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conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner; model adherence to rules, policy, direc ves, and regula ons set forth by the school and the School Board and/or administra on; model how to seek change in an orderly and appropriate manner; maintain an atmosphere that encourages good behavior and ac ve learning; plan a flexible curriculum to meet the needs of all students; develop posi ve working rela onships with students and staff alike; model the process of sound decision-making and an cipa ng posi ve and nega ve outcomes of choices before making decisions; use available technology to partner with parents in real- me to work together for the common good of the student; encourage and maintain the involvement of students in the opera on of the school, e.g., student government.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES & RIGHTS POSITIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Philosophical Basis All students have the right to a safe and suppor ve learning environment. The crea on and maintenance of such an environment is a shared responsibility between students, staff, and parents and must ensure that common courtesy and respect protect the teaching and learning process, don’t alienate based on personal beliefs or convic ons, and protect personal property of others. These expecta ons apply to all aspects of school-life regardless of loca on (e.g. school at large, individual classroom, online learning, school func ons, sports, clubs, ac vi es, etc.). Responsibili es Students have the responsibility: • To come to class (school) ready to engage in learning • To fully and ac vely engage and par cipate in learning as evidenced by asking relevant ques ons, ac vely listening, providing feedback and answering ques ons, reading, crea ng, contribu ng to partner ac vi es, laughing, smiling, and anything else involved in the learning process • To be on me and ready for the lesson to begin when the bell rings • To come prepared with necessary supplies and having completed pre-requisite tasks and homework • To challenge themselves and demonstrate consistent effort towards mastery of new concepts and skills • Respect the right for others to learn. Rights Students have the right: • To learn free of disrup on and distrac on. • To seek assistance and support from staff in their goal of mastery of skills and concepts. • To have access to relevant and engaging instruc on. • To pursue coursework and pathways that align with their interests and employment goals. 15