Oswestry Life May 2023

Page 32

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Welcome to May!

It’s a month of bank holidays and royal celebrations which we can’t wait for. If you’re going to a Coronation party, check out the red, white and blue fashion on pages 18-19. This month is the last Mayor’s column and he recaps on his last 12 months on page 14.

North Shropshire College bring you their latest news (page 24) and there’s a live action Siege at Whittington Castle on page 35. Read about local businesses across our features, and keep up to date with their latest services.

Have a happy healthy month!

Oswestry Life www.oswestry.life

Delivered to 7,000 homes in and around Oswestry every month

7 Lower Brook Street, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2HG Telephone: 07986 293294

Joint Managing Directors David Lee-Birch david@oswestrylife.co.uk

Tracy Leonard tracy@oswestrylife.co.uk

Editor Victoria Jane McKenna victoria@oswestrylife.co.uk

Production Designer Aileen Selkirk aileen@oswestrylife.co.uk

Regular contributors Graham Mitchell, Dr Paul Middleton, Rebecca Evans, Stephanie Dhillon, Louise Idoux, Claire Arnold

Accounts and Distribution info@oswestrylife.co.uk

Advertising info@oswestrylife.co.uk

Contents Oswestry Life is published by DTS Media. The views expressed within this publication do not necessarily reflect those of DTS Media. The reproduction of any material in this magazine is forbidden without the written consent of the publisher. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, DTS Media can in no way accept liability for omissions or incorrect insertions or any consequences arising from use of this publication. © DTS Media Ltd. 2023 Printed by Pensord Press - When you have finished with this publication please recycle THE MOST WIDELY DISTRIBUTED FREE PUBLICATION IN OSWESTRY www.oswestry.life ISSUE 73 MAY 2023 YEAR www.oswestry.life ISSUE 73 MAY 2023 to Oswestry Life Welcome Victoria Jane McKenna EDITOR MAY COVER Oswestry celebratesThe Cae Glas Park event will start at 10am. See page 26 grahamsfmitchell PEFC/16-33-447 Local news 5 Coronation homeware .................... 10 Cycling - E-bikes 13 Mayor’s minutes - farewell ............. 14 In Focus with Graham Mitchell ....... 16 Fashion - Street party 18 Paws for thought ............................. 20 University of the Third Age 22 Event - Coronation celebrations ..... 26 Event - Real ale festival 29 Food & Drink - recipe ...................... 32 Under siege at Whittington castle ... 35 Culture 36 Health pages ................................... 38 Health - Dr Paul Middleton 44 The Sparkroom ................................. 47 Home - Keep your cool 54 Home - Spring update ....................... 56 Property Spotlight ............................. 58 Interiors - Royal inspiration 69 Gardening ........................................ 75 Puzzle page 82

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4 | Oswestry life
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Derwen pedallers complete 24-hour Spinathon

Determined fundraisers from Derwen College, near Oswestry, pedalled non-stop for 24 hours, raising more than £12,000, with donations still coming in. Derwen College Sports Coordinators, Sian Thomas and Steve Evans, completed a phenomenal 24 hours on spin bikes, finally dismounting happy, though a little saddle sore, at 10am on Saturday, 25 March.

The Spinathon raised funds for students and clients with learning difficulties and disabilities, including funds for new accessible spor ts changing facilities.

Spinners enjoyed acts by Magician Dean Raymond, local band The Recursives, Oswestry Jive Club, Performing Arts students, DOT (Derwen on Tour) sign, song and dance group, as well as a party courtesy of the Derwen Pride takeover.

Oswestry Mayor, Jay Moore, joined the challenge for the big finish on Saturday morning, even getting on a spin bike with his mini-Mayor son.

Sports coordinator Steve Evans said, “Thank you to everyone who supported us through this challenge. The pain and exhaustion were real, and I don’t think we could have done without all the support that we had.”

Sian Thomas said, “It is just unbelievable that we smashed last year’s target, raising an incredible £12,700, with more still coming in.

“Absolutely everyone involves deserves a huge thank you, but I have to mention my sister Katy, husband Mark and colleague TerriAnn who gave up their time to suffer the full 24 hours of spinning to support us.”

“The whole event was amazing but never again!”

The event was sponsored by Oswestry School, Bridge Coffee, Coach House Fitness, Active8 Gym, Planet Doors, Tanat Valley Coaches, Shropshire Design & Print and Co-op, Rocking Horse Media. There’s still time to support the efforts of our spinners please donate at https://derwen.me/SpinDonate

Tired mums coffee

Patients, staff and visitors at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital (RJAH) can now support local business Tired Mums Coffee by purchasing their range of delicious, specialty coffee blends in the League of Friends shop.

Tired Mums Coffee was founded by Laura Peill and Gemma Brett, whose paths first crossed during their NHS careers and one day, over a conversation in a soft play centre with coffees in hand, the concept of Tired Mums Coffee was born.

The two mums, who have both worked at RJAH for many years, strive to boost the motherhood experience through great tasting coffee with a purpose. They aim to improve peer support and wellbeing for mums and ensure conversations are happening all over the UK.

Laura said, “We feel really privileged to play our part in supporting mums and enhancing the motherhood experience.

“Our research has found that service provisions have changed post-covid, and that there is an increasing call for focus on maternal wellbeing to support those in need.

“We have a duty to help other mums if we can, this gig is a tough one for all of us.”

Gemma said, “Working at RJAH means we see first-hand the amazing ways in which the Friends charity supports the hospital, we’re really pleased that our coffee is now stocked at their on-site shop.”

Oswestry life | 5 Local news
Derwen team with Dean

The Duchess of Edinburgh opens dedicated veterans’ orthopaedic centre

The UK’s first dedicated Veterans’ Orthopaedic Centre was officially opened last month by Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh.

The innovative centre at the Oswestry-based specialist hospital, was built by local contractor Pave Aways following a £6 million donation from the Headley Court Charity.

Lieutenant Colonel Carl Meyer, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon said, “The official opening of the Headley Court Veterans’ Orthopaedic Centre is a day I have long dreamt about, even before our fundraising appeal launched in October 2018.

Harry Turner, Trust Chair said, “It was an honour to welcome HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh to our hospital and have her officially unveil our Veterans’ Orthopaedic Centre.

“This building is going to make a huge difference to our veteran and serving personnel patients, who deserve the very best standards of care.

“Thank you to the Headley Court Charity for their immense support, as well as understanding what we are

Artist Residency

Oswestry’s Cultural Consortium is delighted to announce an exciting new artist-in-residence program, ART-efact, that will be the centrepiece of Oswestry’s 2023 creative programme ‘Summer of Art’.

Four local artists will be selected to participate in ART-efact from June through to September 2023. The artists will have a unique opportunity to have paid time to work intimately with the collections and archives at Oswestry Town Museum or the Town Council. They will work with local people to develop a body of work and ideas that brings alive Oswestry’s history, heritage and culture. ART-efact will culminate in an iconic group exhibition for the 2023 Heritage Open Days programme, themed ‘Creativity Unwrapped’.

During the residency, artists will have the opportunity to work in a supportive and collaborative environment with facilitator Holly Maries. They will also share their work with members of local cultural partners Qube and Designs in Mind, helping to improve access to Oswestry’s culture and improving community wellbeing.

Artists are expected to work the equivalent of 15 days over the course of the 3 months project in return for a fee of £2,835 with an additional material stipend of £500 for a Heritage Open Day Festival exhibition in September 2023.

Applications from all communities and creative disciplines are encouraged. Please send applications to artefactoswestry@gmail.com by Sunday 7th May at 11.59pm. Applicants must be 18 or over.

setting out to achieve.”

Headley Court was the leading medical rehabilitation base for members of the Armed Forces before the transfer of those services to a new facility at Stanford Hall. Following the move, the Headley Court Charity were looking for worthy causes in keeping with their ethos and aims to support in the form of charitable grants.

Stacey Keegan, Chief Executive, said: “We were able to take HRH around the state-of-the-art building and show the impact these facilities are having on our patients.

“She also met with staff from across the Trust. It was a great day that everyone enjoyed, and we would like to thank The Duchess for taking the time to visit.”

Thank You Oswestry

After only a morning’s bucket collection at Morrisons supermarket, members of Oswestry Rotary Club received donations of over £328 plus the support of the shoppers at the store who were enthusiastic about The Harbour project.

Club members were then delighted when an anonymous local businessman offered to ‘top up’ the amount collected to £500 making it a morning well spent!

The Harbour scheme, to convert the old Hope Church on Laburnum Drive into 24 units for veterans’ assisted living plus attractive communal areas, is targeting opening in 2024 and is the idea of former marine and now Project Director Ash Anderson.

Ash said, “This accommodation is needed as soon as possible, and we are grateful for the Club’s project of decorating one of the rooms for our veterans.  This will help them feel welcome in Oswestry - a town where the military has played such a big role in its recent history.  Thanks to everyone involved.”

The Beach, Festival Square - 27 - 29 May

The Beach returns to Oswestry at Festival Square. Grab a deckchair, your bucket and spade and enjoy some beach fun away from the sea! Festival Square is turned into a huge sandpit – perfect for the little ones and the young at heart to enjoy some messy fun without the clear up!

6 | Oswestry life Local news
Air Vice Marshal Anthony J. Stables, Chair of the Headley Court Charity; Stacey Keegan, RJAH Chief Executive, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh; and Harry Turner, RJAH Chair; unveiling the plaque to officially open the Headley Court Orthopaedic Centre.
Oswestry life | 7 EC Hollywell 27-41 Beatrice Street, Oswestry SY11 1q E Tel: 01691 653449 email: sales@echollywell.co.uk visit our website at www.echollywell.co.uk EC HOLLYWELL EST.1957 OvEr 60 SOfa S in STOCk avaiL abLE fOr immEdiaTE dELivErY

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Obertelli Play Therapy

Delivering therapy to children. Supervision and therapeutic consultation available. For a free initial discussion please contact: Gina Obertelli 07974 506910 Ginaobertelli@aol.com

Page Detailing

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Park Gate Florist

A busy florist in the centre of Oswestry. Available for weddings, funerals. Bouquets and arrangements for any occasion 01691 679898

Email: parkgate35a@hotmail.co.uk

Pippo’s Bakery

Specialising in designing bespoke celebration cakes and cupcakes for your special occasion. Always unique, always yum! Contact us at pipposbakery@gmail.com or via Facebook. com/pipposbakery

Radiance Aesthetics

Performed by a qualified, practicing nurse, fully insured. I specialise in a variety of treatments aimed at improving the appearance of the skin. Check out my facebook page, DM or ring/txt 07599477838 to book your consultation or treatment .

Siop Cwlwm

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Simla Tandoori Restaurant

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Sun City

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Theodore’s Box

We are a family run business passionate about finding the perfect gift for your needs. We have an ever expanding range of personalised products that cater for all special occasions www.theodoresbox.co.uk

Time Invaders

Oswestry’s Comic Shop a treasure trove of comics, annuals, collectables and Warhammer stockists with American Coffee Cafe. All dog friendly & always a warm welcome. Tel 07946550916 www.timeinvaders.co.uk

8 | Oswestry life
Oswestry life | 9

Bring out the bunting and celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. These colourful homewares will help you mark the occasion – and will become mementoes to keep long afterwards.

▲ Six individual pennants of hand-embroidered pure wool depict the King’s CR insignia, the Crown and the Union Jack, joined to form a beautiful piece of commemorative coronation bunting. Coronation bunting in navy, £125, janconstantine.com

▼ Designed and made in the UK, this quirky cushion is based on artist Catriona Hall’s paintings and features His Highness’s beloved Jack Russells, Beth and Bluebell, within the royal coat of arms. Commemorative cushion, £70, doganddome.com

▲ This tea cosy is made from a heavy, golden-yellow cotton drill with a striped lining and a design in freestyle machine embroidery. Coronation tea cosy, £75, poppytreffry.co.uk

▲ Add a royal touch to any dining occasion with this limited-edition printed tray, made from birch, dishwasher-safe and suitable for use with food. King’s Coronation tray, £22.50, sophieallport.com

Hang it on your Christmas tree when the time comes, or use it to embellish your party atmosphere – this elegant decoration combines pearls, glass beads and gold embroidery. Coronation orb decoration, £12.95, shop. westminster-abbey. org


Made from pure wool felt, this hand-embroidered pennant is appliquéd with His Majesty the King’s insignia and the royal crown, and is stitched with antique gold thread. Coronation pennant in duck-egg blue, £65, janconstantine.com

Use a smart set of napkins and add a touch of class to your teatime. Coronation napkin set, £29 for a set of four, nologo-chic.co.uk

10 | Oswestry life
This new range of commemorative homewares from Emma Bridgewater includes several different mug designs as well as plates, teapots, tea towels and more. Prices start at £10. emmabridgewater.co.uk
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Using your bike for shorter journeys

Many people are turning to electric bikes to replace their cars on those shorter journeys. Whether it’s popping to a friend’s, nipping out to the shops or commuting, electric bikes have certainly made it less of a daunting idea.

