Keyword Placement This measures where on the page keywords are located. Google looks for keywords in the page title, in headings, in body text, in links, in image ALT text, in drop-down boxes, in file names, and in domain names.
Keyword Prominence A measure of how early or high up on a page the keywords are found. Having keywords in the first heading and in the first paragraph (first 20 words or so) on a page are best.
Keyword Density Also known as keyword weight , the number of times a keyword is used on a page divided by the total number of words on the page. There is some confusion over keyword density. Part of this stems from the fact that different software programs look at different parts of the page and calculate this differently. There doesn’t seem to be an ideal density value for Google – from 6 - 20% is good. Just don’t spam. In other words, don’t fill your pages up needlessly with your keywords - not only will customers think your site is amateurish, but Google may penalize you. It is not clear however whether Google measures keyword density per page, across the entire site - or both, in their ranking algorithm. Keyword density used to be more important in the past for search engines, and you may still find books and other literature that stress the importance of this factor. For Google (at least currently), it is not that important. This can change however. A good online tool for calculating keyword density for a web page is locate
Keyword Format