Summer Semester 2018
Communication Design | Bachelor in Design and Art Project under the supervision of: Prof. Antonino Benincasa | Project Leader Prof. a.c. Emilio Grazzi | Project Assistant Prof. RTD Valeria Burgio | Visual Culture Mag. Art. Eva Pöll | Calligraphy workshop The teaching module «Type Design» in my Communication Design course dealt with experimental typography. In their projects, 19 students explored the expanded field between calligraphy and typeface design. The results are 19 Old-style serif fonts for setting body text, displayed in a Type Specimen. Students: Luis Alejandro Arboleda Lopez, David Calabrò, Rebecca Colmano, Jack Pascal Conti, Nicola Cosner, Beatrice Ferro, Federico Fiermonte, Evangelina Belen Frate, Anna Giradi, Giovanni Gonzo, Ayse Güler, Dela Charlotte Lampacher, Gaia Marrone, Mastroianni Maria Letizia, Antonio Federico Piepo, Camilla Sanavio, Francesca Sannia, Annapaola Spiller, Florian Telser You can download the fonts on: