香 港 旅 遊 指 南 J A N U A R Y 2 0 21 年 1月
Magazine of the Hong Kong Hotels Association
Filled to the Hilt ting a in c s a F ’s g n o K Hong
y r o t is H n io t a m la Rec
FEATURE Busy Hong Kong You’ll Never Walk Alone!
HOT TABLES Superb Cantonese Fine Dining at Yue / Elegant Steakhouse at The Murray
採悅軒的粵式美味 / 美利酒店的精緻牛排館
SHOPPING GUIDE Winter Fashion Wear 冬季穿搭
72 hollywood road central • hong kong 香港中環荷里活道72號 +852 2815 9422
Winter Fashion Wear 冬季穿搭
HO N G KO N G ’ S PRE MI E R D E S TI NAT ION M AGA Z INE 香港優 質 旅 遊 指 南
Tips for Travellers 出入須知
We talk to Woody Leung, President of The Society of the Golden Keys of Hong Kong 香港國際金鑰匙協會主席梁國威與 《東方之珠》愉快閒談
Filled to the Hilt – Hong Kong’s Fascinating Reclamation History 香港填海工程史
Busy Hong Kong - You’ll Never Walk Alone! 繁忙香港——永不獨行!
Staycation Offers of the Month 本月宅度假優惠
SIGHTSEEING | The Best of Hong Kong 觀光探勝
04 10 16 18
Superb Cantonese Fine Dining at Yue / Elegant Steakhouse at The Murray 采悅軒的粵式美味 / 美利酒店的精致牛排
Your First Stop for the City's Best Restaurants 來港必打卡餐廳的第一站
Pubs and Clubs to Hit for Your Night-time Adventures 夜探酒吧 暢飲消閒
Saint Shines in Skyscraper Shadows 聖約翰座堂
Art Galleries, Exhibitions, Antique Dealers, and Fascinating Museums 畫廊展覽資訊、古董店尋寶、博物館探知
20 24 32 34 36
Scan the QR code to read the e-version of this month's CityLife Magazine 掃描此二維碼, 閱讀《東方之珠》電子期刊
Chairman and Editor-In-Chief Patrick Cheung
Publisher and General Manager Nancy Tsang
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Sub-Editor Martin Turner
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s chairman of Hong Kong Hotels Association, 迎大家蒞臨香港,《東方之珠》月刊向您介紹 it is my great pleasure to welcome you to Hong 香港這個亞洲國際大都會。 Kong and to CityLife, the monthly magazine for visitors 2020 年已經過去了,我相信大家都鬆了一口 to Asia’s World City. 氣,帶着希望迎接新一年的到來。所有人希望嚴重 I am sure we are all relieved that 2020 is behind 影響全球的新冠肺炎疫情大流行很快結束,香港旅 us and welcome the new year with hope and prayers. 遊恢復正常。與大多數國家和地區相比,香港的疫 We certainly hope that the Covid-19 pandemic, which 情已經基本控制,每天只有少數病例確診,不過在 has impacted the world so severely, will soon be over, 本月出刊之前,大部分入境出境的旅行受到限制, and normal travel can resume so we can embrace and serve visitors to Hong Kong again. As we go to print 目前在公共場所仍有一些社交隔離措施和強制性佩 though, travel to and from other places is curtailed and 戴口罩的要求。這座城市的大部分地區仍然開放, new Covid-19 cases in the city continue to be reported, 比如所有的酒店、交通系統、購物中心、零售店、 although at a stable level that is modest compared with 電影院和餐館。謹慎起見,請提前聯繫酒店禮賓 most other countries. Nevertheless, social distancing 部,了解最新消息和限制要求。 measures and a mandatory mask wearing requirement 一旦我們深愛的城市逐步恢復過來,這個城市 apply in all public spaces. The city remains mostly open, including all the hotels, the city’s transportation 就會回到狂熱、充滿活力的狀態,到處都是熙熙攘 systems, shopping malls, shops and restaurants. 攘的人群和精彩的活動。本月我們想為您推薦香港 For prudency, though, we do ask that you contact 值得逛的地點在哪裡。無論是人行道、地鐵站、渡 your concierge for details of the latest updates and 輪還有海底隧道,都值得參觀。《東方之珠》很樂 restrictions. 意為您介紹這些值得參觀的熱門場所。詳情請參閱 We are confident that, just as soon as conditions 第10頁的專題故事。 allow, the city will return to its frenetic, vibrant self, 我們的系列文章將介紹這座城市的發展歷史。 with thronging crowds and the hustle and bustle of activity throughout. In anticipation, we share with you 這個月,我們將重點介紹香港的填海歷史,講述這 this month some of the busiest spots in Hong Kong. 個城市如何克服地理困境,在填海土地上建起這個 Whether it’s a pedestrian crossing, an MTR station, a 偉大的地區。可以說,香港的發展歷史與填海歷史 ferry, or even a tunnel, CityLife is pleased to highlight 是密不可分的,希望你喜歡第4頁的封面故事。 some of Hong Kong’s busiest spots that you may want 儘管有一定的限制,全市的餐館仍在營業。總 to visit. Please see our feature story on page 10 for 體而言,香港的餐飲業還是表現出了巨大的彈性, more details. 餐廳不斷創新,為顧客提供新的送餐方式。無論是 Our series introducing the city’s development 堂食或外賣,我們鼓勵大家繼續光顧這些餐廳。 history continues. This month, our feature story highlights the reclamation history of Hong Kong, a 同樣,香港的酒店業也在積極應對。酒店相互 fascinating account of how the city overcame its 競爭,提供夢幻度假行,把房間和餐飲結合起來。 geographical adversity and built one of the world’s great 趁着周末或幾天假期,選個自己心儀的酒店度過, cities on land plucked from the sea. It’s safe to say 放鬆一下心情,是再好不過的了。 that Hong Kong’s development history is inextricably intertwined with its reclamation history. We hope you 因此,在 2021 年到來之際,我們再次感謝您 enjoy our cover story on page 4. 蒞臨香港,並祝愿您在新的一年裡身體健康、財源 The city’s many restaurants remain open, albeit 廣進! with certain restrictions. Collectively, Hong Kong’s food services industry has shown great resiliency with restaurants offering new delivery options for customers. Whether it is dine-in, take out or delivery, you can continue to enjoy the endless variety and quality fare of Hong Kong's restaurants. In the same vein, Hong Kong’s hotel industry Peter C F Wong continues to cope valiantly. Hotels vie to come up 黃澤峰 with ever more enticing staycation offers that combine Chairman, Hong Kong tempting room and dining options. There has never Hotels Association been a better time to spend a weekend or a few days 香港酒店業協會主席 at a hotel of your choice, just to relax or for that special occasion. So again, as we welcome in 2021, we appreciate your patronage of our hotels, and may we wish you all a healthy and prosperous New Year! | JANUARY 2021
ave you ever wondered where Hong Kong’s original shorelines lie? Discover how reclamation has led and represented the city’s development over the centuries, with fun and fascinating facts.
你 是否好奇香港原本的海岸線在哪裡?不妨來了解一下香港的填海造地 歷史,有很多趣味故事,借此還可以了解香港近百年來的發展史。
Filled to the Hilt Hong Kong’s Fascinating
Reclamation History
ince the earliest days of the British colony, geographically and economically, Hong Kong has been substantially built on land reclaimed from the sea. Compared with the city’s coastline two hundred years ago, when Hong Kong was still a collection of hamlets and fishing villages, today’s landform is almost unrecognisable. Expanding territory into the sea has been a human endeavour for hundreds of years, undertaken by countries and cities around the world. The Dutch have extensively reclaimed low-lying areas since the 13th century. In Hong Kong, the infilling of nearby shallow waters has played a pivotal role on the city’s development. In all, more than 6.3%, or around 70 square kilometres, of the city’s total area of 1,106 square kilometres has been reclaimed. But this vital new land accounts for more than 27% of the city’s residential area and supports 70% of its commercial activity. The city’s eagerness to make its own land was led by its natural geography. Most of Hong Kong Kong’s original coastline was rugged and largely uninhabitable, with villages clinging to slivers of flat space between the mountains and the sea. So when the area around you is mostly level, it is likely the work of man, not nature. Take a walk with us back through time to explore how reclamation projects have shaped and transformed Hong Kong. By visualising the original geography, we can appreciate the city’s remarkable transformation from remote outpost to one of the world’s great cities.
不誇張,無論從地理上還是從經濟上來 說,香港不少的地區都是在填海土地上建 造的。把現在和200年前(當時香港還是都是村莊和 漁村)的城市海岸線做比較,截然不同,幾乎認不出 來。 數百年來,全世界很多國家和地區一直在努力地 圍海造地。荷蘭人在13世紀開始在低窪地區進行大規 模的填海。填海造地在香港的發展歷史上發揮了巨大 作用。在全港1106平方公里的總面積中,有6.3%以 上(約70平方公里)是填海造地而來。但是開墾土地 27%以上是用於居住,其商業活動佔據70%以上。 考慮到香港的自然地理,大規模填海工程不足為 奇。香港原有海岸線大部分崎嶇不平,不適合居住發 展,村莊坐落在在山海之間面積狹小的平坦土地上。 如今,你在海岸邊所踩着的平地都是人類的傑作,而 不是來自於大自然。 讓我們回顧過去,探索香港較為著名的填海工 程,看看它是如何塑造香港的?你可以重新認識這座 城市,欣賞這座城市從偏遠地區轉變為世界偉大城市 之一的過程,感受這多麼非凡的成就。
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Hong Kong Island
Practically all of Hong Kong Island’s northern shore, stretching from Kennedy Town to Shau Kei Wan, stands on land pulled out of Victoria Harbour, its development literally the foundation of the city’s growth over the years. Some notable projects include: 從堅尼地城到筲箕灣的整個港島北岸都是從填海造地而來; 這些年來,其發展成為這座城市的歷史中舉足輕重,重點項目包括:
Central Praya Reclamation Schemes 海旁填海计划 from 由 1850s 年代 to 至 1910s 年代 The first road the British built upon taking possession was Queen’s Road, along the shoreline between Sai Wan and Wanchai. The very first reclamation scheme was undertaken in 1851 after a large fire destroyed much of Sheung Wan below Queen’s Road, where the Chinese merchants operated. Using the residual debris plus other rubble, the waterfront line was pushed out from Jervois Street, between Wellington Street and Morrison Street, to a new Bonham Strand, a generous 50 feet wide. Shortly thereafter, the waterfront in adjacent Central was also extended northward, from Queen’s Road to what is now Des Voeux Road Central.
Connaught Road in Central in the 1920s. In the foreground is Blake Pier
In phases over subsequent decades, the sea wall between Central and Sai Ying Pun shifted still further out into the waters of Victoria Harbour, with Connaught Road becoming the new waterfront. Many of today’s landmark buildings in the district, including the Court of Final Appeal building (formerly the Old Supreme Court), Prince’s Building and the Hong Kong Club, then looked out across the harbour. 英國人佔領香港後興建的第一條道路是沿西灣與灣仔之間的皇后大道。 第一次填海計劃是在1851年開始的,當時一場大火燒毀了皇后大道中 國商人經營的上環地區。政府以廢石及其他填充物為基礎,在蘇杭街、 惠靈頓街和皇后大道的交界處至蘇杭街與摩利臣街的交界處再往西鋪設 一條新路——這條50英尺寬的新道路就是文咸街。此後不久,中環的海 濱也從皇后大道向北延伸到現在的德輔道中。 在此後數十年間,海岸線在中環和西港島之間進一步延伸,由德輔道延 伸至乾諾道,成為新的海岸線。這座城市的許多標誌性建築,如現在的 高等法院(原最高法院、太子大廈、香港會等),都在新海濱一帶。
The harbourfront on Connaught Road around 1920s. Besides shops, quite a number of inns were opened in the area providing accommodation for foreign businessmen visiting in Hong Kong.
1920年左右的干諾道海濱。除商店外,這裡還開設了許多旅館,為香港的外國 商人提供住宿。
Connaught Road in Central in the 1920s. In the foreground is the Duke of Connaught statue set opposite Pedder Street.
1920年代的中環幹諾道中, 前面是康諾特公爵雕像,位於畢打街對面。
Wanchai / Causeway Bay 湾仔/铜锣湾 Simply put, much of where you travel in Wanchai and Causeway Bay is reclaimed. To trace the original shoreline, we begin hard up against the hillside, far inland. The first roads built were Queen’s Road East and part of Johnston Road, in front of the small rise where now stands the Ruttonjee Hospital. A jagged headland called East Point reached to where the World Trade Centre now stands, in Causeway Bay. Swampy wetlands formed the shores off today’s Happy Valley and Tai Hang, with a causeway built along the now Causeway Road to keep seawater from flooding the muddy inlet.
Spring Gardens, Wan Chai, 1846
Various reclamation schemes from the late 1800s relentlessly extended the coastline, making Hennessy Road the new waterfront. Further works in the 1950s then laid claim out to the line of Gloucester Road, a stone’s throw from Kellett Island, location of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club. In the 1970s, the Wanchai North area was carved out, to be occupied by the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition, several large commercial complexes and key government buildings. The latest Central and Wanchai Reclamation project created the HKCEC Extension, Bauhinia Square and the infrastructure for the Sha Tin Link and Central-Wanchai Bypass tunnel. For glimpses of the old shoreline, take a walk along Queen’s Road East – for instance, check out Hing Shing Temple and the old Wanchai Post Office. 一句話概括,灣仔和銅鑼灣的大部分地方都由填海建成。你可以通過觀察 山丘起點來追溯最初的海岸線。填海修建的第一條道路是皇后大道東和莊 士敦道的一部分,莊士敦道正對着小山坡上的律敦治醫院。銅鑼灣的東點 成鋸齒狀,現在是世界貿易中心所在地。現時的跑馬地和大坑道原是一片 沼澤濕地,而高士威道旁建有一條堤道,防止海水淹沒泥濘的海岸。早在 19世紀末,各種填海計劃開始不斷擴大土地面積。十九世紀後期進行的大 規模填海工程將軒尼詩路建成了海濱新區;隨後1950年代的填海工程將其 擴展到告士打道,距離香港遊艇會所在地的奇力島僅一步之遙。 1970年 代左右,香港又一次大規模的填海造就了灣仔北地區,也就是香港會展中 心,目前是幾個大型商業綜合體和政府大樓所在地。最新一期中環及灣仔 填海工程包括香港會展中心、紫荊廣場,以及沙田至中環線隧道的基礎設 施建設。
Aerial view of Wanchai and Causeway Bay from the Peak around 1925. Landfill works were in progress in Wanchai.
沿着皇后大道東漫步,看看您是否能瞥見昔日的海岸線,還可以參觀皇后 大道東的洪聖廟和舊灣仔郵政局。
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East harbourfront in Wanchai - around 1910 灣仔東海旁-1910年左右
Wan Chai in 1954. The open space in mid-left is Southorn Playground.
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Old Kai Tak Airport / Kowloon Bay / Kwun Tong 旧启德机场/九龙湾/观塘 Back in the 1800s, the foothills of Lion Rock Mountain, Kowloon Peak (Fei Ngo Shan) and others comprised of villages built along the shallow shores and mangrove wetlands, with Kowloon Bay forming a natural shelter. Due to rapid growth of refuges from Qing Dynasty China in the early 20th century, plans were drawn to reclaim much of the shallow foreshore and wetlands to create a large residential area. In fits and starts the effort progressed over the decades until the British leased the land for an airfield, eventually expanding into a Royal Air Force Airbase at the now old Kai Tak Airport. The wartime occupying Japanese administration expanded the airport and in the early 1950s, the Hong Kong Government built out a three-kilometre modern runway over the waters of Kowloon Bay and formed a large apron to create a full-fledged civilian airport. At the same time, land was formed from the waters off Kwun Tong to create an industrial area of godowns, shipyards and factories, with more residential areas above. Reclamation off Ngau Tau Kok came next, making way for the current Telford Garden areas south of the foothills. Today, a new reclaimed harbourfront stretching from Kwun Tung to Kowloon Bay is lined with gleaming office buildings and a scenic boulevard. The old airport is well on the way to becoming a major destination, headlined by the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal and a large sports complex being built. But the sleepy bay that once was there is unrecognisable.
Kwun Tong Industrial Zone 1966
早在十九世紀,獅子山、九龍山頂(飛鵝山)和其他山麓的海岸線, 就被開發為紅樹林濕和村落,九龍灣則是一個天然的庇護所。 20世紀 初清朝時期來自內地的難民快速增長,人們計劃開墾大部分淺灘和濕 地,創建新的大型居住區。這項工程經過了幾十年的努力,部分完成 後擱置,直到英國租用這裡作為機場,最終在現在的舊啟德機場興建 了皇家空軍基地。 日本佔領香港期間擴建了機場。 20世紀50年代初,香港政府在九龍灣 水域上修建了一條3公里長的現代化跑道和一個大型停機坪,打造出功 能齊全的民用機場。與此同時,填海工程開始在觀塘沿岸開墾土地, 並修建了倉庫、造船廠、工廠和住宅於一體的工業區。接下來是牛頭 角海域的填海工程,現時山麓以南的德福花園地區同樣是填海工程所 得。 時至今日,從觀塘至九龍灣的新海旁已填海興建起來,兩旁是閃閃發 光的辦公大樓和風景優美的林蔭大道。舊機場已經逐漸成為香港最新 的聚會場所,啟德郵輪碼頭和正在建造的大型體育館都足以吸人眼 球。但是曾經昏昏欲睡的海灣已不復存在。
Kwun Tong, early 1960s with Kowloon Bay and the Kai Tak runway in the background
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1960s Ngau Tau Kok and Kwun Tong
Kai Tak at its busiest, in the 1970s
1970年代最繁忙的啟德機場 JANUARY 2021
West Kowloon Reclamation 西九龙填海区
Under the Airport Core Programme of the early 1990s, the West Kowloon Reclamation took out a 3.4-square-kilometre swathe of western Victoria Harbour off Jordan and Tai Kok Tsui. Today, the Western Harbour Tunnel runs through the area, which is also home to the Airport Express Station, the city’s largest mixed-used development, comprised of its tallest office building (ICC), hotels (Ritz Carlton and W Hotel), shopping mall (Elements), a transport exchange (Airport Express and MTR), and swanky high-rise residences. Once the vast West Kowloon Cultural District is completed, the area is set to become the city’s cultural hub. Already well worth visiting, the area includes a scenic promenade, the Xiqu Centre, the Art Park and Free Space.
1998 West Kowloon Reclamation viewed from the Peak
西九龍填海工程是1990年代初期實施的機場核心計劃的一個組成部分,它 把維多利亞港西部——佐敦及大角咀一帶的水域填海。總共有超過3.4平方 公里的土地被填海,大部分已完成。如今,西區海底隧道貫穿西九龍,這 裡擁有機場快線車站,以及最大的混合用途開發項目,包括香港最高的辦 公樓——環球貿易廣場,麗思卡爾頓和 W 酒店,圓方購物中心,機場快 線和地鐵等交通樞紐,以及高端高層住宅建築。廣闊的西九龍文化區建成 後,這裡已經成為文化中心。此外這裡有很多值得遊覽的地方,包括風景 秀麗的長廊,戲曲中心,藝術公園和 Free Space。
West Kowloon, 1995
New Territories – New Town Development 新 界 —— 新 市 镇 发 展
Sha Tin 沙田 With rapid population growth from the 1950s to the 1970s, consisting largely of arrivals from China and their burgeoning families, the government looked to the New Territories to create satellite towns. When the flat agricultural lands surrounding the villages proved difficult to acquire and consolidate, plans were made to reclaim coastal areas. First came Sha Tin, rising from swampy land beside the Shing Mun River and now home to more than 700,000 people – Hong Kong’s largest satellite town. The creation of other New Territories new towns including Tai Po, Tuen Mun and Ma On Shan also relied largely on reclaimed land. 為配合六十年代至九十年代人口的快速增長,政府在新界興建衛星 城。然而,鄉村周圍平坦的農地很難取得和鞏固,於是開始計劃在新界多 處填海興建新市鎮。第一個是沙田,城門河沿岸的沼澤地經填海開設為新 市鎮。今天的沙田是香港最大的衛星城,人口超過70萬。其他新市鎮包括 大埔、屯門和馬鞍山,這些新市鎮大部分是在填海土地上發展起來的。
Sha Tin New Town Reclamation, circa 1974
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Tseung Kwan O 将军澳 The most recent large satellite development is Tseung Kwan O, an ambitious reclamation project that took in over half of Junk Bay and subsumed shoreline villages including Hang Hau and Rennie’s Mill (Tiu Keng Leng), former home of refugee Kuomintang loyalists. Most of the new town’s 10 square kilometres came from the bay and it now serves as the gateway to the beautiful Sai Kung District hills, scenic beaches and coastline. 將軍澳是最後一個大規模填海工程得來的大型衛星城。將軍澳 填海工程是一項規模巨大的工程,佛頭灣大部分區域被填。新城鎮 建起來後取代了沿岸散落村莊,包括坑口和調景嶺,這裡容納了大 量逃過來的國民黨擁護者。新市鎮總面積超過10平方公里,大部分 建在填海土地上。這裡是通往美麗西貢的門戶,香港最美海灘和海 岸線都在這裡。
Tseung Kwan O New Town 將軍澳新市鎮
大屿山 Hong Kong International Airport / Tung Chung 香港国际机场/东涌 The crown jewel of Hong Kong’s illustrious reclamation projects is surely the 12-square-kilometre Hong Kong International Airport, along with the adjacent Tung Chung new town. The small island of Chek Lap Kok Island, off northwest Lantau island, was levelled and the sea bottom dredged and filled to make space for the new airport. A small hill of Chek Lap Kok was preserved as a sound barrier for the new town of Tung Chung – also reclaimed from the shores and mangrove wetlands of famously hilly Lantau.
