o t h e r pdates OTHER uUPDATES Division Updates - The February DCM will be held in-person at Father Downey Garden in Belmont on February 26th from 3-5pm! RSVP at tinyurl.com/ febdcm2022 - D34N is also hosting a tote bag design contest! Submit your designs anytime at bit.ly/d34ntotedesign to have the opportunity to design the next piece of division merch + receive a free bag with your design on it!
District + Region Updates - The DCON Registration deadline has been extended to February 14th! Please be sure to submit your club’s payments by then. - There is also an application open for the DCON Sergeant-at-arms position! Check out tinyurl.com/saa22 to learn more.
International Updates - International Officer Candidate Training Conference (IOCTC) is coming up! If you’re interested in running for an INTERNATIONAL leadership roll, register at tinyurl.com/cnhioctc2122.