6. BRAIN BOX Discipline in which it can be used: Geography Targeted competences: the spirit of observation, the ability to memorize and the knowledge about the world in which we live Student organization: individual Resources: BRAIN BOX game. Description: each card of a country shows the capital, the flag, the borders as well as representative images and cultural elements. How to play BrainBox: The objective of the game: Be the player with the most cards collected after 10 minutes. If you are the youngest player, you draw a card from the box and turn the hourglass. You study the image and the information on the front of the card until the sand runs out of the hourglass (10 seconds). The hourglass can be turned one more time so that the younger players have more time to study the card. Then you give the card to another player and roll the dice. You will answer the question with the number indicated by the dice. (Ex. If you roll a two with the dice, then you will answer question number two). Another player reads your question and then you check together if your answer is correct, turning over the card. If you answered correctly, you keep the card. If you made a mistake, put the card back in the box and the next player draws a card. The player with the most cards, after ten minutes of play, wins!. Example: https://www.canva.com/design/DAExJ7_K68U/XfMdlp4gTIj9vG1ntI7NQ/view?utm_content=DAExJ7_K68U&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link& utm_source=homepage_design_menu#1