Merchant Magazine - August 2014

Page 4

Jeff Barnes - President Lumber Division

John Ahlers - GM / Vp Moulding Division

0ur dedicated sales teams throughout California, chris Burke - 5F Penninsula, North Bay Nevada and Hawaii have pioneered the following

Steve Hoffelt - Monterey, Salinas, East Bay products that make the difference.

Larry Stevens - East Bay

Steve Keach - North Coast - Inside Sales

Ed Schurr - Inside Sales

Jordan Martini - Inside sares

Dave Westlake - President Moulding Division

Mike Bakula - Fresno, Bakersfield, Central Coast

John Westlake - Redding, Stockton, Sacramento

Kirk Moffitt - Reno, Tahoe, Sacramento Vallev

Roger Davis - Inside Sales

Shelly Connolly - Inside Sales

Bill Mattorano - Inside Door Sales

Debby Clark - General Manager

Bill Finetti - LA, San Diego, Las Vegas

Sid Thompson - Desert, San Diego, Inland Empire

Brian Kiphen - Orange County, Inland Empire

Tom McNally - Malibu, LA, San Fernando Valley

Valerie Griffin - lnside Sales

Amber O'Neil - lnside Sales

Andre Henry - GM I Sales Manager

Mike Race - Outside Sales

James Folsom - lnside Sales

Shawn Maloney - Inside Sales

Premium Primed Pine Millwork

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Special Features

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August 2014 t volume 93 r Number 2 rhe M ERG HAI|T iltasazine
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markets in 13 westem states. Copyright@2014 by Cutler Publishing, Inc. Cover and entire contents are fullv orotected and must not be reproduced in any mahner without written permission All Rights Reserved. lt reserves the right to accept or reject. any editorial or advertising matter. and assumes no lla0lllty for materials furnished to it. ln Every Issue 6 TorntlY RnNooivt 20 OLsrN Or Snlrs 24 Nnwm: THtttxtNc Anrro 30 Movrns & SHnrrns 32 Nrw Pnooucrs 36 Fe,r,rtlv BuslNrss 40 PHoro Rrcrp: PCBC 43 AssocrnrtoN UPonrr 43 ln Mrmontnpt 44 A.pp WnrcH 44 CLnssrrtro MnnxrrPucr 44 Tnr"x Bncr 45 DnrE Boox 46 lom Frrr 46 Aovrnrtstns lrorx Online Bnrnrtrc ltousrnY Nrws, Evrnr Pnoros, & Dlctrnt Eorron or Tnr Mrncnnlr B u rotNc-PnoDUCrs.coM August 2014 Bui

To Serue is Divine.


You deserve customer service that feels heaven sent. Allura promises to be there, hell or high water, 24/7, and protect you with a 50-year warranty. our advanced fiber cement technology offers the best return on investment and confidence that when a job is done, there's no need to revisit the site for upkeep. Allura is built to be sustainable, durable, and fire-resistant. And, if hell ever freezes over, it will stand up to that too.

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Born or created?

Decetrly, S9ME9NE CALLED to ask my thoughts about them starting their own busilln.... It's one of several similar calls I've received over recent years-usually from someone who has lost their job, can't find a new one, and sees this as their way of getting back to work. To be or not to be an entrepreneur?

My first questions: Are you starting from scratch or buying another business? Are you finaniially and mentally ready to own your own business? Why now? How is your vision for your business different from what others are offering? How will you raise the bar over the competition to give others a reason to do business with your new company?

At that point, most decide it's not worth the risk. The reason is that it was really a pipe dream, an escape from reality. And this is where the real entrepreneur stands out, because if you really do have an idea, it should be gnawing at you that you must try rt out, some way, somehow!

Over my career, I have worked with those I call "real" entfepreneurs. They're the ones who had an idea, had to find ways to get that idea to market, and would allow nothing to stand in their way. Some had earlier ideas that failed miserably. Yet' the born "nirep.eneurs will continue setting up businesses until one hits. These are the 57o who oftenfrom an early age found ways to ealn money by starting a small business-delivering, making, selling a new product or service. They are like Bill Gates, who founded Microsoft from his gara1e at age 20.

They have strong drive, persistence, the tolerance to fail and quickly bounce back, high energy, recognition of when they need professional management to take the busin"ir "u"n further, and-most of all-the need to win. They want to control their own destiny. One trait they possess-which can be good and bad-is their single-mindedness. They iaw the path they wanted and nobody could tell them otherwise. Hence, some fail. But it won't stop them trying again.

On the other hand, the majority of us are quite happy to work for someone else, not needing to be an owner or even manager, content to enjoy the security that comes with a regularpaycheck and benefits. For most of us with a mortgage and kids to put through school and everything else to pay for, even if you want your own business, the risks are simply too great. I included myself in this bucket for many years. I earned good money at the top of the corporate ladder, had far more than I needed, and never had to worry too much over paying all the bills. I always thought about one day having my own business' I was convinced I would be successful, but I was not ready for a long time to pull the trigger.

But then comes along a life-changing event. Or circumstances change-you lose your job, the kids leave home. Financial needs change, and this is when, perhaps for the first time, the dream might be able to happen. This is what may be classified as the "accidental" entrepreneur. And this is what most of us who own our own businesses are. We perhaps never had that big idea that would shake the world (e.g., Facebook), but we had the .onfid.n.. to either start a business or buy an existing one and take it to the next level. My big driver was that I just knew at a certain point I had not enjoyed the prior five years of my corporate life. I could not see working for someone else anymore. I knew it was now or never to own my own business.

This is when you have to learn to make yourself into an entrepreneur. It's very different, sometimes scary, and requires a different mindset and different skills than those you needed in your old corporate world. You must learn about launching or buying a business, competitive advantage, finance, accounting, cash flow, marketing, sales, leadership-many skills you had a whole management team for in your corporate days. You must work through those rainy days when those sales jusl don't happen or cash is low. The big difference may be that many of us no longer sleep as well at night, because at the end of the day we have everything, including our homes, on the line. Today, I would have it no other way. I only wish I'd taken the path to ownership at least 10 years earlier.

A publication of Cutler Publishing 4500 Campus Dr., Ste.480, Newport Beach, CA 92660

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*lllEnGllAllr ffiniln
6 I The Merchant Magazine r August 2014


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Reclaimed millwork dealer cleans uP

f,.Tecpsstrv, THEY sAY, is the mother l\of invention. Well, in this case, the light bulb flashed in the brain not of a mom, but a dad.

Jonathan Orpin, founder and presidentof Pioneer Millworks, Farmington, N.Y., owned (and still owns) New EnergY Works Timber Framers, based in Farmington, and, of course procuring wood for its operation was front of mind. "It was important to look for a stable timber source for the framing business," OrPin explains, gazing back, "and this part

of New York State had alwaYs used a certain amount of agricultural timbers."

So, he reasoned-the light bulb moment-why not reclaim that vintage wood for modern use?

Thus, in 1988, Pioneer Millworks was launched "in a small, ramshackle building in a town not that much bigger," looking to specialize in salvaged flooring.

"I liked the idea of using timber 50 to 100 years old-material that had undergone a slow drYing Process,

which provided stable lumber. And that wood ended uP with a story to tell," he shares. "There were barns going down-I hate that, but at least we could give that wood new life. Here, in the classic rust belt of America, lots of buildings were built with big timbers. Plus, there's the environmental aspect of it: Through Pioneer Millworks, the world has gained 23 million bd. ft. of lumber that would have ended up as landfill. We've become a major PlaYer in changing that direction, converting it for use in homes, restaurants, offices: gorgeous applications." (A look at the photo gallery on the comPanY's website,' backs up his claim.)

That 23 million ft. breaks down into 1,042,000 bd. ft. saved a Year, which, Orpin is quick to do the math, would fill a lineup of semis, bumPer to bumper, for over 32 miles.

Sounds like a no-brainer start-up. Easy, right? Trust me (and him): It wasn't. Another facet of the website plays homage to scores of big, complicated and exPensive-looking machines resting on Pioneer's nineacre site. "We started on the cheap, bootstrapping as we went, buYing used equipment. We got word of timber needed for a New EnergY Project, but we were required to buY the whole building, so we develoPed ways to use everything, even the sawdust"-it segues into animal bedding-"and chunks, which heated our kiln."

Pioneer Millworks took hold and

r COMPETITIYE Intelligence
B I The Merchant Magazine I
RESTAURANTS are frequent customers, Upstate New York eatery. such as for this reclaimed American Gothic Oak in an
August 2014 i
(Photos bY Pioneer Millworks)


Siding Size OLD MIL[@ LAP Maximum Exposure in Inches 5 7 Approx. Approx. Sq. Ft. Approx. Coverage Needed To Cover Weight Pieces / Unit Pieces / Bundle Ft. / Unil ,68S 2688 2660 2688 2240 Ft. / Unit* 1000 S0. Ft. 0f Wall Area* Lbs. / Unit t 7t16" 6" x 16' 8" x 16' 336 2s2 210 168 210 ! ! ! I I ! 5 2128 2234 2261 2341 1264 4675 1200 4675 9-112" x16' B-112 t1 7 ]1 15 1 1 73 4675 12" x 16' 112" 8" x 16' 12" x 16' '16" x 16' 1 1 45 4675 140 105 2240 2240 1 862 1 951 1 200 1 145 1120 4550 4550 4250 SHAKE LAP 1 995 1 685 455 770 855 770 740 480 912 112" 10-1/2" x 16' 140 140 180 180 180 180 180 180 1 960 53' 1 140 1140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 9-1t2 g-3A 6-3t4 1162 3900 DESIGNER SHAKE tAP 1t2" 11-1/2" x 4'-13l16" SHINGLE nla 6 6 6 6 6 6 1240 1 480 1 335 '1480 1 535 2350 1 250 985 21 B0 2260 2220 21 00 1 840 2064 9-1/2" x 8' ROUND 9-112" x8'FISHSCAIE 7-1t2 6-3/4 6'1t2 8 9 1/2" x 8' OCTAGON 9-1/2" x 8' COVE 9-1/2" x 8' D|AN,4OND 9-112" x8' CRAFISIVIEN 'Allows for a 1" overlap and assumes a 5% waste factor.
to Designer Shake,) Panel Size OLD MILL@ ?/1 6\ 4'^ 8, Approx. Approx. Sq. Ft. Approx. Coverage f{eeded To Cover Weight Pieces / Unit 45 Sq. Ft / Unit Ft / Unif 10m Sq. Ft. of Wall Area* Lbs. / Unit 1440 1 184 1 296 1 066 1 100 1 100 2400 112" x4'x8' J/ 2400 -Assumes a 1 00/o waste factor for cuttino and fittino Nominal Size Actual Size 3/4"x2"x16' Approx. Weight [bs. / Unit Pieces / Unit* 440 320 240 160 120 Pieces / Bundle 9 I g I ! A ; I I q g q q E A 3950 41 00 3800 3950 3950 414" x3"'. 3/4" x2-718" x 16' 4/4" x 4" 4/4" x6" 3/4" x3-1/2" x16' 3/4" x51/2" x16' 414" x8" 3/4" x7-1/4" x16' 3/4"x9-1/4"x16' 314" x11-114" x16' 414" x 10" 100 41 50 3950 4300 4200 4450 4300 4600 4500 414" x 12" 514" v.2" 1"x2"x16' 1"x31/2"x16' 1"x5-1/2"x16' 80 396 216 144 108 90 72 r60 120 5/4" x 4" 5/4" x 6" 5/4" x 8" 1"x7-114"x16' 5/4" x 1 0" 1"x9-1/4"x16' 514" v.12" 1"x11-1/4"x16' PTOWED FASCIA 4/4" x 6" (0ld Mill). 314" x5 1/2" x16' 3720 3720 4/4" x 8" (0ld Mill). 314" x7-114" x16' For more information on Truwood Siding and Trim, warranty and installation instructions visit: caf l 800.417.3674. fax 541.884.7282 Manufactured in Klamath Falls, OR USA Truwood Siding and Trim meet the requirements of the following: American National Standard ANSI-CPA 135.6 ICC ESR-2588 Intemalional Building Code . Standard Building Code 2012 International Besidenlial Code . FSC-C002971Plowed on the Smooth Side. Limited availability. Follow Truwoodo Siding 0r Trim Installation Instructions. 3t14 llsCscertified" r' [ESP0ilSl8U F(IRISIRY z l8% PRt-C0ilSUMtR IECYCLtD C0l{TtltT scs-fttc-fitn TruWood' co*nsprodu'3trc S I Dl N G I T R lM
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grew. Today, the two operations exist side by side, sharing administration and communications, but not manufacturing. "The child became more powerful than the parent. We're our own best customer," Orpin states. "We got the word out, one project at a time, as the clich6 goes: timber framing that uses our own reclaimed wood in projects-a strong, built-in client."

