APPENDIX APPENDIX I ACCEPTABLE USE BY STUDENTS OF DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY & USE OF INTERNET EDUCATION PROGRAMS A. PURPOSE: Technology is used to support educa on in the Brandywine School District. The purpose of this policy is to provide a set of guidelines to be followed for student use of all computer(s), network(s), database(s), and informa on technology, including e-mail and the Internet, in the Brandywine School District. B. ISSUE: Users of District technology are responsible for their ac ons. Students, parents and school staff should make every effort and demonstrate responsible use of technology consistent with the goals, standards, and policies of the District. C. POLICY: Student and parents must read and students must sign the Code of Student Conduct card sta ng that as a student user of technology in the Brandywine School District, the student will abide by policy 5.2. Since the District provides a chromebook to every student, students must use the district-issued device to remotely access digital learning pla orms for the following reasons: • Content filtering so ware which controls the flow of content and • Receives relevant so ware updates for district-owned device These technical requirements ensure that students may safely access educa onal content while comple ng their school work off-campus. Students who receive a district-owned device for off-campus learning must use that device in order to safely access the full range of the district’s leaning pla orm. ACCEPTABLE USE BY STUDENTS: • Use of technology must be consistent with the academic goals of the school, curriculum standard, and Brandywine School District policies. • The Brandywine School District employs blocking and filtering technology to restrict access to inappropriate websites and other materials harmful to minors to ensure the safety and security of all students and comply with state law and/or regula on. UNACCEPTABLE USES BY STUDENTS • Damage to and/or or willful neglect of computers, so ware, networks, or other technology equipment is prohibited. Any person who has District hardware or so ware at home is responsible for maintaining such technology while in said person’s control (or possession). • Unauthorized access to network se ngs, usernames and passwords, and other people’s work is prohibited. • Use of technology to cause harm or offend others is prohibited. • Use of technology to access or distribute obscene or pornographic material is prohibited. • Use of technology, including email, for profit, illegal, or unauthorized commercial 90