Hong Kong International Airport Chek Lap Kok Reclamation Circa 1990s
In the past decade, more reclamation helped create the entry point for the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge, another engineering marvel in its own right. It is best viewed from the Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car out of Tung Chung and up to the Big Buddha. Other attractions in the area include Sunset Peak and Lantau Peak and the fishing village of Tai O. 可以說香港國際機場項目及週邊的東湧新市鎮是香港填海工程中 最傑出的代表,這是個奇蹟。機場的一部分建在大嶼山西北海岸的赤 鱲島。整個島被改成平地,被海底沙子填滿,形成了12平方公里的新 機場。赤鱲角的一座小山被保留下來,作為新市鎮東湧的隔音屏障, 東湧新市鎮亦是從多山的大嶼山海濱及紅樹林濕地填海而來。 過去10年裡,香港進行了很多填海工程,而港珠澳大橋是另一個 工程奇蹟,為香港創建了新的入港口。推薦您參觀東湧及其周圍的自 然景點,比如昂坪 360、天壇大佛、大東山、大嶼山以及大澳漁村。
Tung Chung New Town Reclamation 1990s
Busy Hong Kong ! e n lo A lk a W r e v e N You’ll 獨 行 ! 專題故事
Experience famously frenetic Hong Kong with this selection of the city’s busiest landmarks and gathering spots. 想知道香港最繁忙的地方嗎?請查看《東方之珠》精選的香港最繁華地標。
f the vibrant buzz of a major modern metropolis sets your pulse racing, you are going to love Hong Kong. This unique city is a writhing mass of humanity, its denizens always on the go. While the city is widely known for its busy character – thronging crowds, bustling streets, jampacked transport interchanges, snarly traffic, and non-stop activity, the reality never fails to impress.
如 果您喜歡和人接觸,那香港太適合你了,這里 人頭攢動,人來人往。這個城市最主要的特徵
While other great urban centres – Tokyo, Shanghai, Delhi, Mexico City – have far more people and can even be more crowded, Hong Kong remains a special locus of perpetual motion and dynamism, setting the standard for ‘always on’.
一些城市人口呈現老齡化和增長放緩趨勢,就像東 京,上海,德里,墨西哥城等,越發擁擠。但是香 港卻永遠充滿活力,這個城市的定位就是忙碌。
What makes Hong Kong such a busy place? Primarily that Hong Kong is densely populated, especially in the urban areas: its 7.3 million people are crammed into less than 20% of the land area due to its hilly terrain. Second, people here really are driven, with work a constant priority, and time always short. Lastly, much social activity takes place outside the home – for instance, people just love going out – to eat, meet, shop and play.
是什麼使香港如此繁忙?主要原因是香港人口稠 密,尤其是城區。由於多山的地形, 730 萬人擠在 不到 20 %的土地上。其次,這座城市的經濟體量 很大顯得很忙碌。簡而言之,人們都喜歡外出、吃 飯、購物、娛樂和工作!
So why not immerse yourselves in the fervour and follow us on a speedy journey through Hong Kong to experience its many busy aspects? Bring your camera and click away at the masses. One thing is for sure, wherever you go, you’ll never walk alone!
所以, 帶上相機,跟隨我們一起感受香港的一面 吧。可以肯定的是,無論走到哪裡,你都不會獨行!
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是——擁擠的人群,熙熙攘攘的街道,擁擠的十字 路口,車輛川流不息和不間斷的活動,香港不僅如 此!
01 Pedestrian crossing 行人过路处
Yee Wo Street / Hennessey Road, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣怡和街過路處軒尼詩道交界。 Possibly the busiest street crossing in Hong Kong and certainly its most photographed, this wide pedestrian intersection with the city’s main thoroughfare always throngs with shoppers, workers and locals. The giant LED screen mounted on the streetside face of Sogo department makes a stunning diversion while waiting for the green signal. 可以說,這是香港最繁忙的過境點,當然也是遊客留影拍照最多的地方。 每一天熙熙攘攘來這裡購物的人穿越這個路口,經過城市的主幹道。崇光 百貨巨大的 LED 屏幕,是您在等待紅綠燈時最好的消遣。
Pedestrian Footbridge 行人天桥
Connaught Road, Central, between Exchange Square and Worldwide House/Chater Building 中環幹諾道,交易廣場與環球大廈/遮打大廈的 交匯處。 Part of the extensive Central pedestrian footbridge system, all you need to know about this wide crossing is that a parallel footbridge had to be built next to the original just to accommodate its human tide. It also offers an excellent view of the busy vehicular traffic below. The busy footbridge above O’Brien Street connecting Wan Chai MTR station to North Wanchai gives it a good run for its money. 位於中環的心臟地帶,是龐大中央行人天橋系統的一部分,要知道這裡是在原有的行 人天橋旁邊,興建了一條平行的行人天橋,以容納來來往往的眾多人群。這裡也是絕 佳的拍攝視角,站在這裡拍攝下面繁忙的交通。行人天橋位於柯布連街,連接灣仔地 鐵站及告士打道的入境事務大樓,是全港最繁忙的天橋之一。
Busiest Island
Cheung Chau 長洲 On a nice weekend, the ferries between Central and Cheung Chau, one of Hong Kong’s most popular and iconic outlying islands, can be jam-packed – and these are sizeable vessels! Encounter thousands of visitors meandering along the island’s main street, its beaches and other points of interest. But during the island’s popular Cheung Chau Bun Festival, in May, there is barely standing room. 在一個美好的周末,達成輪渡往返中環到長洲(香港最受歡迎和標 誌性的離島之一),這些渡輪以香港的標準來看是相當大的!預計 成千上萬的遊客會漫步在島上的街道、海灘和其他景點。五月舉行 長洲太平清醮期間,預計遊客會成倍增加。
Busiest MTR Station 最繁忙的港铁站
Central MTR Station 中環站 The MTR is the city’s primary and busiest transport system, so crowning its busiest station invites debate, given the number of crowded stations and platforms across the network. But the sprawling Central station is both an interchange and a busy destination, with plenty of character, as commuters and visitors teem through its 10 or more exits. In close contention are the MTR interchange stations at Kowloon Tong and Admiralty. 港鐵是香港最繁忙的交通運輸方式,他也是這座城市體量最大和最繁 忙的交通系統,而中環是眾多地鐵站中最繁忙的地鐵站因為它既是換 乘樞紐,又是大家的目的地,繁忙的乘客從十多個出口進進出出。至 於亞軍則是九龍塘和金鐘,這兩個站的港鐵利潤頗豐。
Busy Street Market 繁忙的街市
Ladies’s Market, Mong Kok 旺角女人街 In a city bursting with street markets, we are spoiled for choice. In the end, the city’s most popular street market – known for fashionwear of all types – is also its busiest, against contenders that include Ap Liu Street in Sham Shui Po, Temple Street, and the Chinese New Year flower markets. They are all worth visiting to join in the fun. 在一個街道市場林立的城市裡,我們的選擇太多了。不過最受歡迎的 街頭市場是以銷售時尚商品的居多,不過香港有很多這類街道,深水 埗的鴨寮街、廟街、還有春節期間的花卉市場——都值得參觀。
Busiest Hiking Trail 最繁忙的远足径
Mount Parker Road, Quarry Bay 鰂魚涌柏架山道
While the Dragon’s Back is Hong Kong’s best-known hiking trail, for sheer busyness, it’s hard to beat the Mount Parker Green Trail that rises from Quarry Bay to the top of Hong Kong Island’s second-highest peak. The road passes through Quarry Gap, a busy trail interchange linking to Tai Tam and Mount Butler. 我們知道,龍脊被許多人視為香港最具標誌性的遠足徑。不過,如果您時 間緊張,我們會推薦柏架山道,這條路徑從鰂魚湧延伸到香港島第二高峰 山帕克山的頂部,這條路徑不考驗體力,無論是登山愛好者還是遊客都可 完成。這條繁忙的步道,沿途有遠足徑通往大潭、畢拿山及其他遠足徑。 在這永遠不會獨自徒步旅行,歡迎大家來這裡歡度週末。
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Busiest Beach 最繁忙的泳滩 Repulse Bay 淺水灣 This expansive, sandy beach – on Hong Kong Island’s upmarket southern shore – is framed by steep hills and high-rise buildings and quickly gets mighty busy on a sunny afternoon. Shek O Beach on Hong Kong Island is another popular beach that fills up in a hurry. 這是香港最著名的海灘也是最繁忙的泳灘。遊客在這裡,曬着太陽, 感受美景。這片廣闊的沙灘被陡峭的山丘和高層建築包圍着,尤其 是陽光明媚的下午人流量很大。香港島的石澳海灘也是很受歡迎的海 灘,遊人熙熙攘攘地欣賞着不可多得的景色。
08 Busiest Gathering Place
Central near Worldwide House 中環環球大廈附近 On Sundays and public holidays, Hong Kong's 400,000 domestic helpers fan out across the city in search of a place to meet friends, rest, remit money home, run errands, shop, and just chill. Most popular is Central’s Chater Road and adjacent city blocks, closed to traffic, and the adjoining Worldwide House – a vibrant Filipino shopping arcade. Victoria Park, preferred by Indonesian helpers, also gets crowded. 香港有超過30萬名菲傭,他們在周日或公眾假期聚在城市各處,以尋找休息的 地方,匯錢回家,辦事,購物,結交朋友和放鬆。中環的環球大廈附近是她們 最喜歡的活動區,其內部設有一個菲律賓購物商場。甚至整條街道也被他們佔 據,絕對是獨一無二的景象!維多利亞公園是印尼打工仔的避風港,有活動是 同樣非常擁擠。
Busiest Waterfront Promenade 最繁忙的海滨长廊
Avenue of Stars, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀星光大道 After a long-awaited redevelopment, the new-look Avenue of Stars is sleeker and busier than ever, holding its title as Hong Kong’s busiest promenade. Its draw is the unbeatable views of Victoria Harbour and one of the world’s most iconic cityscapes. Alternatively, the Central Harbourfront that now stretches from Sheung Wan to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre is increasingly popular, and another delightful place for a stroll. 經過漫長的重建後,外觀煥然一新的星光大道仍然像以往一樣忙碌,仍 然保留着香港最繁忙海濱長廊的美譽。讓它如此受歡迎的是維多利亞港 的景色,維多利亞港是世界上最具標誌性的城市景觀之一。從上環一直 延伸到香港會議展覽中心的長廊同樣很美, 兩處都很受歡迎。 JANUARY 2021
Busiest Tunnel 最繁忙的隧道
Cross Harbour Tunnel, Hung Hom to Causeway Bay. 紅磡至銅鑼灣的海底隧道 Hong Kong’s oldest cross-harbour tunnel is also its busiest. Completed In 1972, with two lanes each way, the Cross-Harbour Tunnel is used by around 110,000 vehicles a day. Close behind, the venerable Lion Rock Tunnel, connecting Kowloon with Sha Tin since 1967, carries over 90,000 vehicles daily. 這是香港最古老的海底隧道也是最繁忙的隧道,於一九七二年落成的海底 隧道是一條雙向行車隧道,一端地處中環中環,每日載客量約為11萬輛, 因此現今仍是香港最繁忙的隧道。此外,興建於 1967 至 1978 年連接九龍 和沙田的獅子山隧道,是香港最古老的公路隧道,也是香港第二繁忙的隧 道,每日載客車號量超過 9 萬輛。
Busiest Bridge 最繁忙的桥梁
Tin Kau Bridge 汀九橋 Hong Kong’s first major road bridges were the trio of Tsing Ma Bridge, Kap Shui Mun Bridge and Ting Kau Bridge, comprising the Lantau Link, completed in 1997/1998 as part of the Hong Kong Airport Core Programme. The 1.2-kilometre Ting Kau Bridge, connecting Kowloon to Yuen Long and Tuen Mun via Tsing Yi, has turned out to be the busiest, carrying over 70,000 vehicles daily. 香港的公路橋是最近幾年發展起來的。作為香港機場核心計劃的一部 分,於 1997/1998 年落成的青馬大橋,汲水門大橋和汀九橋三者組成 了青嶼幹線。三座大橋中,經青衣連接九龍至元朗和屯門,全長1.2公 里的汀九橋是最繁忙的,每天載超過 70,000 輛車,經青衣將九龍連 接至元朗和屯門。
12 Busiest Ferry 最繁 忙的 渡轮
Star Ferry 天星小輪 While nowhere near as busy as in its heyday when it was the primary connection between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, the Star Ferry still runs every ten minutes between Tsim Sha Tsui and Central, and also to Wanchai. Surprisingly, in 2018 the Star Ferry service ranked as the world’s busiest, carrying around 26 million passengers yearly. The iconic ride remains top of any visitor’s to-do list. 連接香港島與九龍的天星小輪雖然沒不如以前繁忙,但仍穩定地每十 分鐘一趟,往返於前沙咀與中環及灣仔之間。令人驚訝的是,2018 年天星小輪仍被評為全球最繁忙的渡輪系統,每年載客約 2600 萬人 次。標誌性的渡輪在所有遊客的打卡事項列表中仍排在首位。
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Busiest Urban Park 最繁忙的城市公园 Victoria Park/Kowloon Park. 維多利亞公園/九龍公園 It’s a toss-up between Hong Kong’s two leading urban parks, with both located close to popular shopping districts. Each offers a full set of amenities and a welcome respite for weary shoppers looking for a tranquil break. 香港兩個最受歡迎的城市公園之間的選擇可謂難分高下。兩個公園都靠 近交通繁忙的購物區,都有全套的便利設施,為疲憊的購物者提供了一 個舒適的休息場所。
Busiest Escalator System 最繁 忙的 自动 扶梯 系统 Mid-levels Escalator System 半山自動扶梯系統 The longest outdoor escalator system in the world, the 800-metre Midlevels Escalator, connects the Central business areas to the high-rise residential neighbourhoods of Mid-levels. It has spawned a unique eco-system, including the popular Soho dining, bar and culture district. Every day, thousands of commuters jostle with tourists and visitors, as the system descends in the mornings, and ascends through the day and evening rush hour. The ever-popular Ocean Park has another lengthy escalator system. 號稱世界最長的自動扶梯系統,全長 800 米,連接中央商務區和半山 高層住宅區,獨特的生態系統,全新締造了蘇豪區。每天都有成千上萬 的上班族與遊客們穿梭這裡,經過時尚活力的酒吧、餐館、健身館和精 品店。海洋公園也宣稱其自動扶梯系統是世界上最長的自動扶梯系統之 一,我們也會推薦大家去打卡。
Busiest Pedestrian Tunnel 最繁忙的行人隧道
Tsim Sha Tsui along Peking Road 尖沙咀北京道 In lively Tsim Sha Tsui you’ll find Hong Kong’s most extensive pedestrian tunnel system, used by tens of thousands of MTR passengers and other passers-by to reach major points of interest nearby and in TST East. The Peking Road stretch carries heavy foot traffic to the shopping district on Canton Road and Harbour City, Hong Kong’s largest shopping mall. It is also known for buskers performing music and other acts, at all hours. 尖沙咀擁有香港迄今為止最寬闊的行人隧道系統。該系統連接了尖沙咀和 尖東的主要景點,輸送成千上萬的地鐵乘客和行人。通往廣東道和海港城 購物區的交通十分繁忙,北京道一帶可以說是香港最繁忙的地段。這裡還 是街頭藝人的天堂,隨時隨地表演音樂和技藝。 JANUARY 2021
Staycation Offersth 本
of the Mon惠 宅
This month, CityLife introduces a new monthly section featuring enticing value-for-money staycation offers for your consideration. Book early and enjoy your in-town vacation! 本月,東方之珠推出全新欄目,為您提供性價比高的宅度假優惠。儘早預訂,享受假期吧!
s the Covid-19 pandemic wears on, the yearning to take a vacation, however short and no matter how far from home, continues to grow. As a result, ‘staycation’ – a term unfamiliar to all but the savviest traveller a year ago – has become a household word. More than ever, people are choosing to spend a weekend or a few days with loved ones or the family at a local hotel of their choice for necessary respite and relaxation, or just to be away from home. And, in Hong Kong, why not? As one of the world’s leading tourist destinations, the city’s unsurpassed hotel industry is perfectly suited to meet the needs of the most demanding guests. Moreover, Hong Kong’s hotels offer superb and richly diverse F&B choices that are the envy of the world. Almost all staycation packages come bundled with enticing dining offers, which allow guests to indulge in a dizzying variety of gourmet dining options. So, whether you are already hooked on staycationing or just want to try for the first time being away from home while not physically out of reach of it, to enjoy all the amenities a good hotel has to offer, now is the perfect time to make a booking.
Covid-19 大流行病的蔓延,人們對度假的渴望 隨 着不斷增加,無論度假時間長短或離家多近,能出去 玩就很好。 此外,一年前十分陌生的“宅度假”一詞, 現在已家喻戶曉。人們比以往任何時候都更多地選擇與 親人或家人在當地飯店度過一個週末或假期,以獲得短 暫的喘息和放鬆,或者只是為了離開家,放一個假,輕 鬆一下。
在香港也可以這樣,作為世界主要的旅遊目的地之一,這 座城市無與倫比的酒店業完美地滿足了客人的所有需求。 最重要的是,香港飯店還提供一流和豐富的餐飲,堪稱全 世界的榜樣。幾乎所有的宅度假套餐都與誘人的餐飲優惠 綁在一起,讓客人沉迷於眼花繚亂的美食選擇中。 所以,不管你是已經迷上了宅度假還是只是想離開家,享 受飯店提供的服務,試一試宅度假吧——我們強烈推薦!
Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong - Crab Lovers’ Staycation 香港金域假日酒店——螃蟹爱好者的宅度假
From now to 31 March 2021, crab lovers can indulge in their favourite crustacean dishes in authentic Canton flavours at Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong. Guests enjoy complimentary upgrade to the newly renovated Premier Plus Room and experience Chef Bun’s exclusive sixcourse crab dinner at the award-winning Loong Yuen restaurant. Book your stay today! 即日起至2021年3月31日,螃蟹愛好者可在香港金域假日酒店盡情享用正宗廣東風味的殼類美食。 客人可免費升級至新裝修的高級豪華客房,並可在屢獲殊榮的龍苑中菜廳體驗包大廚獨家蟹宴六道 菜晚餐。今天就預訂您的旅行吧!