Pioneer sells to builders, remodelers and flooring contractors, primarily through its website (there's no showroom), shipping nationwide. Architects and interior designers prove pivotal in influencing the homeowner's or building owner's decisions: "Highly refined design & build clients ask for it," Orpin explains," because it's an attractive altemative to boring bamboo or the oak flooring of a chain restaurant. People love it because there's a natural honesty to it; plus the amazing textures, with natural variations. And the environmental aspect-we're not ruining any rainforests. And, of course, there's the story"-the romance is provided-"behind its former use. These clients are thrilled, so it becomes fun."

Products offered include timber, barn siding, paneling, countertops, and more. And that timber-awesome in its diversity and lineage-is cherry-picked: over 50 species, grades and specialty items, including teak from a dilapidated Indonesian structure; antique heart pine from a 1905 mill complex; oak from a coal plant of the 1800s; reclaimed hickory, with its contrasting knots and sapwood "that wears well-suitable for dogs and kids;" salvaged bowling lanes; FSC-certified recycled wood panels geared

for quick and easy installation, even pairings of engineered wood and antique flooring. And cold storage oak-the Holy Grail of reclaimed wood-white oak flooring from a long-ago cold storage facility.

Projects range from a Manhattan restaurant utilizing a reclaimed gym floor from a Minnesota high school to the Wolverine company store in New York, using old planks salvaged for re-use as wall cladding: "lots of residences, restaurants. And offices: all the progressive, high-tech San Francisco firms. If you can name them, we've probably done the wood." What sells best? "Weathered, rugged wood, and wood with a story."

And how about supply vs. demand? "It's always variable, always a challenge, but our supply channels are welloiled." (He's got a network of scouts out sleuthing potential barns or what-have-you, but if he told me more, he'd have to kill me.) Pioneer employs a staff of 40-"good workers, thoughtful, smart-and they care about the environment." Pioneer's website personalizes the crew, complete with candid photos and homey bios, thanks to a strong marketing program. "It's done in-house because we have a complex and personal story to tell," the boss explains.

Margins must be golden for the highly-coveted antique wood, right? Wrong. "It's a complex and difficult business," Orpin claims. "It's heavily labor-intensive -extract- ing nails located with a metal detector, for instance. There's lots of waste, plus complex customer interactions, so we struggle with margins. They're very, very tight."

Adding to that challenge is the reality of competition out there-"half a dozen strong national companies and a hundred smaller regional players," he tallies. So then, why does Pioneer continue to flourish? "Service! We're very service-oriented," Orpin is quick to respond. "We come from a custom-design background, so we're adept at creative solutions. And we serve the hell out of folks: quick turnaround, quick delivery, good communication.

"Over the past 10 years customers have begun demanding delivery yesterday. So we keep a multi-million-dollar inventory on hand. An order can be for the 70,000 sq. ft. that a university recently needed, or just 70 ft. of trim. (We have a $100 minimum.)"

Pioneer, like the rest of us, was buffeted by the recent recession-"Sure, it hurt. But we made a point of no layoffs, no cuts in salaries or benefits. But we tightened margins; we did what we had to do to survive." And business is not only back-it's booming. "Last year was our best year ever-up l4%o-and this year, even more! Another l47o!'

So, to keep things interesting, Orpin recently chose to open a second location on the opposite coast-a three-acre establishment in Portland, Or.-"for personal growth," he explains. "In New York, I'm not needed as much on a day-to-day basis. So, I was looking for new mountains to climb. Plus, we have many Pacific Coast clients and do some salvaging out there." Another lieht bulb moment.

Carla Waldemar
August 2014 I The Merchant Magazine I I
SALVAGED wood paneling and millwork are other big sellers.

Millwork forecast Big openings predicted for doors, windows

hpvnNp FoR wINDows and doors

Lf in the U.S. is forecast to rise about JVo annually through 2018 to $32 billion.

Rebounding housing completions and building construction expenditures will stimulate gains.

Construction of buildings such as residences and office, commercial and institutional buildings that are inten-

sive users of windows and doors is a key indicator of demand.

Window and door sales saw steep declines from 2008 to 2013 due to the sharp contraction in construction spending.

Plastic windows and doors are expected to exhibit the strongest growth through 20 18. increasing more than 8Vo annually to $8.6 billion.

Following the trend that began in the early 2000s, plastic windows and doors will continue to increase market share at the expense of wood and metal , because they offer several advantages for consumers, including low cost, minimal maintenance requirements, and superior energy performance.

Plastic products, already popular in the residential market, are expected to see increasing use in light commercial and institutional applications where aesthetics, comfort and energy efficiency are valued. Efforts by manufacturers to improve the variety of colors and woodgrain textures on plastic windows and doors, or expand into markets such as specialty windows and impact-resistant products, will also boost plastic products, especially in non-residential and high-end residential applications.

Metal windows accounted for over two-fifths of window and door demand in 2013-the largest share of any material-and will continue to lead the market through 201 8. However, metal products will face competition from plastic, due to the

cost and energy efficiency, which will limit more rapid growth.

Despite increased competition, population growth in the South and West regions will support rising demand for metal products, as they are often used in those regions because heat loss through windows and doors is less of a concern.

Strong growth in non-residential construction, particularly in the institutional and office and commercial segments where windows and doors are heavily used, will also boost demand. Metal products are installed in structures because of their durability and strength against damage or attack.

Wood window and door demand is forecast to surpass $10 billion in 2018 on 6.27o annual growth, the slowest of any material. Consumer perception of wood as an aesthetically pleasing material that adds value to a home will support demand, particularly in higher end residential applications. In addition, the dominance of wood in the interior door market will boost demand as building construction expenditures rise.

However, like metal, wood will face strong competition from plastic window and door products. Consumer interest in plastic windows and doors over those made from wood will continue to increase because plastic products are generally more durable and require much less maintenance at a lower cost.

Windows & Doors
PLASTIC windows and doors are increasingly cutting into wood and metal's market share. (Photo courtesy Norfolk Aylsham Windows & Conservatiories)
1 0 I The Merchant Magazine t August 2014 Bui
ffi'm# flm tJ.$=$JE Wood Treatment Process Fu llv Penetrates: - Hard to Treat Woods Douglas fil SPF, White Oak, Red Pine, Balsa, Bamboo Heartwood and Sapwood of many woods Glue Lines of Engineered Woods and Structural Panels Uses Minimal Water: No Re-Dry Less Weight No Strength lmpact Final Form and Shape i{, r Durable Wood for All Uses See BPD & Merchant Magazine in September for more information or contact us at: Kop-Coat Protection Products www. (41-2) 227-2426 ffifrllrfi I((OP-CAU*T

Forest Gitytsflagship hes 50

had started in Portland in 1964. In 1971, Jack McKinnon was aPPointed president of AIFP, which then absorbed the personnel and assets of Buckeye Wholesale Lumber. Three years later, AIFP Trading Group was established as a corporate office to handle the growing management and financial functions-and its name was changed to Forest City Trading Group.

"McKinnon saw value in operating competitive, yet related, companies, so he developed a business structure that encourages and provides opportunities for capable leaders and aspiring traders," says Scott Elston, vice president of business development. "AIFP was the largest and most versatile of our companies. Our other companies grew from it, depending on specialty and leadership."

group is well-positioned for another 50 years of success.

$onesr Cnv Trading Group's flagL'ship company, American International Forest Products, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Since 1964, American International and the Forest City group of companies have grown and prospered in a challenging industry.

However, the group's history goes back even further, to 1921, when the

Ratner family started Forest CitY Enterprises, Cleveland, Oh., to serve local builders. In 1950, the family opened Buckeye Wholesale Lumber in Portland, to provide western lumber to FCE's yards in the Midwest. When lumber prices increased in the late 1960s, FCE acquired American International Forest Products, a successful wholesaler that

In 1972, the Buckeye Pacific name was revived for a new division in Portland, followed by the opening of Olympic Industries in Vancouver, B.C. Birmingham International Forest Products, Birmingham, Al., started in 197 5 , followed by Tampa International Forest Products, Tampa, Fl., in 1976.

In 1982, Viking Forest Products in Eden Prairie, Mn., was purchased. Seaboard International Forest Products, Nashua, N.H., and Richmond International Forest Products, Glen Allen, Va., were formed in 1983. Plateau Forest Products, Bend, Or., started as a subsidiary in 1985.

"Jack McKinnon gave proven

WHOTESATER Profile Forest City Trading Group
12 t The Merchant Magazine I
(Photos courtesy FCTG)
FOREST CITY TRADING GROUP's cunent president and c.e.o., Craig Johnston, believes that the

traders increased responsibility," says Elston. "As each company spun off, our supporting processes-credit lines, computer support, transportation, trader trading-grew stronger."

McKinnon passed away in 1989, but his company values still guide the group. "His belief that getting the best people and providing them the best opportunities continues today," says Craig Johnston, FCTG's current president and c.e.o.

ln 2004, Johnston and a team of senior executives led an employee purchase of the group from Forest City Enterprises. "We had outgrown our relationship with them-they were heavily involved in real estate-so they agreed to let us purchase ourselves," he says.

With the addition of Southern Mississippi Trading, Waynesboro, Ms., in 2010, the group had grown to l0 subsidiaries and two branches-plus 50 inventory locations. More than 280 traders deliver a wide variety of forest products to lumber dealers and distributors, home centers. wood treaters, and industrial accounts.

"When you work with any of our subsidiaries, there's no need to worry about the details because we back every trade," says Elston. "As we go forward, Forest City Trading Group will continue to look for opportunities to stay strong in an evolving industry."

One example of growth is the newest member of FCTG, which will open this month: Global LBM Marketing LLC, Portland, Or. This mill sales division will focus on regional and independent lumber and panel producers, and help maximize mill sales returns by leveraging and utilizing the entire FCTG channel of traders and markets. "This new division is a great fit and an opportunity to find the best markets and channels for independent producers," says Elston.

On Sept. 5, American International Forest products will

host an Open House to celebrate its 50th anniversary and thank its customers and supply partners. President John Vranizan says about AIFP's past, "Since 1964, AIFp has been a wholesale building material industry leader that is dedicated to creating opportunity for our partners," he says. "Looking forward, we will continue to grow by offering creative supply solutions with traders specializing in lumber, panels, industrial, steel, and value-added products."

FCTG's Johnston also recognizes the support of loyal employees and trading partners. "They've allowed us to survive the past 50 years-and we are poised for tremendous growth going forward," he says. "It's all about doing what we say, creating opportunities for our employees, and bringing value to our trading partners. If we aggressively continue to do that, I expect another 50 successful years ahead."

VETERAN TRADER Carlin lrish focuses on closinq another order in American International Forest Products' remodeled offrce in porfland, Or. August 2014 I The Merchant Magazine I 13
PARTICPANTS in recent hader training seminar offered by FCTG, which believes that training and development are a top priority.

Dealers note rising interest in green building

ft ner,N BUILDING continues to create lLf opportunities for bui lding product manufacturers, distributors and suppliers, according to McGraw Hill Construction's latest report, Green Multifamily & Single FamilY Homes: Growth in a Recovering Market.

To take advantage of these oPportunities, however, suppliers must be prepared to market products and services to both highly experienced green builders and to those just entering the

green building and remodeling market.

As always, prospective homebuYers have driven the continuing demand for green construction. "Greater consumer interest in green homes has contributed to the ongoing growth, leading us to anticipate that by 2016, the green single family housing market alone will represent approximately 26Vo to 33Vo of the market," said Harvey Bernstein, v.p. of industrY insights & alliances for McGraw Hill.