There have been huge developments in electric bikes over recent years. There are now light weight electric bikes that are far more manageable and allow you to ride the bike as a normal bike and choose your assistance level as and when you need it. This type of bike has become really popular with people that do not require help all of the time.

Full power cargo bikes and trekking bikes have also become very popular for their ability to take child seats and shopping racks. Some of these bikes have enough power to take you up on any of our local Oswestry hills.

MULE believe that with the help of electric bikes, Oswestry can become more like some of our European neighbours in their efforts to keep roads quieter and more cycle friendly.

MULE are pushing ‘Cycle to work Fridays’ as an idea that one day a week, people jump on their bikes instead of using their cars to get around town. We think that with the help of local businesses and Oswestry Council, we could really come together and make this a great habit to get into. Saving fuel, being environmentally friendly and getting a little

exercise are just come of the benefits of doing this. We think that people might get so much out of it that they decide to do this multiple times a week - why not?

If you don’t have a bike, MULE are offering to lend you one. An £80 deposit will get you one of our reconditioned town bikes, which will be refunded when you return it.

So, give it a try, you might even enjoy it!

For more information visit www.mulecycles.co.uk, call 01691 590361 or email mule.cycles@gmail.com

Oswestry life | 13


A very fond farewell...

Last May I had the honour of being made The Mayor of Oswestry, and it would be fair to say that in the eyes of more than a few, there were some concerns over how I would approach the role.

I knew that this was going to be a rare and special opportunity to promote our town and its people. But I wanted to take the focus off the traditional role of Mayor, and in my own way, try to modernise it somewhat and use it as the platform I felt it should always have been. Not a role of looking inwards, but a platform to shout from about what makes our town the great place it is. My motto throughout has been that it isn’t a mayor’s duty to stand in the spotlight, but rather to hold it and shine it on those around them.

I have been fortunate to have met a lot of people over my year and I’ve tried my best to get out around town, visiting everyone I possibly could. Please know, that if we crossed paths, then you have my everlasting thanks. I’ve been made to feel so welcome everywhere I’ve been. For a drum teacher and youth worker, you have all made me truly feel like a Mayor.

Only now as this civic year ends, am I starting to reflect

on what’s happened over the last year. It has been a historic year, and a Royal Civic year for me. I started my term just before Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. I was honoured to represent our town during the passing of our Monarch, and just recently I was at The Robert Jones Agnes Hunt Hospital. Invited as a guest to receive her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh as she declared the new Headley Court Veterans Centre open. My final duty is the official Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III on 6 May.

There’s been a lot of support behind the scenes over this last year. My thanks to everyone at Oswestry Town Council. Our Town Clerk, Arren Roberts for his patience and guidance. To Sandra Trevor for keeping me organised and always being supportive and positive throughout. To Poppy King, our beautiful Mayoress for shouldering more of the weight of this role than anyone will ever know. And of course, The Mini-Mayor, my son Alfie! Whenever things have been tough, you’ve never failed to make me smile - I love you guys.

Oswestry. It’s truly been an honour. Thank you all.

Mayor of Oswestry 22-23

14 | Oswestry life
Don’t forget Father’s Day Sunday 18 June The Oswestry Framing Co. 15 Leg Street SY11 2NL Opening weekend Sat 6-9pm Sun 10-4pm

Focus on… A trip to Llangollen

Only a short drive from Oswestry, Llangollen has something to offer at any time of year. I tend to avoid weekends in summer as it can be crowded with trippers. Whenever you do visit, make sure you explore the town and climb up to the canal. You can either walk towards Horseshoe Falls or, in the other direction, past the line of moored boats. Either way you’ll be rewarded with views over the town and Dee valley. Back in town take the riverside walk and see if you can spot the town heron.

16 | Oswestry life
through the lens of Graham Mitchell
Oswestry life | 17 coloursupplies.com Whittington Road, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 1HZ. 01691 658444 info@coloursupplies.com Verona CornerPatio Set SAVE£600 Now£1,199.99 Spring Garden Offers | In-Store Now FlymoChevronLawnmower SAVE£30Now£74.99 Hozelock 2in1 CompactReel OurPrice£49.99


With the Coronation coming up, street and tea parties are being organised across the UK. A perfect excuse to dress up and wear something red, white or blue. Tea dresses are coming back this season and longer alternatives that are just as pretty. We think these are fit for a King’s party.


TOP L-R:Must Have Military Jacket £75, www.joebrowns.co.uk; Blue Lace Ruffle Dress £80, www.monsoon.co.uk; Et Vous Shiffley Dress £38, www.matalan.co.uk

ABOVE L-R: Shirt Dress £80, www.monsoon.co.uk; High Waist Wide Leg Trousers £27.99, www.newlook.com; Summer Strawberry Cardigan £45, www.joebrowns.co.uk

Don’t forget the little ones!

Coronation Crown Sequin Top £18, www.monsoon.co.uk

Union Jack Coronation T-shirt £7, www.primark.com

Oswestry life | 19
£38 £75
£45 £75

Paws fOr Thought ws

3 Tips for Spring Dog Walks

Dr Emma Scales-Theobald, PhD

Walks are very important for dogs, as they provide physical exercise and mental stimulation. They provide dogs with a variety of sights, sounds, and smells that stimulate their minds. Dogs are naturally curious creatures, and a walk can be a great opportunity for them to explore new environments and engage with their surroundings. A lack of regular exercise can lead to a range of issues, such as obesity, boredom, and behavioural problems. Therefore, it’s important for dog owners to make time for regular walks to keep their furry friends happy and healthy.


The frequency and duration of walks for a dog will depend on several factors, including age, breed, size, health, and individual needs. Generally, dogs should be walked at least once a day for 30 minutes to an hour. However, some dogs may require more exercise, and others may be content with less. In addition to regular walks, dogs also benefit from playtime, interactive games, and other forms of exercise.


It is very common for dogs to “ask” to go for a walk, through specific behaviours to indicate that they want to go. Such as bringing the leash to their owner, sitting by the front door, or even whining. These behaviours can be a form of communication between the dog and their owner, indicating the dog is ready for a walk and wants to spend time outside.


Dogs can develop a sense of routine and may come to expect walks at certain times of the day. They are creatures of habit and often thrive on predictable schedules. It’s important for owners to be consistent with their dog’s routines and schedule walks at regular intervals. This can help establish a sense of structure and predictability for the dog, which can reduce stress and anxiety.

For more information visit www.poochandmutt.co.uk

20 | Oswestry life
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20 | Oswestry life


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Oswestry life | 21

Finding new interests just became easier

On the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month, you will find a group meeting in the Memorial Hall with coffee and biscuits. Waiting for the latest speaker to start, this is all about finding new interests, skills and sharing them with new and existing friends.

Oswestry u3a is a self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment and is run solely by its members. Providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment, the members can all learn from each other. Twice a month the group have a guest speaker visit or they are entertained by a member.

They currently have over 20 interest groups, including Walking, Cooking and Textiles. Members with keen interests are encouraged to run their own interest groups during the year, whether it is once or more per month. This gives more opportunity for specialist topics to be explored

and for members to share their knowledge with each other – also giving rise to friendships. You could definitely fill your weeks with all the options.

Certainly, one group which is always on the move is the Travel group. If you love getting out and about, this is certainly one for you. There’s potential for travel across the UK, which sometimes includes city breaks and overnight stays, entry into attractions and organised meals. Just this June, there is a trip to Nottingham with a boat trip on the River Trent and a meal, with all travel to and from included in the trip. If you fancy trying to spot ‘Nessie’ up at Loch

Ness, then consider the break to Scotland in August.

Throughout the UK there are 1,035 u3as with almost 400,000 members. It goes to show how important connection and common interests are to us. The movement was started in 1982 and is going strong today. Last year was its 40th anniversary.

As well as the local interest groups and main meetings available with Oswestry u3a, members also have access to online talks, workshops and courses for free.

So, if you are no longer working, have hobbies and wish to spend time with others with the same interests, joining u3a could be a game changer for you. We all so often find ourselves spending a lot of time alone and its easy to struggle to find people who enjoy the same things. This makes life a little easier.

If you are interested in learning for pleasure or want to pursue a new interest, you will be made very welcome. The annual membership subscription is £15 with a contribution at each meeting for coffee, tea and biscuits.

Meetings are: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 10am for Coffee and Biscuits, 10.30am Meeting Starts. Venue: The Memorial Hall, Oswestry. No need to book, just turn up!

For more information visit www.u3asites.org.uk/oswestry or Facebook: Oswestry U3A

22 | Oswestry life
Certainly, one group which is always on the move is the Travel group. If you fancy trying to spot ‘Nessie’ up at Loch Ness, then consider the break to Scotland in August.
Oswestry life | 23 Eleanor Moss School of Dance o ers ballet classes for children ages 3+ in various venues around the Oswestry/ Wales border area. Students can attend classes with the aim of completing recognised Royal Academy of Dance exams or just for fun! BALLET CLASSES Enrolling now Book a FREE taster class Contact us to find out more or to book a taster class email: elliemossdance@gmail.com www.eleanormoss-schoolofdance.com Enquiries: 01492 535184 www.northwalesmusictuition.co.uk North Wales Music Tuition Centres Registered Charity No.1156684 CHILDREN FROM FIVE / ADULTS VERY WELCOME M OST INSTRUMENTS & SINGING 3 x FREE ‘Triple Try’ Lessons w ith your ‘Trial ’ package! find your perfect course DEWCH O HYD I’CH CWRS PERFFAITH wgu.ac.uk #bepartofIT byddwch yn rhan ohono choose BE PART OF IT

Success for North Shropshire College

The College takes us through their latest developments and news.

North Shropshire College’s Oswestry Campus has had a busy Spring term so far. Major work has begun at the campus to build commercial hair and beauty salons, plumbing and electrical workshops and a science laboratory. This follows a positive OFSTED inspection whereby the College was rated as ‘good’, with the behaviours and attitudes of our learners rated as ‘outstanding’.

As a local college, student experience is at the core of everything we do. It is important to us that students are given the opportunities to explore extra-curricular activities alongside their study programmes to enhance their time at college, as well as encouraging development of wider, communication and employability skills.

Our Level 1 Employability students planned and ran a successful fundraising event in aid of MacMillan Charity, developing their communication, confidence and employability skills to raise £334. Their hard work was recognised through a nomination for the High Sherriff of Shropshire Award, with students attending the nomination ceremony in March.

Holly Williams, a Level 2 Hair student won silver at the National UK Skills final, with Owain Reeves highly commended in the laboratory technician competition for Level 3 Science.

Level 3 Media students completed their work experience at Kinokulture, working alongside the independent cinema to create a short film highlighting the work of the cinema and its benefit to the local community. First year student, Minke Clarke-Phillips took part in her second BFI Film Academy, travelling to Bristol to work at the Aardman Studios, gaining valuable insight into the animation methods used.

Foundation students at our Walford campus have been busily preparing the greenhouse, sewing sweet peas, various plants and vegetables as part of their horticulture units. They have also completed work experience with local employers such as Ellesmere Tesco, The British Ironworks, Oswestry Heritage Railway, Oswestry town museum and Hope House charity shops to name a few.

Through our enrichment programme, students have had opportunities to demonstrate citizenship through taking part in activities such as the crisp packet collection with The British Ironworks - making blankets for the homeless, planting trees for the Queen’s remembrance canopy, looking after their campus through litter picking and gardening and even setting up 5-a-side football teams.

Enrichment officer, Guy Wolverson is always busy looking for new opportunities and has some exciting plans for the upcoming months.

