to create the ‘School Discipline Improvement Program’ that requires districts to work toward the reduc on of out-of-school suspensions through implementa on of professional learning and programs to include Restora ve Prac ces, Trauma Informed Care, Implicit Bias Awareness, Cultural Competency and Classroom Management. Professional learning has been ongoing in Brandywine School District since 2018 to comply with this regula on.
Restora ve Prac ces Restora ve prac ces is the science of rela onships and community. When applied in schools, restora ve prac ces proac vely improves climate and culture. Restora ve prac ces promote inclusiveness, rela onship-building and problem-solving, through such restora ve methods as community-building circles for teaching and learning. Restora ve prac ces also provide responses to wrongdoing that focus on repairing harm. This is achieved through conflict resolu on using conferences that bring vic ms, offenders and their supporters together to address wrongdoing. Students are encouraged to reflect on and take responsibility for their ac ons and come up with plans to repair harm. Restora ve prac ces in schools are based on restora ve jus ce principles; they aim first to build classroom communi es that are supported by clear agreements, authen c communica on, and specific tools to bring issues and conflicts forward in a helpful way. They provide specific pathways to repair harms by bringing together those who are affected by misbehavior in a dialogue to address concerns, achieve understanding, and come to agreement about se ng things right. In addi on to serving the cause of fairness and jus ce, restora ve approaches make safer schools and contribute to social and emo onal learning. Research shows restora ve prac ces improves school climate, reduces student suspensions as well as discipline dispari es among students. *It should be noted that while many of our elementary schools are u lizing restora ve prac ces already, they will not receive staff-wide training un l the conclusion of the 2022-2023 School Year. For this reason, restora ve prac ces are not part of the consequences listed for Grades K-5 in this handbook.
DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES This sec on of the Student Code of Conduct pertains to the process used by the District in the inves ga on of reported viola ons and the applica on of disciplinary consequences when warranted by inves ga on results. Building Administrators can aid parents and guardians regarding ques ons around the Code of Conduct, including inves ga on, due process, process and procedures, appeal requests, and resources for students and families. The Student Code of Conduct defines specific acts which are considered viola ons of expected student behavior. School rules come from many sources including State Law, Board of Educa on Policy, and District Guidelines and Regula ons. A major considera on of the Student Code of Conduct is to iden fy appropriate disciplinary ac ons to bring about posi ve student behavior. The severity and frequency of the misbehavior and the age and maturity of the student are considered in defining appropriate disciplinary ac on. An Administrator or designee applies the Student Code of Conduct when a student 30