According to NAHB chairman Kevin Kelly, "This new study demonstrates phenomenal growth in green building, with more builders engaging in sustainable building practices than ever before."

Other important findings for singlefamily housing include:

More than one third of those surveyed are building 60Vo of their projects green.

73Vo of builders say that consumers will pay more for green singlefamily houses.

. By 2018, 62Vo of them expect to be at this level of green activitY.

. The biggest shiftisin those reporting that more than 9O7o of their work is green.

The growing importance of multifamily housing was also reflected in the report, with this sector becoming "one of the most robust sectors in the general building market." However, this market has "different drivers for green and different benefits compared with the single family market. As the report advises, "understanding these differences is crucial for those seeking inroads into this sector."

According to the rePort,54Vo of firms building new multifamily projects are doing more than l5Vo of their projects green. Though onlY 6Vo of multifamily builders report being dedicated to green (more than 907o of their projects green), 187, expect to be at that level by 20 I 8.

"The multifamily market is driven more by cost factors such as the availability of government or utility incentives, as well as enhancing their competitive position and corporate image," said Kelly. "In contrast, the growth in the single-family market is driven more by customer demand. All are compelling reasons for the industry to engage with this continuously growing market."

FEATURE Building Green
lnvolvement in Green Activity Over Time I t-ess than 16% of Projects Green I Ot'U''SO'L of Projects Green I More than 90% of Projeqts Green I tO"U.-OOt' of Projects GreenBuilders of New SingleFamily l{emgs -84o/o'E I - I 2018 63YoI -or/o -t -fJn I 2011 62Yo ; ooo, I-Ftd2013 77olo I "^r^ffl x 2015 - Builders of New Multifamjly, Project"r; i 46","ffi n n EEJJ 2011 2013 l!],u*"' r,n** rr3!]"?*or,' 2014
14 t The Merchant Magazine r August 2014
;ta.r: \Alhen it conres fo prerniunr profile prodLrcts, gr\/e yoLtr- l-lstor.rlers .tn edqe-with UFP-Eclge" I lirr'' r.:,r t l)il r.t 1':\i r( trltI-rl-rll, tt l- l-.( l- tr-t\b GIVING YOU AN ;w_ EDGE. r-\, 1al.rl'!' r11, .li\" r't.t ' l. ll-lfir' ,, ' ,r35. i',''1,; ' .i,, .l':1.,:l: ;,; iir :,1.r rl(.tSi I)atiii'f 'f .'' : " i].i,rti ,aif .tite r.,lt.f r(,r;t\',iti a['tir.: :l-f]c f)1 \,.v.tir( ,iIa.l "- r: -.rt: -lr,| ,il', rrlftl ihe vli)lIt (rtil'it(.:aTSi 5 L l- ..r1i,,,r 1,.' I '..,,t:r.:'t,, ! i.,tl ,i,rilir O AL1a,:i r,','1, j|l;,1yq,'r' ija.l rf .l: :,1 I ilr,itat'ri,ir" i ,-i:i_r,,a:f ata al-tof.5 lrr a, '-t r..;Ji- -.it3|,ttjC ',i,li..t,rr. j i. tiirlr l:r|5!1.t'is. vv ii,l-iP L:,, vo!.j (...il1 ()i{e,

New codes and regulations boost wood markets

several codes promulgated by the International Code Council, including:

. The International Residential Code references guidance for building with wood in newly updated versions of the National Design Specification for Wood Construction, Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic, and Wood Frqme Construction Manual, and now recognizes the use of cross-laminated timber.

The International Energy Conser-vation Code continues to reference R-values as a prescriptive measurement versus performance criteria, and maintains the decisionmaking authority of building officials.

f TNoEn cRowtNG pressure from the economy. environlLJmental regulation, and competing materials, U.S' wood products manufacturers and distributors face a myriad of challenges. The wood products market is constantly evolving due to changes in building codes and the green building industry. The good news is, advanced technologies and the inherent sustainability of wood are encouraging demand for wood products-giving them a leg-up against other building materials.

Building Codes & Standards

Today, wood products meet code requirements in a wide range of low- and mid-rise building types. New, innovative technologies and building systems have enabled longer wood spans, taller walls, and higher buildings, and continue to expand the possibilities for wood use in construction. The resulting growth in demand, however, cannot be realized without changes to building codes that embrace wood products.

The wood products industry has been working together to engage full-time with the leading construction codewriting bodies to encourage acceptance of wood applications. Over the past year, the American Wood Council collaborated to review more than 2,300 proposed changes to

. The International Fire Code maintains existing fire code requirements for outdoor pallet storage in favor of the wood products industry, in a decision to disapprove a proposal to impose more onerous requirements for pallet builders, recyclers and repair depots'

Recognizing the benefits of wood, the industry saw a 957o success rate to incorporate these changes-which means more building designers and construction professionals will be able to opt for wood as the primary material for their buildings. Along with previously-approved changes to the International Building Code and the ongoing2O14 hearings on the International Green Construction Code, the revised codes for 2015 will be published in late 2014.

Green Building

With the green building market estimated to reach as high as $145 billion by 2015, more attention is also being paid than ever before to how buildings impact the environment, including the choices of materials used in construction and how those materials help conserve energy during operation. As a natural building material that can help Uuitalngs achieve energy efficient advantages, wood products should be positioned to customers as a valuable option for reducing the environmental impact of the construction industry. Wood is the perfect green building material because it is renewable, recyclable and stores carbon that reduce greenhouse gases.

16 r The Merchant Magazine r August 2014

Stemming from a combination of industry advocacy and the broad interest in reducing the environmental impacts of buildings, there has recently been a shift for green rating systems to embrace a more systematic, multi-anribute assessment of building products. Achieved by measurement of life cycle assessment (LCA), this method offers greater uniformity between rating systems for a more fair measurement of building materials, including wood products.

For an easy-to-use resource for customers, LCA-based data is now available in the form of standardized environmental product declarations (EPDs). Through AWC and partner organizations, the wood products industry has released nine EPDs, including softwood lumber, plywood, OSB, glulam, LVL, wood I-joists, redwood decking, MDF and particleboard. Dealers and distributors should have these on-hand as more customers will be looking to measure the environmental impact of their projects and meet green building rating requirements.

In fact, several recent changes have been made to the green building codes and rating systems to encourage recognition of wood, including:

. The U.S. Green Building Council implemented new criteria contained in the recently approved LEED v4 rating system.

. ASHRAE updated criteria within its green building minimum requirements standard.

. The ICC now has representation from the wood products industry on the oversight committee for its new green building model code.

. Industry representation has also been established within Green Globes and National Green Building Standard Committees, ensuring wood products are rewarded for their environmental characteristics and positive contributions.

Demand for wood is growing, as architects incorporate more of the material into designs for sustainable and aesthetically pleasing projects. To address this need. distributors should be educated on the expanded options for wood products in light of recent building code updates, along with the environmental and structural benefits of wood as a selling point.



And that results in better service... suggesting ways to minimize risk... settling claims more fairly and quickly. No wonder more than 135 million policyholders choose mutual insurance to protect their property.

With PLM/ILM, you get two established MUTUAL insurance companies specializing in the lumber, woodworking and building materials industries that understand your business, your needs and your values^

Become a part of something bigger. Become a member of a mutual.

- John "Buddy" Showalter, P.E., is v.p. o.f technology transfer at the American Wood Council, Washington, D.C.
Member of the National Association of Mufual Insurance Companies "SHAFED PURPOSE. MUTUAL VALUEStu b a r€gislsed tsademark of the National A6siation otMutual Insumce Compani6. All nghts res*d O 2O14 Nalional As@iation of Mutual lnsurance ComMies. w ]:!,M I{l pENNsyLvANrA LUMBERMENS MUTUAL TNSURANcE coMpANyt JdI s*d F*f IIna TNDTANA LUMBERMENS MUTUAL |NSURANCE COMPANY w {*4#+rkFFefle i August 2014 I The Merchant Magazine I 17 I

Use data security as a strategic advantage

tTl"a HIGH-PRoFILE credit card secuI rity breaches at major U.S. retailers over the last six months emphasize the prevalence of data theft and also spotlight the risks to a merchant caught unprepared for such crimes.

While the penalties and costs for a mega-store data breach can be astronomical (the price tag for Target's December 2013 event has already soared into the tens of millions of dollars), data compromises can cost a merchant well into the six-figures if the they are deemed liable for the occurence.

While these events paint a gloomy picture, there is a silver lining for small business owners. This environ-

ment creates a differentiation opportunity by positioning one's company as a stalwart custodian of customer credit card information.

There is evidence to suggest that the security breach at all l,'797 Target stores in 2013 may have been perpetrated by a loose band of criminals in Russia using relatively rudimentary, "off-the-shelf' malware. Ironically enough, the corporation took preemptive measures against such tactics by adopting an expensive malware detection tool six months prior to the attack. Target had also increased their cyber security staff by almost tenfold from 2006 levels, to nearly 300 people.

What their money couldn't buy, as it turns out, was decisive, internal action. Their new watchdog vendor issued top-level warnings to the Target security team as soon as it detected the malware, yet for unexplained reasons the retail giant took no steps and stood by while data flowed out of its system. By the time the malware was finally removed, 40 million credit card numbers were compromised and presumably sold on the black market.

Gall to Action

The first step for any credit card merchant is to establish and fortify its defenses against a potential data

1Br The Merchant Magazine r August 2014

breach by complying with rhe Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. The PCI Security Standards Council was esrablished in 2004 by the leadership of all four major U.S. credit card companies: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

The council's mission was, and is, clear: to create an additional level of protection for card issuers by ensuring that merchants meet minimum levels of security when they store, process and transmit cardholder data.

While card issuer protection is the function of the DSS by design, the merchants are beneficiaries of it as well. In the event of a data breach, a merchant is unlikely to be subject to fines or penalties if an audit reveals that they were fully (and actually) compliant at the time of the event.

The PCI-DSS requires merchants to complete an initial self-assessment questionnaire that outlines their data security responsibilities. There are five distinct SAQs, each defined by the various credit card transaction processing methods available. Annual renewals, by means of an attestation and signature, are required to maintain this compliance.

A merchant's PCI compliance is a "snapshot-in-time" of its current methods and best practices. It is by no means a guarantee that any merchant, large or small, is immune to an information breach, nor will previous compliance provide a liability exemption if there have been changes to the manner in which their credit card transactions are processed. Therefore,

it is important that merchants not only update their true PCI compliance, but continually keep IT components such as firewalls and security patches up-to-date.

Providing regular staff training in data security protocol is also a key measure in risk-management. Let the Target debacle make them the poster child for that lesson.

Positive Spin & Real Benefits

When a merchant takes an active role in data security practices, the risk of compromising customer card information is greatly reduced. Riskreduction is Small Business Best Practices 101, but unlike other pitfalls, data security breaches may involve many (if not all) of a company's customers. The consequences of such are always costly, if not devastatins.

Working with a credit card processor that understands PCI compliance and works to educate its merchants is invaluable. Using this opportunity to learn even the basics about card data security will not only increase a company's awareness of this important merchant responsibility, but will allow them to position themselves as an industry leader in the matter. Rather than competing on price alone, those businesses able to distinguish their company from the competition through value-added services will

enjoy greater profits and higher customer loyalty.

Protecting sensitive cardholder data is a powerful, two-pronged differentiation tool, delivering peace of mind to customers and driving new sales to the door as weli.

- As former owner of an architectural woodshop owner (Hofmann Joinery, Hanover, Md.), Chris Hofinann represents Tiger Payment Solutions to the professional woodworking supply and machinery industry for their payment processing solutions. He can be reached at (617) 999-7 2 I 4 or chri s@ ti gerproce

Atnsworth pq!.ry#!,X* $ P,,iti, woud Laminates, Inc Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Prducts /MOR,]WAN P.O. Box 1802, Medford, (s4r\ s3s-346s o OR 97t01 Fax 541-535-3288 Distributed By August 2014 I The Merchant Magazine I 19

Letts get engaged

ll tfaNv sELLERS are "talking" to IVlcustomers without any real connection. Customers treat these sellers like a number-it's easy to say no to them. They maY "Pick us off'every now and then when we are stupid-cheap, but theY won't buy from us consistentlY.