Our Student Services team planned a successful ‘Meet your futures’ event, which took place in March, whereby local employers, businesses and training providers as well as Universities visited us for the day. Students were encouraged to explore and take part in talks and activities held in order to inspire and encourage them to think about their future careers.

Applications are now open for September 2023, with Advice and Guidance events taking place regularly as well as Open events and taster days for applicants.

For more information visit www.nsc.ac.uk, call 0800 440 2281 or email info@nsc.ac.uk

24 | Oswestry life
Holly Williams won silver at the National UK Skills final Far left: L3 Science students planting trees for the Queen’s canopy in Oswestry
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Left: Oswestry Advance students receiving their certificates of nomination for the High Sheriff of Shropshire’s Outstanding Young Citizen award.
Oswestry life | 25 www.moretonhall.org/open-day Moreton Hall, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 3EW 01691 773671 | admin@moretonhall.com Independent Boarding & Day School - Girls 3-18, Boys 3-13 Open Day Saturday 13 May, 10am An opportunity to meet the new Principal C O LO U R RUN! followed by Moreton’s NATIONAL SCHOOLS LACROSSE CHAMPIONSHIP 2023 FINALISTS

Free Cae Glas Park Event Celebrates

King’s Coronation

Oswestry Town Council invites residents and visitors to enjoy a live screening of the King’s Coronation in Oswestry’s Cae Glas Park on 6 May.

The day promises to be a great way to enjoy a giant tea party and celebrate this historic occasion in Oswestry’s beautiful park in the centre of town.

In addition to a giant screen showing the ceremonial events, there will be children’s rides, magicians, circus performers, face-painting, Alpacas, stalls, street food and live music from the Porth-y-waen Brass Band and local artist Kizzy-Mae. The event is free, however there will be a small charge for the children’s rides and donations to the event are being made to local children’s hospice, Hope House.

Here’s what we know so far about the Coronation….

The Service will be conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury and will reflect the Monarch’s role today and look towards the future, while being rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry.

Their Majesties will arrive at Westminster Abbey in procession from Buckingham Palace, known as ‘The

The Cae Glas Park celebrations will start at 10am and close at 8pm. So why not grab a picnic blanket, head to Cae Glas Park, and enjoy this historic day.

King’s Procession.’ After the service, their Majesties will return to Buckingham Palace in a larger ceremonial procession, known as ‘The Coronation Procession.’ Their Majesties will be joined in this procession by other Members of the Royal Family.

At Buckingham Palace, The King and The Queen Consort, accompanied by Members of the Royal Family, will appear on the balcony to conclude the day’s ceremonial events. Exact timings of the Coronation are yet to be released; however the Cae Glas Park celebrations will start at 10am and close at 8pm. So why not grab a picnic blanket, head to Cae Glas Park, and enjoy this historic day and some traditional entertainment with family and friends, on Saturday 6 May.

26 | Oswestry life
Coronation 2023 Emblem usage guidelines

Saturday 27 May Sunday 28 May

Stalls and games

Derwen-made ice cream

Local artisan crafts and food

Childrens inflatable fun

BBQ and Bar

Duck race

Live music



Local artisan crafts and food

Childrens inflatable fun

Dog show

Oswestry life | 27
Derwen Fete
Whittington Road, Gobowen SY11 3JA www.derwen.ac.uk 01691 661234 www.derwen.ac.uk Explore our outlets FREE OpenENTRY from 10amdaysboth
28 | Oswestry life A4 Family Fundraising Festival.indd 1 21/03/2023 08:22:42

Rail and Ale Festival with Heritage Railways

In conjunction with the Stonehouse Brewery a number of different ales from local breweries will be on offer when the award winning Cambrian Heritage Railways hosts its annual rail and beer festival on 2, 3 and 4 June 2023

The three day event will welcome leading local breweries residing close to the former Cambrian line, including nearby neighbour and award winning Stonehouse Brewery.

The rail and ale journey starts at Oswestry Station, where ale lovers will board Beer Festival specials for a journey along the recently restored line to Weston Wharf. Aficionados can then immerse themselves in the variety of ale on offer in the old goods shed.

Cambrian Heritage Railways General Manager, Andy Green said, “This will be the seventh year we have hosted a beer festival. The added attraction this year is the journey along our newly opened railway line from Oswestry to Weston Wharf.

“I’m sure the three day event will be a great success

with beer-loving customers able to get the train and enjoy the quality of ale on offer from a variety of fantastic local breweries.”

Cambrian Heritage Railways will run steam and diesel heritage trains every weekend and specific mid-week and evening journeys as well as Bank Holidays from the 29 April until 24 September. There are a number of other special events throughout the year including Santa Trains at Christmas time.”

Further information about the railway can be found at www.cambrianrailways.com.

Upcoming 2023 events at Cambrian Heritage Railways -

2nd, 3rd & 4th June - CHR’s 7th Beer Festival

Our 7th Beer Festival will be a 3 day event. Up to 7 breweries will be in attendance including our neighbours Stonehouse Brewery.

Join the real ale service at Oswestry Station and travel to Weston Wharf

7th July - Fish & Chip Special

Many a great holiday to the seaside has finished with Fish & Chips on the train home. Whilst we can’t bring the seaside to Oswestry we can recreate a nostalgic train ride with an onboard Fish & Chip supper.

15th & 16th July - Model Railway Event

Presented by Ellesmere Model Railway Club this 2 day event will feature several layouts housed in the Oswestry Station Building and at our station at Weston Wharf.

For more details and to book onto the above events please visit - www.cambrianrailways.com

Oswestry life | 29
Picture: L/R Shane Parr - Co Owner Stonehouse Brewery with Andy Green CHR General Manager.
30 | Oswestry life |

Glas Park Coronation Live


Oswestry life | 31 @OswestryTC Tel: 01691 680222
your picnic blanket and enjoy a live screening of the King’s Coronation in Oswestry’s Cae Glas Park. There will be children’s rides, magicians, circus performers, face-painting, alpacas, stalls, street food and live music from Porth-y-waen brass band. A great way to enjoy a giant tea party and celebrate this historic occasion. Donations to the event can be made to local children’s hospice, Hope House. 10am and close at 8pm. gardening event & Artisan Market
sellers and gardening advice and a collection of quality local OUTDOOR MARKET WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY INDOOR MARKET WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SO MUCH MORE THAN A FLOWER SHOW Early Bird Tickets on Sale – £20 Shropshire Horticultural Society Charity Number: 501564 For further information call 01743 234050 www.shrewsburyflowershow.org.uk

Food & Drink

Swiss strawberry and walnut cake

This light walnut sponge

filled with strawberries and cream is often served on the Continent as a pudding, but it also makes the perfect afternoon teatime treat.

Serves 8

Preparation time 30 minutes

Cooking time 40-45 minutes


• 3 large eggs

• 100g caster sugar

• 75g self-raising flour

• 50g walnuts, finely chopped

For the filling and topping

• 300ml pouring double cream, whipped

• 450g strawberries, roughly chopped, plus extra kept whole for decoration

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C / fan 160°C / gas mark 4. Grease a deep 20cm round cake tin, then line the base with non-stick baking paper.

2. Measure the eggs and sugar into a large bowl and beat until the mixture is thick and mousse-like, and leaves a trail when the whisk is lifted out of the mixture. Sift the flour onto the mixture and lightly fold in along with the chopped walnuts.

3. Turn into the prepared cake tin and level the surface. Bake in the preheated oven for about 40-45 minutes, or until well-risen and the top of the cake springs back when lightly pressed with a finger. Leave to cool in the tin for a few minutes then turn out, peel off the baking paper and finish cooling on a wire rack.

4. When cold, cut the cake into three horizontally using a serrated or bread knife, then sandwich the slices together with a good amount of whipped cream and strawberries. Spread the remaining cream over the top and the sides of the cake, and decorate with the reserved strawberries heaped on top.

32 | Oswestry life
Extracted from Mary Berry’s Baking Bible by Mary Berry (BBC Books, £28), a definitive baking collection, featuring 250 retested and updated foolproof classics plus 20 brand new recipes, along with Dame Mary’s tips. Photography by Ant Duncan. TIP For a lighter filling, you can use full-fat crème fraiche.

Relax with a cup of coffee and enjoy the beautiful woodland views, or unwind with friends in our stunning raised tetradecagon building. A warm welcome is always guaranteed and the atmosphere is transformational!

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Classical • Film • Song

15 International Musicians with Roderick Williams OBE Baritone

Whittington International Chamber Music Festival takes place each May and brings International musicians to Shropshire for 5 days of concerts. For programme and tickets visit the website



The perfect venue for your special occasion

We want to help you create the most memorable event, from the tiny details to the extravagant gestures. Oswestry Cricket Club can help you with your layout, decorations, music choices all the way up to your food options - be that a delicious menu or making way for your favourite caterer. Whatever your budget, we can help.

34 | Oswestry life
St John The Baptist Church Whittington,Oswestry, SY11 4df

The Siege Arrives at Whittington Castle

A unique and educational event is coming to Whittington Castle this 27-28 May. ‘SIEGE’ will be running both days from 10am-4pm and is open to all the family.

Marking the end of a poignant time in Whittington Castle’s life, the siege is a re-enactment of an attempt by Owain Glyndŵr, the ‘Prince of Wales’, to take over the structure and its land, rebelling against the English. The event promises to be action packed with lots to see and do. Living history stalls with be situated in the grounds, allowing you to see what would have been made and

See historical re-enactors from a number of groups scaling the walls of the castle with ladders, siege engines and archers doing their best to fend off the invasion.

used during that period, with your chance to speak to the stall holders. There will be traders, Kitchen@ TheCastle and gift shop, and around 11am on both days, there will be an exciting combat display. Early afternoon, you can expect to see historical re-enactors from a number of groups scaling the walls of the castle with ladders, siege engines and archers doing their best to fend off the invasion.

So why did the siege happen? 1400 and England was in turbulence. Owain Glyndŵr claimed his ancestral title, declared himself the Prince of Wales and lead a 15-year rebellion against the English Crown. Glyndŵr burnt and sacked a lot of border towns in his reign of terror including Oswestry.

When he arrived in Whittington in 1404, he had the town burnt to the ground, and this marks the end of Whittington Castle’s working life. Glyndŵr took hold of the castle and it was left empty and unused. By 1415, the Welsh rebellion was over and English forces had captured Owain’s strongholds. England then took control back.

There hasn’t been a siege re-enactment for a long time at Whittington Castle, so this is a muchanticipated event.

Joining forces to bring the action to life are historical re-enactors: Corbet Household, The Lovells, The Coventry Levy, The English Free Company, The Sir Thomas Grey

Household, Bellum Fraternum and Tempus Phenix.

Entrance is £5 per car and ‘by donation’ if on foot.

To register for the event or find out more information visit https://whittingtoncastle.co.uk.

Oswestry life | 35


With the Coronation this month, we tip our hat to the Royal Family and the best books about them.

Behind the Crown

Need a lift to work? We accept early morning bookings

An Irish Goodbye (12A)


It’s the award-winning Irish film that isn’t a huge downer! While ‘The Banshees of Inisherin’ left the Oscars empty handed this little gem gave Ireland a win. ‘An Irish Goodbye’ is the first short film in these columns and it packs a lot of heart, black humour and hope in its 23 minutes.

Set in a rural Irish village, it’s a film about family, legacy, and togetherness. When Turlough and his brother Lorcan’s mother dies, it brings Turlough from London to the family farm for the first time in years. Lorcan has Down Syndrome and the two brothers have been estranged for a long time. Turlough wants to sell the farm, but Lorcan wants to stay and take over the running.

As the local priest drives them home after the funeral, he reveals that their mother gave him a ‘bucket list’ of things she wished to achieve before her death. Later, Lorcan indicates he’ll consider leaving the farm if the two of them help their mother, or her ashes at least, achieve her bucket list. Cue a series of beautifully funny scenes of the two brothers helping the urn take a balloon ride and have its portrait painted, among some less mentionable experiences too.

