5. Following the 20th day of unexcused absence by a student, the school shall refer the case for prosecu on; 6. Following the comple on of prosecu on of the case and the subsequent failure of the student to return to school within 5 school days thereof, the school shall immediately no fy the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families reques ng interven on services by the Department. The Department shall contact the family within 10 business days.
SCHOOL BUS AND DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION SAFETY District provided transporta on to and from school is an extension of the school day. The student Code of Conduct remains in effect any me a student is on a school bus, including but not limited to the assigned bus, bus stops, or other district provided vehicles to and from the school, ac vity buses, sports buses, field trip buses, contracted vans etc. These rules apply to all modes of transporta on provided by the District.
Bus and District Transporta on Privilege Riding the school bus and other means of transporta on provided by the District are privileges for each student. If the following rules and regula ons are not followed, the student may no longer be given the opportunity or privilege to ride the bus. If this privilege to ride a bus is suspended or revoked, the parent/guardian will be responsible for transpor ng their child to and from school.
School Bus Safety Rules For Kindergarten to through 3rd grade, the Bus Safety Rules will be presented to all students in the District by school administrators, including walkers. The purpose of these presenta ons is to ensure students are aware of the bus safety rules, safe procedures while entering and exi ng the school bus, and Safe Street crossing techniques, etc. 1. Listen to the bus driver/bus a endant’s requests and follow direc ons. 2. Stay seated (back-to-back; bo om-to-bo om; book bag on your lap) 3. The use of electronic devices is permi ed on board the bus; however, any audible content requires the use of headphones. 4. No ea ng or drinking while on board the bus. 5. Keep your hands and feet to yourself at all mes. 6. All body parts and belongings remain inside the bus at all mes 7. Use your inside voice while on the bus. 8. Do not throw objects inside, out of the bus or around-keep everything inside your book bag 9. Do not touch emergency equipment-back and side door, windows, roof hatches, first aid and body fluid kits, 2 way radios, etc. Along with the Bus Safety Rules, the following regula ons will assist with safety, prompt arrivals and departures of buses, and promo ng posi ve a tudes on the part of students. Viola ons of these regula ons may result in disciplinary ac ons. 1. Students must ride their assigned bus to and from their assigned stop. Switching buses for any reason is strictly prohibited. 2. Students should be present and visible at their assigned stop 10 minutes before the assigned bus stop me. A bus will not be dispatched to pick up students who were not present in advance. 26