Package rates start at HK$1,188 (plus 10% service charge) per room per night, benefits include: 套房價格每晚HK$1,188起 (加收10%服務費),優惠包括: • Complimentary upgrade to newly renovated Premier Plus Room* 免費升級至新裝修的高級豪華客房* • One exclusive six-course crab dinner for two at Loong Yuen Cantonese Restaurant during the stay 入住期間,可在龍苑中菜廳享用獨家炮製的六道蟹宴雙人晚餐 • Complimentary buffet breakfast for two at Bistro on the Mile or Executive Club Lounge 在 Bistro on the Mile 或 Executive Club Lounge 免費享用雙人自助早餐 • Late check-out till 4pm* 退房可延遲至下午4點* • Complimentary use of fitness centre and outdoor swimming pool# 免費使用健身中心和室外游泳池# *Subject to hotel availability 視酒店供應情況而定 #Subject to the latest social distancing regulations 根據最新的社交距離規定 Besides indulging in gourmet Cantonese cuisines, guests can shop in Canton Road’s famed shopping district, explore the quietude of Kowloon Park, or enjoy stunning views of Victoria Harbour along the Avenue of Stars promenade, for a thoroughly relaxing staycation at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile. 除了享受粵菜美食外,客人還可以在廣東道著名的購物區購物,探索靜謐的九龍公園,或沿着星光大道 長廊欣賞維多利亞港的迷人景色,在金域假日酒店度過一個徹底放鬆的假期。 For reservations and details, please contact hotel. 訂房及查詢詳情,請聯絡酒店。 (852) 2315 1001
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JW Marriott Hong Kong - JW Family Fun Package 香港 JW万豪酒店—— JW缤纷家庭乐住宿优惠
Embark on a fun-filled journey of precious family moments with a relaxing stay in adjoining rooms and customised perks, and indulge in gourmet experience. 踏上一段充滿樂趣的旅程,與家人在毗鄰的房間享受輕鬆愉快的住宿、專享禮遇和美食體驗,享受 珍貴的家庭時光。
Priced from HK$2,900 for two rooms per night, the package includes: 兩間客房每晚 2,900 港幣起,套餐包括: • An extended stay in a pair of connecting rooms (1 king bed and 2 double beds) with flexible check-in and checkout time (30-hour stay for check-in between Sunday and Thursday / 24-hour stay for check-in on Friday and Saturday) 入住2間相連客房,包括1間1張大床及1間2張大床(周日至四入住 30 小時 / 周五至六入住24小時) • Daily buffet breakfast at JW Café (up to 4 persons) 每日在 JW 咖啡室享用自助早餐 (最多4人,適合家庭享用) 。 • Dining credit of HK$1,500 for check-in between Sunday and Thursday / HK$1,200 for check-in on Friday and Saturday; applies to all dining facilities including JW Café, the Lounge, Fish Bar, Man Ho Chinese Restaurant, and Flint, plus in-room dining service. 週日至週四入住,可獲得1,500港幣的酒店餐飲消費額;週五至週六入住,則可獲得1,200港幣的餐飲消費額; 積分適用於所有餐飲設施:JW 咖啡廳、酒廊、魚吧、萬豪金殿、Flint,以及客房內餐飲服務。 • A bottle of selected wine in room 房間內贈送一瓶精選葡萄酒 • Selected drinks / refreshments by the pool (in an open-air setting with lush greenery) 泳池邊的精選飲料/茶點 (在綠意盎然的露天環境中享用) 。 • Free access to outdoor swimming pool and 24-hour gymnasium (subject to Covid-19 regulations) 免費使用室外游泳池和24小時健身房 (如允許) 。 You can relax and unwind in the hotel or explore the nearby Hong Kong Park or Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, or even head up to the Peak with your family on the Peak Tram. It’s the ultimate urban getaway. The package is valid from now until 31 March 2021. All prices are subject to a 10% service charge. 在酒店內放鬆身心,或是和家人一起探索香港公園或香港動植物園,乘坐山頂纜車前往山頂, 終極享受都市假期。 套餐有效期由即日起至2021年3月31日,所有價格均需另加10%服務費。 For reservations, please contact. 訂房及更多資料請聯繫: (852) 2810 8366
W Hotel - “Pump up the Eats” Package W酒店——“大吃大喝”套餐
Starting at HK$2,600+10% per night. Include: One-night stay at W Hong Kong, daily breakfast for two, set dinner for two and set lunch for two or afternoon tea set for two. Embark on a food-filled staycay with fun munches at signature restaurants Sing Yin Cantonese Dining and KITCHEN, and a meal among vibrant settings at WOOBAR. 每晚 HK$ 2,600 + 10%起。套餐包括:香港W酒店住宿一晚,每日2份早餐、2份晚餐、2份午餐或 2份下午茶。 在星宴中餐廳和 KITCHEN 的特色餐廳,享受美味的餐宴;在 WOOBAR 活力滿滿的環境中用餐。
This tempting package includes 套餐包括: • One night’s stay at W Hong Kong 香港W酒店住宿一晚 • Breakfast for two 2人份早餐 • Three-course set lunch or afternoon tea set for two at WOOBAR* 在 WOOBAR 品嚐3道菜午餐或下午茶套餐* • Set dinner^ for two at Sing Yin Cantonese Dining 在星宴中餐廳享用2人晚餐^ • HK$500 bliss® spa gift voucher for selected treatments bliss® 水療中心港幣$500禮券,可用於指定療程 * Available on date of check in or check out. WOOBAR set lunch is available from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). 僅適用於入住或退房日期內。 WOOBAR 午餐僅在星期一至星期五(公眾假期除外)提供。 ^ Set dinner will be served via in room 1-6 January 2021. 從2021年1月1-6日起,晚餐將送至客房。
In addition to relaxing at the hotel, guests may like to enjoy strolling along the West Kowloon Promenade to take in the splendid views of Victoria Harbour and Hong Kong Island or visit the Art Park at the West Kowloon Cultural District. 除了在酒店放鬆外,客人還可以沿著西九龍長廊漫步,欣賞維多利亞港和香港島的美景,或參觀西九龍 文化區的藝術公園。 For reservations and details, please contact hotel. 訂房及查詢詳情,請聯絡酒店。 (852) 3717 2222 JANUARY 2021
Note: Due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, please check with your concierge or call to confirm whether these attractions/ sightseeing spots are open. 注意:受冠狀病毒疫情影響,請您及時與禮賓部聯繫,或致電詢問以下景區/景點是否開放。
Star Ferry
Big Bus Tours
Hong Kong Observation Wheel
The ultimate Hong Kong experience. These much-loved vessels have over 100 years' history and are still one of the cheapest forms of local transport. 登上天星小輪是蒞臨香港不可錯過的體驗之一。這 種交通工具運載乘客已超過一世紀,至今仍是全港 最便宜的交通工具之一。
Big Bus Tours take visitors to all the city’s popular attractions, including Victoria Peak, Ladies’ Market, Man Mo Temple, Aberdeen and more. Tours offer personal recorded commentary available in 10 languages. 在香港,Big Bus Tours觀光遊會帶遊客走遍城中 著名旅遊景點,包括太平山頂、「女人街」、文 武廟及香港仔等。作為全球觀光導賞的精英,大 巴士觀光遊更有多達十種語言的錄音介紹,既細 心又詳盡。
You can get stunning day- and night-time views of the spectacular Victoria Harbour on the 60-metre-high Hong Kong Observation Wheel. The area nearby the wheel includes a square for events as well as drinks and snacks. 您可以從一個高60公尺的香港摩天輪上欣賞維港的 日與夜,獨特角度,令人震撼。摩天輪附近有一個 活動廣場,可享用美食和飲品。
Ferries leave from Central Pier 7 to Tsim Sha Tsui; and from Wan Chai to Tsim Sha Tsui. 小輪於中環 7 號碼頭前往尖沙咀,亦設灣仔至 尖沙咀航線。 $2.7-$3.7
Classic Ticket 精選套票 HK$480 (Adult 成人) HK$430 (Child aged 5 - 15 ; 5 歲至 15 歲小童) 2723 2108
HK$20 Adults 成人 HK$10 (Aged 3-11 years Child & Senior & Visitors with Disabilities 3-11歲小童和長者 和殘疾人士) 33 Man Kwong Street, Central, Hong Kong Island 香港島中環民光街33號 2339 0777
Hong Kong Disneyland
Ocean Park
Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery
From Disney Parks’ first Marvel-themed ride, the all-new ‘Iron Man Experience’ to ‘Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover’, and now the world's first ‘Ant-Man and The Wasp’ attraction, Hong Kong Disneyland offers immersive and unforgettable experiences that cannot be missed. 迪士尼樂園首個漫威主題遊樂設施「鐵甲奇俠飛行之 旅」已開幕!從全新的鋼鐵人(港譯:鐵甲奇俠)到 星戰主題區,再到全球首個以蟻俠與黃蜂女為主題的 遊樂設施,樂園帶來多元獨特的體驗,讓您的奇妙旅 程更豐富。
Ocean Park Hong Kong is a marine-life theme park featuring animals, thrill rides and shows. The two major attractions areas, the Waterfront and the Summit, are connected by the Cable Car and Ocean Express funicular train. In Aqua City, you can watch Symbio, a multi-sensory show featuring the world’s first 360-degree water screen. 海洋公園是一個世界級海洋動物主題樂園,分 「海濱樂園」及「高峰樂園」兩個景區,由架空纜 車及海洋列車連接。夢幻水都主題區有全球首創的 360度水幕表演「雙龍奇緣」,為您帶來連場聲光 交匯的視聽震撼。
Located in the foothills of Lion Rock, Kowloon’s most distinctive mountain, the Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery stand out as a tranquil oasis. Visitors find respite in the elegant Tang Dynasty style architecture and the immaculately landscaped gardens and water ponds. 南蓮園池及志蓮淨苑位於九龍獅子山山腳,就如同一 片城市綠洲。遊客可欣賞到唐朝風格的建築和風景優 美的庭院及水池,感受寧靜平和的氣息。
1-Day Ticket: Standard Day 普通日子樂園1日門票 General Admission 標準 (Aged 12-64,12至64歲)HK$639 Child 小童(Aged 3-11,3至11歲)HK$475 Senior 長者(Aged 65+,65歲或以上)HK$100 MTR Disneyland Resort Station 港鐵迪士尼站 3550 3388
香港摩天輪 | JANUARY 2021
$498 (Adult 成人), $249 (Child 小童). MTR Ocean Park Station Exit B 港鐵海洋公園站B出口 3923 2323
MTR Diamond Hill Exit C2, follow the signs and walk for 5 minutes. 由港鐵鑽石山站 C2 出口依路牌指示, 步行約 5 分鐘。 2354 1888 / 3658 9366
sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck
Noah's Ark Hong Kong
Located on 100th floor of ICC, the tallest building in Hong Kong, sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck is the only indoor observation deck in Hong Kong offering 360-degree views of the territory and its famous Victoria Harbour. 天際100香港觀景台位於全港最高的環球貿易廣場 100樓,是全港唯一能360度鳥瞰全港四方八面不 同的景觀及維港景色的室內觀景台。連接主要交 通網絡及國際級購物商場,是旅客訪港必到的第 一站。
It really is like gazing upon the ark itself, which is why the world's only full-size replica of Noah's Ark is popular with both international and local visitors. Noah’s Ark Hong Kong is a wonderful place for parents and children to bond in a comfortable, natural environment, where entertainment and education are combined in diverse activities that promote life, family, the earth and harmonious values. 全球唯一根據遠古所載,以一比一的比例大小建造 的香港挪亞方舟。這個主題景點適合一家大小同 遊,您可以在方舟內參加益智好玩的活動,更可到 古樸的馬灣村,緬懷昔日漁村風。
天際 100 香港觀景台
$188 (Adult 成人) $128 (Child & Senior 小童和長者). Kowloon MTR Exit C, from 2/F, Metal Zone at Elements shopping mall, access a direct walkway leading into sky100 港鐵九龍站C出口,連接圓方商場金區2樓 2613 3888
Ngong Ping 360 昂坪360
MTR Tung Chung Station, Exit B. Walk for approximately five minutes to the Tung Chung Cable Car Terminal. 從港鐵東涌站B出口,步行約5分鐘至東涌纜 車站。 3666 0606
Where to find out more 更多資訊
580 1,550 Remarks: Extra tolls HK$100 for Hotels on HK side.
$168 (Adult 成人) $138 (Child & Senior 小童和長者) Ferry from Central Pier 2 (access via MTR Hong Kong Station Exit E pass through ifc mall) to Park Island (the journey takes about 20 minutes). Walk to the Pak Lai Road then turn left to Pak Lam Road. 從中環出發:從港鐵香港站E1出口,穿過國際 金融中心商場,於中環2號碼頭搭乘渡輪前往珀 麗灣碼頭,船程約20分鐘。下船後一直走到珀 麗路,然後再左轉至珀林路。 3411 8888 The 25-minute cable car ride shows visitors breathtaking views of Lantau Island and the South China Sea. At the top of the ride is Ngong Ping themed village which features a variety of dining, shopping and entertainment outlets. It sits right next to Lantau’s cultural heritage such as Po Lin Monastery and The Big Buddha, making it the perfect start for your Lantau journey. 昂坪纜車讓旅客享受大嶼山及南中國海風光明媚的 景色,纜車全程約 25 分鐘。登山後,更可到結合 飲食、購物及娛樂於一身的昂坪市集遊覽。此處連 接大嶼山的文化遺產,如寶蓮寺和天壇大佛,可作 為你開展大嶼山之旅的起點。
( Optional sampan ride can be made on spot on own account )
540 Child小童 (3-11yr) HK$450
• Lichi Park • Shenzhen Meridian View Centre (entrance ticket included) • Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horse Museum • Lo Wu Shopping Mall (approx. 2 hours)
Price inclusive: Pick-up transfer, Group China Visa, Transportation, Chinese lunch and guide service
950 Child 小童 (1-9yr) HK$870 Weekend - Adult HK$980 / Child (1-9yr) HK$900
Hotel concierges are mines of information about sights and tours, as well as being able to talk guests through the various options and offer seasoned advice. Visit for tourist information, suggested itineraries and much more. 酒店的禮賓服務台備有許多觀光及旅行團資料,能為旅客提供各種選擇和中肯 意見。此外,請瀏覽 查看更多遊客必備資訊和建議行程等。 | 19
Yue 采悅軒 2/F, Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung, 9 Yi Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau 東涌怡東路9號 香港東涌世茂喜來登酒店2樓
Baked Taro Pastry with Roasted Duck and King Oyster Mushrooms 天鵝酥
Superb Cantonese Fine Dining at Yue
2535 0028
Stir-fried Lotus Roots Glazed with Honey and Sesame 燈影藕片
Simmered Seasonal Vegetables with Tomatoes and Mushrooms in Fish Broth 魚湯蕃茄鮮菌浸時蔬
he recent opening of the Sheraton hotels complex in Tung Chung is welcome news to the North Lantau community in search of quality dining outlets. The large complex, located along the waterfront of East Tung Chung, houses the 218room Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung Hotel and the 1,001-room Four Points by Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung. To cater to the ever-diverse dining demands of the burgeoning Tung Chung community, the Sheraton Hotel has thoughtfully created several dining concepts that are sure to be embraced by foodies and the wider public. Our culinary destination this month is Yue, the noted Cantonese restaurant at the Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung Hotel, which offers much to impress. The elegant décor of the expansive restaurant is contemporary Chinese, its dining area smartly furnished with comfortable, upscale furnishing and adorned with artworks. There are two private rooms set aside, with the larger one enjoying access to a private terrace. The restaurant is helmed by Executive Chinese Chef Jacky Chung, who brings over 30 years of well-rounded Cantonese cooking acumen to Yue. Chef Chung strives to create a quality and healthconscious menu combining authentic regional Cantonese cuisines, using seasonal ingredients from across the world, immaculately prepared and presented. As a bonus, the hotel is launching an initiative to encourage the use of ingredients produced by local producers in Lantau, with one option being honey from Hong Kong’s own honey farm in nearby Mui Wo. For our lunch, we tried a mix of dim sum items
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and classic Cantonese soup, roasted and wok-fried dishes. We started with a trio of dim sum: Steamed Shrimps and Pork Dumplings with Citrus ($68/3 pieces); Baked Taro Pastry with Roasted Duck and King Oyster Mushroom ($88/3 pieces); and Pan-fried Buns with Minced Wagyu Beef in Teriyaki Sauce ($88/3 pieces) – an innovative use of the wagyu. Steamed Lotus Roots Glazed with Honey and Sesame ($98/person) came next. We liked the sweet and subtly spicy flavour of the crispy fried lotus-root slices. The honey from Mui Wo is put into good use, as it also serves in Stewed Beef Glazed with Honey and Turnip Cakes ($128). Soup of the Day – Boiled Pork Ribs Soup with Fig, Chayote and Sweet Corn and Rice Bean ($108) is rich, flavourful and yummy. Stir-fried Sliced Iberian Pork Belly with Zucchini ($228) was next, and it was a real treat – the pork meat is tender to the bite and deliciously tasty, contrasting nicely with the crunchy zucchini slices. Next came Roasted Marinated Pigeon ($118/piece) – an award-winning dish of Chef Chung’s creation; the medium sized squab, chosen for its flavour, is thoroughly marinated in a secret sauce before roasting it wok-style. We wrapped up the meal with Simmered Seasonal Vegetables with Tomatoes and Mushrooms in Fish Broth ($228), a wonderful dish, and Braised Tossed Noodles with Shrimp Roe in Abalone Sauce plus Chilled Mango Cream with Sago and Pomelo ($58) and Chilled Black and White Sesame Rolls ($58). Our visit to Yue proved to be thoroughly enjoyable and appetising – we appreciate the quality of the food, the preparation care that goes into it, and the elegant and relaxed ambience. Yue is surely destined to be the latest dining hotspot in Lantau. Give it a try!■
Roasted Marinated Pigeon 招牌妙齡鴿
Steamed Shrimps and Pork Dumplings with Citrus 柚子蝦餃
Steamed Sliced Iberian Pork Belly with Zucchini 燒汁翠瓜炒 西班牙黑豚腩片
Braised Tossed Noodles with Shrimp Roe in Abalone Sauce 蝦子鮑汁撈粗麵
Stewed Beef Glazed with Honey and Turnip Cakes 蜂蜜炆牛肉
東 涌喜來登酒店剛剛開業,這對急缺優質餐廳的北大嶼山社區來說 是個好消息。 改成 這對優質餐廳稀有的大嶼山社區來說是個好消
息。位於東湧海濱的香港東涌世茂喜來登酒店擁有 218 間客房,而香港東 湧福明喜來登酒店擁有 1,001 間客房。為了滿足日益發展的東湧社區多樣化 的餐飲需求,喜來登酒店精心設計了幾個餐廳,必將受到美食家和廣大公 眾的喜愛。 本月我們的美食目的地是香港東涌世茂喜來登酒店的粵菜餐廳“採悅 軒”,這裡有很多令人印象深刻的美食。寬敞的餐廳裝飾典雅,採用當代 中式風格,用餐區裝飾精美,配有舒適的高檔家具,並擺放藝術品。有兩 個私人房間,較大的一個可以進入私人露台。 餐廳的掌門人是中菜總廚的鐘志強師傅,他擁有 30 多年豐富的粵菜烹 飪經驗。鐘總廚力求打造優質、健康的菜單,把世界各地的時令食材結合 到地道的粵菜之中。 酒店還推出了一項倡議,鼓勵使用本地生產的食材,回饋社區,其中 一個就是梅窩附近的蜂蜜農場生產的蜂蜜。 午餐期間我們品嚐了經典的點心、廣東湯和炒菜。先是三款點心: 柚 子 蝦 餃 ( $68/ 三 件 ) 、 天 鵝 酥 ( $88/ 三 件 ) 、 燒 汁 和 牛 包 ( $88/ 三 件)——這是對和牛的創新。 接下來是燈影藕片( $98/ 每位),我們喜歡酥脆炸藕片的甜辣味。梅 窩的蜂蜜被用在蜂蜜炆牛肉( $128 )裡,十分可口。 是日老火湯( $108 )是用無花果,佛手瓜,甜玉米和米豆煮的豬肉排 骨湯味道濃鬱,鮮香美味。燒汁翠瓜炒西班牙黑豚腩片( $228 )是真正的 美味——豬肉嫩滑,與鬆脆的西葫蘆片形成鮮明對比。下面一道菜是招牌 妙齡鴿( $118/ 只),這是鐘總廚所創的經典菜餚,屢獲殊榮,挑選中等 大小的乳鴿,先用秘密調味料將其充分醃製,再烤製。 此外魚湯蕃茄鮮菌浸時蔬($228)、蝦子鮑汁撈粗麵、楊枝甘露 ( $58 )和黑白鴛鴦芝麻卷( $58 )都很好吃。 事實證明,採悅軒之行讓人滿足——高質素的美味,精心的烹飪手法 以及優雅輕鬆的氛圍都是滿分。採悅軒肯定是大嶼山最新的餐飲熱點,不 要錯過!■ JANUARY 2021
Pomegranate Glazed Beef Short Rib 香烤牛小排配石榴汁
Elegant Steakhouse at The Murray
The Tai Pan The Murray Hong Kong, a Niccolo Hotel, 22 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong 中環紅棉路22號 香港美利酒店 酒店花園樓層
3141 8888 hongkong/central/the_murray/ index.html
Butternut Squash Risotto 南瓜燴飯
Our culinary outing to The Tai Pan combines quality food, elegant setting and a relaxing ambience. 我們的 The Tai Pan 美食之旅享受到了優質食物、高雅環境和輕鬆氛圍。
ver since it opened in 2018, the Murray, a luxury hotel converted from an architecturally famed government building, has been a favourite destination among the city’s elite for business and social gatherings. Its success owes in large part to its dining outlets, including the Tai Pan, the object of our visit. Tai Pan is a high-end contemporary steakhouse that serves quality roasted and grilled meats plus a large selection of seafood items, taking advantage of Hong Kong’s ability to source fresh seafood and seasonal gourmet items from the world over. This means a nicely balanced menu of beloved traditional steakhouse dishes such as grilled steaks and roasted beef and lamb with a broader offering of contemporary items. The restaurant is bright, airy and spacious, helped by tall ceilings and large windows wrapped around the building. The décor is elegant and contemporary. A beautiful and immaculately polished marble floor exudes the luxuriant lustre that nicely frames the sleek furniture and fixtures. There is a large alfresco terrace area just outside on the hotel garden podium, which sits comfortably against the shadows of the building in the heart of the city – a most surreal sight and a real urban hidden pleasure. For our lunch, we chose à la carte. The restaurant does offer a Set Lunch Menu ($408/two-course menu per person and $512/three-course menu per person). The Daily Carving-usually prime roast beef, which can be ordered à la carte or as part of the set menu-is served tableside from a beautiful silver trolley. A dessert trolley also presents guests with an array of yummy sweet treats. We started with two refreshing and aesthetically presented appetisers. The first was Hand-Cut Octopus & Scallop ($260), which is sliced octopus, scallop
