special needs Camp Alohi Lani Port Moody alsbc.ca/programs-services/ camp-alohi-lani For youth who have a parent or grandparent in a significant role living with ALS. Camp Goodtimes and Teen Program campgoodtimes.org For children ages 7–15 and teens 15–18 with cancer and their families. Camp Kodiak Parry Sound, Ontario campkodiak.com Ages 6–18 For children and teens with and without Learning Disabilities, ADHD and highfunctioning Autism Spectrum Disorder
Summer Camps residential camps
Camp Jubilee Indian Arm, 604/937-7388 campjubilee.ca Ages 8–16
Green Bay Bible Camp West Kelowna, 250/768-5884 greenbay.bc.ca Ages 6–14
GOLD: Kawkawa Camp & Retreat
Camp Kodiak Parry Sound, Ontario campkodiak.com Ages 6–18
Outward Bound National locations 604/901-0013 (ext 221) outwardbound.ca Ages 14+
Hope, 604/869-9637 kawkawa.com Ages 7–18
SILVER: Camp Qwanoes Vancouver Island 250/246-3014 qwanoes.ca Ages 8–18
BRONZE: Keats Camp
Keats Island, 604/925-6799 keatscamps.com Ages 7–18 British Columbia Family French Camp (BCFFC) Shuswap Lake, Gwillim Lake and Nanaimo info@bcffc.com; bcffc.com Camp Artaban Gambier Island 604/980-0391 campartaban.com Ages 8–18 Camp Fircom Gambier, 604/662-7756 fircom.ca Ages 6–16+ Family Programs Camp Imadene Mesachie Lake, 250/749-6606 imadene.com Ages 7–18, plus Family Camps
Camp Owaissi Kelowna, 250/769-3676 campoac.com Ages 7–17 Camp Pringle Shawnigan Lake, 250/472-6877 camppringle.com Ages 6–17 Camp Suzuki: Howe Sound Howe Sound – Camp Fircom 604/732-4228 campsuzuki.org Ages 7–13 Children’s Horse Camp – Webbs Holiday Acres Aldergrove, 604/857-1712 webbsholidayacres.ca Ages 6–14
Pioneer Pacific Camp Thetis Island, 250/246-9613 pioneerpacific.ca Ages 7–18 Sasamat Outdoor Centre Belcarra, 604/939-2268 sasamat.org Ages 4–17 Stillwood Camp Cultus Lake, 1-800/507-8455 stillwood.ca Ages 5–16 Timberline Ranch Maple Ridge, 604/463-9278 timberlineranch.com Ages 9–16
Debate Camp Canada Vancouver, Victoria, 888/512-8154 debatecamp.com
Wyld Summer Camps WYLD Expeditions Strathcona Park, 250/286-3122 gowyld.ca Ages 12–18
Evans Lake Camp North of Squamish, 604/294-2267 evanslake.com Ages 8–16
YMCA Camp Elphinstone, 604/939-9622 gv.ymca.ca Ages 7–15
24 bcparent.ca • resource guide 2020
DYT Summer Camps fndc.ca Focussing on language enhancement (ASL) and social opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing children ages 5–18. Easter Seals Camps 604/873-1865 or 1-800/818-4483 eastersealscamps.ca Ages 6–18 For children and teens with physical and/or mental disabilities. Empowering Steps Club Aviva, Coquitlam 604/526-4464 empoweringsteps.ca Camps for students with developmental challenges Eureka Camp 604/520-1155 eurekacamp.ca For children and adolescents with invisible disabilities. Young Burn Survivors Camp burnfund.org/ camp-for-young-burn-survivors For young burn survivors ages 6–18
art, music, drama & dance GOLD: Lights Up Musical Theatre Schools Throughout the Lower Mainland 888/502-5253 lightsuptheatre.ca Ages 4–13 Children and teens can sing,
dance and act during school breaks at Lights Up Camps. All camps end in a performance for family and friends on the last day. Camps are open to everyone between 4–13yrs, No prior musical theatre experience is required. Like all Lights Up programs, our camps teach children to work in teams, build confidence, sing, dance, act, and have fun!
SILVER: Arts Umbrella Summer Camps
Vancouver: 604/681-5268 Surrey: 604/535-1127 artsumbrella.com/summercamp Ages 3–19
BRONZE: Place des Arts
Coquitlam, 604/664-1636 placedesarts.ca Ages 5–14 Place des Arts Summer Fun! 6-week Art Camp. Summer Fun! offers flexibility, choice and lots of summertime fun for children ages 5–7 & 8–12. Our half-day, week-long workshops for 11–14 year olds provide more in-depth experiences in a range of visual and performing arts disciplines. Bard on the Beach: Young Shakespeareans Vancouver, 604/737-0625 bardonthebeach.org Ages 8–18 Boogaloo Academy 604/805-0558, Vancouver boogalooacademy.com Camp Monarch, Music, Art & Dance North Vancouver, 604/723-8151 monarcharts.com Ages 5–12 Christianne’s Lyceum of Literature and Art Vancouver, 604/733-1356 christiannehayward.com Ages 5+
Colourstrings Conservatory – Musical Summer Camps
Register from April 1st 129 East 8th Ave Vancouver Music & Movement Classes: Fun interactive classes for 3 months to 4 years, grouped by age, music, instruments, songs & play. Exciting Music Camps: 4 to 10 years. Let your inner diva out in the Musical Theatre camp; World Explorer music camps (music, art, drama);