Calcula on of Time In calcula ng the period of me for the term of the Expulsion, school days will be used. Students receiving residen al services from a Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families (DSCYF) program shall have the amount of school days served in such program counted as part of the calcula on of me for an Expulsion. This does not preclude the school from transi oning a student from a youth rehabilita on service program to the regular school program through an Alterna ve Program. Decisions regarding the transi on between levels of alterna ve programming, including transi on back to the regular educa on program will be made by the District Alterna ve Educa on Commi ee or IEP Team. Follow Up To Expulsion 1. A student who is expelled shall be informed of the dura on of the expulsion. 2. The student’s parent/guardian may pe on the District Board for readmission to school thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expira on of the expulsion period designated by the District Board. 3. The District Board shall determine whether the student may be readmi ed. 4. Under readmission to school, the following condi ons are required to be met: a. A behavioral contract designed by appropriate school personnel and signed by the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) must be completed prior to readmission. b. A student will be placed on proba on for one (1) calendar year following the date of readmission. Viola on of the contract during the proba onary period may result in a recommenda on to the Board for expulsion. 5. A student is prohibited from being on District property during the expulsion period except when accompanied by parent(s)/guardian(s) for a scheduled appointment with school officials.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS A grievance is another name for a complaint. A grievance exists when it is alleged that a student has been treated unfairly or has not been afforded due process. A grievance may be presented when a student or the student’s parent/guardian believe that the student has been treated unfairly or in viola on of Board Policy. Please note: Schools are required to follow the grievance procedure even if a student and/or their parent(s), legal guardian or caregiver obtains an a orney or threatens legal ac on. The following persons or groups of persons may use the grievance procedures: 1. students or groups of students 2. parents/guardians of a student 3. groups of parents/guardians of students The grievance procedure may be used as follows: 1. Where it is alleged that any student or group of students: • Is being denied access to an appropriate educa onal opportunity • Is being denied par cipa on in any school ac vity for which the student is eligible • Is being denied the opportunity to compete for a posi on in an ac vity where the selec on is limited 39