VIOLATIONS OF THE STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT Any student who hinders an inves ga on or any student who aids, is involved with the planning, or helps another student in any way in an act which violates the Student Code of Conduct may be subject to the same disciplinary ac on as the individual who commi ed the viola on. While on the school bus, drivers will have the same authority as teachers.
Level I Dress Code Viola on (S0291): Students are required to adhere to the dress code that is outlined in Sec on II: Student Rights and Responsibili es. When a student is in viola on, he/she will be required to change into acceptable a re. Grades K – 5: Level I Offense
Grades 6 – 12: Level I Offense
First Offense Required: • Staff/student conference • Provide alterna ve op on if available • Parent/Guardian no fica on
First Offense Required: • Staff/student restora ve conversa on • Provide alterna ve op on if available • Parent/Guardian no fica on
Subsequent Offenses Required: • Provide alterna ve op on if available • Parent/Guardian no fica on and/or conference • Staff offer of support or assistance
Subsequent Offenses Required: • Parent/Guardian no fica on and/or conference • Staff offer of support or assistance • Deten on Op onal: • Cancella on of privileges such as, but not limited to, before and/or a er school ac vi es
Op onal: • Request Parent/Guardian to bring/ send acceptable alterna ve clothing for student