After an unexpected twist which threatens to tear them apart, Lorcan and Turlough ultimately forge a new relationship and head towards a vaguely happy ending. This is heartfelt and inclusive filmmaking guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

LIKE THIS? TRY ‘SIX SHOOTER’ (Stream for free on youtube)

‘Banshees….’ Director Martin McDonagh’s debut film was this short starring Brendan Gleeson as a grieving widower enduring a train journey from hell. It packs an awful lot in its 27 minutes and features McDonagh’s love of darkly funny comedy. If you enjoyed ‘In Bruges’ you’ll love this.

A collection of photographs capturing the modern British monarchy as never seen before, taken by the royal photographer for The Sun, who has covered them for nearly half a century and is the man behind the most iconic photographs of the most famous family in the world. With commensurate skill and unprecedented access, he has captured the candid moments when protocol is put aside, revealing the true personalities behind the Crown.

The Crown Jewels, The Official Illustrated History

The Tower of London has over two million visitors a year, with the Crown Jewels as its centrepiece. This sumptuous and highly readable publication tells the story of the most famous jewellery collection in the world, along with spectacular photographs with stunning details. A gem of a read for anyone interested in British history and monarchy.


In Waiting

A bouquet of lily of the valley, opens its bells in pure joy and pure light of rebirth; and the clouds dance in happiness as they await the swallows return across the scented blue.

36 | Oswestry life


A friendly local taxi service operating in Oswestry and surrounding areas


We will now be accepting bookings for up to 8 seats with our new driver starting in a Ford Minibus. We strive to o er the best service possible in Oswestry and this addition will increase our availability to larger groups or weddings wanting to get home!

The driver/vehicle will be available Thursday-Saturday evenings subject to availability.

We accept card payments in all our vehicles

Bookings@oswaldscars.co.uk 01691 596 596

Oswestry life | 37


Oswestry Hypnotherapist Katie Millard explains all

patterns of thoughts and behaviours (the helpful and not so helpful). It’s from this storehouse, your bank, that your blueprint is formed. Your blueprint is your set of beliefs that you live your life by, your rules and regulations.

Beliefs are simply thoughts that you’ve thought time and time again, that become so strong (often with an emotion attached to them),

People may think I’ll use a swinging pocket watch, have swirly hypnosis eyes like the snake from Jungle Book or make them cluck like a chicken. They are relieved when I actually explain that hypnosis is just an altered state of consciousness, where the client is deeply relaxed. No watches, swirly eyes or chickens in sight!

Hypnosis isn’t mind control either, as the client stays in control.

When we get into the hypnotic state, our subconscious mind opens up to suggestions about releasing unhelpful behaviours or beliefs that are holding us back or weighing us down.

We go into light hypnosis ourselves when we daydream about being elsewhere, so it’s a completely naturally state to be in. A hypnotherapist just helps you go deeper to make positive change.

Imagine your mind as an iceberg. Above the surface of the water is your conscious mind which is your very logical, ‘grown up’, analytical, and rational part of your mind. This is the part of our mind that we like to think is in charge.

It actively sorts and filters but only makes up 5% of your mind. Your subconscious mind is the 95% mass beneath the water line. It deals with your feelings and emotions.

This is the part of our mind that’s actually in charge! It doesn’t have the ability to discriminate and can believe a million contradictions at the same time. There’s no logic in there. From the moment you were born to this moment right here, right now, it stores everything that it sees and experiences, and stores it in your storehouse, your bank. However, it does the same with ALL

then you go and do the opposite!

that you believe them and live your life according to them. This is why you can know something logically, but then you go and do the opposite! Why? Because 95% of you believes something else. Hypnotherapy works in that 95% of your mind.

I love working with clients of all ages on a variety of issues that are holding them back from the things or life they really want.

Some common issues clients may need help with are: anxiety, grief, anger, low selfconfidence, fears such as flying, phobias, weight management, childbirth and smoking cessation (although hypnotherapy can help any issue).

Qualifying and now working as a Hypnotherapist has just been a natural extension of my work as a ‘Happiness Club’ Happiness & Resilience Trainer. I just love helping people realise that they’re not ‘stuck’ in whatever behaviour is weighing them down.

For more information visit katiethehappinesstrainer.co.uk, call 07912 435221 or email katie@thehappinessclub.co.uk

38 | Oswestry life
As a Clinical Advanced Hypnotherapist, I am often asked by people to describe what hypnotherapy is and how it can help.
Beliefs are simply thoughts that you’ve thought time and time again, that become so strong (often with an emotion attached to them), that you believe them and live your life according to them. This is why you can know something logically, but

Improve your fitness when you correct your movement

We’re all busy in our own ways and not respecting our bodies is a recipe for disaster. Functional Movement System (FMS) Practitioner, Andrew Willson, knows all too well the end result of the ‘too much’ lifestyle.

Explaining why he champions this treatment, Andrew said, “After years of unhealthy living, a stressful work-life and unfulfilling habits, I succumbed to chronic, debilitating back pain. I couldn’t go on and had to break the cycle of pain. I found the Functional Movement System and can honestly say I have never looked back.”

When you visit Andrew in his Chirk-based studio, you will be taken through a movement MOT to find out what your underlying movement and mobility issues are that are holding you back. This is critical in understanding the reasons why you

are experiencing that pain when you run, or why your shoulder is agony when you lift anything. Injury just stops us in our tracks.

Andrew then takes you back to basic movements to build you up to where you can be. This is for any age and any reason – from teenagers, to athletes, to the elderly.

“It might sound obvious, but pushing on through pain does more damage. FMS is a science-based approach to physical movement outside the usual PT offering. The aim is to find the dysfunction and provide better results. This works for anyone wanting to lose weight, get fit, increase endurance, strength or even to find daily tasks more comfortable. It really can restore someone’s confidence when they have been struggling to meet their goals.”

Andrew is also a qualified Level 3

Personal Trainer. Trained in advanced PT skills and specialising in nutrition, kettlebell training and human factors. This is more than your standard personal training.

Are you ready to sort out that injury?

For more information visit www.resilientbeings.co.uk

Oswestry life | 39 Resilient Beings Personal training with Andrew Qualified FMS Coach Qualified Level 3 Personal Trainer Employing the Funtional Movement System - FMS ™ - to safely increase your mobility, stability and confidence, regardless of your fitness level 07973 407 606 andrew@resilientbeings.co.uk www.resilientbeings.co.uk Motivation to achieve your goals Rehabilitation a er injury or operation Optimisation of athletic performance
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This works for anyone wanting to lose weight, get fit, increase endurance, strength or even to find daily tasks more comfortable.

HealtH & Wellbeing

The Wonders of Comfrey

Symphytum officinalis, or Knit bone, is now generally referred to as Comfrey. This is a long-established stalwart of the herbal medicine chest. As the old name suggests, this common plant has been used to help repair broken bones and all manner of injuries. The leaves and roots are found to contain allantoin, a very useful constituent used for healing and softening problem/dry skin. Allantoin is still used in many skin care products.

These days, Comfrey is only used externally and internal use is discouraged. The plant contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which can harm the liver if taken over a period of time.

Comfrey cream and oil are available in herb shops and a poultice is easy to make at home. Simply use fresh, chopped and bruised leaves or rehydrated dried herb, apply the poultice to an area that needs help, wrap in cling film, or similar and leave for a while. The plant has been shown to speed up granulation of wounds, thus helping them heal more quickly. This is not recommended on deep wounds as we don’t want to seal in any potential infection, but is very useful for shallow cuts, grazes and abrasions.

Comfrey is also a remedy for arthritic joints, as an oil

externally. The oil has repairing qualities and the action of massaging is also beneficial.

Most Comfrey growing in this country is the Russian Comfrey which is a bit more of a thug than our indigenous English Comfrey and is therefore more successful as a plant. It also contains more of the poisonous alkaloids. There are also many cultivars of Symphytum with different habits, all of which are useful medicinally, to some extent.

Gardeners have homemade fertiliser, which is very effective, but terribly smelly if made with water. An alternative method is to add the leaves to a double bucket with holes in and allow the juice of the plant to drip through into the lower bucket. Bottle and use when needed on fruit and vegetables

40 | Oswestry life Microsuction Ear Wax Service The cost for this procedure is £60.00
Wax Trouble? Sister Kate can help Sister Kate specialises in micro suction treatments to help patients remove excessive ear wax that is causing a blockage that has resulted in hearing loss or is causing unpleasant feelings in the ear. The Fort, Artillery Business Park, Oswestry SY11 4AD Alongside our main clinic in Oswestry, we now have monthly clinics available in Shrewsbury, Wem, Whitchurch, Newtown and Aberystwyth too. Please email, call or visit the website to book today: Tel: 01691 888192 Email: kate@sister-kate.co.uk www.sister-kate.co.uk Please note that it is the same cost for one or both ears
Louise Idoux
Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, Oswestry Herbarium, tel 01691 656934
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Oswestry life | 41
Hearing loss is surprisingly common and primarily removes the ability to hear speech clearly, especially
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Healthy Focus A Royal Prescription for Health

King Charles has long been an advocate of integrated health practices and social prescribing. An approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community, meeting the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing. Social prescribing is available to those aged 18 years and older across the whole of Shropshire. You can refer yourself by calling 0345 678 9028 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and select the self-referral option. Email healthylives@shropshire.gov.uk with the subject ‘Social Prescribing self-referral’, and you can ask for a referral at your GP practice.

The Shropshire Local Directory (accessible via Qubes shropshire-directory.co.uk) gives information on organisations throughout Shropshire to support you on a journey to better health. They also hold social clubs and courses in-house to bring the community together.

In line with the Kings support of the voluntary and volunteer sectors, ‘The Big Help Out’ will take place on Monday 8 May (thebighelpout.org.uk). Charity shops in Oswestry (Red Cross and Age UK) are offering retail taster sessions - contact the shops for more information. Quinta Christian Centre in Weston Rhyn, have an opportunity to join with others to help clear the overgrowth from around the Quinta lake and have a huge bonfire. This benefits all the guests who come to Quinta, the varied wildlife and animals that make Quinta their home. Call 01691 773696, email admin@quinta.org.

A wide range of volunteering opportunities are available at places like: chirkcastle@nationaltrust. org.uk (everyone aged 14 to 90) and Shropshire Wildlife Trust www.shropshirewildlifetrust.org. uk/volunteer. The Qube (call 01691 656882) has volunteering officers who can help you find a project anytime, anywhere throughout Shropshire!

Oswestry’s Community Orchard Project; established on a strip of neglected railway property the Orchard (Whittington Road), now has approx 100 trees. The apples, plums and pears are distributed to local outlets and the food bank. Work is undertaken Friday mornings but let them know you’re coming by calling 07591 936793.

tel: 01691 655988 mob: 07483 333650 email: info@pintong.co.uk

Have a happy healthy month!

Therapeutic & Relaxing Massages
Traditional Massage Deep Tissue Massage
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Open Monday to Sunday 10am to 9pm 29B Bailey Street, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 1PX

Day care for older people, providing a relaxed, friendly and welcoming environment for people who need support to remain independent.

Respite and support for those with caring responsibilities. Trained in Alzheimer’s and dementia care, our client centred approach blends stimulating activities with a qualified activity coordinator with the opportunity to share experiences and socialise. Our qualified and experienced staff are here to help.

Open Wednesday and Friday from 10am till 4pm







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Oswestry life | 43 WE CAN HELP
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FUNERAL DIRECTORS Offering our professional services to the community of Oswestry and the surrounding area We’re with you every step of the way PrePlanning Arrangements Private Chapel 24 hour service Grief Support We will beat any price Call: (01978) 784997


Where does the word “Cataract” come from? Some say from the Latin for portcullis: a gate that restricts your view. Others echo Jimi Hendrix and say from the word for waterfall – or where water becomes white like the whiteness of a “mature” cataract.

The NHS does about 500,000 cataract operations per year and almost all are highly successful. This tells you that cataracts are common. More than half of us over 60 will have the beginnings of them and although many will not need surgery – many will. Like most people I have a sort of dread of eye surgery but, over the years, despite many patients telling me of the tribulations of medical procedures, none ever told me that cataract surgery was too big of an ordeal. Having the start of my own cataracts this reassures me: the average age for surgery is 73 years old so I may have a few years to go yet.

For many of us, the Optician finding the initial cloudy changes in our eye’s lens will be the first time we know we have a cataract. Left long enough vision will go a bit blurry, colours a bit faded and there will be haloes and glare in bright light situations like night driving. We do

not have to tell the DVLA unless we can’t read the usual number plate at 20 metres, as long as the glare is not impeding our night vision.

