reading apply the K-W-L technique for se ng ques ons to enhance comprehension

1. Planning 2. Dra

3. Revising 4. Edi

• understand


• implement

FOUNDATION PHASE 57 • use your own language experience and available printed material to create your own reading cards which can be used as resources in the classroom for homework ac vi es, remedial ac vi es or ac vi es for extended opportuni es • prac se inference skills by answering ques ons that do not have explicit answers, but require higher order thinking skills • prac ce your summarising skills by using the sentence frames to create a summary of the story. Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs CREATIVE WRITING

Jack Messman, former CEO at Novell, Cambridge Technology Somerset House Corp.

Dura on: Half day learning is rapidly becoming one of the most to rapidly expanding workforce.


Partners, Unionacific Resources,

This workshop will empower

you to teach crea ve wri ng using the wri ng process. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand and apply the Shared Wri ng technique • understand and apply the subs tu on strategy to build sentences • learn how to use a wri ng frame when teaching learners to write a story • implement the wri ng process as prescribed by CAPS Founda on Phase: 1. Planning (Pre-wri ng) 2. Dra ing 3. Revising 4. Edi ng 5. Presen ng. Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

cost-effec ve ways

educate the world’s

This workshop provides teachers with knowledge and skills to teach a first addi onal language with success. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand and know the CAPS requirements for EFAL Grades 1–3 apply vocabulary-building ac vi es and strategies effec vely

• apply phonics teaching strategies and resources effec vely to maximise learner pronuncia on and spelling

• understand the value of group guided reading and implement effec ve techniques

• use different resources to achieve effec ve EFAL acquisi on recognise the value of specific resources during the language teaching process


• apply reading and storytelling ac vi es and strategies effec vely in your class

• discover innova ve ways to encourage crea ve wri ng.



Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

This workshop will enable you to: be able to teach learners the founda onal skills of reading – phonemes and phonics develop ini al reading skills

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

Dura on: Half day on: Half day

• teach your learners basic comprehension skills so that their reading is meaningful assess pre-reading and reading skills in an objec ve way create excitement about reading for enjoyment in your classroom, at school and in homes.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will give you clear, easy and innova ve guidance about teaching reading in the Founda on Phase step by step, star ng with phonemic awareness and moving through reading strategies to understanding of text.

• apply the methodology of teaching Shared Reading to improve the fluency and comprehension of learners

• develop the learners’ vocabulary by using a variety of ac vi es and teaching tools

• become more knowledgeable on the CAPS requirements for all the components of HL • teach listening and speaking in a crea ve and effec ve way


• confidently do formal and informal assessment at the right me with the right tools

• follow the processes of Pre-reading, During-reading and Post-reading to highlight the comprehension strategy

This workshop provides a balanced language approach to teaching a home language. The focus of this workshop is on Listening and Speaking, Reading and Phonics and Wri ng and Handwri ng. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the this workshop, par cipants will:

• establish ability groups for Group/Guided Reading and encourage improvement of learner competency


This workshop provides a Balanced Language Approach to teaching English First Addi onal Language. It focuses on Listening and Speaking, Reading and Phonics, and Wri ng and Handwri ng.

This workshop will enable you to:

• be able to teach Storytelling effec vely

• understand when and how to use resources for Storytelling Dura on: Full day Dura on: 1 day

• use the CAPS-compliant DBE workbooks for all the subjects effec vely.

Outcomes of Workshop

• teach phonics effec vely using the Balanced Reading Approach

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

• integrate language structure and use with the teaching of the other language components • use a variety of strategies and tools to develop the crea ve wri ng skills of the learners

• understand the CAPS requirements for Storytelling as a methodology to teach FAL


This workshop teaches wri ng in an innova ve way that learners can relate to. Outcomes of Workshop workshop will enable you to: explain what indigenous stories are all about and discuss the value for your learners iden fy indigenous stories relevant to the Founda on Phase learners explain the wri ng process support learners to make their own indigenous storybooks teach wri ng in the classroom. Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs on: Half day expect to be bored by eLearning –let’s show them it doesn’t have to be like that! Bean




FOUNDATION PHASE 60 • understand the differences between Informal and Formal Assessment • apply Informal and Formal Assessment appropriately during Storytelling and Total Physical Response • use the CAPS-compliant DBE Workbook correctly and op mally • par cipate ac vely and use puppets successfully in the classroom • listen to music and perform and sing an ac on song • develop an oral vocabulary and make connec on between the ac ons and gestures • demonstrate the importance of doing the ac ons when singing to enhance the effec veness of Total Physical Response.

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs




• Realise the long-term posi ve results of the reading coach ini a ve.

• Par cipate in all ac vi es and see the rela on between the ac vity and the purpose of the training.

Outcomes of Workshop

• Know what the Balanced Language Approach entails.

• Enjoy the workshop and find meaning and common understanding in all ac vi es. DAY 2

• Discover the value of the annual teaching plan for guidance towards teaching and assessing.

• Understand how reading takes place.

• Get to know the me alloca on for languages in the different phases.

Dura on: 5 days

• Create awareness of the CAPS-recommended reading, and wri ng processes according to CAPS. DAY 3

• Recognise the important role and posi ve contribu on that the reading coach will bring into the classroom.

• Familiarise yourself with the specific CAPS language content and skills.

• Understand the progression and conceptual development from one grade to another when teaching and learning a language.

A comprehensive programme to train reading coaches


This workshop will enable you to: DAY 1

• Have knowledge of different texts and how we read them.

• Understand and be able to use the following techniques of the balanced language approach:1.Phonics and sight words 2. Phonemic awareness 3. Vocabulary and fluency 4. Sentence construc on 5. Language experience and wri ng.


• Understand what CAPS is and how to use the document in everyday teaching and learning.

• Understand the roles and responsibili es of the reading coach.

• Implement the strategies and vision of the Northern Cape Department of Educa on.

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs SHARED READING

• prepare for a shared reading lesson and know how to start a shared reading lesson.

• Understand and be able to use the group guided reading technique of the Balanced Language Approach.

• Use your own language experience and available printed material to create your own reading cards which can be used as resources in the classroom for homework ac vi es, remedial ac vi es or ac vi es for extended opportuni es.


• Understand the different building blocks of reading comprehension and have knowledge of different strategies to aid learners with their comprehension ability.

• unpack the reading process when presen ng a shared reading lesson

• Use the shared reading technique of the Balanced Language Approach.

