QUIZ 1. What is not true of sexual aggression? a. It is usually done by strangers against someone they do not know. b. It leads to men, women, and children as victims. c. It can include any type of sexual activity against the will of another. d. It can include different forms of sexual harassment. 2. What is least likely to be a factor in the phenomenon of date rape? a. Alcohol and drug use b. Anger c. Miscommunication d. Relaxed sexual rules in society 3. What is not true of sexual harassment in the workplace? a. It can lead to a hostile or offensive work environment. b. Most of the victims are women. c. Often the perpetrators are supervisors. d. Most victims are threatened with termination as part of the harassment. 4. What is not true of sexual harassment in the military? a. The culture of the military supports sexual harassment. b. Most victims are men who have been perpetrated on by other men. c. The young age of military personnel contributes to sexual harassment. d. Deployment increases the risk of sexual harassment. 5. What does not constitute sexual abuse against a child? a. Showing pornography to a child b. Taking pictures of an unclothed child c. Parental bathing of a child d. Exposing one’s genitals to a child