Airline Marketing Benchmark Report-August 2015

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benchmark report

airline marketing



share a coke with humanity

BRUSSELS AIRLINES For the four th summer running, Brussels Airlines has par tnered with Tomorrowland (the world’s largest electronic music festival), to bring thousands of revellers together for a weekend of music and par tying in the aptly named town of Boom in Belgium. As the official carrier of the par ty, and in line with the airline’s slogan “We Go The Extra Smile”, Brussels Airlines transformed the inflight experience on 80 flights to Brussels, enabling par ty-goers to experience the festival vibe while travelling to the event. All 80 par ty planes to Brussels received a special Tomorrowland makeover with custom headrest covers, disco-style lighting and glow sticks at every seat. Of those 80 flights, 64 enjoyed a pre-taped electronic DJ sets played through the aircraft speakers. Twelve of the par ty flights were fitted with professional sound systems and four flights AUG 2015 ISSUE

JETBLUE (originating form Frankfur t, Munich, Tel Aviv and New York) were treated to live DJ sets onboard. In addition to the effor ts in flight, Brussels Airlines decorated check-in desks at a number of airpor ts and nine gate par ties were held. The hashtag #TMLPartyFlight was used by the airline and passengers to share the experience across Twitter and other social media. One Twitter user said his flight was “off the hook” and another passenger posted a 30 second clip of his flight on YouTube – it was viewed more than 15,000 times in just four days. Brussels Airlines’ CMO Lars Redeligx used LinkedIn to discuss the project in an ar ticle called “Customers Remember Experiences, Not Your Brand Logo” and the airline created a colourful infographic on the par tnership.

A recent campaign by JetBlue and Coca-Cola invited people to overcome their distrust of strangers and share a bottle of Coke with another person in New York City’s bustling Penn Station. The idea was to reward generosity with the gift of travel.

JetBlue’s role came into play when a Coke was successfully gifted to a stranger. In some of those cases, JetBlue staff appeared in the station to hand out a free travel voucher with the tagline “Good Things Come To Those Who Share”.

JetBlue and Coca-Cola rigged a vending machine in the station to dispense an extra bottle of Coke whenever one was ordered. Then, as customers noticed the second bottle come tumbling down, a large message appeared across the machine’s digital display instructing that person to: “share this Coke with anybody”. reported that the vending machine dispensed 300 bottles of Coke through the day of the campaign (that’s 150 unique transactions) and that organizers reported a 70 percent share rate… higher than initially expected.

Hidden cameras were installed in and around the vending machine and at other points in the station to capture people’s reaction to the free Coke bottle, as well as their interactions with anyone they attempted to share it with.

The feel good video produced from this project was viewed on YouTube more than 60,000 times in just ten days.



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