Cataracts are common as we age but more common if we smoke, drink too much, have diabetes or perhaps after a previous eye injury. There is a genetic element too and some patients get them at young ages.

The NHS is struggling at the moment and the wait for cataract surgery varies enormously across the country –but is usually months rather than years. Privately it costs around £2000 per eye. There is more information at www.nhs.uk.

44 | Oswestry life
Recruiting Now Children’s Residential Support Workers We are looking for responsible, caring, hardworking individuals to join our already excellent team. Ideally with residential care experience and awareness of child protection & safeguarding but training will be given. Competitive salary, excellent training and performance bonuses. For further information please contact us on Tel. 01743 884644 www.uniquecaregroup.co.uk Changing young people’s lives for the better
“I can see the rainbow calling me
the misty breeze of my waterfall”
“Despite many patients telling me of the tribulations of medical procedures, none ever told me that cataract surgery was too big of an ordeal.”

Domiciliary Care for the Home

Bringing in a care agency for your loved one so they can continue their independence living at home, could be one of the best things you can do for them. When a family member can no longer do all the basic tasks required on a daily basis, they do need help and the family don’t always have the time to be there every day.

But that’s ok and is why private domiciliary agencies provide access to care assistants, providing from 30 minutes to round-the-clock livein care. Oswestry based Bluebird Care, has some critical advice for families who are watching over a family member who is maybe not as agile as they once were.

Director of Care, Claire Flavell explained to us, “There are some important things to consider that help prevent falls in the home and to stay safe:

Health: eating and drinking well throughout the day is important for health, but also when taking medication.

Movement: where possible, try and encourage your family member to exercise. This could be something simple like balance classes but if they are not capable, just keeping moving is going to help. A GP can also advise best types of exercise.

Equipment: moving safely is key. Adaptions make the home safer and daily tasks easier.

Remove hazards: don’t leave things on the floor, they can be forgotten and potentially tripped over. Clean up spillages quickly.

Medication: don’t forget the possible side effects of medication. They can increase the risk of falls.

Bluebird Care provides cover across Shropshire including Oswestry, Shrewsbury, Church Stretton and now Telford, having recently opened an office there. Live-in services are available across the county.

Get the first week free

Bluebird Care Oswestry are offering the first week of care free (worth £1,350), for NEW customers who sign up to 4 weeks of care. That’s 4 weeks for the price of 3.

“If you are interested in a new care package, speak to our Care Supervisor who will discuss you or a family member’s individual needs and try the first week free care package for yourselves. We are pleased to offer our full range of care services under this offer,” said Claire.

Bluebird Care have chosen Severn Hospice as their chosen charity to support. Claire said, “The work of the hospice is closely linked to what we do and like all charities, it needs to raise an awful lot of money each year to provide its services to the people of Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin. We want to support that.”

The CQC recently rated the business as outstanding, which means they offer the best in care.

But don’t take our word for it…

“I have been with this care provider for a few years now. I could not imagine changing to another company. They have lovely and caring staff.” –Janet (Client)

“The carers have all been cheerful and polite and very willing to carry out various tasks. Also, extremely helpful in taking me both to the hospital and local surgery.” – Ian (Client)

“At Bluebird I realised care isn’t just about providing necessities, it’s about giving people choices, independence, companionship and person-centred care rather than just being taskbased. That is what is important and why I work at Bluebird Care.” – Francesca

If you are interested in a rewarding career working with people, contact Bluebird Oswestry for more information.

For more information about Bluebird Care’s services, visit www.bluebirdcare.co.uk/oswestry call 01691 749128 or email oswestry@bluebirdcare.co.uk.

Oswestry life | 45
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Current Scams

Which? warn that scammers are impersonating Amazon to get access to your device – callers say that your Amazon Prime subscription is increasing in price or expiring. If you say you want to cancel it, you are asked to download remote access software such as AnyDesk. This is a genuine program, but criminals sometimes use it to exploit victims. Once you download the program, the scammer will be able to access your device and steal your information or install malware. What to do: end the call immediately - contact Amazon independently if you want to check your Amazon Prime subscription is up to date (if indeed you have one!).

Many people are responding to the Turkey-Syria earthquake appeal and sending donations to help the victims – but scammers are always ready to take advantage of crisis appeals. Which? report that they have found pages, posts and videos on social media containing misleading information about the earthquake and asking people to send donations in Bitcoin. You can safely make donations through Red Cross, Christian Aid, Unicef or the Disasters Emergency Committee.

Email scams

Watch out for emails saying you have undelivered mail and trying to get you to click on a link to retrieve messages. Common ones are from .pw domains - originally allocated to the island of Palau but then changed to meaning ‘Professional Web’. Anti-spam vendor Fort said, “We have yet to see a legitimate piece of mail from the .pw domain…we recommend blocking mail from this domain.”

If you have been affected by a scam – help is out there - Victim Support has a free confidential helpline 0808 168 9111 and so does Mind 0300 123 3393.

Sign up for Which? Scam alerts: https://campaigns. which.co.uk/scam-alert-service/ Find details of recent scams here: www.actionfraud.police.uk and on our Facebook page: Rainford-it-stay safe online and on our website blog.

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Sshh… quiet community collaboration happening in Oswestry

There’s a new under-the-radar community business operating in Oswestry, supporting new business ideas, community projects and local charities. You might not have heard of Sparkroom, but you will probably know some of the local organisations they’ve been helping. Here’s just a few:

Siop Cwlwm – Lowri Roberts

Outgrowing their Oswestry indoor market stall, Siop Cwlwm have now moved their Welsh book and gift shop to new premises on Bailey Street. “Moving to the high street was such a big step for us and made so much easier with the support of Paul and Sparkroom. From financial planning to marketing, shop layout to finding temporary storage facilities, Sparkroom have filled so many gaps for us. From our larger space, we are now able to put on more events and activities, introduce more people to the Welsh language and to Oswestry’s rich borderland heritage.”

You can find Siop Cwlwm (‘Siop’ is Welsh for Shop, ‘Cwlwm’ means ‘Bond or knot’ symbolising togetherness) on Bailey Street near Fat Rabbit.

OsNosh CIC – Ben Wilson

Like many local charitable organisations, OsNosh has been pushed to the limit by the covid pandemic and cost-of-living crisis. Through their hard work, and with the help of the community they’ve supported and nurtured, OsNosh remains a lifeline for so many individuals and families in and around Oswestry. They’ve developed more educational opportunities for local residents, around growing food, essential cooking skills, and minimising food waste and cost. Ben said, “We are so grateful for the support from the community during these challenging times. Every week we have over 50 volunteers helping us turn surplus supermarket food into tasty meals at The Centre. We rely heavily on the generosity of many funders and donors, as well the tireless support of Paul and Ruth at Sparkroom. They’ve helped us secure new funding bids, and to connect with local organisations who have provided critical funds or resources to help us survive and grow. We couldn’t have done it without them.” Check out the OsNosh Facebook page for latest activities, events and opening times.

With Love From – Lizzie Dibble

With Love From is a new sustainable fashion concept to Oswestry, a community wardrobe for sharing treasured but rarely used occasionwear. Lizzie came to Paul and Ruth with a passion to do something to change the current ‘fast fashion’ mindset and a simple idea that could make a big difference to shopper behaviour.

“Ruth and Paul at Sparkroom are the reason we’ve made it this far. They helped us take an idea and make it into a reality, connecting us with local organisations, and allowing us to use their Sparkroom office as a base to launch from. Besides sharing their valuable business experience and skills, they’ve also been very hands-on. Recently they supported us in the organisation, set-up and hosting of a VIP pre-launch event at Openspace Studios. Sparkroom helped us bring over 50 guests together to sample our wardrobe offer, and this allowed us to test some of our ideas so we can launch our pop-up-shops through April and May.”

You can check out Lizzie’s website for more info: www.withlovefrom.org.uk.

Sparkroom’s creators are Paul Newman (better known as ‘Be a better fish’), Ruth Martin (of Martin and Jones Marketing) and Rick Adaway (photographer and creator!). They’ve recently added Jas and Dan to their team and are all based at their new offices above the Memorial Hall on Festival Square. We think we’ll be seeing and hearing a lot more from this gang of community-minded collaborators in the months ahead!

If you’d like to join them, or find out more, pop by the Sparkroom in the Memorial Hall for a warm welcome, or visit www.sparkroom.co.uk

Oswestry life | 47
The growing Sparkroom team (L to R) Paul, Ruth, Dan, Jasmine and Rick

Getting onto the property market is as hard as it’s ever been, so it’s no surprise that parents are often keen to help their children secure their first home.

The most common way of doing this is by making a contribution towards the deposit - usually quite a substantial one.

But what happens if your child gets divorced? Can you ensure that your financial contribution remains with your child rather than being divided between the divorcing couple?

Caroline Yorke, a family law specialist at Lanyon Bowdler Solicitors in Oswestry, says: “On many occasions we are faced with a situation where a client says their parent provided money to purchase the marital home and we have to deliver the bad news that, unless something was done at the time to protect that sum of money for the parent, it may well be regarded as having been a gift.

“As such, it will be absorbed into the marital assets and

could be awarded in whole or in part to the other spouse.

“The basic position is that, within divorce proceedings, the court must take all the marital assets into account and divide them so as to produce a fair result for the couple, taking account of various factors such as the existence of children, each spouse’s financial needs and resources, their age, health and so on.

“Crucially, the law does not require the court to consider fairness to the parents who might have provided part of those assets. So if you are considering helping out your married child financially it is very sensible to take legal advice to ensure your circumstances are protected as far as possible.

“You could consider adding your name to the title deeds to reflect the funds you contributed, or if the money is regarded as a loan, should a formal loan agreement be drawn up setting out the repayment terms and interest?

“There are a number of options, all of which will have important ramifications, such as tax and inheritance, and you should take legal advice in good time before providing the funds.”

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Our People, Your Team. Find Us: 39 - 41 Church Street, Oswestry, SY11 2SZ Tel: 01691 652241 • info@lblaw.co.uk • www.lblaw.co.uk Shrewsbury • Bromyard • Conwy • Hereford • Ludlow • Oswestry • Telford
I contributed to my child’s house deposit and they are getting divorced: what happens to my money now?
48 | Oswestry life
Caroline Yorke

retirement look like in 2023?

Whether you’re planning to retire next year, or you’ve still got 20 years to go, it’s great to have an idea of how much money you may need to have a comfortable standard of living in retirement, particularly when this has risen by almost 20% in the past year alone.1

So, what does that comfortable retirement look like in 2023?

According to the Pension and Lifetime Savings Association, a minimum standard of living in retirement is based on £54 per week on food, one week and one weekend UK holiday per year. Individuals would need £12,800 a year, and couples would need £19,900 to reach this minimum.2

For a moderate standard of living (£74 per week on food, two weeks in Europe and a long weekend in the UK a year), a single person would need £23,300 whilst a couple would need £34,000 a year.

For those aspiring to live comfortably in retirement, with three weeks in Europe a year and £144 a week on food, you’ll need £37,300 a year as an individual and £54,500 for couples. All these figures are for the UK and exclude London.

Although these figures can be daunting, they are a good basis to work from. How much you personally need to live off will depend on how you want to live in retirement.

What can I do to help reach my retirement goal?

Asking for advice is an invaluable option. A financial adviser can look at your overall circumstances and help work out how much you will need. They can also help keep you on track to reach the goals you want to achieve.

Due to the current cost-of-living crisis and market volatility, those that are looking to retire soon might need to tweak their retirement plans. This might mean that winding down from work over several years is more suitable than stopping immediately or topping up your pension using a bonus.

If retirement is still a while away, it can still be unnerving to see the figures. Talking to an adviser can be helpful in giving you confidence to see the long-term view of your investments and ensure that you are in the right risk portfolio to suit you into retirement.

If you would like help in building your retirement plan and reaching your retirement goals, feel free to contact me on 01978 311611, or email paula. hurford@sjpp.co.uk.