• Understand and be able to apply the shared wri ng technique.

• Understand and be able to apply the wri ng process of the Balanced Language Approach as prescribed by CAPS (Founda on Phase, Intermediate Phase and Senior

This course will equip teachers in doing shared reading in the classroom and value the benefits in terms of the development of reading. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:

• Apply the subs tu on strategy to build sentences.


• apply prac cal ps and ideas to establish the building blocks of language using the shared reading strategy


Dura on: 2 hours

• review the reasons for doing shared reading in the classroom and the benefits in terms of the development of reading

FOUNDATION PHASE 63 • start a shared reading lesson • read to a class using shared reading • wrap up a shared reading session.

Target Audience Founda on phase teachers


Dura on: Half day Dura on: Half day

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


Learn how storytelling can be used to develop literacy development. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: understand why telling or reading stories to learners on a regular basis is important for literacy development choose suitable stories for your learners tell a story in an interes ng way using interes ng resources develop learners’ retelling skills understand what a graphic organiser is and be able to use a graphic organiser with learners in class a er telling a story be able to change the graphic organiser to suit the level of the learners develop storytelling ac vi es.

This workshop provides strategies to teach handwri ng skills to your learners. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • understand the importance of systema c instruc on of handwri ng abide by general principles regarding the development of good handwri ng skills apply the correct posi oning of the book

This is a prac cal session and par cipa on and ac ve involvement needs to be encouraged throughout. Allow me for sharing of ideas and prac cal implementa on strategies in the classroom.

FOUNDATION PHASE 64 • learn how to teach pa erns successfully • teach le er forma on techniques and habits correctly • follow proper techniques to teach wri ng on broad lines • teach learners to write between the lines.

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will:

• understand that the subject life skills in Founda on Phase has been organised into four study areas: Beginning Knowledge, Personal and Social Wellbeing, Crea ve Arts and Physical Educa on • know that Beginning Knowledge and Personal and Social Wellbeing in the life skills curriculum are organised in topics

• be equipped to guide learners to achieve the specific aims of the life skills subject for Founda on Phase. Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs Dura on: Full day

Target Audience Founda on Phase teachers, HODs and SESs

• understand that play, movement, games and sport contribute to developing posi ve a tudes and values • be aware that the focus in the Founda on Phase is on games and some ac vi es that will form the basis of par cipa ng in sports later on

• pay a en on to the progression and level at which the topics within and between grades are addressed

Outcomes of Workshop


• be able to teach the four crea ve art forms: dance, drama, music and the visual arts in an innova ve and confident way • understand that the development of the learner’s gross and fine motor skills and perceptual development is fundamental in the Founda on Phase


Dura on: Half day Dura on: Full day

• understand the reasoning behind the organisa on of study areas in the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme

This workshop will enable you to:

• know the four study areas embedded within the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

This workshop will enable you to: • understand what physical educa on is

• obtain knowledge about the different sports and games • develop an indoor obstacle course.

This interac ve workshop will equip you to teach physical educa on with confidence.


Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will show you how to implement various improvisa on and interpreta on ac vi es in order to achieve the aims of the performing arts component of the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme.

• implement various improvisa on and interpreta on ac vi es in order to achieve the aims of the performing arts component of the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme.

• know the four art forms learners are exposed to in the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme

Target Audience Grade R–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

Outcomes of Workshop

• iden fy and implement various ac vi es in performing arts which develop perceptual skills

• develop different ac vi es within the various aspects of physical educa on

• implement various crea ve games and skills in order to achieve the aims of the performing arts component of the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme



• know the two main content areas developed within the Performing Arts sec on of the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme


• iden fy pa erns within a sequence of numbers

DIVISION DIXIE Division is spli ng into equal parts or groups. It is the result of ‘fair sharing’. This workshop is a step-by-step guide into introducing division in the Founda on Phase. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: • share objects equally among 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

• divide whole numbers with and without remainders


• move from teaching coun ng in ones to coun ng in mul ples.

• break down large numbers into mul ples and then divide them equally

• divide whole numbers using the division sign

• understand the difference between rote and ra onal coun ng

• use mul plica on and division as inverse opera ons.

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

Dura on: Half day Dura on: 2 hours

In this workshop you will explore various coun ng strategies to make coun ng effec ve and fun for learners. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:

• use apparatus that encourages coun ng in mul ples


FUN WITH DECIMAL FRACTIONS workshop will help you to understand: frac ons Introducing decimals in di erent ways Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy of Workshop workshop will enable you to: create and use apparatus to introduce decimal frac ons to your learners fully understand how our decimal number system developed make the frac on-decimal connec on compare and order decimal numbers mul ply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1 000. Audience maths teachers and SESs on: Half day on: 2 hours

• recognise


A frac on simply tells us how many parts of a whole we have. Let’s have fun with frac ons.


FP This


• Decimal






Outcomes of Workshop the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: iden fy a whole and a frac on show parts of a whole using real objects, geo-shapes, paper shapes, models and a collec on of objects use and name unitary frac ons and non-unitary frac ons recognise frac ons diagramma cally write out frac ons, e.g. 1 half match illustra ons with frac on names equivalent frac ons. Audience 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs




This workshop will assist you in understanding how to teach the different topics and to know which mathema cal strategies to teach in each grade.

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs MAGIC MULTIPLICATION

Dura on: 1 day Dura on: Half day

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, par cipants will: become more knowledgeable on the CAPS requirements for all the components confidently do formal and informal assessment at the right me with the right tools use the CAPS-complaint DBE workbooks for all the subjects effec vely.

This workshop takes a look at repeated addi on leading to mul plica on through problem solving. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: show how repeated addi on leads to mul plica on illustrate number sentences as groups or rows and columns solve problems on a concrete, representa ve and an abstract level count on in mul ples rather than in ones break down numbers and then mul ply them use halving and doubling to solve problems faster.

Technology will never replace teachers, but a teacher who cannot teach with technology will be replaced by another one who can. Zuzana Molčanová, Slovakia

This workshop focuses on exploring mass using real objects.

This workshop will explore exci ng and hands-on ways to teach Mental Mathema cs.

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs MENTAL MATHS

Dura on: Half day Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • build confidence by solving problems quickly and accurately choose problems that reinforce a specific strategy taught adapt diagrams to provide for the needs of all learners iden fy how the same resource can be used for different calcula ons.

