April 2022 Issue 161

Page 7

forests. Logging values ranked near the bottom of the list. (9) A few individuals are spreading false formation about the forest consultation, including the suggestion our taxes have been going up. Know that the forestry reserve fund is covering lost revenue and will continue to do so this year. But it’s incumbent on council to finish the consultation and adopt a new forest plan during this term of office.

10 Things To Know Now About the Six Mountains of North Cowichan Larry Pynn is a veteran environmental journalist who lives in Maple Bay.

(1) The Six Mountains are an unofficial, popular name for North Cowichan’s 5,000-hectare Municipal Forest Reserve. Six Mountains more accurately captures the geographical landmarks that define our sense of place, and include Mt. Prevost, Mt. Sicker, Mt. Richards, Maple Mt., Mt. Tzouhalem and Stoney Hill. (2) For decades, successive councils have commercially logged the Six Mountains. Decisions about our forests have been made by a few individuals, with no formal public consultation process. Not surprisingly, many citizens knew little or nothing about the municipal forest reserve — including that it is their forest and unique in Canada. (3) All that began to change after the October 2018 municipal election. Residents led by Where Do We Stand organized in opposition to the advance of municipal clearcutting and requested a say in the forest’s future. More than 1,500 signed a petition calling for a pause in logging; hundreds of citizens packed a council meeting in December 2018. (4) Two months later, in February 2019, council voted to place a moratorium on new logging pending a public consultation. Conservation momentum was building. In March 2019, Where Do We Stand filled the 700-seat

Cowichan Performing Arts Centre with people eager to learn more about their forests from some of BC’s top forest experts. (5) Covid-19 hit and in March 2020 council suspended the public consultation for 90 days, later extended to allow parallel, closed talks with local First Nations, a lengthy suspension that resulted in a Memorandum of Understanding signed in August 2021 (https://bit. ly/3pB2d8w). North Cowichan and First Nations agreed in the MOU to meet within two weeks of the signing, but the first meeting was not held until Feb. 28. (6) Sixty-three percent of the trees logged in the Six Mountains are exported as raw logs, and the last two logging companies to operate here were based in Campbell River and Nanaimo. North Cowichan estimates logging in the forest reserve creates 10 to 12 direct full-time jobs — sometimes less — which includes a municipal forester, forest technician, and secretarial staff. (7) The Six Mountains overlap the coastal-Douglas fir forest, the most at-risk forest type in the province. That statement is

supported by the BC Ministry of Forests as a member of a coalition of governmental and non-governmental organizations (but not North Cowichan) trying to save these forests. (www.cdfcp.ca) One report for North Cowichan estimates 141 species at risk. Our old-growth is long gone. (8) The first results of the pubic consultation by Lees & Associates released in February 2022 showed overwhelming support for conservation. Citizens value water quality, recreation, habitat, ecology, viewscapes, old forests, tourism and cultural/spiritual use of the

(10) Now is the time to learn more about your forest, and focus on the final critical months ahead. The UBC Partnership Group — UBC forestry, 3Green Tree Consulting, and Coastal Douglas-Fir Conservation Partnership — will be presenting forest management options soon for your consideration, including the sale of carbon credits as a way to generate revenue from a standing forest. Stay tuned. Become engaged. Visit https://bit.ly/3J976wt, wheredowestand.ca, sixmountains.ca. (sixmountains.ca photo of Bonsall Creek watershed)

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Articles inside

April Forecasts

page 77

Cut Broom in Bloom

page 76

A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Crystals

pages 74-75

Airbags and Hearing Damage

page 61

Is Now a Good Time to Buy or Sell a Home?

page 72

Humanitarian Caravan

pages 70-71

Screen Time

page 65

Honouring How We Feel

pages 66-67

Five Little Indians by Michelle Good

page 63

Black Seed Oil- The Universal Healer

page 64

Just Another Indian A Serial Killer and Canada’s Indifference

page 62

Learn to Bowl

pages 55-56

Inside The Waldorf Kindergarten

page 57

Flatworms in Cowichan Bay

page 58

Discovering the Deep: Life in our Last Wilderness

page 59

The Plastic Dilemma: Sorting it out

pages 52-53

A Peek Into Garden House

page 54

Canada Greener Homes Grant

pages 48-49

Going Solar, How it Works

pages 50-51

Nuts’amaat Syaays–Working Together As One

page 47

Get Gardening with the Cowichan Farm & Food Hub

page 46

Guide to Local Wine and BC Oysters

pages 40-41

Consuming Consciously

page 42

Featuring Better Cotton Initiative Fashions at Fabrications

page 37

What’s in a Cup Of Tea?

page 38


page 35

Let’s Talk Makeup and Sustainability

page 36

Local Delicious Easter

pages 24-27

New CVCAS board roles up its sleeves

pages 30-31

Male Nudes Soleil Mannion at Excellent Frameworks

page 32

Promise Valley Farm and Creamery Opens

pages 16-17

Nature and Humanity Works by Sue A. Miller & Aleksandra Kalinic

page 33

Where Do We Go From Here

page 34

Fresh Mango Salsa

page 28

Ever Wonder What Makes Sparkling Wines so Special?

pages 22-23

Happy Earth Day

page 9

The Tradition of Pysanky

page 12

April Events

pages 5-6

Cowichan Valley Arts Council

page 13

Hike to the Big Trees

page 10

Good Advice

page 14

10 Things To Know Now About the Six Mountains of North Cowichan

pages 7-8

reFresh Zero Waste Initiative

page 15
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