Gefährdete Erholung | Impulse für die Weltwirtschaft gesucht 08/09/2020
Quellenverzeichnis Bureau of Economic Analysis (2020a). News Release. Gross Domestic Product, 2nd Quarter 2020 (Second Estimate); Corporate Profits, 2nd Quarter 2020 (Preliminary Estimate). 27. August. Washington, D.C.. --- (2020b). International Trade in Goods and Services. 07. Januar. --- (2020c). News Release. Personal Income and Outlays. June 2020 and Annual Update. 31. Juli. Washington, D.C.. CBO (2020a). An Update to the Economic Outlook: 2020-2030. Juli. Washington, D.C.. --- (2020b). Monthly Budget Review for July 2020. 10. August. Washington, D.C.. --- (2020c). H.R. 6201. Families First Coronavirus Response Act. 2. April. Washington, D.C.. --- (2020d). H.R. 748. CARES Act. 16. April. Washington, D.C.. Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (2019). Treasury: 2019 Deficit was $984 Billion. 25. Oktober. Congressional Budget Office (2020). The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2020 to 2030. 28. Januar. Confindustria (2019). Italian Economic Outlook 2019/2020 and the Economic Policy Scenario. Rom. CPC News (2020). 中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议 中共中央总书记习近平主持会议. 15. Mai. Deutsche Bank Research (2019). Japanese Economy in 2020 - Part 1: On real economy. Tokio. 11. Dezember. ---(2019b). Japanese economy in 2020 – Part 2: Economic Policy. Tokio. 19. Dezember. Deutsche Bundesbank (2020). Folgen des Zunehmenden Protektionismus.20. Januar. Economist Intelligence Unit (2020). Global Outlook: China’s unemployment rate may hit 10 percent tis year. 24. April. Europäische Zentralbank (2019a). Eurosystem staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area. Dezember. Frankfurt/M. ---(2019b). Bulletin. Dezember. Frankfurt/M. Federal Reserve (2020). FOMC Advance Release. 10. Juni. Washington, D.C.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (2020). University of Michigan: Consumer Sentiment. Internationaler Währungsfonds (2020). Tentative Stabilization, Slugish Recovery? World Economic Outlook Update. Washington, D.C.. 20. Januar. --- (2020b). World Economic Outlook Update. June. Washington, D.C.. --- (2020c). United States of America: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2020 Article IV Mission. 17. Juli. Washington, D.C..