You can’t teach people everything they need to know. The best you can do is posi on them where they can find what they need to know when they need to know it. Seymour Papert, MIT mathema cian, educator, and computer scien st

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: choose an appropriate measuring unit weigh different objects to show that the size of an object does not determine its mass apply different strategies to solve problems compare, order and record commercially packaged objects in grams and kilograms.

Outcomes of Workshop

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

This workshop will enable you to: know what place value is • understand when to introduce place value know how to introduce place value understand numbers more thoroughly • implement the instruc onal sequence of teaching place value – regroup, exchange, recount – describe numbers – learn the significance of 10 – learning the place value of numbers greater than 19 – stressing regrouping – coun ng in 10 and ordering numbers – working with 100 • play place value games.


Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs PLUS AND MINUS

Dura on: Half day Dura on: One hour


This workshop provides an overview on teaching place value effec vely. Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop explores addi on and subtrac on. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: interpret problems within context and context free problems use the three levels of solving addi on and subtrac on problems choose an appropriate strategy to solve a problem choose relevant resources to solve different problems show all the steps in solving problems.

Target Audience Grade


Dura on: Half day on: Half day

Target Audience Grade SESs PLACE VALUE our decimal number system, the value of a digit depends on its place, or posi on, in the numbers in this workshop. of Workshop workshop will enable place

This workshop provides teachers with necessary skills solving



number. Explore

1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


ac vi es effec vely.

will enable you to: • understand the role of the teacher when teaching problem solving • know how to set appropriate word problems • differen ate between problem types • use different strategies to solve problems • build confidence by solving problems.

Outcomes of Workshop workshop


to set, teach and use problem


1–3 teachers, HODs and


value • apply instruc onal sequence when teaching place value • regroup tens and units • make tens full • work with numbers greater than 19 • compare, order and describe numbers • round numbers off to nearest ten • work with numbers up to 100.


you to: • select relevant resources for teaching


Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

• sequence events according to the me it took to complete • calculate the passage of me on a number line.

eLearning doesn’t just ‘happen’! It requires careful planning and implementa on. Anonymous


• build 3-D objects using nets

Target Audience Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

• iden fy results when geometric shapes undergo change

• understand frac ons of an hour

• using 2-D shapes, show the rela onship between size and shape.

Dura on: Half day

• rotate 2-D shapes to make them fit into a pa ern and pictures


This workshop provides a fun way to work with me. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: • read and show analogue and digital me

• iden fy and demonstrate reflec on, line and mirror symmetry

This workshop focuses on working with 2-D and 3-D shapes. Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: • iden fy and analyse 2-D shapes and 3-D objects

• understand the rela onship between 2-D shapes and 3-D objects

Dura on: Half day

by Karen Walstra

Stephen Hawking

The Department of Basic Educa on has a Digital Skills curriculum, and within that there is a coding and robo cs curriculum. Exposing learners to coding, programming and robo c skills assists in preparing them for the 21st century and possible future careers. Computer science includes aspects of coding and robo cs.

● h ps:// le-children-to-computa onalthinking-skills-and-coding


Sources ● h ps:// ● h ps:// csmbot


Computer science is the study of almost everything connected to computers: the theory, hardware (physical components and their systems), algorithms for solving various kinds of problems, logical structure, certain rules that govern and manage compu ng systems and so on. Programming and coding are small but very important parts of the broader field called computer science. Coding is essen ally wri en instruc ons that a computer programme or a robot can read and then execute. There are many coding languages, such as Java, Python, and C++. At primary school learners may learn to code using symbols or block coding, such as MIT Scratch. The code is used to programme the computer, so the computers can be used to help us solve problems. Computa onal thinking allows us to do this. Programming gives a theore cal explana on of how computers actually work. It is about studying the processes which entail studying the procedures, set of instruc ons for accomplishing tasks and about what computers are and are not capable of doing. Computa onal Thinking includes cogni ve (thinking) and metacogni ve (thinking about your thinking) skills. The origins or roots of computa onal thinking incorporate Problem Solving, Design Systems and Understanding Human Behaviours. Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essen al skill to learn.

● Mechanical components and mechanisms of a robot complete tasks in the environment they are designed for. For example: Mars 2020 Rover’s wheels are individually motorised, and contain tanium tubing to assist grip on the harsh Mars terrain.

Generalisa on (make a solu on for one problem usable for a larger group of related problems)

● Electrical components and systems power and control the robot’s machinery and computer systems.

Computa onal Thinking includes a range of skills, such as: Formula ng a Problem (to find and describe the problem)

Decomposi on (breaking down informa on/problems into logically organised, smaller, manageable parts of data for analysis)

Abstrac on (represen ng essen al features without including the background details)

Pa ern Recogni on (finding and iden fying similari es among and problems)within

Computa onal thinking skills can be taught with offline, unplugged tasks as well as digitally on a computer. Robots use coding to understand what is expected of them. Robots are programmable machines, which can follow a series of ac ons. There are different types of robots, such as autonomous robots which are able to move on their own, semi-autonomous robots which move partly on their own and remote controlled robots which are controlled from a distance. Robo cs has interdisciplinary branches of engineering and science, such as Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Informa on Engineering and Computer Science.


● Computer programming is the set of code telling the robot what to do, providing it the ability to know when and how to carry out a task.

Consistent Characteris cs in Robots

Algorithm design (developing step-bystep instruc ons to solve a problem or complete a task)

Target Audience Grade 1–9 language teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase)


• obtain knowledge and skills and be able to apply the seven steps involved in reading comprehension

• understand and be able to apply the wri ng process as prescribed by CAPS Intermediate Phase.

James Bates

This workshop will enable you to:

Many learners read without understanding. A end this workshop to learn how to get your learners to understand what they read. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to:

• understand and be able to apply the shared wri ng technique

• gain knowledge and be able to use different strategies for each of the seven steps that will assist the learners’ comprehension skills.


All Grade 4–9 teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase)

• learn how to use a wri ng frame when teaching learners to write a transac onal text

The most profound words will remain unread unless you can keep the learner engaged. You can’t see their eyes to know if they got it so … say it, show it, write it, demo it and link it to an ac vity.

