Direction 9: An efficient city – Using resources wisely Objective 33: A low-carbon city contributes to net-zero emissions by 2050 and mitigates climate change Objective 34: Energy and water flows are captured, used and re-used Objective 35: More waste is re-used and recycled to support the development of a circular economy The urban renewal of the site will provide opportunities for greater sustainability measures to be implemented on site than currently exists to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Direction 10: A resilient city – Adapting to a changing world Objective 36: People and places adapt to climate change and future shocks and stresses Objective 37: Exposure to natural and urban hazards is reduced Objective 38: Heatwaves and extreme heat are managed The urban renewal of the site will provide opportunities to address future shocks, stresses, and urban and natural hazards. Restoration works to the seawall are proposed as part of the Draft VPA offer which contributes to achieving a resilient city. EASTERN CITY DISTRICT PLAN The Directions of the GSRP are carried through in the ECDP, and are supported by Planning Priorities, which are generally consistent with the GSRP Objectives. Accordingly, the consistency of the amended Planning Proposal with the ECDP is as per the responses to the GSRP above, with some slight variations. To avoid repetition, the table below makes reference to the responses above where relevant. Table 4:
Consistency with the Eastern City District Plan
A city supported by infrastructure
Planning Priority E1 Planning for a As per GSRP response to city supported by infrastructure Objectives 1-4
A Collaborative City
Planning Priority E2 Working through collaboration
As per GSRP response to Objective 5
A city for people
Planning Priority E3 Providing services and social infrastructure to meet people’s changing needs
As per GSRP response to Objectives 6-9
Planning Priority E4 Fostering healthy, creative, culturally rich and socially connected communities
160 Burwood Road, Concord Bushells Redevelopment - Amended Planning Proposal v5-1 | LFA (Pacific) Pty Ltd