Heritage The subject site is not currently an item of local heritage signficance, nor is it in a heritage conservation area. However, the heritage assessment of the site provided in Appendix I has found that elements of the Former Bushells Factory is of local heritage significance. Its listing as an item of environmental heritage in the CLEP 2013 is sought as part of this amended Planning Proposal. Refer to Section 5 and Appendix I for further details. Notwithstanding, there are a number of heritage items in the vicinity of the subject site which must be considered for any future redevelopment of the site. These heritage items include the following as shown on Figure 9: Massey Golf Course and Sanders Reserve (I259) Bayview Park (I56) Street Trees (I54) A detailed description of the above heritage items in the vicinity of the subject site are provided in Appendix K Statement of Heritage Impact. An Aboriginal Due Diligence Assessment is also provided at Appendix Q.
Figure 9:
CBLEP2013 Heritage Map
3.2.2 State Environmental Planning Policy No. 55 – Remediation of Land (Now State Environmental Planning Policy (resilience and hazards) 2021) SEPP 55 requires that land not be rezoned or developed unless contamination has been considered and, where relevant, land has been appropriately remediated. A Preliminary Site Investigation Report (Appendix R) and Additional Contamination Assessment Report (Appendix Q) were lodged with the original Planning Proposal. A Detailed Site Investigation (Round 1) report (Appendix Y) has been prepared in response to Condition 1. (b) of the Gateway Determination. The findings of the reports indicated that the site can be made suitable for the proposed uses subject to further testing following demolition of the factory administration building, transformer room and gate house given the existence of potential receptors, sources and exposure pathways within the factory building. Further investigation, remediation and/or management would be required to make the contaminated soil suitable for future development, which the DSI (Round 1) recommends would be best addressed at Development Application stage.
160 Burwood Road, Concord Bushells Redevelopment - Amended Planning Proposal v5-1 | LFA (Pacific) Pty Ltd