The opposite is also true. When we engage our customers, we become a business partner with them. We sell them as partners, not as adversaries. The ironY is that engagement takes our relationships makes selling more profitable. beyond dollars. yet

Do Not Throw UP on the Gustomer

"Good morning, John. This is Peter from Please Buy Lumber. I've got a Templar Purple stud that ships in two weeks and gets into you at $450/MBF. What d'ya think? "

This is not a sales call or even a sales intro. This is "Throwing up." We have given the customer all the information. There is no art or intrigue. It is not interesting and thus will not create interest (or engagement)' This kind of introduction creates a ton of "I'll let you know(s)."

Instead, "Good morning, John. This is Peter ftom Your Partner Lumber. We just bought a block of Templar Purples. We bought based on market strength and supply shortage. We sold two instantly to a market-sawy buyer. How many of these can you use? "

When we make a great verbal introduction, without giving the price,we force the customer to engage with us. If there is any interest at all (and there will be-humans are naturally curious) they will engage by saying, "What's the price?"

Further Engagements

To engage the customer, we must show that we care. How do we show we care?

Talk to the Customer About What They Want to Talk About. Too many sellers spend the day talking about what is on their mind. They blather head-long into conversations that are not the slightest bit interesting to the customer and in some cases offensive! Others just talk about the deal without adding the human touch. If it's only about the deal, the customer will feel it and will buy from another seller who engages them as a human.

Let the Customer Like You. Some sellers are embarrassed by "niceness" or any opening up from customers.

We need to relax and resPond to customers when theY reach out. When a buyer tries to be nice to us, we appreciate and acknowledge it. We don't have to saY, "Thanks for being nice," we just resPond in kind.

Persistent & Consistent. One of the best ways to engage is to be consistent in our communication. We call, email, text in a Persistent and consistent way. If we (trY to) engage the customer in an inconsistent way, we will have inconsistent results. Many sellers call, few call more than twice, fewer call at the same time, on the same day-all the time. Persistent and consistent shows that we care and that we can be counted on.

Quality, Creative & Consistent Offerings. Our offerings are a reflection of who we are. Many sellers send emails with basic information. They slop the offering out in a couple seconds and it looks like and feels like it. There is no consistency, so there is no engagement. Our offerings must look good and we must send them on a regular, systematic basis, like advertising, or we are just "pitching product" and will get treated like "product pitchers" instead of engaged partners.

Engage the Whole Account. We will need allies within any account to sell, grow and hang on to them. They do talk about salespeople when we leave (or'hang up). Many sellers treat the non-buyers like furniture. They aren't rude; they just don't engage with them. They are perfunctory in their communication, to their own detriment.

Many sellers barelY turn on the lights, much less "turn up the lights" for their customers. If we act as if we are only here for the order, we will get treated poorly. Smile, slow down, be at your most charming best, and ask the recePtionist, the yard man, and the buYer, "How are you today?" and mean it. Engagement takes work. Humans are great BS meters, so be sincere.


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By f ames Olsen
20 I The Merchant Magazine I August 2014

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Looking for answers to treated wood questions?

inquiries gave rise to an idea: why not create a university for treated wood, a collection of user-friendly videos and other tools addressing common questions and quandaries? This is how Wolmanized Wood University was conceived, and now the idea is a reality at

The site features videos, articles and literature from various sources, focusing on how treated wood is made and its intended uses. Additional content covers how to identify properly treated wood, how to build decks, fences and other outdoor projects properly, how to revitalize pressure treated wood decks, and how to identify potential problems in aging decks.

The website is designed to help deck contractors, lumberyard employees, and consumers make informed choices, have realistic expectations, and realize maximum benefit from Wolmanized wood products.

ftunsrtov: A noutowuEn asks if her contractor can \lUuita a pressure teated wood fence with boards ,rdching all the way to the ground so her beloved Yorkshire terrier can't squeeze out underneath.

Q: A contractor wants to know if he can use wood treat' ed for above ground applications for a deck being built close to the ground.

Q: A homeowner waters potted plants on her treated wood deck in the same place all the time, and wonders why the wood underneath is deteriorating.

Q: A deck contractor asks if he has to coat end cuts with a topical preservative.

Q: A customer wants to know if she can paint her new treated wood deck as soon as it's constructed.

Answer: Go to Wolmanized Wood University. The customer service group at Arch Wood Protection answers questions like the ones posed above on a daily basis, but customers don't always ask about proper product use before they act. In fact, these typical consumer

The Know Your Wood video is the cornerstone of the program, addressing the most common reason why people have issues with treated wood: that is, they use a product in a way for which it was not intended. Specifically, they use lumber (or fence boards) treated for above-ground applications in contact with the ground, debris or vegetation-or where it will be continuously wetted.

The product label (also known as an end tag) affixed to the end of lumber when sold clearly states how the wood should be used, but many consumers do not realize the significance of the label-nor that labels validating treated wood purchases are required by most manufacturers for warranty coverage.

That's why one of the tools in is a deck owner's manual. The manual contains product use and maintenance information and contains a page where homeowners can retain end tags in the event a problem arises with the wood. Contractors can customize the cover with their contact information and then provide the manual to customers when a project is complete. (The makers of Wolmanized wood also offer online warranty registration allowing deck owners to submit end tags and other purchase details electronically.)

So what about the questions posed at the beginning of the article? Where can consumers find the answers? Check out the "Tips to Properly Install Treated Wood" sheet found in the resources section of This single sheet addresses all of the questions posed at the

r MARGIN Builders
Wood Sales
DEALERS, contractors and homeowners can find answers to their decking dilemmas at the new Wolmanized Wood University.
22 r The Merchant Magazine r August 2014

beginning of this article

All treated wood is not alike. So what if a homeowner wants to know what type of treated wood will be best for his project? has an article for that. "How to Choose Treated Lumber" explains that there's a time to select high-grade, well-protected outdoor lumber and a time to choose more economical pieces. The article covers preservatives, lumber grades, and other options for achieving the desired appearance and durability.

What if contractors would like to broaden their income streams by offering deck restoration services? Or, d-i-yers want to know how to revitalize the appearance of weathered wood decks? Two videos on the website show how to clean and stain pressure-treated wood decks to achieve the best results

More than 40 million decks in the U.S. are at least 20 years old and need to be maintained and inspected for problems. So, how can homeowners identify potential problems? Thanks to the North American Deck & Railing Association, the university has a video-and evaluation forms-for that. The site contains NADRA's deck safety video and a checklist instructing homeowners how to check aging decks, as well as a more detailed evaluation form that contractors can refer to when providing deck inspection services. Plus, the site links to NADRA's Master Deck Professional Certification Program, a series of online courses and exams accessible to both members and non-members. The series is free, though there is a fee for processing the exams needed to earn official MDP certification.

Whether the visitor is a deck owner, contractor or lumber dealer, offers useful information that will lead to better experiences with treated wood.

Thrce fips to Mahe

Roseburg RigidLamo Key Advantages

Stronger, stiffer, more consistent

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IN-YARD POSTER explaining how to extend the life of pressure treated wood fences can be obtained from the dealer section of
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The XYZs of Employee Recruitment and Retention

tTtne Mrr-r-ENteLs-on Generation Y members-are the

fastest-growing segment of the workforce. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts they will comprise three-quarters of the workforce by 2030, filling the void left by retiring Baby Boomers and a smaller Gen X.l

What does this mean for the wholesale products industry? That our continued success hinges upon our ability to recruit, retain and prepare these individuals for leadership roles within it.

Those of us who interview, train and work with members of this generation recognize that they have different motivations, behaviors and technological savvy than their predecessors. While this is all true, it is our responsibility as future leaders of our companies to recruit, retain and engage those individuals at our companies and not be afraid of this generation. Good hires are always good and bad hires are still always bad, regardless of their age. It is our job to attract top talent to this fun, exciting and relationship-based industry.

But first, we have to understand them better.

Who are they?

The 79 million members of Gen Y were born between 1982 and 2000, and significantly outnumber the 68 million members of Gen X born between 1965 and 1981. They were shaped by U.S. events such as 9/11 and have grown up using the technology available in our current workplace, including the Internet, smartphones, social media, and cloud computing.2

What motivates them?

According to a 201I PwC survey3 of university graduates in 75 countries, Millenials tend to feel less loyalty to an employer, consider advancing quickly in their compa-

nies a top priority, value development and work-life balance more than financial rewards, prefer to communicate electronically (vs. face-to-face or telephone), and would consider leaving a company that didn't have the values they expected.

How do you attract & retain them?

At the 2014 NAWLA Leadership Summit this spring, Gustavo Grodnitzky, Ph.D. introduced attendees to the Gen Y magnet companya-a company that is successful in attracting and keeping Millennial employees. Dr' Grodnitzky shared the common "magnet factors" that

24 I The Merchant Magazine I August 2014

those companies display, and challenged us to implement these at our companies to ensure greater success with the next generation.

First, change the way you think about time. Instead of offering sick and vacation leave, shift to paid time off (PTO) and unpaid leave. This is an easy way to provide the flexibility that Gen Y employees seek, while reducing their likelihood to abuse the benefit.

Another way to address the Gen Y need for flexibility is by using time as a reward. Comp time, flexible scheduling, four-day work weeks, job sharing, summer hours, and similar initiatives are found at magnet companies. There may be some limitations to this based on your company's operations, but it is well worth the time to investigate and implement the ones that would work for you.

As was also noted in the PwC survey, opportunities for professional development, advancement and recognition are all highly motivating to Millenials. They also want and tend to work better in a team environment. Bring the best of those traits together by creating an environment where they can easily share and contribute ideas, accept new and increasingly challenging responsibilities, and showcase their newfound skills. Dr. Grodnitzky suggests you package these opportunities as "skill set development" rather than an employee's "career path."

We all know that a supervisor can have the singlegreatest impact on employee tenure. And Gen Y members are likely to show great loyalty to a manager who builds a strong relationship. Be sure to offer frequent feedback and detailed instructions, show an interest in your employee by talking about more than just upcoming deadlines or duties, be mindful of challenging opportunities you can give to your Gen Y employees, and overlook the occasional visit to Facebook (or Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.). Expect to have a mentor or leader tied to every Millennial you hire. They will not

A Special Series from North American tVholesale Lumber Association

succeed without someone guiding them. This is expected. If you take the time with these individuals, their fresh outlook could teach you something about your company as well.

The final magnet factor relates to cause and a Millenial's need for contributing to something bigger than themselves. I believe this one to be particularly important for us due to perceived challenges some may face regarding our industry's perception. We need to devote resources and time to explaining our industry and the countless ways it has a positive impact on the world in recruitment materials, job interviews, and new employee orientations.

And, it's not enough to offer these benefits. You have to promote them in places where job seekers are likely to find them. Personally, this is where I see social media having the greatest impact in our industry. Rather than trying to sell lumber, showcase your workplace and the ways it provides flexibility, development opportunities, relationship-building, purpose and value. People (regardless of their age) want to work somewhere that is fun. Promote your company. Do so in a genuine waythrough photos of employee activities and updates relative to these benefits-so that it resonates with this group.

How else can you keep them?

Go beyond the conventional happy hour or welcome lunch and establish or leverage an existing mentoring program for your younger employees.

Because Millenial workers tend to have very close relationships with and trust the insights of their parents, pairing them with an experienced mentor can have a huge impact on their longevity and growth at your company.

For me, it made a huge difference in both my performance and my professional satisfaction to have access to the depth of knowledge that a more experienced mentor provided me in my career. I learned more than I could hope to gain on my own, and gained a counselor and advisor I can turn to for years to come. The fear of failure decreased, as I had someone I could trust to give me honest, open feedback before I jumped too far off the cliff.

If you do not have the resources to develop a mentor program on your own, I encourage you to look into NAWLA's NextGenl0 Group or talk to members at other companies to find a seasoned professional who can help guide your rising stars. Have your Millennial join a NAWLA committee or a 10 Group, or attend the Leadership Conference or the Trader's Market. These industry events showcase the best part of working in this industry: the people. To learn more, visit or contact NAWLA at (800) 527-8258.