• understand and be able to apply the subs tu on strategy to build sentences

Dura on: Half day Dura on: Half day


Target Audience

This workshop provides foolproof strategies to teach crea ve wri ng skills to your learners. Outcomes of Workshop

All Grade 4–9 teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase)

• know how to teach learners who are learning a second language for the purpose of learning & teaching • be able to present lessons to a class of second language learners

Target Audience



This workshop will give teachers specific guidance on how to introduce their learners to English in a structured manner and according to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements so that learners are completely fluent and competent readers in both their mother tongue and in English.

• be able to understand some of the debates about language as a medium of instruc on • be able to explain the process of addi ve bilingualism

• know how to develop a Learning Programme for the introduc on of a second language

Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop

• understand and be able to use the group guided reading technique of the Balanced Language Approach


This workshop will enable you to:

• be able to use your own language experience and available printed material to create your own reading cards which can be used as resources in the classroom for homework ac vi es, remedial ac vi es or ac vi es for extended opportuni es.

• know how to support the introduc on of a second language.

This workshop will give teachers specific guidance on how to increase reading fluency by making use of the shared reading technique in the Balanced Language Approach.

• understand and be able to use the shared reading technique of the Balanced Language Approach • understand the different building blocks of reading comprehension and have knowledge of different strategies to aid learners with their comprehension ability

Dura on: Half day

This workshop will enable you to:

Outcomes of Workshop


Target Audience

• ensure that First Addi onal Language learners are guided in the acquisi on and use of a new language • ensure that learners are learning the language correctly.

This workshop will enable you to:

Learn how to incorporate three easy steps into your planning and presenta on of work to make sure that First Addi onal Language learners are guided in the acquisi on and use of a new language.

• learn how to incorporate three easy steps into your planning and presenta on of work

Target Audience

• understand the difference between controlled, guided and free wri ng

Grade 4–9 FAL teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase)

This workshop will enable you to:


• learn how to s mulate crea vity by wri ng poetry

All Grade 4–9 teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase)

• write a piece of descrip ve wri ng.

• look at the different stages in the wri ng process

Outcomes of Workshop


This workshop will give teachers specific guidance on teaching the different stages of the wri ng process.

Dura on: Half day Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

All Grade 4–9 teachers, HODs and SESs (contextualised per phase)

Outcomes of Workshop


This workshop will enable you to:


• know the important roles spelling and vocabulary play in the reading process and strategies that can be used to improve spelling and broaden vocabulary

• teach considering learners’ various learning styles

Outcomes of Workshop

Dura on: Half day Dura on: Half day

• learn how to guide learners to tackle a poetry essay (Home Language)

• use empathy as an approach to teaching poetry



• iden fy bad reading habits and a tudes learners may have about reading, and find new ideas to change these bad habits and a tudes

• set contextual ques ons on a poem using the required levels of Barre ’s Taxonomy

This workshop will empower teachers in all subjects to be able to apply a comprehensive comprehension strategy to enhance the reading competence of Senior Phase learners in any subject.

This workshop is all about having fun with poetry! Use empathy when teaching poetry; set contextual ques ons on a poem using Barre ’s Taxonomy; tackle a poetry essay (Home Language) and learn about some useful electronic resources.

• have fun with poetry! Target Audience Grade 10–12 language teachers, HODs and SESs

• know and be able to apply a comprehensive comprehension strategy to enhance the reading competence of Senior Phase learners in any subject.

Outcomes of Workshop

• iden fy reading problems in all subjects in the Senior Phase

Target Audience Grade 4–12 subject teachers, HODs and SESs

• know of some useful electronic resources

This workshop will enable you to:

• iden fy the basic elements, reading approaches and types of reading used in the Senior Phase

This workshop will enable you to:

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to:

• know the structure and content layout of the CAPS



• have clarify regarding the integra onal approach in CAPS

Target Audience Grade 10–12 language teachers, HODs and SESs

Outcomes of Workshop

• be able to teach your learners how to understand and interpret the visual and verbal clues presented in cartoons, adverts and graphs

• This workshop will demonstrate to teachers how to obtain knowledge and skills involved in reinforcing the ability of learners to answer comprehensions.

This workshop gives guidance to FET teachers on teaching HL and approaching prescribed literary texts with enthusiasm.

• know how to teach your learners to answer contextually-based ques ons as well as the literary essay

• know the important characteris cs of the different prescribed literary genres

• understand the weigh ng of the teaching me for English HL

• apply literary jargon


Dura on: Two hours

Dura on: Half day


• know how to teach your learners how to tackle Paper Two in the final examina ons so that their learners will answer the correct ques ons and not be penalised for answering the wrong ques ons

This workshop will demonstrate to teachers how to obtain knowledge and skills involved in reinforcing the ability of learners to answer comprehensions.

• understand how the 2-week cycle works and how to apply it to your own Annual Teaching Plan (ATP)

• gain understanding of the Annual Teaching Plan

• be empowered and approach prescribed literary texts with enthusiasm and empathy.

• apply the cogni ve levels of Barre ’s Taxonomy when se ng exam papers



• know

• iden

This workshop gives guidance to FET teachers on teaching grammar in FAL. of Workshop workshop will enable you to: the weigh ng of teaching me for English how to integrate language teaching the structure and content layout of the ATP in CAPS the cogni ve levels of Barre Taxonomy when se ng how to assess essay wri ng skills be empowered and approach teaching with enthusiasm and empathy. Audience 10–12 language teachers, HODs and SESs NEED NOT SCARE need not scare the wits out of you. of Workshop workshop will enable you to: fy di erent ways of approaching a list of prescribed poems and choose the way best suited to your teaching analyse a a cri que of the method of analysis with other colleagues construc ve advice on how to improve the suggested method of analysis an apprecia on of the importance of ve and meaningful assessment consider the best ways to assess a checklist to ensure that you have taught the poem Half Half

summaries • apply

day Dura on:


• develop


• understand





exam papers • understand

• apply





FAL • know

poem • offer

effec vely Dura on:

YOU Poetry

• offer

poetry • use


LANGUAGE GRADES 1–12 80 Target Audience Grade 10–12 HL language teachers, HODs and SESs

• develop

LANGUAGE GRADES 1–12 81 • reflect on your own teaching and be able to propose a plan to implement changes where necessary. Target Audience Grade 10–12 language teachers, HODs and SESs






