GLOSSARY The glossary is developed in alignment with state requirements for defini ons of terms, DDOE Regula on 614. For a complete lis ng of uniform defini ons visit the State of Delaware Administra ve Code, Title 14, Sec ons 600 and 614. 1. Abusive Language/Gestures shall mean student uses, or threatens to use, wri en or spoken language, gestures, electronic images, photos, or ac ons, that are offensive, obscene, and/or vulgar. 2. Academic Chea ng is the act or instance of decep on in preparing or presen ng course work or class assignments as a student’s own authen c work when it is not. This includes, but is not limited to: • copying another student’s paper • unauthorized use of notes or sharing answers during a test or examina on • presen ng another person’s work as one’s own • presen ng quota ons, words, or ideas without proper references or credit (plagiarism). The person sharing the informa on will receive the same consequences as the person who turned the work in as their own. These examples also apply to electronic informa on retrieved from the internet. 3. Administra on includes both District Office and building administra ve staff. 4. Adult Student is a student who has reached the age of 18. 5. Alcohol shall mean any alcoholic liquor capable of being consumed by a human being, as defined in Sec on 101 of Title 4 of the Delaware Code, including alcohol, spirits, wine, and beer. 6. Arson shall mean a person recklessly or inten onally star ng a fire or causing an explosion. 7. Assault I shall mean that • the person inten onally causes serious physical injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument; or • the person inten onally disfigures another person seriously and permanently or inten onally destroys, amputates, or disables permanently a member or organ of another person’s body. 8. Assault II shall mean that • the person recklessly or inten onally causes serious physical injury to another person, or • the person recklessly or inten onally causes physical injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument 9. Assault III shall mean that • the person recklessly or inten onally causes serious physical injury to another person, or • with criminal negligence the person causes physical injury to another person by means of a Deadly Weapon or a Dangerous Instrument. 10. Assignment to Alterna ve Program is the placement of the student in a special program un l the student has sa sfied the requirements to return to the regular program. 11. A orney General’s Report (Juvenile Arrest Warrant and Complaint) shall mean the Department of Jus ce’s report of out-of-school or in-school criminal conduct, regardless of jurisdic on, which shows disregard for the health, safety, and welfare of others, including, but not limited to acts of violence, weapons offense, and drug offenses. 12. Board is the Brandywine School District Board of Educa on. 13. Breaking and Entering shall mean unauthorized entry of any locked area of the school environment during or a er school including, but not limited to, rooms, classrooms, auditorium, gym, shops, offices, lockers, cabinets and vehicles. 82