22 | JANUARY 2021
tartar, plum wine jelly, golden leaf, soy, sake and yuzu cream. The dish is carefully and meticulously layered. The umami flavour is nicely accented by the subtle seasoning. The other appetiser is a house specialty, Jumbo Lump Crab Meat Salad ($285) with mango emulsion, tomato salsa, basil, celery and crispy feuilles de brick. The combination of mango emulsion and the tasty crab meat is a deft touch, with the crispy pastry sheet and the garnish nicely complementing the delicious dish. For our main courses we opted for Crispy Iberico Pork Belly ($308) honey mustard–glazed, with sweet potato puree, kale, apple sauce, orange & ginger pork jus. The tender pork is excellent – the flavour of the crispy skin and succulent meat enhanced by the glazing and condiments – a real treat. Our other main was Pomegranate Glazed Beef Short Rib ($430), shaved Brussels sprouts, pumpkin seed, peppercorn and pistachio crust. The rib is slowcooked and braised to allow the flavour of the juice and the seasoning to soak in, to just the right texture. The potato puree is slightly sweet and velvety smooth – another hit with us. We also chose Butternut Squash Risotto ($250), Carnaroli rice, crispy chestnut, brown butter, parmesan – a tasty and healthy looking vegetarian dish that we demolished with gusto. We wrapped up the meal with a dessert from the dessert trolley of seasonal selections. Our choice Mont Blanc Entremet ($180), which is chestnut puree cake topped with icing and cream, well-matched the festive spirit. The Tai Pan is an excellent place to enjoy a superb meal for a special occasion or gathering in an elegant setting. We highly recommend it.■
Crispy Iberico Pork Belly 西班牙黑毛豬脆腩
Jumbo Lump Crab Meat Salad 芒果番茄蟹肉沙律
Mont Blanc Entremet 蒙布朗蛋糕
Hand-Cut Octopus and Scallop 手切八爪魚帶子他他配梅酒啫喱
美利酒店是香港新建的豪華酒店之一,由聞名的政府大樓改建而成, 自2018年開業以來,一直是香港精英和商界人士社交聚會的首選目
的地。它的成功很大程度上歸功於餐廳,包括我們這次訪問的 The Tai Pan。
The Tai Pan 是一家高級的現代牛排館,提供優質的烤肉、燒烤、大量 海鮮。它充分利用香港國際化的優勢,從世界各地採購新鮮海鮮和季節性美 食。您可以在傳統的牛排餐廳(如牛排、烤牛肉和羊肉)上找到很多不同的 美食,享用優質時令菜餚。 餐廳明亮、通風、寬敞,得益於高高的天花板和環繞的大窗。裝飾優雅 且現代,完美拋光的大理石地板散發光澤,襯託着時尚的室內擺件。酒店 平台外有一個大型露台,與城市中心建築的影子相映襯——打造出超現實的景象。 我們的午餐選擇了單點菜單,該餐廳提供午市套餐菜單(每人$408/2道菜; 每人$512/3道菜)。Daily Carving 可以單點精選優質烤牛肉或作為套餐的一 部分,香香的烤牛肉都從桌旁邊美麗的銀餐車上為你端上。而甜點餐車會提 供一系列美味甜點。 首先是兩道清爽的開胃菜,第一道是手切八爪魚帶子他他配梅酒啫喱 ( $260 ),切片八爪魚、扇貝肉、梅子酒果凍、金葉、醬油、清酒和柚子 奶油混合製成。菜品精心分層,少計量的調味品凸顯了鮮味兒。 另一道開胃菜是本餐廳的招牌菜——芒果番茄蟹肉沙律($285),大塊 蟹肉配芒果乳、番茄沙司、羅勒、芹菜和酥脆的碎牛肉。芒果乳和美味的蟹肉 的結合是一種全新口感,酥脆的糕點和旁邊的擺盤讓菜餚更加美味。 主菜是西班牙黑毛豬脆腩( $308 ),配以蜂蜜芥末醬、甘藷泥、羽衣 甘 藍、蘋果醬、橙姜豬肉汁。肉質鮮嫩多汁,外皮酥脆,色澤和調味品 使豬肉的味道更加濃鬱,絕對美味。另一個主菜是香烤牛小排配石榴汁 ($430),切成薄片的甘藍、南瓜籽、胡椒和開心果皮。排骨用文火燉煮, 讓汁液和調味料充分滲入,口感恰到好處。土豆泥有一絲絲的甜味,像天鵝絨 般光滑爽口——值得一試。 南瓜燴飯($250)是用卡納羅利大米,香脆栗子,棕色黃油,帕爾馬乾酪 製成,這道素食菜餚既美味又健康。 最後用甜點結束了這頓美味,甜點餐車上提供當季甜品。蒙布朗蛋糕 ($180)是一個栗子泥蛋糕,點綴着糖霜和奶油,非常符合節日的氣氛。
The Tai Pan 是享用精緻餐點、感受優雅環境、與大家聚會的理想場所, 推薦您來試試。■ JANUARY 2021
Welcome to CityLife’s Dining Guide – visitors’ first stop for restaurants in Hong Kong. Updated every month, our concise and candid comments help you choose the perfect restaurant. 歡迎來到《東方之珠》的飲食指南,我們定期為你送上新鮮時尚的飲食速遞。 我們坦誠而精明的推介希望能助你覓到真正的香江滋味。
$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$
<$150 $150 - $300 $300 - $500 $500 - $700 >$700
Average price of dinner per person, not including drinks. 以每位晚餐平均價錢計算, 飲料不包括在內。
Bibi & Baba As fans of Southeast Asian cuisines, we were naturally drawn to newly opened Bibi & Baba, the first restaurant in Hong Kong to specialise in Nyonya cuisine. Nyonya cuisine or Peranakan food originated from the food prepared by families of intermarriages between Chinese immigrants and local indigenous people in Southeast Asia, which included the Malays, Javanese and Siamese. The daughters of these families are called Nyonya and the sons are called Baba. Over time, the women in charge of the kitchen assimilated southern Chinese cooking into local taste and dishes, bringing forth the Nyonya cuisine. Bibi & Baba was created by the duo of Tinoq and Dylan, both of private kitchen fame and hailing from Singapore, and with a passion for down-home peranakan cooking. Nyonya cuisine is distinctive in its use of local herbs and spices plus the use of Chinese ingredients such as bean pastes and in its intense flavour. For small plates, we had Kueh Pie Tee ($78) a popular Nyonya dish of a thin crispy pastry hat filled with jicama, omelette and cucumber strips, Vegetarian Fried Popiah ($78) or spring roll, and Otah ($88), a delicious fishcake.
作為東南亞美食的愛好者,剛剛開業的 Bibi & Baba ,也是香港 首家提供娘惹菜的餐廳,自然是我們的首選。 娘惹菜,起源於中國移民與東南亞當地原住民(包括馬來人、爪 哇人和暹羅人)通婚家庭所作的食物。這些家庭生下的女兒叫做娘 惹,男生則叫峇峇。隨着時間的推移,負責廚房的婦女們逐漸將華人 飲食習慣、做法與當地飲食口味和文化結合在一塊,娘惹菜就這樣誕 生了。
Bibi & Baba 是由 Tinoq 和 Dylan 兩人創建的,他們在新加坡還 經營著私房菜館,對地道的華人口味烹飪有着極大熱情。娘惹菜的特 色在於使用當地的草藥和香料,再加上中國食材,如豆瓣醬等,味道 濃郁,非常惹味。 我們吃了小金杯($78),這道娘惹菜用薄薄的酥皮小金杯裝着 沙葛、蛋捲和黃瓜條;香炸素福建潤餅($78)和烏達($78),是一 種美味的魚餅。 接下來是娘惹叻沙($102),這道以奶油咖哩為基礎的叻沙,在 濃稠的湯底中加入了大量的蝦、魚餅和麵條。主菜方面,我們吃了黑 果燜雞($168),仁當牛肉($148),這道用香草和香料在幹咖哩中 烹製的牛脛骨十分美味,還有亞三魚($288),一種用 Assam 醬烹 製的酸辣魚。
Nyonya Laksa Lemak ($102), a creamy curry-based laksa chock-full of prawn, fishcake and chunky noodles in a rich and tasty soup base, was next. For main courses, we ate Ayam Buah Keluak ($168), a braised chicken dish, Beef Rendang ($148), beef shin cooked in herbs and spices in a dry curry, and Assam Pedas ($288), a zesty spicy-sour fish dish cooked with Assam paste.
我們點了番薯葉($88)和蝶豆花飯($32)來配菜。最後還有三 道甜品:煎蕊 ($58)、黑糯米粥($58)和娘惹糕拼盤($58)。
We ordered Sweet Potatoes Leaves ($88) and Blue Pea Flower Rice ($32) to go with the dishes. A trio of desserts, Chendol ($58), which is pandan and mung bean jelly served on shaved ice, Bubur Hitam ($58), a black glutinous rice porridge, and Kueh Platter ($58) of Nyonya cookies rounded out our meal.
事實證明,Bibi & Baba 很值得一試。如果你想體驗正宗的、令 人食慾大增的娘惹美食,Bibi & Baba 一定要去。
The drinks are excellent too, including a strong Gula Melaka Milk Tea ($55) and Caloma ($120), a fancy vanilla soda mixed drink with calamansi and smoked salt rim.
飲品也很好喝,濃郁的 Gula Melaka 奶茶($55)還有 Caloma ($120)奇特的香草混合蘇打飲料配合自家製酸柑和煙燻鹽,味道 一絕。
G/F, Pao Yip Building, 1-7 Ship Street, Wan Chai 灣仔船街1-7號寶業大廈地鋪;2555 0628
Bibi & Baba proved to be a delight. For a special experience in authentic and appetising peranakan comfort food, Bibi& Baba is well worth a try!
24 | JANUARY 2021
East Delight 東小館 East Delight, a casual, trendy Chinese restaurant specialising in dim sum and other contemporary Cantonese dishes, is the latest dining creation from Tang’s Catering Group, one of the city’s prominent dining operators anchored by its East Ocean restaurant group, and an impressive one at that. Located in a redeveloped basement shopping complex in Quarry Bay, East Delight caters to a younger, more casual clientele, paying tribute to the city’s artistic cultural roots. The restaurant’s entryway is draped in a painting with and calligraphic artwork from noted local Movie Posters Master Jimmy Keung. East Delight is spacious, its décor is contemporary Chinese infused with classical design elements. The pleasant and well-appointed ambience makes for a relaxed setting to enjoy a sumptuous Cantonese meal. We first tucked into a variety of dim sum and appetiser dishes. They included Chilled Cucumber w/ Chinese Vinegar ($38), Pickled Radish in Homemade Sauce ($38), a tasty and soft Deep-fried Diced Bean Curd ($68), which is quite unusual and nice, and its popular Roasted Pork Belly ($118). For dim sum, we ordered a smattering of dishes including Steamed Rice Roll w/ Shrimp & Chives ($50), Steamed Minced Shrimp Dumpling ($16/piece), Steamed Scallops & Minced Pork Dumpling ($18/piece), Pork Dumpling w/ Soup ($13/piece), Beef ball w/ Beancurd Sheet ($42), and Deep-fried Sticky Dumpling w/ Minced Pork ($16/ piece) served in a cute birdcage There are several chef-recommended dishes that we had to try. Braised Beef Cheek w/ White Radish ($148), in which the braised beef cheek meat is stuffed into a large white radish and cooked together is a signature dish. The radish keeps the meat tender and moist while the beef flavour permeates the radish. Another is Sautéed Prawn w/ Caramel Crispy Longjing ($168), the longjing tea is caramelised to a crisp and sautéed with the succulent, large shrimp – an absolute delight. Another highly touted dish is Boston Lobster in Curry Sauce with E-fu Noodles ($298), a yummy, savoury dish that certainly impresses.
「東小館」是一家休閒、時尚的中餐館,專營點心和其他當代 粵菜,是 Tang’s Catering Group 最新的餐飲創意。鄧氏餐飲集團是 香港著名的餐飲運營商之一,旗下的東海飲食集團是一家令人印象深 刻的餐廳。 餐廳位於鰂魚湧一個重建的地下購物綜合體內,迎合年輕、休閒的 客戶群,彰顯香港的藝術文化。餐廳的入口掛了本地著名電影海報畫 師姜志明大師的畫作真跡。 「東小館」空間寬敞,裝修風格為現代中式與古典設計元素相結 合。舒適的環境、完善的設備和高級的餐具,讓您在輕鬆的環境中享 受豐盛的粵菜。 我們嚐了各種點心和開胃菜,其中包括扭紋青瓜($38)、玫瑰蘿蔔 ($38)、美味的竹炭七味豆腐($68),這種黑色豆腐很特別,又健康又 好吃,還有很受歡迎的脆皮腩仔($118)。 我們點了很多點心,包括 韭黃鮮蝦腸粉 ( $50 )、 甘荀鳳眼餃 ($16/件)、翡翠帶子燒賣($18/件)、流汁小籠包($13/件)、鮮竹 牛肉球($42)、趣緻雀仔鹹水角($16/件),是用可愛鳥籠子裝的。 有幾道大廚推薦的菜品,是一定要嘗試的。柱侯牛面蘿蔔環 ($148),將紅燒牛肉和白蘿蔔一起煮,是一道招牌菜。蘿蔔能保持 肉質鮮嫩,而牛肉的味道也浸透了蘿蔔本身。另一道是 焦糖龍井蝦球 ($168)龍井茶被焦糖炒至酥脆,與多汁的大蝦一起炒,絕對美味。 還有一道備受推崇的菜品是咖哩波士頓龍蝦配伊麵底($298),這道美 味可口菜餚令人印象深刻。 「東小館」是一種享受。在舒適的環境中,餐廳以合理的價格提供 優質的新派粵菜。如果你想吃一頓豐盛的便餐,或者是想享用美味的點 心,這裡都值得一試。
LG 006, 1010-1056, King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong 香港鰂魚涌英皇道 1010 - 1056 號東匯坊地庫 LG006; 3188 5637
East Delight is a gastronomic delight. The restaurant offers excellent Cantonese food at reasonable prices in a comfortable setting. It’s a fine place for a hearty, casual meal or if you just want to enjoy a good dim sum lunch. Give it a try. nal
26 | JANUARY 2021
L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon ($$$$$)
Hong Kong 香港島
The Peak 山頂 Lú Feng 爐峰 ($$)
Taking its cue from classic Hong Kong teahouses of yore, the latest restaurant atop the Peak, Lú Feng, ushers visitors on a journey through time by flawlessly showcasing the evolution of Hong Kong’s culinary culture. Shop 3A-B, Levels 2 & 3, The Peak Tower, Central. 2886 8680 以香港舊式茶居為藍本,爐峰酒家於已正式落戶山頂凌宵閣。酒家承傳了古老 香江風格,揉合現代新穎元素,巧妙地將香港飲食文化以嶄新方式呈現出來。 山頂凌霄閣 2&3樓3A-B號舖, 2886 8680
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳 ($$$) Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳
Open since 2006, this threeMichelin-starred restaurant operated by celebrity chef Joel L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon sets the standard Robuchon f o r c o n t e m p o r a r y F re n c h fine dining with creatively presented, innovative dishes and chic décor. It’s the perfect venue for a special dining experience. Shop 401, 4/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen's Road Central, Central; 2166 9000 這家三星級米其林餐廳於 2006年開業,由名廚 Joel Robuchon 經營,因其創新菜 餚、創意佈局和別緻裝潢,成為 當代法國美食之標杆。絕對是享受完美用餐體驗的理想場所。中環皇后大道 中15號置地廣場4樓401號舖,2166 9000
Braza Churrascaria Brazilian Steakhouse ($$$) Braza Churrascaria Brazilian Steakhouse
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. is the first and only casual restaurant chain based on a motion picture. It is an all-embracing family dining experience themed on Forrest Gump’s life, philosophy and love of shrimp. The restaurant has been an instant success, just like the movie. Shop 304-305, 3/F, The Peak Tower, 128 Peak Road, The Peak. 2849 2867 阿甘蝦餐廳有限公司是首間且唯一一間以電影為主題概念的休閒連鎖式餐廳 集團,餐廳以阿甘的生命、哲理及對鮮蝦的熱愛為主題,成立後迅即如電影 般好評如潮。山頂山頂道128號凌霄閣3層304-305號舖,2849 2867
Central 中環
Braza features an all-you-can-eat continuous tableside service with a wide variety of different cuts of meat, chicken and seafood in succession. Enjoy a trip to Brazil without leaving Hong Kong! 3/F, Grand Progress Building, 15-16 Lan Kwai Fong, Central. 2890 9268 Braza主打巴西風味的半自助餐,各種美味肉類和海鮮隨叫隨切,讓您在香港也 能盡享巴西風情!中環蘭桂坊15-16號協興大廈3樓,2890 9268
Chilli Fagara 麻辣燙 ($$)
Chinese Library ($$$$) Chinese Library
This cosy boutique restaurant specializes in fiery Sichuan dishes and personalized service. Shop E, G/F, 51A Graham Street, Central. 2893 3330 . 這家精緻的餐廳環境舒適,服務周到,提供香辣可口的四川特色菜。中環嘉 咸街51A地下E鋪,2893 3330
Admiralty 金鐘 Ruth's Chris Steak House 茹絲葵牛排餐廳 ($$$$)
Chinese Library is a fine-dining Chinese restaurant located in Tai Kwun, the city’s heritage and arts hub in Central. The elegant outlet occupies the first floor of the old Police Headquarters and serves classic dishes from the gamut of regional Chinese cuisines, including Cantonese, Chiu Chow, Sichuan, North China and Shanghainese. Among its signature dishes are Laksa Xiao Long Bao and Apple-Roasted 45-day Imperial Peking Duck – the perfect opportunity to appreciate China’s fine food and rich heritage. 1/F, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central. 2848 3088 Chinese Library 是一家精緻的中餐廳,位於中環文化中心 — 大館。這家餐廳裝修 精緻,在舊中區警署一樓,供應粵菜、潮州菜、川菜、華北菜和上海菜等中國美 食。招牌菜有喇沙小籠包和北京烤鴨,除享用美食外,這裡還可以欣賞到豐富的 歷史和藝術文化。中環荷里活道10號大館1座1樓,2848 3088
Bombay Dreams ($$)
Food lovers return time after time for the authentic Indian cuisine at Bombay Dreams. The lunch buffet is a favourite among professionals. 4/F, 77 Wyndham St, Central. 2971 0001 . 一間甚具品質的正宗印度餐廳,擁有一批忠心的食客定期捧場;當中以自助午 餐最受歡迎。中環雲咸街77號4樓, 2971 0001
Fine cuts of beef served up sizzling on a garlic-buttered platter presented with friendly, American-style service. G/F, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty. 2522 9090; 108-110, Level 1, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon. 2366 6000. 提供各式牛扒,在熱騰騰的碟子裡嘶嘶作響,美國式的友善服務令人感覺賓至 如歸。金鐘金鐘道89號力寶中心地下, 2522 9090;九龍尖沙咀東部麼地道66 號尖沙咀中心1樓108-110號鋪,2366 6000
Yè Shanghai 夜上海 ($$$)
Savour high-end Shanghainese cuisine in a chic environment inspired by the elegance of old Shanghai. 3/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty. 2918 9833; 702, Level 7, K11 MUSEA, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2376 3322. 在時髦別緻的環境下,品嚐高級 的上海佳餚;餐廳的設計靈感來 自昔日的上海,別有一番韻味。 金鐘金鐘道 88 號太古廣場 3 樓, 2918 9833;九龍尖沙咀梳巴利道 18 號 K11 MUSEA 7樓 702 號鋪, 2376 3322 Yè Shanghai 夜上海
Kowloon 九龍
Tango Argentinian Steakhouse ($$$)
Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀 Aqua ($$$$)
A penthouse with Aqua breathtaking views of Victoria Harbour, this ubercool restaurant presents two distinct culinary styles – Aqua Roma (Italian) and Aqua Tokyo (Japanese). 29-30/F, One Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3427 2288. 位於高層閣樓,維港風光盡 收眼底。這家別具風格的前 衛餐廳,提供 Aqua Roma (意大利菜)和 Aqua Tokyo (日本菜)兩種迥然而異的風味選擇。尖沙咀北京道 1號29及30樓,3427 2288
Playa de Papagayo ($$)
Situated in the heart of the bar district in Tsim Sha Tsui, Papagayo offers a distinctive and hearty Spanish-inspired menu. Don’t miss grabbing some of their specially mixed sangrias along the way. Enjoy a 30 percent discount on all à la carte items at weekend brunch from 12 noon to 5pm. Open daily 12 noon-2am, G/F, Shop No.2, 8 Observatory Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2323 1379 位於尖沙咀酒吧街中心地帶的Papagayo提供獨特而豐富的西班牙菜餚,特調雞 尾酒及桑格利亞汽酒也是好選擇。逢周六日中午12時至下午5時,正價餐牌菜 式可享七折優惠。中午 12 時至凌晨 2 時;九龍尖沙咀河內道 5 號普基商業中心 地下N3號鋪,2739 1808
Playa de Papagayo
China Tang 唐人館 ($$$$)
Chinese cuisine in a stylish setting with harbour views. The extraordinary bar area comprises an elegant bar lounge and outdoor terrace serving the most delicious cocktails along with dim sum, bar snacks and Tang Express lunch sets. Shop 4101, 4/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2157 3148 主打傳統精緻中菜,尖沙咀海港城九龍旗艦店坐擁維港海景,特設中西合壁 的酒吧及戶外露天悠閒地,讓食客一邊品嘗美酒,一邊觀賞美景。酒吧區每 天供應多款雞尾酒、佐酒小食、即叫即製點心及午市套餐等。尖沙咀廣東道 17號海港城港威商場4樓4101號舖,2157 3148
China Tang 唐人館
28 | JANUARY 2021
This popular steakhouse is perfect for beef lovers. Tango Argentinian Steakhouse serves up top-choice juicy and tender Argentinian steaks grilled the traditional way. Signature dishes include its sirloin and ribeye steaks as well as Tango Argentinian Steakhouse Chorizo sausages, among others. 1/F, Carfield Commercila Building, 77 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong. 2505 5808 這家很受歡迎的牛排館是牛肉愛好者的最愛。Tango Argentinian Steakhouse 以傳統的方式烤製的多汁鮮嫩的阿根廷牛排。特色菜餚有牛里脊和肋眼、 牛排以及辣香腸等。香港中環雲咸街77號嘉兆商業大廈1樓,2505 5808
Osteria 意大利餐廳 ($$$)
Combining classic and modern, Osteria Ristorante Italiano serves mouthwatering traditional Italian dishes, with tableside cooking, authentic Italian pizzas, fresh homemade pasta and gelato. Mezzanine Floor, Holiday Inn Golden Mile, 50 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2315 1010 Osteria意大利餐廳融合傳統與創新的意大利烹調手法,製作出一系列正宗意 大利美饌、意大利薄餅、自製意大利面和意式雪糕。尖沙嘴彌敦道50號金域 假日酒店閣樓,2315 1010
Towada Sushi 十和田 総 本店 ($$)
Towada Sushi is a stylish addition to Hong Kong's burgeoning array of sushi outlets. Towada serves quality sushi at reasonable prices, with fresh seafood flown in daily from Japan. Signature dishes include Crab Paste Salad, Live Octopus with Ponza and Live Abalone. G/F, China Cameron Centre, 42 Cameron Road, Tsim Towada Sushi 十和田総本店 Sha Tsui. 2668 8791. Shop G27, G/F, Mikiki, 638 Prince Edward Road East, San Po Kong. 2808 0468. 十和田壽司已於尖沙咀隆重開幕,每天由日本空運高級食材到港,以極具吸 引力的價格為顧客帶來最地道的日本風味。招牌菜式包括蟹膏沙律、活八爪 魚酢和活鮑魚。尖沙咀金馬倫道42號華懋金馬倫中心地下,2668 8791 。 新蒲崗太子道東638號 Mikiki 地下G27號铺,2808 0468
Hong Kong 香港島
Western District 西區 Café Malacca 馬來一菜館 ($$)
Café Malacca 馬來一菜館 It is arguably the best Malaysian restaurant in Hong Kong, featuring popular dishes from Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Singapore. Check out its afternoon tea set ($288 for 2) serving authentic savoury treats such as curry puffs, kaya toast with a cup of Malaysian Kopi-o (coffee) (from 3-5 pm, daily) Level 2, Hotel Jen Hong Kong, 508 Queen's Road West, Western District, Hong Kong (HKU MTR Station Exit B); 2213 6613. 馬來一菜館向來被不少饕客認為是香港最好的馬來西亞菜餐廳,餐廳主打一系 列來自吉隆坡、檳城和新加坡的特色美食。不妨試試餐廳新推出的下午茶套餐 ($288兩位),包括咖喱酥、咖央多士等一系列星馬小食,配以檳城咖啡,享 受悠閒午後時光。(每天下午3-5時)西環皇后大道西508號香港今旅酒店2樓 (港鐵香港大學站B2出口),2213 6613
COSMOS The recently opened Cosmos, a trendy, health conscious café in Causeway Bay featuring private dining spaces, is a welcome addition to the city’s dining scene as social distancing is required and desired.