• refl


• iden fy different

This workshop gives guidance to teachers on how to consider a model of teaching short stories and make changes to it that will allow you to use it in the classroom. of Workshop workshop will enable you to: ways of approaching a list of prescribed short stories and choose the way best suited to your teaching lesson planning for a short story a cri que on lesson planning an apprecia on of the importance of e ec ve and meaningful assessment consider the best ways to assess short stories a checklist to ensure that you have taught the short story vely ect on your own teaching and be able to propose a plan to implement changes where necessary. Audience 10–12 language teachers, HODs and SESs on: Half day

• do

• use


• offer



Online assessment is of benefit to the learner, the teacher, school leadership and even parents. Online assessment is an effec ve way of feeding back to learners quickly and easily. Teachers and school leadership know how the learners are progressing, and sharing results with parents regularly in an informa ve manner is a bonus. Why using auto marking for your lessons, whether face-to-face or virtually, is beneficial to learning

by Karen Walstra

ng-problem-solvers Ease of use • Can’t get lost • Easy to submit • Evidence of submission • No prin ng costs • Saves me • Cuts down on invigila on • Marking me is reduced • Responses automa cally inserted on spreadsheet • Feedback is instant • Teachers can work on the same document at the same me • Be er quality assessments are designed • Reduce paper the • Rights can be restricted • Technology restric ons can be set • Teachers are upskilled in the use of technology • Ins ls good digital ci zenship Cost reduc on Reduced teacher Collaboraadmin assessmentvecrea on Reduc on in security Enhancesissuesdigital fluency

When we use auto marking, we get responses immediately: as teachers, we know where our learners are at, and as learners we know how we are doing. Let us explore more benefits. Sources ● h ps:// ve-response-technology-in-everydayclassroom-lessons ● h ps:// onal-it-exam-lab ● h ps:// ● h ps:// ● h ps://


MATHEMATICS GRADES 4–12 83 ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF COMMON FRACTIONS This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to teaching addi on and subtrac on of frac ons. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to: • provide a comprehensive meaning of the term frac on • use diagrams to promote the understanding of frac ons • conceptualise the addi on and subtrac on of common frac ons • solve problems involving addi on of frac ons. Target Audience Grade 7–9 maths teachers, HODs and SESs COMMON FRACTIONS This workshop provides a comprehensive guide on teaching common frac ons Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • understand what is meant by common frac ons and be able to use equivalent frac ons to compare different frac ons • add and subtract frac ons including mixed numbers • choose the correct opera on when doing contextual problems involving common frac ons • see the equivalence of common frac ons, decimal frac ons and percentages • work with decimal frac ons. Target Audience Senior Phase Maths teachers, HODs and SESs Dura on: 1 hour Dura on: 2 hours

Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and and describe different triangles solve problems involving triangles name and describe different quadrilaterals describe the proper es of quadrilaterals iden fy triangles that are either similar or congruent classify 3D shapes. describe the five platonic solids build 3D models using nets.


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide on teaching Geometry of 2D and 3D Shapes




This workshop provides prac cal ideas on teaching Probability to Senior Phase learners, focusing mainly on methodology and assessment. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: be exposed to current and effec ve assessment prac ces develop some confidence in probability and data related to Senior Phase learners be able to use hands-on techniques to set quality probability tasks with different grades be able to use prac cal ideas to assess data and probability topics be able to effec vely transfer your understanding of assessment-related concepts to your learners. Target Audience Grade 7–9 maths teachers, HODs and SESs on: 2 hours Dura on: 3 hours

Target Audience Senior Phase Maths teachers, HODs and SESs

• be able to draw the next frame of a geometric pa ern • be able to draw up a table to illustrate the rela onship between the input and output values


Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to facilitate learners to: • be able to demonstrate knowledge of the transforma on of shapes

Target Audience Grade 7–9 maths teachers, HODs and SESs


Dura on: 2 hours

This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to teaching appropriate formulae to calculate surface area and volume of rectangular prisms.

• be able to use appropriate formulae to calculate surface area and volume of rectangular prisms

• develop confidence in teaching the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms in Grade 7 • be able to effec vely transfer your understanding of surface area and volume-related concepts to your learners.

Target Audience Grade 7–9 maths teachers, HODs and SESs

• be able to explain the meaning of the terms ‘surface area’ and ‘volume’

• be able to solve problems involving surface area and volume of rectangular prisms

Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:

This workshop covers transforma on of geometric shapes as well as algebraic concepts of the transforma ons.


• be able to use geometric pa erns to develop algebraic concepts

• be able to illustrate the rela onship on a graph

• be able to determine the rule that describes the rela onship.

Dura on: 1 hour

This workshop will enable you to represent func onal rela onship into its three representa ons.

Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: be able to translate a shape on a grid • be able to reflect a shape in a ver cal, horizontal or slant line be able to turn a shape through 90 or 180 degrees be able to design shapes and border pa erns.


• find the general rule that describes the func onal rela onship draw a graph to illustrate the func onal rela onship describe the rela onship between distance and me from a given graph dis nguish between the independent and dependent variables


Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • extend a growing pa ern by drawing the next frame • complete a table to indicate the rela onship between input and output numbers

Target Audience Grade 7–9 maths teachers, HODs and SESs

• reflect on the teaching and assessment of func onal rela onships.

This workshop covers a wide range of transforma ons of the geometric shapes using grid paper.


Target Audience Mathema cal Literacy teachers, HODs and SESs

Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 2 hours


• be able to do more complex calcula ons.

Target Audience FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs

• answer ques ons using quadrilaterals and triangles

This workshop provides a comprehensive guide on how to teach number pa erns using mathema cal terminology.

• be able to describe number pa erns using the necessary mathema cal terminology

• prove the cyclic theorems

• iden fy different quadrilaterals and triangles

• know and use circle geometry with all converse theorems


• be able to introduce number pa erns to Grade 10 learners

• solve problems and prove riders using the proper es of parallel lines, triangles and quadrilaterals.

MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help your learners understand triangles, circles and parallelograms. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:



• be able to dis nguish between different types of number pa erns

Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:

• use and answer ques ons involving cyclic quadrilaterals

Target Audience Grade 12 maths learners, FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 2 hours

• be able to iden fy similar, congruent and equiangular triangles

• understand annui es and bond payments and know how the formulae must be used




MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help your learners understand triangles, circles and parallelograms.

Target Audience

• answer ques ons related to Similarity, Propor onality and Pythagoras’ theorems.

• be able to explain how to calculate n in the compound formula

FET maths teachers and SESs

• prove and apply Similarity, Propor onality and Pythagoras’ theorems

Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 2 hours

• understand the difference between effec ve and nominal rates and know how to calculate them

Outcomes of Workshop

• be able to work effec vely with simple and compound interest and decay

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:

• be able to explain what a sinking fund is and know what types of calcula ons are required.