- Bethany West is business manager of Capital Lumber, Healdsburg, Ca., and a member of NAWLA's board.

I /art3full.pdf z futureworkplace.cor/sp€aking/

J a,under shnding-motivating-millennial-generation/ August 2014 I The Merchant Magazine I 25

Oregon Dealer Adds Branch

Gold Beach Lumber held a July 7 soft opening for its latest yard, located in Port Orford. Or.. at a former McNair Hardware location. An official srand openins is scheduled for next smonth.'complete with vendors, games and prizes.

"We want to make it exciting for the community, but it's not good for the first day," explained Reed Ringer, who co-owns the company with his son Ryan. "Everything has a systeminventory, staff, computers-and they all have to be coordinated and that's better at a soft opening,"

Brenda Taylor is manager of the new location.

SPI Buying Hurd Windows

Sierra Pacific Industries. Anderson. Ca., has agreed to acquire Hurd Windows & Doors and Superseal Windows & Doors, Medford, Wi., from Longroad Asset Management.

The deal provides SPI with new product lines, manufacturing plants in Medford and Merrill, Wi., and immediate access to central and eastern U.S. and international markets for its window division.

"The acquisition of Hurd Windows

& Doors will significantly expand the sales and manufacturing capabilities of our window division as we move beyond our current footprint in the western U.S.," said SPI president George Emmerson. "The long-term stability of Sierra Pacific Industries, its extensive forest holdings, combined with the synergy of complementary product lines and strategic positioning of manufacturing facilities, will allow us to leverage the strengths of each company."

SPI anticipates investing additional capital in Hurd, which was purchased by Longroad in 2008.

r DEALER Briefs

Goalinga Ace Hardware, Coalinga, Ca., suffered $100,000 in damage from a June 25 fire.

The business reopened three days later, although the back area of the store was partitioned off.

Ag Supply Co., Wenatchee, Wa., is opening its 6th Ace Hardware store this summer in W. Bremerton, Wa.

Argonne Ace Hardware, Sookane Vallev, added a 5,000-sq. ft. sister Arqonie Ace Hardware & Sportin! Goods next door.

Orchard Supply Hardware is closing its Arden Way store in Sacramento, Ca., and its 3O-year-old location in Gilroy, Ca.

Home Depot has scrapped plans for a 120,000-sq. ft. store in the Bayview district of San Francisco, Ca.-its third failed attempt at building a location in the city.

Newhall Lumber's Newhall, Ca., property has been purchased by orivate investors.

product offuring: Interfor Reserve. AtqFt:in-class product support€d by the latest in European technology and s{trns\of the highest quality Pine in North Arr*rics. All backed by th€ stability and strength of one of North AmeriiE s largtest and most diverse lumber companies. it

The yard closed late last year after the death of owner Bill Kellerman.

Clark GountvHabitat for Humanity store'opened late last month in Vancouver, Wa. (Steven Donovan, store mgr.).

Bilil-ding value-

Santa Barbara Home lmprovement Centet,


Barbara, Ca., was honored as Ace Hardware Corp.'s second largest volume store nationwide.

a**' -*i'+;'qfids. r Introducing a World-Class !,Ifri # Micro-Eased Edge 1" pineSoard $ADE with PR,O€ .' INTERFOR RESERVE '*n*'! oneco,u, u.9.F' * Innovatfbn, quality and choice. Thdtt the thinking behind Interfor's newest *
& .'.
26 I The Merchant Magazine I August 2014


lI nner. Srnoruc.


ABUNUANT. FINFir\rAt]L[ F]EDUJOO|) is one of nature's finest building nraterrals. lts strong, durable, beautifu , and easy to work wrth, Thalt's why dernand keeps grow ng arlong homeowners. contractors and archrtects.

AND SUPPLY WILL STAY STRONG, TOO. WhY are lve so sure? Because every year rnore redwood is being grown than haryested in nearly 1 nri lion acres of sustainably rnanaged redwood forestlands rn Northern Calitorn a.

We believe "'llTflONG AND GRCW!l'iiG is a forrrula for long'terrr success. lf you think so too, ccntact Julie Wright ar (707) 764-4450, or


Iftrrnboldt Redwood" ..t g, t !I Allriveather Wood"

Interfor Producing New Pine Line

Interfor has upgraded its mill in Gilchrist. Or., to produce its new Rcscrvc Pine product line.

"We havc invested millions of dollars to equip t'rur Gilchrist rrill with the most aclvanced iinishing systenr in the world. putting it on the map as a leader in the onc-inch premium board rnalket," said Steven Hofer. senior r iee president of sales and markcting. "With Reserve Pine . we are building value fbr customers by providing a high-quality product with an impeccable finishcd look and feel."

Sincc 20011. Interfor has invested more than $l-5 million in upgrades. Thc latest investment, $-5 million last year. was for a Weinig H5000 high-speed lt'roulder and precision plancr heacls.

The boards are made with slow-growing lodgepolc and pondcrosa pine fiorn the high plateau of ccntral Ore-son. -uiving them a distincl grain pattern. tight knots. and an appealing goldcn color. Availablc in dimensions liom lx4 to lx 12. thcy have a mouldccl, micro-easccl I / 16" radius ecl-ge. and arc ideal tbr l'ascia. interior trim. gcncral building construction. and pattern blanks.

Thc company is working with strategic partners to distribute Rescrve Pine products across North America, including Boise Cascadc. Forest Products Supply/FP Supply'. Midwest Lurnbcr, Neinran Recd [,umber. Parksite. Universal Forest Proclucts, and Weycrhaeuser.

"Custorners like the consistcntly machined smoothness, and find the eased edges make the boards nicc to handle," said Stan Jensen, commodity product manager at Boise Cascade. "l expcct this quality product line will grow in valuc as more people learn about it."



Roofing Wholesaler Expands in West

Roofing Supply Group. Dallas. Tx.. has added two new West Coast locations-in McClellan Park (Sacramento), Ca.. and Woodinville. Wa.

Thc McClellan Park location will be led by Matt Disantis, who also remains briinch managcr of the existing Sacriimento facility. Todcl Severson. currently Seattle branch mana-ser. will also oversec Woodinville, with Arik Moe as assistant managcf

The opcnings mark the l2th and l3th new locations fbr RSG in thc last year.

Blaze Destroys Swanson Mill

Swanson Group's plywood and veneet'mill in Springfielcl. Or.. was destroyed by a July' l7 blazc, and it's uncertain when and if the cornpany will rebuild there.

Chuck Wert, chief opelating officer. said the compan)' would like to rebuild the mill, but must f irst evaluate its insurancc coverage. policy limits. and cost. He cstinlated the price tage on a cotlparable l'acility at morc than $100 mi1lion.

Swanson Group purchased the Springfield Plywood & Veneer mill in 2007 from McKenzie Foresl Products and invested millions in upgracles. If the companl' does decide to rebuild. the project would take at lcast two years.

In the rneantime. some of the mill's 2-50 workcrs rnay be off'ered jobs at Swanson's mills in Roseburg and Glendale, Or. Each of these mills mi-eht also under-st) mini-r-xpunsions. to incrcase capacity.

The Sprin-uficld facility hacl becn proclucing l5 rnillion bd. ft. a nronth. "You pull that rnuch woocl out of thc marketplace all at once and it creates a little bit o1-a panic,'' Wert noted. "There's a fairly signil'icant ripple eff'ect in the marketplace."

Weyerhaeuser Distribution has completed the move of its Eugene, Or., DC to Albany, 0r. (see March, p. 24).



Gonpomre Orrrca

loSgo E|JAYENUE, ForsANA, cA. ot?37

, (6OO)24*t694 (9o9r357-773o FAx(gOe)957qn43

, , Pxopxx OFFIGE

' 4t I o w. vvrgr{rHcrox 8TREE , grE 2oo, PHoENo(, Az. 85oog (AEo 55t-2e27 (e23t 9#.2,tr,27 F^x (624) s3&5,2r 4



'r 562E /lnvrr.r-e Sr. Sle Ce D, ["As VEcAs, Nv. Ag t I a ' ftoA43o.tl4ll3 F^xooa4sGtt44o

Interfor Gorp. indefinitely curtailed production at its Beaver, Wa., sawmill starting June 27, with its Forks, Wa., planer mill to also be idled after processing remaining inventories.

Boise Cascade will curtail operations at rts plywood and stud mills in Elgin, Or., from Aug.30 to Sept 6, while it performs upgrades at its log utilization center in Elgin.

Eldorado Stone added a 3,000-sq. ft. showroom at its San Diego, Ca., headquarters.

Johns Manville, Denver, Co., was named 2014 Supplier of the Year Oy Insulate America.

Simpson Door Co., McCleary, Wa., has revamped to ease product selection.

.+@ e', a 28 r The Merchant Magazine r August 2014 Bui

Washington Dealer Adds 4th Store

Henery Do It Bcst Hardr"arc is openint a ncw storc Aug. l6 in E. Brcmcrton. Wa.

At 26.0(X) sq. l't.. it uill be the largest anrong thc chain's firur Iocations ancl will enrplur' 1-5.

Additional storcs arc in Port Townscnd. Kingston ancl Quilccne. Wa.

Plum Creek Restarts MDF Mill

Plum Creek Tirnber. Scattlc. Wa.. rcopened its MDF facility in Colurnbia Falls. Mt.. firur ll'ccks aftcr a Junc l0 blaze car,rscd more than S8 rnillion in darnages. No in.jLrries wcre reported clrrring the bllzc. whiclt was causecl by a mechanical failure.

"Wc arc vcr) thankfll that all the local I'ilc ancl saf-ety clepartments rallied to protect the pcople u,'orking at the f'acilitv." saicl Torn Ray. v.p. of nolthrvest rcsourccs and manul'acturing. To shovu'its apprcciation. Plurl Creek donatcd $l-5.(XX) to bc shared bv all the rest)()nsc units that helpecl fieht thc fire.

New Set of Investors Acquires Northwest Hardwoods

Private investrncnt firrn Little.jolin & Co.. LLCI Greenwich. Ct.. has acquirccl Northwest Hardwoods. thc leacling nranut'acturcr ancl distributor of North Arnerican hirrclwood lurnber. I'rom Anrerican Inclustrial Partncrs.

Headquartcred in Taconta. Wa.. Northwest Hardwoods was carved-out of Weyerhacuser bv AIP in 20 I |

"We alc thrillcd to accluire such a hieh qualitl, busincss that fits wcll u,ithin our invcstntcnl fbcus," said Little john's

nanaging director. Echnund J. Fcelcy. "NWH has built a strong br"rsiness anci an outstanclinc rcputation lbr working closely with cLrstomers and plor,'iclint cluality' harclr,"ood products. We look lirrivard to building its gcorrraphic rcach and furthcr cnhancing its cxccptionul custorncl scrvicc."

NWH presiclcnt and c.e.o.'l'J Roscngruth added. "Whilc the ownership group has chlnged. Northwest Hardu,oocls will continue to be thc selmc sreat colnpanv ()ur customers have valued lirr manv ycars. We arc excitccl to bc u,orking with l-ittle.john."

PAVERS from Azek Building Products, Scranton, Pa., were donated for a walkway through Veterans Exploration Garden, San Bernardino, Ca. Azek's Alan Schall (center, kneeling) guided volunteers from Home Depot and Orepac.
0 August 2014 r The Merchant Magazine a 29

Guy Selleck, Boise Cascade Building Materials Distribution, Lathrop, Ca., has been promoted to assistant branch mgr. in Riverside, Ca. He will succeed Mike Bland as branch mgr. when Bland retires Jan. l, 20r5.

Israel "lzzy" Gonzalez Jr., exConcannon Lumber, has been named director of sales-international hardwoods for Bridgewell Resources, Tigard, Or.

Brian Barrett has been promoted to president of McKinnon Lumber Co., Hollister, Ca. His father, John Barrett, will remain on as c.e.o.

Althea Fuentes, ex-Parr Lumber, has joined Cascade Wholesale Hardware, Hillsboro, Or.

Aaron Castaneda is new to sales at Ganahl Lumber, Anaheim, Ca.

Mark Hoenisch, ex-McFarland Cascade, is now Vancouver, Wa., territory sales mgr. for Orepac Building Products.