最近開業的 Cosmos 是一家注重健康的時尚咖啡館,位於銅鑼 灣市中心,為顧客提供私密的就餐空間,對於重視社交距離的城市 來說,Cosmos 是非常受歡迎的。
The restaurant occupies the whole floor of a large commercial building. The décor is smartly designed in contemporary style; its colour theme dominated by tranquil pastel blue and other calming colours. What makes Cosmos unique is that the restaurant has been partitioned into 29 private rooms, each for two to four guests. Moreover, each room has a largescreen TV with entertainment features with some rooms offering Netflix. It is thus well suited to friendly or intimate gatherings for lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, or late evening snacks where guests can enjoy food, music and entertainment in a totally relaxed setting.
餐廳佔據了大型商業建築的整個樓層。裝修以現代風格為主,色 彩以柔和的淡藍色和其他淺色係為主。 Cosmos 的獨特之處在於, 餐廳被隔成29個包房,每個包房可容納2至4位客人。此外,每個房 間都有屏幕電視,具有娛樂功能,部分房間提供 Netflix。所以它非 常適合閨蜜聚會和情侶友人聚餐。不論午餐、下午茶、晚餐或夜宵 時間,客人可以在完全放鬆的環境中享受美食、音樂和娛樂。
For its food offering, Cosmos serves a casual menu of health-conscious food from selected regional and international cuisines, augmented with seasonal menu items. For our lunch, we had its signature Healthy Bowl ($118) of poached egg, pumpkin, cherry tomato, romaine lettuce, kale, avocado and quinoa with grilled chicken – a yummy treat. The Salmon Carbonara with Crab Roe ($98) is tasty and nutritious, as is Grilled Chicken Quinoa in Thai Curry ($88). Each includes coffee, tea or juice plus top-ups for extra soup (+$5) or dessert (+$5). Cosmos also serves an All-Day Breakfast ($139) of eggs, baked beans, crispy bacon, tomato, sausage, mushroom, asparagus and toast that is filling and tasty. Its French Fries with Black Truffle ($78) is also excellent. For drinks, we tried two seasonal specials – Cotton Candy Red Bean Latte ($58) and Ginger Latte ($52), both are refreshingly appealing to the eye and the palate. Cosmos also serves a wide selection of cocktails, beers and wines, including a classic Lychee Martini ($98) that we tried. A take-away menu includes, for example, Grilled Wagyu Beef with Rice and Tamago in Black Truffle ($78) and Korean Beef Bulgogi Quinoa Rice ($78).
Cosmos 提供的是精選區域和國際美食,並輔以季節性的菜單項 目,用休閒的方式提供健康的食物。午餐,我們吃了滿載超級食物 的 Healthy Bowl($128),以南瓜、藜麥、牛油果、羽衣甘藍、半 熟流心蛋、車厘茄、羅馬生菜等七色蔬菜做成,非常美味。和風蟹籽 三文魚意粉($98)美味又營養,泰式咖哩烤雞藜麥飯($88)也是如 此。每個套餐都包括咖啡、茶或果汁,以及額外的湯(+$5)或甜點 (+$5)。 Cosmos 還提供全天早餐($139),包括雞蛋、焗豆、煙肉、 番茄、香腸、蘑菇、蘆筍和美味的多士。黑松露薯條($78)也很棒。 我們嘗試了兩種時令特飲—— 棉花糖紅豆咖啡特飲 ( $58 )和 薑餅人 拿鐵($52),兩者都令人耳目一新。 Cosmos 還提供多種雞尾酒、 啤酒和葡萄酒,推薦我們嚐過的經典荔枝馬天尼($98)。 值得一提的是,該餐廳提供的外賣菜單包括: 黑松露蛋黃燒 牛小排飯($78)和韓國烤牛肉藜麥飯($78)等,性價比高。
Cosmos 既能提供極高私人空間,又能讓您輕鬆用餐。記得來 試試。
2/F, 483 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港銅鑼灣謝斐道482號2樓;3125 3113
Cosmos offers both privacy and a relaxed setting for dining and discreet social gathering; the food is excellent too. You should definitely consider it.
The Tea Room at One-Eight-One Hotel 壹八壹冰室 ($$)
Wan Chai 灣仔
Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣
Savour classic Hong Kong favourites and contemporary dishes alike at this upscale all-day dining “bing sutt” that harks back to the old cha chaan teng cafés. You’ll enjoy the art deco–style interior as well as delicious comfort food, tasty local desserts and traditional milk tea, among others. Tea Room, 2/F One-Eight-One Hotel and Serviced Residences, 181 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong; 3181 1618; 在全天營業的高檔冰室中品嚐香港的經典風味佳餚和現代 風味佳餚,感受舊時茶餐廳風情。可以在經典港風裝飾 中,品嚐美味可口的港餐,當地特色甜點和香濃的傳統 奶茶等 。香港幹諾道西181號 One-Eight-One 酒店2層, 3181 1618;
The Grand Buffet 自助山 ($$$)
Since its opening in 2015, Grand Buffet has attracted locals and visitors alike for its dishes - many of which are prepared in front of guests, its extensive wine collection and its novel wine vending machines that allow for impromptu wine tasting, and its unparalleled 360-degree vista. 62/F Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai. 2506 0888, 2506 0666. 自助山於2015年開業,餐廳的許多食物均屬即叫 即煮。除了豐盛的美食,餐廳更設有自助式餐酒 機,讓食客品嚐到多款世界各地的美酒,加上360 度迷人景緻,吸引了眾多本地食客和遊客前來一 探究竟。灣仔皇后大道東 183 號合和中心 62 樓; 2506 0888,2506 0666
FireBird ($$)
The Tea Room at OneEight-One Hotel 壹八壹冰室
Grilled Japanese-style skewered chicken is the signature dish at FireBird. For a change of pace, FireBird also serves well-balanced cocktails using Japanese spirits and ingredients, alongside carefully selected Japanese craft beers, shochu, sake, chuhai, hoppy etc. for food and wine pairing. G/F, Coin Organize Centre, 13 Pennington Street, Causeway Bay. 2386 5218. FireBird 串燒酒吧除主打雞肉串燒之外,還有多款日本酒 及特色雞尾酒,鼓勵食客在享受食物之余,多以不同酒類 配襯美食,為港人的餐飲文化重新定位。銅鑼灣邊寧頓街 13號集貴中心地下,2386 5218
The Grand Buffet 自助山
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Hong Kong has an ever-morphing slew of drinking spots that cater to everyone, from after-work tipplers to a crew on a session. If you're after a drink, you're likely to find yourself drawn to one of four areas: Causeway Bay, Central, Wan Chai or Tsim Sha Tsui. 香港有無數多姿多采的消閒酒吧,適合喜好喝酒或偶然才喝酒的你。喝過幾杯後,想轉換一下新環境繼續耍樂? 請留意以下四處好介紹:蘭桂坊、荷裏活道及荷南美食區一帶,灣仔及尖沙咀的諾士佛台。
Hong Kong 香港島
CAUSEWAY BAY 銅鑼灣 Club @28
This chic rooftop indoor/ outdoor bar is adjacent to the hotel’s infinity pool, which overlooks the city. Open daily 5pm-1am (2am on weekends). Rooftop, Crowne Plaza Hotel Hong Kong, 8 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay. Club @28 3980 3300. 位於酒店頂層與露天泳池相連,適合小酌或暢飲,更可俯瞰都市景色。營業時 間︰下午5時至凌晨1時(週末至凌晨2時)。銅鑼灣禮頓道8號銅鑼灣皇冠假 日酒店頂層,3980 3300。
LEVELS The 8,000-square-foot space now features the latest Logic Systems Pro Audio from one of the UK's heritage audio brands, over 25 metres of LED screens, and state-of-the-art laser lightshows, LEVELS resulting in a brand new immersive clubbing experience tailored to each visiting DJ or performing artist's style. Mon–Sat 6:30pm-5am. 2/F On Hing Terrace, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central. 2850 6826. 佔地8,000呎的LEVELS擁有英國傳統音響品牌Logic Systems Pro Audio最新 音響系統,長達25米的LED屏幕,以及最先進的雷射燈光設備,結集成全新 迷人的娛樂體驗。星期一至六夜晚6:30至早上5時。中環安慶臺安慶大廈2樓。 2850 6826.
Inn Side Out/East End Brewery
A secluded gem, perfect for a casual drink and good American-style food. Open daily 11:30am-2am (1:30am on Fri & Sat) 2nd Floor, South China Athletic Association, 88 Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. 2895 2900. 靜中帶旺的戶外美式餐廳,食物和飲品均水準一流,是暢飲閒聊的好去處。營 業時間:中午11:30至凌晨2時(星期五、六至凌晨1:30)。銅鑼灣加路連山 道88號南華會2樓,2895 2900。
A dining bar specializing in light contemporary Italian cuisine; one of the best places for after-work happy hour. Ground Floor, 43 Wyndham Street, Central. 2116 8055. 型格酒吧,充滿和式風味,提供現代意式小食;最適宜下班後前去喝一杯。 中環雲咸街43-45號地下D及E舖,2116 8055。
Fish Bar 魚吧
The Iron Fairies
A stylish alfresco venue against a backdrop of lush greenery of scenic mountain views and overlooking the luxurious outdoor pool. Enjoy speciallycrafted cocktails, daily fresh catch and seafood prepared in enticing ways. Mon - Sun 12 noon - 10:30 pm; 7/F, JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong; 2810 8366. 位於酒店戶外泳池旁,擁有翠綠優美的水巒景色,讓客人於輕松悠閑的環境 中,享受特選雞尾酒、是日精選魚類及合時海鮮。營業時間:星期一至日下午 12時至10時半;香港金鐘道88號太古廣場香港JW萬豪酒店7樓; 2810 8366。
CENTRAL 中環 The Dispensary The city's latest eclectic lounge The Dispensary bar at Tai Kwun defines opulent drinking and dining, serving an extensive collection of wines and spirits plus East-meetsWest cocktail concoctions that pay homage to the city's heritage. 12pm till late. Police Headquarters, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong. 2848 3000 香港最新開設的獨特酒吧 The Dispensary 豐富了大館的美食,還提供葡萄酒 和烈酒以及東西風味混合雞尾酒,以紀念這座城市的傳統。中午12點至深夜。 香港中環荷裏活道10號大館警署總部,2848 3000。
Energetic live music and affordable drinks keep this bar packed with a lively crowd all day and night. Open until the crowd dwindles. 38 D'Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong. 2525 0957. 充滿活力節拍的現場音樂與多款精美飲料,吸引大批捧場客前來享受晚間的 愉快時光。24小時營業。蘭桂芳德己立街38號,2525 0957。 | JANUARY 2021
Iron Fairies is an enchanting and lively bar and entertainment venue in Central and a favourite gathering place for savvy millennials. The outlet is presented as an iron ore mine and serves cocktails, craft beers and wines. There is nightly live music and special cast-iron fairies are available for purchase as souvenirs. Open daily 6:00pmThe Iron Fairies 2am (3:00am on Fri & Sat) LG/F, Chinachem Hollywood Centre, 1-13 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong. 3912 3939. Iron Fairies 是中環迷人又熱鬧的酒吧和娛樂場所,也是時尚千禧一代最喜歡 的聚會場所。這家店以鐵礦石為背景裝飾,供提供雞尾酒、精釀啤酒和葡萄 酒。每晚有現場音樂表演,還有可購買的鑄鐵仙子作為紀念品帶回家。營業 時間︰下午 6 時至凌晨 2 時(週末至凌晨 3 時)。香港中環荷李活道 1-13 號 華懋荷李活中心LG層,3912 3939。
WAN CHAI 灣仔 Champagne Bar 香檳吧
Art Deco–themed bar with daily live entertainment by a pianist and jazz vocalist; ideal for pre-theatre drinks and late night rendezvous. MonSun 5pm-2am. L/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. 2584 7722. 這家備受推崇的酒吧,以時尚藝術為設計主題,加入現場琴師和法籍歌手的 醉人旋律,是人們小聚和深夜閒聊的理想之處。顧名思義,香檳吧素來聞名 於其全港首屈一指的香檳選擇。客人現更可享受一系列享負盛名的精品香 檳,包括︰Pierre Peters, Les Chetillons, Blanc de Blancs (2004), De Sousa - Brut Tradition NV及Vilmart Grand Cellier等。各款香檳皆提供杯裝及瓶裝 選擇。營業時間:星期一至日,下午5時至凌晨2時。灣仔港灣道1號香港君 悅酒店大堂層,2584 7722。
Kowloon 九龍
TSIM SHA TSUI 尖沙咀 Coyote
Seat yourself on the infamous reclining dentist's chair at this Mexican bar and restaurant and get Triple Sec and tequila poured down your throat direct from the bartender's Coyote bottles. Open daily noon2am. 114-120 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2861 2221. 這是一家富有特色的墨西哥酒吧和餐廳,你可以躺在彷如牙醫診所那款傾斜的靠 椅上,侍應會把你的雞尾酒直接從調酒師處送到你跟前。營業時間:中午12時至 凌晨2時;灣仔駱克道114-120號,2861 2221。
The White Stag
Watch the live TV coverage of your favourite sports teams in this open-fronted and laid-back pub. Open daily; Quiz Night every Sun & Mon from 7:30pm. 54-62 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2866 4244. 這間悠閒舒適的酒吧提供體育 賽事的直播,因此經常傳出陣 陣喝彩聲。每日營業:星期 日及一的問答之夜從7時30分 開始。灣仔駱克道54-62號, 2866 4244。
Eye Bar
A place for guests to look out over the spectacular Victoria Harbour, with exotic drink in hand and seafood from the South China Sea. Open 11:30am till late. 30/F, iSQUARE, 63 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2487 3988. Eye Bar 讓賓客親身體會維多利亞港的懾人魅力,在欣賞美景的同時輕嚐醇 釀美酒,品味南中國海的海鮮美食。營 業 時 間 : 中 午 1 1 : 3 0 至 深 夜 。 尖 沙 咀 彌敦道63號iSQUARE國際廣場30樓,2487 3988。
Hari’s at Golden Mile
Live entertainment and nightly happy hour from 5pm-9pm. Open Daily 5pm2am. Mezzanine, Holiday Inn Golden Mile, 50 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2369 3111. 提供現場表演,另外每晚更設歡樂時光。營業時間:下午 5 時至凌晨 2 時;歡 樂時光︰下午5時至晚上9時。尖沙咀彌敦道50號香港金域假日酒店閣樓, 2369 3111。
The White Stag
Trafalgar serves fine and Trafalgar traditional British food such as Fish & Chips, Yorkshire Pudding and other authentic fare. Crafted drinks include a great selection of premium beers and ales. Open daily 1 1 a m - 3 : 3 0 a m . 5 / F, 5 4 62 Lockhart Road, The Broadway, Wan Chai. Shop 10, 1/F, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Road, Wan Chai; 2110 1535 / 3102 9438. Trafalgar 餐廳為客人提供一系列美味的傳統英式食物,例如炸魚薯條、約克郡 布丁等。Trafalgar 更精心為客人調配各種精選飲品,包括啤酒和麥芽啤酒。營 業時間:上午11時至凌晨3時半。香港灣仔駱克道54-62號博匯大廈5樓;香港 灣仔港灣道28號灣景中心1樓10號舖;2110 1535 / 3102 9438。
Party with the younger expat crowd and exchange students at this fun nautical-themed pub, which sometimes gets so crowded that people spill out onto the street. Open daily 8pm-10am; Ladies night every Wednesday. 37-39 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2527 2077. 年輕的外籍人士以及留學生常 常聚集在這家以航海為主題的 酒吧中大玩瘋狂派對,擁擠時 人們甚至站在酒吧外的街道上 暢飲。營業時間:每日晚上 8 時至上午 10 時;星期三為女 士之夜。灣仔駱克道37-39 號,2527 2077。
The Southeast Asian-style bar is the perfect place to relax after a busy shopping day. It offers a delectable selection of Asian dishes and drinks for guests to indulge in some regional flavours. Open daily 3pm-2am; Shop 2, Podium Plaza, 5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2312 0468. Shop Lulu 5&6, G/ F, 3 Granville Circuit, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2369 3803. 忙碌的血拼之後不妨前往東南亞 風格酒吧 Lulu 小酌一番,放鬆 心 情。美味的亞洲佳餚及各類飲品 都 令 人 沉 醉 。下 午 3 時 至 凌 晨 2 時;九龍尖沙咀河內道 5 號普基商 業中心地下 2 號鋪; 2312 0468 。 尖沙咀嘉蘭圍3號地下5-6號舖; 2369 3803。
The Bar 半島酒吧
The Bar offers a stellar list of craft cocktails, rare single malt whiskies and vintage Armagnacs served in an exceptional setting. It’s the perfect place to unwind after work, cement business ties or enjoy a quintessential Martini, accompanied by the sounds of authentic jazz pianist Jimmy Alegre. Mon-Sun 3pm-12:30am. 1/F, The Peninsula Hong Kong, 22 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2696 6773. 半島酒吧供應多種精緻的特調雞尾酒。在格調非凡的環境中品嘗一杯罕有的單一麥 芽威士忌和陳年雅馬邑,簡直是人生樂事。伴以鋼琴家 Jimmy Alegre 演奏悠揚抒 情的爵士樂,無論是公余小酌,商務洽談都無比稱心。星期一至日下午 3 時至凌晨 12時30分。尖沙咀梳士巴利道22號香港半島酒店1樓,2696 6773。
Square 12
A new concept Korean BBQ style bar and restaurant is the latest offering for trendy gatherings. Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, Square 12 provides a large public area as well as VIP rooms plus a open terrace for BBQ. Its "all you can eat and drink" buffet includes innovative Korean and local items, various cocktails, bar drinks and Korean Jinro. Daily, 7pm to 4am; 12/F, Universal Commercial Building, 65-69 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 6553 6553. 位於尖沙咀市中心,設有寬敞大廳、貴賓房及開揚 BBQ大露台,屬尖沙咀首創的 韓式 BBQ 酒吧。特別推出任吃 任喝韓國燒烤及地道風味小食, Square 12 飲品包括各款雞尾酒、洋酒以 及 韓 國 真 露 等 。營 業 時 間 : 晚 上 7:00 至凌晨 4:00 ;尖沙咀北 京道 65-69 號環球商業大廈 12/F 全層;6553 6553。
Arthur Hacker looks at the turbulent history of St John’s Cathedral 亞瑟·克赫回顧聖約翰座堂的動亂歷史
t was an American Baptist missionary, the Reverend Jehu Lewis Shuck, who built Hong Kong's first Christian church on Queen's Road in 1842. Around the same time he started a newspaper called The Friend of China and set up a mission school with his formidable wife Henrietta. This aggressive woman was not content with converting the local Chinese to Christianity but simultaneously launched a crusade to save the souls of English heathens. Leading English merchant princes were called taipans, and when one of their number remarked casually that although he believed in heaven he thought that hell was “a load of fudge”, Henrietta called him “a vile sinner.” Consequently, the colony’s merchants and opium dealers were not enamoured of the aggressive behaviour of the Shuck family and neither was the Church of England, which had been upstaged by the Baptists, and had therefore lost face. The trading community was much more interested in constructing commercial premises such as warehouses – known as godowns – and sumptuous, ostentatious mansions for the nouveau riche taipans, than building a house of God. For the next few years the Anglican
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community was reduced to worshipping in a humble matshed on Murray Barracks parade ground (present-day Admiralty). The second governor of Hong Kong, Sir John Davis, found the money needed to build a church. This scholarly and rather pompous politician composed, in Latin, the inscription on the foundation stone where he describes himself as “A legate of the British Queen in China and bedecked with proconsul dignity”. The Protestant cathedral was ironically designed by an architect surnamed Pope. lt cost $6,000 and when St John's Cathedral opened in 1849 at 4-8 Garden Road, the congregation was outraged to discover that the unpopular governor’s ensanguined coatof-arms, a bloody hand, was emblazoned over the west door. It is still there. Protocol demanded that the governor and the lieutenant-governor sat in the front pews. Senior civil servants and top navy and military officers sat behind them. There was fierce competition for the next row of seats. The nearer to the front you prayed the greater your prestige. The unseemly ‘battle of the pews’ was closely followed by the pernicious press at the time.
