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7.1. CLIMATE CHANGE (GRI 102-11, 201-2, 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) (GRI 305, 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) (SDG 13.1) T : Climate change T : Emissions
With regard to emissions management, we seek their reduction and/or compensation in order to achieve carbon-neutral operations. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions - GHG - is important for mitigating the impact of climate change.
Heavy rains and floods, droughts, and forest fires can affect renewable energy generation plants, resulting in medium- and high-probability risks in Central American countries. CMI Capital is aware of these risks that are part of its operation and, for this reason, we make important investments focused on the mitigation or prevention of climate change, to ensure power generation for our stakeholders.
As we only generate renewable energy, at CMI Capital we have an important role in mitigating climate change, especially in the Energy Business Unit. In this line and committed to the planet, we also make efforts to reduce emissions generated during some of the activities of the generation process, construction and any industrial activity. These emissions include GHGs, which are primarily responsible for climate change through “global warming,” so it is imperative to reduce the magnitude of this problem and we do our best to achieve it
he increased likelihood of natural disasters caused by climate change is one of the warnings in the report ¨Managing the risks of extreme weather events and disasters to improve adaptation to climate change¨ of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -IPCC , “(…) There is evidence derived from observations made since 1950 of changes in some extreme climatic phenomena (…)”