• generate ra os from similar triangles • answer ques ons related to equiangular and similar triangles

• solve problems and prove riders using the proper es of parallel lines, triangles and quadrilaterals

• be able to handle interest rates that are compounded in different me periods

Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:

FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs

Target Audience

Solve financial problems by using formulae for simple and compound growth and decay, as well as those for annui es and bond repayments.

FET Mathema cal Literacy teachers, HODs and SESs

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and to help learners to describe direc ons to familiar places and draw a map of it

This workshop covers the use of maps to find real direc ons.

Target Audience

• use grid coordinates to describe and design a ling pa ern • find loca on on a map using longitude and la tude lines



Target Audience


• sketch basic graphs, given a par cular func on of y = a f (x) + q where f (x) = x, f (x) = x 2 , f (x) = b x (b > 0; b ≠ 1) and f (x) = ⁄x

• sketch graphs, given a par cular func on • inves gate the effect a, and q in y = a f (x) + q where f (x) = x, f (x) = x 2 , f (x) = b x (b > 0; b ≠ 1) and f (x) = ⁄x

• determine input and output values


FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs

Outcomes of Workshop

• use map scale to find real distances

• sketch graphs, find the equa ons of given graphs and interpret graphs.

• reflect with your colleagues on the teaching of this content.

Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 2 hours

• describe the effects of changing the parameters a and q in changing the shape of graphs and shi ing them up or down

MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help your learners understand the parameters of graphs. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:

MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help your learners understand the parameters of graphs. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • draw the graph of a straight line, parabola, hyperbola and exponen al graphs

• use the technique of plo ng mul ple graphs to demonstrate the effects of changing the parameters a, p and q • interpret the func ons and graphs of parabolas, hyperbolas and exponen al graphs • determine and sketch graphs of the inverses of the func ons defined by: y = ax + q; y = ax 2; y = b x • state restric ons on the domain of the original func on for the inverse to be a func on too. Target Audience FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide on teaching trogonometry. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and •values:youwill develop confidence in using the trigonometry facts and rules to solve triangles Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 3 hours


• describe the effects of a, p and q on the graphs of parabolas, hyperbolas and exponen al graphs as defined by: 1. y = f (x) = a (x + p) 2 + q 2. y = f (x) = a x + p + q 3. y = f (x) = a.b x + p + q

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: determine the general solu ons of trigonometric equa ons Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 2 hours



FET maths

This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to teaching trigonometry. Outcomes of Workshop


This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to teaching trigonometry. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: define trigonometric ra os derive values of the special angles solve simple trigonometric equa ons solve 2-dimensional problems involving right angles derive and use the iden es derive and use reduc on formulae to simplify expressions. Audience teachers, HODs and SESs

MATHEMATICS GRADES 4–12 91 • you will be able to teach solving triangles to Grade 10, 11 and 12 learners • you will be able to differen ate between different cogni ve levels of ques ons for evalua on of the sec on • you will be able to set test or exam ques ons for different cogni ve levels for solving triangles. Target Audience FET Maths teachers, HODs and SESs

MATHEMATICS GRADES 4–12 92 • derive and use compound and double angle iden es • solve simple trigonometric equa ons. Target Audience FET Maths teachers, HODs and SESs TRIGONOMETRY TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS, 2 AND 3 DIMENSIONS This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to teaching trigonometry. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • point-by-point plo ng of basic trigonometric graphs • trigonometric graph interpreta on • derive and apply sine, cosine and area rules • solve problems in 2 and 3 dimensions. Target Audience FET maths teachers, HODs and SESs Dura on: 2 hours

Both virtual reality and augmented reality are appealing, innova ve technologies that immerse users in a personal, engaging and interac ve manner. Virtual reality (VR) immerses people in experiences, with headsets. Augmented reality, on the other hand, usually begins with a real-life view of something through the camera of a smartphone, then an applica on projects or inserts images onto the phone’s screen. Let’s explore further.


Augmented reality is an interac ve experience where when using an applica on, the digital content and informa on overlays onto the physical real-world: it may be mul ple sensory experiences, including visual, auditory, tac le and even smell. If you have played Pokémon, for example, you can play and catch the creatures using AR, you can see the Pokémon digitally, and you see the real environment through your smartphone’s camera. Download the AR applica ons you select on your smartphone or tablet. The range of augmented reality scenarios assists in building context and content, such the WWF Free Rivers augmented reality app, Mathema cs AR apps, such as Geogebra AR, literacy apps such as Narrator AR, reading stories such as in Bookful.

Virtual Reality is a sensory experience using an immersive technology that allows the user to “believe” they are in a real environment, even though it is in a virtual experience. If using VR goggles powered by a smartphone, the VR applica ons are downloaded onto the smartphone. The applica on’s image is split into two screens, and once the phone is placed inside the VR goggles, the lenses merge the images into a 360°, three dimensional (3D) experience. Applica ons such as YouTube, Google Spotlight Story, Google Arts and Culture, or Solar VR are examples.

What is virtual reality (VR)?

What is Augmented Reality (AR)?


We’re already seeing things that will transform the way you work, play, connect and learn.

● h ps://



Simply put, we believe augmented reality is going to change the way we use technology forever.

Tim Cook

● h ps://

You can also make use of VR headsets, with audio, and hand controls such as Oculus Quest, Sony PlaySta on VR or HTC Vive. These devices are fully immersive and par cipants easily believe they are in a new environment, and are able to interact with the environment. Educa onal VR experiences cover a range of topics, such as Human Anatomy VR, explore various human organs from inside the body; Wonders of the World, explore various historical places around the world; Anne Frank House and so much more. Using virtual reality and augmented reality in lessons could be used to provide differen ated and personalised learning experiences for learners. It captures learners’ a en on and engages them, and experiences can assist in developing knowledge of content being taught, as well as providing an unusual perspec ve, e.g. inside a human body or travelling in the solar system. The experiences could assist with explaining concepts and informa on in a more realis c manner.