八四二年 , 浸信會傳教士叔未士牧師在 一 皇后大道建立了香港第一幢基督教座
堂。與此同時 , 他開辦了一份名為《中國之友》 的報紙,更跟他那位精明的太太亨麗愛塔成立 了一間傳教學校。這位野心勃勃的鐵娘子並不 滿足於將中國改變為基督教國家,她發起運 動,設法令所有「英國靈魂」信奉基督教。當 時人們稱英國商人的頭目九大班,其中一位大 班漫不經心地道,雖然他相信有天堂,但依然 認為有關地獄的說法是一派胡言。亨麗愛塔指 他是「卑劣的罪人」。漸漸,鴉片商人和其他 商人對叔未士家庭的激進行為不表欣賞,連屢 被浸信會教士搶盡風頭的英國國教會也感到面 目無光。
商界對於興建商用建築物如貨倉,或為大 班興建豪華大宅的興趣,遠比為神興建座堂來 得大。往後幾年,英國國教會的人只能在一間 位於美利兵營的簡陋草屋裡模拜。(現在為金 鐘) 香港第二任總督鼾維斯爵士籌得了一筆資 金,用以興建座堂。這位有點兒自負的博學正 攵治家在教堂的石碑上以拉丁文形容自己為 「英女皇欽點的中國大使 , 並賦予殖民地總督的 尊貴身份」。無獨有偶,這幢基督教座堂的建 築師的姓氏是“ Pope ” ( 意思即教皇 ) 。教堂的 建築費用共六千元 , 當位於花園道的聖約翰座堂
Things soon settled down and the cathedral continued quietly serving the Anglican community until Christmas Day 1941 – when disaster struck. This was when the British garrison surrendered to the Japanese forces. The invaders occupied the building but there are conflicting reports about what it was used for: a canteen, a jujitsu club or even a stable for Japanese officers' horses. When the British returned, they found it completely vandalised. After the war, the rebuilding of the desecrated cathedral was taken up as a community effort. Unlike their brethren a hundred years earlier, the taipans of the 1940s were extremely generous and provided everything from hassocks to hymn books, stained glass windows and even a new peal of bells. When Davis built the cathedral, it was the tallest building in Hong Kong. Famously sitting on the only freehold plot of land in the colony (the remainder being leased from the government), it dominated the city for generations until the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank opened its doors in 1935. ln the 1930s the bank was the highest building east of Suez until you reached the shores of California. These days, it is only a matter of a few years before some local property developer or institution has built a new highest building in Hong Kong, in a never-ending Tower of Babel competition. Looking at St John’s today, surrounded by massive skyscrapers, it beggars belief that this tiny ‘toy town’ church was long the tallest and most magnificent building in Hong Kong and the dominant feature of the picturesque colonial city of Victoria. Nevertheless, it remains a glorious piece of architecture, striking in its tranquillity and as valued as ever, a reminder of a bygone age.■
於 1849 年建成時,戴維斯爵士把自己的家族徽章 隻紅手印建在 座堂的西面大門上,引起公憤。現在這個徽章依然存在。 座堂規定總督和助理總督坐在座堂前排的座席。公務員、海軍 和陸軍高級官員隨後。後幾行的座位安排弓來激烈爭議,祈禱時坐 得越前表示名望越高。這種不得體的「座位爭霸戰」被當時不懷好 意的傳媒緊密報導。 事情終於平息,座堂一直默默為莢國國教會信徒服務, 1941 年的聖誕節發生了不幸事件,服務才終止。英軍部隊於當天向日 軍投降,日軍於是佔據座堂。不同的報導指座堂被用作飯堂、柔道 會,甚至是日本軍方馬厩。當英國重新收迴座堂,座堂已遭到徹底 破壞。戰後,重建座堂成為公眾責任。 1940 年代的大班跟 1840 年 代不同,他們很慷慨,為座堂提供膝墊、聖歌書籍、彩色玻璃窗, 甚至是一個全新的鐘。 戴維斯爵士興建座堂時,教堂是全香港最高的建築物,眾所周 知,它坐落在香港唯一一塊自由保有的土地上(其余部分由政府出 租),直至 1935 年香港上海匯豐銀行建成為止。第二次世界大戰 結束後,每隔數年本地物業發展商就在香港興建更高的大廈。這種 爭高比賽可時才會完結呢? 重看今天的聖約翰座堂,四周盡是高樓大廈。你要運用最高的 想像力,說服自己這幢小小的建築物曾幾何時是香港最高,最莊嚴 的建築物,是維多利亞殖民地的美麗標誌。不過,座堂莊嚴如故, 卻是毋容置疑的,它在寧靜中熠熠生輝,提醒人們過去的時代。■
This article appeared in the August 2004 issue of CityLife Magazine, written by the late Arthur Hacker, author of CityLife’s History Man series. 這篇文章在2004年8月的《東方之珠》雜誌發表過,作者是已故的 Arthur Hacker,曾是《東方之珠》歷史故事系列的作者。
歷史上的香港一月 2
9 January 1972: Ocean liner RMS Queen Elizabeth, then the world’s largest passenger ship, which had been purchased by shipping tycoon C.Y. Tung to convert into a floating university, caught fire and sank while undergoing refurbishment in Victoria Harbour. 10 January 1977, Hong Kong Ocean Park was opened to the public by Governor of Hong Kong Sir Murray MacLehose, becoming the largest aquatic theme park in Asia. 1972年1月9日:船王董浩雲旗下的「伊利沙伯 王后號」在改裝成海上學府期間着火焚毀,隨 後沉入香港的維多利亞港。 3
1977年1月10日:香港海洋公園正式開放,是 當時遠東最大規模的海洋主題公園。
1. Taken around 1870 this picture shows how St. John’s Cathedral dominated
the cityscape, when it was the tallest building in Hong Kong. 1870年的聖約翰座堂是全港最高的建築物。 2. Sandwiched between two skycrapers, the cathedral, once the tallest building in Hong Kong, looks like a tiny Toy Town church. 夾在兩幢高樓大廈中間的聖約翰座堂活像一幢小小的模型座堂。 3. The Illustrated London News wood engraving was captioned “An afternoon on the Parade Ground” when it was published in 1857. 1857年出版的《倫敦新聞畫報》的圖片標題是『一個巡遊地的下午』。 JANUARY 2021
ANTIQUES The premier places to find genuine articles 古董店尋珍覓寶
Oi Ling Antiques 燕譽堂
From furniture and stone pieces to terracotta, bronzes and rare books, Oi Ling Antiques has a deserved reputation for excellence that draws collectors from far and wide. The family-run business offers certificates of authenticity, including Oxford TL Test certificates for all terracotta pieces. 燕譽堂位於中環荷李活道,是一家家族經營的古玩店,經營範圍包括中國古董家具、石雕、陶器、高 古青銅器和古籍。公司所售的陶器都已經做了市場認可的牛津科學檢測。除了中環的門市外,尚有鴨 脷洲倉庫,陳列了各式各樣古董家具。
Censers were popular in the Han dynasty. This goose-shaped censer is life-like. The back of the goose body is latticed, allowing smoke to rise from it. The censer is similar in function to the more well-known boshanlu-style censers from the Han period, but its form is very different. Incense was burned not just for the aroma, but also for practical reasons, such as acting as an insect repellent, and to purify the air. Combining aesthetics, practicality, and philosophy, censers are of high artistic and historical value. Mon-Sat, 10am - 7pm, Sun 1pm - 6.30pm. 72 Hollywood Road, Central. 2815 9422. 熏爐是我國古代香具之一,漢代相當盛行。這雁形熏爐形態逼真,寫實性強,雁身背部鏤刻出 煙孔,其下有承盤。其功用與當時盛行的博山式爐如出一轍,惟形態迥異。滿足當時燃燒香料的需 要,驅蟲避害和淨化空氣等實用性需求。結合美觀、實用與五行思想,具有極高的藝術和學術價 值。營業時間︰星期一至六,早上 10:00 至下午 7:00 ;星期日,下午 1:00 至 6:30 。中環荷李活道 72 號地下; 2815 9422; A range of bronze censers from Han dynasty, 206BC-220AD to Northern and Southern dynasties, 386-582AD. A red lacquered stand, Ming dynasty 1368-1644AD. 三件漢代至南北朝的銅熏爐 明朝硃砂漆矮几
Orientique 吉慶堂
Orientique is a Hong Kong-based antique and fine art dealer, established for more than three decades. It is now located in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, in the heart of Central. Orientique specializes in fine quality Chinese imperial ceramics and other important and rare works of Chinese art, ranging from pottery of the Neolithic, Tang and Han dynasties, to Ming and Qing imperial porcelain. Shop M4, Mezzanine Floor Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Road Central. Mon-Sat 10:30am-7:00pm; 2526 5889. 位於香港中環文華東方酒店的吉慶堂已紮根香港超過 30年,專門經營極具收藏價值的中國古 董瓷器及其他中國文玩,是城中著名古董店之一。貨品包括唐朝及漢朝之陶器、宋朝、明朝及清 三代的官窑瓷器等。中環干諾道中5號文華東方酒店M4鋪;星期一至六上午 10:30至晚上7:00;
2526 5889;
A rare pair of blue glazed bowls Qing Dynasty, Daoguang mark and of the period 1821-1850. Diameter: 18cm 清道光霽藍釉碗一對 清道光 1821-1850 ,「大清道光年製」款 直徑﹕18厘米
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An extremely rare famille rose ‘Shoushan fuhai’ vase Qing Dynasty, Daoguang mark and of the period 1821-1850. Height: 28.5cm 清道光粉彩「壽山福海」瓶 清道光 1821-1850 ,「大清道光年製」款 高﹕28.5厘米
Altfield Gallery
One of Hong Kong’s premium dealers in Chinese furniture as well as in maps, prints, and Buddhist sculptures from China and Southeast Asia, Altfield has garnered itself a quality reputation in the Hong Kong market. Mon-Sat, 10am-7pm; Sun, 11am-5pm. 248-9 Prince’s Building, Central. By appointment; 9/F, Warehouse at Gee Change Hong Kong Centre, 65 Wong Chuk Hang Road. 2537 6370.
Altfield 是香港其中一間著名的古董商店,出售來自中國及東南亞優質古董傢具、地圖、圖畫 及佛像雕塑,其名聲在香港可謂數一數二。中環太子大廈 248-249 號鋪,星期一至六上午 10 時 至晚上 7 時,星期日上午 11 時至下午 5 時。香港仔黃竹坑道 65 號志昌行中心 9 樓,請提早預約; 2537 6370 ;
A Doucai 'Floral' Bowl at Altfield Gallery 道光款鬥彩 纏枝蓮紋碗
Arch Angel Antiques
This respected, large and reliable European-run antiques gallery has a huge authentic stock, built up over 30 years. The museum-quality collections of thermo-luminescence-tested ancient artefacts specialise in sculptural pieces as well as early celadon wares. It also houses one of the largest Qing dynasty blue-and-white porcelain collections in Hong Kong. The gallery has a reputation for fair dealing and excellent service – all items come with access to expert packing and shipping services and photograph certificates. Open daily, 9.30am-6.30pm. 70 Hollywood Road, Central. 2851 6828. 這家聲譽可靠的著名古董店在業界立足已超過30年,收藏大量古董珍品,有經熱釋法年代測證的博物 館水準珍藏,尤以漢朝、六朝和唐朝的雕塑為主,更有一系列新石器時代至漢朝的古董容器和早期的 青瓷;並擁有香港最龐大的清朝青花瓷系列之一。店舖特別鐘情於早期的中式傢具,多件16至18世紀 的古傢俱均經過精心挑選和恰當修復。來自中國及東南亞區的罕見石刻、銅雕塑及佛像亦可見於其圖 鑑,當然還少不了赤陶雕塑。此外,店中有超過200幅祖傳卷畫,所有珍品都附帶照片證書,由專家包 裝,並可託付船運,無條件保證其真偽。營業時間︰上午9時30分至晚上6時30分,假期照常營業。中 環荷李活道70號;2851 6828。
Six Dynasties Northern Wei period (386 A.D. to 534 A.D.) Pottery soldiers at Arch Angel Antiques 六朝北魏時期 (386 A.D. to 534 A.D.) 彩陶武士俑
GALLERIES The scoop on some of the best art showrooms and their current exhibitions
‘Equilibrium Shifts: a Solo Exhibition by Kim Tae-Ho’ at Pearl Lam Galleries Hong Kong 25 Nov - 14 Jan Pearl Lam Galleries is delighted to present Equilibrium Shifts, a solo exhibition by one of Korea’s leading post monochrome artists. Kim’s art practice started in the 1970s and stood in stark contrast to Dansaekhwa, the monochromatic movement that swept across South Korea during the latter part of the decade. Kim’s creative trajectory is marked by three distinct periods: his Form series from the 1970s, followed by experimental works on paper from the 1980s, and the signature Internal Rhythm series that the artist has continued to pursue since the late 1990s until today. Equilibrium Shifts surveys the artist’s early works and the formal development of the Internal Rhythm series. 601-605 Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street, Central; Mon-Sat: 10am-7pm; 2522 1428;
‘Yu Kawashima: Ré-former’ at Whitestone Gallery 12 Dec - 23 Jan Whitestone Gallery is pleased to present Ré-former, the first solo exhibition of Japanese artist Yu Kawashima in Hong Kong. The exhibition will showcase monochromatic paintings meticulously painted by mineral pigments and ink, including new series the artist created for the exhibition. Born in Shizuoka, Japan in 1988, Yu Kawashima spent his childhood in a verdant countryside. This gave him an innate sense of discomfort to the artificial and inorganic world, and the unease caused anxiety in him on perceiving the disquieting signs of the surroundings. 7-8/F, H Queen’s, 80 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong; Tuesday Saturday: 11:00 - 19:00, Sunday: appointment only. Closed on statutory holiday; 2523 8001;
‘Karl Horst Hödicke Solo | Eingedunkelt’ at Leo Gallery 27 Nov - 25 Feb The show title takes its inspiration from a poem of French poet Paul Celan – “Eingedunkelt”, which translates to benighted, an absolute darkness. It is an ambiguous state between the night and dawn, containing countless of possibilities. As one of the most significant contemporary German neo-expressionists, Hödicke paints with genuine emotions, in a wild and enthusiastic style. Having been through the turmoil in the ‘darkest moment’ of German politics, he concerned the fate of the nation, as well as the joys and sorrows of the people. The pain, struggles and hope that he has endured and expressed, echoed the destiny of mankind. It is undeniable that a new era has arrived. G/F SOHO 189, 189 Queen's Road West, Sai Ying Pun (Entrance at Wilmer Street); Mon-Sat: 11:00-19:00; 2803 2333;
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‘Takis’s Exhibition | White Cube Hong Kong’ at White Cube 21 Nov - 27 Feb White Cube Hong Kong is pleased to present an exhibition of works by the late Greek artist Takis (1925–2019). Featuring sculptures drawn from a thirty-year period – from the end of the 1960s to the 1990s – it showcases the artist’s committed exploration of art and science. Takis carved out a new aesthetic territory, incorporating invisible forms of energy such as magnetic, acoustic or light waves as the fourth dimension of his work. G/F & 1/F, 50 Connaught Road Central, Central; TueSat: 11am-7pm; 2592 2000;
Note: Due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, please check with your concierge or call the museum for the latest status on opening hours. 注意:受冠狀病毒疫情影響,請您及時與禮賓部聯繫,或致電博物館了解最新資 訊及開放時間。
See and learn something new at the city's fascinating museums 博物館探知及展覽資訊
Hong Kong Museum of Art
Art Exhibitions
After major expansion and renovation, the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMoA) has reopened to the public with 11 exhibitions. Visitors are treated to a series of collection exhibitions representing the cultural legacy in the museum's holdings, namely "Ordinary to Extraordinary: Stories of the Museum", "From Dung Basket to Dining Cart: 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Wu Guanzhong", " A Pleasure Shared: Selected Works from the Chih Lo Lou Collection", "The Wisdom of Emptiness: Selected Works from the Xubaizhai Collection", "Lost and Found: Guardians of the Chater Collection" and "The Best of Both Worlds: Acquisitions and Donations of Chinese Antiquities"; a series of exhibitions and displays on Hong Kong's art lineage in "Classics Remix: The Hong Kong Viewpoint", "Hong Kong Experience.Hong Kong Experiment", "The Breath of Landscape" and "Rediscovering Landscape"; and an international blockbuster exhibition, "A Sense of Place: from Turner to Hockney".