Kendall Pierson has been promoted to president of Sierra Pacific Industries' window division, Anderson. Ca.

Josh Dean, ex-Collins Cos., is now sales mgr. of Forest City Trading Group's new mill direct sales divsion, Global LBM Marketing LLC, Portland, Or.

Bryan Elliston, Sterling Lumber & Investment, Westminster, Co., has been promoted to v.p.-operations.

David Kendal is a new account mgr. at HD Supply/White Cap Construction Supply, San Diego, Ca.

Candace Berg Hernandez, exThompson Construction Supply, is new to West Coast regional purchasing at Allied Building Products, Corona, Ca.

Tim Page, ProBuild, Denver, Co., was promoted to senior v.p.-strategy.

Steve Mahurin, chief retail officer, has left Orchard Supply Hardware, San Jose. Ca.

Steve Parker, ex-Saroyan Lumber, is now San Francisco territory sales mgr. for Cimino's Cabinet Doors, Hollister. Ca.

Dave Feitl has joined Rhino Linings Corp., San Diego, Ca., as director of sales for its building products group.

Chris Albright, ex-Dakeryn Industries, is now a lumber trader at Canadian Wood Products, Vancouver. B.C.

Sarah C. Bell, ex-Spruce Computer Systems, has joined Computer Associates Inc., Smithfield, R.I., as a business development mgr. for Ponderosa Software.

Jay Engle, ex-MeadWestvaco, has joined Forest2Market, Charlotte, N.C., as director-subscription services. Daniel Stuber is now, and Sam Houston, chief operations officer.

Sam Moran, ex-Moran Forest Products, has joined the buying staff at Tiaga Building Products, Burnaby, B,C.

Bryan J. Yeazel has been promoted to executive v.p. and c.o.o. of Stock Building Supply, Raleigh, N.C. C. Lowell Ball is now senior v.p. and general counsel.

Eric Spence, ex-Jeld Wen, has been appointed senior v.p. of sales & marketing for the Ply Gem Windows group, Cary, N.C.

Heather Stegner has joined the American Wood Council, Washington, D.C., as director of communications.

30 I The Merchant Magazine I August 2014 Bui

Gary Vitale, ex-NAWLA, has launched GFV Business Advisory, Ada. Mi., specializing in corporate renewal, sales and marketing, and nonprofits.

Jery Y. Huntley, president and c.e.o., Vinyl Siding Institute, Washington, D.C.. will retire at the end of the year after 20 years at the helm.

John V. Faraci, c.e.o., International Paper, Memphis, Tn., has been named 2014 North American C.E.O. of the Year by RISI. Faraci, who is retiring later this year, will receive the award Oct. 8 at RISI's North American Forest Products Conference in Boston.

Doug Cole, director-real estate, Plum Creek Timber, Seattle, Wa., and Steve Straus, president, Glumac, Seattle. Wa.. have been elected to the board of The Green Building Initiative.

Jeff Ellis, director of codes & standards, Simpson Strong-Tie, Riverside, Ca., was named Engineer of the Year by the Strutural Engineers Association of Southern California.

Dan Bohannon, president, Bohannon Lumber Co., Orange, Ca., and Brian Cheney won the recent U.S. Tennis Association National Hardcourt Doubles Championship in Irvine, Ca. The team is currently ranked #l in the nation in the 65and-over division.

Hallie Luya is organizing an employee choir at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., report owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.

Arauco Merges Divisions

Arauco has combined all of its U.S. and Canadian sales and operations into one organization, Arauco North America, Atlanta, Ga., effective Aug. l.

Kelly Shotbolt, president of Flakeboard, will serve as president.

Francisco Figueroa, president of Arauco Wood Products since 2009, will return to Chile by the end of the year to serve in a senior management commercial role.

"The primary objective of this reorganization is to position for growth and provide comprehensive solutions to our customers using a more effective and efficient operating platform. We will continue to build relevant synergies to those that exist today, and to expand on these through this new structure," said Gonzalo Zegers, senior v.p., Arauco International.

Copter Crashes at Mill Site

A helicopter crashed July 3 at Stimson Lumber's mill in Washington County, Or., but the pilot walked away unhurt. There were no passengers.

"He took off, got about 20 ft. in the air, the helicopter tipped and went down immediately," reported sheriff's department spokesman Sgt. Bob Ray.

According to a fire and rescue crew at the scene, debris from the helicopter's rotor flew through the windshield of a pickup truck and landed about 100 ft. away.

The cause of the crash is unknown, but the FAA is investigating.

Teens Nailed for Robbing Ace

Two teenagers have been arrested in connection with a July 16 strongarm robbery of Pacifica Ace Hardware. Pacifica. Ca.

The suspects-identified as Nolan Lydon and Gustavo Paludeti, both l9-were arrested on suspicion of robbery, burglary and conspiracy. Police are still looking for two other accomplices.

Engineered Wood Products

, I \\ RosEburg A Forest Products Companv
The Roseburg Framing System@ for Floors and Roofs RFPI' Joists. RigidLam' LVL. RigidLam' LVL Studs RigidLam' LVL Columns. RigidRim' Rimboard Serving Southern California, Huff Lumber Company is a premier distributor of Roseburg Forest Products. Services include: . Jobsite Delivery ' Cut to Order . Special Milling Availability . Best Competitive Pricing Contact our EWP Manager John lvey for more information. Huff Lumber Company Santa Fe Springs, CA 800-347-4833 August 20'14 I The Merchant Magazine t 31

Foam Sheathing

CI Max foam sheathing from Johns Manville is approved for use without a thermal barrier.

The product is designed for exposed wall or ceiling applications, with an acrylic-embossed facer that is attractive, durable, easy-to-clean, and reduces thermal bridging.

UltraFast CI fasteners, plates and flashing tape are also available.


(800) 654-3103

Hard-Working Gloves

Klein Tools now offers Journeyman gloves made specifically for pros who work with their hands. The six different styles are constructed of tougher materials, with enhanced features that provide hand protection and increase comfort and durability.


(847) 821-5500

Seamless Barrier

W.R. Meadows' Air-Shield LMP barrier cures to form a tough, seamless, elastomeric membrane.

The product provides resistance to air leakage and prohibits liquid water intrusion into the substrate. It is also highly flexible, UV resistant, and its water-based formulation allows for simple, safe application and easy cleanup.


(847\ 214-2100

Handy Railing Glips

Baluster pro clips from Green Bay Decking are engineered for quick and easy installation of custom railing designs, without the need for screws in baluster installations.

The clips are available for both square and round aluminum balusters, including the company's GeoRail line. Clips are also available for hand and stair rail applications.


(811) 804-0137

32 r The Merchant Magazine r August 2014


New hangers from Simpson Strong-Tie can reach farther than nails through soft material such as drywall.

The DU/DHU face-mount hanger and DHUTF top-mount hanger are designed to cany joist floor loads to a wood stud wall through two layers of 5/8" drywall.


(800) 999-5099

lmproved Marks

VIAjet T100S print head from Matthews Marking Systems can print vertically down and at right angles on packaging, engineered wood, and gypsum plasterboard.

The head has marking speeds of 600 fpm, an image height of up to 4" on a single print head, and a

27.5" umbilical between the print head and ink tank.


(4r2) 665-2536

Darker Shutters

Ply Gem's vinyl shutters and accents now come in a new darker color: Peppercorn Ranch.

AIso offered are 17 other colors and three shutter styles-louvered, raised panel, and board and batten.


(888) 97s-9436

Handy Tripod Light

The lightweight Stanley FatMax tripod light illuminates large and small jobs, power outages, and outdoor events, then collapses for easy transport and storage. With 45 watts of ultra-bright LEDs, the rechargeable light reached up to 2400 lumens. Three detachable cordless lights can be used for smaller jobs and in tight spaces.

Adjustable hinges and a pivoting base allow multi-directional positioning to cover larger areas.


(800\ 262-216r

Underlavment for Metal RSofs

Atlas Roofing offers a new high-temperature underlayment for metal roof applications.

WeatherMaster Film SE provides continuous protection to the entire deck of a properly ventilated roof, including problem areas where water can collect or drainage is slow.

It is ideal for transition areas where the roofline elevation changes. such as the main roofline to a patio.

For easier handling and installation, it has a silicone-treated, split-back release film and a textured surface for skid resistance.


(800) 388-6134

Hl August 2014 I The Merchant Magazine I 33

Gust-omizable Vinyl Windows

Ply Gem has expanded its 1500 vinyl window collection with three new exterior color choices: bronze, clay and beige. The line is completely customizable, with key features for easier installation and better performance choices. Users can select from multiple frames, colors, grilles, simulated divided lites, and shape options.


(888) 975-9436

Quieter Bamboo Panels

Bamboo architectural panels from Smith & Fong Co. offer sound-dampening technology and can contribute toward LEED credits.

Available in eight different patterns and colors, PlybooSound is produced from FSC l\0%o-certified bamboo in sheets measuring 4'x8'x3/4" thick.


(866) 835-98s9

Ghiseled Looks

CalStar's latest cast-stone product has the chiseled aPpearance of natural, cut limestone.

Made of up to 18Vo recYcled content. the masonrY Product is suitable for at-grade applications such as band courses, wainscoting, and window accents.

Each unit is 4" deep and 4", 8",12", or 16" high.


(877) 700-9501

Gutting on the Job

Jobsite scissors from Milwaukee Tool have iron carbide cutting edges for longer blade life.

The offset and straight scissors are tough enough to cut felt for wrapping pipes, insulation taPe,

rubber, and even metal pallet banding straps. Bolt lock technology prevents the blades from loosening over time, while an index finger groove enhances control.


(800) 729-3878

Replacement Vinyl

Crestline Windows & Doors' Select Series 250 now includes pocket replacement vinyl windows, in double- and single-hung, casement, awning, single slider, bays, bows, and specialty-shaped. Their design allows simPle installation into an existing window frame. without removing interior trim. A sloping sill prevents water infiltration, while a constant force balance system enables smooth. quiet operation.


(800) 5s2-4111

34 r The Merchant Magazine r August 2014

Seal it Out

Intraguard sealing compound from W.R. Meadows seals and protect exterior concrete surfaces, including driveways, walkways and parking lots, from moisture and de-icing salts.

The product is also resistant to staining from oils, fuels and common chemicals. It also reduces the entrapment of dirt particles and other contaminants that cause soiling and discoloration.


(800\ 342-5916

PVG Window Mouldings

Versatex's PVC double-hung window sill mouldings are correctly profiled and ready to install.

The one-piece moulding saves labor by incorporating the actual sill and sill nose, two components usually assembled onsite. It also has a l-114" profile, comes factory sanded and primed in 18' lengths, and is individually bagged to stay clean rhrough shipping and handling.


024\ 857 -r111

Space-Saving Sink

A semi-recessed sink from Gerber Plumbing Fixtures maximizes the use of space with a small footprint.

The North Point blends the best attributes of pedestal sinks with more traditional bathroom vanities. A secure attachment at the back of the sink provides added reinforcement.


(888) 648-6466

Quieter Walking



from MP Global Products is SCS certified to have 947o pre-consumer textile content.

Engineered to enhance the performance of floating wood and laminate floors, the product meets or exceeds ILC, FIIC and STC sound ratings by dampening ambient sound from traveling into the room below.

It also features a moisture management system that wicks away sub-floor or incidental perimeter moisture and disperses it throughout the pad.


(888) 379-9695 August 2014 I The Merchant Magazine I 35

Get in shape!

tTtHe coNVENTIoNAL wISDoM is that we should all exerI cise regularly as a part of living a healthy lifestyle. However, family business owners report the number one problem they have is too little time in the day to do all the things they need to do. Given the typical family business owner's time crunch, is exercise worth it in terms of goal achievement (personal and business) and higher sales?

The short answer is yes. A recent study investigated 366 small business owners to determine if the trade off between exercise and time devoted to managing their companies

process in the human physiology to recognize and cope with stress. However, the sheer frequency and intensity of stress episodes among family business owners doesn't allow the parasympathetic nervous system to fully flush stress from the body and return to a more normal state of relaxation. Therefore, stress accumulates over time and leads to mental and physical illnesses.