● h ps://


Dura on: 2 hours

This workshop covers the concepts as they would be understood by learners in the classroom. Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:



• write equilibrium reac on equa ons correctly • iden fy any misconcep ons that your learners may have and address these. Dura on: 2 hours

• understand that a real ba ery has internal resistance


• understand that the sum of the poten al difference across the external circuit plus the poten al difference across the internal resistance is equal to the emf: ε = Vload + Vinternal resistance or ε = IR ext + Ir • solve circuit problems involving: – the internal resistance of the ba ery – series-parallel networks of resistors. Target Audience Grade 10–12 Physical Science teachers, HODs and SESs

This workshop covers the concepts as they would be understood by learners in the classroom. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:

• explain what equilibrium is • explain the meaning of terms such as forward/reverse reac on; reac on rate; closed/ open systems; reactants/products; extent of a reac on • dis nguish between sta c and dynamic equilibrium

• understand the methodology behind teaching learners how to solve circuit problems involving current, poten al difference and resistance for circuits containing arrangements of resistors in series and in parallel

• iden fy any misconcep ons that your learners may have and address these.

behind teaching learners how to solve circuit problems involving current, poten al difference and resistance for circuits containing arrangements of resistors in series and in parallel

• understand that forces perpendicular to the object’s displacement do not work on the object • understand that forces that are parallel to the object’s displacement do posi ve work on the object • understand that forces that are an -parallel to the object’s displacement (e.g. fric on) do nega ve work on the object.

This workshop covers the concepts as they would be understood by learners in the classroom. Outcomes of Workshop Learn more

• understand that a real ba ery has internal resistance

Dura on: 3 days

• understand that the sum of the poten al difference across the external circuit plus the poten al difference across the internal resistance is equal to the emf: ε = Vload + Vinternal resistance or ε = IR ext + Ir

• write equilibrium reac on equa ons correctly

THE SCIENCES GRADES 4–12 96 Target Audience Grade 10–12 physical science teachers, HODs and SESs PHYSICAL SCIENCES FET PHASE

•EQUILIBRIUMexplainwhat equilibrium is • explain the meaning of terms such as forward/reverse reac on; reac on rate; closed/ open systems; reactants/products; extent of a reac on • dis nguish between sta c and dynamic equilibrium


• solve circuit problems involving: – the internal resistance of the ba ery – series-parallel networks of resistors. WORK, ENERGY AND POWER • understand that only the components of the applied force that are parallel to the mo on do work on an object

This workshop covers the concepts as they would be understood by learners in the classroom. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:

• understand that forces perpendicular to the object’s displacement do not work on the object Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience Grade 10–12 physical science teachers, HODs and SESs

• understand that only the components of the applied force that are parallel to the mo on do work on an object


• assess the learners using the correct tools.

• conduct all the experiments, collect all relevant data and reach the expected conclusions

• conduct all the experiments, collect all relevant data and reach the expected conclusions • assess the learners using the correct tools.

Prescribed experiments • set up all the prescribed experiments for your Grade 12 learners

This workshop covers the concepts as they would be understood by learners in the classroom. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:


• set up all the prescribed experiments for your Grade 12 learners

Target Audience Grade 10–12 physical science teachers, HODs and SESs WORK, ENERGY AND POWER


Target Audience 10–12 physical science teachers, HODs and SESs AND INHERITANCE

• introduc

THE SCIENCES GRADES 4–12 98 • understand that forces that are parallel to the object’s displacement do posi ve work on the object • understand that forces that are an -parallel to the object’s displacement (e.g. fric on) do nega ve work on the object.



• blood groups • pedigrees • dihybrid crosses • sex chromosomes • sex determina on • sex-linked-inheritance. Target

We need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning. Elliot Masie


cs • concepts in inheritance • inheritance and varia on • Gregor


• monohybrid crosses – complete dominance • monohybrid crosses – incomplete dominance and

Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of gene cs. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, reflec on and progression. of Workshop the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply skills, knowledge and values related to the following: on to gene Mendel co-dominance Audience life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs Dura on: 2 hours

• gene

• chromosomal

• biotechnology



• fossil evidence • gene

Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply skills, knowledge and values related to the following: evidence of common ancestors of living ancestors including humans differences and similari es in the anatomy of great apes and humans c on: 2 hours Dura on: 2 hours


Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of gene cs. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, reflec on and progression. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply skills, knowledge and values related to the following: ons muta ons aberra ons c disorders c engineering and gene c engineering gene c modifica on using human DNA methods of tracing ancestors the human genome project. Target Audience life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs

• gene


Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of gene cs and human evolu on. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, reflec on and progression.

• muta

evidence Dura

• gene

THE SCIENCES GRADES 4–12 100 • cultural evidence • the Out of Africa hypothesis • mitochondrial DNA and the Out of Africa hypothesis • Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Homo and the Out of Africa hypothesis • alterna ve views to evolu on. Target Audience FET life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs HUMAN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT

Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of human impact on the environment. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, reflec on and progression. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply skills, knowledge and values related to the following: atmosphere and climate change water • food security • loss of biodiversity • solid waste disposal. Target Audience FET life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs Dura on: 2 hours In mes where small instructor-led classrooms tend to be the excep on, electronic learning solu ons can offer more collabora on and interac on with experts and peers, as well as a higher success rate than the live alterna ve.

Keith Bachman, Corporate eLearning Execu ve, W.R. Hambrecht and Assoc.



Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of various life science concepts. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, reflec on and progression. Outcomes of Workshop Learn more about: MODULE 1 – Human impact on the environment • atmosphere and climate change • water • food security • loss of biodiversity • solid waste disposal MODULE 2 – Prac cal work • hypothesis tes ng • methodology • wri ng a report on a scien fic inves ga on • carrying out an inves ga on • observa on • dissec on • microscope work • conduc ng an experiment MODULE 3 – Gene cs and inheritance • introduc on to gene cs • concepts in inheritance • inheritance and varia on • Gregor Mendel • monohybrid crosses – complete dominance • monohybrid crosses – incomplete dominance and co-dominance • blood groups • pedigrees • dihybrid crosses • sex chromosomes • sex determina on • sex-linked inheritance Dura on: 3 days

THE SCIENCES GRADES 4–12 102 MODULE 4 – Gene cs (2) • muta ons • gene muta ons • chromosomal aberra ons • gene c disorders • gene c engineering • biotechnology and gene c engineering • gene c modifica on • using human DNA • methods of tracing ancestors • the human genome project MODULE 5 – Human evolu on • evidence of common ancestors of living ancestors including humans • differences and similari es in the anatomy of great apes and humans • fossil evidence • gene c evidence • cultural evidence • the Out of Africa hypothesis • mitochondrial DNA and the Out of Africa hypothesis • Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Homo and the Out of Africa hypothesis • alterna ve views to evolu on. Target Audience Grade 10–12 life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs PRACTICAL WORK Upgrade your knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding of prac cal work. Learn about different methodologies to be used in the various educa onal contexts, as well as plan lessons and assessments on different cogni ve levels, including diversity, reflec on and progression. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: • hypothesis tes ng • methodology Dura on: 2 hours

MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help teachers to have a be er grasp of Energy and Change. Outcomes of Workshop

THE SCIENCES GRADES 4–12 103 • wri ng a report on a scien fic inves ga on • carrying out an inves ga on • observa on • dissec on • microscope work • conduc ng an experiment.