10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong; Mon-Wed & Fri 10am – 6pm Sat, Sun and public holidays 10am – 7pm; 2721 0116;
經過大型修繕和擴建工程後,香港藝術館再與公眾見面,十一項展覽將同時 舉行,展現多元的藝術世界。 十一個展覽包括從藝術館館藏體現文化承傳的「小題大作──香港藝術館的 故事」、「從糞筐到餐車──吳冠中誕辰一百週年展」、「眾樂樂──至 樂樓藏品選」、「虛室生白──虛白齋藏品選」、「失而復得──遮打藏品 的守護」和「公私兩全──中國文物館藏與捐贈」;展現香港藝術的「原 典變奏──香港視點」、「香港經驗.香港實驗」、「自在風景」和「城尋 山水」;以及一項大型國際展覽「觀景.景觀──從泰納到霍克尼」。香港 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號;星期一至三、五10:00am – 6:00pm/星期六、 日及公眾假期10:00am – 7:00pm;2721 0116;
Hong Kong 香港島 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 孫中山紀念館
The museum focuses on Sun’s life in Hong Kong and his contributions to China. Featuring two permanent exhibitions supplemented by rotating special exhibitions in co-operation with the many Dr Sun Yat-sen museums on the mainland. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am-6pm, weekends & Public Holidays 10am-7pm. Free. 7 Castle Road, Central. 2367 6373. 孫中山紀念館為你介紹孫中山先生的生平事蹟,及其革 命事業對中國的影響。紀念館內不單設有兩個長期展 覽,由大陸主辦的孫中山特別展亦會定期來港參展。除 展覽場館以外,還有視聽、活室等設施。開放時間:平 日上午 10 時至下午 6 時(逢星期四休館);星期六、日 及公眾假期至晚上 7 時。免費入場。中環衛城道 7 號, 2367 6373 。
Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware 茶具文物館
Originally the home of the commander-in-chief of the British forces, the museum houses a huge collection of tea ware in Hong Kong's oldest surviving colonial building. It contains the KS Lo Gallery with its permanent exhibition of rare ceramics and seals from the Song and Ming dynasties. Weekdays (closed on Tuesdays except public holidays) 10am-6pm, Free. Admiralty MTR, Exit F. Hong Kong Park, 10 Cotton Tree Drive, Central. 2869 0690. 這座古老殖民地時期的建築物,本是英軍司令官的住宅, 現在收藏了各類茶具,包括特色茶壺、水壺、茶杯、茶 碗、茶葉罐和酒瓶等。另外還有羅桂祥茶藝館,長期展出 宋明朝陶器和印章。開放時間: 平日上午10時至下午6時 (逢星期二休館,公眾假期除外)。免費入場。港鐵金 鐘站F出口。中環紅棉路10號香港公園, 2869 0690。
Hong Kong Maritime Museum 香港海事博物館
A fascinating history of seafaring with models of ships and early travel paraphernalia (including Louis Vuitton luggage). Interactive games include a ship simulator – built with 1950s equipment – that allows you to dock in Victoria Harbour. Mon-Fri, 9.30am5.30pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-7pm. HK$30. Central Ferry Pier 8, Central, Hong Kong. 3713 2500. 人類精彩的航海歷史將於香港海事博物館展出。展品包括 船隻模型、早年的航行工具,如路易威登的行李箱等等; 設有船模型電子遊戲,參觀者可使用1950年代的航海設施 模擬把船隻停泊於維多利亞港。開放時間:星期一至五上 午9時30分至下午5時30分;星期六及日上午10時至下午7 時。入場費HK$30。香港中環八號碼頭, 3713 2500。
Kowloon & New Territories 九龍及新界 Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科學館
The museum combines education with fun. It houses Hong Kong's first airliner as well as hundreds of interactive exhibits suitable for all ages. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am-7pm; weekends & Public Holidays 10am-9pm. Admission: HK$20 adults (Wednesdays free). Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Exit B2. 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East. 2732 3232. 展覽寓學習於娛樂,展出香港首架飛機,並有多個豐 富互動的展品,適合男女老幼,定能樂在其中。開放 時間:平日上午10時至下午7時(逢星期四休息);星期 六丶日及公 假期至晚上 9 時。成人入場費 HK$20 , 逢星期三免費入場。尖沙咀東科學館道2號, 2732 3232。交通:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口。
Hong Kong Heritage Museum 香港文化博物館
Under the umbrella of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum presents a unique mix of history, art and culture in a great variety of programmes that cater for the wide-ranging interests of the public. Monday, Wednesday to Friday:10am-6pm; Saturday, Sunday & public holidays: 10am-7pm; Closed on Tuesdays; 1 Man Lam Road, Sha Tin, Hong Kong. 2180 8188. 香港文化博物館是康樂及文化事務署轄下的一所綜合性 博物館,內容涵蓋歷史、藝術和文化等不同範疇。星期 一、三至五:上午 10 時至下午 6 時;星期六、日及公眾 假期:上午10時至晚上7時;星期二休館; 香港新界沙田 文林路一號,2180 8188。
Hong Kong Railway Museum 香港鐵路博物館
Train enthusiasts can imagine arriving into Hong Kong by rail in the golden age of train travel at this charming little museum located in Tai Po Market. The permanent exhibition of Hong Kong's rail history includes photographs, old coaches, samples of tracks, and a full-size model of an electric train compartment. Feel free to climb aboard! Monday, Wednesday to Sunday10 am-6 pm (closed on Tuesdays). 13 Shung Tak Street, Tai Po Market, Tai Po, New Territories. 2653 3455. 在這個金字頂中國傳統建築內,鐵路迷可以找到香港鐵 路交通發展的點滴:舊火車站的古蹟和訊號室、窄軌蒸 汽火車頭、古董車廂、與實物大小相同的電氣化火 車 車廂模型及歷史圖片等。快跟着這些舊文物,去追尋 昔日鐵路的軌跡吧!週一,三至日上午 10 時至下午 6 時 (逢週二休館)。免費入場。新界大埔大埔墟崇德街13號。 2653 3455。
Tai Kwun
Centre for Heritage and Arts The revitalised Central Police Station compound, the largest heritage project in Hong Kong, has opened its doors to the public as Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts. The CPS compound comprises 16 historic buildings, including three declared monuments (Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison), on a 13,600-square-metre site in the heart of Central. An international-grade art gallery and an auditorium have been added to contribute to the adaptive reuse of the site. The heritage site includes new art galleries and the Parade Ground and Prison Yard. Entry is free of charge, however places are limited, especially during peak times, and visitors are encouraged to get a Tai Kwun Pass, which guarantees access. 10 Hollywood Road, Central. 11am – 11pm.
古蹟及藝術館 古蹟及藝術館全港最大型古蹟保育項目,中區警署建築群完成活化,將以「大館」:古蹟及藝術 館的名稱,向公眾開放。中區警署建築群包括前中區警署、中央裁判司署和域多利監獄三項法定 古蹟,共16幢歷史建築及數個戶外空間,佔地13,600平方米,位處中環核心地帶,加上新建的 國際級美術館與綜藝館,配合場地的活化再用。大館首階段開放包括11座歷史建築、新建的美術 館和綜藝館、檢閱廣場和監獄操場。公眾可透過大館網站預訂「大館證」,持有「大館證」將可 保證入場。中環荷李活道10號。預約詳情請參閱官方網站
Hong Kong Space Museum
Hall of the Cosmos and Space Exploration Covering a total area of 1,600 square metres, the "Hall of the Cosmos" and "Hall of Space Exploration" house a hundred new exhibits, of which about 70 percent are interactive. With the aid of interesting hands-on exhibits and advanced equipment coupled with lighting effects and environmental decorations, the exhibition vividly introduces astronomy and space science. The "Hall of the Cosmos" showcases the Universe from near to far, travelling from the solar system that we are living in, to the stars, Milky Way and galaxies further away and exploring the science and evolution of the universe all along the way. The "Hall of Space Exploration" depicts the development of space exploration and space technology. Closed on Tuesdays (except Public Holidays). Standard ticket HK$10. 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2721 0226. "Man in Space" showcases the history of human space exploration 「人類在太空」介紹人類勇闖太空的歷史
"Shenzhou Re-entry Capsule" provides a 3D photo effect for visitors inside a re-entry capsule 「神州號太空船返回艙」讓觀眾躺臥在返回艙內, 拍攝極富立體感的照片
宇宙和太空探索展覽廳 香港太空館設有兩個展覽廳,分別為「宇 宙展覽廳」和「太空探索展覽廳」,合 共面積 1,600 平方米,當中設置約一百件 新展品,其中約有七成屬互動展品。展 覽透過有趣的互動展品和先進儀材,配 合燈光效果和環境布置,介紹天文及太 空科技新知。「宇宙展覽廳」展示探索宇 宙由近至遠的概念,從我們身處的太陽系 開始,再推展至恆星,銀河系及更遙遠的 星系,以至探索宇宙的演化及相關的科 學。「太空探索展覽廳」主題則環 繞 太 空 探 索 和 太 空 科 技 的 發 展 。逢 星 期 二 休館(公眾假期除外);標準票HK$10; 尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號; 2721 0226 ;
40 | JANUARY 2021
"Icy Bodies" creates comets with dry ice to simulate their jets and movements 「冰封天體」利用乾冰製成彗星, 模擬彗星的噴流及運動
Our most up-to-date recommended spas and news on Hong Kong’s healthy and beauty offerings. A round-up of Hong Kong’s quality spas, beauty rooms and massage centres. 每月精選一系列豐富的美容護膚、健康養生資訊,撰寫您的美麗日記。 齊集全港優質美容中心、按摩中心和水療中心。
The Spa at Four Seasons 四季酒店
Hong Kong 香港島
CAUSEWAY BAY 銅鑼灣 Life of Life Healing Spa
The spa features a state-of-the-art biopulsar machine that they say checks the physical and mental status of clients in order to tailor-make treatments. 10/F & 11/F Continental Diamond Plaza, 525 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay. 2838 1661. 水療中心設有先進的健康測試儀器,只需把手放在 感應器上便可檢查客人的健康狀況,計算出合適的 療程。銅鑼灣軒尼詩道525號恆和鑽石大廈10樓及11 樓, 2838 1661 。
Contemporary and chic, this brand uses customised flower and plant extracts in its treatments. 16/F, Soundwill Plaza, 38 Russell Street, Causeway Bay. 2923 7888 . 這裡時髦又現代化,採用的鮮花和植物精華全為顧 客量身訂造。銅鑼灣羅素街 38號金朝陽中心 16樓, 2923 7888 。
This spa has it all: views across the harbour, the very latest relaxation methods, and 22,000 sq ft of luxurious space comprising treatment rooms and state-of-the art hydrotherapy facilities. Four Seasons Hotel, 8 Finance Street, Central. 3196 8888. 位於港島臨海,備有先進的美容和休閒設備。面積達 22,000平方呎,裝潢豪華,具有多個水療室,設備優 良。中環金融街8號四季酒店,3196 8888 。 Iyara day spa, a favourite among Central’s young female professionals, has three locations offering facials, manicures, pedicures, massages, waxing, body scrubs, and wraps in a relaxing Thai-inspired atmosphere. Central 2545 8638, Mid-Levels 2530 1666, Wan Chai 2545 8637. 體驗優質的美容水療呵護以及享受洗滌心靈的泰式水 療,你可以選擇各項皮膚護理、美甲、按摩,或者是 蜜蠟脫毛護理、身體磨砂及體膜護理等,以及數小時 的半天 SPA組合。中環: 2545 8638 ,半山: 2530 1666,灣仔:2545 8637,
BIO Beauty Spa 純一堂
Step into the safe haven of Bio Beauty Spa and refresh yourself with a relaxing body massage or facial. The spa offers a range of treatments to suit your needs, from basic nourishing facials to state-of-the-art laser and TriLipo treatments
Bio Beauty Spa 純一堂
Elemis Day Spa
One of the city's first independent luxury spas; the facility spreads out over 4,000 sq ft and offers an extensive range of body treatments. 9/F, Century Square, 1 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong. 2521 6660 . 這是香港一流的水療中心,佔地超過4,000平方呎, 洋溢一片「禪」風,設備豐富多種療程可供選擇。蘭 桂坊德己立街1號世紀廣場9樓, 2521 6660。
造私密憩靜的私人空間。專業美容師為客人提供各項 獲獎及效果顯著的護理。灣仔港灣道1號香港君悅酒 店11樓,2588 1234 。
personalized experiences with private rooms and highly trained professionals. Room 201, 2/F, 29 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central. 2489 0222.; www.biobeautyspa. com 這所半醫學美容水療中心環境優雅,美容師及治療師 都具備高度職業水準;一系列高質激光護理和三極射 頻膠原自生養護療程,能有效緊緻肌膚,恢復細胞活 力;更有按摩及改善體形等療程,令你的身體和容 顏皆保持最好狀態,重新尋回青春。中環擺花街 29 號2樓201室;2489 0222.;
private rooms with en-suite bathrooms. 11/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. 2588 1234 . 靜水沁園水療中心位於香港君悅酒店11樓,為客人打
The Day Spa at Seasons to relaxation at The Day Spa, offering a great range of treatments for members and nonmembers alike. Featuring a new male spa, professionally trained therapists, and treatment rooms overlooking Hong Kong Park. 3/F, ICBC Tower, No.3 Garden Road, Central. 2878 6211 . The Day Spa at Seasons Fitness是脫離城市生活忙碌和 熙來攘往的理想地方,提供一系列的治療和一個豪華、 輕鬆和無壓力的環境。我們的治療房間是一個平靜的避 風港,舒適的氣氛,讓您的頭腦、身體和靈魂放鬆。中 環花園道中國工商銀行大廈3字樓,2878 6211 。
The Oriental Spa at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental 置地文華東方酒店的東方水療中心
Located in the heart of Central, this centre offers the ultimate spa experience with a comprehensive range of wellness facilities and signature spa treatments created exclusively for the Mandarin Oriental. 5/F, 15 Queen's Road, Central. 2132 0011. 位於中環黃金地段的置地文華東方酒店之內,專為賓 客提供各款尊貴的美容、按摩及獨家精選的水療療 法。中環皇后大道中15號5樓, 2132 0011 。
WAN CHAI 灣仔 Plateau Spa 靜水沁園水療中心
Plateau Spa, on the 11th floor of the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, offers privacy and an escape from the world. Award-winning, resultoriented treatments are conducted in luxurious
Plateau Spa 靜水沁園水療中心
Sunny Paradise 新瀛閣
Established almost 20 years ago, this spa is a popular, cheap and cheerful option where the wear and tear is part of the charm. The most popular treatment is the traditional Chinese body massage. 341 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2831 0123 . 擁有約20年歷史,收費合理相宜,歲月的痕跡為中心 增添魅力。傳統中式全身按摩廣受歡迎,由專業水療 師親自主理。灣仔駱克道341號,2831 0123 。
Kowloon 九龍
I-Spa incorporates the 4,000-year-old Chinese philosophy of feng shui. Beauty treatments include Ancient Rituals of the Orient – a fusion of different Asian therapies designed to balance the body's yin and yang. 3/F, InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2721 1211 . 水療中心融入中國4,000年歷史的風水元素,提供糅 合東方古法療程的美容服務,融會亞洲各式療法,以 平衡身體的陰陽。尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號香港洲際酒 店3樓,2721 1211 。
Mu Lan Spa 沐蘭水療中心
This oasis of tranquillity combines contemporary Oriental design with commodious treatment rooms and an array of men's and ladies' services to melt away stress. Shop 411-3, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3107 2028; 2/F, Club Lusitano, Duddell Street, Central. 3102 0208 . 繁囂都市中的一片綠洲,充滿現代東方韻味的設計, 舒適寬敞的房間,提供優質水療服務。尖沙咀海港城 海洋中心411-3號鋪,3107 2028;中環都爹利街西 洋會大廈2樓,3102 0208 。
The Peninsula Spa by ESPA
The spa offers a personalised experience in a setting sculpted to perfection. Private rooms, large massage beds and top-of-the-line treatments and products. The Peninsula Hotel, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2696 6682 . 與眾不同的格調,打造奢華完美的水療體驗,中心 設有私人護理室、舒適寬敞的按摩床及優質完善的 護理療程和產品。尖沙咀梳士巴利道半島酒店, 2696 6682 。 | AUGUST 2018 JANUARY 2021
Winter Fashion Wear 冬 季 穿 搭
ith winter months here in earnest, you’ll be looking out for just the perfect winter clothes to warm the body and catch the eye. CityLife curates the latest offerings! 港最冷月份已經到來, 大家準備好保暖防寒的 衣物了嗎?穿得厚也要穿得美!
Columbia 哥倫比亞
Women's wild card down jacket 女裝服裝高效保暖物料外套
Hermès 愛馬仕
Clic Clac H bracelet 手鐲
Women's ws middle weight long down jacket with shiny fabric 女裝服裝高效保暖物料外套
Women's minx slip III 女裝鞋類禦寒鞋
HK$550 Toucans de Paradis scarf 90 圍巾
42 | JANUARY 2021
Disney x Gucci wool jumper 羊毛毛衣
Check tweed jacket with silk trims 真絲飾邊格紋粗花呢外套
Loewe 羅意威
Small puzzle bag in soft grained calfskin 柔軟粒面小牛皮小號拼圖包
Petit daisy jacquard jacket with bow 綴蝴蝶結嬌小剪裁雛菊提花外套
Aigle Men’s insulation jacket 男士外套
HK$2,380 Men’s functional jacket 男士防風外套
Houndstooth shearling coat 千鳥格紋羊皮大衣
Disney x Gucci wool jumper 羊毛毛衣
Women fleece vest 女士抓絨背心
Cable knit bomber jacket 麻花針織飛行員外套
Columbia 哥伦比亚
Gucci 古驰
Hermès 爱马仕
The ONE UG219, 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 尖沙咀彌敦道100号 The ONE UG219號鋪 2882 1369
Shop 069B, G/F, Phase I, City Plaza, Quarry Bay 香港太古城中心一期 地下069B號鋪 6390 9310
Shop G124-125A & G220, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀廣東道5號 海港城G124-125A及G220號鋪 2199 7728
Shop G001, G Floor & Level 1, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong 香港尖沙咀廣東道5號海港城地下 及1樓 G001號鋪 2866 3118
Fashion Walk
Covering several blocks in Causeway Bay, Fashion Walk offers a blend of indoor and streetlevel shopping of the latest must-have items from top international brands.Paterson Street, Cleveland Street, Kingston Street, Gloucester Road . 2890 3016.