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

Oswestry life | 49 SJP approved on 05/04/2023
1,2Rising Prices Add Almost 20% to the Cost of Retirement, Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, January 2023 advertisement feature 01978 311611 paula.hurford@sjpp.co.uk www.hadlowedwards.co.uk Hadlow Edwards is a trading name of Hadlow Edwards Wealth Management Ltd. Hadlow Edwards Wealth Management Ltd is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products The 'St. James's Place Partnership' and the titles 'Partner' and 'Partner Practice' are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives. Looking forward to retirement with...
What does a
50 | Oswestry life Family owned and run, a true local independent specialist. Visit our newly fitted Kitchen & Bathroom studio in oswestry, offering experienced designers and installers with vast product knowledge to enable you to create a beautiful quality space in your home. Unit 9, Maesbury Road Industrial Estate, Oswestry SY10 8HA. Telephone: 01691 658500 Email: enquiries@okb-ltd.co.uk FB: https://www.facebook.com/OKBLtdOswestry www.okb-ltd.co.uk

Outstanding kitchens with Okb

Oswestry Kitchens and Bathrooms are now well on the way into their third year of trading! The team has significantly grown since the company was formed and now employ seven members of staff as well as supporting multiple local sub contactors.

Ben and Michael have always had a clear vision on what and how they wanted their company to operate. To offer the complete package, whilst supplying industry leading products of a higher standard, yet still being competitive.

“We like to take a laid-back approach when designing, guiding our clients through every option available to ensure we’ve done our job as the ‘experts’. The products we

supply must be of a certain standard as we want your investment to last, as long as our reputation,” explained Ben.

2022 was an amazing year for OKB. Increasing turnover by 30%, whilst investing in two new company vehicles. They refurbished the storage yard, purchasing new lifting machinery for the warehouse and increasing their work force from five to seven.

Looking to the near future, Ben told us, “2023 looks to be as successful a year as last. Our installation team are booked up until the Autumn. In 2023, we plan to continue our investment in people, looking to further expand our workforce with quality, experienced

tradesmen who can support us with growing our brand.”

Oswestry Kitchens and Bathrooms is a truly independent business. It was originally just ‘two local lads’ with a dream. They have created a relaxing environment for clients to peruse the products and take their time in choosing the most up to date offerings. With experienced staff on hand with extensive product knowledge, this ensures they are always on top of their game and ready to talk about your kitchen projects.

“We would like to personally thank all our customers for their continued support and making our dream a reality.” - Team OKB

Oswestry life | 51
The products we supply must be of a certain standard as we want your investment to last as long as our reputation
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52 | Oswestry life J&I Carpets PERSONAL AND FRIENDLY SERVICE Victoria Road, Oswestry (behind the Co-Op) e: jandicarpets@hotmail.co.uk w: www.jandicarpets.co.uk Tel: 01691 656843 OVER 30 ROLLS OF CARPET IN STOCK MANY ROLL ENDS HALF PRICE! VINYLS • LVT • BLINDS & CURTAINS 1982-2023 Our market leading Guardian Warm Roof enables you to transform your conservatory into an all year round living space by completely replacing the old roof T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate | Chirk | Wrexham | LL14 5RL ✓ PAS:2016 Certified ✓ Ultion Cylinder fitted as standard ✓ Exceeds Building Regulations for thermal efficiency THERMSEAL WINDOWS Installers and suppliers of Solidor® composite doors thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate | Chirk | Wrexham | LL14 5RL ✓ Ultion Cylinder fitted as standard ✓ Exceeds Building Regulations for thermal efficiency THERMSEAL WINDOWS Installers and suppliers of Solidor® composite doors thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal windows.co.uk LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS A LOCAL FAMILY-RUN BUSINESS TEL: 01691 674759 MOBILE: 07514 732585 thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate, Chirk, Wrexham LL14 5RL THERMSEAL WINDOWS thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate | Chirk Wrexham | LL14 5RL LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS THERMSEAL WINDOWS thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate | Chirk | Wrexham | LL14 5RL LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS • GUTTERING • BIFOLDING DOORS • CLADDING • RUBBER ROOFS • WINDOWS • DOORS • CONSERVATORIES • WARM ROOFS • FASCIA

Make the most of storage space up in your loft

Have you ever looked around your home and thought, “we could do with more space”? Or are you about to have a tidy up but don’t want to throw everything out?

Well, the answer could be to make more use of the space you’ve already got, literally under your own roof. For many homeowners, the loft is an underutilised area because it can be difficult and dangerous to reach.

Shrewsbury based loft ladder installer, Access4Lofts whose slogan is ‘Creating Space the Easy Way’, can change all that, often in less than a day.

Access4Lofts Shrewsbury is owned by Jonathan O’Connor. Much of the work he carries out is for growing families. Jonathan says that with space at such a premium, it makes sense to make the most of your loft.

“Installing a loft ladder is quick and affordable. It’s less expensive than a garden shed, and it means you don’t have to store everything out of the house.”

Access4Lofts provides a free survey and quote service so you can find out what is achievable with your area. For the full works, customers can get a retractable three-section ladder, either aluminium or

deluxe wooden, a new hatch and a raised floor over the loft insulation and lighting.

Consumers in Shropshire and the surrounding areas can have confidence when using Access4Lofts Shrewsbury to transform their loft into a useful storage area, due to their Which? Trusted Traders endorsement.

To find out how Jonathan can create more space for you and your family or to book a free survey and quote, visit www.access4lofts.co.uk/shrewsbury or call 01743 626144.

We are specialists in loft ladders and hatches for easy and safe access to your loft. We also provide boarding, lighting and insulation solutions. Call us now to find out how we can help you turn your lost space into a really useful loft space.

Oswestry life | 53 01743
Call Jonathan to book a FREE survey & quote
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Home products

Keep your cool

FAN: The simplest, and usually the most affordable, kind of cooling is the humble fan, but while it moves the air around, it can’t reduce the temperature of that air.

COOLER: An ‘air cooler’ is a fan that passes air over ice or a frozen ice block to make it colder. It makes a bit of a difference if you’re sitting really close to it but it won’t significantly reduce the temperature of your room.

AIR CONDITIONER: These have a cooling element filled with refrigerant gas, and hot air is pulled into the device via built-in vents. It then circulates around the cooling element, which dramatically lowers its temperature, and the cooled air is then blown out via different vents.

We are a family-owned business with over 20 years experience in the industry

With professional installations, services and top quality customer care to homeowners throughout the region, we pride ourselves on the quality of our service and competitive prices.



Tower Cavaletto pedestal fan

This rose-gold option looks more expensive than it actually is.

£57, currys.co.uk

Dyson Pure Cool

Dyson Pure Cool Dyson’s Pure

Cool fans don’t have blades, so they produce a smoother airflow instead.

£349, dyson.co.uk

MeacoCool 10000CH Air Conditioner & Heater

In the summer this is a powerful air conditioner and in the colder months it’s a heater too. It’s designed for rooms from 18 to 28 square metres.

£389, johnlewis.com

54 | Oswestry life

A Spring bedroom update

Looking for a refresh in your bedroom? Try our ideas to create a room that perfectly reflects your individual style.

If your bedroom is uncoordinated, dated or lacklustre, now’s the time to make some changes that make all the difference, helping create your own relaxing and cosy retreat.

Look at the biggest surfaces

The largest areas in any room are the walls, the floor and the ceiling. In a small bedroom there may not be much visible floor area but there will be space for a small bedside rug or two, or you might consider changing the carpet or removing it entirely, then stripping or painting the floorboards. If you do, add a large, thick rug for a feeling of warmth and cosiness. Walls may be a neutral backdrop but think about adding pattern or texture. Bold paint colours combined with eye-catching wallpaper are very on-trend right now. On the ceiling, you could continue the wall colour (even the wallpaper), choose a contrasting shade or even opt for a mosaic or gold leaf.

Ensure the lighting is right

A good lighting scheme should include functional, decorative and ambient lighting, with a variety of types of light sources, from ceiling pendants or inset spotlights to floor and wall fittings, at differing heights and spread out around the room. Consider replacing any outdated shades and if possible, fit a dimmer switch for ambience, and use warm white bulbs. Add bedside lamps that coordinate with other elements of the room while adding some personality and pizazz.

Plan suitable storage

A wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling, built-in wardrobe can accommodate clothes and footwear, spare linens, jewellery, make-up and so on, but if that’s not an option choose the largest freestanding wardrobe you can. Make it interesting by painting it a gorgeous colour and swapping the knobs or handles, and consider decorating the inside with a dramatic colour or bold wallpaper.

Make your bed beautiful

Transform your bedroom with sumptuous bed linens that are pleasing to the touch and gorgeous to look at. Choose the best you can afford – they will feel nicer on your skin and will wash and wear well for years. For cotton bedding, look for a thread count of at least 200. Pintucks, piping or a scalloped edge add subtle interest to all-white bedding, though for more colour opt for patterns, whether ditzy florals, strong stripes or modern geometrics. Add a throw, blanket, eiderdown or quilt – or several – for warmth, comfort and an appealing, ‘layered’ look.

Complete the look

If you love personal, quirky elements then it’s time to consider the final touches. Hang artwork on the walls, perhaps in coordinating frames for unity, and add some houseplants in attractive pots. A shelf or two, carefully arranged with books, vases and other ornaments, makes a strong statement and use a scented candle or a diffuser for a delightful fragrance.

John Lewis’s ‘Modern’ collection for spring/summer 2023 features statement designs, inspired patterns and products that will seamlessly fit into existing schemes.

A dark ceiling is a bold choice – but the result is cocooning as well as good-looking. Here, Little Greene’s Puck paint (deep green), £59.50 for 2.5l Intelligent Matt Emulsion, is combined with its Lovers’ Toile wallpaper in Puck, £88 per roll.

56 | Oswestry life
▲ B&M’s Eden Life range of home accessories embraces a gentle, relaxing mood. B&M: 0330 838 9000; bmstores.co.uk

Property Spotlight

Four Bedroom Detached House

Hampton Road, Oswestry

Detached town house on the fringe of the town centre. Affording scope to provide ample family accommodation. Three ground floor reception rooms, cloakroom, kitchen and utility. Four first floor bedrooms and family bathroom. Gas-fired central heating and garden grounds including detached single garage. Offered with the benefit of no onward chain this property is readily available and offers an opportunity to create a well-located family home.

Asking Price £435,000. For viewings call Morris Marshall & Poole on 01691 679595 or email oswestry@morrismarshall.co.uk

Family Home with Private Drive

Whittington Road, Gobowen

Woodheads are delighted to bring to the sales market this magnificent 4-bedroom detached family home situated down a private drive, hidden from the road. In brief, the accommodation

comprises of a beautiful and modern lounge/kitchen/ dining room, welcoming entrance hall, 4 bedrooms, 3 en-suites including a guest suite and plenty of parking. Also benefits from a workshop, gardens and views over the Shropshire hills. Viewings are highly recommended to appreciate this property’s scale, location, position, quality and presentation.

Guide Price £479,995. For viewings call Woodheads on 01691 680044 or email sales@woodheadsalesandlettings.com

Beautiful Barn Conversion

Fox Lane, West Felton

Town and Country Oswestry offer this truly stunning barn conversion on the outskirts of the sought after village of West Felton. The property has been sympathetically converted to provide a beautiful family home with four good sized bedrooms (two en-suite), two generous characterful reception rooms and a spacious kitchen/ dining/ family room with adjoining utility. To the outside there are gardens extending to around 1/3 of an acre with landscaped flower beds, gravelled driveway for several cars and an open fronted oak garage for two cars.

Asking Price £675,000. For viewings call Town & Country on 01691 679631 or email sales@townandcountryoswestry.com

58 | Oswestry
5 YEAR GUARANTEE Allumroll Garage Doors Contact us 01691 674222 07967 672053 sales@allumroll.com www.allumroll.com


The official launch of the Oswestry branch of Monks Estate & Letting Agents was held last month.

The Oswestry office, situated at 27 Cross Street, is the latest exciting addition to their growing portfolio of High Street offices.

As a leading estate agent in Shrewsbury and Wem they are thrilled to bring their iconic brand to Oswestry and introduce their refreshing, modern approach to buying, selling and renting.

With more than 130 years of combined experience in estate agency, they pride themselves on local knowledge, experience and customer care and have one aim – to bring people and property together

Above: Welcoming Ethan to the team. We are delighted to introduce Ethan Lee-Birch to Monks. Ethan, a popular local, has joined the Oswestry team and looks forward to working with you in the sale or rental of your property.

