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Andrea Sala

The mysterious relationship between the infinitesimally small and the infinitely large, between unity and multiplicity: it is this, above all, which fascinates me in mosaic. Experimentation with mosaic gives me the possibility to reflect upon my way of experiencing the contemporary world while maintaining a constant rapport with the past. The discontinuity of the image, composed of stone and glass, creates a relationship between the visible and the invisible. The poetic and the creative coexist alongside the cold and the rational, different aspects of my continued research in mosaic. " A.S.


Una Traversata AUF

October 4, 2021

Una traversata AUF 2021

September 22, 2021


November 22, 2019

Portfolio 2019

November 22, 2019

Acqua e Materia 3

November 22, 2019

Arend & German

November 17, 2016

Le finestre di Brenta

October 31, 2016

Progetto mosaico

September 10, 2016


January 23, 2015

Corte di Brenta

May 21, 2014

Storia del mosaico

November 15, 2013

La Corte di Brenta

November 14, 2013

La Corte di Brenta

October 29, 2013

Arend Portfolio

October 22, 2013

Portfolio Arend

October 17, 2013

La Corte di Brenta

July 7, 2013

Monte Venere

April 4, 2013


May 2, 2012