Since everyone seems to be in agreement that rigorous exercise has so many physical and mental benefits, why don't all family business owners engage in regular exercise? The reality of small business life is that business schedules and constant demands from other people on an entrepreneur's time and the challenge of simply maintaining a consistent fitness program cause most people to fail to enter exercise programs in the first place-or to abandon them shortly after initiation. The researchers hypothesized that if family business owners were to "grant their physical health the same respect they do to their financial and professional well-being, most would be in incredible physical condition. Concomitantly, good physical condition should contribute to entrepreneurs' success in reaching their personal and financial goals."

What are the benefits of exercise? There's a direct relationship between fitness and mental performance. People who are physically fit:

Process data faster;

. Experience a slower decline in information processing as they age;

Are less likely to be obese;

Possess higher levels of energy;

Enjoy enhanced feelings of well being;

. Enjoy reduced anxiety, depression, tension and stress, and Live longer.

was worth it. Entrepreneurs who regularly engaged in rigorous exercise were better at attaining personal satisfaction, independence and autonomy. Their companies also showed significant improvement in sales over companies that were managed by non-exercisers.

There's a dark side of entrepreneurship and business success. Business pressures cause stress levels to increase, and mental and physical health problems can arise. Many entrepreneurs suffer from back problems, indigestion' insomnia and headaches. These symptoms are often byproducts of long term, unbroken stress. Many people think that events outside their control cause stress, but that's only partially true. Stress is actually a constant phenomenon that combines external problems with internal responses unique to individuals. There's a three-step

Exercise and activity can play a positive role in helping family business owners achieve their goals, have more energy, experience less sickness, and to enjoy the self-confidence that comes with being fit. As one entrepreneur said, "Exercise may not give me an extra day of life. It will, however, give extra life to every day."

Are sales at a plateau or even declining? Does the stress seem to mount every day with no end in sight? A way to explode through both of these challenges may be to undertake rigorous exercise on a regular basis.


36 I The Merchant Magazine r August 2014
- Wayne Rivers is president of the Family Business Institute, Rateigh, N.C. Reac h him at wayne.riv ers@familybusine s or (877) 326-2493.
with permission of the Family Business Institute. No portion of this urticle mat be reprorluced without its permission.

INLAND LUMBER PRODUCERS hosted its 31st annual golf tournament July 15-19 at Coeur d'Alene Resort, Coeur d'Alene, ld. [1]

Steve Linton, Carol & Roger Hughes. [2] Jean & Steve Wilson, DereI Dryd-en. [3]-BraO

Schneider, Karin Bates. [4] Shawn Condell, Tom Hackman, Chery & Bob Lackey. [5]

Cheryll Jones, Dave Bourne. [6] Herb Janhsen, James Lambert. [7] Andy & Amber Dunham, Alan Pladsen. [8] Ali & Jim Munay. [9] laqy Schmedding, nin! a lon Montagu6.

[10] Gage & Liana Holland, Allia & Chris Schofer. [11] Stacey & Ryan Powell, Heather Powell, Ryan Targee. [12] Howard Raff, Wade

Wheeler, Will Preston, Tom Lund. [13] Gunnar & Marlie Brinck, Elaine & Reid Schooler. [14]

Valerie & Steve Roberts, Barbara Hart, Marty & Susie Wilson. [15] Amy & Todd Pollard. [16]

Justin & Tracy Badraun, Cary Holaday.

(More photos on next two pages)

2 F z I ! F o I F o ln F (o a {, a JE p a
I The Merchant Magazine I 37 August 201 4

WESTERN PRODUCERS played golf (contlnued from previous page) in ldaho: [1] John Eshleman, Terry Johnson. [2] Catherine Eshleman, Buck Merritt. [3] Denny & Darcy Huston. [4] Susan & Bart Bartholomew, Dan Mandeville. [5] Tim Atkinson, Jessica & Shawn Hummer. [6] Brad Bower, Ron Brady. [7]

Wendy & Mason Anderson, Lorna Clutterham. [8] Cindy & Lynn Wood, Debbie & Ron Cluster. [9] lsabella Flynn, Michelle Crayton. [10] Cam Sargent, Trace Sutter. [11] Dusty Hammack, Sara & Zach Hammack, Penny Hammack, Bethany & Mike Herms. [12] Mark Mitchell, Theresa Kimball. [13] Todd Fox, Sheila & Mark

Carter. [14] Mike Theberge, Mike Flynn [15] Renee & Ken Koenig. [16] Shenell Phillips, Carly Dodds. [17] Bill McGovern, Rick Palmiter, Dennis & Lisa Houghton. [18] Eric Grandeen, Ron Liebelt, Dave Cochenour. (More photos on next page)

(o 4 lrJ U f o o 4 I o z -J z
38 r The Merchant Magazine I
August 20.14

MORE fDAHO GOLFERS (continued from previous two pages): [1] Dave Penny, Traci Desautels, Dan Muldoon. [2] Audrey & Rick Nelson. [3] Gage & Liana Holland, Tasha & Joe Buttice. [4] Randy Kimball, Ann Sutter, Breanna & Jake Kimball. [5] Joe Belknap, Carter Stinton. [6] Russ Hobbs, Sam Howard. [7] Aaron & Jenna Linerud. [8] Brian & Jo Gingras, Monica & Wade Wheeler. [9] Sue & Mark Herms. [10] Ryan & Kelsey Kline. [11] Traci Desautels, Bill Hetland, Kel Hetland, Jim Vandergrift, Evelyn Currie, Vicki & Bob Jahns. [12] Dawn & Erol Deren. [13] Grant Phillips, Kevin Dodds. [14] Bill & Michele Staley. [15] Rick & Maria Cavalar. [16] Shawn Condell, Michelle Crayton, Shaunda & Christian Norman. [17] Terri Danielson, Mick Vaagen.

2 F z I 'g n o I e o |n F Ut
''IUITRGHI]II August 2014 I The Merchant Magazine I 39
40 r The Merchant Magazine I August 2014
PCBC western building conference blew into San Francisco's Moscone Center June 25-27. l1l Mark Sutherland, Steve Hardy, Greg Bates, Randy Robins. [2] Dave Westlake, Jeff Barnes, John Ahlers. [3] Bill Blouni, Joe Boscariol. [4] Ryan Smith, Jason Smith. [5] Rob Mitchell. [6] Mike Pidlisecky, Kelly Lazon, Carl Christoferson. [7] Bradley Fladeland, Lila Weaver, Tim Moxie, Joe Morin. [8] Rick Troxel, Mike McDonnell,
Rick Flores. [9] Matt Anderson, Marty Berkulis. [10] Karsten Vardas, Tom Angel, S-eamus O'Reilly. [11] Stuart Hanson, Anthony di Sanlo. [12] Jeff Sturdivan, Jim Reyes, Mike Moran, David Gilroy. [13] Jeff Norman, Kim Pohl. [14] Melissa Morinelli, Ken Goodnough. [15] Paul McEntee, Bob Sloper. [16] Mike Carver, Bill Lancaster, Dale Robley, Gus Stallings, Tom Couch. - (More photos on next page)


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At n"a Lumber Servlce, we supply domeetlc and foreign hardwoods. Our products and services include:

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Hardwood Plywood & Veneers

Melamine Plywood

. Hardwood Moulding (alder, cherr5r, mahogany, MDF, maple, red oak, polnt glade, pecan hickory, white oak, qralnut, beech)

Milling (mouldlng proflles, S2S, SLRIE, SLR2E, & resaum lumber)

. Woodworklng Accessorles (appllques, ornaments, butcher blocks, corbels, etc.)

Woodworking Suppltes (deft flnlshes, color putty, adheslves, etc.)

Ou" products are widely used in

lnterlor flnish carlrentry, fui:nlture, cablnetry and hundreds of lndustrlal and manufactudng appllcatlons. trre stock a complete llne of complementary products to complete rdrtually any woodworking or millwork proJect.

! o EE o a j. { $ "; :. T 3 Ji :.
MORE PCBC (continued from previous page): l1l Tom Scott, Brian Hurdle. [2] Mike Shuey, Cami Waner, Howard Hughes. [3] David Crandall, Hugh Paarman. [4] Tim Hummel, Ken Smith, Chris Skibba. [5]
August 2014 I The Merchant Magazine I 41
Barry Schneider, Glenda & Kevin Paldino. [6] Dave Stallard, Melanie Hindi. [7] Bruce Slattery, Jim Miller. [8] Mark Challinor, Dan Everett. [9] Kalvin Eden. [10]Chris Kollwitz, Brian Delbrueck. [11]Tom Rider.
gJ ra I f I (J E U E I e. 4, : i r z 3
Hulbest, Carlos Gonzalez, Rob Kenick, Travis Kenick. [4] Kevin & Kelly Dussault. [5] Sandi & Steve Walsh. [6] Jeff Dahl, Lee Jardine, Kevin Nice. [7] Bruce Lewis. [8] Gary Dunn, Denise Bough. [9] Kelly & Kyle lqon. DINNER CRUISE hosted by Boise Cascade and Simpson Strong-Tie was a highlight of PCBC. [1] Marie Oakes, Jeff & Kathleen Norman, Marv & Gloria Askey. [2] Eric Wagner, Jesus Trujillo. [3] Mike Plutner, Marlene
ACO ncoPneserve . Borates D-Blaze@ lnterion Fire Retardant Heat Treating lsPM 15 compliant . Custom Drying Rail Senved eNsr o TPI tnlno Party Inspected FSC Certified SCSCoGoozsl 3 909-350-1214 1 55OO Valencia Ave. [Box 1O7OJ, Fontana, CA 92335 Fax 9O9-35G9623 email - www. fontanawholesalel umber. com 42 I The Merchant Magazine I August 2014
[10] Denny Huston, Dale Robley. [11] Patti & Tom Couch. [12] Frank Graham Jr., Jim Fyfe, Tracy Ocampo. [13] Bob Erskin, Tracy Weiss, Terry Wardell, Dave Vejar. [14] Brad Tenell, Bruce Lewis, Troy Monier.

North American Wholesale Lumber Association will present its wood basic course Sept.8-ll at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Or.

lN flemoriam

Eugene L. Walters, 77, former western and southern wood products sales manager for Willamette Industries, Portland, Or., died June 2.

After graduating from Chico State University with a degree in wood products and business management, he worked for Setzer Forest Products and Long-Bell Lumber in California, before relocating to Portland to join North Pacific, Boise Cascade, and ultimately Willamette.

Debra Wenzl Miller,56, sales rep at Taiga Building Products, Rocklin, Ca., died June 25 in Roseville, Ca., after a three-and-a-half-year battle with pancreatic cancer.

She started her lumber career in the late 1970s at Diamond Lumber Co., and worked for several lumber companies in the Sacramento area before joining Taiga l8 years ago.

Gene Stanley Dahl, 67,4}-year Utah lumber wholesaler, died July 19.

Donald L. Hedrick, 69, former manager of Dill Lumber, Redlands, Ca., died July 8.

Loyd J. Wilkins Jr., 89, former operator of Wilkins Lumber, Raton, N.M., died July 19.

After serving in the U.S. Air Force during World War II, he joined the family business and help run it with his brothers for many years.

Dow Gilbert Jacobszoon, 81, retired timberland manager for Georgia-Pacific, Fort Bragg, Ca., died of lung cancer May 3l

A U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War, he earned a forestry degree at Humboldt State University.

He started with Boise Cascade, Fort Bragg, as a forester and became resources manager. He joined G-P in 1970 and in 1988 transferred to Jackson, Ca., to manage the newly acquired American Forest Products timber operations. He retired in 1995.

Western Red Cedar Lumber Association will host its annual Cedar Summit Sept. 4 at Whistler Conference Center, Whistler, B.C., during BC Wood's Sept. 4-6 Global Buyers Mission.

Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club welcomes industry members to Northern California's wine country as it plays host to Hoo-Hoo International's l22nd annual convention Sept. l3-16 at Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa, Ca.

"We are excited to show people the beautv andhistorv of Sonoma

County," said event co-chair David Jones, Foster Lumber Yard, Vallejo, Ca. "We live in a unique place where redwoods and red wine co-exist so perfectly. We intend to explore them both!"