Right, top to bottom: Richard Pollitt (left) and Haydn Wynne; Patricia Baila, The Mayor, Councillor Jay Moore, Adele Nightingale and Amanda Love; Judy Bourne and Patricia Baila (Directors/Owners of Monks) with The Mayor, Councillor Jay Moore

60 | Oswestry life
Below: Ethan Lee-Birch and David Lee-Birch
Judy Bourne and Patricia Baila (Directors/Owners of Monks) with The Mayor, Councillor Jay Moore
Oswestry life | 61 Make HOME Happen. With Monks.
Monks started. Give me five! Professional appraisal, valuation and advice Viewings carried out Pro-active marketing of the property Securing a sale Exchange of contracts and completion monks.co.uk Monks Shrewsbury 10a Shoplatch, Shrewsbury, SY1 1HL 01743 361 422 Monks Wem 13a High Street, Wem, SY4 5AA 01939 234 368 Monks Oswestry 27 Cross Street, Oswestry, SY11 2NF 01691 674 567 You can call us anytime between 8am - 8pm Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm Sat 11am - 2pm Sun
Our five step process to selling is just another reason you’ll love working with Monks. With over 130 years of combined experience in the industry, you’re in safe hands. Contact our expert team to find
more and get your
journey with
62 | Oswestry life

Fox Lane, West Felton - Stunning barn conversion which has been sympathetically converted to provide a beautiful family home with four good sized bedrooms (two en suite), two generous characterful reception rooms and a spacious kitchen/ dining/ family room with adjoining utility. Gardens extending to around 1/3 of an acre, Open fronted oak garage

Fox Lane, West Felton - Spacious, well maintained detached family home which has been modernised throughout and has three bedrooms, large lounge/ dining room, kitchen, utility, bathroom, en suite and a conservatory. Externally there is plenty of parking along with good sized enclosed rear garden

Garth Road, Trevor near Llangollen - Detached family home set-in good-sized gardens. Well maintained throughout and offers the possibility for extension if required. There are three garages with ample parking areas. Internal accommodation offers hallway, lounge, conservatory, dining room, kitchen, utility, three bedrooms and a family bathroom.

The Malthouse, Llansilin - Truly beautiful Grade ll country property full of charm and character and lots of history. The spacious accommodation is set over three floors, with beamed and vaulted ceilings and inglenook fireplaces. The property is ideal for those wanting a rural retreat with low maintenance gardens and off-road parking.

Llwynmawr - Beautiful stone farmhouse located in the heart of the Ceiriog Valley. The property is in immaculate condition and offers spacious, well laid out accommodation with three bedrooms, three reception rooms and family farmhouse kitchen along with extensive parking and an adjoining paddock.

Marche Lane. Halfway House - Beautifully presented detached four-bedroom family home completed in 2022 with the benefit of a large detached commercial outbuilding ideal for conversion offering massive potential. The property is finished to a very high standard and backs onto open fields with far reaching views.

Middleton Road, Oswestry - Spacious threebedroom bungalow with a superb rear garden. Having double-glazed windows throughout, extensive front and rear gardens, garage, car port and off-road parking. This property has all local amenities close at hand. VIEWING IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to appreciate this well-appointed property.

Orchard Drive, West Felton - Well maintained three-bedroom family home with Upvc double glazing, oil fired central heating, off road parking and a single garage along with a good sized enclosed rear garden.

Yew Tree Close, Whittington - Spacious, four-bedroom detached family home. The property offers hallway, lounge/ dining room, kitchen, cloakroom, four bedrooms and a family bathroom. To the outside there is a lovely pattern imprinted driveway providing lots of parking along with a single garage and enclosed rear gardens.

Oswestry life | 63 4 Willow St, Oswestry, SY11 1AA Phone 01691 679 631 Email sales@townandcountryoswestry.com www.townandcountryestateagents.co.uk £299,000 £290,000 £625,000 £279,000
£695,000 £325,000
£675,000 £295,000

Valley View, Plot 4, Old Station Yard, Pen-y-bont

Valley View is the first to be released in a small development of only 5 luxury detached homes. Offering spacious living accommodation and to the first floor are four bedrooms, one being ensuite along with a family bathroom. Externally there is a sizeable plot, parking and detached double garage. The property is presently under construction and is set to be completed approximately late Spring 2023.

64 | Oswestry life Pentre Cefn, Craigllwyn Plot 2, Breidden View, Llansantffraid Holbache Court Oswestry An incredible opportunity to purchase a 17th century Grade ll listed farmhouse with just under 5 acres of land, ample parking, and detached barns EPC: G Tenure: Freehold Council Tax Band: C The second plot to be released from the new development at Breidden View Plot 2 is in the final stages of construction and has been finished to a high specification EPC: TBC Tenure: Freehold Council Tax Band: TBC The former school building and magistrates court features ten luxury one to two bedroom apartments Each of the unique apartments enjoys a modern yet contemporary open plan kitchen/ dining and living area EPC:TBC Tenure: Leasehold Council Tax Band:TBC To arrange your FREE no obligation valuation call Shrewsbury Oswestry Welshpool Head Office Shrewsbury 01743 343343 01691 655334 01938 554499 01743 791336
EPC Rating: TBC Tenure: Freehold Council Tax Banding: TBC 3 1 1 4 4 3 1-2 1 1-2 Residential sales and lettings Planning consultants Chartered surveyors and valuers Commercial property services www.rogerparry.net
Oswestry life | 65 We welcome you to our new home on Church Street. See you soon! We Have Moved We welcome you to our new home on Church Street. See you soon! We Have Moved
52   | Oswestry life Viewings can be arranged by calling 01938 580768 People are welcome to turn up to look around without appointments website: www.m-d.co.uk email: info@m-d.co.uk Address: Tavern Park, Forden, Near Welshpool, SY21 8NN Web: www.m-d.co.uk Email: info@m-d.co.uk Address: Tavern Park, Forden, Near Welshpool SY21 8NN We sell park homes for the over 50s retired and semi retired Viewings can be arranged by calling 01938 580768 or 07773336633 People are welcome to turn up to look around without appointments Prices Start From Only £99,950 • Part exchange scheme available • All homes are brand new with a 10 year warranty • The park is a secure gated site with CCTV • We have 4 show homes available for viewing and ready for immediate occupation 66 | Oswestry life

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Get royally inspired this month as the nation celebrates the coronation of King Charles III. Here’s a mix of homeware goods to add a noble flair to your spaces. With crown motifs, gold accents, plush velvet fabrics and stylish serving ware you’ll be living it up in your own regal atmosphere in no time.



Playing Cards Napkins £5.50 from Talking Tables www.talkingtables.co.uk

www.thecoastallifestyle company.co.uk

Leitmotiv Royal 2 Seater Sofa - Dark Brown £645 from Naken www.naken.co.uk King Charles III Coronation Crystal Barrel Vase £5 from Westminster Abbey Shop The Velvet Limited Edition Coronation Cushion £85 from Velvet Linen
Oswestry life | 69
Vintage Style Union Jack £45 fromThe Coastal Lifestyle Company

Royal Brierley Harris Ink Blue Spirit

Decanter £130.00 from Dartington Crystal www.dartington.co.uk

Pooky Double Twiglet with 14cm Empire Shade in Brass £87 from Pooky www.pooky.com Great Britain Vintage Antique Map £13 from Ink & Drop www.inkanddrop.com Geo Velvet Cushion £20.00
70 | Oswestry life
Padma Decorative Bowl in Black £32 from Sazy www.sazy.com
Oswestry life | 71 Finance Now Available CoNtACt us 01691 650567 windows@malcolmlewis.co.uk Finance available through Kanda from 11.9% APR Kanda is a trading name of Kanda Products & Services Ltd, company registered in England and Wales (No.11220984) with registered office at Kanda Products & Services Ltd, 17 High Street, Forward House, Henley-In-Arden, Warwickshire, England, B95 5AA. Kanda Products & Services is authorised by the FCA. Registration number 920795
Oswestry life | 73 Largest independent tool hire company of our kind in Shropshire/ North Wales area. Wrexham Oswestry Whitchurch 01978 366 383 / 01691 671 770 / 01948 664 404 Spring is in the air!
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74 | Oswestry life
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Show off your garden

Something slightly different in my gardening column this month. Are you proud of your garden? Are your hanging baskets “out of this world”? Do neighbours compliment your front garden? Do you enter Oswestry in Bloom?

I have been entering my little Japanese inspired courtyard each year for about 12 years now. I have won certificates and a trophy a few times. It is a bit of fun and challenges you to try something different and make a nice garden into a great garden.

This year I have joined the committee of Oswestry in Bloom and so won’t be entering, but would love to encourage others to join in. Whether you have a tiny balcony or huge garden there is a category for you. As well as residential properties there are sections for commercial premises, pubs and schools. Judging will be done in July in two stages, with committee members making a shortlist for our expert judges to visit. It culminates with an awards ceremony in autumn.

Oswestry In Bloom’s philosophy is “Growing Together”, linking up with as many local horticultural groups as possible. We especially wish to encourage

young people to join in by entering as a school group, family group, participating in our sunflower project or by making Bug Hotels. Our volunteers are already hard at work, you may have seen them in Cae Glas Park recently.

Oswestry enters the Heart of England in Bloom competition and last year, as well as winning gold in the large town category, we were awarded a place in this year’s national finals. All the work our residents and businesses do in making Oswestry beautiful improves our chances. The judges were especially impressed by the range of activities and support.

It is easy to join in, we have Facebook and Instagram pages and a brand-new website: oswestryinbloom. wordpress.com. You can also pick up application forms from the Guildhall or email a request for one to louisehumphreys@oswestry-tc.gov.uk. We’ll even leave some in a few shops around town. It is very easy to join in and “Grow Together” and maybe show-off a bit.

Oswestry life | 75 Mobile: 07583 732234 E: themuckshifter@outlook.com www.themuckshifter.com Transformative consultative competitive
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Incorporating “negatively correlated investments” into your mix can also be a sensible strategy. Think of it as an ice-cream van owner who sells scarves or umbrellas for the less sunny days. This approach helps minimise the impact of market fluctuations and ensures your finances weather any changes.

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76 | Oswestry life
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Q. My ex-husband and I were divorced 3 years ago. It was agreed that he would pay me £50,000, and the house would be put in his name, and he would get me off the mortgage. However, I have still not received my money, the house is still in joint names, and I am still on the mortgage. Without the money I cannot buy another house with my new partner, and I am stuck in rented accommodation. What can I do?

A: Without seeing the Court Order that was agreed and approved by the Court it is not possible to provide a definitive answer, but you should have options.

You should be able to apply back to the Court to ask that the order is enforced, and under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 you have the ability to ask that the original order is varied to enable the house to be sold if your ex does not comply with the original order. You may also be able to ask the Court to order that your ex-husband pays you interest on the unpaid sum. Given the length of time that has elapsed since the original order was made, that interest will not be an insignificant sum.

If you are left with no option but to apply to the Court, you can also ask the Court to order that your ex-husband be responsible for the legal costs you have incurred and the Court may well order him to pay you some or all of your legal costs.

You should consult with an experienced matrimonial solicitor who will be able to properly advise you on the merits of your specific case and discuss your options in full. It is worth noting that, depending upon your personal circumstances, Legal Aid may be available to you.


