APPENDIX III RELEASING STUDENTS TO PERSONS OTHER THAN PARENTS OR LEGAL GUARDIANS/CUSTODIANS A. PURPOSE: To establish uniform criteria for releasing students in the Brandywine School District to persons other than their parents or legal guardians/custodians at mes other than normal a er school dismissal. B. ISSUE: O en students need to be released from school at mes other than normal release me. The Delaware Department of Educa on requires the Boards of all public school districts to adopt a policy on releasing students to persons other than their parents or legal guardian/ custodian at these mes. C. POLICY: 1. A student may be released to a person other than the student’s parent or legal guardian/custodian under the following condi ons: a. The student’s parent or legal guardian/custodian has made a request, in wri ng or verbally, to release his/her child(ren) to a specifically named adult prior to the school releasing the child(ren) into the adult’s custody. The adult must present picture iden fica on at the me she/he appears to pick up the child(ren); or b. The child is being transported by any officer or agent of a city, county, or state agency for the purpose of law enforcement, or if a child is being transported to a hospital or medical facility for treatment by cer fied or other qualified medical emergency transporta on personnel. All reasonable a empts shall be made to no fy parents or legal guardians/custodians immediately upon the event of a student being transported to a hospital or medical facility for treatment. 2. Wri en permission can be assumed if a person, other than the parent of legal guardian/custodian of the child(ren), has been named on the emergency contact card/sheet maintained by the school. 3. A student may not be released to a person under the age of 18 unless that person is the parent or legal guardian/custodian of the student or the school has received wri en authoriza on to release the student to a family member under the age of 18 prior to such release. 4. This policy only applies to releasing students from school at me other than the end of the school day, the end of any school sponsored event or ac vity, or at the end of a er school childcare operated by the school. At no me shall a student be le on school district property unsupervised at the end of the school day or school-sponsored event.