o t h e r pdates OTHER uUPDATES Division Updates - The January DCM was hosted at Conclave this term! Erica Tama nd I served as your two delegates. A big congrats to our LTG elect for the upcoming term, John Hillyard from Aragon! - Weekend of Service was yet another fun event hosted recently! With a variety of events scattered over three days, I hope you found a couple that you were able to attend. If you attended ANY of these events, please contact President Claire!
District + Region Updates - The DCON Registration deadline has been extended to February 14th! Please be sure to submit your club’s payments by then. - There is also an application open for the DCON Sergeant-at-arms position! Check out tinyurl.com/saa22 to learn more.
International Updates - Official Key Club merchandise is avaliable for sale! Check out shopkeyclub.com to purchase t-shirts, hats, and more.