Unauthorized use of Cell Phones (S0312) and Electronic Devices (S0311): Students are not permi ed to use cell phones/electronic devices during the school day unless it is being expressly u lized within the one-to-one compu ng ini a ve, instruc onal purposes set forth by teaching staff, or other authorized me aligned with schoolwide MTSS structures. The District reserves the right to search and seize cell phone/ electronic devices to include but not limited to students who video record, audio record, and/or share recordings. NOTE: The District is not liable for damaged/lost/ stolen personal devices. Grades K – 5: Level II Offense
Grades 6 – 12: Level II Offense
First Offense Required: • Staff explana on & correc on • Parent/Guardian no fica on
First Offense Required: • Staff/student restora ve conversa on • Parent/Guardian no fica on
Subsequent Offenses Required: • Parent/Guardian no fica on and/or conference • Device confiscated and returned at the end of the day
Subsequent Offenses Required: • Parent/Guardian no fica on and/or conference • Device confiscated and returned at the end of the day
Op onal: • Parent/Guardian must come to school to retrieve the cell phones/ electronic devices • Deten on a er mul ple infrac ons 2nd - 5th grade only (1 day)
Op onal: • Parent/Guardian must come to school to retrieve the cell phones/ electronic devices • Deten on a er mul ple infrac ons (1 to 2 days)