The treatment involves suppressive therapy with acyclovir or valalcyclovir. These can also be used in the treatment of recurrence. Antiviral agents can reduce the chance of spreading the disease. The longer a person has this, the less likely they are to have a recurrence. Herpes genital infections affect about 16 percent of young people so it is a commonly transmitted organism. About 80 percent of infected people have no symptoms. There is no screening done in the US. While pornography actors are tested for most other genital infections, herpes is not tested for.
HEPATITIS B Hepatis B can be transmitted through sexual contact or contact with infected blood. It is transmitted by the HBV virus and affects the liver both acutely and chronically. While many will have no symptoms, those that do will ha malaise, vomiting, yellowed skin, abdominal pain, and dark urine. The symptoms last several weeks after an incubation period of 30 to 180 days. Babies can get infected around the time of birth, with 90 percent ultimately developing chronic hepatitis B infections. The main side effects of chronic hepatitis include cirrhosis and liver cancer with some having liver failure. The disease is passed through blood and body fluid contact. IV drug abuse and sexual intercourse are the most common ways to transmit the disease although, if the infection is prevalent in a community, vertical transmission from mother to child is the most common way to contract the disease. It is not easily passed through blood transfusions, tattooing, acupuncture, or living with a victim, although these were once more common before screening and sterilization practices. Kissing and hugging cannot pass the disease. Breastfeeding cannot pass the disease. Some patients have no symptoms, while others get an acute hepatitis B infection with jaundice being common. Figure 16 shows what jaundice looks like: