Director of Special Educa on of his/her decision. If the Superintendent determines that the District failed to comply with the Act, she/he will determine the appropriate remedy which may include, but is not limited to, the remedy proposed by the grievant. 6. The Director of Special Educa on and Support Services shall send wri en no fica on of the Superintendent’s decision to the grievant by cer fied mail within two work days of receipt 7. The grievant may file a complaint with a court of competent jurisdic on, or with the Office of Civil Rights at the following address: Office of Civil Rights U.S. Department of Health and Human Service 150 S. Independence Mall West Suite 372 Philadelphia PA, 19106-9111 Ques ons about this regula on should be addressed to the Office of the Superintendent at 1311 Brandywine Boulevard, Wilmington, DE 19809 or (302) 793-5002.
APPENDIX VIII ADDRESSING COMPLAINTS OF NON-COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE IX OF THE EDUCATION AMENDMENTS ACT STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To establish an administra ve process to address a complaint that the District has failed to comply with the requirements of the Title IX of the Educa on Amendments Act (“the Act”). REGULATION A. DEFINITIONS 1. “Grievant” as used in this Regula on shall mean a parent of a student, a student age 18 years or older, or an employee of the District who believes that the District has discriminated against a student or group of students because of gender in the educa on programs or ac vi es of the District in viola on of the requirements of the Act. 2. “Superintendent” as used in this Regula on shall mean the Superintendent of the Brandywine School District or his/her designee. 3. “Controversy” as used in this Regula on means an allega on that the District failed to comply with the requirements of the Act, whether inten onal or uninten onal. B. PROCEDURE 1. A grievant who believes that the District has failed to comply with the requirements of the Act must file a wri en complaint with the Director of Human Resources within seven (7) business days a er the grievant knew 112