purposes is prohibited. • Use of technology for religious purposes is prohibited; however, technology may be used to access religious materials as required to complete course or curricular requirements. • Use of technology for non-educa onal or non-instruc onal purpose is prohibited. • Use of web-based e-mail accounts, other than those approved by the Brandywine School District, is prohibited. • Viola on of copyright laws is prohibited. • Installa on or use of copyrighted or unlicensed so ware or files from any source is prohibited unless authorized by the District. • Computer and network storage areas are treated similar to school lockers. Files stored on District computers and District provided external memory devices are not private. District and building administrators may review files, folders, external memory devices, etc. EDUCATION PROGRAMS: The Department of Curriculum & Instruc on shall establish an educa onal program for each grade cluster on appropriate behaviors and communica ons by minors while using the internet or while online. Such educa onal programs shall include, but not be limited to, educa on on social networking, communica ons in chat rooms, e-mail content, and cyber-bullying consistent with the requirements of the Protec on of Children in the 21st Century Act. REMEDIAL ACTION: The use of technology in the Brandywine School District is a privilege - not a right. Unacceptable use or vandalism by students will result in disciplinary ac on consistent with the Student Code of Conduct and limita on/ cancella on of user privileges appropriate to the offense. If damage occurs due to willful misconduct, the user may be permanently restricted from the use of technology and charged for the cost of repair or replacement for such damage. Inappropriate online behaviors and communica ons may also result in disciplinary ac on consistent with the Elementary or Secondary Code of Student Conduct. FAILURE TO SIGN: Failure to sign the Student Code of Conduct Card shall result in the suspension of the privilege to use technology in the Brandywine School District.
APPENDIX II BULLY PREVENTION & CYBERBULLYING A. PURPOSE: The Brandywine School District recognizes that safe learning environments are necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. The Brandywine School District strives to provide safe learning environments for all students and all employees. B. ISSUE: Prohibi on of Bullying Which Includes Cyberbullying To further these goals and as required by 14 Del. C. 4112D, the Brandywine School District hereby prohibits the bullying of any person on school property or at school func ons or by use of data or computer so ware that is accessed through a computer, 91