Target Audience SP natural science teachers, HODs and SESs MATTER AND MATERIAL

MTC has looked at the misconcep ons and we have come up with adequate teaching ps to help teachers to have a be er grasp of ma er and material. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:

Target Audience FET life sciences teachers, HODs and SESs ENERGY AND CHANGE

• understand physical proper es of materials Dura on: 1 hour Dura on: 1 hour

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: recognise the different sources of energy define poten al and kine c energy explain the difference between poten al and kine c energy in systems understand the heat transfer concept use appropriate insula on materials understand the na onal electricity supply system.



When it comes to eLearning, content means everything. eLearning content is not masterfully designed, all the rest will just go down the drain.

• apply

• recognise

• design

Christopher Pappas

• recognise

• apply

• iden

Target Audience and SP natural science and technology teachers, HODs and SESs

Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience 4–6 natural sciences and technology teachers, HODs and SESs

THE SCIENCES GRADES 4–12 104 • explain the boiling point of substances • understand proper es of materials • recognise the different methods of physical separa on • demonstrate understanding of the impact on the environment.




• allocate

This workshop focuses on School Based Assessment in natural sciences and technology in the Intermediate Phase. of Workshop workshop will enable you to: fy the four stages in the assessment process assessment ac vi es to the various stages in the assessment process the forms of assessment used in natural sciences and technology fy the major process skills required for natural sciences and technology the difference between assessment FOR and assessment OF learning apply various assessment strategies for assessment for learning various strategies for planned and unplanned informal assessment design a mark sheet for natural sciences and technology cogni ve ques oning techniques when se ng a test or ac vity a prac cal assessment task for natural sciences design a prac cal task for technology.

• iden


• strengthen materials using different methods.


This workshop gives teachers an opportunity to prac cally engage with wheels and axles to be er understand how to construct them as part of a model.

This course is aimed at empowering you, the teacher, to assist your learners when it comes to strengthening, reinforcing and joining materials.

This workshop will enable you to:

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to facilitate learners to: • join materials using various methods • reinforce materials using different methods

• be able to iden fy which grades use skills about wheels that have been previously acquired, to demonstrate other skills and competencies

• be able to make a model, using waste materials, that shows examples of different fixed and moving axles

Target Audience Grade 4–9 technology teachers, HODs and SESs

Target Audience Grade 4–9 technology teachers, HODs and SESs WHEELS AND AXLES


Dura on: Half day Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop

• be able to make an example of a set of wheels from waste materials and mount them on your axle model.

Outcomes of Workshop

• be able to make a centre finder • be able to indicate which grades are specifically assessed on wheels and axles

• be able to tell the difference between fixed and moving axles and when each of these is most effec ve in a model

THE SCIENCES GRADES 4–12 106 FUNCTIONAL GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION This workshop focuses on teaching drawing techniques required in the graphic communica on component of technology in the Intermediate and Senior Phases. Outcomes of Workshop This workshop will enable you to be er understand and •teach:2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional drawing • the MESS principle • freehand drawings • talking drawings • isometric drawings • oblique drawings • orthographic projec ons • making 2D and 3D drawings • making the MESS principle • making freehand drawings • making talking drawings • making isometric drawings • making oblique drawings • making orthographic projec ons • how to work neatly • how to work accurately • how to do something well as a ma er of principle. Target Audience Grade 4–9 technology teachers, HODs and SESs Dura on: Half day

The most effec ve, successful professionals are constantly learning, they take the me to apply what they have learned, and they con nually work to improve themselves. Joel Gardner


Target Audience Grade 12 accoun ng learners, FET accoun ng teachers, HODs and SESs CASH BUDGETS

This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to learning cash budget concepts. Outcomes of Workshop By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: concepts of budge ng debtors’ collec on and creditors’ payment schedule analysis and interpreta on thereof.


Target Audience Grade 12 accoun ng learners, FET accoun ng teachers, HODs and SESs Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 2 hours

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values: prepare the detailed financial statements of companies, specifically the balance sheet process year-end adjustments when preparing the financial statements report on the fixed assets of companies apply GAAP and IFRS when preparing financial statements of companies.

This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to learning balance sheet concepts. Outcomes of Workshop


By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:

• analyse and interpret the income statement, balance sheet and notes rela ng to companies.

Target Audience Grade 12 accoun ng learners, FET accoun ng teachers, HODs and SESs Dura on: 2 hours Dura on: 1 hour

The key to success is to appreciate how people learn, understand the thought process that goes into instruc onal design, what works well, and a range of different ways of achieving goals. Tim Buff



• prepare the detailed financial statements of companies, specifically the cash flow statement • process year-end adjustments when preparing the financial statements

Target Audience Grade 12 accoun ng learners, FET accoun ng teachers, HODs and SESs

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to apply the following skills, knowledge and values:

This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to learning cash flow statement concepts. Outcomes of Workshop

• comment on ethical considera ons affec ng companies with par cular reference to directors, shareholders and other stakeholders

This workshop provides a comprehensive guide to learning interpreta on of the ra os concept. Outcomes of Workshop

• apply GAAP and IFRS when preparing financial statements of companies.



Our partnerships with other role-players

During the last decade MTC partnered with many different stakeholders to make a difference in educa on. Some of our partners include:

At Macmillan Teacher Campus we are keen to develop partnerships with NGOs, corporate companies, educa on departments, mining houses and unions, etc.

For more informa on or to make a booking: Email: za.mtc@macmillaneduca Tel: +27 11 731 3409 The Macmillan Teacher Campus vision is to empower, mo vate and develop all educators and learners in South Africa and to provide a learning pathway for con nuing development.professional

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