Activities include a kick-off golf tournament at Northwood Golf Club, California Dreamin' opening party. restored Sturgeon's Mill tour and lunch, Kick Ranch Vineyard barbecue, special speakers luncheon, and "Cat Pack" Martini Madness dinner.

American Architectural Manufacturers Association's fall conference is Sept. 14-17 in Westminster, Co.

Quolity Western Cedqr Products

TROLLEY TIME: Los Angeles Hardwood Lumbermans Club chartered the O.C. Wine Trolley June 27 for a guided tour of Old Town Orange, Ca. The trolley stopped for appetizers and wine at 12 local restaurants. (Left to right) Charles Bohnhoff, Dale Bohannon, Joyce & Walter Ralston, Dan Bohannon, Kit Rohm, Jim & Tracey Gaither, Mark Michie, Lisa Rains, Richard & Sheree Phillios, Stephen & Heidi Ondich, Alan Arbiso, Randy & Marty Porter, Walter & Diane Maas. lx4 BOARDS in 4, 5 ond 6'lenoths 2x4 MllS in 8-.|0'both rough ond surfoced Cedor 4x4 P0STS in 4,5,6,7,8,9 ond l0' lengths 2x2 cleor cedor BALUSTERS in 36,
The Merchant Magazine August 201 4
4418 NE Keller Rd., Roseburg,0R 974/0 .
Don Keller,Solesl4onoger . (54'l) 672-6528

We welcome your letters to the editor. Send comments to Fax 949-852-0231, david@, or The Merchant, 4500 Campus Dr. #480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660.



After reading your article, "Complain, Then Complain Some More" (July, p. 6),1was left thinking how similarly we both shop in our personal lives. I also started thinking about vendors that I use everyday while buying products for my company and reflecting on how different they are from my personal life. Sure, we all have relationships with people that we consider great allies or friends. I even deal with people everyday I don't even like (and

maybe some people that don't like me?)!

But as time goes on, companies get bought by other companies, or dominated by other companies, etc. These are the companies that get infuriating to deal with. I'm going to name names... Monopolized Lumber, Cornered Market Lumber, Regional Represented Outlet, Niche Specialties. You all know them. They are usually represented by someone whose product knowledge I don't respect, whose business practices I don't respect, who never follow through with their promises, who continue to add hoops to jump through just to buy their product, who never ever show one moment of remorse. And why should they? I, the cus-

tomer, am stuck doing business with a company that does not seem to care about my company.

Trust me, I've tried to figure solutions around them, but sometimes there is no alternative. I complain to the company directly. I complain to our friends and competitors who also deal with them and who all have similar stories of poor service. It's like complaining at the DMV. I feel like my ears are getting red just writing this while I fixate on a couple companies that are on the top of my head. Surely, it's not just me. Or maybe it is true-maybe they just don't like me?

Chris Tritschler


Channel Lumber Co., Richmond, Ca.

Rates: $1.20 per word (25 word min.). Phone number counts as 1 word, address as 6. Centered copy/headline, $9 per line. Border, $9. Private box, $15. Column inch rate: $55 if art furnished "camera+eady" (advertiser sets type), $65 if we set type. Questions? Call (949) 852-1 990.

Send ad to Fax 949-852-0231 or Checks payable to Cutler Publishing. Deadline: 1 Bth of orevious month.

To reply to ads with private box numbers, contact box number shown, c/o BPD, 4500 Campus Dr. *t480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Names of advertisers using box number cannot be released.

Produced by: Azex Building Products

Price: Free



lumber manufacturer, processor and distributor is seeking a salesperson or persons with experience selling to the heavy industrial construction industry. If you have experience selling contractors or suppliers to the marine, foundation, highway, mine, bridge, utilities or other heavy industrial-related trades, we would be interested in discussing existing opportunities. We offer flexible compensation packages that include healthcare, retirement and vacation benefits. Please forward your resume and contact information to Box 721, c/o The Merchant,4500 Campus Dr. #480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660; Fax 949852-023 | : david@

MAJOR WEST COAST LUMBER supplier is looking to expand our export sales and market area. We specialize in westem species but are not limited to them, have multiple processing locations and convenient access to export facilities. If export sales of lumber and building materials is your passion and you are good at it, we might just be a perfect match. Work from our offices or your home, great pay and benefits. Probably the last company you will work for. Please forward your resume to Box 722, c/o The Merchant, 4500 Campus Dr. #480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660; Fax 949-852-0231;

REPRESENTATIVES WANTED: High earning potential for reps calling on building material dealers offering a new dimension in application of cedar shake or similar applications. Our stainless steel coils is a repeat business sold to many buyers, including the majors. Call for information. Todd, (877) 226-3948 or email : curtisnailwire@

LOOKING TO ADD entry-level distribution salespeople to our staff. If you have experience selling lumber and or building materials for an independent retail store, big box, or multi-location dealer, high energy, willing to earn your way to substantial income, then together we might be a good match. If you think you have the drive and ambition to succeed, send a letter of interest with your background information, resume or both. Submit to Box 723, c/o The Merchant,4500 Campus Dr. #480, Newport Beach. Ca. 92660t Fax 949-852-0231;

Platforms: iPad

A new iPad app makes it easier than ever to visualize trim, deck, railing and paver products on a home in realistic 2D and 3D.

Starting out in the 2D section, users can choose any of five home scenes, and mix and match Products, designs, and colors to customize the scenes. They can also learn about the full suite of Azex products by watching videos and viewing extensive photo galleries.

Next, users take their custom designs to the 3D level, using a "visualization marker" (such as the cover of an AZEK catalog or a downloadable image from iPad) to enter the world of Augment ed Reality. Here, a 3D home appears that users can personalize, rotate 360', change product colors, and zoom in to make sure it's perfectly designed.

Download from iTunes App Store

Gotyorrr ownGopV? "'TIIIRGHIIIT,,*I I 44 r The Merchant Magazine r August 2014


Listlngs are often submitted months rn advance. Always verify dates and locattons with sponsor before making plans to attend.

Tacoma-Olympia Hoo-Hoo Club - Aug. 9, picnic, Gig Harbor, Wa.; (253) 531-1 834.

Forest Products Society - Aug. 10-13, 68th internationa convention, Quebec City Conventron Centre, Quebec Crty P Q., (608) 231 -1 36'1 ;

Lumbermens Merchandising Corp. - Aug. 13, LMC Hardware Express, McCormick Place, Chicago, ll ; (610) 293-7121,

Willamette Valley Hoo-Hoo Club - Aug. 13, trap shoot, Eugene Sportsman Club, Eugene, Or; (541) 393-3309.

Tacoma-Olympia Hoo-Hoo Club - Aug. 14, Mel Smeder Memorial Golf Tournament, Brookdale Golf Course, Tacoma, Wa.; (253)

Orgill - Aug. 14-16. fall market, McCorm ck Place. Chicago, ll.; (901 ) 754-8B50:

lnternational Woodworking Fair - Aug. 20-23, World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga.; (a0al 693-8333; www

Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn,Aug. 21, Western Slope golf tourney, Adobe Creek Golf Course, Grand Junction, Co ; (303) 793-0859, www,

International Wood Fair - Aug. 30-Sept. 2, Klagenfurt, Austria; www. kaerntnermessen,at.

Western Red Cedar Lumber Assn. - Sept. 4, Cedar Summit, Whistler Conference Center, Whistler B C.; (866) 778-9096; www realceoar.c0m.

BC Wood * Sept. 4-6, Global Buyers Mission, Whistler Conference Center, Whistler, B.C ; (877) 422-9663

San Diego Home Show - Sept. 5-7, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, Ca , (888) 433-3976;,

Tacoma.Olympia Hoo-Hoo Club - Sept, 8, meeting, La Quinta Inn, Tacoma, Wa.; (253) 531-1834

Moulding & Millwork Producers Association - Sept. 8-11, East Coast mill tours, Marriott at Penn Square, Lancaster, Pa.; (530) 66 1 -959'1 ;

Lumbermens Merchandising Corp. - Sept. 10-11 , dealer exchange, Providence, R | ; (610) 293-7 121,

Jensen Distribution Services - Sept. 10-12, fall market, Spokane Convention Center, Spokane, Wa; (800) 234-1321,

Northern Utah Home Show - Sept. 12-14, Davis Convention Center, Layton, Ut ; (888) 433-3976; www,acshomeshow,com.

Hoo-Hoo International - Sept. 13-16, annual convention, Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa, Ca.;

Composite Panel Association - Sept. 14-16, fall meeting, New Orleans, La ; (301) 670-0604;

American Architectural Manufacturers Assn. - Sept. 14-17, fall conference, Westin, Westminster, Co, ;,

American Wood Protection Association - Sept. 14-18, fall meef ing, Portland, Me.; (205) 733'4077: www.awpa com

Ace Hardware Corp. - Sept. 17-19, fal market, Orange County Convention Center, Orando Fi , (630) 990-7662; www.acehardware.c0m.

North American RailShippers Assn. - Sept. 18-19, regional meeting, Seattle. Wa.; (972)690-4740; www

Pacific Logging Congress - Sept. 25-27, Live in the Woods show, Molalla, Or.; (425) 413-2808

Universal Forest Products - Sept. 26, annual golf tournament, Temecula Creek Inn Golf Course, Temecula, Ca ; (951) 826301 1 ;

Bu ild ing- Augusl 2014 r The Merchant Magazinc I 45

r IDEA File

Something to Crow About

Finding an unusuol mascot has proven a boon to Gecko Hardware, Dallas, Tx., in getting the store attention and luring customers back.

Prince George is a Buff Orpington rooster who is typically perched at the front of the store. He also occasionally roams the aisles and every morning is tethered by a leash and taken for a walk outside.

Gecko co-owner Andrea Ridout reports foot traffic rose considerably on weekends once shoppers noticed that the rooster enjoys visitors. She said George, unlike any other rooster she has known, likes to cuddle.

George also regularly visits schools and senior citizen homes. A local bookstore even held a chicken meetup event.

He was born on March 27 , 2013, and was purchased at the store by a little girl named Abbi. The child called him "Queen Elizabeth," thinking that he was a little hen. When "Elizabeth" was about four months old, "she" started crowing, and Abbi realized that "she" was a "he." So, the store agreed to take him back.

Gecko received an exemption from the city allowing it to keep a feathered animal on the premises.

lweather Wood [] ............................27

American West Bank []

Arch/Lonza []...........................Cover I

BlueTarp []...........,..... ..,.,.......30

G&E Lumber Co. [] .....,...,....,.,.,..,..,.,.,..46

Filler King Go. []......,. ..............4

Fontana Wholesale Lumber ffontanawholesalelumber.coml.....42

Huff Lumber Co ................,.......,..31

Humboldt Redwood [] ..............................27

Interfor []

Jones Wholesale Lumber [] ..,...........23

Kelleher Corp. []

Kop-Coat []


Manke Lumber Co. []....................,.,.,...,45

Norman Distribution Inc. []......,.........,......19

North American Wholesale Lumber Assn. []......Gover ll

PPG Machine Applied Goatings [],....................7

Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance [].....17

Peterman Lumber Inc. [] ..,..,......,.....28

Reel Lumber Service [] .................,.........,.,41

Regal ldeas [].,.......,........,............................18

Roseburg Forest Products [].............Cover lV

Swanson Group Sales Co. [] ..................21

TruWood-Collins [] ........................84-88

Universal Forest Products []......................,.,.15

Doweled Lodgepolepine posts and rails. 1 112" 1o 12" Diameter in Stock. Large diameters & long lengths. FENCING

ADVERTISERS fndex I For more on advcrlisers. call them directlv or visit their websites fin brackets]. Allura [] ..............................,...5 Af
A FARMER customer pays a visit to the Dallas hardware store's rooster mascot.
C&E LUMBER COMPANY Call 909-626-3591 Fax 909-626-4583 2692 North Towne Avenue Pomona, GA. 91767
46 I The Merchant Magazine I August 2o14
rnff-?l0mtf,* August 2014 I The Merchant Magazine I 47
*ilf[RGHAIlT tasdne Engineered Wood Real WoodSiding www. Roseburg,com 800.245.1115 Products I Softwood Plywood I Lumber neg?"m

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