Pacific Place 太古廣場
Pacific Place 太古廣場
Classy and spacious four-level shopping centre with natural lighting. Perched on top of the MTR station, surrounded by three five-star hotels and the greenery of Hong Kong Park. 88 Queensway . 2844 8900. 高尚寬敞的四層購物中心位於港鐵金鐘站上蓋, 吸引大量海外遊客。金鐘道 88 號 ,2844 8900 。
Hysan Place 希慎廣場
置地廣場是中環最高端的購物天堂。四座由落地 玻璃行人天橋相連的著名商場,當中集合了 208 家 頂級商舖和食肆,從名牌時裝到國際美食等應有盡 有,定能為您帶來前所未有的購物體驗與生活享 受。中環德輔道中12-16號 。2500 0555 。
Island Beverly 金百利商場
ifc Mall 國際金融中心商場
A big, trendy shopping centre for the young and hip. Shops carry the latest styles from local designers including clothes, bags and accessories. 1 Great George Street . 2890 6823 . 金佰利商場是港島的潮流特區,標誌著時髦年輕人 對流行服飾的品味。可看到本地年輕設計師的個人 系列,在服裝、手袋、珠寶首飾上發揮個人風格。 記利佐治街1號 ,2890 6823 。
Lee Gardens One and Lee Gardens Two 利園一、二期
頂級時尚品牌薈萃之地,多家極具特色的主題餐廳 食肆林立。利園二期更特設兒童用品區。希慎道33 號,恩平道28號 ,2907 5227 。
Soundwill Plaza 金朝陽中心
A health and beauty centre with over more than 50 outlets ranging from renowned beauty centres and spas to salons and yoga studios. 38 Russell Street . 2970 2698 . 金朝陽中心是美容纖體集中地,集合超過 50 家商 戶提供优質服務,包括美容護膚、纖體排毒、香薰 水療、瑜珈保健。港鐵銅鑼灣站A出口。羅素街38 號 ,2970 2698 。
Hysan Place 希慎廣場
Located in the heart of Causeway Bay, Hysan Place showcases an enviable selection of nearly 120 of the most sought-after international brand boutiques on 17 floors. It ’ s a place to hang out, have fun, and share unforgettable shopping experiences with your friends. 500 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay. 2886 7222
希慎廣場位處銅鑼灣心臟地帶,樓高 17 層,雲集 近 120 個國際最潮時裝及著名品牌,是你跟好友 享受難忘的購物體驗的潮聖地。銅鑼灣軒尼斯道 500號。2886 7222。
Times Square 時代廣場
A great place to satisfy all your shopping needs under one roof with stores strategically grouped on different levels. Connected directly to the MTR. 1 Matheson Street . 2118 8900 . 這個商場應有盡有,每層售賣不同類別的商品, 方便顧客選購。可乘搭港鐵直達。 勿地臣街1號 , 2118 8900 。
Central 中環
Landmark 置地廣場 Fashion Walk
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Landmark is the brand that represents the most luxurious shopping haven in Central. More than 200 first-class shopping and dining outlets linked by gleaming glass-walled pedestrian bridges. 12-16 Des Voeux Road Central . 2500 0555 .
要搜購潮流必備服飾,不妨前往Fashion Walk;其 室內購物商場及臨街店舖巧妙融合,吸引國際時尚 品牌開設雙層特色商店及旗艦店。百德新街/加寧街 /京士頓街/告士打道 ,2890 3016 。
Home to high-end fashion brands as well as sophisticated food outlets. Lee Gardens Two has a special children’s shopping area. 33 Hysan Avenue; 28 Yun Ping Road . 2907 5227 .
Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣
Landmark 置地廣場
Shop at one of the most photogenic skyscrapers in Hong Kong; top brand-name shops, restaurants and a cinema. Links to the MTR station, Central Ferry Piers, and the Airport Express. 8 Finance Street. 2295 3308 . 購物商場內有不少名牌商店及餐廳,並設電影院, 可 乘 搭 港 鐵 及 機 場 快 線 直 達 。金 融 街 8 號 , 2295 3308 。
The Peak 山頂 The Peak Galleria 山頂廣場
Offering international cuisines and an array of shops selling gifts and locally designed products. Visitors can also take in amazing views from the top level’s Green Terrace Observation Deck. 118 Peak Road . 2849 4113 . 旅客可於山頂廣場品嚐各國佳餚美饌及搜購本地創 作之特色精品,更可前往頂層綠茵平台,飽覽醉人 景緻。山頂道118號 。2849 4113 。
Kowloon 九龍
Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀 China Hong Kong City 中港城
A real gem offering trendy and branded products including jewellery, sportswear, fashions, electronics, and more. Part of the China Hong Kong Ferry terminal complex and located on the famed Canton Road shopping district. 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. 3119 0288. 商場吸引眾多潮流品牌進駐,包括珠寶、體育用 品、時尚服飾、電子產品等。中港城位於著名的購 物熱點廣東道上,中國客運碼頭提供方便快捷的客 輪服務。九龍尖沙咀廣東道33號。3119 0288。 China Hong Kong City 中港城
Harbour City 海港城
K11 購物藝術館
So popular you’ll see queues at the flagship stores of the biggest fashion brands. Located at the northern end of Canton Road. Ocean Terminal entrance near the Star Ferry Terminal. Canton Road . 2118 8666 . 有各種類型的商店和餐廳, 行人通道接連其他購物中心 及酒店,海運大廈入口設於 近 天 星 碼 頭 。位 於 廣 東 道 北面,2118 8666 。
Harbour City 海港城
In addition to more than 100 shops, this “art mall” features art exhibitions from local artists and an open-air piazza. 18 Hanoi Road. 3118 8070 . 這個購物藝術館,除了有多間商店進駐,更帶來本地藝術創作及寬敞的露天廣場。 河內道18號 ;3118 8070 。
1881 Heritage The former Marine Police Headquarters, this beautiful colonial building has been turned into a luxury shopping landmark. Canton Road. 2926 8000.
1881 Heritage
這間前水警總部已經被重新塑造成 奢華購物、消閒的新地標。香港 尖沙咀廣東道 ;2926 8000 。
Mong Kok 旺角 The Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心
Hollywood Plaza 荷李活商業中心
The Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心
In the heart of Mong Kok, Hollywood Plaza offers an all-in-one retail experience of fashion and casual wear, luxury watches, fine jewellery, glasses, skincare and cosmetics. 610 Nathan Road, Mong Kok. 2384 7136.
Good mix of diverse dining and shopping choices in the heart of Mongkok, Kowloon, right next to a MTR exit. Over 20 gourmet dining venues, watch and jewellery shops, concept stores and lifestyle labels round out the complement. 625 & 639 Nathan Road, Mong Kok. 2787 5115.
位於旺角核心地帶的荷李活商業中心匯集時尚服飾、名貴腕錶和珠寶、眼鏡、護膚品及 化妝品等,讓您充分體驗一站式購物的樂趣。旺角彌敦道610號。2384 7136。
Gala Place 家樂坊
位於九龍區的旺角市中心,港鐵旺角站出口旁邊,商場內餐飲及購物選擇繁 多,匯聚超過 20 間食肆、鐘錶珠寶品牌、概念商店以及多間時尚服飾品牌店 舖。旺角彌敦道625及639號。2787 5115。
Located in the vibrant Mong Kok district, Gala Place houses the largest singlestorey Starbucks in Hong Kong, spanning over 4,500 square feet, as well as the triple-storey H&M full-concept flagship store, the largest H&M store in Kowloon, and has become a hotspot for the trendy and fashionable. 56 Dundas Street, Mong Kok. 2385 7001. 家樂坊坐擁4,500呎全港單層樓面面積最大的星巴克特色店及樓高三層,九龍區面積最大 的H&M旗艦店,是旺角時尚優閒購物新據地。旺角登打士街56號。2385 7001。
Citygate Outlets 東薈城名店倉
E-Max WearHouse
Hong Kong's best-known outlet mall and also its largest. Located in Tung Chung next to the Hong Kong International Airport, the mall has over 80 outlets featuring well-known fashion and sportswear brands. The place to go for quality products at bargain prices. 20 Tat Tung Road, Tung Chung. 2109 2933.
Citygate Outlets 東薈城名店倉
這個位於九龍灣國際展貿中心的新特賣場定會成為本地人和遊客的休閒熱點。一期 佔地五萬平方呎,主打國際品牌、時尚服飾和潮流生活用品。九龍灣展貿徑1號。
Horizon Plaza 新海怡廣場
位於東涌的東薈城是香港最著名和最大型的特賣場,鄰近香港國際機場,商場內有 超過80個著名時尚及運動品牌以優惠價格出售商品,讓您以誘人的折扣價瘋狂血拼。 東涌達東路20號。2109 2933。
E-Max WearHouse
This new outlet at the Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Centre (KITEC) promises to be a hit with locals and tourists alike. First phase (50,000 square feet) features international brands, trendy apparel and lifestyle products. 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay.
tmtplaza 屯門市廣場
This well-known outlet mall in Ap Lei Chau just off Aberdeen on the south side of Hong Kong Island is a favourite with locals and expats. T h e f o r m e r w a re h o u s e b u i l d i n g i s c h o c k f u l o f b i g n a m e b r a n d s . 2 Lee Wing Street, Ap Lei Chau. 這座位於港島南區鴨脷洲的著名特賣場前身是工業大廈,現有眾多著名品牌進駐, 深受本地人歡迎。鴨脷洲利榮街2號。
tmtplaza 屯門市廣場
The largest regional mall in northwest New Territories, tmtplaza has a full and diverse mix of retails shops, food outlets and a cinema complex. It’s close to Shenzhen and easily accessed via cross-border buses from Shenzhen Bay. 1 Tuen Shun Street, Tuen Mun. 屯門市廣場是新界西北部最大的地區性購物商場,設有 眾多零售商舖、餐廳及一間電影院,集吃喝玩樂於一 身。商場鄰近深圳,每天有大量過境巴士來往深圳灣口岸,交通十分方便。屯門屯順街1號。
apm This mall just off the Kwun Tong MTR in Kowloon is becoming a urban renewal landmark in this former industrial area. Its vibrancy is palpable at all hours as its extended opening hours draws millennials late in the night. 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong. 觀塘以前是一個工業區,apm商場鄰近港鐵觀塘站,如今 已成為這一區的潮流地標。營業時間較一般購物商場長, 吸引眾多充滿活力的年輕人前來血拼。觀塘道418號。
Airport Express 機場快線
MTR 港鐵 Useful Numbers 常用電話號碼 Emergency Services 緊急求救服務
The fastest way to get to the airport from Central. Trains depart Hong Kong Station (Central) every 12 minutes for the 24-minute trip to Hong Kong International Airport. One-way or same-day return from Central: HK$115 (child: HK$57.5). Round-trip: HK$205. 從中環往機場最快捷的方法是乘坐機場快線,列車從 中環的香港站出發,每隔12分鐘一班,到達機場需時 約24分鐘。香港站至機場站之單程或即日來回票價成 人每位收費$115(3至11歲小童每位收費$57.5),雙 程車票$205(有效期為一個月)。
2881 8888
The Mass Transit Rail system, MTR, covers all major districts and leading tourist attractions in the territory and borders mainland China. MTR also operates the Light Rail that runs between Yuen Long and Tuen Mun as well as inter-city trains into mainland China. MTR Mobile app (for Apple and Android products) is available for free download. 港鐵是香港方便快捷的交通工具,行走各個主要地 區,更連接中國內地邊境。港鐵同時經營輕鐵網 絡,行走元朗至屯門一帶,以及往來中國內地的城 際客運服務。現在你可以免費下載香港地鐵手機應 用程式(蘋果和安卓用戶)。
2881 8888
Octopus Card 八達通卡 Stored-value cards for travel on the MTR, buses, minibuses, trams, and ferries. Available at service counters at the Airport Express and MTR stations. Each card comes with a refundable HK$50 deposit which covers the card cost. Simply place the card on the Octopus pad and the fare is automatically deducted. 八達通是一款電子儲值卡,適用於港鐵、巴士、小巴、電 車及渡輪等公共交通工具,在機場快線和港鐵各站的客服 中心有售。每卡收取HK$50可獲退還的按金,當中包括了 卡成本。只要將八達通置於收費器上,應繳款額便會自動 從卡內的儲值額中扣除。
Please refer to 詳情請登入 for details. 2266 2222
Hong Kong High Speed Rail 香港高鐵
香港終於加入了中國的高鐵網絡。從西九龍高 鐵站出發,乘客可以直接前往深圳、廣州、武 漢、上海、北京等主要城市。到深圳福田和廣 州的票價分別為港幣 $78 和港幣 $247。
Tram 電車
下旗起計首 2 公里收費 $19-$24 ,其后每 200 米跳 表收費$1.2-$1.7,詳細收費資料張貼于車廂內之 「出租車收費表」上。乘客需按計價器繳付基本 車費,并以港幣支付車資,附加費包括隧道費、 橋樑費、司機回程費和行李載運費,可要求車費 收據。香港法例規定,如出租車內裝有安全帶, 乘客必須佩帶。
2804 2600
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To contact Hong Kong International Airport, call 2181 8888 要聯絡香港國際機場,請撥2181 8888。
Directory & Operator Assistance 電話查詢服務
To find business or residential phone numbers, dial 1081 for assistance in English, 1083 for Cantonese, or 1088 for Putonghua. 若要查詢電話,英語熱線請撥 1081 ,廣東話請撥 1083,普通話請撥1088。
Lost or Stolen Passports 有關證件遺失或被盜
•Australia 澳洲 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 •Canada 加拿大 •New Zealand 新西蘭 •China 中國 •Singapore 新加坡 •France 法國 •Taiwan 台灣 •Germany 德國 •Thailand 泰國 •Japan 日本 •UK 英國 •Korea 韓國 •USA 美國
Reporting Lost Cards 信用卡報失熱線
International Calls 長途電話
For over a century, trams on Hong Kong Island have been an inexpensive mode of transportation. You can ride the full length at $2.60 per adult, $1.30 per child and $1.20 for a senior. Get on at the back of the tram and pay at the front as you alight. 電車擁有超過一個世紀的歷史,是港島區的廉價交 通工具。全程收費成人每位$2.6,小童每位$1.3, 長者每位$1.2。乘客於車尾上車,車首下車,車費 於下車時繳付,可使用八達通卡。
2548 7102
2827 8881 2821 0800 3719 4700 2525 5044 2106 6303 2527 2212 3752 9900 2525 8315 2105 8788 2521 6481 2522 1184 2901 3000 2529 4141 2523 9011
To report lost or stolen credit cards, contact your credit card company. American Express: 2811 6122; Diners Club: 2860 1888; MasterCard: 800 966 677; Visa: 800 900 782 要報失信用卡,可聯絡你的信用卡中心; 美國運通:2811 6122,Diners Club:2860 1888, 萬事達卡:800 966 677及 Visa信用卡:800 900 782。
Taxi 出租車
Flagfall charges for the first 2km are from HK$19-24, with incremental charges of HK$1.21.7 for every subsequent 200m. Detailed taxi fare information is listed inside the taxi. Extra charges for tunnel and bridge tolls, driver’s return toll, and luggage handling. Refer to the taxi meter for exact charge and pay in HK dollars. Receipts given on request. Passengers are required by law to wear seatbelts.
Airport Connection 聯絡機場
For lost or stolen passports, first report the situation to the police, then contact your consulate or foreign affairs office to replace your passport. 若不幸遺失或被盜取證件,應先通知警察,再向你 所屬的大使館或領事館辦事處報告。
Hong Kong has finally joined China's High Speed Rail network. From the West Kowloon High Speed Rail Station, passengers can travel directly to major cities including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai, and Beijing. Fares to Shenzhen Futian and Guangzhou are HK$78 and HK$247 respectively.
2881 8888
Dial 999 for emergency ambulance, fire or police assistance, 24 hours a day. For police enquiries, call 2527 7177. 有關召喚救護車、火警或報警,請撥999,全日24 小時服務。警署查詢,請電2527 7177。
To call direct, dial 001 + the international country code: 直接撥號,應先撥001+ 各地域號碼,如下: •Australia 澳洲 61 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 60 •Canada 加拿大 1 •New Zealand 新西蘭 64 •China 中國 86 •Singapore 新加坡 65 •France 法國 33 •Taiwan 台灣 886 •Germany 德國 49 •Thailand 泰國 66 •Japan 日本 81 •UK 英國 44 •Korea 韓國 82 •USA 美國 1
MEET THE President Woody Leung is the newly elected President of the Society of the Golden Keys of Hong Kong. The ever-youthful Chief Navigator Concierge of the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong shares his thoughts on his new role. 梁國威是香港國際金鑰匙協會新主席。這位年輕的香港萬麗海景 酒店禮賓部首席分享了他對新職位的看法。 It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 25 years – time flies when you are having a blast! I started at the Excelsior Hong Kong right after school, working as a bell boy, and taking on different jobs within the concierge department including managing the Fitness Centre and a short period at the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong as a Cultural Exchange Ambassador. I spent 21 years there before moving to the Marriott Group, spending time in several Marriott hotels including The Ritz-Carlton, The St. Regis, The W Hotel, JW Marriott Hong Kong, Ocean Park Marriott, SkyCity Marriott, Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Le Meridian Cyberport, and the Courtyard, conducting cross-training before taking up my current position. I love being a concierge. I am curious by nature, and love to learn. The concierge job keeps me on my toes and motivates me to continue learning to help satisfy the different needs of our hotel guests from all over the world. That’s why you’ll find that, in many hotels, the concierge staff tend to be more mature because the job does require experience and knowledge. I joined the Society as a Full Member (now called ‘Les Clefs d’Or Member’) in 2014 and went on to the committee four years ago, eventually joining the Board as general secretary before my recent election to president. Today, the society has 167 members including 109 chief concierges and assistant chief concierges. The Hong Kong chapter of the society is one of the oldest in Asia, as you would expect, given the city’s long professional hotelier tradition. The society is a professional membership organisation for in-service concierges, with goals to promote fellowship and professional development, a mission we take very seriously. As the new president, one of my goals is to inject new blood to our society by recruiting new and younger members. To do that we need to continue to ensure that the society remains relevant, up-to-date, and interesting to our members. During the Covid-19 pandemic, that means we meet virtually to stay in touch, using communication tools such as Zoom and WhatsApp. I am looking to initiate more activities for the society, and on a more decentralised and grassroots basis. In this current environment, it is important that we as concierge proactively embrace change and become more functionally competent. As a personal example, I've myself started a project at our hotel's children’s zone to help improve operation in the areas of safety, hygiene, cleanliness, and queue management.
Woody Leung 梁國威
很難相信已經快25年了——歡樂時光飛逝!畢業後我就到香港怡 東酒店工作,當時是一名侍應生。後來在禮賓部做過很多不同工作, 類似健身中心主管這種,還在香港文華東方酒店擔任過一段時間文化 交流大使。加入萬豪集團之前的21年間,我在幾家其他酒店工作過, 包括麗思卡爾頓酒店,瑞吉酒店,W酒店,香港JW萬豪酒店,海洋 公園萬豪酒店,天際萬豪酒店,喜來登酒店,數碼港艾美酒店以及萬 怡酒店,所以在擔任此職位前,我經過了很多類型的“培訓”。 我喜歡在禮賓部工作,因為我生性好奇,熱愛學習。禮賓部的工 作讓我保持警覺,激勵我繼續學習,以滿足來自世界各地客人的不同 需求。這就是為什麼你會發現,在許多酒店,禮賓部員工往往更成 熟,因為這個工作需要經驗和知識。
2014年,我以正式會員的身份加入了協會,四年前加入委員會, 最後成為協會的秘書長,最近當選了主席。協會現有會員167人,其 中首席禮賓師和其助理佔109人。 協會的香港分會是亞洲最早的分會之一,因為香港擁有悠久且專 業的酒店經營歷史。該協會是負責禮賓服務的專業會員組織,目標是 促進團結和專業發展,這是十分重要的使命。 作為新主席,我的目標之一就是通過招募年輕的新成員為協會注 入新血,帶動新活力。為此,我們需要繼續確保成員酒店的時效性和 趣味性,以及與社會的關聯度。 在新冠疫情大流行時期,我們會用 Zoom 和 WhatsApp 等通訊 工具進行虛擬聚會以保持聯繫。我希望可以在更分散和更基層的基礎 上開展更多的社會活動。 在當前環境中,我們必須主動接受變化,提高競爭力。舉個我自 己的例子,我們酒店的新創了一個兒童區項目,當中我要負責構思和 安排有關安全、衛生、清潔和排隊管理,務求做到盡善盡美。
We want to do our part to help the hotels during this pandemic period. As most hotels have primarily staycation guests, we need to provide even faster and more efficient service, to meet the expectations of our local Hong Kong guests.
在新冠疫情大流行時期,我們希望盡可能為酒店提供幫助。由於 大多數客人希望體驗“宅度假”,意味着酒店需要提供更高效的服 務,以滿足香港本地客人的需求。
My favourite thing to do is to explore different parts of Hong Kong with my kids while they are still young, so they can have lasting memories of the city – places like Sham Shui Po and Cheung Chau. We all like to try out different local foods and restaurants.
最喜歡做的是和我的小孩子們一起探索香港,讓他們對這個城市 有不一樣的記憶,比如深水埗和長洲等地。我們還喜歡品嚐不同的香 港地道美食和餐館。
I love Hong Kong; it’s my home. The city is super-convenient and fast-changing, you need to be quick to adapt, and I love that. Hong Kong is a great city!
48 | JANUARY 2021
我愛香港, 這裡我的家。這個城市生活便捷,發展迅速,你可能 要努力地跟上它的步伐,這點我非常喜歡。香港是個精彩的城市!
Maro Itoje
Maro& Itoje (Saracens England (Saracens & England Rugby Player) Rugby Player)
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