This question has been answered by Deon Hayward, a Solicitor with GHP Legal.  If you would like to speak to someone about this or any other legal matter, please visit our website www.ghplegal. com and use the contact us form, or call us on: Wrexham 01978 291456, Llangollen 01978 860313, Oswestry 01691 659194

Oswestry life | 77 COVID-19 Our expert lawyers continue to provide support guidance and advice on all legal matters www.ghplegal.com NO-WIN, NO-FEE OPTIONS : WELSH SPEAKERS CONTRACTED WITH THE LEGAL AID AGENCY Authorised & Regulated by the SRA No. 51566 Working towards a kinder future OSWESTRY 01691 659194 LLANGOLLEN 01978 860313 WREXHAM 01978 291456 Acc ident & Inj ury Agric ultu re & Estates Business Struc ture & Issue s Chil dren Clin ic al Negligenc e Co mpany & Co mme rc ial Co mmerc ial Pro perty Co urt o f Pro tec tio n Cri me & Regulatory Employment Law Family & Matrimo nial Li tigatio n & Dispute Reso lutio n M ental Hea lth Priso n Law Pro fessio nal Neglig enc e Pro bate, Wills, Tax & Trust Resi denti al Property Spinal Inj uries Accident & Injury Agriculture & Estates Business Structure & Issues Children Clinical Negligence Company & Commercial Commercial Property Court of Protection Crime & Regulatory Employment Law Family & Matrimonial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Mental Health Prison Law Professional Negligence Probate, Wills, Tax & Trust Residential Property
Injuries Q&A
Three years after divorcing my ex still hasn’t paid me my share of the house!
Where help is on hand locally Classifieds 78 | Oswestry life ACCOUNTANTS BUSINESS SERVICES ELECTRICIANS BLINDS ANTIQUES/CLEARANCE ELECTRICIANS e: matt@mattowenelectricalservices.co.uk @mattowenelectricalservices All electrical work covered (at no extra cost) by the ECA Guarantee of Work Scheme for up to six years and a limit of £50,000 Electrical certification in line with the current 18th edition wiring regulations BS7671 DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL • FAULT FINDING • NEST PRO INSTALLER: SMART THERMOSTATS, VIDEO DOORBELLS, SMOKE / CO ALARMS AND CCTV • HAVE A RENTAL PROPERTY?: WE CAN TAKE CARE OF THE NEW ELECTRICAL SAFETY REGULATIONS • GENERAL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS • TESTING, INSPECTION AND ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATION • ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CONDITION REPORTS (EICRS - ALSO KNOWN AS LANDLORD SAFETY CERTIFICATES) Tel: 07837 839698 antiques collectables and memorabilia We are a family run business which carefully sources and supplies antiques, memorabilia and sought a er collectables. We are currently looking for new stock! For a quotation or any further information on any of our services please give us a call on 07719 748913 or email collectables@btinternet.com www.clivescollectables.co.uk @collectables247 I / clivescollectablesw DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL • Electric Vehicle Charging Points Installed • Rewires/Extensions • Periodic Testing and Inspection • General Electrical Work • Fuse Board Upgrades • Landlord Safety Checks • Free Estimates ALL WORK IS CERTIFICATED & FULLY TESTED CONTACT STUART 07710 664 254 pandselectrical27@gmail.com P and S Electrical Contractors Ltd Oswestry 01691 676 262 Buy 4 Vertical blinds/ Roller blinds Fitted from £199 Find us in Oswestry Indoor Market FREE QUOTES SENSIBLE PRICES BUILDING & PLUMBING a PARK HALL BUILDING & PLUMBING TEL: 07983 927426 ■ ALL ASPECTS OF PLUMBING, BATHROOMS, RADIATORS AND GENERAL PLUMBING MAINTENANCE ■ GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE ■ SLABBING AND FENCING OSWESTRY BASED FREE QUOTES FULLY INSURED
HANDYMAN & GARDEN SERVICES FOR A FREE COMPETITIVE ESTIMATE PLEASE RING 01691 610335 OR MOBILE 07961 057068 Need help to finish those little jobs? ❱ Flat Pack assembly ❱ Plumbing ❱ Decorating ❱ Shed re-roofing ❱ General DIY jobs ❱ Garden maintenance Contact Steve today for availability FB - Oswestry Handyman & Gardening Services E - oswestryhandyman@outlook.com Mobile - 07870280747 Fully insured with references available Competitive rates ELECTRICIANS FLOORING FOOT CARE GARDEN SERVICES GARDEN SERVICES DOG GROOMING GARAGE DOORS Unit 6, Maes y Clawdd Industrial Estate, Maesbury Road, Oswestry, SY10 8NN Office: 01691 681051 Steve: 07813 815333 Dan: 07976 526189 sales@pureelectrics.com www.pureelectrics.com • Periodic testing & inspection • Fuse board upgrades • Smoke alarms • Outside security lighting • Extensions & conversions • Kitchens & bathroom refurbishments • Free Quotations • Solar PV Installations • Battery Storage Systems • Electric Vehicle Charging Points YOUR LOCAL ELECTRICIANS Call: 07762 278533 jayne@daintypaws.info www.daintypaws.info MOBILE DOG GROOMING MOBILE DOG GROOMING Domestic and Commercial • All Preparation Work Karndean Design Flooring • LVT All Vinyls • Safety Flooring • Coved and Capped • Carpets All Types of Wood Flooring and Restoration Work Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles Showroon: 51 Castle Street, Oswestry. Shropshire SY11 1JZ Telephone: 01691 657505 • Mobile: 07870 890049 E: wendyhayward@hotmail.com • garryhayward@hotmail.com www.hayward ooring.co.uk Domestic and Commercial • All Preparation Work All Vinyls • Safety Flooring • Coved and Capped • Carpets All Types of Wood Flooring and Restoration Work Showroon: 51 Castle Street, Oswestry. Shropshire SY11 1JZ Telephone: 01691 657505 • Mobile: 07870 890049 E: wendyhayward@hotmail.com • garryhayward@hotmail.com Domestic and Commercial All Preparation Work • Karndean Design Flooring • LVT • All Vinyls Coved and Capped • Carpets Wood Flooring and Restoration Work Tel: 01691 657505 • Mobile: 07870 890049 E: wendyhayward@hotmail.com • garryhayward@icloud.com www.haywardflooring.co.uk 51 Castle Street, Oswestry. Shropshire SY11 1JZ For an appointment, please contact Lisa on 07891087394 E: tanatfootcare@hotmail.com TANAT FOOT CARE Registered Foot Health Practioner TREATMENTS IN A MODERN CLINIC SITUATED IN LLANYBLODWEL, 6 MILES SOUTH WEST OF OSWESTRY Toenail trimming Callus Cracked heels Corns/ verrucas Diabetic foot care Ingrowing toenails Fungal nail Athlete’s foot ARRIDGE GARAGE DOORS TOP BRANDS • BIG DISCOUNTS • NATIONWIDE Suppliers of: Hormann, Garador, Carteck, Fort, Novoferm, SWS, Wisniowski, Cedar Door, Aluroll, Gliderol, Alutech and Ryterna 01691 670394 www.arridgegaragedoors.co.uk EST 1989 Arridge Garage Doors Since 1989 •Top Brands •Discounted Supply to trade and retail •Quality installation service available sales@arridgegaragedoors.co.uk arridgegaragedoors.co.uk • 01691 670 394 REVIEWS 4.82 Rating Oswestry life | 79 Where help is on hand locally Classifieds Call 07887373869 For a free no obligation quote, please either call or contact kjonesgardening@gmail.com • GRASS CUTTING • EDGE CUTTING • WEEDING • FENCING • POWER WASHING • LOGGING • GARDEN TRANSFORMATIONS PROPERTY SERVICES AJ GARDENING SERVICES Patios. fencing Grass, hedge cutting & tree works Turfing All rubbish removed Anthony J Sudlow 07952 823078 PARK HALL BUILDING & PLUMBING MAINTENANCE Getting your property on the right track 01691 650363/07956 716420 ■ PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ■ PLUMBING ■ KITCHEN FITTING ■ BATHROOM FITTING ■ ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ■ PLASTERING ■ FLOORING ETC. galionepropertysolutions@gmail.com www.galionepropertysolutions.com G.P.S.


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Oswestry life | 81 Where help is on hand locally Classifieds PLUMBING & HEATING SCAFFOLDING ROOFING WINDOW CLEANING TREE SERVICES TRAINING TREE SURGERY ROOFING ROOFING Instant response • Professional service Safety minded workforce Long or short term hire • Free quotations Comprehensive public liability insurance Very competitive rates NORTH SHROPSHIRE SCAFFOLDING 19 Park Crescent, Park Hall, Oswestry, SY11 4AR Tel: 01691 650900 Mobile: 07968 077725 Counterbalance - Reach VNA Pivot Steer - Pedestrian Multidirectional - Side-Loaders & Telescopic Lift Trucks Gantry & Lorry (Hiab) Cranes MEWPs (Scissor Lift & Cherry Pickers) Harness use - Abrasive Wheel Site Safety - Manual Handling & Many Other Courses Competitive Rates Based on North Wales Border with Instructors Nationally Call Us For Information, Advice, or a Quote James - 07970575588 office@warwicktraining.co.uk www.warwicktraining.co.uk Need Training? t: 07496 515324 / 01691 770247 e: evoarbtech@gmail.com facebook.com/evoarbtech TREE SURGERY • STUMP GRINDING • VEGETATION MANAGEMENT Shropshire Tree Services Ltd professional tree care All aspects of Arboricultural work undertaken • Council approved contractor • Over 30 years experience • Fully insured • All staff NPTC qualified Contact Oswestry 01691 680018 M: 07989477415 • Flat roofing (EPDM options available) • Liquid roofing system • Felt roofing • Pitched roofing • New roofs • Insurance work • County Council approved • Covering Oswestry, Welshpool and Shrewsbury FULL GUARANTEE ON ALL PRODUCTS • OVER 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE WITH OVER 30 YEARS’
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1. Which famous film opens with a team of men searching for a necklace with a rare diamond called the Heart of the Ocean, but instead recover a safe containing a drawing of a young woman wearing only this necklace?

2. Which American state is sometimes referred to as the Heart of Dixie?

3. What do the letters in the abbreviation OHAC stand for when used in a lonely hearts advert?

4. What word can mean both one of the two upper chambers of the heart and a large room, often with glass walls or a glass roof, in the middle of a building?



9. Wine produced by changing atmosphere (7)

10. Nice tax adjustment, not strictly correct (7)

11. Had been viewed the wrong way (3)

12. Acquired knowledge from an elder (7)

13. Actor on tour holding city (7)

14. Trick aids paper to vanish (9)

17. Shroud in a city (5)

18. Uses and is relevant (7)

21. Spy out a new way to discover the cause of death (7)

23. Implied when attic was put in order (5)

24. Novel constructor who takes bets? (9)

28. Shortage if edict is sent out (7)

30. Squeeze after I go back for female ruler (7)

32. Having lived for a long time in Moldova (3)

33. More palatable treats I cooked up (7)

34. Gardens cultivated for birds (7)


1. Gave a grin and misled badly (6)

2. Ladies showing principles (6)

3. Beast working after fifty-one (4)

4. Lag behind and waddle about (6)

5. Climbing shrub waiter is cultivating (8)

6. Dam made of wire (4)

7. Spot of wet weather (8)

8. One try at becoming a lawyer (8)

15. Limply holding a sprite (3)

16. Nothing in measure to indicate (5)

17. Symbol in Quito, temporarily (5)

18. Countermeasure to date in disarray (8)

19. One fighting fights, perhaps (8)

20. Tory boss concocted emotional tale (3,5)

22. View the diocese (3)

25. Single first date for example, overly nervous (2,4)

26. Overlook a royal warden (6)

27. Oppose a sister, unusually (6)

5. In the 1939 film The Wizard Of Oz, which character was hoping to get a heart?

6. What colour goes before “heart” to give the name of the oldest military award that is still given to people serving with the US military?

7. The 2022 novel A Heart Full Of Headstones by Ian Rankin is the 24th in a series centred around which detective?

8. Do veins carry blood… a) towards the heart; or b) away from the heart?

9. Who had a hit single in 2010 with her debut single, Jar Of Hearts?

10. In a 1957 children’s book, who has a heart that is two sizes too small?

82 | It’s beautiful
CROSSWORD: Across: 9 Madeira, 10 Inexact, 11 Was, 12 Learned, 13 Toronto, 14 Disappear, 17 Turin, 18 Applies, 21 Autopsy,
Bookmaker, 28 cit,defi 30 Empress, 32 Old, 33 Tastier, 34 Ganders. Down: 1 Smiled, 2 Ideals, 3
16 Point, 17 Totem, 18 Antidote, 19 st,Pacifi 20 Sob
QUIZ: 1.
Lion, 4 Dawdle, 5 Wisteria, 6 Weir, 7 Raindrop, 8 Attorney, 15 Imp,
See, 25 On
Keeper, 27 Resist, 29 Chic, 31 Pine.
Titanic, 2. Alabama,
Own House
And Car, 4. Atrium, 5. The Tin Man, 6. Purple, 7. John Rebus (accept “Rebus”), 8. a) towards the heart, 9. Christina Perri, 10. The Grinch
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